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1、CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社阅读教程(基础篇阅读教程(基础篇2 2)(第四版)(第四版)世纪商务英语世纪商务英语 主编:王洗薇主编:王洗薇Unit 8 Business C大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Whatever your position in your organization, you will undoubtedly participate in and even lead meetings in your organization. The most productive meet

2、ings stated in Text A start on time, end on time, and accomplish their agenda. At a meeting, you may have to deal with different characters analyzed in Text B to achieve high efficiency. To conduct effective meetings ultimately, Practical Reading gives hints on presiding over or participating in a m

3、eeting. Besides, you are going to learn a new reading technique on how to recognize the writers attitude which will influence theways of ideas or information being presented in texts.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusWords and ExpressionsPractical ReadingComprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Rec

4、ognizing the Writers AttitudeWriters are not necessarily neutral or objective when they write, particularly if they aretrying to persuade readers to agree with their opinions. It is very important to watch for theattitude of the writer toward the subject discussed in writing. This is because such at

5、titudes can influence the ways of the ideas or information being presented in the text.The writers attitudefeelings or beliefs about the subjectis part of the total meaning, even though it is stated in just a few words or not stated at all. If it is not stated, the reader must“read between the lines

6、”to dig it out.Reading Skill Focus大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The writer may reveal his approval or disapproval of something by carefully selecting and arranging words to create desired effects. Attitudes are reflected in tone. If a persons attitude is one of bitterness, his tone will be bitter or sarcastic (

7、 讥讽的, 讽刺的). If heunderstands a situation, his attitude will reflect understanding, pity, or sympathy.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Different Types of Attitude大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Sample 1I had supposed that no one would ever produce a book on this subject with which Iwould find myself in complete agreement; but Pr

8、ofessor Smith has now done the impossible.在阅读过程中,注意识别作者对文中讨论的问题所持的态度,如赞同、反对、理解和同情等,对于正确理解文章至关重要。从本段的字里行间,如“find myself in completeagreement”和“done the impossible”可见作者所持的态度是赞同的。AGuided Practice大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Sample 2There is little in Professor Smiths latest book that is new, and there is much tha

9、t recentscientific studies have shown to be untrue.根据句中“There is little. that is new”和“to be untrue”可得知,作者所持的态度是不赞同的。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The entire state of Louisiana is within a damp, subtropical zone. The average annual temperature of the state is 67 degrees Fahrenheit, and monthly mean temperatures

10、 vary from 52 degrees in January and December to 82 degrees in July and August. The length of the growing season is usually between 220 and 250 days in the northern half of the state, and between 250 and 275 days in the southern half.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Sample 3Christmas is supposed to be a time to ex

11、press our love and good will. For others, it is supposed to be a time when we perform acts of kindness for people less unfortunate thanourselves. But, do we think of other people when we sit down to our Christmas dinner? Of course not. Were too busy eating those delicious foods associated with Chris

12、tmas. We aretoo busy wondering whether the presents we gave were better than the ones we received. We forget to think of the sick and the homeless. The whole idea of Christmas now is completely unchristian.这段文字中,带有主观意义的词语,如“is supposed to be”,“but”,“of course not”, “too busy eating”,“completely unch

13、ristian”等,透出了作者对现在人们过圣诞节的方式持反对态度。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社B. Challenge YourselfRead the following paragraphs and see if you can recognize the writers attitude toward his topic, and then finish the exercises that follow. I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a person

14、al experience:“This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible.”It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities inwriting, but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had neglected to read the essay, which contained some beauti

15、ful expressions of the childs deep feelings.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors, but if his priorities had centered on the childs ideas, anexpression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement.The

16、 authors attitude toward what the teacher did is_.A.approving B. positive C. critical D. indifferent答案C大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Challenge 2Figures can be deceiving. For example, Times magazine recently reported that the average Yale graduate of the class of 1944 was making $35,111 a year. Well, good for th

17、em!But what exactly does that figure mean? Is it proof that if you send your child to Yale you wont have to work in your old age and neither will he? What kind of sample is it based on?You could put one Texas oilman with two hundred hungry writers and report their average income as $35,111 a year. T

18、he figure is exact, but it has no meaning. In ways similar to this, the facts and figures pour forth every day. They are used to point out the truth, when in fact they inflate, confuse, and over-simplify the truth. The result is“number nonsense”.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 1.The authors comment,“Well, good f

19、or them!”as a response to the average yearly salary of a Yale graduate is meant to show_.A.humor B. disagreement C. praise D. indifference答案B B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 2. In this selection the author uses tone to_.A.be scientifically objective B. create sympathy for writersC. condemn Yale graduates D. rej

20、ect the theory of averages答案D D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 3. The tone in this passage can best be described as_.A.scientific B. sentimentalC. Concerned D. impersonal答案C C大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we are tosolve the nursing shortage, hospita

