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1、Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A(1a2d) . 单词单词填写填写1. humorous(adj. ) _2. score(n. &v. ) _3. silence(n. ) _ (adj. )沉默的沉默的4. help(v. ) _ (adj. )有帮助的有帮助的答案答案: 1. 有幽默感的有幽默感的; 滑稽有趣的滑稽有趣的2. 得分得分; 进球进球3. silent4. helpful. 短短语语互互译译1. 时时常常; 有有时时 _2. 戴眼戴眼镜镜 _3. 对对更感更感兴兴趣趣 _4. get good grades _答

2、案答案: 1. from time to time2. wear glasses3. be more interested in4. 获得好成绩获得好成绩. 句型填词句型填词1. 你过去矮你过去矮, 是吗是吗? You_ _ _ short, didnt you? 2. 他现在什么样他现在什么样? _ he_ now? 答案答案: 1. used to be2. Whats; like3. 他他过过去戴眼去戴眼镜吗镜吗? _ he_ _ wear glasses? 4. 比利的比利的变变化是如此的大化是如此的大! Billy has changed_ _ ! 答案答案: 3. Did; use

3、 to4. so much1. He used to be so shy and quiet. _2. Its been three years since we last saw our primary school classmates. _答答案案: 1. used to意意为为“过过去去常常常常”, 后后接接动动词词原原形形, 表表示示过过去去的动作和状态。的动作和状态。2. its是是it has的缩写的缩写, 该句的前半句为现在完成时。该句的前半句为现在完成时。1. humorous adj. 有幽默感的有幽默感的; 滑稽有趣的滑稽有趣的【语语境境领领悟悟】*The man is

4、a humorous writer. 那个人是一个幽默的作家。那个人是一个幽默的作家。*This story is full of humor. 这这个故事很幽默。个故事很幽默。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 humor与与humorous的异同的异同humor名名词词, 意意为为“幽默幽默(感感); 诙谐诙谐”humorous形容形容词词, 意意为为“有幽默感的有幽默感的; 滑稽有趣的滑稽有趣的”, 在句在句中作定中作定语语或表或表语语【学以致用学以致用】Our English teacher is very_ (humor). We all like him. 答案答案: humorous2. si

5、lent adj. 不不说话说话的的; 沉默的沉默的【语语境境领领悟悟】*She was always silent in class. 她她总总是在是在课课堂上保持沉默。堂上保持沉默。*They are doing homework in silence. 他他们们在默默地做作在默默地做作业业。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 silent与与silence的异同的异同silent形容形容词词, 意意为为“不不说话说话的的; 沉默的沉默的”silence名名词词, 意意为为“寂静寂静; 沉默沉默”【学以致用学以致用】(2013无无锡锡中中考考)We felt strange about his_ (si

6、lent) at the party as he used to be very outgoing. 答案答案: silence3. helpful adj. 有用的有用的; 有帮助的有帮助的【语语境境领领悟悟】*My mother is very helpful. 妈妈乐妈妈乐于助人。于助人。*Do you often help your classmates? 你你经经常帮助你的同学常帮助你的同学吗吗? 【自主自主归纳归纳】 helpful的用法的用法helpful为为形形容容词词, 意意为为“有有用用的的; 有有帮帮助助的的”, 它它是是由由help + ful构构成成的的形形容容词词。

7、help为为动动词词或或名名词词, 意意为为“帮帮助助”。类类似似的的词词还还有有useful, careful等。等。【一言辨异一言辨异】Mr. Green is really helpful. He often helps others. 格林先生乐于助人。他经常帮助别人。格林先生乐于助人。他经常帮助别人。【学以致用学以致用】If all of you are_ (help), you can get on well with each other. 答案答案: helpful4. used to过过去常常去常常【语语境境领领悟悟】*I used to be afraid of the d

8、ark. 我我过过去常常怕黑。去常常怕黑。*Did he use to play soccer? 他他过过去常踢足球去常踢足球吗吗? *I didnt use to be very quiet. 我我过过去不是很文静。去不是很文静。*You used to be short, didnt you? 你你过过去很矮去很矮, 是是吗吗? 【自主自主归纳归纳】 used to的用法的用法(1)used to意意为为“过过去去常常常常; 以以前前经经常常”, 后后接接动动词词原原形形, 表表示示过过去去的的习惯习惯, 暗指暗指现现在此状在此状态态不存在了或不存在了或动动作不作不发发生了。生了。(2)u

9、sed to的的否否定定句句、一一般般疑疑问问句句、附附加加疑疑问问句句常常借借助助于于助助动动词词did/didnt, 但也可用但也可用used/usednt。【妙妙辨辨异异同同】used to do sth. , be used to (doing) sth. 与与be used to do sth. used to do sth. 意意为为“过过去常做某事去常做某事”, 只用于只用于过过去去时态时态She used to have long hair. 她她过过去留着去留着长发长发。be used to(doing)sth. 意意为为“习惯习惯于于(做做)某事某事”, 可用于可用于现现在

