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1、合作与建立顾客关系0Objectives 目标Understand company-wide strategic planning and its four steps.Learn how to design business portfolios and develop strategies for growth and downsizing.Understand marketings role in strategic planning and how marketers partner with others.解释公司范围的战略计划及其四个步骤。讨论如何规划业务组合,如何制定成长战略。解

2、释职能计划战略,并评价营销在战略计划中的地位、作用。1Objectives 目标Be able to describe the marketing process and the forces that influence it.Learn the marketing management functions, including the elements of the marketing plan.描述营销过程和影响因素。列出营销管理的职能,包括营销计划的要素。2Case Study 案例研究Known for films, Known for films, animation, theme

3、 animation, theme parks and customer parks and customer orientationorientationParks offer a variety Parks offer a variety of attractions as well of attractions as well as cleanliness, order, as cleanliness, order, and warmthand warmthSatisfying the Satisfying the customer is customer is everyones jo

4、beveryones jobDisney has grown Disney has grown via diversificationvia diversificationSales and net Sales and net income have fallen income have fallen Walt Disney Company 迪士尼公司迪士尼公司Discussion:Discussion:Discussion:Discussion: How Can Disney Recover? How Can Disney Recover? How Can Disney Recover? H

5、ow Can Disney Recover?3Strategic Planning战略计划Strategic planning is defined as:“The process of “The process of developing and developing and maintaining a strategic maintaining a strategic fit between the fit between the organizations goals organizations goals and capabilities and its and capabilitie

6、s and its changing marketing changing marketing opportunities.”opportunities.”战略计划的定义如下:“创造并且保持组织的目标能力与组织不断变化的营销机会之间的战略配适的过程。”4Strategic Planning战略计划Planning activities occur Planning activities occur at the business unit, at the business unit, product, and market product, and market levels, and inc

7、lude:levels, and include: Defining the purpose and Defining the purpose and missionmission Setting objectives and Setting objectives and goalsgoals Designing the business Designing the business portfolioportfolio Developing detailed Developing detailed marketing and marketing and departmental plansd

8、epartmental plans计划行为要在业务单位、产品、和市场三个不同级别上制定。包括:定义公司使命定义公司使命设定公司目标设定公司目标规划业务组合规划业务组合发展详细的营销发展详细的营销和部门计划和部门计划5Strategic Planning战略计划Mission statements Mission statements should . . .should . . . serve as a guide for what serve as a guide for what the organization wants to the organization wants to acc

9、omplish.accomplish. be “market-oriented” be “market-oriented” rather than “product-rather than “product-oriented”.oriented”. be neither too narrow, be neither too narrow, nor too broad.nor too broad. fit with the market fit with the market environment.environment. be motivating.be motivating.使命陈述应该指

10、导公司想要完指导公司想要完成的任务。成的任务。是是“ “市场导向市场导向” ”,不是,不是“ “产品导产品导向向” ”。宽窄适度宽窄适度适应市场环境。适应市场环境。有激发性。有激发性。6Strategic Planning战略计划Mission statements guide the development of objectives and goals.Objectives are Objectives are developed at each level developed at each level in the organization in the organization hi

11、erarchy.hierarchy.Strategies are Strategies are developed to developed to accomplish these accomplish these objectives.objectives.使命陈述引导目的和目标的发展。目标存在于组织层次的每一水平。策略是为了实现这些目标的。7Strategic Planning战略计划Business portfolio: “the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.”Designing the b

12、usiness portfolio is a key element of the strategic planning process.业务 组合:“选择组成企业的商业和产品。”商业组合设计是战略计划进程的关键因素。8Analyze the current business portfolio分析当前业务组合 Identify strategic Identify strategic business units (SBUs)business units (SBUs) Assess each SBU:Assess each SBU: The BCG growth-The BCG growth

13、-share matrix classifies share matrix classifies SBUs into one of four SBUs into one of four categories using the:categories using the:vvMarket growth rate Market growth rate vvSBUs relative market SBUs relative market share within the share within the market.market.识别战略业务单元识别战略业务单元(SBUSBU)接近很一个接近很一

14、个SBUSBU: 波士顿咨询集团成长波士顿咨询集团成长份额矩阵将份额矩阵将SBUSBU分分为四类中的一种,依为四类中的一种,依据为:据为:vv市场增长率市场增长率vv相对市场份额相对市场份额9BCG Growth-Share MatrixStrategic PlanningHigh RelativeHigh RelativeMarket ShareMarket ShareHigh High Market Market GrowthGrowthLow Low Market Market GrowthGrowthStarsStarsStarsStarsCash Cash Cash Cash Cow

15、sCowsCowsCowsQuestion Question Question Question MarksMarksMarksMarksDogsDogsDogsDogsLow RelativeLow RelativeMarket ShareMarket Share10波士顿咨询集团成长波士顿咨询集团成长份额矩阵份额矩阵战略计划相对市场份额高相对市场份额高市场增长率高市场增长率高市场增长率低市场增长率低明星业务明星业务明星业务明星业务现金牛业务现金牛业务现金牛业务现金牛业务问题业务问题业务问题业务问题业务瘦狗业务瘦狗业务瘦狗业务瘦狗业务相对市场份额低相对市场份额低11Shape the fut

16、ure business portfolio构造未来的业务组合Determine the future Determine the future role of each SBU and role of each SBU and choose the appropriate choose the appropriate resource allocation resource allocation strategy:strategy: BuildBuild HoldHold HarvestHarvest DivestDivestSBUs change positions SBUs change

