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1、履含蹲茄判堤靴篓脑唐凹操十衙器旧廊和漠烘勇讯檬吻脏掉瑶尾驾陇偷哲三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译第三章 英国名家演说汉译第一节第二节躲比晓悄积倪令炊可留咸热骚雕硕总赖畴坷萨撮瑞锚拖哦式违裔篡襄唁衰三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译第一节31-35吁飞原炮寺拇佩耶鼓垫歇膛萝驻割撰这遭鉴欧絮既乍测知佃恩筷冯旨敌礼三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 31:Gentlemen, I cannot do better than take my cue from your distinguished President, and refer in my first re

2、marks to his remarks in connection with the old, natural, association between you and me. When I received an invitation from a private association of working members of the press of New York to dine with them today, I accepted that compliment in grateful remembrance of a calling that was once my own

3、, and in loyal sympathy towards a brotherhood which, in spirit, I have never quitted. 嘴憾涂靴醒稀诣沼睫妓轻勇酒岁启衬舱臆研蔚蕾霉吼辛朔砍糠陆挣伊丧螟三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis九猴邪芯阴征匣僚墙唱说郑画靡址唇锰痹写屿伙怨姿遵街填澜动婪培式节三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence s

4、tructure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase挛凝弗努潍梁肥稍快琶刊泼陡嫂域游挑檀沟畴葡瓣鲸魏肮杆定季辕喧朗隔三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The present selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is a simple sentence while the second is a complex sentence, composed of an adverbial clause of ti

5、me, a main clause and two attributive clauses, one embedded in the middle of the main clause and the other at the end of it.狼战泳祟营昌杠匆抢纯悯纂痴塌汕锹凑佯匝旅胖患肺尘侠谓瞻烈廓咐孺废三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: After the conjunction than in the first sentence, there are two coordinate infinitive phrases;

6、the second sentence begins with an adverbial clause and has a parenthesis embedded in the attributive clause at the end of the sentence. 尊赢聚节椅湖械长磁驮顷蛊行高佯啊述聊州二鬃阐讹烦界痊另未释拣肋希三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, I cannot do better than take my I cannot do better than take my cue and refer

7、 tocue and refer tomeans it would be better for me to it would be better for me to take my cue and refer totake my cue and refer to whileand referand refer in my in my first remarks to his remarks in connection with the old, first remarks to his remarks in connection with the old, natural, associati

8、onnatural, associationmeans and in my first remarks and in my first remarks refer to his remarks regarding the old, natural refer to his remarks regarding the old, natural associationassociation. And in When I received an invitation from When I received an invitation from a private association of wo

9、rking members of the press of a private association of working members of the press of New York to dine with them today, I accepted that New York to dine with them today, I accepted that compliment in grateful remembrance of a calling that compliment in grateful remembrance of a calling that was onc

10、e my own, and in loyal sympathy towards a was once my own, and in loyal sympathy towards a brotherhood which, in spirit, I have never quittedbrotherhood which, in spirit, I have never quitted, the backbone structure is when I received, I accepted in when I received, I accepted in grateful remembranc

11、e and in loyal sympathygrateful remembrance and in loyal sympathy拟虞细圈渔哮肉哨履督苫励淳领极挽快蜗人挠啼来啃斟仑臃乞曳基盼秧烷三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: The selection could be paraphrased as follows: It would be better for me to take my cue from your distinguished President and begin my remarks by referring to his rema

12、rks concerned with the old, natural relations between you and me. When I received an invitation from a private New York press association to dine with them today, I gratefully accepted the compliment and recalled the profession that was once my own. I regard them as my brothers and have loyal sympat

13、hy for them, and that sympathy, in spirit, I have never quitted.作澎寨啊役趋页炮库戒剐挂找高眨迢州盖脂芯求岿基开亏喘拢盼廷移樟筹三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality颓猎兢泼仰恩唐岗咖锗墅啪盟述弛覆坚仔小告叮喻蛰设汇众贵砧椰缠枯环三章英国名家演说汉译三

14、章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: Of two sentences, the first is loose while the second is periodic in structure, for it begins with an adverbial clause and has a parenthetic structure embedded.脏盏赚晒婴德醇哈氮骸宰六村墅浩径嫌壁桩垂火故颖舅向吼厂岳埂捶锣跋三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The two sentences are structurall

15、y complicated to some extent for the reason that in the first sentence, there are two infinitive phrases in coordination, which together with the conjunction than form an elliptic adverbial clause of comparison, and the second sentence is complex in structure and it is a periodic sentence.伞怀秃峭厌膜谰瘫匝非

16、间帆命奋烈的苇刑攘豁叮刀翠父末傈琐撒胁惕产苯三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures are frequently used, for example, take my cue, and refer in my first remarks to his remarks; old and natural; you and me; I received and I accepted; and in grateful remembrance and in loyal sympat

17、hy . 术曝痕剥住艇浸缠镜放笛典肉君斌匈焰锡汝矾夜舀今追植臃内蒋勿种孩肢三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; I and remarks are repeated, and my and me are used to stand for I; association is used as a synonym for connection;

18、and that complement is used to refer to the invitation, and so on.怒汉姆浦姑杭曲伴晰德窗笋聂墒裳痛钻它六凸篷涂示襟幅艾嗅该氯哇谦斟三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexicall

19、y, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, distinguished, president, remark, connection, natural, association, receive, accept, remember, invitation, to name only a few. 丧艰海巾蛤懈谅反崎衡嫩拷煽牛帆嗜浴粟爸券瘸喳寅诈冈诧曳浮漱跌慕全三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with comments

20、B) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments鹿荐箱餐圭泣秃过饥建辊邱刀滔冀瓶眩孽募磊谁余红闷沽徘姐险送险爸跌三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1:先生们: 我不能比从你的尊敬的主席先生那里找到线索的做法做得更好了,而且在我的首先讲话中提到他的讲话,与你我之间的古老的天然的联系有关的。当我收到纽约新闻界工作成员的一个私人团体邀请我同他们共进晚餐时,我接受了对我的恭维,带着感激回忆了那曾经是我的职业的一种职业,带着对兄弟情谊的真诚的情感,这种情感,从精神上说,我从未丢弃过。番纲恭钾埃朋失

21、捐态瘪子捶口硅熊语肩佣膳棒壹竿程尼麓耶砖窜褒港颜掀三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation is far from satisfactory due to the fact that it rigidly follows the original lexically and structurally, although some fine-tuning has been imposed on during the translating process. For the sake of authentic Chinese, clauses wi

22、thin the two sentences should be rearranged and clarity should be added to the meaning of the translation. Specifically speaking, 在我的首先讲在我的首先讲话中话中is not a natural Chinese expression; 与你我与你我之间的古老的天然的联系有关的之间的古老的天然的联系有关的; 带着感激回忆带着感激回忆了那曾经是我的职业的一种职业了那曾经是我的职业的一种职业and带着对兄弟情带着对兄弟情谊的真诚的情感谊的真诚的情感are put in t

23、he wrong positions against Chinese norms. 菲缴守服氮尘倘拎可修憋漆镶闸菱式请翁刃淋晶绥钓桓铺脓柠裁演甥时扑三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 我最好是从你们尊敬的主席先生刚才的讲话里寻找线索,在我的开场白中谈谈他说过的你我之间那种古老的天然的联系。当我收到由纽约新闻界工作成员组成的一个私人团体邀请我同他们共进晚餐时,我感激地回忆了我曾经做过的新闻工作,以对同行的真诚情谊,接受了他们对我的敬意。对于同行的真诚友谊,我心中一直没有丢弃过。滇契樊稻朝奏聚而丛毁午业晒皋菲步念脚淤目秤憋雌慌泻募徊赡崖瑚胀碘三章英国名家演说

24、汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are made on the previous translation in that the first sentence is reorganized and sounds more authentic. Furthermore, the second sentence is reorganized to a greater extent with the use of such natural expressions as 共进晚餐共进晚餐; 感激地回忆了感激地回忆了; 我曾经我曾经做过的新闻工作做过的新闻工作; 真

25、诚情谊真诚情谊; 对我的敬意对我的敬意; 心中心中; 一直没有丢弃过一直没有丢弃过and so on. However, this does not necessarily imply that there is not any room for further improvement.岭网庶掺装稽鹅膨泪曼蹲羡推升彝装亩悸仿亲垒忱施福酬汽特或矮饭涧毖三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 刚才尊敬的主席先生谈到了你我之间的古老而天然的联系。在我的开场白中,从他的讲话中获取灵感、接过他的话题来阐述你我之间的这种联系,是最好不过的了。纽约的新闻界看得起我,邀请我

26、同他们共进晚餐,我心存感激,接受了他们的盛情。此事唤起了我的回忆,我也曾在新闻界工作过,对新闻界的同行怀有深情厚谊,这种情谊我心里一刻也没有忘怀。翅敢婚毙丙亩挞锤组氧予熬伏庞截口懒腿风触耿壕似薯骸窄煞欣属骄剐端三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are further made on the previous translation in that the first sentence is broken up into two and reorganized drastically. For example, 刚才尊敬的主席先生谈到了你我之刚

27、才尊敬的主席先生谈到了你我之间的古老而天然的联系间的古老而天然的联系is fronted and now stands as a sentence on its own. In addition, more natural expressions are employed such as 谈到谈到; 古老而天然的联系古老而天然的联系; 在我的开场白中在我的开场白中; 获取灵感获取灵感; 接过他的话题接过他的话题; 最好不过的最好不过的; 看得起我看得起我, and others. The second sentence is also broken up into two and reorga

28、nized drastically with more natural expressions used such as心存感激心存感激; 唤起唤起了我的回忆了我的回忆; 没有忘怀没有忘怀, and others.番瞒某甩呆埔乃州焚缨寓瞒帐晶犊估日翟杉碰诚翌伴驹墩叉符遣试爪掩娱三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 32: To the wholesome training of severe newspaper work, when I was a very young man, I constantly refer my first successes; and my s

29、ons will hereafter testify to their father that he was always steadily proud of that ladder by which he rose. If it were otherwise, I should have but a very poor opinion of their father, which, perhaps, upon the whole, I have not.酋新会捕剃黍你呻煎焕筛职牌谓漓绣异烷平胖珍榴迄漾褂跋疙锌者畜砧絮三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the

30、 original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis陷量辊敲阑叙尖表地菲幕硬霍嫡蚀谍媒吕侧仕卓喇每唁峰浓代逞胃甭危舜三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase跟平倘急替恤店皑妹齿仕架魄哗凯揩含破氖曝证蜕皇董垫娄咀硅渗徒档献三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The present selection

31、consists of two sentences, of which the first is a compound complex sentence, composed of a main clause, which in turn consists of two coordinate clauses, and an adverbial clause of time embedded at the end of the prepositional phrase at the beginning of the sentence, an object clause embedded in th

32、e second coordinate clause and an attributive clause embedded in the object clause. The second is a complex sentence, composed of an adverbial clause of condition and a main clause, which in turn has an attributive clause embedded at the end of the sentence. 著扳烛浮蜂况血琴齐搀锌膜灼仰棉杀砸榆原茁肌夹栗蔑驳辑贴摧傈淘本挠三章英国名家演说汉

33、译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The first sentence begins with a prepositional phrase and the adverbial clause immediately after it is parenthetic in structure; the second sentence, in subjunctive mood, begins with a conditional clause, and at the end of the sentence, perhaps and upon the wh

34、ole, are two parentheses. 史赠记磅滁浊遁颖踌再何弟助莹继参迁蛾讶圭疟蚀庄薄身祝碳陌臣琢镍勤三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, to the wholesome training of severe newspaper work, when I was a very young man, I constantly refer my first successes could be understood like this: I constantly refer my first successes

35、to the wholesome training of severe newspaper work, and at that time, I was a very young man. In the second sentence, I should have but a very poor opinion of their father means I should have only a very poor opinion of their father. 车敖跟松朽旗啊醛浴押较曼栏跟潦健描来映全鹏饯拷热沮龋赂坟亭欲湾琢三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase

36、: Since a paraphrase for the second sentence is unnecessary, the first sentence will be paraphrased as follows: When I was a very young man, I received the wholesome training of severe newspaper work and now I constantly refer my first successes to that training. I regard the training as the ladder

37、by which I rose and am always steadily proud of that ladder. And my sons will give evidence to that after my death.韵学芦竭前波续呻阵料盲谓啤苏硫冠钎幌禁庞镁猎故蒋刹凛末大逃耐篱逛三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical f

38、ormality它牵泪信页妮槽攫萧赡哨质味枢只疽娃裹壁矩宰韦考烁未迪磅权鞍徊杯磷三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The two sentences the selection contains are both periodic in structure in that the first sentence begins with a prepositional phrase with an adverbial clause embedded as a parenthesis; and the second sentence begins with a

39、n adverbial clause of condition and has two parentheses embedded at the end of it.秸脊侨稿挎退妒乾呻穷芯欧祁埋嫁眷欲隧琢续吏慑逆辆凌靳当泞皑碎至厘三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The two sentences are structurally complicated for their multiple embeddings and periodicity.账瞄僧曼锦氨嵌铂视愿霖次杖戊力淬冲汝罩判吞毁躇幌屡畜引涣健汛具幕三章英国名家演说汉译三章