21、l administration and doctors everywhere would do well tofollow Beth Israels example.At Beth Israel hospital each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at lengthwith the patient and constructs a full-scale health account that covers everything from hismedical history to his emotional stat

22、e. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patientsillness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 The authors attitude towards the nursing system at Beth Israel Hospitalis_.A.NegativeB. neutral C. critical D. positive答案D D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Getting the Most o

23、f Meetings1 One aspect of business life which many managers are unhappy with is the need to attend meetings. Research indicates that managers will spend between a third or half of their working lives in meetings.译文译文让会议发挥最大作用让会议发挥最大作用1 很多经理对商务活动不满的一点就是开会。调查结果发现经理很多经理对商务活动不满的一点就是开会。调查结果发现经理三分之一或一半的工作

24、时间都耗费在开会上。三分之一或一半的工作时间都耗费在开会上。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of an alternative to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collectivedecisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of ev

25、en the best-organized executives.译文译文尽管大多数经理都认为很难找到别的方式来取代开会这一尽管大多数经理都认为很难找到别的方式来取代开会这一交流信息和做出集体决策的方法,但是长时间频繁的会议交流信息和做出集体决策的方法,但是长时间频繁的会议给最井井有条的高级经理也造成工作负担。给最井井有条的高级经理也造成工作负担。Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Meetings work best if they take place only when necessary and not as a matter of routi

26、ne. One example of this is the discussion of personnel or career matters between members of staff and their line and personnel managers. Another is during the early stages of a project whenthe team managing it needs to learn to understand and trust one another.译文译文会议只有在必要时,而不是作为例行公事,才能起到最佳的作用。会议只有在必

27、要时,而不是作为例行公事,才能起到最佳的作用。员工与其一线经理和人事部经理之间讨论人事或职业问题的会议就员工与其一线经理和人事部经理之间讨论人事或职业问题的会议就是个例子。再比如项目初期,负责项目管理的团队成员之间需要相是个例子。再比如项目初期,负责项目管理的团队成员之间需要相互了解和信任的时候要召开会议。互了解和信任的时候要召开会议。Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3 Once it has been decided that a meeting is necessary,decisions need to be taken about who

28、will attend and about the location and length of the meeting. People should only be invited to attend if they are directly involved in the matters under discussion and the agenda should bedistributed well in advance.译文译文一旦决定有必要开会,就要决定与会者、会议地点和时一旦决定有必要开会,就要决定与会者、会议地点和时长。只有与议题直接相关的人才应被邀请,会议议程也长。只有与议题直

29、接相关的人才应被邀请,会议议程也应提前发放。应提前发放。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社An agenda is vital because it acts as a road map to keep discussion focused and within the time limit allocated. This is also the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting, who should encourage those who say little to speak

30、and stop those who have a great deal to say from talking too much.译文译文会议议程至关重要,因为它就像一张路线图,使讨论的内会议议程至关重要,因为它就像一张路线图,使讨论的内容得到关注并在限定的时间内完成议程。这也是会议主持容得到关注并在限定的时间内完成议程。这也是会议主持人的责任,他要鼓励那些较沉默的人多发言,阻止那些滔人的责任,他要鼓励那些较沉默的人多发言,阻止那些滔滔不绝的人讲得过多。滔不绝的人讲得过多。Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社At the end of a well-

31、organized meeting, people will feel that the meeting has been a success and be pleased they were invited. They will know not only what decisions were made but also the reasons for these decisions.译文译文一场组织有序的会议结束时,与会者应感到会议很成功,并因为一场组织有序的会议结束时,与会者应感到会议很成功,并因为自己被邀请而感到很高兴。他们不仅要知道在会上做出了哪些决自己被邀请而感到很高兴。他们不仅

32、要知道在会上做出了哪些决策,而且知道做出这些决策的理由。策,而且知道做出这些决策的理由。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Unfortunately, at the end of a badly-organized meeting those present will leave, feeling that they have wasted their time and that nothing worthwhile has been achieved.译文译文令人遗憾的是,一场组织得很差的会议结束时,令人遗憾的是,一场组织得很差的会议结束时,与会

33、者离开时会觉得开会浪费了时间,没得到任与会者离开时会觉得开会浪费了时间,没得到任何有意义的结果。何有意义的结果。Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Much thought has been given over the years to ways of keeping meetings short. One man who has no intention of spending half his working life in meetings is Roland Winterson, chief executive of a largemanuf

34、acturing company. He believes that meetings should be short, sharp and infrequent.译文译文几年来人们一直在思考缩短开会时间的方法。作为一家大型几年来人们一直在思考缩短开会时间的方法。作为一家大型制造公司总经理的罗兰德制造公司总经理的罗兰德温特森不想把一半工作时间花在温特森不想把一半工作时间花在开会上。他认为会议应该简短、明确、不要过于频繁。开会上。他认为会议应该简短、明确、不要过于频繁。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社infrequent.“I try to hol

