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1、专题十五专题十五 特殊句式特殊句式(强调、倒装、省略及其他强调、倒装、省略及其他)热点考向一强调1. 强调句的基本句型It is/was被强调部分that/who句子剩余成分(1)强调人时可用who/that来连接,强调事物时用that。所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但结构必须完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、宾语和状语,但不能是定语或谓语。It is I who/that am right.(强调主语)我才是对的。It was him that/who/whom we met at the school gate.(强调宾语)我们在学校门口遇到的是他。It was because he

2、r mother was ill that she didnt go to work.(强调状语)她之所以没来上班,是因为她母亲病了。(2)这种强调句的一般疑问句只需把is(was)提前。Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke out?第二次世界大战是在1939年爆发的吗?Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English?教你们英语的是王教授吗?(3)它的特殊疑问句只需在一般疑问句前加上特殊疑问词。Who was it that broke the window?打破窗户的是谁?When was it

3、 that you called me yesterday?你昨天给我打电话是什么时候?(4)not.until.的强调句形式:It is/was not until被强调部分that其他成分。He didnt go to bed until 11 oclock last night.It was not until 11 oclock last night that he went to bed.他昨晚直到十一点才睡觉。It was not until he took off his dark glasses that I realized he was a famous film star

4、.直到他摘下墨镜时,我才认出他是一位著名的影星。判断一个句子是强调句型还是其他句型,最简单的方法就是“还原法”,即去掉强调句型的特有结构It is/was.that/who.,若去掉这个结构后句子仍然成立,那该句型便是强调句型,否则,就可能是其他句型。(1)It was he who did all the cleaning.可以看出,去掉画线部分的词,句子仍然成立,故该句为强调句型。(2)It is a pity that he has failed again.此句中的画线部分若去掉,句子就不成立了,故该句不是强调句型。而是it作形式主语,that引导真正主语的句型。2. 用助动词强调谓语

5、如果要强调时态为一般现在时或一般过去时的肯定句中的谓语动词,我们在该动词前加助动词do,does或did。Many of the films are from the USA,but we do give awards to films from other countries.许多电影来自于美国,但我们的确也给其他国家的影片颁奖。He did come to see you last Sunday,but you were out.他上周日的确来看过你,但是你出去了。 热点考向二倒装1. 完全倒装(1)There be 主 语 ., 此 结 构 中 的 be有 时 用stand/exist/

6、lie/live/flow/seem等不及物动词代替There seems to be something wrong with the machine.好像机器出了点问题。(2)Here/There/Now/Then/Thus不及物动词名词There goes the bell.Lets go into the lecture hall.铃响了,我们进入演讲大厅吧。Be quick!Here comes the bus.快点,公共汽车来了。(3)Out/In/Up/Down/Away/Off/Back/Over不及物动词名词Out rushed the children.孩子们冲出了教室。A

7、way flew the birds.鸟儿飞走了。(4)介词短语(表地点)不及物动词主语On the wall hang two large portraits.墙上挂着两张巨幅画像。(5)表语连系动词主语(表语可以是:形容词、介词短语、现在分词、过去分词)Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests.出席会议的有怀特教授,史密斯教授还有许多其他客人。(6)Suchbe主语Such are the facts;no one can deny them.这些就是事实,没有人可以否

8、认。2. 部分倒装(1)用于以so,nor,neither开头的句子,表示重复前句的部分内容,须部分倒装,且此句的谓语应与前句的谓语在时态/形式上一致,但“so主语do”结构则表示对别人所说的情况加以肯定,它的主语与上文的主语相同,so相当于indeed,certainly。Mary has learned by heart 200 words,and so have I.玛丽已经记住了200个单词,我也是这样。The girls study hard.这些女孩学习刻苦。So they do.她们的确如此。(2)表示否定意义的副词、连词或短语置于句首时要部分倒装。这些词有not,never,h

9、ardly,seldom,scarcely,barely,little,no,nowhere,not only,not until,at no time,by no means,in no way,no sooner.than,hardly.when等。By no means shall we give up.我们决不会放弃。At no time will China be the first to use the nuclear weapon.在任何情况下中国决不会第一个使用核武器。(3)only置于句首修饰状语(副词、介词短语)或状语从句等时要用部分倒装。Only after my fri

