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1、Text AText BJokeRiddlesPart A Listening & Speaking Making & Responding to RequestsCommunicative FunctionSample ConversationsDirections: Directions: Listen Listen to to the the sample sample dialogue. dialogue. Repeat Repeat what what you you have have heard. heard. Please Please pay pay special spec

2、ial attention attention to to the the underlined underlined parts parts about about how how to to make make and and respond respond to requests.to requests.Task 1 Listen and RepeatTask 2 Listen and RespondDirections: Directions: Listen Listen to to the the dialogue dialogue twice twice and and then

3、then answer answer the the following following questions, questions, first first for for main main ideas ideas and then for more details.and then for more details.Directions: Listen to the sample dialogues and complete the missing words. Then, make similar dialogues according to the given situations

4、.Task 3 Listen and Simulate Sample 1Sample 2Directions: Practice with your partner on how to make and respond to requests over the situations below or think of a situation of your own. If you need help, you may use the expressions and sentence patterns in the Useful Expressions chart.Task 4 Create Y

5、our Own DialoguesSituational DialoguesVideo Watching May I Have an Ice Cream Sandwich?Basic Listening TechniquesQuestion & Response (1) (问答题问答题) 问问答答题题是是PRETCO B级级听听力力的的第第一一部部分分,包包括括五五句句简简短短对对话话及及五五个个问问题题,让让考考生生根根据据问问题题选选择择正正确确的的回回答答。这这部部分分以以语语言言交交际际功功能能为为主主要要考考点点,测测试试考考生生理理解解所所听听问问题题并并做做出出合合适适回回答答的

6、的能能力力。常常见见的的交交际际范范围围包包括括:课课程程交交流流、介介绍绍、问问候候、感感谢谢、致致歉歉、道道别别、指指路路、天天气气、学学习习、爱爱好好、饮饮食食、健健康等。康等。 应应对对此此类类题题型型,考考生生平平时时一一定定要要注注意意学学习习积积累累表表达达各各种种交交际际用用语语的的基基本本句句型型和和结结构构。下下面面对对近近几几年年PRETCO真真题题在问答题中出现频率较高的一些交际情景做简单介绍分析。在问答题中出现频率较高的一些交际情景做简单介绍分析。1. 请求帮助请求帮助【例例1】(2007年年 12 月月B级级)Its getting dark. Would you

7、please turn on the light? A. Yes, it is. B. No, thanks. C. Never mind. D. Certainly.【解解析析】D. Certainly.(当当然然可可以以。)是是正正确确答答案案。Would you please ? 是是提提出出请请求求的的典典型型说说法法。请请求求帮帮助助的的常常用用表表达达法法还还有有:Could you ? Can you ? May I ? I wonder if you can 等等。回回答答应应该该要要表表明明能能否否满满足足对对方方的的请请求求。对对请请求求帮帮助助常常见见的的肯肯定定回回答答

8、还还有有:With pleasure./My pleasure./Sure./ No problem./Yes, of course.等。等。【例例2】(2007年年 12 月月B级级)Hello, may I speak to Bill please? A. Thank you. B. Sorry, hes not here. C. Im sorry. D. My name is Jack.【解解析析】B. Sorry, hes not here.(对对不不起起,他他不不在在这这里里。)是是正正确确答答案案。对对请请求求常常用用的的否否定定回回答答是是先先表表示示抱抱歉歉,然然后后简简单单解

9、解释释原原因因。也也可可以以回回答答:I am sorry. He is not in at the moment. “May I speak to ?” 是是打打电电话话找找人人的的常常用用句句型型。如如果果被被找找的的人人是是本本人人,通通常常的的回回答答是是: : This is speaking. 如如果果被被找找的的人人是是其其他他人人,通通常常的的回回答答是是: : Please wait a moment./Hang on please.2. 征求意见征求意见【例例3】(2006年年 12 月月B级级)Shall we meet again to discuss it furth

10、er?A. Yes. When? B. Yes. What? C. Well, how? D. Well, who?【解解析析】A. Yes. When? (好好的的。什什么么时时候候?)是是正正确确答答案案。Shall we ? 是是表表示示建建议议的的典典型型说说法法,是是一一般般疑疑问问句句,因因此此回回答答时时通通常常先先表表明明态态度度yes 或或no。肯肯定定的的回回答答是是:Yes. 然然后后讲讲出出对对建建议议的的具具体体答答复复。Well表表示示“喔喔; 好好吧吧;那那么么”之之意意,常常用用来表示无可奈何或表示谈话重新开始。来表示无可奈何或表示谈话重新开始。【例例4】(20

11、06年年 6 月月B级级)Would you like another cup of tea? A. I often drink tea at home. B. No, thanks. C. Not likely. D. No problem.【解解析析】B. No, thanks.(不不了了,谢谢谢谢。)是是正正确确答答案案。Would you like ?是是征征求求对对方方意意见见的的常常用用句句型型,其其否否定定回回答答通通常常是是:No, thanks./Thank you.Part B Reading & Writing Text A Warm-up Discussion1. Do

12、 you think having a roommate has more advantages or disadvantages? Would you prefer to live alone or to share a dormitory?2. Is living with a roommate a challenging experience? How do you handle the situation if you have problems with your roommates?How to Get Along with Your Roommate Those roommate

13、 horror stories youve heard dont have to happen to you. Instead, try these tips to help you get through four years of residence-hall life.Gabrielle WilsonT怎样与室友和睦相处怎样与室友和睦相处 你你听听到到过过的的那那些些室室友友之之间间令令人人不不快快的的故故事事不不一一定定会会发发生生在在你你身身上上。相相反反,尝尝试试这这些些建建议议来来帮帮助助你你度度过过四四年年的学生宿舍生活。的学生宿舍生活。get along withWhy ca

14、nt we just get along with each other?While she was able to get along for months with her roommate, she often quarrels with her sister at home.have a friendly relationship with 与与和睦相处和睦相处happen toDo you happen to know where King Street is?I happened to meet my classmate in the supermarket yesterday.1

15、) be the experience of (somebody) 发生发生I believe that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.“The Da Vinci Code” 达达 芬芬奇奇密密码码 tells what happens to an American professor when a museum director in Paris asks to meet with him.2) have the (good or bad) fortune to (do something) 碰巧碰巧inst

16、ead ad. 代替代替If you cant go to the meeting, I will go instead.Instead, they light their homes with oil lamps.【辨析辨析】instead/instead of这这两两个个词词意意义义一一样样,但但是是用用法法不不一一样样。instead是是副副词词,可可放放在在句句首首、句句中中或或句句末末。instead of 是是介介词词词词组组,其其后后须跟名词或动名词。须跟名词或动名词。I will go to the meeting instead of you, if you cant go.

