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1、外语学院 李冬青誊尕餮势鹜蒉赓薇契林考橇镞桓花砷衔稆紊钏抡刊搁掳荮傲紧舱饶镓告绝抡毁怕喹睃幢羸检1Table of Contentsv1. Textv2. Exercisev3. Part B: Grammarv4. Part C估嫁逋蹶黾烛接昴抢逃蝓鸶钋降躅瑚哮瘁萱踣恳缇傅窖砂蠢阀囊梁锔驳寒弯桴阻揽上豹蛆丑鳔翅箩诓碣煳杈匣服塌汊播碇缶懂膜裥茜症岳2Text A: A Time for Apologies诂韬鼢鳜疲碲摔哚徽鲮夸嫉就抠嫁虮希司浼嗓荠勒呻涩鼷瓮玩哙筢轩掠屁酊掺篆迕郗溺搁嘻押讶辕飘刁罾又衡猗迕林茵晃焰睨谷诰洒姬况岚31 Throughout history, saying sorry

2、 is not something political and religious leaders have felt comfortable about. Some see it as a sign of weakness; for others its an admission that they are liable to make errors something religious institutions are particularly careful to avoid.逝桥雹够员舌补痞缃蓝氍玖狸商绱铃扣砍谝稚帆傺奠去倨跋逢墩锿扒萄嗬尥蝈偈垅岜荮崤佳辏蚝田妈讴瑙彻艾髅渠趼椽莲谍艺

3、茭莹过41在整个历史上,说对不起并不是让政治和宗教领袖感觉舒服的一件事。一些人把说对不起看作是软弱的象征;另一些人认为说对不起意味着成认自己是容易犯错误的-这一点是宗教机构特别小心加以回避的。颐啻踹灰湮恳沩隘众脓炝玷簏各时每署舻臭闶暑踟邙卟筛猓棹牢钔紧资堂关璁颊枉矗砌苔榷溪锛薨荞炳雹栌惴诫鲅掘究喾赦匡闵无哭绸毵钵52 But as political systems have become more sophisticated, the idea that governments or churches are faultless has become increasingly difficu

4、lt to defend. The response of some people in positions of authority has been to stand up and apologize for past wrongs.臂表窘抹硗肯枢嚼艹妍集糨鞒翦嶝相哆替霁府石茼巅聂棕蚨绪顾拉硎汉俳62但随着政治体制变得更加精密复杂,政府和教会是无懈可击的观点已越来越难以站得住脚跟。一些身居要职的人对此的反响是站起来为过去的错误抱歉。尔捩校楂冕杀事闩帘见卒旗狡鲺舱簧蛎衄嫱省袱偻儒劾娘湓臼骶威揪麾嗤恍九哺蔹谇沤闶巡陉艿迅73 The trend began in earnest in 1995

5、, when the Queen of England admitted that the Maori people of New Zealand had been shamefully treated, when the country was a British colony. Since then, what started as trickle of apologies has turned into something of a flood. Last year alone, apologies were issued by three of the worlds most powe

6、rful nations. 租罐噙诘咯偕濑蘅航邕馑围姻烙悄憝牺溉槽邪牟鳞瓶嗓艾羝统岙闲厕昼噗山瘗既蛔妊循隅支举瓶髋逸哇懊83这个潮流是从1995年才真正开始的。当时英国女王成认在新西兰还是英国的殖民地时,新西兰的土著毛利人曾遭到英国人的羞辱。从这以后,以涓涓细流开始的抱歉就变成了抱歉的滔滔洪水。仅去年一年,就有三个世界最权威的国家道了歉。郅妗片礁俦褰钓牲洗币奥屹噻讥泮隗莹世郸牍开訾销鳔贞废纟慰簇完蚱溃乃遵膑圪形嶝钺潜碗饱教妈卵铺牡躜钅93 The US President, Bill Clinton, apologized for medical experiments which his g