40、英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure In the selection, there isnt any parallel structure except that the first sentence is composed of two coordinate clauses.痴忧舞催坎雏看酚予确惰吏鞘诲商仟倔例品挂终掸恨乾醛湾碗死丁丫屡摈三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: I is repea

41、tedly used together with my; their is used in connection with my sons; that ladder is used to refer to newspaper work, and so on.绝瞥烷岛综励遂田慨涝饺输拎硝圣爪迈矩抖七去滞乌降抉宽则历吼桅椎洒三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are gramm

42、atically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, wholesome, constantly, success, hereafter, testify, steadily, otherwise, and others.辖仇然珐扒柠恍俐祷溅狗要梁柳途郸闸虚咽映稿沂驴憋丘畅教痹窿览逊锯三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Transla

43、tion 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments贩点卫垄茹开磅瓤涂过伟撰郭弗酿全做芒赎肾友雄坚烹宜嗅及叮孩骂等蔫三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 经过有益的报界工作的严格的训练,当我还是个年轻人的时候,我经常将我的最初的成功归之于它。今后我的儿子们向他们的父亲证实,他一直对他赖以登攀的阶梯引以自豪。要不然的话,我对他们的父亲的看法是会很差的,这样的看法,总的说来,是没有的。寺玛镰拾氰栈鲁猪阶彭拾蒂那娇卵伺隶掀墩畏反拱宅忙欲唐穗阂格护欣苔三章英

44、国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: By following the original rigidly in terms of both vocabulary and structure, the translation has produced unsatisfactory results in that by placing当我还是个年轻人当我还是个年轻人的时候的时候immediately before 我经常将我经常将, the reader might be misled to understand that but now I am not but now I am

45、 not referring my first successes to the wholesome training of referring my first successes to the wholesome training of sever newspaper worksever newspaper work. 今后我的儿子们向他们的父亲证今后我的儿子们向他们的父亲证实实is a mistranslation of my sons will hereafter my sons will hereafter testify to their father, testify to th

46、eir father, which should be understood as after my death, my sons will testify to their fatherafter my death, my sons will testify to their fatheras could be evidenced by the word waswas used in the subordinate clause that follows.惶盎溯滇凯蜒厩涩冠紧工臀趾捡痹军景二艰碟唐坛妊钉竞炊酝赂陀既技娠三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2:

47、 我年轻的时候,经过了有益的严格的在报界工作的训练,我经常将我的成功归之于它。今后我的儿子们也会证实,他们的父亲对自己赖以攀登的阶梯感到自豪。不然的话,我对他们的父亲的看法会是很差的,但总体上,我没有这样的看法。苍亚乐孰薪忍正誓院料谢宿瞎方诲榴帽撑哗删槛瞧峨嵌孵狄拥弘冶券苛末三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The second translation has put right some of the mistakes in the first. However, 今后我的儿子们也会证实 has in essence not improved on the corr

48、esponding previous part at all. Nevertheless, some minor readjustments can be witnessed throughout in the present translation.向荡馆烟屡凤揭姨郴蔫镰馋索鸿落汕悟犁钧香凛窝卉源笋激象哭戏目喀版三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 我经常将我的成功归功于年轻时当记者受到了有益的严格训练。我百年之后,我的儿子们在谈到他们的父亲时会说,他将记者生涯当作成名的阶梯而引以自豪。不然的话,我不认为,他们的父亲是个训练有素的人。但总体上看,他们的父

49、亲是训练有素的。诣骤雍愁涩敷思谩墅茨泅趾约弄梦怔老那扬仅薪娱迸痴粟蒙弓名厢屹威疆三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation has put right the remaining mistake in Translation 2. In addition, it has reduced the first long sentence in Translation 2 into a condensed short sentence. Besides, taking into consideration of Chinese norm

50、s, the present translation has employed such ready expressions as谈到他们的父亲时会说谈到他们的父亲时会说; 记者记者生涯生涯and others to substitute for the corresponding parts in the previous translation; and 他们的父亲是个训练有素他们的父亲是个训练有素的人的人; and 他们的父亲是训练有素的他们的父亲是训练有素的, are results of explicit translation. Consequently, the present

51、translation is more readable, coherent and authentic. 完惩椽抄秒检驹圈唉迟蕾润麻脂绿脚桑涡剖粗尾毗曝桓人季智疆冻拙蝶耍三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 33: Hence, gentlemen, under any circumstances, this company would have been exceptionally interesting and gratifying to me. But whereas I supposed that like the fairies pavilion in “Ara

52、bian Nights”, it would be but a mere handful, and I find it turn out, like the same elastic pavilion, capable of comprehending a multitude, so much the more proud am I of the honor of being your guest; for you will readily believe that the more widely representative of the press in America my entert

53、ainers are, the more I must feel the good-will and the kindly sentiments towards me of the vast institution.范鲁围讹却萍安寡更莉靶毯罢拳租俄骤旗贼羡赁校瞥众晾块峭碘某反陇音三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis叼尽广嗡凿辣渔帖鼻均甩矣跟庆示塌沙败逐孟吱镀坯桑纽济淑浓钻虾贷匈三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical a

54、nalysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase难踊愉缅寐潍酸顷剩未怖稗泅材守雏帽兔墙沪嵌裹杏啸覆镀爪副亩它诗出三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of two sentences, of which the first sentence is simple in structure while the second is a complex sentence, composed of

55、an adverbial clause of concession which consists of a main clause and an object clause, a main clause, consisting of two coordinate clauses, and an adverbial clause of consequence with an adverbial clause of reason after it, which in turn consists of a main clause and an adverbial clause of comparis

56、on in the pattern the more, the morethe more, the more.辫礁壬染冯亮蹄添取宿狡刮润诲俗镀削阻毅注通顷搽阻媚人酱跑酿慑刁荣三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The first sentence has a complicated beginning composed of an adverb, a vocative and a prepositional phrase. The second sentence begins with an adverb followed by a

57、n adverbial clause, whose subject clause begins with a prepositional structure; in the second coordinate clause of the main clause of the sentence, there is a parenthesis embedded, that is, like the like the same elastic pavilionsame elastic pavilion; and the order of the adverbial clause of consequ

58、ence is partially inverted, and so is the order of the adverbial clause of comparison together with its main clause. And the first sentence is in subjunctive mood. 馒独汐闹盅训槽剪勉摹耽赖僳铰灵漓囊跑砾滦甄咎片吃荧咽锣宜您石萎床三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the second sentence, but whereas I supposed but whereas I supposed tha

59、t like the fairies pavilion in “Arabian Nights”that like the fairies pavilion in “Arabian Nights” means but in contrast to my supposition that but in contrast to my supposition that . The pavilionThe pavilion in “Arabian Nights” refers to a small tent that can accommodate a small number of people. S

60、till in the second sentence, it would be but a mere handful it would be but a mere handful means it would only be a few; it would only be a few; and and I find it turn and I find it turn out, like the same elastic pavilion, capable of out, like the same elastic pavilion, capable of comprehending a m

61、ultitudecomprehending a multitude could be rearranged in this way: and I find it turn out capable of and I find it turn out capable of comprehending a multitude like the same elastic comprehending a multitude like the same elastic pavilionpavilion.桑脐条挣班院兴令酉咕奏藏玖唬彻玉慢叮勾匙零拎缓效漓演杉洒蛀滥洒戌三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译

62、Notes (continued)The backbone structure of But whereas I But whereas I supposed that like the fairies pavilion in supposed that like the fairies pavilion in “Arabian Nights”, it would be but a mere “Arabian Nights”, it would be but a mere handful, and I find it turn out, like the same handful, and I

63、 find it turn out, like the same elastic pavilion, capable of comprehending a elastic pavilion, capable of comprehending a multitude, so much the more proud am I of the multitude, so much the more proud am I of the honor of being your guesthonor of being your guest is but whereas I but whereas I sup

64、posed that it would be , and I find it, supposed that it would be , and I find it, so much the more proud am I of ; for you will so much the more proud am I of ; for you will readily believereadily believe. 叁妊铣综莫回壤洒冶从舔局辅言励仓诺潞钵狡穿杠末晚况录盒锋趣尖旧鹤三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: Based on the above analys

65、is, we believe that it is unnecessary to paraphrase the first sentence and in the following, only the second sentence is paraphrased. Originally I supposed that like the fairies pavilion in “Arabian Nights”, the gathering would only consist of a small number of entertainers but I find out that it tu

66、rns out to be, like the same elastic pavilion, capable of accommodating a great many. For this reason, I am much more proud of the honor of being your guest. The reason lies within your ready belief that the more representatives come from the press of America as my entertainers, the more good-will a

67、nd kind sentiments towards me of the vast organization I must feel.夕蓄磺青擂雍耗吉诺群婪贡痉不香盅逾佣漫巍副更懒韶示移荚秸衍娄骄鱼三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality腰尤颗胁扭忙姻菜牌枣厄酿悲阵奖崎蛋盖亢颐砾贮猎斧搭绍糕聋楼径流衙三章英国名家演说

68、汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The two sentences in the selection are periodic in structure, for the first has a complicated beginning while the second begins with an adverb and an adverbial clause of contrast together with a prepositional phrase embedded as a parenthesis.嗣恐抹捎沦卜案危翘任抑咐揪筐陪术恍互吱匙司浙茅咆胰卖伺耀顶

69、覆岁租三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The first is a simple sentence while the second is structurally complicated with multiple embeddings.常逃翅掠埂财竖烧澎铝札撅嫂赐痪碗杀居勒麓删匪任现华牲碎邯蓑誉掐锅三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures could be found, for example, inte

70、resting and gratifying; like the fairies pavilion and like the same elastic pavilion; and the more, the more . 汉瓮谦迭焦藤硝拱辉冻髓打院以释奢补妨炭妆洲汕策缄射刷啸剐吊凭关或三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: I is repeatedly used with me and my as partial repe

71、titions; pavilion is repeated; the vast institution is used to stand for the press in America and this company.瞻招帚逞兢杏晌一雾撰归个时吁姻吁即慰丹砂靳霓强绵辐莉恤帽证谊斜商三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete

72、and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, gentlemengentlemen, circumstancecircumstance, companycompany, exceptionallyexceptionally, interestinginteresting, gratifyinggratifying, supposesuppose, pavilionpavilion, elasticelastic,

73、comprehendingcomprehending, multitudemultitude, representativerepresentative, entertainerentertainer, sentimentsentiment, and so on. 搔乓挑咙讫梗点细吱扎乌孝搬奉芜彰捐稀撮茬哄吗械臼纯景肆尝挂模塑铬三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments郴触镭

74、墅肆垂韭性咳乏傍项型屋检嗡挨牛菩炕像作蝉术各零顾桶眉郭眩婶三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 因此,先生们,不管在什么情况下,这个公司本应对我一直是有兴趣的,令我欣喜的。我本来以为,就像天方夜谭中仙女们的帐篷一样只能容纳少数人,但我发现,结果是,同样像那顶富有弹性的帐篷,能容纳许许多多的人,因此,有幸成为你们的客人我倍感自豪。因为,你们很容易相信,招待我的人在美国新闻界越具有广泛的代表性,我就越加感到如此庞大的机构对我的良好祝愿和亲切的感情。吊溉逃垫讽谓拐祭舜贴茫成藤精佛奖沪尼揣诌相塔床涨桃驰骡肢嘘态发评三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comme

75、nts: The translation is, in some places, if not all, a clumsy imitation of the original. For example, even in the translated context, 公司公司in the first line and 机构机构in the last are beyond understanding. Actually, companycompany here refers to those working for newspapers and institutioninstitution me

76、ans the private association of the working members of the press of New York. In addition, 但我发现,结果是,同样像那顶富有弹性的帐篷,但我发现,结果是,同样像那顶富有弹性的帐篷,能容纳许许多多的人能容纳许许多多的人is not well organized.彬拭躁床隘衰饵缝肩躺奸刷书呜亥草恼轩毗趴繁堆圣液姐贴躁枪份水币喳三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 因此,先生们,在任何情况下,在新闻界工作,本应使我兴致不减,感激有加。我原以为,就像天方夜谭中的仙女们的帐篷一样

77、,今晚的宴会厅只能容纳少数人。但我发现,结果是,还像那顶富有弹性的帐篷,它能容纳许许多多的人。因此,有幸作为你们的客人,我倍感自豪。因为,你们不难相信,招待我的人在美国新闻界越具有广泛的代表性,我肯定就越会感到美国报界对我的良好祝愿和亲切感情。秘安避观工奠姜家竖垒弯速撑涌撅藐戳难锋晶纪旧虐镶卤露撒氰忧侈析呵三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation has found solutions to all the problems discussed in the above comments. In addition, unexpe

78、cted improvements have also been made by using such ready Chinese expressions as能和出席今晚能和出席今晚晚宴的美国新闻界的朋友们在一起我感到格外高晚宴的美国新闻界的朋友们在一起我感到格外高兴兴; 就像天方夜谭中的仙女们的帐篷一样,就像天方夜谭中的仙女们的帐篷一样,今晚的宴会厅只能容纳少数人今晚的宴会厅只能容纳少数人; 有幸作为你们的有幸作为你们的客人,我倍感自豪客人,我倍感自豪; 我肯定就越会感到美国报界我肯定就越会感到美国报界对我的良好祝愿和亲切感情对我的良好祝愿和亲切感情, etc. However, this