10、end came was the computer repaired.只有在我朋友来了之后,电脑才修好。(4)as引导的让步状语从句中(表语/状语/动词原形as主语)要用部分倒装。Tired as he was,he stayed up late.他虽然疲倦,可仍然很晚才睡。Explain as I might,I could not make myself understood.尽管我已经解释了,但我还是不被理解。Child as he is,he knows a lot.尽管他是个孩子,可他知道很多。(注意开头的名词前无冠词)(5)在so.that,such.that句型中,当so,suc

11、h引导的结构置于句首时要用部分倒装。So loudly did he speak that even people in the next room could hear him.他说话声音那样大,隔壁屋里的人都能听见。(6)在hardly.when,no sooner.than,not until句型中,主句要部分倒装。Hardly had he arrived when it began to snow.他刚一到,天就下起雪来了。(7)在省略了if的虚拟条件句中,were,had或should置于句首。Were I in your position, I would not go.我要是在

12、你的位置上,我是不会去的。(8)however,no matter how引导的让步状语从句。However hard he worked,he couldnt solve the problem.不管多努力,他就是解决不了那个问题。热点考向三省略句1. 状语从句的省略(1)在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,如果谓语含有动词be,主语又与主句的主语一致或主语是it时,主谓均可以省略。时间状语从句:Please come here as soon as(it is)possible.地点状语从句:Fill in the blanks with articles where(it is)n

13、ecessary.条件状语从句:She wont come to the party unless(she is)invited.方式状语从句:I wonder why he didnt do as(he was)told to.比 较 状 语 从 句 : It is much colder today than(it was)yesterday.让步状语从句:Though(they were)tired,they went on walking.(2)状语从句省略主语时,其后用现在分词表示该动词与省略的主语是主谓关系,用过去分词则表示为动宾关系。Be careful when(you are

14、)crossing the street.过马路的时候一定要小心。Once(he/she is)burnt,a child dare not touch the fire again.一个孩子一旦被烧伤,就不敢再碰火了。 2. 答语中的省略Im afraid,I think,I believe,I hope,I guess等作答句,后面跟so或not分别等于肯定或否定,宾语从句可省去。Do you think it will rain?你认为会下雨吗?I hope not(that it will not rain)我希望不下。Do you believe our team will win?

15、你相信我们队会赢吗?I guess so.我猜会赢。3. 不定式中“to”的省略(1)感 官 动 词 (see, feel, hear, notice, watch, observe,listen to等)和使役动词(let,make,have)后接不定式作宾语补足语时,省略to,但在被动式中不能省略(let除外)。I heard someone sing in the next room.我听见有人在隔壁唱歌。The thief was noticed to slip into the room.有人注意到这个贼溜进了房间。(2)动词help和介词but,except后的不定式作宾语时,有时

16、必须省略to。He will help me(to)work out the problem.他将帮助我解决这个问题。He did nothing but wait all the time.他除了一直等毫无办法。若句中but/except前无do/does/did,则to不能省略。He has no choice but to wait.他除了等毫无选择。 (3)不定式作表语时,若主语为what引导的主语从句,不定代词all作主语被定语从句修饰或后有定语从句修饰的“the.thing”作主语时,如果其前出现过do的各种形式,不定式中“to”可以省去。What he can do is(to)

17、wait.The only thing he could do was(to)wait.All that he can do is(to)wait.(4)固定结构或句型中常省去“to”。cant(help)but do.;why not do.;prefer to do.rather than do.;I would prefer to swim rather than play football.比起踢足球我更喜欢游泳。4. 虚拟语气中if和should的省略(1)在条件从句中,将助动词提到句首,省去if。If we had known about the plans for the fac

18、tory,we would never have bought the house.Had we known about the plans for the factory,we would never have bought the house.如果我们知道这个工厂的计划,我们就不会买这座房子。If I were you,I would not do it like that.Were I you,I would not do it like that.如果我是你,我不会那样做。(2)主语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句中省略should。The workers demanded that the

19、ir wages(should)be increased.工人们要求提高工资。类似的动词还有:suggest,advise,insist,order,prefer,propose,request,require,command,recommend等。It is desired that we(should)arrive there before dark.我们被要求天黑前到达。It is necessary that he(should)know it.他有必要知道这件事。My suggestion is that we(should)visit the exhibition at once.