35、d no more than two or three meetings a week, attended by a maximum of three people for no longer than half an hour.” he says.“They are clearly aimed at achieving a specific objective, such as making a decision or planning a strategy, and are based on careful preparation.译文译文他说:他说:“我一周召开的会议尽可能不超过两三次,

36、与会者最多我一周召开的会议尽可能不超过两三次,与会者最多三个人,开会时间不超过半小时。会议有明确特定的目标,比三个人,开会时间不超过半小时。会议有明确特定的目标,比如做出决策或制定策略。会议都经过精心准备。如做出决策或制定策略。会议都经过精心准备。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社I draw up the agenda for every meeting and circulate it in advance; those attending are expected to study it carefully and should be pre

37、pared to both ask and answer questions. Managers are best employedcarrying out tasks directly connected with their jobs not attending endless meetings.译文译文每次会议我都会起草会议日程并提前下发,与会者要认真每次会议我都会起草会议日程并提前下发,与会者要认真研究,并准备提出和回答问题。经理们最大的职责是完成研究,并准备提出和回答问题。经理们最大的职责是完成与他们工作有关的任务,而不是参加无休止的会议。与他们工作有关的任务,而不是参加无休止的会议

38、。 Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社In business, time is money and spending it in needless meetings that dont achieve anything can be very costly. Executives should follow the example of lawyers and put a cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is

39、 the best way to spend their time.”译文译文商务活动中,时间就是金钱,把时间花在不会取得任何成果的商务活动中,时间就是金钱,把时间花在不会取得任何成果的没有必要开的会议上,其代价是巨大的。管理者应像律师那样没有必要开的会议上,其代价是巨大的。管理者应像律师那样计算每一小时的成本,然后决定参加一次冗长的会议是否的确计算每一小时的成本,然后决定参加一次冗长的会议是否的确是利用时间的最好的方式。是利用时间的最好的方式。”Comprehensive Reading大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 1. Once it has been decided that a

40、 meeting is necessary, decisions need to be taken about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting.Once 引导时间状语从句,that a meeting is necessary 是真正主语,it 是形式主语;主句中 decisions need to be taken 是主干,about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting 短语做定语,修饰decision

41、s. Language Points 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 2. People should only be invited to attend if they are directly involved in the matters under discussion and the agenda should be distributed well in advance.这是一个并列复合句式结构,第一分句中有一个条件状语从句,由if引导;第二分句是the agenda should be distributed well in advance.involve v. conne

42、ct closely or engage as an participant 包含,使陷入,牵涉e.g. Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence. 在适当的时间提建议需要人的睿智。e.g. Painting the room involved moving out the piano. 粉刷房间就要把钢琴搬出去。e.g. How should we involve ourselves in school life? 我们应该怎样投入学校生活? Language Points 大连理工

43、大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 3. This is also the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting, who should encourage those who say little to speak and stop those who have a great deal to say from talking too much.chairing the meeting 分词短语做定语修饰the person, 第一个who引导非限制性定语从句,同样修饰 the person, who say little 和 who

44、have a great deal to say 都是定语从句修饰各自前面的those。 Language Points 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 4“I try to hold no more than two or three meetings a week, attended by a maximum of three people for no longer than half an hour,” he says.maximum the largest possible quantity n. 极点,最大量 a. 最高的,最大极限的e.g. This hall holds

45、a maximum of seventy people. 这厅最多容纳七十人。e.g. The demonstration was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity. 该示威经过精心策画以尽量吸引公众注意。e.g. The dress is carefully styled for maximum comfort.这服装精心设计,力求达到最大限度的舒适。e.g. The maximum amount of credit extended to a customer.最大透支额允许客人赊账的最大量。 Language Poin

46、ts 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 5I draw up the agenda for every meeting and circulate it in advance agenda n. a list of matters to be taken up (as at a meeting) 议事日程e.g. This agenda will form the basis of our next meeting. 本议程将成为下次会议的中心议题。e.g. Lets go on to the next item on the agenda. 我们讨论议程表上的下一项吧。e.g. Lets

47、 thrash the matter over before putting it on the agenda. 我们先把这件事仔细研究一下,再把它列入议事日程。 Language Points 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 6. Executives should follow the example of lawyers and put a cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spend their tim

48、e.Whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spend their time 做decide 的宾语从句。example n. 楷模,模范follow ones example 学某人的样子,类似短语 follow ones suitput v. 把加在身上e.g. Never put your trust to a stranger. 绝不要相信陌生人。 Language Points 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 Choose the best answer for each of the followi

49、ng statements according to Text A.Task 11.What do most managers think about meetings?A. Meetings take up most of their working lives.B. Meetings allow them to monitor decision-making.C. Meetings prevent them from establishing a routine.D. Meetings are the only way they know of achieving certain obje

50、ctives.答案D D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 2. According to the writer, an example of a valuable meeting is one which _.A. allows colleagues to achieve a better working relationshipB. requires managers to discuss staffing needs with personnelC. selects a suitable group of people to work together as a teamD. enco