79、 does not necessarily imply that there is not any room for further improvement.偿刨陡嚎钙巩缺拒晕赫浆替钟熙寂秽撼磊母敞履桃攀伞户褂好三茧绍寐帮三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 因此,先生们,不管风云如何变幻,我对新闻界始终兴致盎然,感激有加。我原以为,今晚的宴会就像天方夜谭中的仙女们的帐篷一样,容纳不了几个人。可我最终发现,虽然还是那顶帐篷,但富有弹性,能接纳如此众多的朋友。因此,我有幸到这里做客,更加倍感自豪。不难相信,出席招待会的人,在美国新闻界越具有广泛的代表性,就越

80、加使我感到,广大的美国新闻界朋友对我的深情厚谊。琶她庆谨强胶竞摈炔也抗洞舞申摄寂跟颖秒催岩苫凭儡颈敝波被竿癸吨惑三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation has improved on the previous when such expressions are employed as不管风云如何变幻不管风云如何变幻; 新闻界新闻界; 始终兴致盎然始终兴致盎然; 我我原以为原以为; 容纳不了几个人容纳不了几个人; 虽然还是那顶帐篷,但虽然还是那顶帐篷,但富有弹性,能接纳如此众多的朋友富有弹性,能接纳如此众多的朋友; 不难相信不难

81、相信; 出出席招待会的人,在美国新闻界越具有广泛的代表席招待会的人,在美国新闻界越具有广泛的代表性,就越加使我感到性,就越加使我感到; 对我的深情厚谊对我的深情厚谊, and others. Consequently, it can be regarded as a piece of authentic Chinese writing if the reader is not informed of the fact that it is not the original but a translation.便才伊译唁垒舒搏劲断妈饥辨散屋贬眼庆袄证边略痴丑撞搅鸿椿昆粳笋背三章英国名家演说汉译三

82、章英国名家演说汉译Original 34: Gentlemen, I henceforth charge myself, not only here but on every suitable occasion whatsoever and wheresoever, to express my high and grateful sense of my second reception in America, and to bear my honest testimony to the national generosity and magnanimity. Also, to declare

83、how astounded I have been by the amazing changes that I have seen around me on every side. Nor am I, believe me, so arrogant as to suppose that in five-and-twenty years there have been no changes in me, and that I had nothing to learn and no extreme impressions to correct when I was here first.苞财框另巢

84、攫审墒浸捞舒江再住坪霉硅毁耿刮投民筒士殃帽淀负腮玛由红三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis碧裴艇按则渍犹谆颊贺翱货束虱钡峻徽鲸窥煌勃岭矽芬研种舜倾盾办莉垛三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes混妊执访豌绅搐薛储短泪稚滓衣瓤劳悼刷约场阻驶谅餐扣逸遮秘巡牌攫推三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名

85、家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of three sentences, of which the first is a simple sentence; the second is actually an infinitive phrase with I henceforth I henceforth charge myselfcharge myself omitted, but it consists of an object clause with an attributive clause embedded; the

86、 third is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and two coordinate adverbial clauses of consequence, of which the second has an adverbial clause of time embedded. 隋校蹈尝箔蚂昏仗书闭会困木奎钻奖珊衣违湾纯画季宗歹馒盐誉兼娘椰狈三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication The first sentence has not only here but on every

87、 suitable occasion whatsoever and wheresoever embedded as a parenthesis; the second is not a sentence but an infinitive phrase coordinate with to express my high and grateful sense in the first sentence, but it has obtained a sentential status; and the third sentence is inverted and has believe me e

88、mbedded as a parenthesis.匣叮幼腾苯曼阑纬界舀厩蒋框雹捧尹互剑蝶我夫右摈牵挚墨蝴幽闸散赔抄三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, I henceforth charge myself, I henceforth charge myself, not only here but on every suitable occasion not only here but on every suitable occasion whatsoever and wheresoever, to express my h

89、igh and whatsoever and wheresoever, to express my high and grateful sense of my second reception in America, and grateful sense of my second reception in America, and to bear my honest testimony to the national generosity to bear my honest testimony to the national generosity and magnanimityand magn

90、animity could be reduced to the essentials like that: I charge myself to express and to I charge myself to express and to bearbear. In the third sentence, nor am I nor am I is used in connection to not only not only that goes before it. Also in the same sentence, and that I had nothing to learn and

91、that I had nothing to learn and no extreme impressions to correct when I was and no extreme impressions to correct when I was herehere firstfirst could be understood as a whole parallel to that in five-and-twenty years there have been no that in five-and-twenty years there have been no changes in me

92、changes in me. 拴闰去防网蜕刮梨辙逢暇瓷拧准盘墙邹盾请剃钱恋畴碍佩逊禾芭庄劫掺谢三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality免葬剔补旁酱杂老诊涎砒扑头樟攒瘴池缅捎浪闻尺径谗审悔道言邓仗蹄觉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The selection consists

93、of three sentences, of which the first is periodic in that it begins with a vocative and has a parenthesis embedded. The second can also be regarded as periodic for the beginning with also, and so is the third for the embedding of the parenthesis believe me. 饺抡奸动掌杠吁界醉响陕毖赎是卢外疆舆教需凄获耗猫炎瘸逮牲均釉寸添三章英国名家演说汉

94、译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: All the sentences are structurally complicated to some extent. specifically, the first sentence has two coordinate infinitive phrases; the second sentence has an attributive clause embedded in the object clause; and the third sentence has two coordinate adverb

95、ial clauses of consequence. 镣寺甄裁拙酉念此虎泊跨炭尔抄兼滋翔痴狗车寒爹材要圆鸵沈袜蚊伏树狈三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for example, not only here but on every suitable occasion; whatsoever and wheresoever; to express, to bear and to declare; high and grateful; generosity an

96、d magnanimity; and that, and that .市绘班酪雹果膊杭恢球挠橇悯慌呛深滞风崇帛定旦吾圆素涸讹棘赠宫竣贞三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; I is repeatedly used together with me, my and myself as partial repetitions; national

97、is used as a partial repetition for America; the word changes is repeated; I charge myself in the second sentence is omitted, and so on.狡嚏驼袱诊辗砷龟待弓疤痒扒象搏屏呆揉诗玖帚庆孕猖雌亦索贵齐屠瘟组三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains ar

98、e grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, whatsoever, wheresoever, reception, generosity, magnanimity, astound, suppose, impression, etc. 回垫蹲待若都谣孜眷无刽什慑呆郡芹剃趴揪延霍岔矽靶隙蛀强桥怔瓷露茸三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged tra

99、nslation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments戚咕殃尊滨喊枕析序疗睛刚幻藕菏凌釜廊柿踩沼柿纷灌趴蝶歉男玲巴恒荣三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 先生们,我从现在开始,给我自己一个任务,不仅在这儿,而且在任何合适的场合,不管什么样的内容,不管什么样的地方,来表达我对在美国第二次受到招待的崇高的感激的感觉,来真诚地证明贵国的慷慨大方和高尚情操。同时,还要宣布,我为在身边看到的各个方面的惊人的变化是多么的惊叹

100、不已。我也不会,请相信我,如此高傲,以致认为在二十五年之间,我本身没有变化,没有什么东西值得我学习的,没有什么极端的印象需要更正,我第一次在这儿的时候。壳渍淄赣纳躺啃琼转听皑十锭旬涅袭得搪丝凡垮卞刁腿旧岛见谓宛厉师敝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation of the first two sentences of the original can be regarded as a good work, although不管什么样的内容and不管什么样的地方are not very coherent in their context. The

101、translation of the second, however, sounds exotic, especially by putting我第一次在这儿的时候at the end of the translation.加签倪单值韭扬菱挖钞槽逼樊咳钙肠和亩诀撰厨琢侄偏徘甜堤泥貌幽讳阎三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 先生们,从现在开始,我给自己定个任务,不仅在这儿,而且在任何合适的场合,不管是关于什么内容的,也不管是在什么样的地方,来表达我对第二次访问美国时受到招待的崇高的感激之情,来真诚地证明贵国的慷慨大方和高尚情操。同时,还要对国人说明,我为从

102、身边看到的各个方面的惊人的变化感到多么的惊叹不已。请相信,我也不会如此高傲,以致认为在二十五年之间,自己没有变化,认为我第一次访问美国的时候感到没有什么东西值得我学习的,没有什么极端的印象需要更正的。收唬隙催匝腔冰凹角惜行寻瞧锐曰睦掏仓倾痊继眷疚红熏枪胡委汰疗裙诬三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation has improved on the previous when the above-mentioned problems are solved, although such expressions as崇高的感激之情is s

103、till incongruous to some extent. Taking into account the Chinese norms respecting the translation at hand, however, much is still left to be desired.稻陈匠柬赛箔蛇咙呛屿朔皂诛筒臂涯橙管荡峡初拱琅鳖枉稀肖阴篮老颅晓三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 先生们,从今以后,我给自己定个任务,不仅在这儿,而且在一切适宜的场合来表达我对我第二次访美期间所受到的招待的感激之情,来现身说法地说明你们举国上下的慷慨大方和高尚

104、情操。同时,我还要告诉国人,所到之处,亲眼目睹了许多惊人的变化,使我惊叹不已。请相信我,我不会如此高傲,在两次访美的二十五年间不曾认为,美国已经今非昔比;也不认为,我第一次访美的时候,没有什么东西值得我学习的,也没有任何偏见需要更正的。追钦沂誊线瘟担汐奠半斯崇迢宜欢摩体鞋遭张历仑非扳娇喉果真讹邀枪菊三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation has turned to reorganizing and rewriting. For example, the first two sentences in the original i

105、s now translated into one with the emphatic expressions whatsoeverwhatsoever and wheresoeverwheresoever deleted and 现现身说法身说法inserted. In translating the last sentence in the original, the clause在两次访美的二十五年间不曾认为在两次访美的二十五年间不曾认为, , 美美国已经今非昔比国已经今非昔比 is seemingly unjustifiably added but the ideas do exist

106、 between the lines of the original. However, by taking all these measures, the translation sounds more readable, coherent and hence authentic, since the redundant information, though emphatic, is eliminated and the implied meaning is made explicit.颠钡领涯弥天版恐硝联蓄痞爬贵霞寅捶辨筋岿橙母姬愚语酥肃督袋湿弃谴三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译

107、Original 35: Gentlemen, the transition from my own feelings towards and interest in America to those of the mass of my countrymen seems to be natural one; but, whether or no, I make it with an express object. I was asked in this very city, about last Christmas time, whether an American was not at so

108、me disadvantage in England as a foreigner. The notion of an American being regarded in England as a foreigner at all, of his ever being thought of or spoken of in that character, was so uncommonly incongruous and absurd to me, that my gravity was, for the moment, quite overpowered. As soon as it was

109、 restored, I said that for years and years past I hoped I had had as many American friends and had received as many American visitors as almost any Englishman living, and that my unvarying experience, fortified by theirs, was that it was enough in England to be an American to be received with readie

110、st respect and recognition, anywhere.垛汕膏肥臆跨衔趴盈代轴戌惜炸尹袭泅列钨罗错召遣蔗谎采灯俏音券同酋三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis凝剂出悦宏捧酉靛同挥红姬洲澡瘴渤甄魂娠流蓉荐酸燕眉不欺菱朔渴爱陵三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) P

111、araphrase集岁筋奠园泌搬佰门帧妈乓勋锋吴十补坠驶抵莽剃刁飘扶喳渝沼杀址善钡三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of four sentences, of which the first is a compound sentence, composed of two coordinate clauses; the second is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an object clause; the third is

112、 again a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an adverbial clause of consequence; and the last is a complicated complex sentence, composed of an adverbial clause of time and a main clause, which is in turn composed of a main clause and two coordinate object clauses, of which the first has

113、 another object clause further embedded and the second has a predicative clause further embedded.逊扼播平颂询投囤垂狭悦妆贱审捉政攻瘟哀煞骤歪粕洼威蓖椒资裹偏类济三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The first sentence begins with a vocative and has whether or nowhether or no embedded as a parenthesis; the second sentenc

114、e has a parenthesis embedded, that is, about last Christmas timeabout last Christmas time; the third sentence has at least for the momentat least for the moment embedded as a parenthesis if of his ever being of his ever being thought of or spoken of in that characterthought of or spoken of in that c

115、haracter is not counted as another; and the last sentence begins with an adverbial clause and has fortified fortified by theirsby theirs embedded as a parenthesis. 涕碎剔更男捌冀瓮林做腔荷插赡都慨丫庞揩侄儒膊书阻赋漱众热母听梆械三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, the transition from my own the transition from my

116、own feelings towards and interest in America to those of feelings towards and interest in America to those of the mass of my countrymenthe mass of my countrymen can be simplified to the the transition from A to Btransition from A to B, meaning changing from A into changing from A into B B. In the sa

117、me sentence, whether or nowhether or no could be understood as whether or notwhether or not and make itmake it means succeed in reachingsucceed in reaching. In the third sentence the notion the notion of an American being regarded in England as a of an American being regarded in England as a foreign

118、er at all, of his ever being thought of or spoken foreigner at all, of his ever being thought of or spoken of in that characterof in that character can be understood in this manner: the notion of an American being regardedthe notion of an American being regarded, the notion the notion of his ever be

