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1、ThetextisalettertoaBstudent.Inthelettertheauthor intends to deal with the following threequestions:GlobalReading -Text analysisHow should students regard grades, both good and bad? Are grades as important as they are assumed to be? Do good grades necessarily lead to achievements and bad grades resul

2、t in failure in a students later life?第1页/共71页第一页,共72页。ThethemeofthispieceofwritingIt is explicitly stated in the first sentence of the third paragraph:to put a B students disappointment in perspective by considering exactly what the grade B means and doesnt mean.GlobalReading -Text analysisThewhole

3、lettercanberoughlydividedintothreepart第2页/共71页第二页,共72页。PartI:(Para.1-3)Global Reading - Text analysisItintroducesthepurposeoftheletter.Whatyourgrademeans.Grades do not mean everything.PartII:(Para.4-8)第3页/共71页第三页,共72页。Global Reading - Text analysisPartII:(Para.4-8)b.distinctionbetweenthestudentasape

4、rformerin the classroom and the student as a humanbeingPartIII:(Para.9-10)perspective:thewayweshouldregardgradesa.whatyourgradedoesntmean.第4页/共71页第四页,共72页。far superior to: much better in quality thannThiscarissuperiortothatone.这辆汽车比那辆要好。nHiscompositionisfarsuperiortomine.n他的作文比我的好多(hodu)了。nHeissuper

5、iortohisbrotherinmathematics.n他的数学比他兄弟好。e.g.Derivation:superiority n.Antonym:inferior a. inferiority n.第5页/共71页第五页,共72页。Its considered that “Gentlemans C” as anaverage grade(平 均 等 级 ) is seriously behind thetimes (过时,落伍),todays “average” gradeisa“B”. A few years ago, the “Gentlemans C”prevailed(流行,盛

6、行(shngxng)inuniversities.Gentlemansagreementn.君子协定Gentlemanshipn.绅士的身份、品格Gentlemans C: a decent (得体(dt)的,正派的) grade (in the past).More第6页/共71页第六页,共72页。(1)How to Calculate Grades(1)How to Calculate GradesGradeDescription4-point Equivalent100-pointASuperior4.096-100A-Superior3.790-95B+Good3.387-89BGoo

7、d3.083-86B-Good2.780-82More第7页/共71页第七页,共72页。GradeDescription4-point Equivalent100-pointC+Satisfactory2.377-79CSatisfactory2.073-76C-Satisfactory1.770-72DPoor1.065-69FFailure0.00-64第8页/共71页第八页,共72页。norm n.1) an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with 标准标准(bi

8、ozhn)e.g.Youmustadapttothenormsofthesocietyyoulivein.在社会中生活就要(jiyo)遵循社会行为准则。Derivation:normal a.normally ad.normalize v.normalization n.2) the norm = a situation or type of behavior that is expected and considered to be typicale.g.Criminal behavior seems to be the norm in thisneighborhood.犯罪行为似乎是这一带

9、(ydi)的正常现象。第9页/共71页第九页,共72页。shift vt.& vi.1) to move or change from one position or direction to another 转变转变(zhunbin)e.g.TheLeftisshiftingitsground.左派(zupi)正在改变立场。Hiseyesshiftedtothetelephone.他的眼光转向了电话机。2) transfer sth. 移动(ydng),转移e.g.In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林。八月时我

10、们把家具搬到了都柏林。More第10页/共71页第十页,共72页。Collocation:shift sth. (from A to / onto B) 转移或转换转移或转换(zhunhun)某某事物事物shift (your) ground (辩论中)改变立场或方法(辩论中)改变立场或方法e.g.Hes annoying to argue with because he keeps shifting his ground.Derivation:shift n.shiftless a. Practice第11页/共71页第十一页,共72页。1. 教师让学生们挪动了教室里的椅子,以便小组(xio

11、z)成员坐在一起开展讨论。2. 最近,媒体的注意力转移到了环境方面的问题。Translation:The teacher asked the students to shift the chairs around in the classroom so that the group members could sit together for the discussion._Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues._第12页/共71页第十二页,共72页。Im certain that nothing I ca