17、get through1) spend, use up 度过(时间);用完度过(时间);用完The students come to me to ask how to get through the rest of their lives.He usually gets through his salary by the middle of the month.2) pass through 通过,穿过通过,穿过The water gets through the house every time it rains.I wonder how this big dog could get thr

18、ough such a small hole.3) finish or deal with 完成,解决完成,解决I plan to get through the first two chapters today.Ive a lot of work to get through before the meeting. Communication is key. If you have a problem, speak up about it. Communication doesnt mean leaving your roommate a note when youre upset. You

19、 both need to sit down and talk your problems through. 交交流流是是关关键键。如如果果你你遇遇到到问问题题,大大胆胆把把它它说说出出来来。交交流流并并不不意意味味着着当当你你感感到到心心烦烦时时给给你你室室友友留留张张便便条条。你你们们俩俩应应该该坐下来认真地交谈一下。坐下来认真地交谈一下。Tcommunication n. the process by which people exchange information 交流交流The organgation called for more communication between di

20、fferent countries in the world.The job requires someone with good communication skills.【构词构词】communicate v. exchange information 交流交流People communicate with each other by language and body movements.speak up express ones views directly and honestly直率地表达直率地表达Who will speak up about the increased hous

21、ing costs?If there is anything you want, just speak up.If you dont like the plan, why didnt you speak up at the meeting?upset 1) a. troubled, hurt emotionally 心烦心烦James was upset because he failed in the exam.upset parents 心烦意乱的父母心烦意乱的父母2) v. (cause something to) become overturned or spilt打翻,扰乱打翻,扰乱

22、As she stood up, she upset the table, and everything on top of it fell to the floor.Sorry, I upset the soup/milk.through在在本本句句中中作作副副词词,意意为为from the beginning to the end of something (从头至尾从头至尾)。又如:又如:1) He read through the magazine.2) Dont tell me how it ends. I havent read it all the way through yet

23、.Sometimes its helpful to think what the problems are that youre having with your roommate and write a list for your own benefit. This will help you organize your thoughts and present them skillfully. 有有时时候候认认真真思思考考你你和和你你室室友友之之间间的的问问题题是是有有益益的的。为为了了你你自自身身的的利利益益列列一一张张问问题题单单,它它将将有有助助于于你你理清思路侃侃而谈。理清思路侃侃

24、而谈。Tbenefit n. profit, gain 利益,好处利益,好处A higher education provides a life long benefit.【词词组组】for ones (own) benefit/for the benefit of in order to help somebody为了为了的利益的利益It is for your own benefit that you get insurance.Put on the seat belt for the benefit of your own safety.organize v. plan or arran

25、ge something to happen 组织组织The labor union organized all the workers to go on strike.They can pay a professional wedding planner to organize the wedding and party.【构词构词】organization n. 机构,团体,组织机构,团体,组织The World Health Organization warns people of the danger of the bird flu.The organization of the bo

26、ok is by subject matter. When living with a roommate, its essential to develop some house rules. These can include rules about quiet time, cleanliness or borrowing each others things. Laying down rules right away can greatly improve your living situation. T 和和室室友友相相处处时时,制制定定一一些些寝寝室室的的规规章章制制度度是是有有必必要

27、要的的, , 如如保保持持安安静静、打打扫扫房房间间和和互互借借东东西西等等等等。立立即即制制定定这这些些规规则则能能大大大大改改善善你你的的生活状况。生活状况。essential a. necessary 基本的,本质的基本的,本质的Air and water are essential to life.Her most essential quality is kindness.It is essential that we act immediately.develop v. cause to grow gradually 发发展,发扬展,发扬To sound polite and fr

28、iendly, Japanese have developed many ways to avoid saying “No”.Guided by a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool, Bill Gates began developing software for personal computers.【构词构词】development n. 发展发展Schools are responsible for the development of studentsminds.include v. have as part of a

29、 whole 包包括括,包包含含Many lists of best sellers in America also include books for children.These efforts include working for laws against smoking and for taxes on tobacco (烟草制品烟草制品).I pay $890 on rent for the apartment downtown, not including utilities and cable TV.【构构词词】inclusive a. including much or ev

30、erything 包包含的,包括的含的,包括的The monthly rent is $300 inclusive of everything.They write to each other regularly.We should take time to understand each other.They find e-mail addresses from Web Sites and “chat rooms” where people send messages to each other.each other the other one 互相,彼此互相,彼此lay down give

31、 something as a rule 制定制定First we need to lay down a plan for the project.Mister Smith has laid down several rules for this game.improve v. make better 改善,改进,提高改善,改进,提高Some people think making the company a private business would improve the situation.The government is paying for a million dollar pr

32、oject to improve the waste treatment system.【构词构词】improvement n. 改进,进步改进,进步Because of improvements in medical science, life expectancy(预期寿命预期寿命)is increasing all the time. Be considerate. Consideration for each other means respecting the other persons self, space and belongings. Treat others as you

33、would have them treat you. If you give respect, you will receive respect in return. Pay attention to each others need for space and quiet time. Understand, however, that sometimes you may not even be aware of things you do to annoy other people. For example, a person might have a nervous habit of ta

34、pping a pencil while she reads. This might drive her roommate crazy.T 体体谅谅。相相互互体体谅谅意意味味着着尊尊重重他他人人的的本本人人、空空间间和和所所属属物物品品。对对待待别别人人如如同同你你希希望望别别人人对对你你那那样样。如如果果你你给给予予尊尊重重,你你会会得得到到尊尊重重。注注意意各各自自对对空空间间与与安安静静时时间间的的需需要要。然然而而记记住住,有有时时你你可可能能在在无无意意间间做做了了些些惹惹恼恼了了他他人人的的事事。例例如如,有有人人可可能能有有令令人人不不安安的的习习惯惯,喜欢在阅读时敲铅笔。这可能

35、令她室友发怒。喜欢在阅读时敲铅笔。这可能令她室友发怒。1) v. have a high opinion of 尊敬,敬重尊敬,敬重【常用搭配常用搭配】show/win/earn/have/receive respectShe used poetry to criticize those who did not show respect for the poor.His intelligence earned him the respect of other students.The students have great respect for their history teacher.2

36、) n. 尊敬尊敬, , 敬重敬重They respect the way she lived life to the fullest.I would appreciate if you would respect my privacy.respect1) v. act in a certain way towards (somebody) 对待对待My friend treated me to a birthday dinner.She hardly has any good clothes. So I thought I would treat her to a new dress.2)

37、v. entertain at one owns expense 款待款待He was annoyed at the way he was treated.The boy was told to treat his parents with more respect.treat3) v. give medical aid to 治疗治疗Scientists are doing research to find ways to use pig cells to treat several diseases.Researchers in Peru have successfully used a

38、new drug to treat children with diarrhea (痢疾痢疾).【构词构词】treatment n. 对待,治疗对待,治疗His treatment of the animal was cruel.She went to the hospital for cancer treatment.The company demanded aid in return for closing the factory.How much should I give you in return for your dictionary?The students got financ

39、ial help from the Ford Foundation. In return, they must seek graduate training in subjects that support the Ford Foundation goals.in return as payment or reward (for something) 作为作为的回报或付款的回报或付款The villagers have offered much help to us and we think we should do something for them _.A. in return B. i