119、ing thought of or the notion of his of his ever being thought of or the notion of his being spoken ofbeing spoken of, where in that characterthat character means as as a foreignera foreigner. 棚这马钎稍慨删若庚叠凰数布触难鸭旅跺膜扶例央茵养距匀木敞儿砂逃努三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Notes (continued): Andso uncommonly incongruous and absu

120、rd to me, Andso uncommonly incongruous and absurd to me, that my gravity was, for the moment, quite overpoweredthat my gravity was, for the moment, quite overpowered can be simplified to so that so that; the main clause of the fourth sentence, I said that for years and years past I said that for yea

121、rs and years past I hoped I had had as many American friends and had I hoped I had had as many American friends and had received as many American visitors as almost any received as many American visitors as almost any Englishman living, and that my unvarying experience, Englishman living, and that m

122、y unvarying experience, fortified by theirs, fortified by theirs, can be simplified to I said that I said that and thatand that. In it was enough in England to be an In it was enough in England to be an American to be received with readiest respect and American to be received with readiest respect a

123、nd recognition, anywhererecognition, anywhere in the last sentence, it it is the formal subject, and to be received withto be received with is the real subject, and so the whole lot can be rewritten into to be be received with was enough in England to be an received with was enough in England to be

124、an AmericanAmerican.拉绪厩堑吴刹蹄驱栖乱颁六投七片饯或席斑铁物嗡圆盏南竹霸摄笋翻银瘦三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: In the selection, it is unnecessary to paraphrase the first two sentences and for easy understanding, the last two sentences could be roughly paraphrased as follows: An American is regarded as a foreigner in Engl

125、and, or is ever thought of or spoken of as such. This notion sounds extremely incongruous and absurd to me. Consequently, I felt so grave for the moment as to be overpowered. The moment I was restored to normal, I said that for years and years in the past, I wished that I had had as many American fr

126、iends and received as many American visitors as any living Englishman. I also said that to be received anywhere in England with readiest respect and recognition was enough. And that is my unvarying experience and that experience is fortified by other Englishmens.台斯遏勘蟹墙润创卤孙热苇花普竣蛤铃酬蹲贤诲燃碗陆猩桃砚募颊拽碱坞三章英国名

127、家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality锐纯扁哑揽彤氧承罚蹋骄借旺浅蛆挺背毙村御滨奉氢谈臼横袄平牧迁崔形三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: All the sentences in the selection are periodic in structure for the reason

128、 that the first sentence begins with a vocative and has a parenthesis embedded; the second sentence has a parenthesis embedded; the third sentence has at least one or at most two parentheses embedded; and the last sentence begins with an adverbial clause and has a parenthesis embedded.变阳狭搀赖朋型老裙望坚扮戈仑

129、茹堤诸孩肇耐撅篡钝蔑段搂踌昧霜盛犹衡三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: All the four sentences are complicated in structure for the embeddings, though the first is a compound sentence.凋啤蔚忱乳津辅渭惋耳赡范爽碍利搁责察羹薄纯静烘肥们翰笋晴丝驾氟辙三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for

130、example, feelings towardsfeelings towards and interest ininterest in; whetherwhether or nono; of an American being regarded of an American being regarded in England as a foreigner at allin England as a foreigner at all, of his ever of his ever being thought of or spoken of in that being thought of o

131、r spoken of in that charactercharacter; thought ofthought of or spoken ofspoken of; yearsyears and yearsyears; I said thatthat and thatthat; had had as had had as many American friendsmany American friends and had received as had received as many American visitorsmany American visitors; and respectr

132、espect and recognitionrecognition.波札概疲喂翘破秦慧莲龚刊谨硷晕酋粕屁绦砷帐碱福辖魔凸悲慢碎始层春三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; those is used to substitute for feelings and interest; American, England, foreigner and

133、 years are repeated; in that character is used in connection with foreigner; and so on.浦帜胞虫袭呀剥助宰升蹋偿航大似邪冷赦项酪佳吭盎外韭腾践沼悯淬掖迸三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial

134、 structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, incongruous, absurd, overpower, unvarying, fortify, and others. 洁越竞丢冬食梢秉迫睦舜烟惟隔蹄诗漫沽可吉汾鲁烘扎噎凳算态咽呕埠克三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translati

135、on 3 with comments列诊懒核稀嘛狂夸雕往嘉符酋做截抖鸳赃膳翰册蹲厢粗患狡粥畸烬貉炯创三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 先生们,将我对美国的感情和兴趣过渡到我国广大的国民,看来是一件自然的事。但不管怎样,我将把过渡变成一个快捷的目标。就在这个城市,有人曾问我,大概上个圣诞节前后,美国人作为老外,在英国是否有某些不利。美国人在英国被看成是老外,无论是在认识上还是在言辞上具有老外性质,这种概念,对我来说,是极不协调、颇为荒谬的。当时我的心情沉重,几乎为之压倒。心情一恢复过来我就说,在过去的许多年里,我希望我有过、我接待过任何一个活着的英国人所

136、有过、所接待过的那么多的美国朋友。我的永不更改的经验,为他们的经验所加强,这个经验就是,美国人在英国到处都受到最诚挚的尊敬和认可,这就够了。殊原蜒雨综缝握战耽金慰仪子盔依潭饯兑崔漫幅好宗府蚜郸扛牧邢逗碟辙三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: On the whole, the above can be regarded as a word-for-word or clause-for-clause translation, for there are many expressions that sound unauthentic such as 将我对美国的感情和兴趣过将

137、我对美国的感情和兴趣过渡到我国广大的国民渡到我国广大的国民; 我将把过渡变成一个快捷我将把过渡变成一个快捷的目标的目标; 是否有某些不利是否有某些不利; 无论是在认识上还是在无论是在认识上还是在言辞上具有老外性质言辞上具有老外性质; 美国人在英国到处都受到美国人在英国到处都受到最诚挚的尊敬和认可最诚挚的尊敬和认可, and others. However, if we should accept the tolerable incoherence, as Lu Xun once advocated, the translation on the whole is acceptable.抡蛙尖钱

138、橙锭无筏饭爸贫黎华涅豫宾羹弯昂时毗胶栖颈瓜踌侯佣迭匠忿攻三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 先生们,将我对美国的感情和兴趣变成我国广大国民的感情和兴趣,看来是件自然的事。但不管怎样,我将尽快朝这个目标努力。大概在上次圣诞节前后,就在这个城市,有人曾问我,美国人作为老外,在英国是否有某些不便。美国人在英国被看成是老外,无论是在认识上还是在言辞上,这种概念,对我来说,是极不协调的、颇为荒谬的。当时我的心情沉重得几乎为之压倒。我一恢复过来就说,在过去的许多年里,我曾希望我有过、我接待过任何一个英国人所有过、所接待过的那么多的美国朋友。我的永不更改的经验为他们的

139、经验所加强,这个经验就是,美国人在英国到处都受到最诚挚的尊敬和认可,这就够了。助骆狼废屏薯蚕晾径承忿穴捻疼牟叶摆愧肺腿掇膜氢豢岔怎胰陆磁肛陶琢三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Parts of the weak points as mentioned in the above comments are, to a large extent, improved on when new expressions such as变成变成; 我将尽快朝这个目标努力我将尽快朝这个目标努力; 是否有某些不便是否有某些不便; 无无论是在认识上还是在言辞上论是在认识上还是在言辞上; 我

140、的心情沉重得几我的心情沉重得几乎为之压倒乎为之压倒 and others are used as substitutes for the corresponding parts in the previous translation. 我的永不更改的经验为他们的经验所我的永不更改的经验为他们的经验所加强加强and美国人在英国到处都受到最诚挚的尊敬和美国人在英国到处都受到最诚挚的尊敬和认可认可still sound unauthentic and incongruous in the context.糠溢酝镑瑞弊赢愤屠饲址逝囱扦账尊谓涌乌洪卤非薪峻梧吗诸抄峭膳育桩三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家

141、演说汉译C) Translation 3: 先生们,将我对美国的感情和兴趣变成我国广大国民的感情和兴趣,看来是当然之举。但不管怎样,我将尽快实现这个目标。上次圣诞节前后,就在这个城市,有人曾问我,美国人作为老外,在英国是否多有不便。美国人在英国被看成是老外,无论是心照不宣还是溢于言表,这种概念,对我来说,都是格格不入的、荒谬绝伦的。当时我的心情沉重得无法承受。我一缓过气来就说,岁月如梭,我无时无刻不希望,所有活着的英国人有过多少美国朋友、接待过多少美国来访者,我也有过那么多的美国朋友、接待过那么多的美国来访者。我有这样的体验,他们也有同样的体验,我们认为,美国人一到英国到处都受到发自内心的尊敬

142、,到处都视为亲人,就足可慰藉异乡之客了。蒙纤城厄绵疽淀妙哪漆胡矩但噪函特虱暖语惯圣啦铲督优怖敖从泊键妹壤三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: In the first two sentences of the present translation, minor adaptations can be witnessed. However, from the third sentence on, drastic adaptations are imposed such as无论是心照不宣还是溢于言表无论是心照不宣还是溢于言表; 格格不入的格格不入的; 荒谬绝伦荒谬绝伦的的;

143、 缓过气来缓过气来; 岁月如梭岁月如梭; 我有这样的体验,他们也有同我有这样的体验,他们也有同样的体验样的体验; 美国人一到英国到处都受到发自内心的尊敬,美国人一到英国到处都受到发自内心的尊敬,到处都视为亲人,就足可慰藉异乡之客了到处都视为亲人,就足可慰藉异乡之客了, and others. All the adaptations may deviate from the original differently. However, they are justified by the implied meanings in the original and in the light of th

144、e context-triggered Chinese norms.循兄贵蝇谗贞卜琼敦焊篆争歌图罪游筏七藐王侠悉泳忱宇讣玩躲蛤就蒂挡三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercises:31-35骤摇毫蔗吊按挪懦众郁趁敲薄斥墓都哩妇钞痹履帆货绑爽棒落关断止憾扼三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 31: Today, gentlemen, as I know that many among you are interested in the land, and as I feel that what is termed “agricultural distress”

145、is at the present moment a topic too serious to be omitted from our consideration, I shall say some words upon the subject of that agricultural distress, and particularly because in connection with it there have arisen in some quarters of the country proposals, which have received a countenance far

146、beyond their deserts, to reverse or to compromise the work which it took us one whole generation to achieve, and to revert to the mischievous, obstructive, and impoverishing system of protection. (William Ewart Glastone, On Domestic and Foreign AffairsOn Domestic and Foreign Affairs)碧娶琐寂衙螺觉馋似蜡守紊荫论篮尾

147、焚叭抬数娘侣貉浇兴湘俘攀瘫殿菱种三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 32: I beg leave to thank you for the extremely kind and appreciative manner in which you have received the toast of Science. It is the more grateful to me to hear that toast proposed in an assembly of this kind, because I have noticed of late years a grea

148、t and growing tendency among those who were once jestingly said to have been born in a pre-scientific age to look upon science as an invading and aggressive force, which if it had its own way would oust from the universe all other pursuits. I think there are many persons who look upon this new birth

149、 of our times as a sort of monster rising out of the sea of modern thought with the purpose of devouring the Andromeda of art. (Thomas Henry Luxley, Science and ArtScience and Art) 然妈虞岗蜕暑灯堵陌宣垄壮仓桃诊澎殷妄沧腊罕族姐冀半换印迟环炭锗缩三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 33: Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Lolos Club, - One mi

150、ght start a great many principles and ideas which would require to be illustrated and drawn out in order to present a picture of my feelings at the present moment. I am conscious that in my immediate vicinity there are people who were great when I was little. I remember very well when I was unknown

151、to anybody, how I was sent to report a lecture by my friend right opposite, Mr. George Alfred Townsend, and I remember the manner in which he said: “Galileo said: The world moves round, and the world does move round,” upon the platform of the Mercantile Hall in St. Louis one of the grandest things o

152、ut. (Henry Morton Stanley, Through the Dark ContinentThrough the Dark Continent)湾嗡值挫橇楞吠钞暗捌购绣眼地蛾级缚空翟蕴暗辑挥棱里氦歌伤裕闪逞呻三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 34:Ladies and gentlemen, I shall have the pleasure of speaking to you about certain traits of character of the people of my nation. One of the first traits I s

153、hall illustrate is their humor. We are, I hope, a Christian people, but I am certain that our Christianity has been tested a good many times by that often-repeated proverb of Sidney Smiths, that it takes a surgical operation to get a joke into a Scotchmans head.玉止时基无碳岸勇呵漠鸥镇袭祟莹棺茅彝违深寐诺混铅玖惭翟据冤醚锰策三章英国名家

154、演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 34 (continued): A recent writer, whom I cannot identify, and whose name I do not want to know, denies that there is anything in our humor that is light in touch, delicate and graceful. He asserts instead that there is much that is austere and awkward, tiresome, and unpleasant.

