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1、特殊动词的特殊动词的 宾语补足语用法宾语补足语用法 1授课:XX1.find+宾语宾语+宾补(形容词)宾补(形容词) He found the text difficult to understand. 他发现这篇课文很难理解。他发现这篇课文很难理解。 Lucy finds Bob very honest. 露茜发现鲍勃很诚实。露茜发现鲍勃很诚实。 2.find+宾语宾语+宾补(名词)宾补(名词) You will find her a beautiful girl. 你会发现她是一个漂亮的女孩。你会发现她是一个漂亮的女孩。 I found it a boring film. 我发现那是一部乏

2、味的影片。我发现那是一部乏味的影片。 2授课:XX3.find+宾语宾语+宾补(副词)宾补(副词) Mary hurried there, only to find them all out. 玛丽匆匆赶到那里,结果却发现他们都出去了。玛丽匆匆赶到那里,结果却发现他们都出去了。 4.find+宾语宾语+宾补(介词短语)宾补(介词短语) When he woke up, he found himself in hospital. 当他醒来时,发现自己在医院里当他醒来时,发现自己在医院里。 5.find+宾语宾语+宾补(不定式)宾补(不定式)They find the Chinese people

3、 to be happy and cheerful. 他们发现中国人很他们发现中国人很幸福幸福快乐。快乐。 3授课:XX6.find+宾语宾语+宾补(现在分词)宾补(现在分词) I found a number of people already working there. 我发现很多人已经在那里工作了。我发现很多人已经在那里工作了。 We found him waiting to receive us. 我们发现他正等着迎接我们。我们发现他正等着迎接我们。 7.find+宾语宾语+宾补(过去分词)宾补(过去分词) The old man found his hometown much ch

4、anged. 这位老人发现自己的家乡有了很大的变化。这位老人发现自己的家乡有了很大的变化。8 Find+that+从句从句We found that he was wrong。4授课:XXfind + 名词名词 +n. /adj. /adv/介词短语介词短语doing /done /to be/that从句从句 动词动词+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语1. Can you find me a book?2. I find Russian grammar very difficult.3. If you are found playing games at work, you will be d

5、ismissed.4. I found him at home.5.He got up to leave and found the door locked.常用于这种结构的常用于这种结构的常用于这种结构的常用于这种结构的动词动词动词动词有:有:有:有: feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consider feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consider 等。等。等。等。5授课:XX结构:结构:find+ it +宾补宾补+真正宾语真正宾语I found it pleasant to be with your

6、 family.We think it our duty that we should help the poor.注意注意: it 做形式宾语做形式宾语6授课:XX五五五五、在在在在复复复复合合合合宾宾宾宾语语语语中中中中,宾宾宾宾语语语语通通通通常常常常为为为为名名名名词词词词或或或或代代代代词词词词,但但但但有有有有时时时时也也也也可可可可以以以以用用用用不不不不定定定定式式式式(短短短短语语语语)、动动动动名名名名词词词词(短短短短语语语语)或或或或thatthat从从从从句句句句来来来来充充充充当当当当。这这这这时时时时,应应应应使使使使用用用用先先先先行行行行it it代代代代替替

7、替替宾宾宾宾语语语语,而而而而将将将将真真真真正正正正的的的的宾宾宾宾语语语语移移移移到到到到句句句句子子子子的后部,如:的后部,如:的后部,如:的后部,如: I feltI felt it it necessary to speak about our shortcomings. necessary to speak about our shortcomings. Do you consider Do you consider it it any good trying again?any good trying again? We all thought We all thought it

8、 it a pity that you couldnt join us. a pity that you couldnt join us. 注注注注意意意意:在在在在这这这这种种种种结结结结构构构构中中中中,宾宾宾宾语语语语补补补补足足足足语语语语通通通通常常常常为为为为名名名名词词词词或或或或形形形形容容容容词词词词;常常常常用用用用于这种结构的于这种结构的于这种结构的于这种结构的动词动词动词动词有:有:有:有: feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consider feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consi