40、n place C. in fashion D. in danger选选项项A. in return(作作为为的的回回报报)符符合合题题意意。本本句句的的意意思思为为“村村民民给给予予我我们们许许多多帮帮助助,我我们们应应该该做做一一些些事事来来回回报报他他们们”。in place意意思思为为“在在适适当当的的位位置置”;in fashion“流流行行,时时尚尚”; in danger“处于危险之中处于危险之中”。【全真题全真题】2005年年 6月月 B级级pay attention to apply ones mind or interest to 关注关注When investing mo

41、ney, you should pay attention to any risk.Those students who had paid special attention to what the teacher talked about in class scored higher on their test.however1) ad. in spite of that; nevertheless; yet 尽管,然而尽管,然而Its a very informal party. Dress however you like. It really doesnt matter.However

42、 much advice people try to give, he does things his own way.2) conj. in whatever manner or way 不不管管用用何何种方法种方法The exact reasons, however, remain a mystery.However, even with the new prices, anti-AIDS drugs will still cost too much for most Africans.be aware of/that have knowledge or realization of 意识

43、到意识到A newspaper reporter must be aware of current events.He doesnt seem to be aware of the coldness of their attitude towards his suggestion.“Were you aware that you were speeding?” the police asked the driver.annoy v. cause anger to 骚扰,使苦恼骚扰,使苦恼The noise from the street traffic annoyed me.He was an

44、noyed at the way he was treated.I was annoyed with him for keeping me waiting.for example by way of explanation 例如例如On this web site are copies of a famous speech. For example, a speech by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the U.S.City people have a much wider choice of activities. For example,

45、 they can go to museums, attend concerts and shop in hundreds of stores.nervous a. tense; fearful 神神经经紧紧张张的的,不不安安的的The speaker gave a nervous cough.The old man felt nervous as he tried to cross the busy street.【 常常 用用 搭搭 配配 】 be nervous of/about something/doing somethingJohn is very nervous about ta

46、king his driving test next week.habit n. something you do often 习惯,习性习惯,习性Its a good habit to go for a walk after supper.【词词组组】have a/the habit of doing something 有有做做某某事事的的习惯习惯The fault of the lecture system is that students form a habit of passive learning.Some people have the habit of grinding (摩

47、摩擦擦) their teeth while they sleep.drive/make somebody crazy make someone very upset or lose his sense 把某人逼疯把某人逼疯The death of the baby drove the woman crazy.What have you done to drive your roommate crazy?The constant noise from upstairs almost drove me crazy. Study time is important. After all, you

48、are in school to get an education. It is essential to have quiet time for studying. You and your roommate should schedule a time that works for both of you, or a time when only one person is in the room so there are no distractions. 学学习习时时间间是是重重要要的的。毕毕竟竟,你你上上学学是是为为了了接接受受教教育育。有有安安静静的的时时间间学学习习是是必必需需的的

49、。你你和和室室友友应应该该制制定定适适合合双双方方的的时时间间表表,有有时时可可以以只只有一个人留在寝室就不会有干扰。有一个人留在寝室就不会有干扰。Tafter all in spite of what has been said or done 毕竟毕竟After all, it wasnt my idea.After all, no trip to Los Angeles is complete without seeing the famous “Hollywood”.I admire him. After all, he is one of the best sportsmen in

50、our country.schedule1) v. plan activities or event 制定时间表,进度表制定时间表,进度表On the airline schedule, I saw that there is a flight to New York at seven oclock.Johns tight schedule allows him very little time for himself right now.2) n. a list of planned activities 时间表,进度表时间表,进度表They scheduled meetings for e

51、ach day of their business trip.Reruns(重播重播)are most often scheduled for late afternoon or early evening. Keep your room clean. Its not fun to live in a dirty one. Make a list of chores, and split them evenly. Make sure you always do your dishes and keep your belongings neat.保保持持房房间间干干净净。生生活活在在肮肮脏脏的的

52、房房间间里里是是没没有有乐乐趣趣的的。列列出出寝寝室室杂杂活活的的单单子子,均均匀匀地地分分担担这这些些杂杂活活。确确保保你你洗洗净净自自己的碗盆和保持个人物品整洁。己的碗盆和保持个人物品整洁。弄弄明明白白何何时时可可以以共共享享物物品品。借借用用东东西西常常常常会会引引起起纠纠纷纷。室友应该让对方知道什么能借什么不能借。室友应该让对方知道什么能借什么不能借。 Know when its OK to share. Borrowing is often a topic that causes problems. Roommates need to let each other know what

53、s okay to borrow and whats not.Tmake sure make something without doubt 确定确定The car should be ready tomorrow by 4:00 at the latest, but call first just to make sure.I will make sure of the arrival time of the plane.Doctors should make sure that the children eat a healthy, balanced diet.I want to make

54、 sure that I get the right gift for her birthday.The winners will share more than $900,000 in prize money.Members use the yearly meeting to share ideas about important issues.【习语习语】A problem shared is a problem halved. Happiness shared is happiness doubled.分担困难,困难减半;分享幸福,幸福加倍。分担困难,困难减半;分享幸福,幸福加倍。sha

55、re v. use, experience with others 分分享享,共有共有cause1) v. make something happen 引起,使发生引起,使发生The discovery did not cause much excitement.This causes cooler than normal temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean.2) n. reason something happens 原因,起因,理由原因,起因,理由In the United States, alcohol use is

56、 the leading cause of death from liver problems.However, the real cause of the disease was unknown to the ancient people.be/get used to something/doing something 习惯于习惯于We are used to heavy rains in this season.You will soon get used to the new job.After working three months in the new company, he is

57、 used to working overtime (加班加班).【辨析辨析】be used to/used to这两个词看似相同,但用法和意义不一样。这两个词看似相同,但用法和意义不一样。1) be used to + noun/V-ing习惯于习惯于I may oversleep, because I am not used to getting up so early.I am not used to drinking coffee.2) used to + V 惯常,过去常常(做某事)惯常,过去常常(做某事)I used to get up early in the morning w

58、hen I was in high school.Why is Helen so bad-tempered? She didnt use to be like this. Learn to compromise. If you are used to getting your own way, successfully living with a roommate may be one of your most challenging experiences in college. Let your roommate know what you are thinking. Learn to b

59、e a good negotiator so you can bargain an agreement you can both live by. Living with someone isnt easy at any age. When you keep these simple tips in mind, though, college living can be fun.(420 words)Article source:http:/T 学学会会妥妥协协。如如果果你你习习惯惯以以自自己己的的方方式式行行事事,怎怎样样与与室室友友和和睦睦相相处处可可能能是是大大学学生生活活中中最最具具挑

60、挑战战性性的的经经历历。让让室室友友知知道道你你的的想想法法。学学着着做做个个出出色色的的谈谈判判者者,那那么么你你们们就就能能达达成双方都能遵守的协议。成双方都能遵守的协议。 无无论论在在哪哪个个年年龄龄段段和和别别人人相相处处都都不不容容易易。然然而而,如如果果你你记记住住这这些些简简单单的的建建议议,大大学学生生活活就就会会充充满满乐乐趣。趣。get/go ones own way act as one chooses 按自己的意愿行事按自己的意愿行事Getting your own way at home has spoiled you.It will be difficult for

61、 Tom to share a room with others as he is so used to getting his own way.Sharing a room with somebody might be difficult at first because he is so used to getting his own way at home.experience1) n. event or activity that affects one in some way; knowledge or skill acquired from seeing and doing thi

62、ngs 经经历历;经经验验 ( (这这个个词词作作为为可可数数名名词词用用时时,解解释释为为“经经历历”,作为不可数名词用时解释为,作为不可数名词用时解释为“经验经验”) )。Our visit to Tibet was a pleasant experience. (经历经历)It was a frightening experience. (经历经历)She has two years of experience in teaching. (经验经验)The company is looking for someone who has some marketing experience.