155、 Now each nation takes its own humor in its own way, some joyously, some seriously, but none more conscientiously than the Scotch. (John Watson, Scottish HumorScottish Humor)变赃颈燕胖恭倘隶旬因午抹森放渭癸以剑忿照附竖帆懂浑拌槽缀革狈咨苑三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 35:Friends, I cannot help thinking tonight of the many hundreds o

156、f meetings that have been held in this country in defense of the principle of womens enfranchisement. How many times have noble women poured forth their very soul in an appeal for political justice. How many times has such an appeal been made, and made to ears that were deaf and unheeding. It is wel

157、l for us all to remember that we are engaged in no new movement. There were those who came before us, pioneers of forty and fifty-six years ago, who began the agitation for woman suffrage. They worked well, they worked devotedly, and yet, after all those years of hard work, women have not yet got th

158、e Parliamentary vote. (Miss Christabel Pankhurst, The Militant The Militant SuffragetteSuffragette)背鸟骋八颊郡轴良甘防藕笆索湿哉肯茄唱闭若央剔举玫抢递郊洪乏侗阴盆三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译第二节3640汤脂妨出四锗呐亢蟹狠狸煽钾撑漫运堆妨豌茂矾遣髓芳血乳与均誊匈恒零三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 36: Hereupon, out of half-a-dozen people, suddenly spoke out two, one an American

159、 gentleman, with a cultivated taste for art, who, finding himself on a certain Sunday outside the walls of a certain historical English castle, famous for its pictures, was refused admission there, according to the strict rules of the establishment on that day, but who, on merely representing that h

160、e was an American gentleman, on his travels, had, not to say the picture gallery, but the whole castle, placed at his immediate disposal.孵滤抢狠鸭腻泼博辽呢梨痘箍札可镑蝴峦单群诚啸嫌疙拽蜕窥绞桶负篮蛊三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis踞娶岗匹邢僳挑浆拱辙丝吴屿呜谈骆寒藏询砸菲柜淤辩芹阐含豫征登饮街三章英国名家演

161、说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase睦喷体执号呐辩葵扭起厢豪际晌紧炸毕红巾了这涛刚捏晓速巡李泊凉惩颐三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of a single complex sentence, composed of a main clause and two coordinate attributive claus

162、es, of which the second has an object clause further embedded.贺仑淤峙蟹镊斋勉传拙素啪龋忘蚜翼骨铣曹阅绰劝燎能饰都瑚锑舶烛狱盘三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The sentence begins with an adverb followed by a compound prepositional phrase; the main clause is in inverted order, whose normal order should be: two sudde

163、nly spoke out; one an American gentlemanone an American gentleman is an absolute nominal construction, whose sentential version should be: one was an American gentlemanone was an American gentleman. In the sentence, the prepositional phrase at the beginning, with with a cultivated taste for arta cul

164、tivated taste for art, famous for its picturesfamous for its pictures, according to the strict rules of the establishment on that according to the strict rules of the establishment on that dayday, on merely representing thaton merely representing that, on his travelson his travels, and not to say th

165、e picture gallery, but the whole castlenot to say the picture gallery, but the whole castle are parenthetic structures, although the last one should structurally be the object of the pattern: have placed have placed at ones disposalat ones disposal. 沮羽匀罪孕尾铸痹焕掸段辨俯庐弥稠帆辰花缉抹障翁豌休岩献抿钳深诛缆三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说

166、汉译(3) Notes: Hereupon out of half-a-dozen people, suddenly spoke out twoHereupon out of half-a-dozen people, suddenly spoke out two, means at this moment, two out of half-a-dozen suddenly spoke two out of half-a-dozen suddenly spoke outout; who, finding himself on a certain Sunday outside the who, f

167、inding himself on a certain Sunday outside the walls of a certain historical English castle, famous for its pictures, walls of a certain historical English castle, famous for its pictures, was refused admission there, according to the strict rules of the was refused admission there, according to the

168、 strict rules of the establishment on that day, but who, on merely representing that establishment on that day, but who, on merely representing that he was an American gentleman, on his travels, had, not to say he was an American gentleman, on his travels, had, not to say the picture gallery, but th

169、e whole castle, placed at his immediate the picture gallery, but the whole castle, placed at his immediate disposaldisposal can be reduced to the backbone structure like this: who was refused, but who had not only the picture gallery who was refused, but who had not only the picture gallery but also

170、 the whole castle placed atbut also the whole castle placed at; the phrase on merely presenting that means as soon as he only told them that as soon as he only told them that ; the phrase not to saynot to say means not to speak ofnot to speak of, and the phrase not to not to say, butsay, butmeans no

171、t only but alsonot only but also ; in the last two lines, had, not to say the picture gallery, but the whole castle, placed at had, not to say the picture gallery, but the whole castle, placed at his immediate disposalhis immediate disposal can be reduced to had not only A but had not only A but als

172、o B placed at his immediate disposalalso B placed at his immediate disposal.酷搜冀赏粉咐置掖末悸氛爬霜钓圣漠携翔威济厌崔棠题荤娟什豁盗训舵挟三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: To reduce possible understanding barriers, we will paraphrase the selection as follows: Just at that moment, two people out of half a dozen spoke out. Of th

173、e two, one was an American gentleman. He said that on a certain Sunday he found himself outside a certain historical English castle, which is famous for its pictures. But he was not allowed to enter, for according to the strict rules, the castle would not open on that day. However, he told them that

174、 he was an American and was traveling in England. Immediately, he was let in to see not only the picture gallery but also the whole castle.揣撵仟眯嚣南卖染渴撒虽蜜饮扰订釜欲泡姻闯吼板穗竟绦唁吊屡泅遮茅解三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5)

175、Structural and lexical formality氢摧沿刻佃兹葱乏豪旬失测涉族奠雅炽辊铅篱膘欧将发兑验羞醒扇蔼熔剂三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The selection consists of a single complex sentence, periodic in structure for the beginning and the multiplication of parenthetic embeddings.腿认烬峦角绅嚏炸让蔬合贮寞产中滩慕肮否枣甭垮嘿署竹矮拎练萝妆昭念三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) S

176、tructural complication: The subject and the predicate of the main clause are inverted and the sentence contains an absolute nominal construction. All these features point to the fact that the selection is structurally very complicated.历醉渔捍宝僻庞骤芥斤椭辟啥汰挛瘁俗稠卖楔寇面鼻讥夫露闹娠掌惯碍斡三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel

177、structure: Parallel structures could be found though not frequently identifiable, for example, who, and who,; and not to say the picture gallery, but the whole castle .怂角歪隅流弱炊条么转泌物诣显义杏艺膘汗郴指市苍刀冤啼牌涧诵琵恿渝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as fol

178、lows: parallel structures could be found; oneone and twotwo are used in connection with half-a-dozenhalf-a-dozen; American gentlemanAmerican gentleman is used in connection with half-a-dozen peoplehalf-a-dozen people; wallswalls, castlecastle, establishmentestablishment, picturespictures, admissiona

179、dmission, picture gallerypicture gallery are semantically related; castlecastle, picturepicture and American gentlemanAmerican gentleman are repeated; hehe and hishis are repeatedly used to refer to the the American gentlemanAmerican gentleman, and so on.阵葵涟继愿陋臣堑脏重磅东指缨石哺愈携奥洽啤脊匆诬小瘟钒扭袒俺环需三章英国名家演说汉译三章英

180、国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentence it contains is grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, gentleman, cultivate, admission, establishme

181、nt, represent, immediate, disposal, etc. 傅脯蒙冈铲薄趋浊酶罐库层灵洛狡途赣蝉架杜系环狄陵蛔踏桩鞠笛算治膏三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments逊钥咒崇钦盂钾鄂锨胜洪悍矽捷电谚汽驮戊茸缸锨相舒辛往扫乍粥泞渴瑞三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 在此之后,在半打人中,两个人突然出来说话,一位美国

182、绅士,对艺术具有有教养的鉴赏力。他看到自己在某个星期天在某个英国古城堡的四墙之外,这个城堡的绘画很有名。没有让他进去,根据那天管理部门的严格规定。但是,他只是表述了他是个美国绅士,正在旅游。不用说画廊,就连整个城堡立即让他处置。川痹扶啥淬蹈崭慰芍汝癌疤裹撮态扣均魁淖并挛阮酣凳偷骄酞挞沧即像宁三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: In the above translation, some expressions sound quite exotic, for example, 具有有教养的鉴具有有教养的鉴赏力赏力; 他看到自己在某个星期天在某个英国古城他看到自己在某个星期

183、天在某个英国古城堡的四墙之外堡的四墙之外; 就连整个城堡立即让他处置就连整个城堡立即让他处置. If we say, the first two are understandable, the last one lies beyond understanding. In addition, some parts in the translation should be fronted, for example, 这个城堡的绘画很有名这个城堡的绘画很有名; 根据那天管根据那天管理部门的严格规定理部门的严格规定, and so on. And of course, the inverted ver

184、sion is translated into a normal version in accordance to Chinese norms.镐膝要瘩绸也里酋竭凌算鸡墩戊帐澜百鼻膛詹埋窄徊尘针拷彩淄挎咏娇赞三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 说到这儿,在半打人中,两个人突然出来说话。一位是美国绅士,有教养,对艺术具有鉴赏力。某个星期天他来到英国一座古城堡的门外,这个城堡的绘画很有名。那天,城堡管理部门有严格规定,于是没让他进去。但是,他只是表述了他是个美国绅士,正在旅游。不用说画廊,就连整个城堡立即让他畅游了一番。家印谊啸内接貌腐燕蔽唯痈鼓憎吼肛舟腻番

185、曲澜蝎媳鹏堪粳校付奢挝阴线三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: In the translation, all the words and sentences are in authentic Chinese except for some minor points such as在半打人中; 表述了and so on. And maybe the sentence某个星期天他来到英国一座古城堡的门外,这个城堡的绘画很有名could be rearranged.琳俄习幅透硷尾锡檬爷搏褐捎褒嫩旬栈虽肮蔫壬旗诞偷拄婿妈强钾泛冻莲三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) T

186、ranslation 3: 说到这儿,在场的六个美国人中,有两个人突然说话了,其中的一位是绅士,有艺术素养,有艺术鉴赏力。有个星期天他慕名来到一座以绘画而闻名遐迩的英国古城堡的入口。城堡有严格的管理规定,那天不接待游客,于是将他拒之门外。但是,当他仅仅说明了他是个美国人,在英国旅游,不用说画廊,就连整个城堡都立即让他大饱眼福了。垮岂释咒畅惩宏娄眩弄锚嚣考从惊承沫庭揉辊份卞砧逐朵娠踞坊舟履渴君三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation is much improved on the previous in that a great

187、many authentic expressions are employed as substitutes for the previous corresponding parts. Among them are在场的六个美国人中在场的六个美国人中; 有艺术素养有艺术素养; 慕名来到一座慕名来到一座以绘画而闻名遐迩的英国古城堡的入口以绘画而闻名遐迩的英国古城堡的入口; 那天不那天不接待游客接待游客; 仅仅说明了仅仅说明了; 让他大饱眼福让他大饱眼福and others. Consequently, the translation is much more readable, coherent

188、 and authentic, even sounding like a piece of Chinese writing, about what happened in a foreign environment, though.蜡油氓侄摘袍剖廖响佰轩顺嗣廊哺热笆例汗枉载桌耕向躲铝缝继骡汐稍多三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 37: The other was lady, who, being in London, and having a great desire to see the famous reading-room of British Museum, w

189、as assured by the English family with whom she stayed that it was unfortunately impossible, because the place was closed for a week, and she had only three days there. Upon that ladys going to the Museum, as she assured me, alone to the gate, self-introduced as an American lady, the gate flew open,

190、as it were, magically. 白之采涟休燥播踪礁拒路碉帐除格溺互搪许湘和便温个深爆插拈连汾教助三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis冰咀戌哗谷潞初霞巍癌废颅耿述靶说侧喧雇诊键甜受郑达署止吭露届撑叉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes率居米慑仟元诅寸砧塘房癸呈同勘就辛伴耕

191、砍军版豢押翅季我董秆陇蜒救三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of two sentences, of which the first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause, an attributive clause, an object clause and an adverbial clause of reason, which is composed of two coordinate clauses, and there is

192、an attributive clause embedded in the prepositional phrase by the English familyby the English family . The second is also a complex sentence, composed of an adverbial clause of reason and a main clause with a parenthetic clause embedded near the end of the sentence. 疮牛杰蜒萝君干藏共侥衅苏涅葬炔宽末勤谐掐紫适居啤操刊粗靛漫闷摊庸

193、三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: Between the subject and the predicate of the first attributive clause in the first sentence, there is a parenthetic structure embedded; and the second sentence begins with a prepositional phrase and has as she assured me, alone to the gate, self-intro

194、duced as an American lady, and as it were embedded as parentheses. 矛泉彼褂博痰掷揍窃郝瞎钩爹恼泌幻两药洁秀螟哗畅沫苔末豁缘尤肢锗蔡三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: Who, being in London, and having a great desire to see the famous reading-room of British Museum, was assured by the English family with whom she stayed that it was unfor

195、tunately impossible, because the place was closed for a week, and she had only three days there could be reduced into a backbone structure like this: who was assured that . 乖卢阉希嚷考透服况散蟹铁竹淀吮火绕疙彩顿辛盆佛椎行办捏慢蜒洱键绞三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Paralle

196、l structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality遮救夯貌咋瞅捻疽汽熔支粕藻函布度贸兼舞昔陛谚迄钻餐泡扳框摈囊翱递三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The two sentences are both periodic in structure for the reason that the first sentence has a parenthetic structure embedded while the second sentence begins with a

197、prepositional phrase in addition to the embedding of a number of parentheses.苍士蹦狰亭柑所潍姻安段芥盏衷徊火矮塑多飞迁参漱货挺辞之回给宽滥收三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The two sentences in the selection are grammatically complicated for their complexity and the embedding of parentheses.辛限麦亏驼茵篆触聊讶吵驰枯给蹄戊禹荤拣曙素惧咋

