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1、20212021 年年 0404 月自考英语二月自考英语二( (文字版含答案解文字版含答案解析析) )2021 年 4 月自考 00015 英语(二)真题2021 年 4 月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)第一部分:阅读判断(第 1?10 题,每题 1 分,共 10 分)下面的短文后列出了 10 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择 C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。Life on the FarmLife on a farm is always changing. N

2、ew technologies anda rising interest in healthier and organic eating havehad a huge impact on how farms do business. At the sametime, a growing population has put more demands onfarmers. They need to find ways to increase theirproduction levels. The small family farms that used toproduce most of the

3、 products have been largely replacedby factory farms. Small family farms that are stilloperating are struggling to keep up.Technology has made most aspects of farm life easierthan it has ever been before. Bigger and more efficientequipment makes work such as plowing up fields andsowing the seeds eas

4、ier. Such tasks used to take twoor three times as long. These advances have allowedfarmers to work faster and more efficiently than everbefore. In addition to newer technology, factory farmsproduce more products for less money than traditionalfarming would require.Modern farm life,despite the introd

5、uction of newtechnologies, has not changed much from what it hasalways been. Farmers still wake up early, and spendtheir days doing hard work. There are still animals tofeed,cows to be milked, and fields to be plowed. Farmlife still requires a lot of hard work and sacrifice.The main change in modern

6、 farm life is in the way farmsare run. It is common for even small farms to haveseveral hired workers and even an animal manager.Family-run farms are becoming rarer. Factory farms,with other larger farm corporations, are becoming thenorm. Although there are still many traditional familyfarms, they a

7、re quickly dying as modern practiceschange farmlife forever.1.Factory farms now produce most of the products.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】A【解析】题干大意:工厂农场现在生产大部分的产品。定位到文中第一段的第五句, “The small family farms that usedto produce most of the products have been largelyreplaced by factory farms.” ,过去大部分生产的商品的小家庭式农

8、场大量地被工厂式农场所取代。题目与原文意思相符,故选 A。2.Farmers prefer to grow healthy and organic food.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】C【解析】题干大意:农民喜欢种植健康和有机食品。定位到文中第一段的第二句,“New technologies and a risinginterest in healthier and organic eating have had a hugeimpact on howfarms do business.” ,新技术和对健康和有机饮食的兴趣越来越大,对农场的经营方式产生了巨大的影响。原文

9、中没有提及农场主更喜欢种植健康且有机的食物,故选 C。3.Small family farms find it hard to survive.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】A【解析】题干大意:小家庭式农场很难生存。定位到文中第一段的第五、六句, “The small family farms that used toproduce most of the products have been largely replacedby factory farms. Small family farms that are stilloperating are struggling

10、 to keep up. ” ,过去大部分生产的商品的小家庭式农场大量地被工厂式农场所取代。小家庭式农场在挣扎中经营。由此可知,小家庭式农场现在很难生存。故选 A。4.Plowing and sowing by machines are advances in modernfarming.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】A【解析】题干大意:机器耕种和播种是现代农业的进步。定位到文中第二段的第二、四句, “Bigger and more efficientequipment makes work such as plowing up fields andsowing the s

11、eeds easier.”“These advances have allowedfarmers to work faster and more efficiently than everbefore.” ,更大和更高效的设备使得耕耘种子和播种种子更容易。这些进步使农民比以往任何时候都工作得更快更有效率。由此可知,题目与原文意思相符,故选 A。5.Modern farm products cost more than those fromtraditional farming.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】B【解析】题干大意:现代农产品比传统农业生产成本高。定位 到 文 中

12、 第 二 段 的 第 五 句 , “ In addition to newertechnology, factory farms produce more products forless money than traditional farming would require. ” ,除了更新的技术之外,工厂农场生产的产品比传统农业所需的费用要少。题目与原文意思不相符,故选 B。6.Most farmers cannot afford new machines.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】C【解析】题干大意:大部分农场主支付不起新设备的费用。通读文章,没有提及与之相关信

13、息,故选 C。7.Modern farmers do not have to work hard.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】B【解析】题干大意:现代农场主不需要努力工作。定位到文中第三段的第一、二句, “Modern farm life,despite theintroduction of new technologies, has not changed muchfrom what it has always been. Farmers still wake upearly, and spend their days doing hard work. ” ,现代农业生