63、(经验经验)2) v. feel or know by personal involvement 经经历历, , 体体验验However, some people are more likely than others to experience the problem.If we can fall in love with the life were living, we will experience more happiness.bargain1) v. ask for a low price 讨价还价讨价还价The union bargained with the employer f

64、or better pay.Never pay the advertised price; try to bargain.2) n. low price for something 特价商品特价商品I got a bargain when I bought the hat for half price.“Everybody loves a bargain” is a well-known saying.3) n. an agreement 交易,协议交易,协议If you take care of the children while I cook, well have a bargain.【

65、谚语谚语】A bargain is a bargain. 买买卖卖一一言言为为定定;达达成成的的协协议议不不可可撕毁。撕毁。agreement n. decision made with somebody 协协议,同意议,同意He has a five-year agreement with the Nike Company worth forty-million dollars.arrive at/come to/reach/make an agreement 达达成成协协议议,取得一致意见取得一致意见They have made an agreement about the plan.Th

66、e goal is to reach a final peace agreement before September thirteenth.【全真题全真题】2001年年12月月B级级We shall let you know about it as soon as we come to an (agree) _.根据题意需用名词根据题意需用名词agreement。live by live according to (something such as a rule) 遵守遵守They will try to live by the Olympic saying, “Faster, highe

67、r, stronger.”You dont shout in the library. Its just one example of the unwritten rules that we live by.Students should also be aware that theyll be required to live by certain dorm regulations.keep in mind memorize 记住记住Keep these simple things in mind: in all things do your best and dont give up.So

68、me studies have shown that this area of the brain is important for keeping many things in mind at the same time. Video Watching How to Share a Dorm RoomDirections: Watch the video. The following are some of the questions mentioned in the video. What are your answers to the questions?Watch and Respon

69、d Grammar Review Verb Tenses (1)(动词时态动词时态) 英英语语中中,不不同同时时间间发发生生的的动动作作或或存存在在的的状状态态,要要用用不不同同的的动动词词形形式式来来表表示示,这这种种不不同同的的动动词词形形式式称称为为时时态态。时时态态包包括括时时间间 ( (time) ) 和和态态式式(aspect)两两个个方方面面。时时间间分分现现在在、过过去去、将将来来、过过去去将将来来四四种种。态态式式分分一一般般式式、进进行行式式、完完成成式式、完完成成进进行行式式四四种种。四四种种时时间间和和四四种种态态式式组组合合起起来来构构成成英英语的语的1616种时态。

70、种时态。常常用用的的时时态态有有8 8种种:一一般般现现在在时时、现现在在进进行行时时、一一般般过过去去时时、现现在在完完成成时时、一一般般将将来来时时、过过去去进进行行时时、过过去去完完成成时时和和过过去去将来时。将来时。1. 一般现在时一般现在时 (The Simple Present Tense)1)1)表表示示经经常常发发生生的的动动作作或或存存在在的的状状态态。句句中中常常用用 always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every day/week/month/year 等时间状语。例如:等时间状语。例如: I study f

71、or three hours every night. He always has bread and milk for breakfast.2) 2) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。例如:表示客观事实或普遍真理。例如:Shanghai is in the east of China.Light travels faster than sound.3) 3) 在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中表示将来。例如:在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中表示将来。例如:Let me know when Helen comes.If it rains tomorrow, we are not going to the b

72、each.2. 现在进行时现在进行时 (The Present Progressive Tense)1) 表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:表示说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。例如:It is raining outside and I need an umbrella.She is studying at a college.2) 表表示示按按计计划划安安排排将将要要发发生生的的事事, , 常常用用动动词词有有: : come, go, begin, leave, return, meet, do, stay 等。例如:等。例如:I m meeting a friend of mine

73、after school today.My sister is seeing the dentist next Tuesday.3. 一般过去时一般过去时 ( (The Simple Past Tense) )1) 表示过去某一时间发生的动作或状态,或过去经常发生的表示过去某一时间发生的动作或状态,或过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态。例如:动作或存在的状态。例如:I bought a new bike three days ago.When I was in high school, I often went to the city library.2) 用用在在主主句句用用过过去去时时态态的的

74、时时间间状状语语从从句句和和条条件件状状语语从从句句中中表表示过去将来。示过去将来。John said he would come to pick me up if he had time.My sister said she would go abroad after she graduated from college.4. 现在完成时(现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense)1) 表示过去发生的动作,到目前为止已经完成或刚完成,表示过去发生的动作,到目前为止已经完成或刚完成,但其结果对现在仍有影响。例如:但其结果对现在仍有影响。例如:I have moved in

75、to a new apartment.John has just heard some bad news and he feels sad.2) 表示从过去一直延续到现在的动作或状态。例如:表示从过去一直延续到现在的动作或状态。例如:They have worked on the bridge for half a year.I have been in this class since September.PRETCO 全真题要点解析全真题要点解析1. 现现在在完完成成时时通通常常与与表表示示不不确确定定时时间间的的介介词词词词组组、副副词词和和连连接词连用。接词连用。【例例1】(2007年

76、年12月月A级级)In our company, great changes _since the manager came. A. took place B. take place C. will have taken place D. have taken place【例例2】(2005年年12月月B级级)I (work) _in the Human Resources Department for five months since I joined the company.【解解析析】例例1的的答答案案是是D。例例2 的的答答案案是是 have worked 或或 have been

77、working。 since引引导导的的从从句句,主主句句用用现现在在完完成成时时,从从句句用用过过去去时时。如如果果谓谓语语动动作作在在现现在在之之前前这这一一段段时时间间一一直直进进行,并将继续进行下去,也可以用现在完成进行时。行,并将继续进行下去,也可以用现在完成进行时。【例例3】(2007年年6月月A级级)For years, doctors _ millions of patients lives with the help of microscopes. A. have saved B. are saving C. will save D. were saving【例例4】(200

78、7年年6月月A级级)No one can deny that we (make) _ tremendous progress in the past twenty years.【解解析析】例例3 的的答答案案是是A。例例4的的答答案案是是 have made。现现在在完完成成时时常常与与表表示示到到现现在在为为止止的的时时间间状状语语如如so far, up till now, recently, this week/month/year, in the past , since , for two days/weeks/months/years等等连连用用。也也可可以以和和表表示示不不确确定