198、圭槛酥衍聚罕喉怂涪三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: In the selection, parallel structures are used, for example, being in London, and having a great desire; and the place was closed for a week, and she had only three days there.温霖巩詹特权鲤产乍械豺芋血婪荒按料叹沏寿殆嗣糯赌胰永粕聂轮萎豌永三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device

199、: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are used; lady and Museum are repeated; she is repeatedly used to stand for lady, American lady or the lady; three days and a week are used in contrast; the famous reading-room is used as part of the British Museu

200、m, and so on.效直伊妥烃拖蚜死浪汝辈址吝铆邱抖纠镇肠狱藩绎域削明康咽鬃冲痛亿纂三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly use

201、d, for example, assure, unfortunately, introduce, magically, etc., since all these words are frequently used nowadays.蜒敌理孤栖腮辑阶诱蛇蛮盔骄温洁凑矗澳秃泥胜纱靴畸刊冀挚眶党丢濒濒三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments态擦役谍熄嗅醉陋毁央棒滴编篇嘿搁助诉

202、冉硬歌对汗超甘烷阮杨自疾玻统三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 另一位是个女士,在伦敦,很想去看看大英博物馆的阅览室。她住在一个英国家庭里,那家人肯定地告诉她,很不幸,那是不可能的,因为,那个地方关门一周,而她在伦敦只能呆三天。当她到达博物馆时,她肯定地告诉我,她一个人到了门口,自我介绍说,她是一位美国女士。大门一下子打开了,奇迹般地,如果可以这样说的话。魄慎磋赖莱超堆杰眨矿冕绳纂妖中胰甭鞋聘邯斑悦侥铁脯糕饥殷限约匀乎三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The first sentence of the translation i

203、s well rendered. However, the second could be reorganized and the third should also go through the process of reorganization. For example, 奇迹般地could be fronted; 如果可以这样说的话sounds incongruous in the context.扭鸦蝶掩颤灼槐辰绊直眷情色乖雌申拌遂浮讶间埂禁躯瘩扯择佩娄散袒棉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 另一位是个女士,在伦敦时很想去看看大英博物馆的阅览室

204、。她住在一个英国家庭里,那家人肯定地告诉她,不幸得很,不可能参观大英博物馆,因为那个地方关门一周,而她在伦敦只能停留三天。当她到达博物馆时,她肯定地告诉我,就她一个人到了门口,自我介绍说,她是一位美国女士。大门一下子奇迹般地打开了,如果可以这样说的话。结岔痰册位翌喂授大晤急长镊仅键坟竣鞭荐埂惭榨担囱准筏适券扦茧野眷三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation sounds much better now, except for perhaps the very last clause, although other places could be

205、further improved in accordance with Chinese norms. For example, 另一位是个女士sounds abrupt; 不幸得很,不可能参观大英博物馆,因为那个地方关门一周,而她在伦敦只能停留三天sounds a little colloquial, and so on.降烙眉场籽逸谱拎幕凉记爷跟疆卷踏缸诗痞马唯姑棒厄塞纳讯进靖加争砂三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 另一个站出来说话的是位女士。她说,在伦敦时很想去参观大英博物馆的阅览室。她的房东恳切地告诉她,不幸得很,她无法如愿以偿,因为大英博物馆关

206、门一周,而她又只能在伦敦停留三天。可是,她真真切切地对我说,她去了,果真没有游客,就她一个人。于是她自我介绍说,她是一位美国人。没想到,她刚说到这儿大门就哗地一下奇迹般地敞开了。春伶浮汲社详攻油酗寓檄怔吏埠人掉惮阵悄积包丽薯栽殿驻孤胞酵祭证遣三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation is drastically different from the previous when另一个站出来说话的另一个站出来说话的; 她说她说; 可是可是; 果真没有游客果真没有游客; 没想到没想到; 他刚说到这儿他刚说到这儿; 哗地一哗地一下下are seemin

207、gly unjustifiably inserted, when 她她的房东的房东; 无法如愿以偿无法如愿以偿; 真真切切地对我说真真切切地对我说 and others are substituted for the corresponding parts in the previous translation. Consequently, it sounds more like a piece of writing than a translation. However, all the ideas could be found in the original, though some of

208、 them are between the lines.秧傈岳此雄姆断独贤徘己服规尉硒翼哩某虏只薛榷酮务除屯婪炎热捅旗梭三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 38: Now, gentlemen, I refer to these trifles as collateral assurance to you that the Englishmen who shall humbly strive, as I hope to do, to be in England as faithful to America as to England herself, have no pr

209、evious conceptions to contend against. Points of difference there have been, points of difference there are, points of difference there probably always will be between the two great peoples. 若涩础尤霹绊停悔盅甸陋呻袋怒产秉康婚逢镰种媒匠咕蜂臼灶鸵桂碍络矩三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 38 (continued):But broadcast in England is sown

210、the sentiment that those two peoples are essentially one, and that it rests with them jointly to uphold the great Anglo-Saxon race, to which our president has referred, and all its great achievements before the world. And if I know anything of my countrymen and they give me credit for knowing someth

211、ing if I know anything of my countrymen, gentlemen, the English heart is stirred by the fluttering of those Stars and Stripes, as it is stirred by no other flag that flies except its own.角矾橙也讣侍痴杂证袋和胃匹新舍畦咳砷寓柴诊抨忠忿障蝴进逐生扦刃朴三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylist

212、ic analysis头盖绸不舶蔚污觅曹喜扬弘换谩惮往狱辞勒止厦坞冒勿五嗡囚遇灼措骏儿三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes蜕卉温琵拘状夹喷峭贬姚思扼漆寐攫蓉榜贝腻盗止批秀咒撩眠凄妄卖向谩三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of four sentences, of which the first is a complex sente

213、nce, composed of a main clause, and an appositive clause, which in turn is composed of a main clause and an attributive clause with a parenthetic clause embedded. The second is a compound sentence, composed of three coordinate clauses. 预裂鸵敛猖恤攘脉偷至秦舱描爬尉食个拷武寝槐决嘴怎开扛息捉最秉砖黎三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Sentence str

214、ucture (continued):The third is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and two coordinate appositive clauses, the second of which has an attributive clause embedded. The fourth is again a complex clause, composed of a conditional clause, which is then repeated, and a main clause with an adver

215、bial clause of manner embedded.王策窄鳃追鄙拯氦询拉蕾捞陵代溃荷弧波掠碗铱砖佑赃苏肥橙喘秘腐斑批三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The first sentence begins with an adverb and a vocative, and has a parenthetic clause embedded; in the third sentence, the great Anglo-Saxon race and all its great achievements before the

216、world are in coordination; and in the fourth sentence, between the two conditional clauses, there is a clause in between, that is, and they give me credit for knowing something. 吾楔做屹母乒甥寒嘱搁菲莱郭匹玛踏剧盲会赢串瞻素辙敦皋趋肆悔眩宽舵三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, the Englishmen who shall In the firs

217、t sentence, the Englishmen who shall humbly strive, as I hope to do, to be in England as humbly strive, as I hope to do, to be in England as faithful to America as to England herself, have no faithful to America as to England herself, have no previous conceptions to contend againstprevious conceptio

218、ns to contend against can be reduced into the backbone structure like this: the the Englishmen have no previous conceptions to Englishmen have no previous conceptions to contend againstcontend against; in I refer to these trifles as collateral I refer to these trifles as collateral assurance to you

219、thatassurance to you that, the thatthat clause is in apposition to assuranceassurance; in the third sentence, is sownis sown means is sowingis sowing; the sentimentthe sentiment is followed by two appositive clauses: that these two peoplesthat these two peoples, and that that it rests with themit re

220、sts with them; in it rests with themit rests with them jointly to jointly to upholduphold, to upholdto uphold is the real subject and it it the formal subject. 桔殊织担山踩汞戚衍锗匀来鸳减速什钨悄抖辗致认罩愁寂德垫仰竿象迅兢三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4

221、) Cohesive device(5) Structural and lexical formality余靠内坞搞强鬼饮蜕匙我狸咽损憾忆某音凄妓嚏辆触啥苍县拐用嘿忙憎琵三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: Three of the four sentences in the selection are periodic in that the first sentence begins with an adverb and a vocative, and has a parenthetic clause embedded; the third senten

222、ce has a parenthetic attributive clause embedded; and the fourth sentence begins with two conditional clauses with a parenthetic clause embedded in between.审售撇沦虽讨婿毫淄腔陆雹梧躲搂楞爸咬蕴含杂噬焙尘干永失抢演音辫钝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: 3 out of 4 are complex sentences; and 3 out of 4 are periodic s

223、entences.叛怎枚鸦抱圣路妮镑择千辽铂吾佯谓壮砂摔恩枉纫很婴吵巴约短餐崖冒敛三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used for instance, as faithful to America as to England herselfas faithful to America as to England herself; points of points of difference there have beendifference there have bee

224、n, points of difference there points of difference there areare, points of difference there probably always will be points of difference there probably always will be between the two great peoplesbetween the two great peoples; that those two that those two peoples are essentially one,peoples are ess

225、entially one, and that it rests with them that it rests with them jointly to upholdjointly to uphold; the great Anglo-Saxon racethe great Anglo-Saxon race,and all its great achievementsall its great achievements; and the English heart is the English heart is stirredstirred, as it is stirredas it is

226、stirred . In the selection, some structures are repeated or partially repeated, for example, points of difference points of difference there have been, points of difference there are, points there have been, points of difference there are, points of difference there probably always will beof differe

227、nce there probably always will be; and if I if I know anything of my countrymenknow anything of my countrymen. 肌品背裂顾诀少淄丘芒锭冰紫负让朝喀担恬孩澳车踢谭拭疾画练舟寡职则三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; I, my, Eng

228、land, two peoples, countrymen, gentlemen and others are repeated; the English heart, the Englishmen and the great Anglo-Saxon race are used as partial repetitions for England; Stars and Stripes are used as a partial repetition for America, and so on.敬胖蔓襄仆半钻箍旋榷馋痈若波如拆露蚁淡吴亲褥崔寒亏塔漆纤己肿愉搭三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说

229、汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, collateral, assurance, humbly, faithful, previo

230、us, conception, contend, broadcast, sentiment, essentially, and so on. 剂哺嚷贮妄崔瞒渡逛禽鸦库北炒胳磷蒙各戚铃工跳费爱计佃请荆置甘虹矽三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments谣蹋蛾谬剔聘妥搁撬屿疑樊瘩胜邹挡柄实脓质昼产贺城驹荣调绞艺越词埃三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translatio

231、n 1: 现在,先生们,我提到这些小事作为进一步让你们放心的理由。英国人在英国谦卑的,像我希望的那样,努力做到在英国也像忠实于英格兰一样忠实于美国,没有反对美国的先入之见。两个伟大的民族之间曾经有过分歧,现在也有分歧,将来很可能一直有分歧。但是英国的广播一直在播撒这种感情,这两个伟大的民族实际上是一个,它们有责任共同举起盎格鲁撒克逊民族的大旗,这一点主席先生刚才已经提到了,共同向世人展示盎格鲁撒克逊的巨大成就。如果我对我的同胞了解一点的话,他们相信我是了解一点的,如果我对我的同胞了解一点的话,先生们,英国人的心为星条旗的飘扬而激动,就像除了自己的国旗没有别的国旗能使他们的心激动一样。辣肩宙丰个

232、氏花碟慎酸拨魂燎夫恫序码窥叫遁廷陷苯捣耽正鄙温釉秸瓶模三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation is fairly acceptable though it is the result of following the original strictly. In the translation process, 也像忠实于英格兰一样也像忠实于英格兰一样; 反反对美国的对美国的; 两个伟大的民族之间两个伟大的民族之间, and others are fronted; 共同共同is repeated, and other readjustments

233、 are made. However, against the Chinese norms, the translation could be further improved. For example, how to translate the parenthetic structures in the original and where to place their translations are worth reconsideration.庞罚谭邑或离铺囊儿禹酸搬膊殖笼挛宏哭浸璃庞落恐挛意豢饮厚畔钟晦督三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 现在,


235、说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Minor improvements have been made on the previous translation. For example, the parenthetic structure像我希望的那样像我希望的那样is now fronted; and这两个伟大的民族之间过去和现在都这两个伟大的民族之间过去和现在都有分歧,将来很可能还有分歧有分歧,将来很可能还有分歧is substituted for the previous translation. However, no other drastic improvement ca

236、n be witnessed except for, perhaps, the very last clause. In addition, where to put the other parenthetic structure刚才刚才主席先生也谈到了主席先生也谈到了? ? Whether the repetition of如如果我对我的同胞们有所了解的话果我对我的同胞们有所了解的话is necessary in the new context? All these together with others are all worthy of reconsideration.厉年绸繁念划富恍

237、掏藉汰删囊达滨象堪继贬愧墨校爽筛杆须忌呛淮赫吐帝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 先生们,我谈谈这些小事,让你们稳放宽心。正如我所希望的,我们在自己的国土上努力做到像忠诚于英格兰一样真诚地忠诚于美国。我们两国伟大的人民之间过去有过、现在仍然有、将来很可能还有分歧,但英国一直在播撒这种感情,英美两国实际上是一家。正如主席先生刚才说的,我们有责任共同举起盎格鲁撒克逊的大旗,向世人展示我们的成就。如果我对我的同胞有所了解的话,这一点他们是深信不疑的,英国人的心随星条旗的飘扬而激荡,就像随自己的国旗的飘扬而激荡一样,此外,没有别的国旗能使英国人的心随之激荡了。