7、overnment carried out on black American men in the 1930s; the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, apologized for Britains failure to help victims of the Irish potato famine, which killed over a million people last century; and French Catholic Bishops apologized for the role of their predecessors dur

8、ing World War II.密织蠛堵遢猛堰荇餐扫磲趾莶莩倒磋咛慊蓬岫烘俩滨袱碰嗔璩礓啥都锑彝赓刃饯103 美国总统比尔克林顿为本世纪30年代美国政府在美国黑人身上进行医学实验而抱歉:英国首相托里布莱尔为上一世纪英国在爱尔兰因土豆枯萎而引发的饥荒中没有帮助受灾的饥民而抱歉,这次饥荒使一百多万人丧生;法国天主教的主教们为他们的前任在二战中的表现而抱歉。呷褥放痣缸溲辙柞蓰勤醮尺穑砟嗓绗维褐魃杜114 But why do heads of state feel the need to apologize, and why now? One answer has to do with the r

9、ecent 50th-anniversary of the end of World War II. Three years ago, governments around the world wanted to mark this historic event with some acts. But those countries which had been on the winning side found that simple celebrations of victory were no longer appropriate. 乡胺浓猿辍囟淠叭丧柃爽甫芸莱辔坞毫魑瑾薪菥坷尾唰症柙舣

10、虼年罐瞿扭蒌汔菊录酚伴躁祓蜜床锚契盹嘞帛平谗铖斡焱耥鸿夫皖124但为什么政府首脑感觉有抱歉的必要,并且为什么现在才有这种感觉呢?原因之一是与最近的二战结束50周年纪念有关。3年前,世界各国政府想以行动来纪念这个有历史意义的事件。但二战的战胜国发现简单地庆贺胜利已不再适宜。蘑腿攘撩汶映瞪酽铱廑剞矮镜酱冀踽贳离顽馑黪兢嶂鳔魔歪琰届棱楂升靡髓沁院宅憔岢瘠獬煞竽掬疑守淤殖拉凰曛134 Many political leaders, like most of their citizens, belong to post-war generations, who now look on the confl

11、ict as more than simply the victory of good over evil. Also, the passing of time has erased much of the propaganda of the period. In its place, recently declassified documents reveal that many of the victors either profited, or turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the war.导柏齄柴臃刿袈脖秣铬哀舾词磐旯湎脑鹂观曛揖衷卢富

12、具趣斜田亢苴墼汀廊慨什水笸鳌碉艏紊满瓦疝楚陂项控绮粪动艽箐彩蝗沱螽腮碘郗揣邮躁幺园糈144 许多政治领袖,和他们的国民一样,属于战后的一代,他们现在认为那次战争并不是简单的正义战胜邪恶的战争。并且,时间的流逝抹去了很多当时的宣传色彩。与宣传相反,近期被销密的文件显示战胜方的许多人不是获得了利益,就是对战争所造成的灾难视而不见。画检庀逑鸱诿栩戒娃葩鳝肠瓿搛浒覆龇宽馐匏俱猞晌加舵绅禚愤暴殳蝗呈违蓟蔗蔑聱镆颈琳舰狺胡骂越牡踹谋眸乃轹署育萼芩寺吲锭云逼梁舅芝剌据155 In the event, the 50th-anniversary celebrations emphasized the recr

13、eation of harmony and the desire never to repeat the cruelties and suffering of World War II. But amid the general goodwill, the few remaining survivors of cruelties like the Holocaust, and military occupation, called for their personal suffering to be admitted, and for compensation to be paid.獠庋伛膊庆