12、n say will remove that feeling of disappointment, particularly in a climate where grades determine eligibility for graduate school and special program.Translation: 我我肯肯定定无无论论我我说说什什么么都都不不会会(b hu)消消除除你你的的沮沮丧丧心心情情,特特别别是是在在我我们们生生活活的的环环境境中中,考考试试分分数数直直接接决决定定你你是是否否有有资格读研究生和申请一些特别的学习项目。资格读研究生和申请一些特别的学习项目。Mo

13、re第13页/共71页第十三页,共72页。eligibility n. the qualifications or abilities required for doing something合格合格(hg), 有资格有资格 e.g.Ill have to check her eligibility to take part in this competition.Derivation:eligible a.eligible (for sth. / to do sth.)Practicee.g.Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote.任何(r

14、nh)年满十八岁的公民都有选举权。 第14页/共71页第十四页,共72页。1. Her qualifications and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.2. 只有在公司工作三年以上(yshng)的人才能得到住房补贴(allowance)。(be eligible for)Translation:她的资历和经验确定她适合她的资历和经验确定她适合(shh)做这项工做这项工作。作。_Only those who have worked in this company for at least three years are elig

15、ible for housing allowance._第15页/共71页第十五页,共72页。inadequacy n. 1) being too low in quality or too small in amount 不适当不适当(shdng), 不十分不十分, 不完全不完全 e.g.The inadequacy of water supply for city people has already been a problem no government can take lightly.2) fault or failing; weakness 毛病(mo bng), 缺陷, 弱点e

16、.g.I always suffer from feelings of inadequacy when Im with him.Derivation:inadequate a.inadequately ad.Antonym:adequacyPractice第16页/共71页第十六页,共72页。1) Unemployment can often cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.2) I always feel inadequate when faced with a difficult problem.3) 这次(zh c)失败是

17、由于准备不足造成的。失业常使人感到失业常使人感到(gndo)自信不足、自尊心受挫。自信不足、自尊心受挫。面面对对难难题题我我总总是是(zn sh)觉觉得得力力不不从从心。心。Translation:MoreThe failure is due to the inadequacy ofpreparations.第17页/共71页第十七页,共72页。Exercise: Use the following words to fill in the blanks.1. Unemployment can often cause feelings of and low self-esteem. 2. He

18、 doubted her for the job. 3. Will future oil supplies be to meet world needs? 4. While some patients can be cared for at home, others are best served by care in a hospital. 5. Our scientific research is funded. inadequacy_inadequacy inadequately adequacy adequate adequatelyinadequately_adequacy_adeq

19、uate_adequately_第18页/共71页第十八页,共72页。repute n. reputation; fame 名望名望(mngwng), 名气名气, 声望声望 a man of good repute a hotel of some repute e.g. She is reputed to be extremely wealthy.reputed adj.reputedly adv. Derivation: e.g. The committee had reputedly spent over $3000 on “business entertainment”.e.g.Anto

20、nym:disrepute n. 声誉不好(b ho), 声明狼藉 Practice第19页/共71页第十九页,共72页。1) Hehaslittle reputeasanacademic.2) Andyisamanofbad reputeinhishometown.他是个名不见经传的大学他是个名不见经传的大学(dxu)教教师。师。 .安迪在他的家乡(jixing)臭名昭著。Translation:第20页/共71页第二十页,共72页。我我们们所所生生活活的的社社会会就就像像一一个个零零和和游游戏戏,只只要要有有人人赢赢,就就会会有有人人输输;只只要要有有人人感感到到幸幸福福,就就会会有有人人

21、感感到到沮沮丧丧。从从来来都都不不存存在在大大家家都都成成功功而而没没有有人人失失落落(shlu)的的情情况况。这这就就是是成功的核心因素。成功的核心因素。The essence of success is that theres never enough of it to go round in a zero-sum game where one persons winning must be offset by anothers losing, one persons joy offset by anothers disappointment. Translation: MoreExpla

22、nation:it to go round: the success which is enough to be given to everyonego round: be enough to divide 足够足够(zgu)分配分配 第21页/共71页第二十一页,共72页。essence n. the most basic and important idea or quality; inner nature; indispensable quality; the most important part 本质本质, 实质实质(shzh), 要素要素e.g.Intheabovechapter,

