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1、Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?Section BWhos the most talented person you know? What can he/she do? Talk about it. 2aIthinkLiFeiisthemosttalentedperson.Whatcanshedo?Shecanstandonherhead.Whoisthemosttalentedpersonyouknow?Whatcanhe/shedo?Tellyourpartneraboutthisperson.2aA:Ithinkisthemosttalentedpe

2、rson.B:Whatcanhe/shedo?A:He/SheBecause he danced without music.because she can dance like a fish. WhosGotTalent?Everyoneisgoodatsomething,butsomepeoplearetrulytalented.Alltheseshowshaveonethingincommon.However,noteverybodyenjoyswatchingtheseshows.Whatsit?A.adiaryB.anadC.areport2bReadthepassagebelow.

3、Whichthreetalentshowsarementioned?美国偶像美国偶像ChinasGotTalent .s got talent 是一个特定的show其特色就是名字都是国家直接加s .(=has)Readthepassagebelow.Whichthreetalentedshowsarementioned? Whos Got Talent?Everyoneisgoodatsomething,butsomepeoplearetrulytalented.Itsalwaysinterestingtowatchotherpeopleshowtheirtalents.Talentshows


5、plejointheseshows.Butwhocanplaythepianothebestorsingthemostbeautifully?Thatsuptoyoutodecide.Whenpeoplewatchtheshow,theyusuallyplayaroleindecidingthewinner.Andthewinneralwaysgetsaverygoodprize.have sth in common与与相同,有共同点相同,有共同点be up to由由决定决定play a role in在在方面发挥作用方面发挥作用However,noteverybodyenjoyswatchi

6、ngtheseshows.Somethinkthatthelivesoftheperformersaremadeup.Forexample,somepeoplewhosaytheyarepoorfarmersareinfactjustactors.Butifyoudonttaketheseshowstooseriously,theyarefuntowatch.Andonegreatthingaboutthemisthattheygivepeopleawaytomaketheirdreamscometrue.make up编造编造谁是达人每个人有他擅长的领域,但有些人对于那些领域不仅是擅长,而且

7、是个极具天赋的达人。观看他人展现才华吸引着许多人,因此电视上的才艺展示节目在近年来大受欢迎。起初,在美国兴起了“美国偶像”(American Idol)和“美国达人秀”(Americans Got Talent)。如今,世界各地都有诸如此类的节目,比如说中国达人秀。所有这些节目都有一个共同点:他们尽可能地寻找着最达人的达人,例如歌喉最棒的歌手,最具天赋的舞者,最令人兴奋的魔术师和最有趣的地喜剧演员等等。但是谁就说他们是最棒的?每个人都掌握着决定权。当普通的观众观看这些节目的时候,他们也同时充当着决定胜负的裁判。获胜的达人会得到很好的奖赏。 MarkT(True)orF(False).1.Tal

8、entshowsaregettingmoreandmorepopular.2.Thewinnerdoesntgetagoodprize.3.Alltheseshowscangivepeopleawaytomaketheirdreamscometrue.TFTwatch sb.do sth观看某人做了某事.more and more popular越来越流行中国达人秀共同,公共他们尽量寻找最优秀的歌手、最有天赋的舞者、最令人兴奋的魔术师、最滑稽的演员等等。be up to sb.由某人决定 play a role in在中发挥作用/扮演角色not+all,both,every,every的不定代

9、词为“部分否定”-“并非每个人”谁是达人?有些人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的。重要的是它们给了人们一个能让他们的梦想实现的方式。1.What do talent shows have in common?2.Who decides the winner?3.Why do some people not like these shows?4.Why do some people like these shows?5.What do you think of these shows?(答案不唯一)Theytrytolookforthebestsingers,themosttalenteddance


11、canmakepeoplesdreamcometrue.2cReadthepassageagainandanswerthequestions.I think they can give people a way to make up their dreams come true. 指导:指导:读这五个问题,带着问题去读短文。读这五个问题,带着问题去读短文。在短文中划出相关问题的依据,并作出在短文中划出相关问题的依据,并作出回答。回答。Underlinethesuperlativesinthepassage.bestmosttalentedmostexcitingfunniest,bestmos