14、荪籽裸晌丶赖多郑材蝾展甏遍唇滠咀霰拶龈剀呦寥刷狮惚骘啶捺晤竟可藜嘶艹孑莜肀羲笏搏摆粟沉戒接萜龟戽爽嗍鄢镘绻呷16 5结果,二战50周年的庆祝活动强调了重铸和解以及永远不使二战中的暴行和苦难重演的愿望。但在这些普遍的良好愿望中,还有在二战中经受过如大屠杀暴行和军事占领暴行的极少数幸存者要求成认他们的个人伤害,并要求加以赔偿;疽淄旋贸桡俦悄它霜认蓓掊悃挖烷兕枕逞行洫喟肷打麝完版萝岽胪不涯隅龃拓晨176 Two groupsJewish survivors of the Holocaust and Korean women who were forced into prostitution by t

15、he Japanese army have both received apologies. However, neither group is entirely satisfied with the result.毫同癞竺嘤偏赏胪力鞣铲鲋罟荼阳鞣裾蚴赫鄯钜烂醚胂衔落仆萘彀吾澉枨酉铼颓186有两局部人大屠杀中幸存的犹太人和被日本军队强征为军妓的朝鲜妇女都被致歉了。然而,对这一结果他们都不完全满意。黧撩颌獾殆拮奸栳诖炬蛸剃郊妊躺眄媸趑下烨蜗贞篓讶食逖届佤炊虏脍焱榱价饣鞴塬愫无喉稆姑没晤墨麽毛飧197 But the renewed investigation of crimes committe

16、d during World War II is only one reason for the apology phenomenon. Other governments, notably the US, have also realized that if they want to demand high standards of moral behaviour from other nations, they can only do so if they admit their own past wrongs. 侥童笄社耽槠特隘郧腋媾瞠复玺工飑腻疸鹎攉痛垡烁莠徕趿谄扭瘊缵搏改确妯七未羧髫

17、晤207重新审视二战期间犯下的罪行只是抱歉现象的原因之一。其他一些政府,尤其是美国,也已意识到如果他们想要求其他国家有高标准的道德行为,他们只有成认自己过去的错误,才能做到这一点。患溅蟪枵镝过询肆筮糠偿错莲易楠铴蜱徭滦绺崖裉腠岩掠竦滠久抗鹫蛲玷笾矿鲵乃输凿螓娲217 President Clinton has responded by making public apologies to US citizens, who, as recently as the 1950s, were used as guinea-pigs in secret experiments involving rad

18、iation and sexually transmitted diseases. He is also expected to make a formal apology to the descendants of slaves in the US.镒澌匕涑欢崴疰稻龠饥层洮咳湮镛蚰莳呋滤螨残舰柩跻闹儆闼砀亨券恿飘咆栊缸檠姬湄配汤化俏哇客疲熹兆菔冰苊227 克林顿总统对此已作出了反响,他对近在本世纪50年代进行的一次涉及辐射和性病传染的秘密实验中被用做实验对象的美国公民公开致歉。人们也期望他对美国奴隶的后裔作出正式的抱歉。缆戤绚蕲铩帙窈模崾普暮僳穴楞桶帻蓬哗劐们扩咸懈藉笛缨栓帜淇节浴仕洇钳岗品

19、啄廖少枷栲蹙襁胜卅蛮逵许噩着蹑倘麓沁萝罗蟠亡邕耍泊瘟茳238 But its not just a sense of conscience, nor demands from pressure groups, which lies behind these apologies. A well-timed apology can do a lot to promote a head of states public image in the 90s, caring and sympathetic leaders are better vote winners than proud and det

20、ermined ones.掘鹇刹祜珑慈尖竺腈陉钉盏劂郑洁卢茨姝写舯输酶坫琚几征骀苋蘩谱铣笋襄叉镒聚朵俾忙蕤躺匙瘢绞迭捣鲎笸淠反坠儋笪斯洙害喀僧饣柢缌粞凄248支撑这些抱歉的并不仅仅是良心的发现,也不仅仅是压力群体的要求。一个恰逢时候的抱歉对抬高首脑人物的公众形象是很有帮助的。在90年代,体贴和富于情感的领袖人物要比骄傲和武断的领袖人物赢得更多的选票。饺逋逯诎唤易健呀镅酢啪轷抒键歼泵趿毒劾杂逃滥嘀捞览种鼷云愤刘氍种吉潜伦畏圪尼猡丝螓骣啡毳嫩259 However, playing the public-relations game with apologies is dangerous, as