51、urages staff to present ideas on improvements in management答案A A大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 3. According to the writer, the agenda is important because it _.A. is seen by everybody before the meetingB. helps to give direction to the discussionsC. contains items of interest to all those presentD. shows who sh

52、ould speak at each stage of the meeting答案B B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 4. The writer says that people leaving a well organized meeting will understand _.A. the reason for their invitation to the meetingB. how the decisions taken were relevant to themC. the importance of proposals under discussionD. why cert

53、ain courses of action were agreed upon答案D D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 5. What is Roland Wintersons opinion about meetings?A. They can be a bad use of a managers time.B. Their importance is often underestimated.C. They frequently result in wrong decisions.D. Their effectiveness could be improved with better

54、planning.答案D D大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Match the words on the left with the explanations on the right.大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Task 21.F 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.G 6.C. 7.H 8.E大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 Task 3Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of an alternat

55、ive to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collective decisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of even the best-organized executives.答案尽管大多数经理都认为很难找到别的方式来取代开会这尽管大多数经理都认为很难找到别的方式来取代开会这一交流信息和做出集体决策的方法,但是长时间频繁一交流信息和做出集体决策的方法,但是长时间频繁的会议给最井井有条的高级经理

56、也造成工作负担。的会议给最井井有条的高级经理也造成工作负担。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 2. Once it has been decided that a meeting is necessary, decisions need to be taken about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting.答案一旦决定开会是必要的,就要决定与会者、会议地点和一旦决定开会是必要的,就要决定与会者、会议地点和时长。时长。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 3. Executives should

57、follow the example of lawyers and put a cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spendtheir time.答案管理者应像律师那样计算每一小时的成本,管理者应像律师那样计算每一小时的成本,然后决定参加一次冗长的会议是否的确然后决定参加一次冗长的会议是否的确是利用时间的最好的方式。是利用时间的最好的方式。”大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Task 4Word Formation

58、 LearningRoot (13)The following roots can be found in Text A.RootsMeaningExamplesalteralternaliotherto change其他的,改变状态alterable a. 可改变的alternation n. 交互,交错alien a. 外国的,外来的alienate v. 疏远volvolvto rollto turn卷,转volume n. 卷,册evolve v. 发展,进化revolve v. 旋转,循环大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社RootsMeaningExampleslocplace地方

59、localism n. 地方主义collocate v. 并列,排列relocate v. 重新定位circcyclringcircle圆,环circular a. 圆的,循环的circuit n. 环行;电路encircle v. 环绕,包围bicycle n. 自行车大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Now, read Text A carefully, locate the words in the text that contain one of theabove-mentioned roots, and tell the meaning of each word.1. alter_

60、(Para. 1, Line 4)2. volv_(Para. 3, Line 4)alternative involved 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3. loc_(Para. 3, Line 6)4. circ_(Para. 5, Line 9)allocated circulate 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Besides, complete the sentences with the words you have just found out from Text A andchange the form when necessary.5. Please open

61、a window to allow the air to _.6. A system used to _a scarce commodity, such as food, only to thosecapable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.circulate allocate 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社7. Painting the room _ moving out the piano.8. Caught in the act, he had no _ but to confess.involved alternative 大

62、连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTen Characters Youll Meet at a Business Meeting Everyone participates in meetings or is the host of a meeting.Many are productive and others are a complete waste of time. There are ten characters youll meet in business meetings.Text B译文译文参加商务会议的十种人参加商务会议的十种人1 每个

63、人都参加会议,或是与会者,或是会议主持人。很多会议是有每个人都参加会议,或是与会者,或是会议主持人。很多会议是有成果的,但是也有一些完全是浪费时间。在商务会议中,你会遇到以成果的,但是也有一些完全是浪费时间。在商务会议中,你会遇到以下十种人。下十种人。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Monopolizer2 The Monopolizer thinks he or she is the only one with wisdom on various subjects at the business meeting. The Monopolizer believes everyone els

64、e is there to hear him or her speak. They dont appreciate business meetings that offer an opportunity to hear from many.译文译文独断专行的人独断专行的人2 独断专行的人认为,在商务会议上,他独断专行的人认为,在商务会议上,他/她是唯一对各种事情都很她是唯一对各种事情都很有见解的人。他认为其他与会人员都是来听他有见解的人。他认为其他与会人员都是来听他/她的发言的。这样的她的发言的。这样的人不把商务会议当作是听取多方意见的好机会。人不把商务会议当作是听取多方意见的好机会。大连理工

65、大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Tangent Talker3 The Tangent Talker hijacks the topic of the group by taking discussions off on tangent topics unrelated to the issue at hand. One minute youre on topic and the next minute youre in“left field”as your agenda topic has been taken on a tangent.译文译文扯开话题的人扯开话题的人3 喜欢扯开话题的人随意将

