中考英语 第二轮 语法专题聚焦 专题六 连词课件

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1、专题六连词山西专用山西专用考点一并列连词1常见的并列连词2.特例清单“祈使句or结果句”与“If you dont.,youll.”同义,其中or意为“否则”。如:Hurry up,or you will be late.快点,否则你就会迟到了!If you hurry up,you wont be late.如果你快点,就不会迟到。If you dont hurry up,you will be late.如果不快点,你就会迟到了。but意为“但是”,用来表示转折关系,注意它不能与though,although连用。如:I want to help you,but I really dont

2、 know what to do.我想帮你,可是我真的不知道该做什么。He tried hard to catch up with others,but he failed.他竭力想赶上别人,但失败了。The rain began to fall,so we had to find a place to stay in.雨开始下起来了,所以我们不得不找个避雨的地方。so意为“所以,因此”用来表示因果关系,注意它不能与because,since,as连用。如:It was rather late,so we decided to go home.已经很晚了,所以我们决定回家。for意为“因为”,

3、表示原因,主要用来进行补充说明,没有因果关系。如:I must be off now,for its rather cold outside.我得走了,因为外面相当冷。I soon fell asleep,for I was tired.我很快就睡着了,因为我太累了。not only.but also,neither.nor.和either.or.连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最近的主语保持一致;both.and.连接两个主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式;而as well as连接两个主语时,谓语动词同前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:Not only I but also my mother is

4、 going to the museum.不仅我而且我的母亲也要去博物馆。Neither you nor I am right.你和我都不对。Either you or he is right.要么你对,要么他对。Both Li Ping and her father take exercise every morning.李萍和她的父亲每天早晨都进行锻炼。1Check your test paper carefully, _ youll make fewer mistakes.AorBandCso2 _Lucy you cant go to the party.One of you has

5、to stay at home to look after your grandma.ANeither;nor BEither;or CNot only;but also3Air pollution is becoming more and more serious, _ actions must be taken to stop it.Aor Bbut CandBBC4Time waits for no man.But teenagers wont realize the value of time until its gone.Dont waste your time, _ you wil

6、l regret it.Aand Bor Cbut5When are you going to Beijing for your summer holiday?I havent decided. _ this Sunday next Sunday is OK.ANot only; but also BNeither; norCEither; orBC考点二从属连词1引导时间状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法when当时候从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时。while正当时,正在时while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常常用进行时。until直到常用在“not.until.”结构中

7、,表示“直到才”。as soon as一就引导的从句常用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。如:It was raining when she arrived at the station.她到达车站时,正在下雨。Dont make any noise while others are reading.别人读书时不要制造任何噪音。He didnt appear until the meeting had begun.直到会议开始他才露面。Ill visit you as soon as I come back.我一回来就会去拜访你。2引导条件状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法if如果if引导的条件状

8、语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。unless如果不,除非unless可以转化成“if.not.”结构。主从句时态同if的用途一致。如:If he has time tomorrow,he will come to the meeting.明天有时间的话,他会来开会的。He wont finish the work unless he works hard.如果他不努力,就不能完成这项工作。3引导让步状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法though虽然引导让步状语从句时这些词语不能与but同时使用。although尽管even though (if)即使如:Although it raine

9、d hard,he still went out.尽管雨下得很大,他还是出去了。Even though I have enough time,I dont want to go there with him.即使我有足够的时间,我也不想跟他去那里。4引导原因状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法because因为回答why引导的问句。since既然语气比because弱,表示原因是对方已知的。as由于,因为语气比since弱,表示原因是对方已知的,一般放在主句之前,有时也可置于其后。如:Why were you late for class today?今天你为什么上课迟到了?Because I

10、got up too late and didnt catch the early bus.因为我起床起晚了,没有赶上早班车。Since he says so,it must be true.既然他这么说,那一定是真的。As it was getting dark,Mother began to worry about my brother.由于天越来越黑,妈妈开始担心哥哥。5引导结果状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法so.that.如此以至于so后跟形容词或副词such.如此以至于such后跟名词that.【注意】sothat结构常与tooto结构互换。如:She is so tired t

11、hat she cant go any farther.She is too tired to go any farther.她太累了,不能再走了。6引导目的状语从句的从属连词从属连词意义用法so that/in order that以便于该连词后跟从句1Liu Ming jumps highest _he isnt the tallest in our class.Abecause Bthough Cfor2Please give Alice the story book _ you see her.All right.Aunless Bbut Cif3Its not polite to s

12、peak loudly _ you are having a meal.Awhile Bafter Csince4Ill go to visit my aunt in England _the summer holidays start.Awhile Bsince Cas soon as5How do you like the short play?Funny, _ the music of it is not so good.Aso Bthough CbecauseBCACB6Kates dad is getting old.She will go back home to see him

13、_it is convenient.Abecause Bwhenever Cunless7Hey,man.You cant cross the street now.You have to wait _the traffic lights turn green.Oh,sorry and thank you.Awhen Bafter Cuntil8The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier _ we take action to protect them.Asince Bif Cunless9 _ he was exercising at the park yesterday morning,he found a purse under the tree.Awhile BBefore CThough10It will be 2 years _we see each other again.Abefore Bsince CwhenBCCAA



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