10、、在、过过去、将去、将来等多种来等多种时态时态He is used to getting up early. 他他习惯习惯于早起床。于早起床。be used to do sth. 意意为为“被用于做某事被用于做某事”, 是被是被动语态动语态, 不定式表不定式表示目的示目的, 用于多种用于多种时态时态Wood is used to make paper. 木材被用来造木材被用来造纸纸。【学以致用学以致用】He used to be short. (改改为为一般疑一般疑问问句句)_ he_ to be short? Her father used to get up late. (改改为为否定句否

11、定句)Her father_ _ to get up late. 答案答案: Did; usedidnt use(2013安安顺顺中中考考)She_live alone. But she_living alone because she feels lonely. A. used to; doesnt used toB. is used to; was used toC. used to; is not used toD. was used to; doesnt used to【备选备选要点要点】Its been three years since we last saw our primar

12、y school classmates. 从上次从上次见见到我到我们们的小学同学到的小学同学到现现在在时间时间已已经过经过去三年了。去三年了。【句型剖析句型剖析】“It has been +一一段段时时间间+since+一一般般过过去去时时的的句句子子”意意为为“自自从从以来已以来已经过经过去了多去了多长时间长时间”。*It has been ten years since we moved here. 自从我自从我们们搬到搬到这这里里, 时间时间已已经过经过去去10年了。年了。【学以致用学以致用】自从我自从我们们离开家离开家, 时间时间已已经过经过去一个月了。去一个月了。_ _ a mont

13、h since we_ home. 答案答案: Its been; left. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. My grandfather used to_ (walk)to work in the past. 2. Are you used to_ (get)up early to read English? 3. What do you think of your Chinese teacher? He is very_ (humor). 4. All of them are working in_ (silent). 5. Why is he so popular?

14、Because he is very kind and_ (help). 答案答案: 1. walk2. getting3. humorous4. silence5. helpful. 单项选择单项选择1. My sister used to be_, but now she is outgoing. A. funnyB. friendlyC. activeD. shy2. She used to_in a small house, but now she lives in a big apartment. A. lived B. lives C. live D. living3. He us

15、ed to be tall, _? A. doesnt he B. didnt heC. does he D. did he4. I like playing basketball and Im_the basketball team. A. on B. with C. at D. for5. It_two years since we_the army. A. was; join B. was; joinedC. has been; join D. has been; joinedUnit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A(3a4c) .

16、 单词填写单词填写1. interview(v. ) _2. dare(v. ) _3. private(adj. ) _4. guard(n. ) _5. require(v. ) _6. public(n. ) _答案答案: 1. 采访采访; 面试面试2. 敢于敢于; 胆敢胆敢3. 私人的私人的4. 警卫警卫; 看守看守5. 需要需要; 要求要求6. 民众民众7. Asia(n. ) _ (adj. )亚亚洲的洲的8. shy(adj. ) _ (n. )害羞害羞; 腼腼腆腆9. Europe(n. ) _ (adj. )欧洲的欧洲的10. Africa(n. ) _ (adj. )非洲的

17、非洲的11. speak(v. ) _ (n. )讲话讲话; 发发言言答案答案: 7. Asian8. shyness9. European10. African11. speech. 短短语语互互译译1. 对对付付; 应应付付 _2. 公开地公开地 _3. take up singing _4. tons of _5. fight on _6. give a speech _答案答案: 1. deal with2. in public3. 从事歌唱事业从事歌唱事业4. 许多许多5. 继续奋斗继续奋斗6. 做演讲做演讲. 句型填句型填词词1. 她她过过去去很很害害羞羞, (所所以以)开开始始从

18、从事事歌歌唱唱事事业业来来应应对对她她害害羞羞的的毛毛病。病。She_ _ _ really shy and_ _ singing to deal with her shyness. 2. 我我过过去去在在学学校校里里不不受受欢欢迎迎, 但但是是现现在在我我无无论论到到哪哪里里都都会会引引起起很多人的注意。很多人的注意。I_ _ _ be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention_ I go. 答案答案: 1. used to be; took up2. didnt use to; everywhere3. 我我必必须须一一直直关关注

19、注我我给给别别人人留留下下的的印印象象, 我我必必须须非非常常小小心心我我的的所所说说所做。所做。I always have to worry about_ I appear_ _ , and I have to be very careful about_ I say or do. 4. 你不能你不能够够想象通往成功的路有多想象通往成功的路有多难难。You can never imagine_ _ the road_ success is. 答案答案: 3. how; to others; what4. how difficult; toYou used to be short, didnt

