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1、Some picturesCopying from booksCopying from booksCopying from bookscribbing from otherscribbing from othersCell phonesWatches with specific functionsMini earphonesVarious facilities for cheatingMultifunctional pensMagic pensA STORY There is a naughty boy in a village. He likes telling lies. One day

2、he wants to make fun of the farmers. So he shouts out , “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are working on the land. They hear the yelling, and hurry up to help the boy. But when they get there, the boy bursts into laughter and says: “There is not any of wolf at all. Im just joking. The f

3、armers are very angry and go back to their land. Wolf Is ComingAfter a while the boy shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” And those warm-hearted farmers rush up to the mountain ,finding that they are cheated once again. The boy laughs and laughs. The farmers say to the boy angrily, “You are t

4、elling lies. We will not believe you any more.” And they get back to their work, leaving the laughing boy behind.Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared . He yelled out to the farmers down along the mountain to seek help :“Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” the boy shouts and shouts. “Help! Help

5、!” But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy. Final Point“Once you tell a lie,” 一旦你说了谎,the people said, 他们说,“no one will believe you can tell the truth.” 别人将不会相信你能够讲真话.Today we are going to studyHonestyThink About These Questions.Copied someone elses homework? 抄袭他人作业?Borrow things from friends

6、 but never hand back?借了朋友的东西却不归还?Told your parents or grandparents only part of the truth? 对家长只讲了部分事实?Lied when someone caught you making mistake? 为隐瞒错误而撒谎?What Will You Do?你 将 怎 么 做 ? You see someone drop 100 RMB on the ground. They dont know they lost the money. What will you do? 当看见某人不小心掉了100元时,你

7、将怎么做? A) Leave the money on the ground. 不管不顾。 B) Pick it up and keep it. 占为己有。 C) Tell them they dropped their money. 拾金不昧。Are You Honest At School?你在学校诚实吗?How many times in the past year have you你曾经这样做过几次?A) Looked at someones test paper during a test. 考试作弊。B) Copied from the internet and said you

8、wrote it.网络抄袭,自称原创。C) Someone copy your homework. 让别人抄自己的作业。Do You Tell The Truth?你讲真话吗?What do you say when: (以下情况,你将怎么办)A) Someone asks if you like their new clothes.(but you dont). 当某人让你评价他的新衣时(但是你不喜欢他的衣服)。B) You return something that you borrowed and broke. 当你归还损坏的物品时。C) Your teacher asks you wh

9、y you are late for class. 当老师询问你迟到的原因时。( P 41 ) Three Ways To Be Honest.诚实的三个方面。 Money金 钱School学 习Words说 话What Is Honest?什么是诚实?Telling the truth. 讲真话。Encouraging others to tell the truth. 鼓励别人说讲真话。Never cheating. 从不欺骗。Never stealing. 从不偷东西。Saying you made a mistake. 承认你的错误。You Can Be Honest.你可以诚实的。N

10、ew Words1.stay away from 外出 stay away from school 逃学2.be sure to do sth 肯定会做某事3. tell a lie 说谎 (tell lies)4. take out of 拿出7.never any more 不再8.take on 生气9. come to oneself 苏醒6. What s the matter?怎么了?5. throw away 扔掉(P44)Keys 1.silent2.came to herself 3. promised4. tell a lie5. suppose6. trust(P45)Keys 1.stayed away from school2.throw these nice fruit away 3. never any more4. What s the matter5. took the key out of his pocket6. promise that never tell anybody



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