14、活,尽管引进了新技术,但并没有发生太多变化。农民们仍然醒得很早,每天都在努力工作。由此可知,题目与原文意思不相符,故选 B。8.New technologies have not changed farm management.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】B【解析】题干大意:新技术没有改变农场的管理。定位到文中第三段的第一句, “Modern farm life,despite theintroduction of new technologies, has not changed muchfrom what it has always been.” 现代农业生活,尽管引

15、进了新技术,但并没有发生太多变化。由此可知,虽然没有发生太大改变,但依旧还是有所改变,题目与原文意思不相符,故选 B。9.There are fewer and fewer family-run farms now.ATrueBFalseCNot Given【答案】A【解析】题干大意:现在越来越少的家庭式农场经营。定位到文中第四段的第三句, “Family-run farms are becomingrarer.”家庭式农场经营开始变得越来越少。题目与原文意思相符,故选 A。10.Modern farms are hiring workers from cities.ATrueBFalseCN

16、ot Given【答案】C【解析】 题干大意: 现代农场从城市中雇佣工人。 通读文章,没有提及与之相关信息,故选 C。第二部分:阅读选择(第 11?15 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的 4 个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出 1 个最佳选项, 并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。Christmas GiftMary didnt know what to send to her grandparents forChristmas. It was always hard to choose a good Christmaspresent for them. They d

17、idnt need much, and it was hardfor her to be creative every year.One year, she sent them a big wooden elephant. It saton the counter for a year, but then it disappeared,probably into a closet somewhere. Another year, shemade handmade soaps with nice smells, but they probablywerent any better than st

18、ore-bought soaps. Last year,she sent lots of nice pictures of herself in frames,but grandparents house was small, and they couldn t hang up very many.This year, she decided on fruit. She lived where it waswarm and there was lots of nice fruit. Her grandparentslived up north, where it was colder and

19、they couldn t get fresh fruit all year, or at least not oranges andgrapefruit.Freshfruitwashealthyforhergrandparents, too.Mary went to a fruit store and sampled the red oranges.She really liked them and bought a kilogram. Then shetried three kinds of grapefruit. The white ones weresour. The star gra

20、pefruit were interesting, but thedark red grapefruit were great. So she got a kilogram.Mary carefully packed the fruit in a box to keep themsafe and dry in case one got smashed and its juice goteverywhere. Then she wrote the address on the box andmailed it from the store. She felt happy with what sh

21、ebought.A few days later, Mary got a phone call from hergrandparents, thanking her for the lovely fruit. Theysaid it was a healthy,tasty, and very thoughtful gift.Mary had never felt so good before. 11.Mary was troubledbecause she_.Ahad no idea for a holiday giftBwas not creative in her workCcould n

22、ot afford Christmas giftsDfound her grandma hard to please【答案】A【解析】事实细节题。定位到文中第一段的第一至三句, “Mary didnt know whatto send to her grandparents for Christmas. It was alwayshard to choose a good Christmas present for them. Theydidnt need much, and it was hard for her to be creativeevery year.” , 玛丽不知道圣诞节送什

23、么礼物给她的祖父母。给他们选择一个好的圣诞礼物对她来说很难。他们不需要太多, 但对 Mary 来说每年都创新地选择礼物对她来说太难了。故选 A。12.What did Mary send her grandparents last year?AA wooden elephant.BHandmade soaps.CHer own pictures.DA store-bought closet.【答案】C【解析】定位到文中第二段的第三句, “Last year, she sentlots of nice pictures of herself in frames, bu tgrandparents

24、 house was small, and they couldnt hangup very many.” ,去年,她送了很多她自己十分漂亮的带画框的照片给他们, 但是祖父母的房子很小, 他们挂不上很多。故选 C。13.In selecting the gifts, Mary was_.AexcitedBimpatientCexhaustedDthoughtful【答案】D【解析】定位到文中第三段,今年,她决定送水果。她住在温暖的地方, 那里有很多好吃的水果。 她的祖父母住在北方,那里比较冷,他们一年不能得到新鲜水果,至少没有桔子和葡萄柚。新鲜的水果对她的祖父母也是健康的。由此可知,Mary