20、 you? _答答案案: 该该句句为为反反意意疑疑问问句句。其其简简短短问问句句可可以以是是didnt, 也也可可以以是是usednt。1. interview v. 采采访访; 面面试试n. 面面试试; 访谈访谈【语语境境领领悟悟】*For this months Young World magazine, I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang. 为为了了给给这这个个月月的的青青年世界年世界杂杂志撰稿志撰稿, 我采我采访访了了19岁岁的的亚亚洲流行歌手王坎迪。洲流行歌手王坎迪。*Your interview for the j

21、ob is tomorrow. 你的求职面试定在明天。你的求职面试定在明天。*Jack gave an interview on TV last night. 杰克昨晚在电视上接受了采访。杰克昨晚在电视上接受了采访。*The interviewer is from CCTV. 采访者来自中国中央电视台。采访者来自中国中央电视台。【自主自主归纳归纳】 interview的用法的用法(1)作作为动词为动词, 意意为为“面面试试; 会会见见, 采采访访”。(2)作作为为名名词词, 意意为为“接接见见, 会会见见; 面面谈谈, 面面试试; 采采访访”。(3)interviewer为为名名词词, 意意为

22、为“面面试试者者; 会会见见者者; 采采访访者者”。【学以致用学以致用】我想采我想采访访那位著名的歌手。那位著名的歌手。I want_ _ the famous singer. Do you know who the_ (interview)is? 答案答案: to interviewinterviewer2. dare v. 敢于敢于; 胆敢胆敢【语语境境领领悟悟】*As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class. 当情况有所好当情况有所好转转的的时时候候, 她敢在班里的同学面前唱歌。她敢在班里的同学面前唱歌。*She d

23、oesnt dare (to)meet her teachers eyes. 她不敢与老师对视。她不敢与老师对视。*How dare she do things like that to me? 她怎么敢对我做那种事她怎么敢对我做那种事? *Dare you catch the mouse? 你敢去抓那只老鼠吗你敢去抓那只老鼠吗? 【自主自主归纳归纳】 dare的用法的用法(1)dare用用作作实实义义动动词词, 此此时时其其后后的的动动词词不不定定式式可可带带to也也可可不不带带to, 且且dare有人称和数以及有人称和数以及时态时态的的变变化。化。(2)dare用用作作情情态态动动词词,

24、后后跟跟动动词词原原形形, 主主要要用用于于疑疑问问句句、否否定定句句和条件句中。和条件句中。【学以致用学以致用】I dont dare_ (jump)into the water. Dare you_ (ride)the horse? No, I darent. 答案答案: (to)jumpride3. public n. 民众民众adj. 公开的公开的; 公众的公众的【语语境境领领悟悟】*I used to be afraid of giving a speech in public. 我我过过去害怕在公众面前做演去害怕在公众面前做演讲讲。*The public want(s)to kno

25、w the truth. 民众想了解真相。民众想了解真相。*Its impolite to talk loudly in public (places). 在公共在公共场场合大声合大声讲话讲话是不礼貌的。是不礼貌的。【自主自主归纳归纳】 public的用法的用法(1)public作作名名词词, 意意为为“公公众众; 民民众众”。the public作作主主语语时时, 谓谓语语动词动词既可用既可用单单数数, 也可用复数。也可用复数。(2)public作作形形容容词词, 意意为为“公公共共的的; 公公众众的的”。in public places相相当于当于in public, 意意为为“当众当众,

26、 公开地公开地; 在公共在公共场场合合”。【学以致用学以致用】不要在公共不要在公共场场合吐痰。合吐痰。Dont spit_ _ . 答案答案: in public4. deal with对对付付; 应应付付【语语境境领领悟悟】*Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. 坎坎迪迪告告诉诉我我她她过过去去非非常常害害羞羞, 她她开开始始唱唱歌歌是是为为了了应应对对她她害害羞羞的的毛病。毛病。*She has learned to deal with all k

27、inds of problems. 她已她已经经学会了学会了应对应对各种困各种困难难。*What have you done with the milk? 你是怎么你是怎么处处理那些牛奶的理那些牛奶的? 【自主自主归纳归纳】 deal with与与do with的异同的异同I dont know how they deal with the problem. = I dont know what they do with the problem. 我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。我不知道他们如何处理这个问题。deal with常与常与how连连用用, 强强调处调处理理问题问题的方式、方法的方式、

28、方法do with常与常与what连连用用, 侧侧重于重于对对某事物的利用某事物的利用【学以致用学以致用】(2013南南京京中中考考)Some teenagers dont know how to_(处处理理)with their personal problems and they often go to therapy. 答案答案: deal【观观察察领领悟悟】观观察下列句子察下列句子, 思考思考used to do结结构的用法。构的用法。He used to play basketball after school. There used to be a zoo here. The gi

29、rl didnt use to /usednt to/used not to eat vegetables. Did you use to/ Used you to play the piano? They used to hate to run, didnt/usednt they? 【知知识识构建构建】 used to do的用法的用法I used to get up late in the morning. 我过去早上起床很晚。我过去早上起床很晚。(事实上事实上, 我现在起床较早了我现在起床较早了)There used to be a factory. 那儿曾有一家工厂。那儿曾有一家工厂