238、终叛囱眼块稳邱苹诊作际携指缓鄂艺要磅氛椿踞侯敲酞链毯腰蜒闻篷怪挛三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are made all through the translation, though not very drastically. Such examples are 我谈谈这些小事,让你们稳放宽心我谈谈这些小事,让你们稳放宽心; 真诚地忠诚于美国真诚地忠诚于美国; 过去有过、现在仍然有、将过去有过、现在仍然有、将来还很可能有来还很可能有; 就像随自己的国旗的飘扬而激荡就像随自己的国旗的飘扬而激荡一样,此外,没有别的国旗能使英国人的心随之一样,

239、此外,没有别的国旗能使英国人的心随之激荡了激荡了 and others. However, the parenthetic structure这一点他们是深信不疑的这一点他们是深信不疑的still remains where it was, an unavoidable awkward placement if it is awkward at all. Consequently, the present translation becomes closer to idiomatic Chinese writing with improved readability, coherence an

240、d authenticity.逼桅诸陇部官假善芋韶楚弃皮讹礼划妆缀咀耗祖威服蔗邱蜀淘牛秧螟售鹊三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 39: If I know my countrymen, in any and every relation towards America, they begin, not as Sir Anthony Absolute recommended that lovers should begin, with “a little aversion”, but with a great liking and a profound respect;

241、and whatever the little sensitiveness of the moment, or the little official passion, or the little official policy now, or then, or here, or there, may be, take my word for it, that the first enduring, great, popular consideration in England is a generous construction of justice.源磐堰撑啼熔伏瀑疟样纷汪恍淀肮彪搁阅卸宏

242、纯片境疥轩鸡鸵祭棉防暮舅三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analysisB) Stylistic analysis李茧魔肺艘劳蔡滑能蛊窘劲炒窿涟渝割苦腰结藕桅萌已谍荤戌片戮叹沙毖三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication董卿免膛纸菩瓷投柴剃轧钧崩处污蘸淫辞姜富唉勘处平苟养躲朝诬睡戚闪三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence struct

243、ure: The selection consists of a single compound complex sentence, composed of two coordinate clauses, of which the first is composed of an adverbial clause of condition and a main clause with an adverbial clause of manner that follows, which in turn has an object clause further embedded; the second

244、 is composed of an adverbial clause of concession and a main clause, in the form of an imperative; and at the end of the second coordinate clause, there is a nominal clause in apposition to it it immediately before it.祟狼渤峡豫旭摆浓睹拽正测米盈傍吼知猎削疼二夺淌俭惮动患拟武瘴架稽三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: I

245、n if I know my countrymen, in any and every In if I know my countrymen, in any and every relation towards Americarelation towards America, the first comma could be omitted; the saying not as Sir not as Sir Anthony Absolute recommended that lovers Anthony Absolute recommended that lovers should begin

246、, with “a little aversion”, but with a should begin, with “a little aversion”, but with a great liking and a profound respectgreat liking and a profound respect could be understood in its simplified way as not not with but withwith but with; and in the last but one line, take my word for it, thattak

247、e my word for it, that could be understood as take my word for it thattake my word for it that with the comma in between omitted.报拳攘本裙羌赫沃澄怪啡辽甥猎忱堂缎肢卷撤新禾崭位缠寻骏臂食幂晕构三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) Periodicity(2) Structural complication(3) Parallel structure(4) Cohesive device(5) Structural

248、 and lexical formality疡肖正困窜摇畅书刑香梁铭枷鳃饭烹甘鹿关花靛泌唆翰珍顾碉浦掘退咎羽三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Periodicity: The sentence is periodic in that the first coordinate clause begins with an adverbial clause of concession and the second coordinate clause begins with an adverbial clause of concession, in addition to the emb

249、edding of parenthetic structures.宵憎洱桓赡扎衙祝孩滨潍妻如唯锥家吮藻排摊仰孽驹仪迢讣绕膏扛既复浩三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Structural complication: The sentence is very complicated in structure both for the complexity and the embedded parentheses.哦磋溶泛馈皖尔闷腐茂迷赚每卤绞嚼叠凿础噬椭蚊汲箩泰羚拽牺哈换盯拯三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Parallel structure: Parallel st

250、ructures are frequently used, for example, anyany and everyevery; not withnot with, but withbut with; a great a great linkinglinking and a profound respecta profound respect; the little sensitiveness the little sensitiveness of the momentof the moment, or the little official passionthe little offici

251、al passion, or the little the little official policyofficial policy; nownow, or thenthen; herehere, or therethere; and enduringenduring, great great and popularpopular. And the selection is stylistically characterized by the use of parentheses such as in any and every relation in any and every relat

252、ion towards Americatowards America; not as Sir Anthony Absolute not as Sir Anthony Absolute recommended that lovers should beginrecommended that lovers should begin, etc. 财恨鹿皿俭柴揉沪用晶保约侄郊布哲色腰淮账揽揍搅插止硼殉兢名朔粘孝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Cohesive device: In terms of cohesive device, examples could be found as

253、follows: parallel strictures are frequently used; My is repeatedly used to refer to I; England is used in contrast with America; little and great are repeated, and so on. 丈赶呀梧栗殊背舟顿巾为鲜挽镁陪牡狞硝底愚民砾培盎爪忱隐猴砷危兴朵三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selection is formal i

254、n that the sentence it contains is grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, recommend, aversion, profound, respect, sensitiveness, passion, generous, construction and others. 是税辫淮忙励羡谢议路渍溅棍矛膛恒呻条募生蟹葫绅港丁榔柒吱草

255、宅寒茅三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments哪戈浴秆氖熏康友喂松秤鲍啥烬遁窖停硫窘穆建炽炒草势硼沃正将多史抉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 如果我了解我的同胞的话,在任何与一切意义上对美国的态度,不像安东尼.阿布索鲁特爵士所推崇的,相爱的人开始时必须“略有规避”,而是非常热爱,十分崇敬。不管当时有什么想法,有什么官场激情,有什么

256、官方政策,此时还是彼时,此地还是彼地,请相信我,在英国最旷日持久的、伟大的、普遍的考虑是大方地构建正义。渴阀咖米提荐署驭洗纪炔疽帖郝序绚算篇鸣峪菩杀肆峨毅官滇吵厕旧协勿三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The translation on the whole is fairly acceptable, though improvements could have been made throughout for greater readability and authenticity. However, in the translation, only some of

257、 the stylistic features are retained of the original.袖件憎沃笛凌狡琅舔咒竹而雄羊狙诉桶跌糯谈桂氦捍袜拐狼烽代颇芳出港三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 如果我了解我的同胞对美国的态度的方方面面的话,不像安东尼.阿布索鲁特爵士所推崇的那样,相爱的人开始时应该“略有规避”,而是一开始就爱之至深,敬之至重。不管当时有什么敏感的想法,不管官方有什么激情,采取什么措施,不管是此时还是彼时,是此地还是彼地,请相信我,英国人最持之以恒的、最宏伟的、最普遍的考虑是不遗余力地构建正义。鸭耕混岂寂垣撇崖型毛煞英嚷憋翘瞪完

258、脚党莽的昏淆婶玄煽赊肛坎进五获三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are made when expressions such as the following are employed: 我了解我的同胞对美国的态度的方方面面的话; 而是一开始就爱之至深,敬之至重; 有什么敏感的想法,不管官方有什么激情,采取什么措施; 不管是此时还是彼时,是此地还是彼地; 最持之以恒的, and others.验鞍何研垛矛谦授影伸春曼北堪比犊奢赶纷犁迢合弧臼讨励喝闹激穿脆骆三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 我洞悉我国人

259、民对美国的深情厚谊,我认为,他们对美国并不像安东尼.阿布索鲁特所推崇的那样,相爱的人开始时“都腼腆得难以相对而视”,而是一见钟情、相敬如宾。不管相见时内心有什么想法,有哪些官场激情、官方举措,不管何时何地,请相信我,英国人心中最持久、最伟大、最普及的想法就是竭力为正义而斗争。和鹃阉纲灼止汁馆汰柏鸯溪奇柞抑蝗橙慕润甭希蕉塌晒肘杠提笔斯藩鹿颓三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The present translation can be regarded as a piece of rewriting rather than a translation, to some,

260、if not all. For it is characterized by substituting a Chinese main clause, a statement, for the if clause of the original, by using such ready Chinese expressions as 一见钟情、相敬如宾, by condensing complicated ideas in the original into不管相见时内心有什么想法,有哪些官场激情、官方举措,也不管何时何地, and by taking other measures. 虐鸣园澜昔吵

261、包衰续绿胺钡递钒戮嗓列脂纳庞丢杜骄爬涧话浮图春泻追咽三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Original 40: Finally, gentlemen, and I say this subject to your correction, I do believe that from the great majority of honest minds on both sides, there cannot be absent the conviction that it would be better for this globe to be riven by an earthquake

262、, fired by a comet, overrun by an iceberg, and abandoned to the Arctic fox and bear, than that it should present to spectacle of these two great nations, each of which has, in its own way and hour, striven so hard and so successfully for freedom, ever again being arrayed the one against the other. G

263、entlemen, I cannot thank your President enough or you enough for your kind reception of my health, and of my poor remarks, but, believe me, I do thank you with utmost fervor of which my soul capable.涤对渗梆尺许抡磊存桩巨糖喀嚷塌友圾朝烯娶嗣扭拥赚易揍贺餐戌抵歼懂三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译1) Analysis of the original:A) Grammatical analys

264、isB) Stylistic analysis舌憾驰灰徽要偶呸诀姨耶仗汗赣海擦垢漓钝佬惕路犹潜夕咒阶尚碗诛犁汉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Grammatical analysis:(1) Sentence structure(2) Additional complication(3) Notes(4) Paraphrase净砂祭愈噬务遣饮晤醒稀疮漾摄昆堂昆蓄榔嘱掘讳辗谱襄跨勋泼断济税瀑三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) Sentence structure: The selection consists of two sentences, of which the

265、 first is a complex sentence, composed of a main clause and an object clause, which in turn contains a nominal clause in apposition to the nominal phrase the conviction. In the appositive clause, there is an adverbial clause of comparison, which in turn contains an attributive clause. The second is

266、a compound sentence, composed of two coordinate clauses.谓乓鹿校待慢瘁疟诚茅直贯盂渐榨挞非鹤怂寿嘻燃揣经耕妙法坟拆曙臻肠三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Additional complication: The first sentence begins with an adverb, a vocative and a clause, and the clause is coordinated with the adverb and the vocative; in the sentence, in its own way

267、and hour serves as a parenthesis; and also in it would be better for this globe to be riven, it serves as the formal subject while to be riven serves as the real subject. The second sentence begins with a vocative and has believe me embedded as a parenthesis. 功涡爸拍厉荐策禹绸信蓖猩线胺裙砌轰岛皮缄碰谓填甘傀番潦黎估土萍萎三章英国名家演说

268、汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Notes: In the first sentence, from the great majority of from the great majority of honest minds on both sides, there cannot be absent honest minds on both sides, there cannot be absent the conviction that the conviction that could be understood as the the conviction that cannot be a

269、bsent fromthatconviction that cannot be absent fromthat; the backbone structure for it would be better for this globe it would be better for this globe to be riven by an earthquake, fired by a comet, to be riven by an earthquake, fired by a comet, overrun by an iceberg, and abandoned to the Arctic o

270、verrun by an iceberg, and abandoned to the Arctic fox and bear, than that it should present to spectacle fox and bear, than that it should present to spectacle of these two great nations, each of which has, in its of these two great nations, each of which has, in its own way and hour, striven so har

271、d and so successfully own way and hour, striven so hard and so successfully for freedom, ever again being arrayed the one against for freedom, ever again being arrayed the one against the otherthe other would be it would be better for than thatit would be better for than that; and the quotation is i

272、n subjunctive mood; 禾香历蜜阳浸弃旗撼腰企熏膏娘蓄漱釉稗晦坦麦缀筒豹火擎斋呐蛇苗吝孝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Notes (continued):and the backbone structure of it should present to it should present to spectacle of these two great nations, each of which has, spectacle of these two great nations, each of which has, in its own way and hour,

273、 striven so hard and so in its own way and hour, striven so hard and so successfully for freedom, ever again being arrayed the successfully for freedom, ever again being arrayed the one against the otherone against the other would be it should present to it should present to spectacle of these two g

274、reat nations ever again being spectacle of these two great nations ever again being arrayed the one against the otherarrayed the one against the other, and in that structure, it it is the formal subject while ever again being arrayed ever again being arrayed the one against the otherthe one against

275、the other is the real subject; ever again ever again being arrayed the one against the otherbeing arrayed the one against the other, an absolute nominal construction, is equal to that ever again the one that ever again the one is arrayed against the otheris arrayed against the other. 网鳃堕骡锈邻娶缅灰校槛狐煮佣撼

276、蝎溯赚铬憋瑚馏并浅暮雾叫庙溯坠臃磊三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Paraphrase: The selection is composed of two sentences if and I and I say this subject to your correctionsay this subject to your correction at the beginning of the sentence is not included. As revealed in the above analysis, the object clause in the first se

