大学英语课件:unit 4——American Dream

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1、Unit 4 The American DreamDo you have a dream?vDo you think you can realize it? How?I Have a Dream我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日奴隶的儿子能够同昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,亲如手足。 I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at

2、 the table of brotherhood.我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以肤色的深浅,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家里。 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and

3、 tomorrow still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the AMERICAN DREAM.BR_1The American Dream Step 1: Warming UpBR_1_popAmerican Dream is the belief that everyone in the United States has the chance to achieve success and prosperity. For ordinary people, it means a happy family, an ideal jo

4、b, and a nice house. For minorities and immigrants, it also includes freedom and equal rights.Step 1: Warming UpThe Origin of American Dream In In 1620, 1620, the the ship ship the the May Flower May Flower transported transported about about 150 150 people who people who today today are are usually

5、usually called called Pilgrims from Pilgrims from Plymouth, Plymouth, England, England, to to Massachusetts. Massachusetts. With With their their religion religion oppressed by the oppressed by the English English Church Church and and government, government, English English Dissenters Dissenters le

6、ft left for for the New the New World World to to practice practice their their religion freely.religion freely.A Native of Beijing in New YorkStep 1: Warming UpIf you love him, bring him to New York, for its heaven; if you hate him, bring him to New York, for its hell. Text A Tony Trivisonnos Ameri

7、can Dream By Frederick C. CrawfordTeaching ObjectivesTo get the main idea and structure of the text;To master key language points and grammatical structure;To learn to describe a person by the characteristic features, with detailed supporting information;To understand the general meaning of American

8、 Dream.1. Try to get the general idea of the text2. Divide the text into parts and summarize the main idea of each part.SkimmingStep 2: Extensive ReadingMain Idea: Tony went to America to seek his fortune. And he eventually realized his American dream by his own effort.Part One: Part Two:With determ

9、ination and the help from Mr.Crawford, Tony achieved his dream of owning his own farm.Tonys career set the author thinking about why and to what extent he had been successful.Paras. 1-29Paras. 30-33Skimming I went into my house unhappy. Yes, these Depression days were difficult, but how could I turn

10、 away a person who had come to me for help? Paragraph 4 turn away: refuse to help; (拒之门外) refuse to allow sb. to enter a place.e.g. 讲座厅已是座无虚席,很多学生都被拒之门外。 The lecture hall was already full and many students were turned away. cultural information Depression days: the period of severe economic failure

11、in most countries of the world that lasted from 1929 until World War II.Step 3: Language StudyBR _3The Great Depression BR _3_pop The Great Depression is considered the most severe economic crisis in the industrialized world. It began when American stock market fell on Friday, Oct. 24, 1929, and con

12、tinued the following Tuesday, known as Black Tuesday, with a greater fall. The Depression struck many other countries as well, particularly Germany, Japan, and Britain. In the early 1930s millions of people lost their jobs, and millions of businesses and banks failed. President Franklin D. Roosevelt

13、s New Deal policies improved the situation, but the Great Depression did not come to an end until World War II when industrial production for the war increased. “A man got the lawn mower out of the garage and worked on the yard,” she answered. “I assumed you had hired him.” Paragraph 6assume: vt. su

14、ppose without proof 假设;以为e.g. 为什么人们总认为有经济困难的人就是不努力工作呢?Why do people assume that those who suffer financially just dont work hard enough?compliment: vt./n. praise or a polite expression of praise 赞扬;赞美的言辞或行为 Vt. Compliment sb. (on sth.)I complimented him on the work he had done. pargragh 8e.g. The pr

15、ofessor honored me with generous compliments on my MA thesis.e.g. Ill take that as a pliment VS complement work out: plan; solve; calculate 制定出;解决;计算出e.g. work out a plan/ a problem My mother allowed me to take the trip, but asked me to work out the total cost first. I managed to work out some kind

16、of small weekly pay, and each day Tony cleaned up the yard and took care of any little tasks. Paragraph 10sth./sb. work out = have a good result/succeede.g. Things dont always work out the way you want.e.g. Were not working out.他们已经设计出把宇宙飞船送上太空的方法。他们已经设计出把宇宙飞船送上太空的方法。 Theyve worked out a method of s

17、ending a spacecraft to the space. 21世纪报世纪报每周出版一次。每周出版一次。 He thinks his weekly wage of 400 yuan is enough. adv. once a week; every week; by the week21st Century is published weekly. 3. n. a publication issued once a week 周刊Business Weekly 商业周刊商业周刊 Publishers Weekly (美美)出版商周刊出版商周刊a twice weekly 半周刊半周刊

18、 2.weekly: 1. adj. happening once a week or every week 每周的;一周一 次的Well, what do you do with such determination and hope? Of course, Tony got his job at the factory. Paragraph 15do with: (1) (used in questions with “what”) deal with 处理, 对待 e.g. What did you do with yourself during the summer holidays?