30、。(暗示工厂现在已不存在暗示工厂现在已不存在)We used to go to the English Corner. 我们过去常常去英语角。我们过去常常去英语角。(暗指现在不去了暗指现在不去了)I didnt use to be outgoing. = I used not to be outgoing. 我以前性格不外向。我以前性格不外向。They didnt use to go to school on foot. = They used not to go to school on foot. 他们过去不经常步行上学。他们过去不经常步行上学。Did she use to live in

31、 Shanghai? = Used she to live in Shanghai? 她过去一直住在上海吗她过去一直住在上海吗? Did you use to play the piano? = Used you to play the piano? 你过去经常弹钢琴吗你过去经常弹钢琴吗? He used to drink milk, didnt he? = He used to drink milk, usednt he? 他过去经常喝牛奶他过去经常喝牛奶, 是吗是吗? 【学以致用学以致用】My brother used to_. But now he is much thinner. A.

32、 heavyB. is heavyC. be heavyD. was heavy_you_to play ping-pong? Yes. But now I often play soccer. A. Did; used B. Did; use C. Are; used D. Were; useYou used to get up late, _you? Yes, I did. A. dont B. arent C. didnt D. wontThey used to walk to work. (改改为为否定句否定句)They_ _ to walk to work. Mrs. Black u

33、sed to stay at home on weekends. (对对画画线线部部分分提提问问)_ _ Mrs. Black_ to do on weekends? 答案答案: didnt useWhat did; use. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The_ (interview)is a teacher from No. 1 Middle School. 2. The girl doesnt dare_ (speak)in front of the class. 3. That man is an_ (Africa)actor and he is very fam

34、ous. 答案答案: 1. interviewer2. (to)speak3. African4. Although she was known for her_ (shy), she did show an interest in music and dancing. 5. Are you brave enough to give a_ (speak)in front of the whole school? 答案答案: 4. shyness 5. speech. 单项选择单项选择1. The USA is an_country. A. Asian B. AfricanC. American

35、 D. European2. As a teacher, I have to be very_about_I say or do. A. careful; what B. careful; howC. carefully; what D. carefully; how3. Do you know that the road to_is very difficult? Yes, I do. But I wont give up_my best. A. succeed; try B. succeed; tryingC. success; try D. success; trying4. He us

36、ed to have much time on weekends, but now it is almost_. A. possible B. impossibleC. more D. helpful5. My father used to_books_Chinese history. A. read; at B. read; onC. reading; on D. reading; atUnit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B(1a1e) . 选词配图选词配图P. E. class, music class, ants, paintin

37、g pictures答案答案: 1. painting pictures2. music class3. P. E. class4. ants. 句型填句型填词词1. 我我过过去去讨厌讨厌体育体育课课。I_ _ _ P. E. class. 2. 他他过过去参加去参加过过足球足球队队。He_ _ _ on the soccer team. 3. 我我过过去不喜去不喜欢欢考考试试, 但但现现在我不担心在我不担心(考考试试)了。了。I_ _ _ like tests, but now I_ _ about them. 答答案案: 1. used to hate2. used to be3. did

38、nt use to; dont worry1. I didnt use to like tests. _2. Did he use to like tests? Yes, he did. /No, he didnt. _答案答案: 1. 否定句加助动词否定句加助动词didnt, 后跟动词原形后跟动词原形2. 一般疑问句加助动词一般疑问句加助动词did, 后跟动词原形。后跟动词原形。1. worry about对对担心担心; 忧虑忧虑【语语境境领领悟悟】*I dont worry about tests. 我不担心考我不担心考试试。*Dont worry about Tom. Hell be b

39、ack soon. 不必不必为汤为汤姆担姆担忧忧。他。他马马上就回来。上就回来。【自主自主归纳归纳】worry about sb. /sth. 意意为为“为为某某人人/某某事事而而焦焦虑虑、烦烦恼恼、担担心心, 担心某人担心某人/某事某事”。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】 worry的常的常见见三种用法三种用法(1)worry可作及物可作及物动词动词, 意意为为“使使烦恼烦恼, 使焦使焦虑虑”, 常接常接sb. 作作宾语宾语。What worried you so much? 什么事使你什么事使你这这么担心么担心? (2)worry也也可可作作不不及及物物动动词词, 意意为为“烦烦恼恼; 担担心心”,

40、后后常常跟跟介介词词about。Our teacher often worries about our safety. 老老师经师经常担心我常担心我们们的安全。的安全。(3)worry后接从句后接从句时时, 也表示也表示“为为担心担心”。The teacher worried that the exam might be too difficult for her students. 这这位老位老师师担心此次考担心此次考试对试对她的学生来她的学生来说说可能太可能太难难了些。了些。【学以致用学以致用】Dont_ (担心担心). We can get there on time. Dont_ _

