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1、Book1-Unit2-English-Book1-Unit2-English-around-the-worldaround-the-world复习复习12. _ /ktuli/ adv. 实际上; 13. _ /beis/ vt. 以为根据14. _ 现在;目前15. _ /rdul/ adj. 逐渐的;逐步的16. _ /grduli/ adv. 逐渐地;逐步地17. _ /deini/ n.18. _ /inrit/ vt. 使富裕;充实;19. _ /vkbjulri/ n. 词汇;词汇量;20. _ 利用;使用21. _ /speli/ n. 拼写;拼法(美国词典编纂家)22. _

2、/lt/ adj. 较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的23. _ /aidentti/ n. 本身;本体;身份24. _ /flu:nt/ adj. 流利的;流畅的25. _ /flu:ntl/ adv. 流利地;流畅地 Singapore /sip:/ n. 新加坡(东南亚国家) Malaysia /mleizi/ n. 马来西亚(东南亚国家); 马来群岛26. _ 例如;像这种的22. _ /lt/ adj. 较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的23. _ /aidentti/ n. 本身;本体;身份24. _ /flu:nt/ adj. 流利的;流畅的25. _ /flu:ntl/ adv.

3、流利地;流畅地 26. _ 例如;像这种的1. office/ official 2. actual _actually 3 gradual_.gradually 4.rich_ enrich 5 .fluent_ fluently_fluency 6.frequent_frequently 7 use/usage 8 the latter _the former9 late/ later latest 10 express._ expression 11. African 12 . Spanish 13 east-eastern 14. recognize/ recognition 1 Wh

4、y not _(为什么不把你的想法建为什么不把你的想法建立在事实的基础上?立在事实的基础上?_(尽管我忙于工作)尽管我忙于工作)have managed to find time to hang out with my friends3In my opinon, he is _(与其说他与其说他聪明倒不如说他幸运)聪明倒不如说他幸运)She didnt come to the party _(因为)因为)what you had said 5 The researchers says the tiger _(原产于)India 6 A good way to settle the proble

5、m_(被提出)at the meeting They _ (提出)a good way to settle the problem7 (base) on a true , the film is very popular 8 Youd better _(充分利用)this chance 词汇拓展词汇拓展office_official actual_actuallybase_ basic gradual_graduallylatter_ former identity_ identify fluent_ fluentlyfrequent_frequently command_commandreq

6、uest_request express_expressionrecognize_ recognition 短语记忆短语记忆 different from one another 2. far away 3. an official language 4. at the end of the 16th. century 5. make voyages to 6. because of 7 ever before 7. native English speakers 8. even if 9. come up 10. would like to do 11 over time 12 at

7、 first municate with 14 . at first 15 instead of 16. be based on 17 . at present 18. the English language 19. make use of 20.the fomer -the latter 21. a large number of 22. such as for example the sea 22 make sense as soon as 23. without a second thought 24 go up with a step so light 25. on/ a

8、t the weekend 26. on/ in the team 27 have good command of 28 request sb to do 29 take sb for a walk 30 hold on 31 make sure that 32 . believe it or not 33 . play a part in 34 . the same as 35 .from one place to another 36 .takewith 37 what a lovely autumn day ! 38 It s a nice fall day ,isnt it ? 39

9、keep going straight 40 keep fit 41 build up skills 42 have fun with43 make list of 44 find out 46 Would you please sing a song ?47 suggest doing 48. make progress (目前)very large number of Chinese people (来到)hana (因为)of attraction of gold 。With the dream of (become)rich。they usually make a hard(航海)to

10、 arrive there because it is not (office),however, (没有这样)free lunch i the world。Although they try to (充分利用)every minutes to dig for gold。(actual)few of them succeed。on the contrarythey are often faced with (频繁的)robbery from the(native)there,some people lost their lives (即使)经典句型背诵经典句型背诵1 Do you know t

11、hat there is more than one kind of English?2 Why not go by Underground?3 People from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world.4 Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English 5 It was based more on German than the English we speak a

12、t present 6 It is not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as fluent as a native English speaker 7 Because of his years of hard work ,he has a good command of French now 8The policeman commanded that the thief (should ) hand in what he had stolen The policeman commanded the thief to hand in wh

13、at he had stolen9 Our headteacher requested us to go over our lessonsOur headteacher requested that we should go over our lessons1. _ we know, British English is a little different _ American English.2.The USA is a large country _ many different dialects _ (speak).3 Actually, there is no such a thin

14、g _ a free lunch in the world.(改改)4 .Even if it _(rain) tomorrow, theyll go fishing.5 He was fired. That was _ he _ (make) a serious mistake.6 He failed his maths examination because his careless work.(改改)6.Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English.7.Tom suggested going swimming

15、that afternoon.8.Tina requested that he go home the Road to Modern English1 At the end of the 16th century, about five _ seven millions people spoke English. (改改 2 _(Late) in the next century, people from England made voyages _ conquer other parts of the world, and because _ that, English began to _

16、( speak) in many other country. (改错)(改错)3 Today, _ people speak English _their first, second or a foreign language _ ever before.toLater4 Native English speakers can understand each other_ they dont speak the same kind of English. 5 Id like to _ to you apartment.6 So why has English changed _ time?