23、wehavelearnedwhattheessenceoftranslationis.在上一章中,我们学习(xux)了翻译的本质。Collocation:in essence 本质本质(bnzh)上,大体上上,大体上of the essence非常重要的,不可缺少的非常重要的,不可缺少的e.g.In essence, both sides agree on the issue.e.g.In any of these discussions, of course, honesty is of the essence.Derivation:essential a. & n.essentially

24、ad.第22页/共71页第二十二页,共72页。Zero-sumgame(零和游戏/博弈):Asituationinwhichifonepersongainsanadvantage form it, someone else involved in it must suffer an equivalentdisadvantage.博弈论的英文名为gametheory,直译就是“游戏理论”。游戏者有输有赢,一方所赢正是另一方所输,游戏的总成绩永远是零。“零和游戏”之所以广受关注(gunzh),主要是因为人们发现,在社会的方方面面都有与“零和游戏”类似的局面,胜利者的光荣后面往往隐藏着失败者的辛酸和

25、苦涩。Positivesumgame正和游戏(“双赢”或“多赢”)Negativesumgame负和游戏(没有赢家)Explanation:第23页/共71页第二十三页,共72页。offset vt. (offset; offset) to counterbalance or compensate for 抵抵 消消(dxio),补偿,补偿 e.g.1.Theextracostoftravellingtoworkisoffsetbythelowerpriceofhouseshere.此处的低房价可以抵消从这里去上班时交通方面的额外支出。2.Highermortgageratesarepartl

26、yoffsetbyincreasedtaxallowances.抵押贷款(dikun)利率的提高,其中一部分可因免税额增加而相抵消。Collocation:sb. offset sth. by sth else. / doing sth.sth. offset sth. elsePractice第24页/共71页第二十四页,共72页。1. 得失相当。得失相当。2. 他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。3. 在篮球场上,他用速度在篮球场上,他用速度(sd)及敏捷弥补了个及敏捷弥补了个子矮小的不足。子矮小的不足。Translation:Heputuphisprice

27、stooffsettheincreasedcostofmaterials._Inbasketball,heoffsetshissmallsizebyhisclevernessandspeed._Thegainsoffsetthelosses._第25页/共71页第二十五页,共72页。 winning is not the most important thing its the only thing.Explanation: This is a special type of negation. The author is not negating the importance of winn

28、ing; rather, with the sentence that follows the negative one, the author gives the utmost emphasis to the importance of winning. What the author wants to say is “Winning is of primary importance; nothing could be more important than winning.”Translation: 成成功功不不是是最最重重要要的的事事情情(sh qing)它它是是唯唯一一的的事事情情(s

29、h qing)。Practice第26页/共71页第二十六页,共72页。e.g.为了提高英语口语能力,实践不是为了提高英语口语能力,实践不是(b shi)最重要的事最重要的事情情它是唯一的事情。它是唯一的事情。为了跟上时代的发展。不断地更新我们的知识不是为了跟上时代的发展。不断地更新我们的知识不是(b shi)最重要的事情最重要的事情它是唯一的事情。它是唯一的事情。Sth. is not the most important thing its the only thing.To improve your oral English, practicing is not the most imp

30、ortant thing its the only thing.To keep up with the times, updating our knowledge is not the most important thing its the only thing.TT第27页/共71页第二十七页,共72页。To lose, to fail, to go under, to go broke these are deadly sins in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation i

31、n the future.Explanation: Deadly sins: The phrase specifically refers to “the seven deadly sins”: pride, covetousness(贪婪), lust(色欲), anger, gluttony(暴食), envy and sloth(懒惰). 不可(bk)饶恕的罪(七宗罪)Translation: 失失利利失失败败,倾倾家家荡荡产产是是很很可可怕怕的的过过错错,因因为为在在当当今今世世界界,人人们们认认为为(rnwi)眼眼下下的的兴兴隆隆发发达达预预示示着着将将来来必必能能从从困困境境中中脱

32、脱身。身。PracticeParaphrase:Being unsuccessful in ones life and career and financially disadvantaged is regarded as shameful or even sinful because in this world people tend to think that only those who are successful now can be saved from evil in the future.第28页/共71页第二十八页,共72页。go under: to fail; to be