41、(担担心心)your daughter. She is old enough. How is Helen in the new school? She is doing very well. There is nothing to worry_. A. aboutB. ofC. withD. /答案答案: worryworry about2. all the time一直一直; 总总是是【语语境境领领悟悟】*I used to be nervous about tests all the time. 我我过过去去总总是考是考试紧张试紧张。*Look! The monkeys jump up a

42、nd down all the time. 看看! 猴子猴子们们一直在上一直在上蹿蹿下跳。下跳。*My grandparents always take a walk after supper every evening. 爷爷爷爷奶奶奶奶总总是在每天晚是在每天晚饭饭后散步。后散步。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】always与与all the time两两者者都都可可意意为为“总总是是, 一一直直”, 但但其其用用法法有有所所不不同同。具具体体用用法法见见下表下表: always侧侧重于重于频频率率, 表示周期性的表示周期性的规规律律, 含有含有“每逢每逢都是都是”的意思的意思通常位于通常位于实义动实义

43、动词词之前之前, 助助动词动词或或连连系系动词动词之后之后all the time侧侧重于一段重于一段时间时间内内连续连续的的动动作作, 或或时间时间上的不上的不间间断断, 表示始表示始终终如一、没有停止如一、没有停止通常位于句末通常位于句末The sun always rises in the east. 太阳总是从东方升起。太阳总是从东方升起。It rained all the time. 雨一直下个不停。雨一直下个不停。【学以致用学以致用】她她总总是很忙。是很忙。She is busy_ _. 晚晚饭饭后他后他总总是去散步。是去散步。He_ takes a walk after dinn

44、er. 答案答案: all the timealways. 选择选择方框内合适的方框内合适的词词填空填空painting, team, use, a lot, worry about1. Tom is good at volleyball and he is on the school_ . 2. Dont_ me. I can look after myself. 3. Do you like_ pictures? 4. He usually sleeps_ on weekends because he is very tired at school on weekdays. 5. The

45、girl_ to hate animals, but now she loves them. 答案答案: 1. team2. worry about3. painting4. a lot 5. used. 单项选择单项选择1. Steve often plays_ basketball, but Amy often plays_piano. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /2. _your father_take you to concerts? Yes, he did. A. Did; used to B. Did; used forC. Did

46、; use for D. Did; use to3. Our home is far from the school. We have to_ to school every day. A. walk B. take the busC. on foot D. by bike4. Does your friend play sports? No, he doesnt. He_P. E. class. A. likes B. love C. doesnt hate D. hates5. Bobs mother always worries_his health because he eats to

47、o much junk food. A. at B. with C. about D. forUnit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B(2a2f) . 单词填写单词填写1. influence(v. ) _2. seldom(adv. ) _3. absent(adj. ) _4. fail(v. ) _答案答案: 1. 影响影响2. 不常不常; 很少很少3. 缺席缺席; 不在不在4. 不及格不及格; 失败失败; 未能未能(做到做到)5. examination(n. ) _6. grandson(n. ) _7. exact(adj.

48、) _ (adv. )确切地确切地; 精确地精确地8. pride(n. ) _ (adj. )自豪的自豪的; 骄骄傲的傲的答案答案: 5. 考试考试; 审查审查 6. 孙子孙子; 外孙外孙7. exactly8. proud. 短短语语翻翻译译1. 为为骄骄傲傲; 感到自豪感到自豪 _2. 亲亲身身; 亲亲自自 _3. 问题问题儿童儿童 _4. 寄宿学校寄宿学校 _5. 多加注意多加注意 _答案答案: 1. be proud of/ take pride in2. in person3. problem child4. boarding school5. pay more attention

49、 to. 句型填句型填词词很很难难相信他曾相信他曾经经是个是个问题问题儿童。儿童。It is hard to believe that he_ _ _ a “problem child”. 答案答案: used to be1. 他他对对学学习习再也不感再也不感兴兴趣了。趣了。He was_ _ interested_ studying. 2. 有有这这么多的么多的规规矩矩, 他他过过去老是去老是违违反它反它们们。There were so many rules, and he_ _ _ them all the time. 3. 父母的父母的爱让爱让他感他感觉觉很好。很好。His parent

50、slove_ _ him_ _ about himself. 答案答案: 1. no longer; in 2. used to break3. has made; feel good1. They were proud of him. They would take pride in everything that I did. _答答案案: proud为为形形容容词词, 意意为为“自自豪豪的的; 骄骄傲傲的的”, 而而pride为为名名词词, 意为意为“自豪自豪; 骄傲骄傲”。2. Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy whoworks hard in sc

51、hool and gets good grades. _答案答案: who引导的为定语从句引导的为定语从句, 在句中修饰在句中修饰boy。1. influence v. &n. 影响影响【语语境境领领悟悟】*. . . until a conversation with his parents influenced his way of thinking. 直到和父母的一次直到和父母的一次谈话谈话影响了他思考影响了他思考问题问题的方式。的方式。*What is the influence of the computer on children? 电脑对电脑对儿童的影响是什么儿童的影响是什么?