17、7_languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate _each other. 8 _ fist the English _(speak) in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. 9 It was _(base) more _ German than the English we speak _10_ present. Then _(gradual) between about

18、 AD 500 and 1150, English became _(little) like German because those _ ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. 12 These new _(settle) enriched the English language and _(especial) its vocabulary. 13 Finally _ the 19th century the language _( settle). At that time two big changes in Englis

19、h _(spell)happened: 14 The _(later) gave a separate identity _ American English spelling.15 India has _very large number of fluent English speakers because Britain ruled India from 1765 to 1947. 16 During that time English became the language _ government and education. 17 Today _ number of people _

20、(learn) English in China _ increasing rapid(改)(改)18 In fact, China may have the_( large) number of English learners. 19 Will Chinese English develop _(it) own identity? Only time will tell.20It is not easy of a Chinese person _ (speak) English as fluent as a native speakers(两处错)两处错)Its so pleasant _

21、(look) down from so high21As soon as she went up _a step so light that day1. _ we know, British English is a little different _ American English.2.The USA is a large country _ many different dialects _ (speak).3 Actually, there is no such a thing _ a free lunch in the world.(改改)4 .Even if it _(rain)

22、 tomorrow, theyll go fishing.5 He was fired. That was _ he _ (make) a serious mistake.6 He failed his maths examination because his careless work.(改改)7 The problem was came up at the meeting. (改改)8.More than one student _ (have) mobile phones in our class.9 Why not to go by underground?(改改)10 The te

23、acher suggested that the students were well prepared for the coming exam(改改)11_(have) a good command of English and computer is of great different from one another 2. far away 3. an official language 4. at the end of the 16th. century 5. make voyages to 6. because of 7. native English speak

24、ers 8. even if 9. come up 10. would like to do municate with 12. at first 13. instead of 14. be based on 15. at present 16. the English language 17. make use of 18.the latter 19. a large number of 20. such as the sea 22. without a second thought 23. on/ at the weekend 24. on/ in the team 25. b

25、elieve it or not 26. play a part in 27. the same as 28.from one place to another 29.takewith 30. by lorry/ truck 31. on the left/ right 32. go straight 33. keep fit/ healthy satisfied with 35. have a talk with 36. suggest doing 37. make progress 38. office/ official 39. actually 40.gradually 4

26、1. enrich 42. fluently/ fluency 43.frequently 44. use/usage 45.latter/ later 46. expression 47. African 48. Spanish 49. eastern 50. recognize/ recognition 17 Today _ number of people _(learn) English in China _ increasing rapid(改)(改)18 In fact, China may have the_( large) number of English learners.

27、 19 Will Chinese English develop _(it) own identity? Only time will tell.20It is not easy of a Chinese person _ (speak) English as fluent as a native speakers(两处错)两处错)Its so pleasant _(look) down from so high1.Believe it or not, there is no such thing _ standard English.2. This is because in the ear

28、ly days of radio, those _ reported the news _(expect) to speak excellent English.3. _ (actual) all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate _ each other4. _ latter gave a separate identity _ American English spelling.5. It is not easy _ a Chinese person _ (speak) English as _

29、(fluent) as a native English speaker6. _ we know, British English is a little different _ American English.7. It was based more _ German _ the English we speak _ present.8. Today the number of people _ (learn) English in China _ increasing rapid (改改)9.The USA is a large country _ many different dial

30、ects _ (speak).10. Actually, there is no such a thing _ a free lunch in the world.(改改)11.Even if it _(rain) tomorrow, theyll go fishing.12. He was fired. That was _ he _ (make) a serious mistake.13. He failed his maths examination because his careless work.(改改)14.The problem was came up at the meeti

31、ng. (改改)15. We should think of the use we made _ such material.16.More than one student _ (have) mobile phones in our class.17. Why not to go by underground?(改改)18. Jim failed in the exam again. In my opinion, he is more lazier than stupid.(改改)19. The moment when I answered the phone, I recognized h

32、is voice.(改改)20.Computers play important part in modern society.(改改) 教材与微写作教材与微写作写作素材写作素材(关于英语关于英语)1.目前,目前,英语在我们的生活中英语在我们的生活中起着重要作用。起着重要作用。2.我们应我们应充分利用充分利用每一次机会来练习英语,这样我每一次机会来练习英语,这样我们就能们就能逐渐扩大词汇量逐渐扩大词汇量并能流利地讲英语。并能流利地讲英语。3.如果你如果你掌握好掌握好英语,对你将来的发展是有好处的。英语,对你将来的发展是有好处的。提示:提示:加蓝加蓝部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用so that引导的目的状语从句和引导的目的状语从句和if引导的条件状语从句。引导的条件状语从句。结束结束



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