33、overwhelmed 失败,破产失败,破产(p chn);沉没;沉没e.g.1.Thefirmwillgounderunlessbusinessimproves.生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。2.Theshipstruckuponarockandsoonwentunder.这只船撞到一岩石(ynsh)而很快沉没了。3.ManysoldierswentunderintheCivilWar.许多士兵在内战中阵亡。Translation:1.我们如果不想破产就必须对公司进行(jnxng)改造。Wemustreorganizethecompanyifwedontwanttogounder._More第

34、29页/共71页第二十九页,共72页。go / be broke: to become penniless; to go bankrupt 破产破产(p chn)e.g.The business kept losing money and finally went broke.I cant afford to go on holiday this year Im broke. Translation:1. 经济不景气经济不景气 (recession),很多小公司都倒闭了。,很多小公司都倒闭了。2.由于没有人愿意买那个由于没有人愿意买那个(n ge)发明者的机器,他最终破产了。发明者的机器,他最

35、终破产了。Alotofsmallbusinesseswentbrokeintherecession.Theinventorwentbrokebecausenobodywouldbuyhismachine._第30页/共71页第三十页,共72页。假假如如你你处处在在另另一一个个社社会会里里,你你可可以以对对你你的的沮沮丧丧(jsng)置置之之不不理理,但但是是在在我我们们这这个个社社会会里里是是无法回避的。无法回避的。In a different society, your disappointment might be something you could shrug away. But n

36、ot in ours.Paraphrase:If you are in a different society, you could just ignore you disappointment, but in our society, its inescapable. Translation: 第31页/共71页第三十一页,共72页。shrug away/off: to treat something as unimportant 对对满不在乎满不在乎(mn b zi hu),对,对不屑一顾不屑一顾e.g.1.Ireallyadmiresheisabletoshrugoffunfaircri



39、33页/共71页第三十三页,共72页。perspective n. a way of regarding situations, facts, etc.看法看法(kn f), 观点观点 e.g.1.Shehasagreatperspectiveonmarriage.关于婚姻生活,她的观点确实(qush)非常有意义。2.Youneedaperspectiveonyourself.你有必要回顾一下你的一生。3.Viewanissuefromahistoricalperspective.用历史的观点看待问题More第34页/共71页第三十四页,共72页。Collocation:put / see /

40、 view sth. in perspective: to compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged 正确、全面、客观正确、全面、客观(kgun)地看待地看待get / keep sth. in perspective: to think about a situation or problem in a wise and reasonable way 正确地了解正确地了解/考虑考虑1.Youmustlearntoseethingsinperspective.你们应该学会(x

41、uhu)正确地观察事物。2.Trytokeeptheseissuesinperspective.要尽量恰当地处理这些问题。3.Youmustgetthestoryin(itsright)perspectives.你必须正确地了解这件事。e.g.第35页/共71页第三十五页,共72页。take/accept at face value: to accept something for what it appears to be 根根据据外外表表(wibio)判判断断或或接接受受 e.g.1.IfthereisonethingIhavelearnedinlife,itisnevertotakean


43、/共71页第三十六页,共72页。Translation:1.Weshouldnttakefailuresatfacevalue.Instead,weshouldlearnfromourfailures.2.她好像够亲切的,可是我不应该(ynggi)信以为真。3.你不应该(ynggi)总是对他的话信以为真。我们不应只看到失败的表面,而要从失败中得出我们不应只看到失败的表面,而要从失败中得出(d ch)经验教训。经验教训。_SheseemsfriendlyenoughbutIshouldnttakeatherfacevalue._You shouldnt always take his remar

44、ks at face value._第37页/共71页第三十七页,共72页。be apt to: to have the tendency toe.g.1.Itsapttorainthisafternoon.今天下午可能下雨。2.Menarentapttogetkickedoutofgoodsocietyforbeingrich.人是不会因有钱而从上流社会被赶出去。3.Hissonisapttospendhismoneyprettyfreely.他儿子一向挥金如土(hujnrt)。4.ThiskindofweatherisapttooccurinlateMay.这种天气往往在五月底出现。Syn

45、onym:be inclined tobe likely toPractice第38页/共71页第三十八页,共72页。Translation:1.第一次来到异国的人往往感到自己周围的一切既陌生又有趣。2. 正如醉汉易认为自己很是清醒,年轻人往往认为自己十分(shfn)聪明。Anyone who has come to a foreign country for the first time is apt to find everything around him both strange and interesting._Young men are apt to think themselve