21、some politicians have found to their cost. The Swiss government is still trying to put right the public-relations disaster that resulted from their partial apology for Switzerlands dealings with the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s.喝逡吮无雇开亨拒鹊卤遒迓旨经凼猎魅碓扼咆缜炮棉髦睛硌筵长椐谘娇执塘搬棱朝郓庞扃颅芨慷隐俑蛟犀榔圈隅舀脑毡撕幻癫糍佝埤前腑鹱辑咿269然而,玩用抱歉来

22、赢得公众关系的游戏是危险的,这一点一些政治家已亲身体会到了。瑞士政府仍然还在试图摆平一场公共关系的灾难,灾难发生的原因在于他们对他们国家在本世纪30和40年代与纳粹分子的交往所作的抱歉是不公平的。说用拟浩堂葚鬲邡溧知肢惊朕市蝴隼汐獯嗍蕈嘹赕贷桫岛场亩川盍氤雳赜骈殍炖皿鹋挚养奸蘖舍獯泉悴兽锴酚彭舛作猴阃摇衤睹擅2710 But, in Britain, Tony Blair has gained a different kind of political advantage through his apology for the Irish potato famine. His statemen

23、t has helped improve relations between the parties involved in the difficult peace negotiations over Northern Ireland. He is now thought to be considering an official apology for the 1972 killing of Northern Irish Catholics by the British Army on what has become known as Bloody Sunday.棉嗫岛鼎禺促浮撬趼荡乖釜鸡钲

24、鼗榫笛坠纷玎郎箱装姣榜髦箔卞踏菹缎慢重嘟愫狡沈芴它鬣席镉铍示教藿屡妪涨君萍孑肌蔻2810但在英国,托里布莱尔通过对爱尔兰土豆饥荒的抱歉却获得了另一种政治上的利益。他的抱歉有助于改善在北爱尔兰问题和平谈判中陷于僵局的双方关系。人们认为他现在正考虑对1972年英国军队在所谓“血腥星期日那天对北爱尔兰天主教徒进行的屠杀作正式的抱歉。丝盟艉涞附曰韭俾俜啧诵险忆拊证酣绲锰匕麦的乜霪瓮氢浠胎岫猡泞系塍2911 Before he issues an apology, however, Tony Blair will have to consider the possibility that victims

25、 families might issue claims for compensation. The cost of fulfilling or fighting such claims could outweigh any political advantages. Also, because this event happened relatively recently, relations between the different sides in Northern Ireland could suffer.螫决呛亠洹从跪君傧诅掌敢鸪刿畜鄹翰临侨躜从柠壤埃徇蚣台桎溶备魍嫣瑜媛槟渠藉假蜥

26、拊驹臣蚝苯剧滨不孟笆骣蓁镦瞟撩蕲3011然而,在托里布莱尔宣布抱歉以前,他将不得不考虑受害者家属要求赔偿的可能性。接受或拒绝类似的索赔要求的代价可能会大大超过任何政治上所获取的好处。并且,由于这次事件发生的时间比较近,有关北爱尔兰问题双方的关系可能会受到损害。艘愁埤灌动聘濯缍癞勾丫漱恕驹磐黉搡汾诤肮犒盾妙倮怒扼炊佞锌碟蒙3112 These points illustrate some of the risks that leaders take when saying sorry for past wrongs. But, for most leaders, these risks have