25、在选择礼物的时候是深思熟虑的,故选 D。14.WhichofthefollowingdidMarybuyforhergrandparents this year?AYellow oranges.BDark red grapefruit.CWhite grapefruit.DStar grapefruit.【答案】B【解析】定位到文中第四段的第三句, “The white ones weresour. The star grapefruit were interesting, but thedark red grapefruit were great. So she got a kilogram

26、.”白色的是酸的。 葡萄柚也很不错, 但是深红色的葡萄柚很棒。所以她买了一公斤。故选 B。15.Marys grandparents_.Aloved her giftBsent her a cardCwrote her a letterDput her gift away【答案】A【解析】 定位到文中第六段的第一、 二句,“A few days later,Mary got a phone call from her grandparents, thankingher for the lovely fruit. They said it was a healthy,tasty, and ver

27、y thoughtful gift.” ,几天后,Mary 接到了她的祖父母的电话,感谢她可爱的水果。他们说这是一种健康、美味、体贴的礼物。故选 A。第三部分:概括段落大意和补全句子(第 16?25 题,每题 1分,共 10 分)阅读下面短文, 请完成短文后的2项测试任务:(1) 从第16?20题后所给的 6 个选项中为第段每段选择 1 个正确的小标题; (2)从第 21?25 题后所给的 6 个选项中选择 5 个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。Team Work in SportsTeams that win in team sports are often t

28、hose thatwork well together. Learning to cooperate with otherstowards a common goal in sports is what builds character,friendship and important life skills for players.Working towards a common goal will keep the teamfirmly together. Entering into a new season in sports,you might only know a few of t

29、he players on your team.Some of the players may be people you do not like. Butwhen your team decides to be the winner of the season,personal differences are often set aside for the commongood of the team. By the end of the season, players whohave fought through the whole season may become goodfriend

30、s, much like brothers.For kids and young adults, team sports offer a wayfor them to get out and meet with friends. This can helpthem avoid spending too much time at home watchingtelevision and playing videogames. Team work teaches people how to help each otherand encourage each other. It can also gi

31、ve players agreaterrespectforoneanotherandcanbuildfriendships that last a lifetime.Team work in sports offers a way for people to competefor something together. It is important to know thatwinningisnoteverythinginsportsandhealthycompetition can be good for people. Working towards agoal can teach peo

32、ple the value of hard work, commitmentand devotion. Team sports are a great way to learn thesevalues.Team work in sports can help young people developstronger communication skills. As every member mustwork for the same goal, they learn how to work with oneanother successfully.Task 116.Paragraph1:_.A

33、The common goalBHealthy competitionCTeam cooperationDExercising and friendshipEProblems between team membersFBuilding communication skills【答案】C【解析】该段主要描述团队合作,中心句为第一句, “Teamsthat win in team sports are often those that work welltogether.” ,在团队运动中获胜的球队往往是那些合作得很好的球队。故选 C。17.Paragraph 2:_.AThe common go

34、alBHealthy competitionCTeam cooperationDExercising and friendshipEProblems between team membersFBuilding communication skills【答案】A【解析】该段主要描述共同目标,中心句为该段的第一句,“Working towards a common goal will keep the teamfirmly together.”朝着共同的目标努力将使团队牢牢地团结在一起。故选 A。18.Paragraph 3:_.AThe common goalBHealthy competiti

35、onCTeam cooperationDExercising and friendshipEProblems between team membersFBuilding communication skills【答案】D【解析】该段主要描述锻炼和友情,中心句为该段的第一句和最后一句, “For kids and young adults, team sportsoffer a way for them to get out and m eet with friends.” ,“ It can also give players a greater respect for oneanothera

36、ndcanbuildfriendshipsthatlastalifetime.” ,对于孩子和年轻人来说,团队运动为他们走出去和朋友聚会提供了一种方式。它还可以给运动员更大的尊重,也可以建立一个终生的友谊。故选 D。19.Paragraph 4:_.AThe common goalBHealthy competitionCTeam cooperationDExercising and friendshipEProblems between team membersFBuilding communication skills【答案】B【解析】该段的中心句为该段的第二句, “It is impor