52、*The teachers words had an influence on her. 老老师师的的话对话对她有影响。她有影响。【自主自主归纳归纳】(1)influence作作为动词为动词, 意意为为“影响影响; 对对起作用起作用”。(2)influence作作为为名名词词, 意意为为“影影响响; 作作用用”。have an influence on sth. /sb. 意意为为“对对某事某事/某人有影响某人有影响”。【学以致用学以致用】父母的父母的话话影响了他一生。影响了他一生。His parentswords_ him for all his life. 答案答案: influenced

53、2. proud adj. 自豪的自豪的; 骄骄傲的傲的【语语境境领领悟悟】*. . . and they were proud of him. 他他们们以他以他为骄为骄傲。傲。*It is the pride of Chinese people. 这这是中国人的是中国人的骄骄傲。傲。*They were always thinking of me and would take pride in everything good that I did. 他他们总们总是会想起我并且会是会想起我并且会为为我所做的每一件好事而自豪。我所做的每一件好事而自豪。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 proud与与prid

54、e的异同的异同proud形容形容词词, 意意为为“自豪的自豪的; 骄骄傲的傲的”。be proud of意意为为“以以为为自豪自豪”, be proud of doing sth. =be proud to do sth. 意意为为“因做因做而自豪而自豪”pride名名词词, 意意为为“自豪自豪; 骄骄傲傲”。take pride in意意为为“以以为为自豪自豪”【学以致用学以致用】(2013聊聊城城中中考考)Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Jack! Im_of you. A. carefulB

55、. proudC. tiredD. afraid3. absent adj. 缺席的缺席的; 不在的不在的【语语境境领领悟悟】*He was often absent from classes, and he failed his examinations. 他他经经常常旷课旷课并且考并且考试试不及格。不及格。*Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday? 你昨天你昨天为为什么没来上什么没来上课课? 【自主自主归纳归纳】 absent的用法的用法(1)用用作作形形容容词词, 意意为为“缺缺席席的的”; 要要表表示示“做做某某事事缺缺席席”,

56、 其其后后常常接接介介词词from。be absent from还还可表示可表示“缺少缺少; 没有没有; 无无”。(2)用用作作动动词词时时, 只只用用作作及及物物动动词词, 意意为为“缺缺席席”, 只只接接反反身身代代词词作作宾语宾语。表示。表示“做某事缺席做某事缺席”, 其后也接介其后也接介词词from。【学以致用学以致用】他他们们那天都没有上班。那天都没有上班。They were all_ _ work that day. 答案答案: absent from4. fail v. 不及格不及格; 失失败败; 未能未能(做到做到)【语语境境领领悟悟】*Our plan has failed.

57、 我我们们的的计计划失划失败败了。了。*He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色他做得很出色, 但未破但未破记录记录。【自主自主归纳归纳】 fail的用法的用法fail作作为为动动词词, 意意为为“不不及及格格; 失失败败; 未未能能(做做到到)”, 其其主主要要结结构有以下两种构有以下两种: (1)fail sth. 或或fail in sth. 意意为为“做某事失做某事失败败或不及格或不及格”。(2)fail to do sth. 意意为为“未能做某事未能做某事”。【学以致用学以致用】They failed_ (cro

58、ss)the river because it was too wide. 答案答案: to cross. 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. We were_ (pride)that we won the first prize in the game. 2. We failed_ (climb)the mountain because of the bad weather. 3. The boy used to_ (cause)lots of problems in school. 4. She has made a_ (decide)about where to work

59、after she graduates. 5. Mum advised me_ (run)in the morning to keep healthy. 答案答案: 1. proud2. to climb3. cause4. decision5. to run. 单项选择单项选择1. Even though her parents were poor, _they tried their best_care of the girl well. A. but; to take B. but; takingC. /; to take D. /; taking2. My father used to

60、_to work by bike, but now he is used to_there. A. go; walk B. go; walkingC. going; walk D. going; walking3. _our surprise, the twin brothers went to Peking University at the same time last year. A. With B. In C. To D. For4. My father is very busy with his work and he_watches TV at home. A. often B.