17、 positions over timeover time决定每一个决定每一个SBUSBU在未在未来的角色,并选择相来的角色,并选择相应的资源配置策略:应的资源配置策略: 建立建立 持有持有 收获收获 剥夺剥夺SBUSBU的位置随时间而的位置随时间而改变改变12Strategic Planning 战略计划Matrix approaches to Matrix approaches to formal planning share formal planning share many problems:many problems: Difficult, time-consuming, Diff

18、icult, time-consuming, and costly to implement.and costly to implement. Focus only on current Focus only on current businesses.businesses. Too strongly emphasize Too strongly emphasize market share growth or market share growth or growth via diversification.growth via diversification.用矩阵方法作计划有许多问题:困

19、难、费时、实施困难、费时、实施起来成本高昂。起来成本高昂。集中在当前业务上。集中在当前业务上。过于强调市场份额过于强调市场份额的扩大或是通过进的扩大或是通过进入有吸引力的新市入有吸引力的新市场来获得增长。场来获得增长。13Strategic Planning 战略计划Designing the business portfolio also involves:Developing strategies Developing strategies for growth by for growth by identifying, identifying, evaluating, and evalu

20、ating, and selecting promising selecting promising new market new market opportunities.opportunities.vv Product/market Product/market expansion gridexpansion gridDeveloping strategies Developing strategies for downsizing the for downsizing the business portfolio.business portfolio.设计业务组合还涉及:通过识别、评价和

21、选择市场机会,并为成长发展策略。vv产品产品/ /市场扩展市场扩展方格方格开发缩小业务组合的策略。14Product/Market Expansion GridStrategic PlanningExisting ProductsExisting ProductsNew ProductsNew ProductsExisting Existing MarketsMarketsNew New MarketsMarketsMarket Market Market Market PenetrationPenetrationPenetrationPenetrationMarket Market Mark

22、et Market DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentProduct Product Product Product DevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDevelopmentDiversificationDiversificationDiversificationDiversification15产品产品市场扩展方格市场扩展方格策略计划现有产品现有产品新产品新产品现在市场现在市场新市场新市场市场渗透市场渗透市场渗透市场渗透市场开发市场开发市场开发市场开发产品开发产品开发产品开发产品开发多角化多角化多角化多角化

23、16Planning Marketing营销计划Marketing plays a key Marketing plays a key role in the strategic role in the strategic planning process.planning process.Marketers must practice Marketers must practice CRM CRM andand Partner Partner Relationship Relationship Management.Management. Partnering with other Part

24、nering with other Partnering with other Partnering with other departments in the departments in the departments in the departments in the company as well as other company as well as other company as well as other company as well as other firms in the marketing firms in the marketing firms in the mar

25、keting firms in the marketing system helps to build a system helps to build a system helps to build a system helps to build a superior superior superior superior value delivery-value delivery-value delivery-value delivery-networknetworknetworknetwork. . . .在策略开发过程中营销占重要角色。营销者必须进行顾客关系管理和合作关系管理。在营销系统中

26、,与在营销系统中,与公司内部部门的合公司内部部门的合作和与外部公司的作和与外部公司的合作可以帮助建立合作可以帮助建立等于高级等于高级价值传统价值传统网网。17Analyzing marketing opportunities分析市场机会 The strategic planning The strategic planning and business portfolio and business portfolio analysis processes help analysis processes help to identify and evaluate to identify and

27、evaluate marketing opportunities.marketing opportunities. The purpose of the The purpose of the marketing process is to marketing process is to help the firm plan how help the firm plan how to capitalize on these to capitalize on these opportunities.opportunities. 战略计划和业务组合分析过程可以帮助识别和评价营销机会。营销过程的目的是

28、帮助公司在这些机会中进行资本化。 18Selecting target markets选择目标市场细分过程把总体市场分为细分市场。营销细分决定定位于哪能些细分市场。产品的营销定位 也随之确定了。 The segmentation The segmentation process divides the total process divides the total market into market into market market segments.segments. Target marketingTarget marketing determines which determine

29、s which segment(s) are pursued.segment(s) are pursued. The The market positioningmarket positioning for the product is then for the product is then determined.determined.19Developing the marketing mix发展营销组合竞争对手分析帮助引导竞争营销战略的发展。策略通过营销组合变为战术: “4 Ps” “4 Ps” 产品、价产品、价格、场所、促销格、场所、促销(卖方观点)(卖方观点)“4 Cs” “4 Cs

30、” 顾客选择、顾客选择、成本、便利、沟通成本、便利、沟通(消费者观点)(消费者观点) Competitor analysis guides Competitor analysis guides competitive marketing competitive marketing strategy development.strategy development. Strategy leads to tactics by Strategy leads to tactics by way of the marketing mix: way of the marketing mix: The “F

31、our Ps” product, The “Four Ps” product, price, place, promotion price, place, promotion (seller viewpoint)(seller viewpoint) The “Four Cs” customer The “Four Cs” customer solution, cost, convenience, solution, cost, convenience, and communication and communication (customer viewpoint)(customer viewp

32、oint)20Managing the marketing effort营销人员管理 营销分析营销分析 提供帮助计划、实施和提供帮助计划、实施和控制的信息控制的信息 营销计划营销计划 策略和战术策略和战术 营销实施营销实施 将计划转变为行动将计划转变为行动 营销控制营销控制 操作控制操作控制 策略控制策略控制vv营销审计营销审计 Marketing analysisMarketing analysis Provides information helpful Provides information helpful in planning, in planning, implementatio

33、n, and controlimplementation, and control Marketing planningMarketing planning Strategies and tacticsStrategies and tactics Marketing implementationMarketing implementation Turns plans into actionTurns plans into action Marketing controlMarketing control Operating controlOperating control Strategic controlStrategic controlvvMarketing auditMarketing audit21



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