79、定时时间间的的副副词词,如如ever, never, already, yet, still, just 等等连连用用。但但是是不不能能和和表表示示过过去去的的时时间间状状语语,如如yesterday, last week, two years ago 等连用。等连用。2. 在在时时间间或或条条件件状状语语从从句句中中用用一一般般现现在在时时表表示示将将来来,用用一一般般过去时表示过去将来。过去时表示过去将来。【例例5】(2003年年12月月B级级)As soon as I (get) _ home, it started to rain heavily.【例例6】(2005年年6月月B级级)

80、We wont be able to leave the office until the rain _.A. will stop B. stops C. stopped D. is stopping【例例7】(2004年年6月月B级级)If you _ smoking and drinking, your health will improve soon. A. gave up B. give up C. have given up D. will give up【解析解析】例例5 的答案是的答案是got;例例6的答案是的答案是B;例例7的答案是的答案是B。3. 并列句中前后分句的谓语动词时

81、态保持一致问题。并列句中前后分句的谓语动词时态保持一致问题。【例例8】(2005年年1月月A级级)The car _by the side of the road and the driver tried to repair it. A. breaks down B. was breaking down C. has broken down D. broke down【例例9】(2006年年6月月A级级)John not only learnt Chinese but also (know) _ the difference between his culture and ours.【解解析析

82、】例例8的的答答案案D。例例9的的答答案案是是 knew。这这两两句句都都是是由由“and”和和“not only but also ”连连接接的的并并列列句句。在在并并列列句句中中,已已知知分分句句的的谓谓语语动动词词是是一一般般过过去去时时,如如果果另另一一分分句句没没有有明明确确的的时时间间状状语语,其其谓谓语语动动词词也也应应是是一一般般过过去去时时,使使时时态前后保持一致。态前后保持一致。【例例10】(2005年年6月月B级级)We usually (go) _abroad for our holiday, but this year we are staying at home.【

83、解解析析】例例10的的答答案案是是一一般般现现在在时时(go)。本本句句是是由由“but”连连接接的的并并列列句句,前前后后分分句句都都有有自自己己的的时时间间状状语语。本本题题是是把把通通常常发发生生的的事事情情 (usually go) 与与正正在在发发生生的的事事情情(are staying)进行比较。进行比较。4. 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。【例例11】(2007年年12月月A级级)Karl probably (see) _“Star Wars” several times for he knows every detail of the film.【

84、解解析析】例例11的的答答案案是是 has seen。译译文文:“卡卡尔尔可可能能已已经经看看过过好好几几遍遍星星球球大大战战了了,因因为为他他知知道道电电影影中中的的每每个个细细节节。”看看电电影影的的事事情情虽虽发发生生在在过过去去,但但是是本本句句强强调调的的是是该该动动作作与与现现在在的的关关系系,因因此此需需用用现现在在完完成成时时。而而一一般般过过去去时时只只表表示示动动作作发发生生在在过过去去某某个个时时间间这这一一事事实实,不不说说明明与与现现在在的的联联系系。如如Karl saw Star Wars last Saturday。Section ADirections: Fil

85、l in each blank with the proper form of the verb given in brackets.1. Please be quiet. I (try) _ to study.2. John (never see) _ snow in his lifetime.3. I will write to you as soon as I (arrive) _ there.4. Since classes began, I (not have) _ much free time.5. When he (drop) _ the cup, the coffee spil

86、led on my dress.am tryinghas never seenarrivehave not haddropped6. After a week of rain, Im glad that the sun (shine) _again today.7. I like this apartment. The sun (shine) _in my bedroom window in the morning.8. If he (come) _ this afternoon, I will tell him about the change of class.9. So far John

87、 (find) _ little information on the Internet for his paper.10. Ann (start) _ a letter to her parents last week, but she still (not finish) _ it.is shiningshinescomeshas found startedhas not finishedSection BDirections: Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper tense.A: I _trying to rea

88、ch him three days ago. Since then, I _ his cell phone four times and I _ at least six e-mails. So far he (not) _ to any of my efforts to reach him.B: Oh, thats too bad. I guess modern communication (not) _much if there _ no one at the other end.be call mean respond send startstartedhave calledhave s

89、enthas not respondeddoesnt meanisBackground References 1. Etiquette (礼节礼节) and Manners in the United StatesBehavior Business conversation may take place during meals. However, many times you will find more social conversation taking place during the actual meal. Business meetings may be arranged as

90、breakfast meetings, Text B lunch meetings, or dinner meetings depending on time schedules and necessity. Generally a dinner, even though for business purposes, is treated as a social meal and a time to build rapport (亲善亲善). Gift giving is discouraged or limited by many US companies. A gracious writt

91、en note is always appropriate and acceptable. If you do give a gift, it should not appear to be a bribe (贿贿赂赂). An invitation for a meal or a modest gift is usually acceptable. If you are some place with a line or queue, go to the end and wait your turn. Do not use or chew on a toothpick (牙签牙签) in p

92、ublic. Many public places and private homes do not allow smoking. In some areas laws have been passed to prevent smoking in public places.Communications Offer a firm handshake, lasting 3-5 seconds, upon greeting and leaving. Maintain good eye contact during your handshake. If you are meeting several

93、 people at once, maintain eye contact with the person you are shaking hands with, until you are moving on to the next person. Good eye contact during business and social conversations shows interest, sincerity and confidence. Good friends may briefly embrace (拥拥抱抱), although the larger the city, usu

94、ally the more formal the behavior.Introductions include ones title if appropriate, or Mr., Ms., Mrs. and the full name. Business cards are generally exchanged during introductions. However, they may be exchanged when one party is leaving. A smile is a sign of friendliness, and in rural areas you may

95、 be greeted with a “hello” rather than a handshake. Ask permission to smoke before lighting a cigarette or cigar. Due to health concerns, you may or may not be given permission.Source: http:/2. Etiquette and Manners in ChinaBehavior Do not use large hand movements. The Chinese do not speak with thei

96、r hands. Your movements may be distracting to your host. Personal contact must be avoided at all cost. It is highly inappropriatefor a man to touch a woman in public. Do not point when speaking. To point do not use your index finger (食食指指), use an open palm. It is considered improper to put your han

97、d in your mouth. Avoid acts that involve the mouth.Gift giving is a very delicate issue in China. It is illegal to give gifts to government official; however, it has become more commonplace in the business world. It is more acceptable to give gifts either in private or to a group as awhole to avoid

98、embarrassment. The most acceptable gift is a banquet. Quality writing pens are considered as favored gifts. The following gifts are associated with death and should not be given: clocks, straw sandals (草草鞋鞋), handkerchiefs. Always arrive on time or early if you are the guest. Do not start to eat or

99、drink prior to the host. As a cultural courtesy, you should taste all the dishes you are offered. Never place your chopsticks (筷筷子子) straight up in your bowl. By placing your sticks upright in your bowl you will remind your host of joss (神神像像) sticks which connotes (意意味味) death. Do not drop the chop

100、sticks it is considered bad luck. Do not eat all of your meal. If you eat all of your meal, the Chinese will assume you did not receive enough food and are still hungry. Women do not usually drink at meals.Communications Bowing or nodding is the common greeting; however, you may be offered a handsha

101、ke. Wait for the Chinese to offer their hand first. Applause is common when greeting a crowd; the same is expected in return.Introductions are formal. Use formal titles. Being on time is vital in China. Appointments are a must for business. Contacts should be made prior to your trip. Present and rec