61、usually C. always D. seldom5. When you grow up, you will know_your parents have given you. A. how much B. how oftenC. how long D. how farUnit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B(3aSelf Check) general adj. 普遍的普遍的; 常常规规的的; 总总的的 n. 将将军军【语语境境领领悟悟】*General introduction about the changes in your l

62、ife你生活中你生活中变变化的大体介化的大体介绍绍*In general, the plan is good. 总的说来这个计划是好的。总的说来这个计划是好的。*Here is the report, general. 这是报告这是报告, 将军。将军。*Dinner is generally served at 7: 00 pm. 晚餐通常在下午七点吃。晚餐通常在下午七点吃。【自主自主归纳归纳】 general的用法的用法(1)作作为为形容形容词词, 意意为为“普遍的普遍的; 常常规规的的; 总总的的”。(2)in general意意为为“一般一般说说来来; 总总的的说说来来; 通常通常”。(

63、3)作作为为名名词词, 意意为为“将将军军”。(4)generally为为副副词词, 意意为为“通常地通常地; 一般地一般地; 普遍地普遍地”。【学以致用学以致用】总总的的说说来来, 他他还还是比是比较较擅擅长长英英语语的。的。_ _ , he is good at English. The new plan was_ (general)welcomed. 答案答案: In generalgenerally【创创新写作新写作】根根据据表表格格信信息息提提示示, 以以“Xiao Feis Change”为为题题, 简简要要介介绍绍小菲的成小菲的成长变长变化。化。过过去去现现在在外貌外貌个子矮个子

64、矮, 短短发发个子高个子高, 长发长发性格性格文静文静, 有点儿害羞有点儿害羞活活泼泼外向外向爱爱好好弹钢弹钢琴、看琴、看电视电视和和聊天聊天喜喜欢欢打网球、看打网球、看书书和网上和网上冲浪冲浪要求要求: 1. 不要逐字逐句翻译不要逐字逐句翻译, 逻辑要合理通顺。逻辑要合理通顺。 2. 可适当发挥。可适当发挥。 3. 词数词数6080个。个。【思路点思路点拨拨】(1)体裁体裁: 记记叙文。叙文。(2)人称人称: 第三人称。第三人称。(3)时态时态: 一般一般过过去去时时和一般和一般现现在在时时。【写作模板写作模板】【妙笔成篇妙笔成篇】_【参考范文参考范文】Xiao Feis ChangeXia

65、o Fei has changed a lot in the last few years. She is now different from what she used to be. She used to be short and have short hair, but now she is tall and she has long hair. She used to be quiet and a little shy, but now she is outgoing. As for hobbies, she used to play the piano, watch TV and

66、chat with others, but now she enjoys playing tennis, reading books and surfing the Internet. I hope that she can be better and better. . 用所用所给词给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. I_ (change)a lot since I became a middle school student. 2. You should give a_ (introduce)about yourself if you want the job. 3. My sister

67、s hair used to_ (be)long, but now she has short hair. 答案答案: 1. have changed2. introduction3. be4. Many kids arent used to_ (spend) so much time on studying after they become middle school students. 5. There was no bus at the stop, so they decided_ (walk)home. 答案答案: 4. spending5. to walk. 单项选择单项选择1.

68、My sister_a lot in the last few years. A. grows B. is growingC. grew D. has grown2. Tom has to study at school all day, so he_has time for concerts. A. seldom B. alwaysC. often D. usually3. Jenny is really busy. She has_work to do every day. A. so many B. so muchC. such much D. such many4. The boy i

69、s good at all his subjects and always gets good grades. His parents_him. A. dont like B. take pride inC. is proud of D. hate5. The_ change in her life was that she was better and better at math. A. big B. bigger C. biggestD. worst单元复习课Unit 4. 词汇速记词汇速记1. 得分得分; 进球进球(n. &v. ) _2. 敢于敢于; 胆敢胆敢(v. ) _3. 需要

70、需要; 要求要求(v. ) _4. 英国的英国的; 英国人的英国人的(adj. ) _5. 民众民众(n. ) _答案答案: 1. score2. dare3. require4. British 5. public6. 影响影响(v. ) _7. 不常不常; 很少很少(adv. ) _8. 不及格不及格; 失失败败(v. ) _9. 缺席缺席; 不在不在(adj. ) _10. humor(n. ) _ (adj. )有幽默感的有幽默感的11. silence(n. ) _ (adj. )沉默的沉默的12. help(v. ) _ (adj. )有帮助的有帮助的答案答案: 6. influe

71、nce7. seldom8. fail9. absent10. humorous11. silent12. helpful13. interviewer(n. ) _ (v. )面面试试; 采采访访14. shy(adj. ) _ (n. )害羞害羞; 腼腼腆腆15. speak(v. ) _ (n. )讲话讲话; 发发言言16. pride(n. ) _ (adj. )自豪的自豪的; 骄骄傲的傲的17. introduce(v. ) _ (n. )介介绍绍答案答案: 13. interview 14. shyness15. speech16. proud17. introduction. 短

72、短语语互互译译1. 时时常常; 有有时时 _ time_ time2. 对对付付; 应应付付 _ with3. 公开地公开地 in_ 4. 为为骄骄傲傲 be_ of5. in person _6. take pride in _答案答案: 1. from; to2. deal3. public4. proud5. 亲自亲自; 亲身亲身6. 为为感到自豪感到自豪. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 玛丽过去很瘦。玛丽过去很瘦。Mary_ _ _ thin. 2. 弟弟过去起床不早。弟弟过去起床不早。My brother_ _ _ get up early. 3. 他们过去住在小房子里吗他们过去住在小房子里