20、我建议我们马上参观展览。5. 英语中有一些固定的省略结构(1)在以if,when,though,as if(好像)等连词引导的状语从句中,如果主句主语和从句主语一致,且从句谓语中含有动词be,或者从句为it is结构时,从句往往使用省略的形式。If(it is)necessary,we shall send a telegram home.如有必要,我们就往家里打电报。Whenever(it is)possible,he will come to my help.他一有可能就来帮助我。While(you are)cycling,dont forget the traffic lights.骑车

21、时,不要忘记看红绿灯。(2)由固定词组引导的疑问句。What about having a game of chess?下盘棋怎么样?How come they left you alone here?他们怎么会把你一人留在这里呢?What if its raining?如果天下雨怎么办?Why not try again?为什么不再试试呢?(3)在口语中,为了避免重复,不定式可以省去和句子前部重复的动词原形而只留下不定式符号to。He may leave if he wishes to.他可以走,如果他愿意的话。Dont go till I tell you to.等我叫你走你再走。热点考向

22、四感叹句感叹句常用的七大句型(1)How形容词/副词主语谓语!How high the mountain is!这山多高啊!How fast he is running!他跑得多快啊!(2)How形容词a/an单数名词主语谓语!How difficult a problem it is!这个问题好难啊!(3)How主语谓语!How time flies!时光飞逝!(4)Whata/an形容词单数名词主语谓语!What a clever boy he is!他是多么聪明的一个孩子啊!(5)What形容词不可数名词主语谓语!What sweet water it is!这水是多么甜啊!(6)Wha

23、t形容词复数名词主语谓语!What beautiful flowers these are!这些花是多么漂亮啊!(7)What名词主语谓语!What news it is!这是多么好的消息啊!1. Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent _(the patients, treat) properly in this hospital.答案:can the patients be treated解析:当“only状语”位于句首时,主句采用部分倒装结构。2. The driver wanted to park his car n

24、ear the roadside but was asked by the police _.答案:not to解析:句意:这个司机想要把车子停靠在路边,但是警察不让他将车停在那儿。本题考查省略句。根据固定表达be asked(not)to do sth.。为避免重复,否定形式的省略用not to。3. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, unless _(accompany) by an adult.答案:accompanied解析:考查省略。句意:校规

25、规定,任何孩子在白天都不允许出校门,除非有大人陪同。unless accompanied是unless they are accompanied的省略形式。4. “Never for a second,” the boy says, “_(I, doubt) that my father would come to my rescue.”答案:did I doubt解析:句意:那个男孩说:“我一刻都没有怀疑过我父亲会来救我。”本题考查时态和倒装。否定意义的词(主语除外)位于句首时句子要用部分倒装,根据句意可知说的是过去的事情。5. Not until he went through real

26、hardship _(he, realize) the love we have for our families is important.答案:did he realize解析:句意:直到他经历了真正的困难,才意识到我们热爱家人的重要性。本题考查倒装句。“Not until.”置于句首,主句需要部分倒装,分析题干可知,主句与从句中的谓语动词都表示过去发生的动作,但是不强调两个动作的先后顺序,所以用过去时。6. At no time _(they, break)the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.答案:did they br

27、eak解析:句意:他们从未违反比赛规定,惩罚他们不公平。考查倒装。题干中表示否定意义的At no time置于句首,句子应该部分倒装,又根据题干中的was可知用过去时。7. It was not until near the end of the letter_she mentioned her own plan.答案:that解析:句意:直到在书信快结束的时候她才提到她自己的计划。本题考查“not.until.”的强调句形式,即“It is/was not until.that.”。8I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this w

28、eather._(我也是). I cant stand all this rain.答案:So am I解析:考查特殊句式。句意:“我不了解你,但是我十分讨厌这样的天气。”“我也是,我不能忍受一直下雨。”cant stand和be sick and tired of意思接近,根据句意可知第二个人表达的是和第一个人同样的感受。故用“So助动词主语”结构,表示“也一样”。9There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent,_?(反意疑问句)答案: is there解析:考查反意疑问句。主句部分中含有表示否定意义的词little,所以简短问

29、句用肯定形式,主句部分为there be句型,故简短问句应用is there。10 Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _(he, consider) having a holiday abroad.答案: did he consider解析:考查倒装句和时态。句意:直到他三年前从教师岗位上退休他才考虑出国去度假。“not until状语从句”置于句首时,主句要用部分倒装结构;“考虑”发生在“退休”之后,应该用一般过去时。11_(knock) at the door before you enter my room, please.答案:Knock解析:考查祈使句。句意:在你进入我的房间之前,请先敲门。本句是祈使句,所以用动词原形。



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