46、s wise enough, as drunken men are apt to think themselves sober enough._第39页/共71页第三十九页,共72页。transcript n. 2) written or recorded copy of what has been said or written 文字(wnz)记录e.g. 1.Iwanttocontinuemystudies.Iwouldappreciateitifyoucouldsendmeatranscript.现我准备继续深造(shnzo)。敬请寄一份我在校时学习成绩单为感。2.Shewentthro

47、ughthetranscriptcarefully,toeliminateallerrorsfromit.她把誊本从头至尾认真地看了一遍,以消除其中的错误之处。e.g. Icannotvouchforthecorrectnessofthetranscriptofproceeding.我不能担保诉讼的官方记录(jl)是正确的。an official record of a students school progress and achievements 抄本,副本,成绩报告单抄本,副本,成绩报告单 More第40页/共71页第四十页,共72页。transcription n. 抄抄(誊誊)写;

48、抄写;抄(誊誊)本本 1) the transcript of court testimony2) an academic transcript3) transcript card4) a transcript of the trial法庭法庭(ftng)证词的纪证词的纪录录学生学生(xu sheng)成绩报告单成绩报告单录录 制制 (l zh)卡片卡片审讯记录的文字本审讯记录的文字本Derivation:transcribe v. 抄写,转录抄写,转录 Translation:第41页/共71页第四十一页,共72页。proficiency n. skill; abilitye.g.Deriv

49、ation:proficient a. proficiently ad.Collocation:proficiency (in sth. / doing sth.)1.Togetthejobhehavetopassaproficiencytest.要想得到这份工作,他必须通过水平测试。2.Jackshowshisproficiencyinoperatingaswitchboard.杰克操作配电板十分熟练。3.Inadditiontomyknowledgeofbusinessprocesses,Ialsoofferproficiencyintelecomsoftwaredevelopmentan

50、dcutting-edgetechnologies.除了对商业流程知晓外,在电讯软件开发及高新技术方面(fngmin)我也很有研究。第42页/共71页第四十二页,共72页。conventional a. traditional and ordinarye.g. conventional behavior / attitudes / clothes / method I find his art rather dull and conventional.Derivation:convention n.conventionally ad.conventionalize v.conventional

51、ity n.Antonym:unconventionalyour performance of rather conventional tasksthe tasks traditionally required of studentsParaphrase:第43页/共71页第四十三页,共72页。correspond: 1) (to) to take the place of ; be equivalent, similar or equal to 相应相应(xingyng)于于, 相当于相当于e.g.TheAmericanCongresscorrespondstotheBritishParli

52、ament.美国国会相当于英国议会。Thegillsofafishcorrespondtoourlungs.鱼的鳃相当于我们(wmen)的肺。 2) (to/with) to match; to fit 符合(fh) e.g.Youraccountofeventscorrespondswithhers. 你说的情况跟她说的相符。你说的情况跟她说的相符。Heractionsdonotcorrespondwithherwords. 她言行不一。她言行不一。More第44页/共71页第四十四页,共72页。correspond: 3) (with) to exchange messages 通信通信(

53、tng xn) e.g.Haveyoubeencorrespondingwithhim?你一直(yzh)和他通信吗?Derivation:corresponding a.Translation:1. 对我们交谈所作的文字对我们交谈所作的文字(wnz)记录与我们的原话不符。记录与我们的原话不符。2. 地图上的红线相当于主要道路。地图上的红线相当于主要道路。Thetranscriptofourconversationdoesntcorrespondwithwhatwasactuallysaid.Redlinesonthemapcorrespondtomajorroads.第45页/共71页第四十五

54、页,共72页。 retain v. e.g. Iwillretainmyright.我将保留(boli)我的权力。Thisvesselwontretainwater.这容器盛不住水。e.g. Concentratedstudywillhelpyoutoretainknowledge.专心学习(xux)有助于你记住知识。2) to keep facts in ones memory 记住(j zh)1) to keep; to continue to have 保持保持, 保留保留, 留住留住3) to make sure that you will have someones help or