73、吗? _ they_ _ live in the small house?答案答案: 1. used to be2. didnt use to3. Did; use to 4. 你爸爸你爸爸过过去走着去上班去走着去上班, 是是吗吗? Your father_ _ walk to work, _ he? 5. 在在过过去的几年里去的几年里, 这这些学生些学生变变化都很大。化都很大。All these students_ _ a lot in the _ _ years. 答案答案: 4. used to; didnt5. have changed; last few. 语语法法专练专练1. Zh

74、ang Jing used to_. But now she is much taller. A. shortB. is shortC. be shortD. was short【解解析析】选选C。考考查查固固定定句句式式。used to后后面面跟跟动动词词原原形形, 而而short为形容词为形容词, 前面须加动词前面须加动词be。故选。故选C。2. _you_to play the guitar? Yes. But now I play the piano. A. Did; usedB. Did; useC. Are; usedD. Were; use【解解析析】选选B。考考查查used t

75、o do sth. 结结构构。助助动动词词did后后用用动动词词原形原形use。故选。故选B。3. My classmates are all used to_English aloud in the morning. A. read B. look C. looking D. reading【解解析析】选选D。考考查查固固定定用用法法。be used to doing sth. 意意为为“习习惯做某事惯做某事”。根据句意选。根据句意选D。4. He used to wear expensive clothes. (改改为为否定句否定句)He_ _ to wear expensive clot

76、hes. 5. Her father used to smoke a lot. (完成反意疑完成反意疑问问句句)Her father used to smoke a lot, _ _ ? 6. My sister used to have curly hair. (对对画画线线部分提部分提问问)_ _ your sister_ to look like? 答案答案: 4. didnt use5. didnt he6. What did; use. 真真题题体体验验1. (2014云云南南中中考考)Its polite to keep our voice down_ . (在公众在公众场场合合)

77、答案答案: in public2. (2014泰泰州州中中考考)Wearing red can help you make a_ (decide). 答案答案: decision3. (2014滨滨州中考州中考)在在过过去的几年里我的生活去的几年里我的生活发发生了很大的生了很大的变变化。化。_答案答案: My life has changed a lot in the last/past few years. 4. (2014北京中考北京中考)我爸爸我爸爸过过去常常开去常常开车车上班上班, 现现在坐公交在坐公交车车了。了。My father_ go to work by car, but no

78、w he takes the bus. 答案答案: used to5. (2014十堰中考十堰中考)现现在他在他渐渐习惯渐渐习惯了在国外生活。了在国外生活。Now, he is getting_ abroad. 答案答案: used to living6. (2014白白银银中考中考)今天我以学校今天我以学校为为荣荣, 明天学校以我明天学校以我为为傲。傲。Today Im_ of my school and tomorrow my school will take_ in my success. 答案答案: proud; pride7. (2014山山西西中中考考)Young people t

79、oday_ posting wonderful articles and beautiful photos onto the micromessage (微信微信)to share with friends. A. are afraid ofB. are used toC. are worried about【解解析析】选选B。考考查查短短语语辨辨析析。句句意意: 当当今今年年轻轻人人习习惯惯于于用用微微信信发发表表优优美美的的文文章章和和上上传传漂漂亮亮的的照照片片与与朋朋友友分分享享。be afraid of意意为为“害害怕怕”; be used to意意为为“习习惯惯于于”; be wo

80、rried about意为意为“担心担心”。Unit 4I used to be afraid of the dark. 【导导语语】世世上上没没有有奇奇迹迹, 是是智智慧慧的的人人用用勤勤劳劳创创造造了了一一个个个个令令人人惊惊叹叹的故事。的故事。Snails on Top of the Pyramid At the top of the Khufu Pyramid(胡夫胡夫金字塔金字塔), archaeologists(考古学家考古学家)saw some eagles and snail shells. Eagles have strong wings, but how did the s

81、nails get to the top? The archaeologistsbelieved the snails werent the eaglesfood or adhered to planes and fell down. Because they were unscathed and the airflow was strong enough to blow away them after taking off. Later, they found some footprints of snails and dead snails in the upper part. The s

82、nails, the slowest animals, reached so high after too much failure. 【词海拾贝词海拾贝】eagle 雄雄鹰鹰; 老老鹰鹰adhere 粘附粘附unscathed 未受未受损伤损伤的的airflow 气流气流footprint 足迹足迹upper part 中上部中上部【我的感悟我的感悟】As long as we do everything attentively, the miracle will be under our feet. (只要我只要我们们用心做每一件事用心做每一件事, 奇迹就会在我奇迹就会在我们们脚下。脚下。)



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