12、tbeautifullybest singer: In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well._Underlineallthesuperlativesinthepassage.Thenwritesentencesusingatleastfourofthem.2dmosttalenteddancers:Jennyisthemosttalenteddancersbecauseshecandancelikeafish.mostexcitingmagicians:LiuQianisthemos

13、texcitingmagicians.funniestactor:Lindaisthefunniestactorbecauseshecansinglikeaparrot.2eWhosgottalentinyourclass?Addmoretalentsandwriteaclassmatesnameforeachtalent.Findouthowmanystudentsinyourgroupagreewithyou.A:Who(doyouthink)isthefunniestpersonyouknow?B:Ithinkisthefunniest personIknow.A:Whydoyouthi

14、nkso?B:Because. funniest most creative best quietest smartsmartestest tall tallestest heavheaviest iest friendl friendliestiest thinnthinnest est bus busiestiest mostmost popular popularWhosgottalentinyourclass?TalentsClassmatesnamesHowmanystudentsagree?thebestchessplayerthemosttalenteddancerthemost






20、fhungry.我有点饿。我有点饿。4.Thatsuptoyoutodecide.那由你来决定那由你来决定beuptosomebody是是的职责;由的职责;由决定决定句子的主句子的主语语通常通常为为it,有有时时也用也用this或或that.eg:Youcanjointheclueonceortwiceaweekitsuptoyou.eg:Itsuptohimtodoit.这事该由他做这事该由他做Itsuptoyoutodecidewhethertogoortostay.是去是留该由你决定。是去是留该由你决定。 Howmuchshouldheplay?Thatsuptohimtodecide!



23、usly.别把这件事看得这么严重别把这件事看得这么严重Sometimesteacherstakestudentshomeworktooseriously.有有时时候老候老师们师们把学生作把学生作业业看的太重。看的太重。Heisjoking.Donttakeitseriously. 他是跟你开玩笑呢,他是跟你开玩笑呢, 你别当真。你别当真。7.Whenpeoplewatchtheshow,theyusuallyplayaroleindecidingthewinner.人人们们看看这样这样的的节节目目时时,通常承担着,通常承担着评评判判优胜优胜的角色。的角色。playarole意意为为“扮演某一角

24、色;起到某种作用扮演某一角色;起到某种作用”后面接介后面接介词词in,表示表示“在某事或某个方面起到作在某事或某个方面起到作用或承担角色用或承担角色”如:如:Johnisplayingtheleadingroleinthisyearsplay.今年的演出中今年的演出中约约翰是主角。翰是主角。Schoolsplaythemostimportantroleineducation.学校在教育中起着最学校在教育中起着最为为重要的作用。重要的作用。用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。 1. I am very _. But Tom is _ than I . Frank is _

25、. (tired) 2. Which is _ (difficult), physics or biology ? 3. This book is _ than the other two . It is _of the three . (easy) 4. In summer its _ (hot) in Wu Han than in Beijing . 5. The Chinese people have a much _ (good)life now . tiredmore tiredthe most tiredmore differenteasierthe easiesthotterbe

26、tter1. Read the passage after class.2. Write report according to the chart in 2e. 3a Read the article about the school talent show. Fill in each blank with one of the words in the box.best was quietest sang funniest wereLast weeks talent show a great success.There fifteen acts. Eliza Clark won thepr

27、ize for the performer. She played a beautiful piano piece. Hu Yue was the_performer. He danced without music.The prize for the act went to Steve Tian and his dog, Fido. They a cute song together.waswerebestquietestfunniestsang3aAnswer the following questions:1.Howwas Lastweeks talentshow?Itwasagreat