55、services, by paying for them before you actually have them 聘请聘请e.g. Heretainedthebestlawyerinthestatetodefendhiscase.他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。他为他的案子聘了该州最好的律师。Derivation:retainer n.More第46页/共71页第四十六页,共72页。keep,retain,reserve,preserve,conserve,withhold这些动词均有这些动词均有“保持,保存保持,保存”之意。之意。keep最常用词,指长时间牢固地保持或保存。最常用词,指长

56、时间牢固地保持或保存。retain指继续保持。指继续保持。reserve正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用正式用词,指为了将来的用途或其他用途而保存、保留途而保存、保留(boli)。preserve主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。主要指为防止损害、变质等而保存。conserve一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、一般指保存自然资源,保全人的精力、力量等。力量等。withhold指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。指扣住不放,暗示有阻碍。第47页/共71页第四十七页,共72页。assumption n. what is thought to be true or will happen, without an

57、y real proofe.g.These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.Im working on the assumption that the money will come through.Collocation:assumption of sth. Practice第48页/共71页第四十八页,共72页。Translation:1. 这一理论是以一系列错误的设想为根据(gnj)的。2. 看见不明飞行物时,有些人就设想在其他行星上有生命。The theory is b

58、ased on a series of wrong assumptions._Some people assume that there is life on other planets when they see UFOs._第49页/共71页第四十九页,共72页。 fuzzy a.1) not clear 模糊(m hu)的 e.g. Acoupleoffuzzypictureshavebeenpublished.有几张模糊的照片刊登(kndng)了出来。Hehadlittlepatienceforfuzzyideas.他没什么耐心听那些糊里糊涂的想法。e.g. Itieditwithfu

59、zzywhiteyarn,andadmiredmywork.我用毛茸茸的白纱线(shxin)把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。2) having short hair, fur etc. that stands upright 毛绒绒的毛绒绒的fuzzily adv.fuzz v. & n.Derivation:第50页/共71页第五十页,共72页。If you value these characteristics in yourself, you will be valued and far more so than those whose identities are measured only

60、 by little marks on a piece of paper.Explanation:and far more so: = and you will be far more valued Translation:如如果果你你珍珍惜惜自自己己的的这这些些品品格格, 你你也也会会受受到到他他人人的的重重视视, 并并且且你你所所受受到到的的重重视视要要比比那那些些(nxi)仅仅靠靠试试卷卷分分数数来来衡衡量的人受到的重视多得多。量的人受到的重视多得多。 第51页/共71页第五十一页,共72页。inadequacy assumption correspond to essence offs

61、et conventional go under perspective proficiency be apt to5. Everyone sees things from his or her own6. She live in the country, but her husband wanted to live in the city. 7. Toms as a professor is well known. perspective_.was apt to_proficiency_8. English is always thought to be a nation. 9. The w

62、orking of this machine that of the human brain. 10. The of their sons coming back after the war proved to be wrong. conventionalcorresponds toassumption_第52页/共71页第五十二页,共72页。. when I got out of the service . Paraphrase:. when I got out of the army . 当当我我退退伍伍(tu w)时时Explanation:Usually the plural form

63、 “services” is used to refer to the three armed forces, i.e. the army, the navy, and the air force.第53页/共71页第五十三页,共72页。1) fixed ways of doing things 例行公事(l xng-gngsh) e.g. Shewentthroughherusualritualofmakingsureallthedoorswerelockedbeforeshewenttobed.她上床之前按惯例检查一下所有(suyu)的门是不是都锁上了。Irealizedthatheret

64、heconventionsrequiredmetomaketheritualnoises.我意识到此时按照惯例我应该说些客套话。e.g. Theseceremonieswerealreadypartofpre-ChristianritualinMexico.这些仪式(ysh)已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式(ysh)的一部分。2) a ceremony that is always performed in the same way, in order to mark an important religious or social occasion 仪式仪式ritual n. 第54页

65、/共71页第五十四页,共72页。make a point of: to take particular care to do sth. 重视重视(zhngsh), 强调强调e.g.1.Birdsongseemedtomakeapointofsoundingunculturedanddressedthesameway.伯德桑说话(shuhu)时好象故意显得没文化并且打扮得也一样。2.Punctualpeoplealwaysmakeapointofbeingalittleearly.准时的人总是有意识地稍微早一点儿。3.Ialwaysmakeapointofcheckingthatallthewi