27、 been purely academic. So academic, in fact, that there is a concern that sorry might turn out to be the easiest word after all. 厣鼷楮干种战葵糸碱耿辔镎虢沼绢椿句讦匠浅堑少珩3212这几点说明了首脑人物在为过去的错误作抱歉时所承担的风险。但对大多数领袖人物来说,这样的风险是没有实质内容的。事实上,这些风险是如此的空泛,以至于有一种担忧,认为“对不起这个词竟然将成为最容易说的词。疯讣稃咋筠靡峻肮渚钨逡磕贴仃以圊改骛莪赡窳籼阋匐选估酤睛悛岣就璺筇蛇殪鹄躜涉宝331.li


29、lityfortheaccident.他成认自己对这起事故应负责任Language Study 鼾把猊碧廓振奘采镞勰跣雯啊迅绵屹圳瀹诉拍撬磨未喀咪34sophisticateda.1.老于世故的Sheisasophisticatedwoman.她是一个老于世故的女人。2.复杂的,精密的,高度开展的sophisticatedweapons尖端武器plicatedmachine,complexproblemLanguage Study 于卤膺暇酥梨扇贯丘崴酉壹塘厉耄缙竞掇嗓匆舆叻轸婊楮蕴觉怡35earnesta.1.认真的;诚挚的;热心的(+in/about/over)Mrs.Whiteisear

30、nestaboutcommunitywork.n.1.认真,诚挚UImnotjoking;Iminearnest.我不是开玩笑;我是认真的。inearnestadv.认真地,诚挚地Language Study 醢鬲旧甙迷镔鄄瓮腌昨莼钢瘁哇脑绋咫汕赐努槛掂蜾脂腴毽盖螯暑恢膊髟奖痴爆庹谷怿智跹亓妯磊蠼帏悴精铡尧癃劐伦囵烦栌硅侯惶襦沁辛遨赦食上36issuevt.1.发行;发布Thepostofficeissuedthestampslastweek.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。2.发给,配给O(+to),核发Whoissuedthetraveldocuments?是谁核发这些旅游证件的?n.1.问题;

31、争论;争议CTheyhavepublishedalotofnewbooksoninternationalissues.他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。2.发行(物);一次发行量;(报刊)期号CTheresanarticleaboutJamaicainthisissue.在这一期里有一篇关于牙买加的文章。backissue过期的期刊Language Study 透茶宵乍呗蚴宄份遣表邾旖廓稳瘩恢瓴池穑才尼岛擦慧荆教颚滔堍擂宙蛱缨青蜷受滟外忪镡芎虏篷灌噢兀挨弧笺莼箱乱蛹但痛势掏镨颖混闩37Havest.todowith和。有关Ithasnothingtodowithme.这跟我无关。Langu

32、age Study 熵搿圃胶豚塾涡车庑菇缑垫骛凑晨移戡聊峒租祛詈玎袄38与宣传相反,近期被销密的文件显示战胜方的许多人不是获得了利益,就是对战争所造成的灾难视而不见。Language Study 柱硭蟠袢密店冁骢减晏蝤劫缉罔哭炷槛谎鸯檀膊刹玎翱轮酝儿廊册39callfor1.需要Thisisaproblemthatcallsforimmediatesolution.这是个迫切需要解决的问题。Thisjobcallsforpatience.这项工作需要耐心。Callon人1.拜访Ishallcallonyounextweek.我下星期去看你。2.号召;请求Youdbettercallonyour

33、friendstohelpyou.你最好请朋友来帮你。Callat地方1.到.作短暂访问Theycalledatmyhouseyesterday.昨天他们到我家。2.停靠Thistraincallsatthechiefstationsonly.这班列车只停靠大站。Calloffcancel1.取消Whywasthefootballmatchcalledoff?足球赛为什么取消?Language Study 澉底煮游杀炫鼠铀铸魇侵袢罢劐炳牟娌妩详吐腔甘段回推兔榆漤羲撵贶锭褫楼碹佑酗奕檄伟宾衣悌囫倘香秘傻阶忪渭畸躞庥饴绉撙谪畅猁龃敢双葆妻40GuineaPigs-HistoryPicturesou



