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1、Module 6 Unit 1 It was Damings birthday yesterday. 外研版外研版 六年级下册六年级下册I bought a lot of things.我买了很多东我买了很多东西。西。Read the dialogue(buy(buy的过去式的过去式) )Welcome home! What did you buy on the earth?欢迎回家!你在地球上买了欢迎回家!你在地球上买了什么?什么?(do(do的过去式的过去式) )This T-shirt is for you.这件这件T恤是给恤是给你的。你的。Its beautiful. But I ca

2、nt wear it.它很漂亮、但是我它很漂亮、但是我不能穿。不能穿。It was Damings birthday yesterday. He got many presents from his family and friends. Simons mum bought him a present too. 昨天是大明的生日。他收昨天是大明的生日。他收到了很多来自家人和朋友送到了很多来自家人和朋友送的礼物。西蒙的妈妈也给大的礼物。西蒙的妈妈也给大明买了一份礼物。明买了一份礼物。Listen and read.It was Damings birthday yesterday. 昨天是大明的

3、生日。昨天是大明的生日。Grammar 此句的时态为一般过去时,是本单元的主要语法点。此句的时态为一般过去时,是本单元的主要语法点。 (1 1)一般过去时定义:表示过去某个时间发生的动作)一般过去时定义:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。 常见表示过去时间的单词和短语有:常见表示过去时间的单词和短语有: last night/week/month/yearlast night/week/month/year昨天晚上昨天晚上/ /上周上周

4、/ /上个月上个月/ /去去年年 three days/a week/two months/four years agothree days/a week/two months/four years ago 三天前三天前/ /一周前一周前/ /两个月前两个月前/ /四年前,四年前,yesterdayyesterday昨天等等。昨天等等。 (2 2)bebe动词在一般过去时中的变化:动词在一般过去时中的变化:amam和和isis在一般在一般过去时中变为过去时中变为waswas;areare在一般过去时中变为在一般过去时中变为werewere。带有。带有waswas或或werewere的句子,其否

5、定、疑问的变化和的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, areis, am, are一样,一样,即否定句在即否定句在waswas或或werewere后加后加notnot,一般疑问句把,一般疑问句把waswas或或werewere调到句首。调到句首。 例:例:ItIts Damings Damings birthday. s birthday. It was Daming It was Damings birthday yesterday.s birthday yesterday. They are funny! They were They are funny! They were fun

6、ny!funny! They are not funny! They were They are not funny! They were not funny.not funny. (3)句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子,通常借助助动词do。 否定句:didnt+动词原形。 一般疑问句:在句首加did,句中的动词过去式变回原形。 特殊疑问句:疑问词+did+主语+动词原形。例:例:They decided to make a boat. They decided to make a boat. They didn They didnt decide to make a boat.t deci

7、de to make a boat. Did they decide to make a boat? Did they decide to make a boat? What did they decide to do? What did they decide to do?It was a book about space travel. Daming is very interested in space travel. He loves the present very much.Daming showed Simon his birthday present. Simon was in

8、terested in the book too. Daming asked him to read the book with him.它是一本关于太空旅行的书。大明对太它是一本关于太空旅行的书。大明对太空旅行很感兴趣。他很喜欢这份礼物。空旅行很感兴趣。他很喜欢这份礼物。大明向西蒙展示他的生日礼物。西蒙也大明向西蒙展示他的生日礼物。西蒙也对这本书感兴趣。大明让他和自己一起对这本书感兴趣。大明让他和自己一起读这本书。读这本书。In the book, they saw many pictures of spaceships from China ,Russia and the US. They

9、 learnt a lot about space travel. 在这本书里,他们看见了很多中国、俄罗斯和美国的宇在这本书里,他们看见了很多中国、俄罗斯和美国的宇宙飞船的照片。他们学到了很多关于太空旅行的知识。宙飞船的照片。他们学到了很多关于太空旅行的知识。Daming and Simon finished the book. Then they decided to make a paper spaceship to Simons mum. Daming thanked her for the birthday present.She was very happy. 大明和西蒙看完了书。大

10、明和西蒙看完了书。然后他们决定给西蒙的妈妈然后他们决定给西蒙的妈妈做一个纸质的宇宙飞船。他做一个纸质的宇宙飞船。他们把做好的宇宙飞船当做礼们把做好的宇宙飞船当做礼物送给西蒙的妈妈。她非常物送给西蒙的妈妈。她非常开心。开心。Answer the questions1.Whose birthday was it yesterday?2.Who bought Daming a book?3.What is the book talking about?4.How did Daming think of the book?5.What did Daming and Simon do at last?I

11、t was Damings birthday.Simons mum.It was a book about space travel.He loves the present very much.They made a paper spaceship and gave it to Simons mum.3Listen and say.It was Damings birthday yesterday. Simons mum bought him a present.It was a book about spacetravel. Simon was interestedin the book

12、too.昨天是大明的生日。西蒙的昨天是大明的生日。西蒙的妈妈给大明买了一份礼物。妈妈给大明买了一份礼物。它是一本关于太空旅行的书。它是一本关于太空旅行的书。西蒙也对这本书很感兴趣。西蒙也对这本书很感兴趣。4Practise.Look and write.1._ _2._ _3._ _4._ _On Sams birthday. Lingling brought him a present. It was a red pen.On Linglings birthday, Daming bought her a present. It was a green kite.On Damings birthday, Amy bought him a present.It was a blue toy car.On Amys birthday, Sam bought her a present. It was a yellow cap.



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