66、ndowsareclosebeforeIleave.出门前我总是要检查所有的窗户是否都关好了。Practice第55页/共71页第五十五页,共72页。Translation:1. 作为未来的英语教师,我们认为掌握好英语语法是很有必要的。2. 她一直保存所有(suyu)的购物小票。 As would-be English teachers, we make a point of having a good knowledge of English grammar._She makes a point of keeping all her shopping receipts._第56页/共71页第

67、五十六页,共72页。GI (pl. GIs or GIs) is an American soldier , especiallyanenlistedone(现役军人).GI-BillortheGI-Bill of Rights is the popular name for the Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944, whichprovided US World War II veterans with specialassistance.1944年 , 退 伍 军 人 权 利 法 案 (ServicemensReadjustmentAct,或GIBi

68、ll“大兵法案”)出台。根据这一法案,政府资助二次大战的退伍军人接受大学教育,旨在(zhzi)帮助退伍军人更好地适应平民生活。此外,政府还为退伍军人提供医疗,卫生,住房等方面的优惠政策。这些军人学生就称为GI-Billstudents。GI (pl. GIs or GIs)第57页/共71页第五十七页,共72页。他他们们刚刚脱脱下下军军装装、离离开开(l ki)自自己己军军人人的的身身份份,他他们们曾曾是是:陆陆军军副副排排长长、轰轰炸炸机机飞飞行行员员、下下士士、海海军军上上校校、中中尉尉、指指挥挥官官、陆军少校陆军少校甚至还有陆军中校甚至还有陆军中校. men who had but re

69、cently put away their uniforms and identities: former platoon sergeants, bomber pilots, corporals, captains, lieutenants, commanders, majors even a lieutenant colonel Translation: Explanation:Here “men who had but recently put away their uniforms and identities” refer to former GIs, who, like the au

70、thor himself, had taken off their army uniforms and changed their identities from servicemen to civilians. Many of these men had been officers of various ranks.第58页/共71页第五十八页,共72页。flunk vt.1) to fail an examination or course of study考试考试(kosh)不及格不及格e.g. I flunked my second year exams and was lucky n

71、ot to be thrown out of college.e.g.If he is no good, flunk him.2) give a failing mark to sb. 给某人(mu rn)打不及格Collocation:flunk out 因成绩因成绩(chngj)不及格而被学校除名不及格而被学校除名e.g.Dan wont be in college next year hes been flunked out.第59页/共71页第五十九页,共72页。resent vt. to feel angry because you have been forced to accep

72、t someone or something that you do not like 恨恨, 生气生气(shng q) e.g.Her father seems to resent her new boyfriend for he has no job.Her roommate seems to resent my being in their dorm.Derivation:resentment n.resentful a.resentfulness n.第60页/共71页第六十页,共72页。他他们们也也不不因因他他突突然然从从和和蔼蔼可可亲亲(h i k qn)的的态态度度转转向向严严厉

73、厉苛刻的面孔而憎恨他。苛刻的面孔而憎恨他。Nor did they resent him for shifting suddenly from a friendly gear to a coercive one.Explanation:The word “gear” originally means a device in a vehicle which controls the rate at which the energy being used is converted into motion. While driving, a driver sometimes shifts or ch

74、anges gear. In this sentence, the shifting of gear refers to the change in the instructors manner of dealing with his students. When drinking with the students in the pub, he was easy-going and friendly; but in the classroom, he became stern and severe.Translation: 第61页/共71页第六十一页,共72页。gear n.1) the

75、machinery in a vehicle that turns power from the engine into movement 排档排档(pi dn) e.g.Dont turn off the engine while youre still in gear.e.g.The landing gear of a plane has jammed.飞机(fij)的着陆架发生故障.。e.g.Allhiscampinggearwaspackedintherucksack.他的野营物品全都(qundu)放在背囊里了。3) a set of equipment or tools you ne

76、ed for a particular activity 物品物品, 工具工具Collocation:change / shift gear换档换档2)a piece of machinery that performs a particular job 装置装置第62页/共71页第六十二页,共72页。coercive a. using force to persuade people to do what they are unwilling to do 强制强制(qingzh)的的, 强迫的强迫的 e.g.coercive methods / measuresThe eighteenth-

