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1、Unit 2Unit 2The universal languageThe universal language( (主题语境主题语境: :人与社会人与社会文学、艺术与体育文学、艺术与体育) )-3-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.condemn vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责经典例句 They were condemned to a life of hardship because of failure in business.因为生意失败,他们不得不过着艰难的生活。be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚;使某人被迫接受某种环境condemn sth./sb.as.指责为conde

2、mn sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而谴责某人condemn sb.to death判处某人死刑-4-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Anderson suggests that television without considering other influences.安德森建议不考虑其他影响就不能谴责电视。(2)She knew that society would abandoning her child.她知道她会因遗弃自己的孩子而遭到社会的谴责。cannot be condemned condemn her for -5-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.marr

3、y vt.& vi.(使)结婚;娶;嫁;结合;为主持婚礼经典例句 Her parents are bent on marrying her to a millionaire.她父母一心想把她嫁给一位百万富翁。(1)marry sb.嫁给/娶某人/和某人结婚marry sb.to sb.把嫁给be/get married to(已经)和结婚(2)marriage n.婚姻用法点拨be married to是延续性的,而get married to和marry都是短暂性的。-6-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Tom asked for her hand in marriage and tw

4、o years later they .(2)Last week Tom Mary and there was an old woman them.(3)They last century and over 20 years.got married married marrying got married have been married -7-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.promise v.& n.答应;许诺;可能高考佳句Russia is another country with population problems that could break its economic prom

5、ise.(2017江苏卷,任务型阅读)俄罗斯是另外一个人口问题可能破坏经济前景的国家。(1)promise sb.sth.=promise sth.to sb.答应给某人某物promise sb.to do sth.答应(某人)做某事promise to be有希望成为(2)carry out/keep a promise/live up to ones promise遵守/履行诺言make a promise许下诺言break ones promise食言,收回承诺(3)promising adj.有前途的,有发展前景的-8-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)The new movie

6、promises(be)one of the biggest moneymakers of all time.(2)Nowadays mobile Internet devices are pushing up demands for online education,which makes people see it as one of the most (promise)new markets.(3)I promise(return)your bicycle on good condition.(4)If you make promise,you should carry it out.t

7、o be promising to return a -9-高频单词重点短语难点句型4.seize vt.逮捕,捉拿;抓住;捉住;夺取,攻占经典例句 He seized a fish when he was swimming in the river.他在河里游泳时捉住了一条鱼。seize a chance/an opportunity抓住机会seize sb.by the collar抓住某人的衣领seize hold of抓住seize power夺权seize on/upon利用;抓住(可利用的事物)-10-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Instead,they emphasiz

8、e the story of the youth who_ and become masterful leaders.相反,他们强调年轻人的故事,这些年轻人能够抓住机会成为有能力的领导。(2)She my hand.她抓住了我的手。seize opportunities seized hold of -11-高频单词重点短语难点句型5.demand vt.强烈要求;需要n.要求;需求经典例句 There was a demand for ice for food preservation.对食物冷藏冰有需求。in demand非常需要的;受欢迎的demand sth.of/from sb.向某

9、人要求某物demand to do sth.要求干某事demand that.要求(从句谓语用“should+动词原形”,should可省略)on demand一经要求-12-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)It has a built-in electric motor which can open or close the umbrella demand.它有一个内置电动机,可以按需求打开或关闭这把伞。(2)Kidnappers for his grandsons safe return.绑架者要求大额赎金才会把他孙子安全放回。(3)The teacher demanded that

10、 the students on time to every class.这位老师要求学生们准时到校。on demanded a large amount of money (should)be -13-高频单词重点短语难点句型6.decline n.衰落;衰败;减少;下降vt.& vi.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝经典例句 She declined and instead went to work for Sedgewick.她拒绝了,反而替Sedgewick工作。fall into(a)decline开始衰退in decline/on the decline走下坡路;衰退中;在减少decline

11、an offer/invitation谢绝帮助/邀请decline to do sth.拒绝做某事a decline in在方面下降-14-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)There has been a steady decline public services over recent years.(2)Thankfully,this is a disease that is now the decline.(3)He declined(answer)my questions.(4)After all,many older people dont begin to experienc

12、e physical and mental (decline)until after age 75.in on to answer decline -15-高频单词重点短语难点句型7.seek(sought,sought) vt.& vi. 试图,设法;寻找,寻求经典例句 She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。seek after/for追求seek out找出;挑出seek to do sth.设法/试图做某事seek ones fortune外出寻找发财机会;寻出路se