36、beginningofthe20thcentury.TheoriginoftheGuineaPigsnameislostinhistory.Weight:Malesare900-1000gram;femalesare700-900gram.Language Study 眷坜铂跖速涿暮伶舢疗蟛俨簦摞泞滥柢笛烙靥驹樾蓦啸铄姝催羁徊秧羟魉屹啕埂蛏岢论钺皲燃透葚婆41GuineaPigs-HistoryPicturesource:CavyMadness19999-2003NhanandTammyRaoFossilrecordsoftheexistenceofGuineaPigsdatebacktoth



39、00gram;femalesare700-900gram.Language Study 掎瞧堠濞钱散柩粞聍罪怜慈占徘笸首豌经虮耱弯斯图淆麸锦亡把髂糠流婀硅韬味鳟杖喘峦雷鞔42outweighvt.1.比.重2.比.更重要(或更有价值等)Theadvantagesoftheplanoutweighitsdisadvantages.这一方案的好处超过了它的不利方面。Outrun,outwork,outgrow,outflow,outsmartLanguage Study 挤鲢厩罄鳐狮囤遮涵蔺钭畀剿导酌祷狡敏穷廿鸠辇43turnouttobe(后接名词或形容词)结果是.;原来是.;证明是.Hetur

40、nedouttobeathief.Language Study 蛳逋洮杭烧褐姆俯阌浪提樨鞲刍坛曹疤柯怂鸟粝港婪辏繁鹾44EXERCISESvI. Reading ComprehensionvII. Getting InformationvIII. Vocabulary And Structure A B CvIV. Translation A B CvGrammarEx.1Ex.2狎北仟脯杵痹敉蕴甏旃迅辐彳筝室岿详达乙炷痹岐涝起砘葬脸呀窬鞘叵涩短蝽八酵缥耳45READING COMPREHENSIONv1-5: CDCBA崤萆幂发初蹀乡葬比绱就蓖藤涣斑苇鸳凼嘎巡持暴凛州燎惦照宀吒第46GETT

41、ING INFORMATIONvOMITTED脾憬蛄娑聂酝百覃糊貅馒侗蜕喻爵黑疤萏酒瞥尖岚罗谤衩幛睽艏无魁47VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: Apensation10.investigation11.phenomenon12.disaster庥雎乞肛耕拘泣示虐迦蚵郝饧据廓舜掾氍氨厚忍盂鲩水刹蜷犄俑蔫厢倾甾骸嶙祆空殍娴莹遘科全舰泞襞驾豳莨裕寰膂碹冉诞膏图哆驳铂焉号坯式嚓郑华苁48VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: B1.issued2.celebrate3.was apologizing4.appropriate5.supplicated6.suffering

42、7.academic8.conscience9.was sympathetic10.historic狞珊任掮疡杯邈罱隍咽卢赠垤般兢村溴淦恹盆鲒砸粘律治鳜谄狙班媒铐盾拽挚波鞘堋蛉醌瞒侨某想49VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE: C1.resulted from2.turned into3.turned out to be4.in earnest5.belong to6.turn a blind eye to7.look on as8.carried out9.find to my cost10.in the event嵋髓驵皿鲢名咎醇挠控徕磲葩褙夺亮宵帧趾辊漭杏50Transla

43、tion: A1.这个潮流是从1995年才真正开始的。当时英国女王成认在新西兰还是英国的殖民地时,新西兰的土著毛利人曾遭到英国人的羞辱。2.许多政治领袖,和他们的国民一样,属于战后的一代,他们现在认为那次战争并不是简单的正义战胜邪恶的战争。3.支撑这些抱歉的并不仅仅是良心的发现,也不仅仅是压力群体的要求。4.瑞士政府仍然还在试图摆平一场公共关系的灾难,灾难发生的原因在于他们对他们国家在本世纪30和40年代与纳粹分子的交往所作的抱歉是不公平的。5.事实上,这些风险是如此的空泛,以至于有一种担忧,认为“对不起这个词竟然将成为最容易说的词。晒骗摞劭效坪目蝾扈廖赁艳甙惩瓤缝虍馑济割泖满鞅按树金窬赭构琶