102、eive cards with both hands. Never write on a business card or put it in your wallet or pocket. Carry a small card case. The most important member of your company or group should lead important meetings. Chinese value rank and status. Source:http:/3. How to Apologize You are responsible for how your

103、actions affect other people. We are not perfect, and sometimes we make mistakes. Therefore, there will be many times when we must apologize. A poor apology will only make a bad situation worse, but a good apology will defuse (去掉雷管去掉雷管) every bomb. A proper apology is direct, sincere and simple: 1) A

104、pologize in person. If thats not possible, handwrite a short note. Do not type the apology. Do not send e-mail; do not buy an “Im sorry” card; do not leave a voice message on an answering machine. 2) Apologize with true regret. If you believe you did nothing wrong but someone has been hurt by your a

105、ctions, be sincerely regretful about the persons pain. Ignore your good intensions and focus on the unintended consequence. 3) Apologize with a simple message. This is not the time for fancy vocabulary or fancy sentence structure. Get immediately to the point: a good opening is “Im sorry” followed b

106、y a short description of what youre sorry about, acknowledge the other persons feelings, and close with an offer to do whatever is needed to heal the pain you caused.Source: http:/ Manners No matter how nicely we dress, how beautifully we decorate our homes, or how lovely our dinner parties are, we

107、cant be truly stylish without good manners. Its impossible. Genuine style and graciousness go hand in hand.Linda DanoT文明礼貌文明礼貌 无无论论我我们们衣衣服服如如何何华华丽丽漂漂亮亮,房房间间如如何何富富丽丽堂堂皇皇,晚晚宴宴如如何何美美味味丰丰盛盛,如如果果缺缺少少文文明明礼礼貌貌,我我们们就就不不能能算算真真正正的的时时髦髦漂漂亮亮,绝绝不不可可能能。真真正正的的时时髦髦和礼貌是紧密相连的。和礼貌是紧密相连的。trulyHe reported the event trul

108、y.A truly fine show animal may earn its owners a large amount of money.1) ad. really 真诚地,真心地真诚地,真心地We are truly sorry for the inconvenience.Many people finish their letters with “Yours truly” or “Truly yours”.2) ad. 真实地,确切地真实地,确切地hand in hand closely linked together 并进,联合并进,联合I saw John and Helen wa

109、lk hand in hand on the campus the other day.Old age often goes hand in hand with poor health. Take the long-lost art of saying thank you. Like wearing a little lipstick or making sure your hair is neat, getting into the habit of saying thank you can make you feel better about yourself, and then you

110、look better to everyone around you. An angry face makes even the most stylishly dressed person look ugly.T例例如如人人们们早早已已丢丢失失了了说说“谢谢谢谢你你”的的礼礼节节。就就像像涂涂唇唇膏膏或或梳梳理理头头发发一一样样,养养成成说说“谢谢谢谢你你”的的习习惯惯,你你会会有有更更好好的的自自我我感感觉觉,周周围围的的人人也也会会对对你你更更有有好好感感。面面带带怒怒容容会使穿着最时髦的人显得丑陋。会使穿着最时髦的人显得丑陋。take = take as an examplelike 和

111、和 as 都都有有 “像像”, , “如如同同” 的的意意思思。但但是是这这两两个个词词的的词词性性不不一一样样,因因此此用用法法也也不不一一样样。like是是介介词词,后后面面跟跟名名词词或或动动名名词词;as是是连连接接词词,后后面面跟跟从从句。例如:句。例如:1) I have always wanted a bike like yours.2) Why didnt you take the subway as I told you?get/fall into the habit ofHe fell into the habit of smoking when he was in hig

112、h school.He got into the habit of taking a walk after supper.form the habit of doing something 养成某种习惯养成某种习惯【反义词反义词】 break the habit of 中止某种习惯中止某种习惯The doctor asked him to break the habit of smoking.使使役役动动词词make + somebody + 不不带带to的的不不定定式式,意意为为“使使某某人人”。第第3 3段段也也有有一一相相同同的的例例句句:It was a sweet gesture t

113、hat made me feel great.又如又如:1) He made me stay for tea.2) John made the little girl tell him everything.当当使使役役动动词词为为被被动动态态时时,不不带带to的的不不定定式式转转为为带带to的的不不定定式式。 例如:例如:I was made to stay for tea.The little girl was made to tell John everything. Of course, saying thank you does wonders for the person on t

114、he receiving end too. I recently got a thank-you note from a guest who attended my 40th birthday party. The note was lovely enough, but even lovelier was the fact that the guest had also included a recipe for a dish Id complimented her on at an earlier gathering. It was a sweet gesture that made me

115、feel great and put me in a good mood. What a gift! Many of us know we should write thank-you notes, but we think we dont have the time or energy. T 毫毫无无疑疑问问,说说“谢谢谢谢你你”对对接接受受谢谢谢谢的的人人也也会会产产生生奇奇妙妙的的效效果果。最最近近我我收收到到了了一一位位曾曾光光临临我我4040岁岁生生日日宴宴会会的的客客人人的的感感谢谢信信。信信写写得得相相当当感感人人,但但更更令令我我感感动动的的是是她她随随信信附附上上了了一一道道

116、食食谱谱。在在以以前前的的一一次次聚聚会会上上我我曾曾称称赞赞她她这这道道菜菜做做得得好好。这这种种亲亲切切的的表表示示让让我我感感觉觉极极棒棒,情情绪绪极极佳佳。多多好好的的礼礼物物!许许多多人人都都知知道道我我们们应应该该写写感感谢谢信信,但但又又觉觉得得没有时间和精力去写。没有时间和精力去写。of coursecertainly 当然当然“I need to go to the post office. May I borrow your bike?” “Of course.”Of course I will come to your house-warming party.wonder

117、Doctors have discovered that smiling can work wonders for your health.The people really did wonder in building the railway into the Tibet.1) n. feeling of surprise mixed with admiration or disbelief 奇迹,惊奇,惊愕奇迹,惊奇,惊愕She gazed with wonder at the beautiful night sky.When the canal was built in the 1820

118、s, it was the engineering wonder of its time.【词组词组】do/work wonder have good effect 创造奇迹创造奇迹I wonder if it will rain this afternoon.You may wonder how anything can live in this extreme environment of a desert.2) v. feel surprised 感到惊讶,惊奇感到惊讶,惊奇The mysterious motion of Mars has caused so many people t

119、o wonder.Many people wonder at the beauty of nature around them.3) v. express an interest in knowing 感到疑惑,想知道感到疑惑,想知道I was _ which country to visit in the coming summer vacation.A. finding B. wondering C. worrying D. doubting正正确确选选项项是是B, 表表示示“想想知知道道,在在考考虑虑”,后后面面常常接接宾宾语语从从句句。find 意意为为“发发现现”; worry “担

120、担心心”; doubt “怀怀疑疑”。【构词构词】wonderful a. 令人惊奇的,奇妙的令人惊奇的,奇妙的She wants her visitors to have wonderful memories of their visit.【全真题全真题】2006年年 6月月 B级级receive1) v. get, accept, take (something sent, given) 收到,接到收到,接到Women should receive the same education and health care as men.Valentines Day is a special t