66、与会人员商讨的话题扯到毫无喜欢扯开话题的人随意将与会人员商讨的话题扯到毫无相干的地方去。这一刻你也许还在讨论某个话题,下一刻相干的地方去。这一刻你也许还在讨论某个话题,下一刻话题就被扯到与议程不相干的地方去了。话题就被扯到与议程不相干的地方去了。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Devils Advocate4 This person seems to relish taking the opposite tack. Whatever the argument being put forth, this person delights in taking an opposite view.译

67、文译文唱反调的人唱反调的人4 唱反调的人似乎最喜欢跟别人对着干。不管讨论什唱反调的人似乎最喜欢跟别人对着干。不管讨论什么话题,这样的人总喜欢唱反调么话题,这样的人总喜欢唱反调 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Cynic5 The ultimate naysayer, the Cynic has a Masters degree in negativity. Adroit at using the phrases,“it wont work”,“cant be done”, and“theyll never buy it.”They are skilled at deflating and

68、defeating.译文译文愤世嫉俗的人愤世嫉俗的人5 愤世嫉俗者最擅长提出否定意见。他常挂在嘴边的愤世嫉俗者最擅长提出否定意见。他常挂在嘴边的话就是话就是“这样不行这样不行”,“做不到做不到”,“他们决不会买他们决不会买的的”。他们最能贬低、打击别人。他们最能贬低、打击别人。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Fence Sitter6 Known for their paralysis by analysis, Fence Sitters are unable to make decisions. Despite being in a deliberative body, they are

69、 conflicted by multiple arguments, and cant“pull the trigger”when its time to make a decision in a business meeting.译文译文骑墙派骑墙派6 骑墙者不能很好地分析问题,所以也不能做出决定。尽骑墙者不能很好地分析问题,所以也不能做出决定。尽管他们本身比较审慎,但是在商务会议上,他们本应对有管他们本身比较审慎,但是在商务会议上,他们本应对有争议的话题做出决定时,却总不能当机立断。争议的话题做出决定时,却总不能当机立断。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Pandoras Box Ope

70、ner7 The Pandoras Box Openers lead the entire meeting into areas that provoke frustration, animosities, and often resentment too. Once this box is opened, its hard to get the issues back into the box. Discussions of salaries, promotions or personal styles often stir up issues that hijack meetings. E

71、ven worse, some culprits reopen issues from earlier in the business meeting that have already been resolved.译文译文制造麻烦的人制造麻烦的人7 制造麻烦的人将整个会议带到让人感觉沮丧、敌对或产生愤恨的地步。制造麻烦的人将整个会议带到让人感觉沮丧、敌对或产生愤恨的地步。不该提及的话题一旦被提出,就很难再收回。关于薪金、晋升机会或个人不该提及的话题一旦被提出,就很难再收回。关于薪金、晋升机会或个人风格等话题总会扰乱议会议议题。更糟糕的是,一些好事者还要再提及那风格等话题总会扰乱议会议议题。更

72、糟糕的是,一些好事者还要再提及那些在早期商务会议上已经解决的事情。些在早期商务会议上已经解决的事情。 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Brown Noser8 This employee is seen by other employees to be in the pocket of the person to whom theyre cow-towing. Ultimately they are seen for who they are and become predictable and not trusted.译文译文阿谀奉承的人阿谀奉承的人8 在他人眼里,阿谀奉承的员工被他们奉

73、承的人玩于在他人眼里,阿谀奉承的员工被他们奉承的人玩于股掌之间。最终这样的人会被别人看清,变得不再可股掌之间。最终这样的人会被别人看清,变得不再可信。信。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Attacker9 The Attacker deftly mixes negativity with personal attacks, challenging othersideas with vigor. Without regard to hurting others feelings, the Attacker uses a confrontational style to object to o

74、thersideas and go against the flow. Sadly, sometimes they dont even realize theyre attacking.译文译文喜欢攻击的人喜欢攻击的人9 喜欢攻击的人老练地把反对意见和个人攻击混为一谈,盛喜欢攻击的人老练地把反对意见和个人攻击混为一谈,盛气凌人地挑战别人的观点。这样的人不会顾及是否会伤害别人气凌人地挑战别人的观点。这样的人不会顾及是否会伤害别人的情感,他们用一种对抗的方式反对他人的意见或扰乱会议的的情感,他们用一种对抗的方式反对他人的意见或扰乱会议的程序。更悲哀的是,他们有时根本没有意识到他们是在攻击别程序。更

75、悲哀的是,他们有时根本没有意识到他们是在攻击别人。人。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Joker10 Dont let the Jokers good nature fool you, Jokers can bemeeting monsters. Their constant joking has the effect of diminishing othersserious ideas or suggestions. Their infusion of humor can belittle othersmotions and makes it difficult for some to