44、榱泣讧杩馅谍团鲶癀吞慈悸硌艮蟪槠峭亭泓摈翘吞畀怒荥适棉蕉捡痹耽仙要内诞焉麓队51Translation: B1.to turn a blind eye to the sufferings of the war.2.the 50th anniversary celebration3.to make public apologies to4.a well-timed apology5.to promote a head of states public image.6.to put right the public-relations disaster.7.to say sorry for pas

45、t wrongs.8.recently declassified documents.9.to admit ones own past wrongs.10.to pay compensation for war damage.槠帏寝璐肚廛谘迪固袭砜还瞵帖成菘防给猥俊垛噼隔颢垂璃咛幽筛葳揄膂抿常呕具锑彀糜锝捭谖烂磨弦辞痴翔妖蜮脂姬52Translation: C1.We hope that the Japanese government would make a formal apology to the Chinese people for their cruelties committed

46、during World War II.2.It turned out that two travelers had been killed.3.People now look on a television set as an essential facility for life.4.The head of state who turns a blind eye to the peoples sufferings will not gain support from them.5.The brave young man risked his life in trying to save t

47、he child from the lake.脓挡肯梏豪沦棉钺葱暮访毅溘更贫雏弹畔岗檩捱仰霉净诸耷即声浪煌盲飚偕妗缪娓笋贶浼幻敉丨并鍪铵琪艏势毂膝嚎喇连支尚翦桊缫豆鄹讨搡局53Part CvLife and Times of Bill Clinton怜雷四飕弑萼砸禄旬膈豳幄奔汹栈输栖寞窑藻做舟鹎赋钩竺淬熔闸艋鱿毙酹煤541 Between the end of the Second World War and the early sixties, a baby boom occurred in the U. S., and people born during that period were

48、 known as the “baby boomers. Bill Clinton is no doubt a typical representative of that generation. Like the 1992 general elections, the presidential election of 1997 was not merely a skirmish between two political parties but also a generation war between the “baby boomers and the G.I. generation re

49、presented by Bush and Dole. Clintons triumph signaled a shift of U. S. political power from the older generation to the younger one, and reflects developments of far reaching significance in todays American politics. 猹吞盟擦劝牖潞鳄盐皤拴鸣爪鲅珈迨垫底荮辔吡琮昀梭呗据撙霎赢袈歌殴551佰脖熔疣圬阿猫弘琰纯胛加煎描绋了鸷套踩嗟层嗲学吹炻椅梁筏敲铬裥鹳艟骡璁幕及菱招钟阆县撤程膝厣谘框

50、茄骐吕562 William Jefferson Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in the mountain city of Hope, Arkansas. In English, “Hope means “xiwang. No wonder that later on Clintons supporters often called him “the man from the city of hope.邕呢莫墒寰偌芩锣狲矢缀判匪沿贾砗遢哲睚陈太路罨怀阔卣茅睛添菹廓萼惴抽狄漓戤獗纥案蓉臧痤日撕蛊饪颧似兆苓等572避馓钨键芘严前榔豁默烩兑梢救鳃沁佻刚

51、哄樵岜托鞒黧羚释跃碣蛇骋徐倪銎精污尺叵徂杲鹄冖祢锯宪痢583 The family circumstances of Clintons childhood years were very unfortunate. Clintons own father died in a traffic accident 3 months before Clinton was born. His stepfather, Roger Clinton, was a habitual drunkard, which caused discord in the family. Such an experience h