13、ek ones advice/help/assistance from sb.征求某人的建议/寻求帮助seek(for)a solution to the problem 寻求解决问题的途径-16-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)They are urgently seeking the post where they are well paid.(2)The couple have sought help their marriage go-between.(3)Corbett resolved to seek the truth.(4)(seek)for a solution to

14、the problem for several days,they finally found one.(5)Local schools are seeking (reduce)the dropout rate.for/after from out Having sought to reduce -17-高频单词重点短语难点句型8.merciful adj.仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的经典例句 The 73-year-old Japanese said that it was his merciful Chinese parents and other ordinary villagers wh

15、o gave him a second life at that time.这位73岁的日本老人说,当时是他仁慈的中国父母和其他的平民百姓给了他第二次生命。(1)be merciful to/towards sb.对某人怜悯/同情(2)mercy n.仁慈;宽恕show mercy to sb.对某人表示怜悯have mercy on对表示怜悯at the mercy of任由摆布,对无能为力-18-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)If you export nothing but raw materials,youre _ world prices.要是你除了原料,什么都不出口,你就只

16、能任由世界行市来摆布。(2)This judge isnt anyone found guilty of murder.这位法官对罪名成立的谋杀犯概不留情。(3)The general to his prisoners and killed all of them.将军对俘虏毫无怜悯之心,全部杀了他们。at the mercy of merciful to/towards showed no mercy -19-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.fall in love 相爱,坠入爱河经典例句 The two first ran into each other at a fashion party

17、five years ago and soon fell in love with each other.他们两个是在5年前的一个时装晚会上相识的,不久就坠入了爱河。be in love(with sb.)热恋着(某人)(延续性的)be out of love with不喜欢,不热爱develop a love for sth.培养对的爱好show love for sb./sth.表达对的爱give ones love to sb.向某人问好would love(sb.)to do sth.想(让某人)做某事用法点拨fall in love强调“坠入爱河”的动作,在肯定句中不能与表示一段时间

18、的状语连用。表示“相爱多久”要用be in love(with sb.)for some time。-20-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)He ,because she was not only beautiful but also intelligent.他疯狂地爱上了那个女孩,因为她既漂亮又聪明。(2)I meat at present.我现在不喜欢吃猪肉。(3)Dont forget Jack.别忘了代向杰克问好。(4)The professor was surprised that his daughter _ one of his students for more than

19、 two years.教授惊奇的是,他的女儿与他的一个学生相爱两年多了。fell madly in love with that girl am out of love with to give my love to had been in love with -21-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.break up破裂,解散;破碎;结束;放假经典例句 It was money trouble that broke up their marriage.他们因钱的问题婚姻才破裂的。break down出故障;(计划等)失败;(身体、精神等)垮掉break away from 脱离,背叛,突然挣脱br

20、eak in打岔;破门而入(不及物动词短语)break into破门而入(及物动词短语)break out (火灾、战争等)突然爆发break through 突破(障碍);克服-22-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)The car and we were trapped on a lonely road.汽车坏了,我们被困在了一条偏僻的路上。(2)A fire during the night.夜间突发了一场火灾。(3)Scientists say theyre beginning to in the fight against cancer.科学家们说,他们在防治癌症方面开始有所突破

21、。(4)He the discussion with a shout of warning.他大声警告,打断了讨论。broke down broke out break through broke into -23-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.try out for sth.参加选拔赛;试验;考验经典例句 When he tried out for the freshman team in high school,Michael didnt make it.迈克尔在高中时参加高一篮球队的选拔,但是却没有入选。try on试穿try out on sb.对某人进行试验try doing sth.

22、尝试做某事(强调方法、途径)try to do sth.努力做某事(强调时间、精力的付出)try ones luck碰运气-24-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)I went to the tailors to my new suit.我去裁缝店试穿我的新套装。(2)Susan wanted to be independent of her parents.She tried _ alone,but she didnt like it and moved back home.苏珊想要独立,脱离父母。她试着独自生活,但是发现并不喜欢,又搬回家中。try on living -25-高频单词

23、重点短语难点句型1.Seeing this,Calaf says that if she can guess his name by sunrise,she will not have to marry him,but can have him killed.看到这一点,卡拉夫说,如果到天亮时她能猜得出他的名字,她就可以不必同他结婚,并且可以杀了他。(Page 19)(1)that引导的宾语从句,一般可以省略that,但在以下几种情况中that不可以省略:在由and和but连接的两个并列的宾语从句中,第一个从句中的that可以省略,第二个从句中的that不能省略。当that宾语从句中的状语位于