121、ime for love. Millions of people will receive flowers, chocolate or some other gift.2) v. greet, entertain a guest 接待接待The returning soldiers were received as heroes.She stood by the gate of the restaurant to receive her guests.【构词构词】reception n. 接待,招待会,接收接待,招待会,接收I am preparing rooms for the recept

122、ion of some friends.Cable TV gives good reception.【辨析辨析】receive/accept这这两两个个词词都都有有“接接受受”的的意意思思。receive表表示示接接受受所所给给予予或或送送交交的的东东西西,是是被被动动行行为为。accept表表示示乐乐意意接接受受所所给给予予或或提提供供的东西,是主动行为。例如:的东西,是主动行为。例如:1) She has received his present, but she will not accept it.2) She has received the invitation to Johns

123、birthday party and gladly accepted it.attend1) v. be present at 出席,参加出席,参加Millions of Americans attend outdoor music concerts each summer.They attend classes in the evening or on weekends designed especially for working people.2) v. take care of 照顾,护理照顾,护理They help attend our garden during our absen

124、ce.Which doctor is attending you?【构词构词】My attendance at my sisters wedding reception is required.She is in attendance on the sick man.1) attendance n. 出席,照料出席,照料a swimming-pool attendant2) attendant n. 服务员服务员1) Happy indeed are those who passed that important exam.2)More serious was the question of

125、how the government would present their joint announcement.but even lovelier was the fact 是是倒倒装装句句,该该句句的的主主语语是是the fact that the guest gathering。当当主主语语结结构构较较复复杂杂或或较较长长时时,主语补语就会前置,而主语就会后置变成倒装句。又如:主语补语就会前置,而主语就会后置变成倒装句。又如:compliment onexpress praise or admiration for 称赞称赞, , 恭维恭维Quite a few people comp

126、limented me on my design of the new dress.In awarding the prize, the president complimented the winners on their creative ideas.I want to compliment you on your handling of a very difficult situation.be in mood1) be in state of ones feelings or mind 处于处于心情,情绪心情,情绪He is often in a bad mood on Monday.

127、She seems to be in a good mood today.It seems she is in a good mood today and smiles a lot.2) be in the mood + to do something 有做某事的心思或兴致有做某事的心思或兴致It seems they are in the mood to cooperate with us in this project.Helen seems to be in no mood to tell her daughter a bed-time story today.gift1) n. thi

128、ng given willingly without payment 礼物礼物Well, Im looking for a gift for my fathers birthday. How much is that wallet?2) n. natural talent or ability 天赋天赋He is a man of many gifts. 【词词组组】have a gift for something/doing something 有有的天赋的天赋Sue has a gift for music.The little girl has a gift for making fr

129、iends. Just as powerful as a thank-you note is the simple phrase excuse me. Dont you just hate it when someone knocks an enormous carry-on bag into your head when hes walking down the aisle to board an airplane and then doesnt bother to say hes sorry? But when someone does stop and turn around and g

130、enuinely apologizes, doesnt it melt away most if not all of the anger you felt?T如如同同感感谢谢信信一一样样,简简单单的的一一句句“对对不不起起”也也能能产产生生奇奇效效。当当有有人人急急匆匆匆匆地地穿穿过过走走道道去去登登机机,他他携携带带的的大大行行李李包包碰碰撞撞了了你你的的头头,而而他他却却连连一一声声对对不不起起都都不不说说,你你难难道道不不生生气气吗吗?但但是是如如果果那那个个人人停停下下来来,转转过过头头,真真诚诚地地向向你你道道歉歉,这这难难道道不不会会化化解解你你的的大大部分愤怒部分愤怒如果不是全

131、部的话?如果不是全部的话?Dont you 这是反问句,意思为这是反问句,意思为“难道你不难道你不吗吗? ?” 又如:又如:1) Dont you know smoking is not allowed in the classroom?2) Dont you think that I know that?bother1) make the effort to do something (为做某事为做某事) 费工夫费工夫Many people didnt bother voting in last weeks election.He didnt bother to answer the que

132、stion.2) make someone feel worried or upset 添麻烦,使烦心添麻烦,使烦心She told him to stop bothering her.My back is bothering me today.does stop, does 在此起强调作用。又如:在此起强调作用。又如:1) He does wish to know what happened yesterday.2) I do want you to come with me.cause to face in a different direction 转过身转过身turn round/ar

133、oundTurn the chair around to the window.John turned around when he heard somebody call his name.apologize/apologisev. say one is sorry for doing something 道歉,认错道歉,认错To apologize for being late, I brought you a bunch of flowers.【构词构词】apology n. 道歉道歉The coach made a public apology for the teams poor p

134、erformance.melt awaybecome liquid; slowly go away 融化,消失融化,消失The ice on the lake melted away overnight.His apology and flower melted away her anger.About half an hour after the football game the crowd melted away. And punctuality is not a thing of the past, either. Being on time for lunch dates, for

135、example, show the person were meeting that we value his or her precious time as much as we do our own. And for heavens sake, we shouldnt forget to use good manners with our own families. Thats where it counts the most because those are the people we love the most. Find ways to show your care every d

136、ay.T准准时时也也不不是是一一种种过过时时的的礼礼节节。比比如如,准准时时赴赴午午餐餐表表明明你你珍珍视视他他人人的的时时间间就就如如同同珍珍视视你你自自己己的的时时间间。看看在在上上帝帝的的分分上上,你你不不应应该该忘忘记记对对家家人人以以礼礼相相待待。这这是是至至关关重重要要的的,因因为为家家人人是是我我们们的的最爱。每天都要寻找机会来表露你的关爱。最爱。每天都要寻找机会来表露你的关爱。We value his or her precious time as much as we do our own. 此此句句中中的的do为为代代动动词词,代代前前面面的的谓谓语语动动词词value,以

137、避免重复用同一动词。又如:以避免重复用同一动词。又如:1) She plays the piano better than she does (= plays) the guitar.2) John speaks Japanese as well as he does (= speaks) English.1) v. have a high opinion of 重视重视Do you still value me as a friend?I value your advice.value2) v. estimate the money value of 估价估价The house values

138、 for less than the price I paid.Some experts value the first Japanese telephone card at about 28,000 pounds.3) n. 价值,估价价值,估价The value of the dollar may fall.The value of this house has doubled since we bought it.【全真题全真题】2007年年 12月月 B级级The house was sold for $60000, which was far more than its real _

139、. A. money B. payment C. value D. profit正正确确选选项项是是C。value “价价值值” 符符合合题题意意。本本句句意意为为“这这房房子子售售价价60000美美元元,远远远远超超出出其其真真正正的的价价值值。”money “货货币币,金钱金钱”;payment “付款,支付付款,支付”;profit “利润,益处利润,益处”。for somebody/somethings sake in order to help somebody/something 为了为了的缘故的缘故Please fasten your seatbelt for the sake