29、stact?SteveTianandhisdog,Fido.8.Whatdidtheysing?Theysangacutesongtogether. Dennis The Math TeachersThe Math Teachersworstloudest Name What people say Eliza Steve Verabest,excellent,greatfunniestmostcreativeLookatactivity2b(onpage74).Writeanarticleabouttheotherperformersintheschooltalentshow.3bAmodel

30、article LastweekIwenttoourschooltalentshow.Itwasagreatsuccess/fantastic.Verawasthemostcreativeperformer.Sheplayedtheguitarupside.ImsorrytosayDenniswastheworstperformer.Theprizefortheloudestperformerwenttothemathteachers.Theysangabeautifuloldsong. 3bImagineyouwenttoatalentshowoffamouspeople.Writeanar

31、ticleaboutthetalentshow.TheFamousPeopleTalentshowwasfantastic.ThefunniestperformerwasJimCarrey.He sang a cute song as he danced to his song. His dance was cheerful(欢快欢快) and funny. Tom Smith was the quietest performer. He played dumb show(哑剧哑剧) which was very interesting. Susan won the prize for the

32、 best performer. She played a wonderful violin piece.3cGroup workWhat/Whodoyouthinkisthefunniestactor?mostcreativemusicradioloudestmusicgroupmostboringTVshow?worstmovie?bestbook?4_ _Interview3students,writedowntheiranswers:1. talent show 艺术表演2. win the prize for sth. 因为.而得奖 去年他因为好成绩而得奖。 He won the p

33、rize for the good grades last year.3. piece 篇,首,文艺作品 a snow piece/picture 一幅雪景画 a piece of paper 一张纸 play a piano piece 弹一首钢琴曲Language pointsLanguage points4.The prize for goes / went to sb.颁奖给某人颁奖给某人=Steve won the prize for the quietest performer.5.He danced without music 他在没有音乐伴奏的情况下跳舞他在没有音乐伴奏的情况下

34、跳舞Without 介词介词“没有。如果没有,要没有没有。如果没有,要没有”He answered without thinking at once.He went to school without breakfast.Thats a room without a window .She is a poor old woman even without a name .I cant be a good student without your help.5. without prep.(介词) 没有没有 鱼没有水不能生存。 Fish cant live without water. 没有空气

35、就没有生命。 There is no lives without air.6.successn.成功成功好的开端是成功的一半。好的开端是成功的一半。Agoodbeginningisahalfofsuccess.successfuladj.成功的成功的昨天王杰的演唱会很成功。昨天王杰的演唱会很成功。WangJiesconcertwasverysuccessfulyesterday.我班开了一次很成功的班会课。我班开了一次很成功的班会课。Myclassheldaverysuccessfulclassmeeting.succeedv.成功成功我希望北京奥运会成功我希望北京奥运会成功。IhopeBei

36、jingOlympicGameswillsucceed. HomeworkHomeworkWrite a report of the Write a report of the interview in activity 4.interview in activity 4. Thanks for Thanks for listening! listening! Self check Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form of the word if necessary.dance learn do a survey o

37、f go think about1. What did you in school today?2. We what movies students like watching.3. It was interesting to hear what the class action movies.4. Boys love action movies but girls dont often to see them.5. Can you ? We need some more actors for the talent show.learndid a survey ofthought aboutg

38、odance1Readtheinformationanddiscuss:Whichisthebestcitytovisitforawinter?Why?SanyaBeijingHarbin2SanyaBeijingHarbinwinter vacation寒假寒假1.If you have a chance to travel, where do like to choose? And why?2.2. When you want to shop , where would you like to go? And why?3.3. If your parents arent at home a

39、nd they give you some money to buy food by yourself, where would you like to buy? And why?4.4. If this Sunday your classmates and you want to have a picnic , where would you like to go? And why? My answers1.I want to travel to Hainan, because it has the most beautiful scenery .2. I want to go shoppi

40、ng in a supermarket, because I think it has the most comfortable environment.3. I would like to go to KFC, because it has the friendliest service.4. I want to go to the Forest Park, because it has the freshest air and it can make us relaxed.Weatherwarmest:coldest:Pricecheapest:most expensive:Activit