24、从句的前部时,that不可以省略。当that前面有插入语时,that不可以省略。当it做形式宾语放在动词之后,而that引导的真正宾语从句放在句尾时,that不可以省略。在省略答语中,当that宾语从句单独出现时,that不可以省略。当that宾语从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时,that一般不省略。-26-高频单词重点短语难点句型(2)句中have him killed为have sth.done结构,意为“让别人做某事;完成某事;遭遇不幸的事”。have sb./sth.doing sth.让某人做某事/让某事发生(动作持续)(肯定句)have sb.do sth.让某人做某事-27-高频单词重

25、点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Advertisements persuade us newer is better and _we will be happier with the latest products.广告说服我们东西越新越好,要对最新产品更满意。(2)Our mother taught us to succeed we must have unity,and to have unity we must have peace.Without the strength of the family,there is no business.我们的母亲教会我们,要成功就必须团结,要团结就必

26、须和平相处。没有家庭的力量就没有事业。(3)This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you in advance if you smoked here you would be fined.这间会议室是无烟区。我想提前警告你,如果你在这里抽烟,你会被罚款。that/不填 that that/不填 that that -28-高频单词重点短语难点句型(4)They would have the medicine by rail from Anchorage to Nenana.他们将会把药品用火车从安克雷奇运送到尼

27、纳纳。(5)I cant have you to your mother in such a rude manner.You must apologize to her immediately.我不允许你用如此粗鲁的方式跟你的母亲说话。你必须立刻向她道歉。sent speaking -29-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.Unfortunately,Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene,and it had to be completed by one of his former students,F

28、ranco Alfano.不幸的是,普契尼还没完成最后一幕就因心脏病发作去世了,这一幕不得不由他以前的一名学生法兰高阿法奴来完成。(Page 19)句中before引导了一个时间状语从句,表示:在之前,还未来得及。含before的常用句式有:It wont be+一段时间+before.用不了多久就会(before从句用一般现在时)It will be+一段时间+before.要过多久之后才(before从句用一般现在时)It wasnt+一段时间+before.没过多久就(before从句用一般过去时)-30-高频单词重点短语难点句型It was+一段时间+before.过了多久才(befo

29、re 从句用一般过去时)用法点拨before引导时间状语从句时有各种不同的译法:在之前;才;(不久)就;以免;还没来得及。-31-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练英译汉(1)It wasnt long before he told me about the affair._(2)Before I could get in a word,he had measured me._(3)It was a long time before I got to sleep._(4)You can have a few days to think about it before you make your

30、decision._没过多久他就把这件事告诉了我。我还没有来得及插话,他就为我量好了尺寸。过了好长时间我才睡着。 此事你可以先考虑几天再做决定。-32- .单句语法填空1.The paper were quick (condemn) him for his mistake.2.Human beings should reflect on their position in the _ (universal).3.It was abandoned,full of(break)glass and rubbish.4.It dealt with issues such as drug abuse,v

31、iolence and _ (employ).5.When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood(root)to the ground,wondering whether to stay or leave.to condemn universe broken unemployment rooted -33- 6.Farmers,as well as a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy,came to Buenos Aires(seek)jobs.7

32、.Researchers performed experiments that aimed to find out whether using a laptop increased the(tend)to make notes “mindlessly” by taking down word for word what the professors said.8.The Harry Potter books are quite popular;they are great demand in this city.9.The elephant (seize)a nearby branch and

33、 put it into her mouth.10.It was(evidence)that there were two people bearing the same name who looked completely different.to seek tendency in seized evident -34- .单句改错1.They fall in love the first time they saw each other._2.By societys standards,they seem to have it make._3.There has been a gradua

34、lly increase in the number of families owning refrigerators._4.These developments have created a great demands for home computers._5.We laughed at sight of his strange clothes._fallfellmakemadegraduallygradualdemandsdemandsight前加the-35- .话题微写作翻译下面5个句子,然后通过合理想象,用恰当的修辞手段整合成一篇短文。1.京剧是我们祖国的国粹。(motherlan

35、d)2.京剧表演是令人叹为观止的。(awesome)3.它是在清朝快速兴起的。(spring up)4.没有听过京剧的人可能会对它有所偏见。(prejudice)5.如果你找到机会欣赏这种高雅的艺术,你就会爱上它的。(seek,fall in love with)-36- Peking Opera is the treasure of our motherland.Its performance is awesome and eye-catching. Peking Opera sprang up in the Qing Dynasty.No one has any prejudice against Peking Opera after hearing it.Instead,you will definitely fall in love with it once you seek a chance to appreciate the elegant art form.



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