37、tantto know that winning is not everything in sports andhealthy competition can be good for people.” ,知道赢不是体育的一切是重要的, 健康的竞争对人有好处。 故选 B。20.Paragraph 5:_.AThe common goalBHealthy competitionCTeam cooperationDExercising and friendshipEProblems between team membersFBuilding communication skills【答案】F【解析】

38、该段的中心句为该段的第一句, “Team work insportscanhelpyoungpeopledevelopstrongercommunication skills.” ,团队运动可以帮助年轻人提高更强的交流技巧。故选 F。Task 221.Cooperation in team sports help build_.Aset a goalBcharacterChelp each otherDin team sportsEyour personal differencesFhard work and devotion【答案】B【解析】定位到文中第一段的第二句, “Learning t

39、ocooperate with others towards a common goal in sportsis what builds character, friendship and important lifeskills for players.” ,在体育中学习与他人合作是一个共同的目标,它可以培养运动员的性格、友谊和重要的生活技能。故选 B。22.When your team decides to win the season, you setaside_.Aset a goalBcharacterChelp each otherDin team sportsEyour pers

40、onal differencesFhard work and devotion【答案】E【解析】定位到文中第二段的第四句, “But when your teamdecides to be the winner of the season, personaldifferences are often set aside for the common good ofthe team.” ,但是当你的球队决定成为本赛季的胜利者时,为了球队的共同利益,个人差异常常被先放一边。故选 E。23.In team sports, kids learn to_.Aset a goalBcharacterChe

41、lp each otherDin team sportsEyour personal differencesFhard work and devotion【答案】C【解析】定位到文中第三段的第三句, “Team work teachespeople how to help each other and encourage each other.” ,团队合作教人们如何互相帮助,互相鼓励。故选 C。24.In team sports people learn the value of_.Aset a goalBcharacterChelp each otherDin team sportsEyo

42、ur personal differencesFhard work and devotion【答案】F【解析】定位到文中第四段的第三句, “Working towards agoal can teach people the value of hard work, commitmentand devotion.” , 朝着一个目标努力可以教会人们努力工作、奉献和奉献的价值。故选 F。25.A long-lasting friendship can be built_.Aset a goalBcharacterChelp each otherDin team sportsEyour person

43、al differencesFhard work and devotion【答案】D【解析】定位到文中第三段的第四句, “It (team sport) canalso give players a greater respect for one another andcan build friendships that last a lifetime.”, 它(团体运动)还可以给玩家更大的尊重,也可以建立一个终生的友谊。故选 D。第四部分:填句补文(第 2630 题,每题 2 分,共 10 分)下面的短文有 5 处空白,短文后有 6 个句子,其中 5 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原

44、有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。Homeschooling vs SchoolMany kids find it hard to concentrate in school.Classmates, bells, and even cheerful decorations inschool can make it hard for some children to concentrate._(26).In some schools, conditions are bad for children ssafety and health. _ (27). Homescho

45、oling parentscan control their childrens environment to make sureit is safe and healthy.Whenstudentssitinaclassroomsurroundedbyclassmates, under the tight control of adults, theyfinditveryhardtofunctioninanormalway.Homeschooling children dont have to stay in the school._(28). They can interact with

46、people in familiarsituations, and they feel they can interact with peopleas adults.School bullying (以强欺弱)is a serious problem. _(29). Although schools are starting to deal with thisproblem, many kids are still afraid of going to school.Homeschooling kids can choose who they associate withand walk aw

47、ay from an uncomfortable situation.Schools are cutting field trips. _(30). On thecontrary, homeschooling can move outdoors, to the beachor the zoo. For homeschooling families, the whole worldis a classroom. Learning takes place everywhere and itnever ends.26._.AInstead, they are out in the community

48、.B Inthiscase,homeschoolingoffersfewerinterruptions.CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchentables.D Somechildrendonottreattheirclassmatesappropriately.EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designedbuildings.FEven a short trip to the countryside is controversialin some places.【答案】B