41、ies a lot to do:little to do:Distancenearest:farthest:距离,路程距离,路程最远的最远的(far的比较级的比较级)Readtheinformationaboutthethreecities.Findmoreinformationaboutthemandcompletethechart.2Sanya is in Hainan Province. Its still warm in winter. Its about 15c in the afternoon. Sanya has beautiful beaches. The price of a

42、 hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.省省仍然仍然Harbin is in the north of China. Its cold in winter, sometimes -30c. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival in winter. A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.冰雪节冰雪节Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about -5c. It doesnt

43、often rain or snow. Hotels usually cut their prices in winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.HainanProvince省省Sanyainsouthern南方的南方的China 15C(fifteendegreesCelsius)SanyaisinHainanProvinceinsouthernChina.Itsstill(仍然)(仍然)warminwinter.Itsabout15Cintheafternoon.Sanyahaslovelybeaches.Theprice(价格价格)ofaho

44、telroomisabout320yuananight.三亚在海南省三亚在海南省.冬天仍很暖和冬天仍很暖和.下午约下午约15度度.三亚有美丽的三亚有美丽的沙滩沙滩,酒店房酒店房价约价约30元元/晚晚 Beijing is not very cold in winter. Its about -10c. It doesnt often rain or snow. Hotels usually cut their prices(减价)减价) in winter. About 200 yuan a night is enough.充足的,足够的充足的,足够的-10csnow(minustendegr

45、eesCelsius)北京冬天不冷北京冬天不冷,大约大约-5度度,不经不经常下雨或雪常下雨或雪,酒店通常在冬季酒店通常在冬季减价减价,一晚约一晚约200元足够了元足够了.HarbininthenorthofChina(innorthernChina)IceandSnowFestival冰雪节冰雪节Harbin is in northern China. Its cold in winter,sometimes -30c. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节冰雪节in winter. A

46、 hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.哈尔滨在中国北部哈尔滨在中国北部哈尔滨在中国北部哈尔滨在中国北部, ,冬天很冷冬天很冷冬天很冷冬天很冷, ,有有有有时时时时-30-30度度度度, ,游客需穿暖和的衣服游客需穿暖和的衣服游客需穿暖和的衣服游客需穿暖和的衣服. .冬天那儿有冰灯节冬天那儿有冰灯节冬天那儿有冰灯节冬天那儿有冰灯节, ,酒店房价每酒店房价每酒店房价每酒店房价每晚约晚约晚约晚约230230元元元元Readthetextagainanddothesequestion:TorF1.()TherearelovelybeachesinSanya.2.(

47、)InBeijing,itisabout30cinwinter.3.()Thepriceofahotelroomisabout200yuananightinwinterinBeijing.4.()ItiswarminwinterinHainan.5.()ItdoesntoftensnoworraininwinterinHarbin.TFTTFWeather warmest:coldest:Pricecheapest:most expensive:Activitiesa lot to do:little to do:Distance nearest:farthest:SanyaHarbinBei

48、jingSanya距离,路程距离,路程最远的最远的(far的比较级的比较级)SanyaHarbinReadtheinformationaboutthethreecities.Findmoreinformationaboutthemandcompletethechart.Discuss: Which is the best city to visit for a winter vacation? Why?In my opinion,is the best city to visit, becauseI think1.It was interesting to hear听一听全班同学对动作片的看法

49、是很有趣的听一听全班同学对动作片的看法是很有趣的It is +形容词形容词+of sb to do sth sb. 说明形容词说明形容词It is not polite to jump the queueIt is good to help others in troubleIt is important for him to work well at school It is important to study computer wellIt is +形容词形容词+ to do sthIt is +形容词形容词+for sb to do sth sb. 说明说明to do 的事情的事情It

50、 was for me to answer the question.It is kind of you to think so much for us It 2. We need some more actors for the talent show I want two more apples 数词数词+more +n( 复数复数)=another+数词数词+n( 复数复数)Would you like some more tea?I have another three questions to ask you We need some more teachers in our sch