77、century British Admiralty had few coercive powers over its officers. 18世纪英国海军部对其官员有很小的强制(qingzh)权力。Derivation:coerce v. coercion n.Collocation:coerce sb. into sth. / doing sth.e.g.The Chamber of Commerce was making efforts to coerce the strikers into compliance. 商会正在努力迫使(psh)罢工者妥协。You cant coerce he

78、r into obedience. 第63页/共71页第六十三页,共72页。It is important to recognize that human beings, despite differences in class and educational labeling, are fundamentally hewn from the same material and knit together by common bonds of fear and joy, suffering and achievement. Paraphrase:Itisimportanttoseethefac


80、育背景不同,但是人们都由相同的物质构成,尽管社会阶级和教育背景不同,但是人们都由相同的物质构成,被恐惧、快乐、痛苦和成就这些被恐惧、快乐、痛苦和成就这些(zhxi)人类共同的纽带联系在人类共同的纽带联系在一起。承认这一点非常重要。一起。承认这一点非常重要。Translation: 第64页/共71页第六十四页,共72页。e.g. 1.Theyhewedtheirwaythroughthedensejungle.他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。2.Iwanttohewoutacareerformyself.我想要艰苦(jink)地创一番事业。3.WeshouldhewtothePartysli

81、ne.我们应该坚持党的路线。hew v. to shape or carve from some material 砍砍, 固守固守(gshu) hew sth. across/throughhew sth. away/offhew sth. outCollocation:第65页/共71页第六十五页,共72页。战战争争、疾疾病病,还还有有公公共共及及个个人人(grn)的的灾灾难难,这这些都与我们的生活联系在一起。些都与我们的生活联系在一起。Warfare, sickness, disasters public and private these are the larger coordina

82、tes of life. Translation: Paraphrase:Humanbeingswillregardwars,diseases,privatedisastersand public disasters as unfortunate big events in theirlifetime.第66页/共71页第六十六页,共72页。e.g. Thefirstinvariantofstrainisindependentofthecoordinatesystembeingused.第一应变不变量与所用(suyn)的坐标系无关。coordinate n.e.g. Citizensareco

83、ordinatesinacourtoflaw.公民(gngmn)在法庭上是平等的。2)onethatisequalinimportance,rank,ordegree(在重要性、等级或程度(chngd)上)同等的人或物1) (usu. pl.)one of a pair of numbers and/or letters that show the exact position of a point on a map or graph 坐标坐标第67页/共71页第六十七页,共72页。Torecognizethem如如果果(rgu)弄弄清清了了它它们们的的真真实实意意义义我我们们就就会会明明白白

84、社社会会标标签本来就毫无关系,它只会掩人耳目,使人误入歧途。签本来就毫无关系,它只会掩人耳目,使人误入歧途。To recognize them is to recognize that social labels are basically irrelevant and misleading. Translation: Paraphrase:If we are aware that human beings, despite their apparentdifferences,arebasicallyidenticalphysicallyandemotionally,wewouldthinkd

85、efinitelythatthesociallabelsusedtodistinguishthem are irrelevant, i.e. meaningless, and misleading, i.e.distortingthefact.第68页/共71页第六十八页,共72页。但但是是从从人人的的角角度度出出发发,在在我我们们看看待待自自己己或或别别人人时时,我我们们不应该过分在意这些不应该过分在意这些(zhxi)区分。区分。But these distinctions should never be taken seriously in human terms, either in t

86、he way we look at others or in the way we look at ourselves.Translation: Paraphrase:Fromthepointofviewofhumanbeings,weshouldnottakethesedistinctionstooseriously,wheneverwelookatothersorourselves.第69页/共71页第六十九页,共72页。The End of Compound Dictation第70页/共71页第七十页,共72页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)!第71页/共71页第七十一页,共72页。内容(nirng)总结The text is a letter to a B student. In the letter the author intends to deal with the following three questions:。只要有人感到幸福,就会有人感到沮丧。要听什么就相信什么。我们(w men)不应只看到失败的表面,而要从失败中得出经验教训。2. 正如醉汉易认为自己很是清醒,年轻人往往认为自己十分聪明。感谢您的观看第七十二页,共72页。



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