49、【解析】由空前的一句话, “Classmates, bells, and evencheerful decorations in school can make it hard for somechildren to conce ntrate.” ,同学、铃铛,甚至学校里令人愉快的装饰品都会让一些孩子难以集中注意力。可知,空格处应提与之想对应的解决方法,B 选项符合题意,在这种情况下, 家庭教育提供较少的干预能起到一定作用。 故选 B。27._.AInstead, they are out in the community.B Inthiscase,homeschoolingoffersfew

50、erinterruptions.CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchentables.D Somechildrendonottreattheirclassmatesappropriately.EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designedbuildings.FEven a short trip to the countryside is controversialin some places.【答案】E【解析】由空前的一句话, “In some schools, condi

51、tionsare bad for childrens safety and health.” ,在一些学校,他们的条件对儿童的安全和健康不利。由此可知,空格处应为描述对儿童安全和健康不利的具体条件是什么,选项 E 衔接最恰当,故选 E。许多学生在旧的或设计不好的教学楼上学。28._.AInstead, they are out in the community.B Inthiscase,homeschoolingoffersfewerinterruptions.CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchentables.D Somech

52、ildrendonottreattheirclassmatesappropriately.EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designedbuildings.FEven a short trip to the countryside is controversialin some places.【答案】A【解析】由空前的一句话, “Homeschooling children dont have to stay in the school.” ,家庭学校的孩子不必呆在学校里。由此可知,选项 A 衔接最恰当,相反,他们在社区里。故选 A。2

53、9._.AInstead, they are out in the community.B Inthiscase,homeschoolingoffersfewerinterruptions.CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchentables.D Somechildrendonottreattheirclassmatesappropriately.EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designedbuildings.FEven a short trip to the count

54、ryside is controversialin some places.【答案】D【解析】由空前的一句话,“School bullying(以强欺弱)is a serious problem.” ,学校以强欺弱是一个很严重的问题,由此可知,选项 D 最恰当,有些孩子不恰当地对待自己的同学。故选 D。30._.AInstead, they are out in the community.B Inthiscase,homeschoolingoffersfewerinterruptions.CChildren usually sit at desks or around the kitchen

55、tables.D Somechildrendonottreattheirclassmatesappropriately.EMany students go to class in old or poorly-designedbuildings.FEven a short trip to the countryside is controversialin some places.【答案】F【解析】由空前的一句话, “Schools are cutting fieldtrips.” ,学校正在削减实地校外参观学习的活动。由此可知,选项 F 衔接最恰当,即使是短途郊游在一些地方也是也是有争议的。故

56、选 F。第五部分: 填词补文 (第 3140 题, 每题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)下面的短文有 10 处空白,短文后列出 12 个词,其中 10 个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌,并在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。Planting PotatoesWhen I was a boy we had several gardens around our oldhouse. The largest one of all was used just for growingpotatoes.I can still remember those potato planti

57、ng days. Allthe family _(31)helped. After my Dad had _(32)the soil, my Mom, brothers, and I went to work.It was my _(33)to dropthe little seed potatoes in the _(34)while my Momdropped handfuls of fertilizer beside them. My brothersthen covered them all with the _(35)turned earth.For months _(36)I wo

58、uld glance over at the gardenwhile I played outside and wonder what was going onunderneath the _(37). When the harvest time cameI was amazed at the huge size of the potatoes my Dad_(38)out of the soil. Those little seed potatoeshad grown into big potatoes. They would be turned intomeal after meal of

59、 _(39)food. They would keep the_(40)family well fed throughout the whole year.It truly was a miracle.31._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】C【解析】由空前的 family 和空后的 helped 可知,空格处需要一个与家庭相关的名词,故选 C。32._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGro

60、wsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】F【解析】由空前的 had 和空后的 the soil 可知,空格处需要一个动词过去分词形式构成过去完成时,根据意思可知,选项 F 符合题意,故选 F。33._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】D【解析】由空前的形容词性物主代词 my 可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据意思可知,选项 D 符合题意,故选 D。34._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjob

61、EdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】G【解析】由空前的定冠词 the 可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据句意可知,选项 G 符合题意,故选 G。35._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【解析】由空后的形容词 turned 可知,空格处需要一个副词修饰形容词,选项 I 符合题意,故选 I。36._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdelicious

62、FpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】H【解析】由空前的表时间的状语 for months 可知,空格处需要一个副词做状语,根据句意可知,选项 H 符合题意,故选 H。37._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】B【解析】由空前的定冠词 the 可知,空格处需要一个名词,根据句意可知,选项 B 符合题意,故选 B。38._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEde

63、liciousGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】L【解析】 分析句子成分可知, 该句缺少动词, 根据句意可知,选项 L 符合题意,故选 L。39._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpreparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】E【解析】由空后的名词 food 可知,空格处需要一个形容词修饰空后的名词, 根据句意可知, 选项 E 符合题意, 故选 E。40._.AtrueBgroundCmembersDjobEdeliciousFpr

64、eparedGrowsHafterwardIfreshlyJentireKtoolsLpulled【答案】J【解析】由空前的定冠词 the 和空后的名词 family 可知,空格出需要一个形容词修饰空后的名词,根据句意可知,选项 J 符合题意,故选 J。第六部分: 完形补文 (第 4150 题, 每题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)下面的短文有 10 处空白,每处空白后的括号内有一个词,请根据短文内容将其正确的形式填入文中,以恢复文章原貌,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。Workplace English LearningEnglish plays (play) an important rol

65、e in the workplace.When _(41)(use) correctly and appropriately, itwill be _(42)(help) in developing a career or abusiness. Some may need or want to study businessEnglish before they start their _(43)(career).Those who are already _ ( 44) (work) have theopportunity to see what they can and cannot do

66、_(45)(effective) with English in their current job.A _(46)(value) skill to have in business is howto negotiate. You need to know what you want, as wellas how to bargain and make concessions (让步). Beingable to deal with a conflict and _(47)(know) howto end negotiations can make a big _ (48) (differen

67、t)to the outcome.Workplace English learning will encourage _ (49)(profession)andefficientcommunication.Itcanbetter serve customers, business partners and _(50)(supplier), and it will be a positive push forany business.41._.【答案】used【解析】从句中,非谓语表被动用-ed 形式,故为 used。42._.【答案】helpful【解析】由空前的 be 可知,空后需要一个形容

68、词表示怎么样,故为 helpful。43._.【答案】careers【解析】由空前的第三人称复数的形容词性物主代词 their可知, 空格处需要一个名词, 且为名词复数, 故为 careers。44._.【答案】working【解析】由空前的 are 可知,空格处需要一个动词 ing 形式构成进行时,故为 working。45._.【答案】effectively【解析】由空前的动词 do 可知,空格处需要一个副词修饰动词,故为 effectively。46._.【答案】valuable【解析】由空前的不定冠词 a 和空后的名词 skill 可知,空格出需要一个形容词修饰空后的名词,故为 val

69、uable。47._.【答案】knowing【解析】 由空前的 and 并列连接和空前的 a conflict 可知,空格处需要一个名词,故为 knowing。48._.【答案】difference【解析】由空前的不定冠词 a 可知,空格处需要一个名词,故为 difference。49._.【答案】professional【解析】 由空后的 and并列连接和 and后的形容词 efficient可知,空格处需要一个形容词,故为 professional。50._.【答案】suppliers【解析】 由空前的并列连接 and 和空前的名词复数 partners可知,空格处也应为名词复数,故为 s

70、uppliers。第七部分:短文写作(第 51 题,30 分)请根据所提供材料中的要求完成一篇 100 词左右的英文写作任务。将你的答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。51.假设你将举办一次周末小聚会,准备邀请你的英国朋友Tom 参加。请给他写一封英文电子邮件,内容包括:活动主题:为 Lucy 举办生日晚会时间、地点询问 Tom 能否参加请以 Li Ke 署名。【答案】Dear Tom,I am writing this email to invite you to join Lucy s birthday party.The day of October 20th will be Lucy s l8

71、th birthday.Were going to hold a party in Lucy s house thisSaturdayevening.Manyofourgoodfriendsandclassmates are coming. We will have a big dinnertogether. After that we will sing, dance and play games.The party will last for three hours, from 7 p.m. to 10p.m. I really hope you can come and join us. Our friendsand classmates will be very happy to have you with us.Im sure we will have a lot of fun together.Please let me know whether you could come or not. Imlooking forward to your early reply.Best wishes,Li Ke联系编辑,购买其他课程资料。



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