76、be taken seriously.译文译文喜欢玩笑的人喜欢玩笑的人10 不要让喜欢玩笑的人的好脾气愚弄了你,因为他不要让喜欢玩笑的人的好脾气愚弄了你,因为他们可能是搅乱会议的人。不停的玩笑使得别人严肃的们可能是搅乱会议的人。不停的玩笑使得别人严肃的观点和意见显得并不重要。他们的幽默会降低他人的观点和意见显得并不重要。他们的幽默会降低他人的动议的价值,甚至动议也不能严肃地得以实施。动议的价值,甚至动议也不能严肃地得以实施。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Robots11 Meeting robots are actually cell phones, pagers, personal d

77、igital assistants (PDAs), and laptop computers. Each distracts their owner and others, too, as they intrude upon participantsattention spans during business meetings.译文译文会议机器会议机器11 会议机器实际就是电话、传呼机、个人数字助理和手提电脑会议机器实际就是电话、传呼机、个人数字助理和手提电脑之类的东西。每一样会议机器都会干扰他们的主人和其他人,因之类的东西。每一样会议机器都会干扰他们的主人和其他人,因为这些机器很使参加商务

78、会议的人分散注意力。为这些机器很使参加商务会议的人分散注意力。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 1The Monopolizer thinks he or she is the only one with wisdom on various subjects at the business meeting.monopolizer n. people who have and control something or somebody fully and exclusively 2They dont appreciate business meetings th

79、at offer an opportunity to hear from many.appreciate v. recognize with gratitude; be grateful for 欣欣赏,领会;感激,感谢赏,领会;感激,感谢e.g. We all appreciate a holiday after a year of hard working. 经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。经过一年辛苦工作之后,大家都能领略假期的乐趣。e.g. We appreciate your helping us. 我们感谢你们的帮助。我们感谢你们的帮助。Text B大连理工大学出版社

80、大连理工大学出版社Language Points The Tangent Talker hijacks the topic of the group by taking discussions off on tangent topics unrelated to the issue at hand. tangent a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point but does not intersect it at that point n. 切线,正切切线,正切 a. 接触的,相切的接触

81、的,相切的go/fly off at/on a tangent 突然改变方针;突然改变话题;突然扯到题外;突然离开原来的思路突然改变方针;突然改变话题;突然扯到题外;突然离开原来的思路 Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 4 Devils Advocate devil n. (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell 恶魔,魔鬼恶魔,魔鬼advocate n.

82、v.a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea 提倡者,拥护者e.g. I dont really believe in capital punishment, Im just playing the devils advocate. 我并非真正主张应该有死刑,只是故意唱唱反调罢了。我并非真正主张应该有死刑,只是故意唱唱反调罢了。e.g. This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform. 这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。e.g. He advocate

83、s reducing military spending. 他主张削减他主张削减军费开支。军费开支。Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 5 Cynic n. someone who is critical of the motives of others 愤世嫉俗者愤世嫉俗者e.g. A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.玩世不恭者,是只知一切事物的价钱而不知其价值的人。玩世不恭者,是只知一切事物的价钱而不知其价值的人。e.g. Robe

84、rts is a real cynic; he wont accept anything or anyone on face value. 罗伯特实在是一个玩世不恭的人;他不会对任何事或任何人信以为真。罗伯特实在是一个玩世不恭的人;他不会对任何事或任何人信以为真。6Fence Sitter n. a person who wont take sides in a controversy 骑墙派骑墙派Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 7. Known for their paralysis by analysis, Fence Sitters are

85、 unable to make decisions. paralysis n. loss of the ability to move a body part 瘫痪e.g. The disease results in creeping paralysis. 这种病可发展成脊髓痨。e.g. Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, was usually caused by damage to the spinal cord. 脊髓受伤常常引起包括双腿在内的下身麻痹。Text B大连理工大学出版社

86、大连理工大学出版社Language Points 8Pandoras Box Opener Pandora n. (Greek mythology) the first woman, created by Hephaestus on orders from Zeus who presented her to Epimetheus along with a box filled with evils. Pandoras Box It is the box that Zeus gave to Pandora. When she opened the box with curiosity, All

87、the miseries and evils flew out the afflict mankind.Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 9Even worse, some culprits reopen issues from earlier in the business meeting that have already been resolved. culprit n. someone who perpetrates wrongdoing 犯人,罪犯e.g. The culprit will be whipped when he is fo

88、und.那个罪犯找到后就要挨鞭子抽打。e.g. The police are now on the scent of the culprit. 警方已获得罪犯的线索。Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Points 10Brown Noser n. A person who acts favorably to his or her peers to gain stasis or fancy that will eventually be used to their advantage, such as a raise, promotion, or acceptan

89、ce in a group. Usually brown nosers will do anything to gain the approval of their person of choice. These people can also be described as losers because they cant work for what they want. Another two words for this person are a shoe shiner or an eye licker. 阿谀奉承的人Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Language Po

90、ints 11Jokers can be meeting monsters.Monster n. a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed 怪物,恶人怪物,恶人e.g. He was possessed with a monster. 他被一个怪物缠上了。他被一个怪物缠上了。e.g. This machine is a real monster. 这台机器真是个庞然大这台机器真是个庞然大物。物。12Each distracts their owner and others, too, as they intrude upon