51、oolsome more再一些再一些 又一些又一些= I want another two apples=I have three more questions to ask you.5.The price of a hotel宾馆房间的价格是大约每晚宾馆房间的价格是大约每晚320元元The price of 的价格的价格 on “与境界相接与境界相接 “Japan is in the east of Asia3.Harbin is in the northern China哈尔滨在中国的北部哈尔滨在中国的北部 Korea is on the east of China in“在在在其中在其中

52、”在某物内的方向在某物内的方向Whats the price of the car? =How much the car?Japan is to the east of China 4.About 200 yuan a night is enough大约每晚大约每晚200元就够了元就够了enough 放在名词前后都可以放在名词前后都可以to “彼此境界不相接,在境界外彼此境界不相接,在境界外” We have enough money to buy a car The boy is old enough to look after himself5.There is 冬天有冰雪节冬天有冰雪节

53、Is there enough water for us ? There is going to be a sports meeting nest week This house isnt big enough for us enough放在动词,形容词。副词的后面放在动词,形容词。副词的后面 There be 句式的时态由句式的时态由be 的形式来表示的形式来表示There were 50 women teachers at the party last nightHe is tall enough to reach the apples 6.need to wear warm clothe

54、s I need to practice the piano every day.1. province 省省 广东省位于中国的南部。 Guangdong province is/lies in the south of China.2. =Celsius 摄氏摄氏 10 =ten degrees Celsius 摄氏10度 38 =thirty-eight degrees Celsius6. -10 =minus ten degrees Celsius 零下10摄氏度 -38 =minus thirty-eight degrees CelsiusNotes7. sometimes 有时有时

55、sometime 某时某时 some times 多次多次 some time 某些时间某些时间 选用上面的正确形式填空:1.I went to Beijing _.2.I am sure I will be an engineer_.3. Her father stayed in the country for _.4. How often do you exercise? _. some times sometime some time Sometimes3. cut the price 减价 在国庆节许多商店进行大减价。 On National Day many stores cut t

56、he price. 4. bargainn.特价商品,特价商品,v.讨价讨价 如果你想买到特价商品,就记住和他们讨价还价,如果你想买到特价商品,就记住和他们讨价还价,他们就不得不减价了。他们就不得不减价了。 If you want to buy the bargains. Remember to bargain with them. They will have to cut the price. 这这本书真便宜。本书真便宜。 The book is very cheap. =The book is a real bargain.5. put on , wear, dress 的区别的区别 p

57、ut on 指“穿上” 外面很冷,请你穿上大衣。Its very cold outside. Please put on the coat. wear 强调“穿着”的状态。 我妹妹整天穿着一条新裙子。 My sister is wearing a new skirt all day. dress 可以表动作,也可以表状态。但 搭配跟put on, wear 不同。如: dress oneself=get dressed 5岁我就能穿衣服了。 I could dress myself at the age of five. 6. at the corner of 在在.角落角落 你的小车就停在公

58、园角那里。你的小车就停在公园角那里。 Your car is at the corner of the park.1.Excuseme.Isthereasupermarket_here?2.Yourdaughterisold_togotoschool.3.Hisbrotherwentout_breakfast.4.IsZhengzhouinHenan_?5.IknowQingdaohas_beaches.I.请从方框中选出适当的单词完成下列句子。请从方框中选出适当的单词完成下列句子。without,enough,province,lovely,nearnearenoughwithoutProv


60、下列句子。请从括号中选出适当的词语完成下列句子。1.MrGreenoften_(putson/wears)awhiteshirtinsummer.2.IthinkVeraisthebest_(perform/performer).3.Whodoyouthinkisthefunniest_(actor/act)?wearsperformeractor4.Whichdoyoulikebest,chocolate,apples_(and/or)hamburgers?5.Theyneedsome_(another/more)singersforthetalentshow.ormoreGood, better, best Good, better, best, Never let it rest, Till good is better, And better is best.Rhyme:



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