277、ntence could be rearranged like this: the conviction cannot be the conviction cannot be absent from the great majority of honest minds on absent from the great majority of honest minds on both sides that it would be better for than thatboth sides that it would be better for than that. And the apposi

278、tive thatthat clause could also be rearranged in the following manner: The two great nations have The two great nations have striven so hard and so successfully , each in its own striven so hard and so successfully , each in its own way, though. If we should see that they would ever way, though. If

279、we should see that they would ever be arrayed again the one against the other, it would be be arrayed again the one against the other, it would be better than to see this globe to be riven. better than to see this globe to be riven. However, the structure of the second sentence is not as complicated

280、. 咐储睁馁弥泥釉兢汕披郭遍臂壁伏徐颤睬并睹近耗秋抹皇矗瘩位涣挚遇列三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Paraphrase (continued): For this reason, a paraphrase of the first sentence shall be presented as follows: Finally, gentlemen, and this final point is presented for your correction. I really believe that in the honest minds of the great majority

281、on both sides, there must be such a conviction that if we should see that our two great nations should be arrayed again one against the other, it would be better for us to see that this globe should be riven by an earthquake, fired by a comet, overrun by an iceberg, and abandoned to the Arctic fox a

282、nd bear. For the two great nations have striven so hard and so successfully for freedom, though each in its own way and hour.永札泵钠狞吻媚赠会獭痢铣蛋磷早栅庙板蹿动蚊济桐冀庭撞娜夫其羊憎苗三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Stylistic analysis:(1) The overall stylistic features(2) Periodicity(3) Structural complication(4) Parallel structure(5)

283、 Cohesive device(6) Structural and lexical formality厂线绕诺枫沏向喝干八皑拭吁用翌锑演嫩弛朴罚荷吼闲染锅辽癣郎箱谋久三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(1) The overall stylistic features: The selection presents some peculiar stylistic features when parentheses are frequently employed as listed in the following: and I say and I say this subject to

284、 your correctionthis subject to your correction; in its own way in its own way and hourand hour; gentlemengentlemen; believe mebelieve me and so on. The fronting of the prepositional phrase from the from the great majoritygreat majority, the subjunctive mood, the sentence pattern of better than bett

285、er than, etc. are also peculiar stylistic features. 鬃恩圆凭鳞憨瓤砌宜厚鸯今峪润阶洗悉郴傀拖最八叮寞敖徽苦闯壕炳轻醉三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(2) Periodicity: The present selection consists of two sentences, and both of them are periodic sentences in that the first begins with an adverbial phrase, a vocative and a clause, and has a pare

286、nthetic structure embedded. The second sentence begins with a vocative and has a parenthetic structure embedded.豌洒名众罕珊诉洞代兼译舜鸽村别萌喷婶关抢孪矽感芹堕辐轻声逼题逊魄三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(3) Structural complication: The structures of the two sentences are complicated, especially that of the first sentence.九闪嫩亥扭椰萄帖林臆成妙寄暗箭狗

287、钝站夫澡铜桥墙插乳育连谗皂碑扦驮三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(4) Parallel structure: Parallel structures are frequently used, for example, riven by an earthquakeriven by an earthquake, fired by a fired by a cometcomet, overrun by an icebergoverrun by an iceberg, and abandoned abandoned to the Arctic fox and bearto the Arcti

288、c fox and bear; wayway and hourhour; so so hardhard and so successfullyso successfully; the one against the the one against the otherother; and of my healthof my health, and of my poor of my poor remarksremarks. 舜跳被仔峻好版走沸坪稍疡瘁翌阴枚月耿线囚线秦粱约馈睦思萎抉辛蜡侍三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(5) Cohesive device: In terms of coh

289、esive device, examples could be found as follows: parallel structures are frequently used; I is repeatedly used together with my; gentlemen, your and thank you are repeated; and so on. 膜吝命砸脏命指令沃莉刊袍仟慎逊螺矮撑压纤除馈须番窿邱碗擦妙财件肃三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译(6) Structural and lexical formality: Structurally, the selecti

290、on is formal in that the sentences it contains are grammatically complete and free from colloquial structures. Lexically, formal words and nominalizations are popularly used, for example, finally, subject, correction, believe, majority, absent, conviction, earthquake, abandon, spectacle, reception,

291、remark, and others. 汹蜘魄现嫂御血埂技仍掣悉疲烂验垛骏驱禁冻捉铰公稠钎呀敛轮续庞叭万三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译2) Staged translation:A) Translation 1 with commentsB) Translation 2 with commentsC) Translation 3 with comments纯柯希堤慰储晾比垛艰次伪乘殴殿拴谭氰砚逸骇呈瞒泞虫狞在哇拼豪皿践三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译A) Translation 1: 最后,我谈谈这个问题,请你们更正。我的确相信,在双方的绝大多数诚实的、有头脑的人的心目中,不

292、可能没有这样的信念。让这两个伟大的国家看到,这两个国家都用自己的方式,按照自己的时间,如此努力地争取自由,获得了如此巨大的成功,双方再次呈兵以对。与其这样,还不如让这个地球被地震毁灭掉,被彗星烧毁,被冰川压垮,将它抛弃给北极狐和北极熊。先生们,我无法感谢你们的主席还是你们,对你们对我的健康和我的拙劣词语的亲善。但是,相信我,我的确是以我的灵魂所能做到的热诚来感谢你们的。革竹钉孜嘻吻陀徐砸灭授源叉寓非氮肩淆芯峙哀酬稗鳃昂码妙百砧腥谍矫三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: The advantages of the translation lie in that the th

293、ird sentence of the translation is properly fronted, 与其这样与其这样at the beginning of the forth sentence is justifiably inserted and the last sentence is well worded. However, 这两个国家都这两个国家都用自己的方式,按照自己的时间,如此努力地争用自己的方式,按照自己的时间,如此努力地争取自由,获得了如此巨大的成功取自由,获得了如此巨大的成功 in the third sentence and对你们对我的健康和我的拙劣词语对你们对我的

294、健康和我的拙劣词语的亲善的亲善in the fourth sentence of the translation should be fronted, and such expressions as按照按照自己的时间自己的时间; ; 将它抛弃给北极狐和北极熊将它抛弃给北极狐和北极熊;拙劣词拙劣词语语and亲善should be changed into something better.猿烹母事雌畦允惺肇详振捍恰肚淋分翘粒苹豢客筏摄誓川侨甥鸳绽感掣晕三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译B) Translation 2: 最后,我谈一个问题供你们指正。我坚信,在双方绝大多数诚实的、有头脑的人

295、的心目中,不可能没有这样的信念:我们这两个国家都在用自己的方式,按照各自的日程,努力地争取自由,并取得了巨大的成功。与其让这两个国家看到,双方再次呈兵以对,还不如让这个地球被地震毁灭、被彗星焚烧、被冰川压垮、抛弃给北极狐和北极熊。先生们,你们对我的健康和我的拙劣词语给予亲善地接受,我无法感谢你们的主席或你们。但是,相信我,我的确是以我内心所有的热诚来感谢你们的。燕逮晚字偏奄努菲碟昨湛韧统播脑海弯樟袍赋或鼓着察瞧槐着列曹河硒尝三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are made concerned with the reorganization

296、of the third and the fourth sentence in the previous translation with some readjustments made of the neighboring sentences. The greatest change lies in the reorganization of the second and the third sentence, where与其让这两个国家看到与其让这两个国家看到, , 还还不如不如is used as a unified pattern, though irrespective of the

297、 original structure. However, some clumsy expressions still remain there as they were.庚肥伴舆凰客实乞倦幻茶遮琶扯碴弓柒修牡玖各当扑夸温都衷了弊虞溯刃三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译C) Translation 3: 最后,我谈一个问题,敬请指正。我坚信,双方绝大多数诚实而有主见的人都有这样的信念:我们两个伟大的国家,都在用各自的方式,按照各自的进程,为自由而不懈奋斗,并获得了巨大成就。我认为,与其让这两个大国看到,双方再次兵戎相见,还不如让这个地球被地震毁灭掉、被彗星焚烧掉、被冰川埋葬掉、被北极狐和

298、北极熊糟蹋掉。先生们,你们的主席和你们祝愿我身体健康,善解我的不善言辞的讲话。对此,我感谢不尽。但是,我的确是竭尽我的满腔热诚来答谢诸位的。翼翼娥倚碗骚扯美锤芦酣笨皇祸具亮系谋殴涉砰敛厦鲤调佬曼侮显腻弃胆三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Comments: Improvements are further made when the remaining clumsy expressions are substituted for and typically authentic Chinese expressions are used, for example, 最后,我谈一个问题,敬请指

299、正; 按照各自的进程; 为自由而不懈奋斗; 双方再次兵戎相见; 祝愿我身体健康; 善解我的不善言辞的讲话; 我的确是竭尽我的满腔热诚来答谢诸位的.腹渣丽江六董设暴置裸生丁耗鳃间试价纸派捡埃尧拷泻澎司孵庸出蹋慌秀三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercises36-40黑孝襄朴辟速朝塞屏姥绷厩豌港图欺腐完渺庙寒贺富而诲蛮谆束骨憨镍需三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 36 I do not come here as an advocate, because whatever position the suffrage movement may occupy in

300、the United States of America, in England it has passed beyond the realm of advocacy and it has entered into the sphere of practical politics. It has become the subject of revolution and civil war, and so tonight I am not here to advocate woman suffrage. American suffragists can do that very well for

301、 themselves. I am here as a soldier who has temporarily left the field of battle in order to explain it seems strange it should have to be explained what civil war is like when civil war is waged by women. I am not only here as a soldier temporarily absent from the field of battle: I am here and tha

302、t, I think, is the strangest part of my coming I am here as a person who, according to the law courts of my country, it has been decided, is of no value to the community at all; and I am adjudged because of my life to be a dangerous person. (Emmeline Pankhurst, Militant SuffragistsMilitant Suffragis

303、ts)竞惑叹向孺莆绅坯鄙问葫屿骆傀王敦陕蜒灿殿嫡渝拦跌百谁封星肯利噪翠三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 37 In the present crisis, it has not been possible to secure the peace of Europe; because there has been little time, and there has been a disposition at any rate in some quarters on which I will not dwell to force things rapidly to an

304、issue, at any rate, to the great risk of peace, and, as we now know, the result of that is that the policy of peace, as far as the Great Powers are concerned, is in danger. I do not want to dwell on that, and to comment on it, and to say where the blame seems to lie, which Powers were most in favor

305、of peace, which were most disposed to risk or to endanger peace, because I would like the House to approach this crisis in which we are now, from the point of view of British interests, British honor, and British obligations, free from all passion as to why peace has not been preserved. (Sir Edward

306、Grey, Englands PositionEnglands Position)抱岿里苗屹呼抽匪呕浸雄肾妙脓排伎叫飘佣潘逛才标淹割诺庆涨廖仑既雇三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 38 There is no man in this room who has always regarded the prospect of engaging in a great war with greater reluctance and with greater repugnance than I have done throughout the whole of my politi

307、cal life. There is no man either inside or outside this room more convinced that we could not have avoided it without national dishonor. I am fully alive to the fact that every nation that has been engaged in war has always invoked the sacred name of honor. Many a crime has been committed in its nam

308、e; there are some being committed now. All the same, national honor is a reality, and any nation that disregards it is doomed. Why is our honor as a country involved in this war? Because, in the first instance, we are bound by honorable obligations to defend the independence, the liberty, the integr

309、ity, of a small neighbor that has always lived peaceably. (David Lloyd George, An Appeal to the NationAn Appeal to the Nation)讫壹阿严基尖舶砍忍篆福岿湃醋挡粤涟度鲤轧纬腋楷径炒舅旋挠趋呜庸惊三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 39 On this anniversary in every part of the world American citizens meet together and renew, as it were, their vo

310、ws of devotion to the great ideals which have animated them. All the world admires, and all the world sympathizes with the vast work of the great American Republic. All the world looks back upon the one hundred forty-one years which have elapsed since the Declaration of Independence and sees in that

311、 one hundred forty-one years an expansion in the way of population, in the way of wealth and of power, material and spiritual, which is unexampled in that period, and, as far as I know, in the history of the world. (Arthur James Balfour, The Fourth of JulyThe Fourth of July)基胖甫凭误为聘毅枝毅穴陀漂倘嚣额觅唱购函憾裸诧也如

312、确蒲纱浮唉疆蓬三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译Exercise 40 Today, as I read about the Peace, as I hoped, and pray about the Peace, I thought of the almost countless graves scattered in the center of Europe. Many of our children are lying there. It must be in the hearts of all of us to build a fair monument to those men

313、 who will never come back to bless us with their smiles. Do they not want a grand and magnificent monument built for them so that the next generations, even if they forget their names, shall never forget their sacrifice? That is what I want. I almost felt I heard the grass growing over them in a magnificent, soothing harmony, and that simple soothing peace of the growing grass seemed to grow louder and more magnificent until the riot and distractive sound of the guns were stifled and stifled by it. (James Ramsay MacDonald, PeacePeace)丙乎包乡毗俊樊魄蝉明惺潘哨严忱次宴溉宜脯磊皂切舅玖宁鲜回理蛊导实三章英国名家演说汉译三章英国名家演说汉译



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