19、 The child didnt know what to do with himself after school?(2) tolerate 忍受,忍耐I cant do with him and his impoliteness. 我不能忍受他和他的无礼。我不能忍受他和他的无礼。 But I doubted whether Tony had the capacity to read blueprints and micrometers or do precision work. Still, how could I turn him down? Paragraph 15capacity:

20、the ability to understand or do sth. (often followed by for or infinitive to) 能力,才能e.g. Not everyone has the capacity for languages. His capacity for remembering numbers is amazing.turn down: refuse or reject. turn sth./sb. Downe.g. He was offered the job but he turned it down because it involved to

21、o much traveling. skilled: adj. 1) having skill; trained; experienced 2) needing skill skilled, skillful 表示表示“有技术的,熟练的有技术的,熟练的”时可以互换。时可以互换。skilled 通常是指受过正规训练,有多年实践经验而掌握通常是指受过正规训练,有多年实践经验而掌握 某项专门技术。某项专门技术。skillful 是指人聪明,做事很灵巧,尤指手的灵巧。是指人聪明,做事很灵巧,尤指手的灵巧。skilled & skillfulCF:a skilled worker 技术熟练的工人技术熟练

22、的工人skilled work 技术性工作技术性工作Roses father is a skilled mechanic so she has become skillful at repairing bicycles too. 罗斯的父亲是个熟练的机械师,因而她也很会罗斯的父亲是个熟练的机械师,因而她也很会修理自行车。修理自行车。 On the edge of the town, he had found a house for sale, a complete wreck. Paragraph 18(up) for sale: (1) availabe to be bought 待售,供出

23、售 e.g. She has put her house up for sale. 非卖品非卖品 Not for sale. on sale VS for saleeg: There are many ethical commodities on sale in the shop. 公债公债, , 国库券国库券a public / government loan 消费贷款消费贷款a loan for consumption 担保贷款担保贷款a loan on security 无息贷款无息贷款 a gift (interest-free) loan 长期贷款长期贷款a long-term lo

24、an 抵押贷款抵押贷款, , 抵押借款抵押借款a mortgage loana domestic (foreign) loan 内(外)债内(外)债Bank Terms .Reluctantly, the banker wrote a mortgage for $2,000 and gave Tony the house with no down payment. Paragraph 21 reluctant: adj. unwilling 不愿意,勉强的 reluctantly: adv. reluctant unreluctantlye.g. 人有时候不愿意做出改变 Sometimes p

25、eople are reluctant to make changes.I asked our people to check on his family and see that everything was properly handled. Paragraph 29handle: (1) manage; control; cope with 管理;操纵;处理e.g. Susan couldnt handle the pressures of her new job. Do you know how to handle the machine?e.g. 我想如果他们拒绝我,我会受不了的。

26、I dont think I could handle it if they turned me down.(2) touch, lift, or hold with the hands 拿,触,摸 Wash your hands before you handle my books. They had all reached their success by the same route and by the same values and principles: vision, determination, self-control, optimism, self-respect and,

27、 above all, integrity. Paragraph 31vintegrity N. v(1)honesty and moral uprightness; 诚实,正直 e.g. Mr. Smiths was a man of integrity. (2) being whole and undivided; 完整 e.g.维护领土完整和国家主权 Safeguard territorial integrity and national sovereignty.voptimism N. 乐观(主义)vOptimistic: adj. 乐观的 = upbeat Pessimistic:

28、adj. 悲观的 = downbeat1. Read the story carefully and try to answer the following questions:(1). What is Tonys American Dream?(2). What did Tony do to realize his dream?(3). In Mr. Crawfords eye, what is Tony like?Tony said that to own a farm is his dream.cleaning up the yard; clearing snow at the fact

29、ory; learn to be an apprentice; buy a house; buy a farm.Tony grow in stature in Mr. Crawfords mind. He stands as tall, and as proud, as the greatest American industrialist.Step 4: Intensive ReadingComprehension2. Discuss the following questions in groupAmerican Dream is the belief that everyone in A

30、merica hasthe equal opportunity to seek his own dream. American dream means different thing to different people. Forordinary people, it means a happy family, an ideal job and a nice house. For minorities and immigrants, it also includes equal rights and freedom.hardworking, determination, perseveran

31、ce, optimism, self-respect, integrity, honest(1). What is American Dream?(2) What are the essential qualities for American Dream?Useful expressionsv结结巴巴的英语 v大萧条时期 v上门求助 v重整业务 v夏去秋来 v人事部门 v精密加工工作v减薪水 v人品贷款v首付 v零星杂物v样子自信 broken Englishthe Depression dayscome to sb. for helprebuild ones businesssummer

32、passes into fallpersonnel departmentprecision worktake a cut in payloan money on characterdown paymentodds and endshave a look of confidence1. Retell the story according to the following pictures.Step 5: AssignmentKey words to the story-makingv mow the lawn, clean up the yard, v clear snow, an apprentice, v skilled, buy a house, v a wreck, buy a farm



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