9、der 等。等。等。等。7授课:XX翻译练习:翻译练习:翻译练习:翻译练习: 1 1、他感到很难跟你交谈。、他感到很难跟你交谈。、他感到很难跟你交谈。、他感到很难跟你交谈。 2 2、我想乘船去那里更舒服些。、我想乘船去那里更舒服些。、我想乘船去那里更舒服些。、我想乘船去那里更舒服些。 3 3、我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。、我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。、我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。、我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。 4 4、我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。、我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。、我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。、我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。 5 5、他清楚地表示他希望我能再呆一周。、他清楚地

10、表示他希望我能再呆一周。、他清楚地表示他希望我能再呆一周。、他清楚地表示他希望我能再呆一周。 He felt it very difficult to talk with you.He felt it very difficult to talk with you. I think it more comfortable to go there by ship. I think it more comfortable to go there by ship. I consider it possible to work out the problem in another way. I con

11、sider it possible to work out the problem in another way. I thought it no use I thought it no use talking talking with that man. with that man. He made it clear that he wanted me to stay for another week.He made it clear that he wanted me to stay for another week.8授课:XX1.I I felt felt _ _ necessary

12、necessary to to speak speak about about our our shortcomings.shortcomings.A. Me B. one C. that D. it A. Me B. one C. that D. it 2. Do you consider it any good _ again?2. Do you consider it any good _ again?A. Tried B. try C. trying D. Tried A. Tried B. try C. trying D. Tried 3. 3. We We all all thou

13、ght thought it it a a pity pity _ _ you you couldnt couldnt join us.join us.A. If B. whether C. why D. that A. If B. whether C. why D. that It用法练用法练19授课:XX2.汉译英练习:汉译英练习:1)她发现他她发现他 的话很难懂。的话很难懂。She found it difficult to understand what he said. 2)我想不值得去。我想不值得去。I dont think it worthwhile to go.10授课:XX3

14、)他认为帮助他们很重要。他认为帮助他们很重要。He regard it as important to help them. 4)我认为最好有戒备。我认为最好有戒备。 I thought it best to be on guard.5)我规定自己每天跑步半小时。我规定自己每天跑步半小时。I made it a rule to run for half an hour every day. 6)他感到有责任向她提一提这件事。他感到有责任向她提一提这件事。He felt it his duty to mention this to her.11授课:XX7)我觉得受到邀请是很荣幸的。我觉得受到邀

15、请是很荣幸的。I feel it an honour to be invited. 8)我认为值得一试。我认为值得一试。I think it worthwhile to try9)我发现和她相处很容易。我发现和她相处很容易。I find it easy to get on with her. 10)我想不可能获得他们的批准。我想不可能获得他们的批准。I dont think it possible to get their approval.12授课:XX13授课:XX14授课:XX15授课:XX(B)1、He soon made it clear that he wanted me to s

16、tay. 不久他就会表明他想要我待下去。2、I took it for granted that you would go with us.我想当然地认为你会和我们一道去。 3、You may depend upon it that it was genuine. 你可以放心,这是真的。16授课:XX4、Legend has it that she was kept under the pagoda.传说她被关在这座宝塔下面。5、He doesnt want it to be known that hes going abroad.他不愿意人家知道他就要出国了。17授课:XX6、I used

17、to feel it a terrible thing that my mothers life should be so hard.过去我常常感到我母亲生活得这样艰难实在太糟糕了。7、I feel it strange that nobody is willing to go there.我感到很奇怪没人愿意去那里。8、I have it on my conscience that Ive let you down.辜负了你的好心,我感到良心不安。18授课:XXdrive sb. crazy / mad / wildget it clean / dirty / wet / open / shutfind it difficult / easyhold it open / still keep it cool / fresh / shutleave it clean / dirty / open / shutpaint it brown / red prefer it friedKeep these in heart19授课:XXThank you!20



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