91、 participants attention spans during business meetings. span n. the complete duration of something 跨度,范围e.g. Modern medicine has increased mans life span. 现现代医学延长了人的寿命。代医学延长了人的寿命。e.g. Can you span an octave on the piano? 你能按到钢琴的你能按到钢琴的八个键吗?八个键吗?Text B大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 Match the words on the left wi

92、th the explanations on the right.Task 5Column AColumn B1. culpritA. a feeling of ill will arousing active hostility2. deliberativeB. skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends3. animosityC. someone who perpetrates wrongdoing4. adroit atD. flatterer, boot licker, ass-kisser5. deflatingE. i

93、nvolved in or characterized by deliberation and discussion and examination6. Brown Noser F. release contained air or gas from大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社1.C 2. E 2.3. A 4. B 3.5. F 6. D 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社 In Text B, weve learned about how to get to know some characters in a meeting, such as the Monopolizer, t

94、he Tangent Talker, the Devils Advocate and so on. Translate the following sentences underlined in the text into Chinese and infer the writers attitude towards several of these characters at a meeting.Task 6大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading1. The Monopolizer thinks he or she is the only one wit

95、h wisdom on various subjects at the business meeting. The Monopolizer believes everyone else is there to hear him or her speak. They dont appreciate business meetings that offer an opportunity to hear from many.答案 独断专行的人认为,在商务会议上,他独断专行的人认为,在商务会议上,他/她是唯一对各她是唯一对各种事情都很有见解的人。他认为其他与会人员都是来听种事情都很有见解的人。他认为其

96、他与会人员都是来听他他/她的发言的。他们不把商务会议当成是听取多方意她的发言的。他们不把商务会议当成是听取多方意见的好机会。见的好机会。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading2. The Tangent Talker hijacks the topic of the group by taking discussions off on tangents topics unrelated to the issue at hand. One minute youre on topic and the next minute youre in“left fie

97、ld”as your agenda topic has been taken on a tangent.答案 喜欢扯开话题的人随意将与会人员商讨的话题扯到毫喜欢扯开话题的人随意将与会人员商讨的话题扯到毫无相干的地方去。这一刻也许还在讨论一个话题,等一无相干的地方去。这一刻也许还在讨论一个话题,等一下话题就被扯到跟会议议程不相干的地方去了。下话题就被扯到跟会议议程不相干的地方去了。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3. Known for their paralysis by analysis, Fence Sitters are unable to

98、make decisions.Despite being in a deliberative body, they are conflicted by multiple arguments, and cant“pull the trigger”when its time to make a decision in a business meeting.答案 骑墙者不能很好地分析问题,所以也不能做出决定。骑墙者不能很好地分析问题,所以也不能做出决定。尽管他们本身比较审慎,但是在商务会议上,他们本应尽管他们本身比较审慎,但是在商务会议上,他们本应对有争议的话题做出决定时,却总不能当机立断。对有争议

99、的话题做出决定时,却总不能当机立断。大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Task 7 Word Formation LearningRoot (14)The following roots can be found in Text B.RootsMeaningExamplespartportpartto divide部分;分开partial a. 部分的;有偏见的partake v. 参与,分享portion n. 部分,一般praisprecivalue价值appraisal n. 评估,评价precious a. 有价值的,珍贵的depreciate v. 降价,贬值大连理工大学出版社大连

100、理工大学出版社RootsMeaningExamplesvocvokto callvoice叫喊;声音vocalist n. 歌手revoke v. 取消,撤回evoke v. 唤醒,唤起pospositto put放compose v. 组成;作曲;使镇定depose v. 免职;沉淀impose v. 强加;征税negto deny否认neglect v. 忽视,不顾abnegate v. 拒绝,否认大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社RootsMeaningExamplesflatto blow吹inflate v. 充气,膨胀conflation n. 合并,合成fiatus n. 气息

101、;一阵风flictto strike打击afflict v. 使苦恼,折磨inflict v. 导致破坏或痛苦senssentto feel感觉sensible a. 能感觉的,明智的sentiment n. 感情assent n. 赞成,附和大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社RootsMeaningExamplesfusto pour流,泻confuse v. 使混乱effusive a. 热情洋溢的,溢出的profuse a. 丰富的,浪费的trud,trusto push推extrude v. 挤出,冲出obtrude v. 管闲事,插嘴detrude v. 推倒大连理工大学出版社大连

102、理工大学出版社 Now, read Text B carefully, locate the words in the text that contain one of the above-mentioned roots, and tell the meaning of each word.1. part (Para. 1, Line 1)2. preci (Para. 2, Line 3)3. voc (Para. 4, Line 1)4. posit (Para. 4, Line 1)participates; 参加参加; part+icipate _appreciate; 赞同,欣赏赞同