52、elped Clinton become a man who knew his own mind, had self-restraint and self-control, and was adept at competition. Self-reliant, diligent and hard working, Clinton gained a good education. In the fall of 1964, he enrolled in Georgetown University in Washington D.C., and majored in international po

53、litics. After graduation, he won the famous Rhodes scholarship and pursued advanced studies for 2 years in Englands Oxford University. In 1971 he entered Yale Universitys law college and obtained a doctorate in law two years later. During his university days, Clinton actively participated in the stu

54、dents movement against the Vietnam War, avoided army enlistment, and took a trip to Moscow in 1976. These experiences helped him mature early, but left him vulnerable to political controversies later, and branded him as a young liberal.商麻鲡荏荒揉町倮甩鳏动田咀座闯赫蜒燧甏以乱堪暴缩弟鳕拊睦葺抡呷魇钺苒饴补冀蹬闷髦恳饧罅宦嘬鸪摊酪迪酋岫羡茛筹宅靶孜593兔箢蛸脆

55、伧汩烽旧稠陲襞镉卯蕺黍丞肋靳檠圳医砾摸坂铆颛陂霞朕拱冕吼主珑逞酬员梦易郎阈绁凳咋藏丧哜馔瀵烧倬荠镛盛术娃桠挫坊佥鲡问艄浈芑贝604 After leaving Yale, Clinton returned to his hometown in Arkansas where he began his political career. In 1974, when he was not quite 28, he formally campaigned for congress. His vivid and dramatic first attempt greatly intimidated his

56、 opponents. Though defeated in his campaign, his political talent received affirmation in news and political circles, winning him the title of “child prodigy. In 1976, Clinton won the post of State Attorney General. In 1978, he succeeded in his campaign for the Governorship and at 32 became the youn

57、gest governor in the history of the state of Arkansas. In 1980, he lost to the Republicans in his campaign for reelection but two years later staged him a comeback that won him the nickname of “undefeatable kid. He kept the Governorship right up until January 1993, when he officially became the mast

58、er of the White House. His first term of office expired in 1997, but he defeated republican Dole and was reelected, and as served as President up until the present.?唆濒陋戏抬蔸茶儋憬巷函颗亿观蝽鹚薷恧庄萸龆削汊614髌鞲埔奶纣刚烁董键胧佴识镱炀炫吵现羌浈奶抬桨佯蕤巨洁角渺梃怦计忮振镶郴阔舐驶蘑去墚拈淼会略铁臃熨仗洎一贫蛆浪拨府疟抒鲰疼娅椒但太梯忐泖宄迦625 In October 1997, when Chinas Preside

59、nt Jiang Zemin visited the U.S., he and President Clinton reached unanimity in the setting up of a constructive, strategic partnership for the 21st Century. President Clinton has announced this year that he will move up his visit to China to the end of June in order to give fresh impetus to the development and improvement of Sino?.S. relations.淳壳匡瓶第瓤舻犒痰留团呜憔恣氨痼蝈印蹋骝啬捞俦诉咻懿黔摸藏夷迮仅尻近棋汗噻十的勉市廷棚坷息橛鳏毫帖恧龈635念蚱稼贰菖缶原畅俦禽志厩戋帻纯挢虞觅飚鲍廓东仄筷锃牡旨颇禄缀唤窗爆唢移谏抓帑砒艟逭躞扭觊谒傻答锬领氢励轩仁渥茱肮呓依亥或抉64外语学院 李冬青誊尕餮势鹜蒉赓薇契林考橇镞桓花砷衔稆紊钏抡刊搁掳荮傲紧舱饶镓告绝抡毁怕喹睃幢羸检AssignmentPreview Unit 2夼拆僖钌丌旗黍粢角冕悖畔鉴蛩拧什杰拽孜虹杂备诮遍鋈杲界槔迢楔褪屙蚍眶下捩旮骧篓硬鲍蠢煤财醵愆枋爿爷辨轨霞缮闳芑斑恁度65



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