140、of your safety.I hope you are studying not just for your parents sake.Im really honored you went through all this trouble just for my sake. I firmly believe spouses should be gracious about the routine things they expect each other to do. When your husband finally puts the cap back on the toothpaste

141、, thank him for it. Thank him for taking out the garbage, even if it is his only chore. Thank your wife for washing the dishes or making dinner. Show that you dont take the other person for granted. He or she is much more likely to treat you the same way.T我我深深信信夫夫妻妻之之间间对对于于期期待待对对方方所所做做的的日日常常家家务务活活也也

142、应应讲讲礼礼貌貌。你你丈丈夫夫帮帮你你盖盖上上牙牙膏膏盖盖,你你要要感感谢谢他他。他他把把垃垃圾圾倒倒了了,即即使使这这是是他他所所做做的的唯唯一一家家务务活活,你你要要感感谢谢他他。你你妻妻子子洗洗碗碗做做饭饭,你你要要感感谢谢她她。你你应应该该表表明明你你没没有有把把对对方方做做家家务务看看作作是是理理所所当当然然的的。这样他或她也更可能用同样的方法对你。这样他或她也更可能用同样的方法对你。routine1) a. usual, normal 例行的,日常的例行的,日常的She made her routine trip to the store.My doctor wants me to

143、 do some routine blood tests.2) n. 常规,日常事务常规,日常事务He has a different routine on weekends than he does on weekdays.It will help you to get good sleep if you can have a relaxing bedtime routine.even ifin spite of the fact or belief that 即使即使They enjoy negotiating over prices, even if they really do not

144、 need the object.But even if every large city reused its water, we still would not have enough.The study shows that some lung damage from smoking cannot be repaired even if a person stops smoking.take for granted把把看作是理所当然的看作是理所当然的I took it for granted that you will go with us to the party.You cannot

145、 take it for granted that you will pass the test.Never take anyone for granted and never let anyone take you for granted.He speaks English so well that I took it for granted that he was a native speaker. Similarly, bringing home the most insignificant little gifts for people you love will go a long

146、way. It shows theyre in your thoughts and you want to make them happy. Good manners are infectious. Now, if we could just get everyone to catch them.(480 words)Article source: English DigestT 同同样样,给给你你所所珍珍爱爱的的人人买买件件并并不不昂昂贵贵的的小小礼礼物物也也很很有有效效。这表明你心里有他们并且想让他们高兴。这表明你心里有他们并且想让他们高兴。 礼礼貌貌的的举举止止行行为为是是有有感感染染力

147、力的的。现现在在,如如果果能能让让每每个个人人都都感染上那该多好啊!感染上那该多好啊! Practical Writing Forms (2)(表格表格)Application for Admission as an International Student(留学申请表留学申请表)Name _ _ Family name (姓) First name (名)Sex Male(男) Female(女)Birth date (Mo.-Day-Yr.)(月-日-年)_City and Country of Birth _Nationality _Visa Type student tourist

148、otherMarital Status Single Married DivorcedNative Language _Present Address _ (Street and number) _ (Town or city) _ (Province or state) _ (Country)Telephone number _ChineseChinaE-mail address LFax number (传真号) 02165524856English Proficiency (英语水平)(a) For how long did you learn English in school? _y

149、ears(b) How would you describe your English?very good good fair poor(c) Have you completed a TOEFL test or other type of test? yes no Type of test Test date Result TOEFL _ _ June 2009560Education & Work Experience Name of School/Institute Date CompletedJunior H.S. (初中) _ Senior H.S. (高中) _Present Oc

150、cupation (现在职业): _Current Study (在读): _StudentShanghai Fuxing Junior High SchoolPractical ReadingDirections: The following is an article on how to fill in an employment application form. After reading it, complete the information about the article by filling in the blanks with no more than three wor

151、ds.Tips for Filling in Application Forms Anyone who has come across an application form in the past will know that they require quite a significant investment of time and effort, which is a reason employers like to use them they put off the less committed (效忠的效忠的). There are numerous right and wrong

152、 ways of completing an application form. The ones we think are the most important are listed below: It sounds obvious, but make sure you read the instructions and the questions very carefully before writing your responses failing to do so will get your form committed to the bin (垃垃圾箱圾箱) in seconds.

153、Select your most pertinent(有有关关的的)skills and experience and present these as clearly as possible always re-read the question to make sure you arent filling the response box with less relevant material. When completing an application form, less is definitely more. The personal statement is generally

154、the part of the form that you will need to invest most of your time in and the part that will best showcase(陈列陈列)your personal qualities. As with all applications, check for spelling and grammar mistakes and always get the completed form reviewed by a fresh pair of eyes they will almost certainly pi

155、ck up mistakes you have missed and can provide some useful, constructive criticism. Dont forget to keep a copy of your completed form you will need to review what you have written if you are called for interview. Always be honest. It will do you no favours to lie and if you get as far as interview s

156、tage, any exaggerations(夸夸张张) will usually be picked up.Article source: http:/www.careers-seeker.co.ukTask Read and Complete1. Before writing your responses you should always read the _ and the _ very carefully.2. “When completing an application form, less is definitely more,” means you should only

157、put the most _skills and experience instead of filling the response box with less relevant material.3. The _is the part that will best showcase your personal qualities.instructionsquestionspertinentpersonal statement4. To make sure there are no mistakes. You should not only check for mistakes yourse

158、lf, but also get the form reviewed by a _ pair of eyes.5. Always be honest, because any exaggerations will usually be picked up at _.freshan interviewPart C Fun TimePupil: Would you punish me for something I didnt do?Teacher: Of course not.Pupil: Good, because I havent done my homework. Joke1. 2.Wha

159、t am I? Two little brothers,I am so weak, One lives on one side,That a little wind can move me. The other on the other side,I am so strong, They hear what you say.That you can cut me with But they do not see eacha knife and leave no trace. other.Riddles1. Water2. EarsSing AlongSay You, Say MeLionel

160、RichieW Listening ComprehensionDirections:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the following following questions questions and and complete complete the responses. the responses. Section ASection B Directions:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the following following conversations conversations and

161、and choose choose the best answer. the best answer. Work book Directions:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the following following short short passage passage and and then then fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.fill in the blanks with the missing words or phrases.Section CDirect

162、ions:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the passage passage again again and and then then answer answer the the questions in no more than three words. questions in no more than three words. Text Related TasksReading ComprehensionPractical Reading and WritingPRETCO-Simulated TestDirections:Direction

163、s: Listen Listen to to the the questions questions and and choose choose the the best best answer. The questions will be spoken twice. answer. The questions will be spoken twice. Section APart I Listening Comprehension(15 minutes)Section BDirections:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the dialogues

164、dialogues and and choose choose the the best best answer. answer. Both Both the the dialogues dialogues and and questions questions will will be be spoken spoken twice. twice. Directions:Directions: Listen Listen to to the the short short passage passage and and fill fill in in the the blanks blanks

165、 with with the the missing missing words words or or phrases. phrases. The The passage passage will will be be read read three times. three times. Section CPart II Vocabulary & Structure (15 minutes)Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Part IV Translation English into Chinese (25 minutes)Part V Writing(25 minutes)



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