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1、Lesson 31Where is Sally?gardenundertreeclimbWho?runaftergrassglassacrosscatgarden /ga:dn/ under /nd/ tree /tri:/ climb/klaim/ n. 花园花园 prep.在在之下之下n. 树树v.爬,攀登爬,攀登pron. 谁谁 who /hu:/ 1. Definition (定定义义)在英在英语语中,中,表示表示说话时说话时正在正在进进行的行的动动作或事件,作或事件,要用要用动词动词的的现现在在进进行行时时。2. Structure (结结构构)be + V.-ing(现现在分在分词

2、词)am / is / are动动词词v现在进行时现在进行时v主语主语+be动词动词+动词现在分词动词现在分词vBeV-ingTomplayfootball.isingLucy is reada book.ingTheywatchTV.areingHe is standing.V-ing1.直接直接+ing: singing2.以不发音的以不发音的e结尾结尾,去去e+ing: take-taking3.辅元辅结构重读闭音节辅元辅结构重读闭音节,双写双写末尾辅音字母再末尾辅音字母再+ing: run-running, swim-swimming4.以以ie结尾,变结尾,变ie为为y再再+ing,

3、如:如:lie- lying tie- tyingdie- dyingExercises climb- run- write- play- sit- eat- drink- dance- cook- clean- tie- see-typeletterbasketeatbonecleantoothteethcookmilkmealdrinktapvtypevlettervbasketveatvbonevcleanvtoothvteethvcookvmilkvmealvdrinkvtapv. 打字打字n. 信信n. 篮子篮子v. 吃吃n. 骨头骨头v. 清洗清洗n. 牙齿牙齿n. 牙齿(复数)牙

4、齿(复数)v. 做(饭菜)做(饭菜)n. 牛奶牛奶n. 饭,一顿饭饭,一顿饭v. 喝喝n. 水龙头水龙头be动词用法口诀动词用法口诀我用我用am你用你用are,is跟着他她它;跟着他她它; 单数单数is复数复数are,we are,you are 和和they are;变疑问往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变疑问往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变否定更容易,变否定更容易,be后后not别忘记。别忘记。 特殊疑特殊疑问问句句 What are you doing? 肯定句肯定句I am + v. ing.一般疑一般疑问问句句Are you + v.-ing ? 否定句否定句I am not + v.-ing.注

5、意:当肯定句主语为注意:当肯定句主语为第一人称,变疑问句时第一人称,变疑问句时要变为第二人称要变为第二人称肯变疑,一变二肯变疑,一变二What are you doing?I am driving.I am not driving.Are you driving?What are you doing?I am watching television.I am not watching television.Are you watching television? 特殊疑特殊疑问问句句 肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句一般疑一般疑问问句句What is he/ she / it doing?He/ S

6、he/ It is + v.-ing.He/ She/ It is not + v.-ing.Is he/ she/ it + v.-ing?现在进行时肯定句变疑问句和否定句口诀。肯变一般疑,只需把be 句首提,句末问号加上去。肯变特殊疑,特殊疑问词放句首,其后句序一般疑问句。肯变否,be 后not必要有。还有肯变疑,一要变还有肯变疑,一要变作二。作二。以上规则记心间,否定疑问任你变。What is he/ she / it doing?He/ She/ It is drinking.He/ She/ It is not drinking.Is he/ she/ it drinking?2).

7、( Tom watch TV )3).( They sit on the floor )4).( he read a book )5).( she play the piano )1). ( Jane have dinner )Jane is having dinner.Tom is watching TV.They are sitting on the floor.He is reading a book.She is playing the piano.变为现变为现在在进进行行时时What is he doing?He is drinking water (now).Is he drink

8、ing water (now)?Yes, he is.What is she doing?She is cleaning the house.Is she doing her homework?No, she isnt.What are they doing?They are running.Are they writing?No, they arent.ve.g. Make the bed !(she) She is making it .v Empty the basket !(he) He is emptying it .v Look at the blackboard !(we) We

9、 are looking at it .v Clean the blackboard !(they) They are cleaning it .将将祈使句祈使句改改为为现现在在进进行行时时Part A.What is Nicola doing? (特殊疑特殊疑问问句句)Is she emptying the basket?(一般疑一般疑问问句句)No, she isnt emptying the basket.(否定否定句句)Shes typing a letter.(肯定句肯定句)Nicola/ emptying the basket/ typing a letterPart BListe

10、ning1.Where is Sally?2.Who is climbing the tree?3.Whats the dog doing?vWheres Sally, Jack?vShes in the garden, Jean.vWhats she doing?vShes sitting under the tree.vIs Tim in the garden, too? vYes, he is.vHes climbing the tree. vI beg your pardon?vWhos climbing the tree? Textv Tim is.vWhat about the dog? vThe dogs in the garden, too.vIts running across the grass.vIts running after a cat. Key structures I beg your pardon? = Pardon me? =Excuse me?Homework1.第第31课课文熟读、会背。课课文熟读、会背。2.第第31-32练习册做完。练习册做完。3.复习复习48个国际音标元音部分,个国际音标元音部分,下次来了默写。下次来了默写。



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