103、,欣赏; a+preci+ate _Advocate; 提倡,拥护提倡,拥护; ad+vok+ate_opposite; 反面的反面的; op+posit+e_大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社5. neg (Para. 5, Line 2)6. flat (Para. 5, Line 3)7. flict (Para. 6, Line 2)8. sent (Para. 7, Line 2)9. fus (Para. 10, Line 3)10. trud (Para. 11, Line 3)negativity, negativity; 否定否定; neg+ativity_deflatin

104、g; 打击,失去信心打击,失去信心; de+flat+ing_conflict; 矛盾,冲突矛盾,冲突; con+flict_resentment; 厌恶厌恶; re+sent+ment_infusion; 融入融入; in+fus+ion_intrude; 闯入闯入; in+trud+e_大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical ReadingHelpful Hints on“How to Conduct a Meeting” Meetings are important for business organizations because that is where a co

105、mpanys culture and climate perpetuates itself. Meetings are one of the ways that an organization tells its workers: “You are a member.”If you have bad, boring, and time-wasting meetings, then the people begin to believe that this is a bad and boring company that does not care abouttime.大连理工大学出版社大连理工

106、大学出版社1. PrepareDetermining topics to cover and the best form for discussionEstimate the length of the meetingMake and deliver agenda in advanceSet up meeting placeAssign not taker (Minutes)2. StartUse a gavel to call the meeting to orderRecognize new members or guests大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3. In theMeeti

107、ng4. In theEndDo not take sidesRecognize all who have comments or questionsKeep the group on the topicClarify questionsDo not make long speechesKeep order in the discussion and be alert to membersreactionsExpress appreciationSummarize and concludeReach consensus and reach conclusion大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版

108、社Task 8 Scan read the information above and judge the following statements according to the whole passage. Mark Y(for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage or N (for No) if the statement contradicts the information or is not given in the passage.1.The meeting should

109、have a specific topic.2. Create an agenda. List what you want to discuss and who will lead those discussions.答案答案Y 答案答案Y 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3. Do research before the meeting. Know the audience. Anticipate attitudes and positions. Speak the language of the participants.4. Invite the right people. Invi

110、te individuals who can contribute to the meetings for discussions and decisions.5. Schedule breaks. Have a 15-minute break every two hours.答案答案N 答案答案N答案答案N 大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社6. Make a brief statement of the meeting purpose.7. Start on time and finish on time. Every item on the agenda should have a t

111、ime limit.8. Make sure that the decisions are made by a majority and not by loud vocal minority.9. Giving thanks to those who have wise ideas.答案答案N 答案答案N答案答案Y 答案答案Y大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社10. Move quickly through topics. Do not stay too long with one topic or participants will begin to think nothing is ge

112、tting done.答案答案Y Besides, think over the following questions.11. Have you ever chaired a meeting? If you want to preside over a meeting, what would you prepare?12. If a speaker gets off the main point, what would you do?13. As a chairman, if you want a meeting to proceed smoothly, what will you have

113、 to do?14. Can you give more suggestions apart from the tips mentioned in the text? What else shall we pay attention to when holding or participating a meeting?大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Words and ExpressionsText Aagenda n. 会议事项,日程alternative n. 两者择一,供替代的选择a. 两者择一的,供选择的best-organized a. 最有效率的circulate v. (使)

114、流通,(使)循环,(使)传播frequency n. 频率,频数indicate v. 显示,象征,指示,指出vital a. 生命的;重要的well-organized a. 安排合理的workload n. 工作量大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Text Badroit a. 熟练的,灵巧的animosity n. 憎恶,仇恨 belittle v. 轻视,贬低culprit n. 犯人,刑事被告,肇事者cynic n. 愤世嫉俗者deflate v. 放气,抽出空气deftly ad. 灵巧地,敏捷地deliberative a. 慎重的,商讨的devil n. 魔鬼v. 折磨,戏弄

115、hijack v. 抢劫,劫持,敲诈infusion n. 灌输,激励monopolize v. 独占,垄断monster n. 怪物,恶人,巨物multiple a. 多样的,多重的n. 倍数naysayer n. 否定者,怀疑主义者大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社negativity n. 否定性,消极性paralysis n. 瘫痪provoke v. 激怒,惹起;驱使relish n. 滋味;爱好;调味品v. 品味,有.味道resentment n. 怨恨,愤恨span n. 全长,一段时间tack n. 平头钉;行动方针tangent a. 接触的,切线的n. 切线,正切trigger n. 触发器,板机v. 触发(事件)vigor n. 精力,活力at hand 在手边;在附近;即将到来left field 局外的位置put forth 放出;发表;提出stir up 激起,鼓动,煽动大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Practical Readingconsensus n. 合意,一致,同感合意,一致,同感gavel n. 槌槌minutes n. 会议记录会议记录perpetuate v. 使永存,使不朽;保持使永存,使不朽;保持preside v. 主持主持take sides 支持,偏袒支持,偏袒



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