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1、Lesson 25Do the English speak English?英国的全称为:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,又名英国,大英帝国。(The United Kingdom of Great British Isles and Northern Ireland),是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国,主体是英格兰,所以习惯上称英国(英国本来是英格兰王国的简称)。语言英国名义上没有官方语,实际上以英语为主要语言。英格兰以外地区有其他官方语言,

2、例如威尔士语(威尔士人口的26%)、苏格兰盖尔语(6万人使用)等New Words and Expressionsrailway n. 铁路porter n. 搬运工several 几个foreigner n. 外国人wonder v. 感到奇怪railway n. 铁路,铁道 u (Br) railroad (Am) a line of railway 一条铁路railway station 火车站eg. 这条铁路是去年通车的。 The railway was opened to traffic last yearrailway n. 轨道 (pl.) chigh level railway

3、 高架铁路subway (Am)tube (Br)underground (Br)metro (Paris) 地铁rail n. 横杆,扶手,围栏,轨道jump the rail 出轨stair rails 楼梯扶手ride the rails 逃票乘火车sit on the rails (Am) 骑墙,保持 中立railing n. 栏杆iron-bar railing 铁栏杆 porter n. 搬运工,脚夫(在车站,机场等处 的)bellboy / pageboy (Am) 旅馆,俱乐部等通常穿制服 的男服务员port n. 港,口岸出港 clear a port 封港 close a

4、port 入港 reach / enter a port eg. 许多船只常来此港。 Many ships frequent the port.eg. Any port in a storm. 慌不择路,穷途之策。(谚) several1) more than three but fewer than many 一些,几个 (pron.)eg. Several more people than usual came to the concert. 来音乐会的人比平常多了几个。 eg. 我把问题重复了几遍。 I repeated my question several times.2) 各自的,

5、各个的eg. Several men, several minds. 人各有志,十个人十个样。(谚)foreigner n. 外国人eg. 一个蓝眼睛的外国人 a blue-eyed foreigner entertain foreigners 款待外国人foreign adj. 外国的,无关的,陌生的外语 languages外国货,洋货 goods留学生 students外交事务 affairs外交政策 policy外贸 tradeeg. The question is foreign to the matter in hand. 这个问题与处理中的事情无关。eg. The subject

6、is foreign to us. 这个问题对我们来讲很陌生。overseas / overseaadj. 在海外的,来自海外的,侨居海外的海外贸易 overseas tradeadv. 在海外,来自海外 到海外去 go overseas 在海外生活 live overseasadj. + er n.strange strangerforeign foreignerwonder n./ v.1) n. 奇迹 世界八大奇迹 the eight wonders of the worldeg. What a wonder! 真奇妙!eg. 他从空难中幸存下来这是一个奇迹。 It is a wonde

7、r that he survived the plane crash.and no wonder / and little wonder(用来强调前面的句子) 不足为奇,难怪eg. He declined our offer, and no wonder. 难怪他拒绝了我们的给予。a nine-day wonder 一时的轰动No wonder that. / It is no wonder that. 难怪。eg. 难怪你来晚了。 No wonder that you were late! 2) v. 感到惊奇,惊讶 wonder at sth 对什么事情感到惊奇eg. 我们对如今火车的速度

8、感到惊奇。 We wonder at the speed of modern trains. 接宾语从句eg. I wonder that you werent killed. 真奇怪你居然没有被杀死。3) v. 对某事感到好奇,想知道(通常表示自问的意思)eg. 我真想知道他是谁呢。 I wonder who he is.eg. 我想知道是否你能借我20英镑。 I wonder whether you can lend me 20.wonderful adj. 令人惊奇的;绝妙的,神奇的(口)eg. 她是个伟大的母亲。 She is a wonderful mother. 天气棒极了。 Th

9、e weather is wonderful. 学习英语的热情是极棒的。 The enthusiasm to study English is wonderful.About the title: Do the English speak English?English:n.英语,英国人,英格兰人 adj. 英国的,英格兰的 the English:统称英国人,所以助动词用复数 English指英语,谓语动词用单数e.g. English is interesting. The English are friendly.I arrived in London at last. arrive i

10、n 到达(大地方)arrive at 到达(小地点)get toreach vt. 到达at last 终于,到底(强调努力的结果) e.g. At last, he succeeded in his business. 终于,他生意上成功了。 compare: in the end, finallyin the end 表示一种结局,结果eg. We talked and talked about where to go but stayed at home in the end. 我们不断地讨论去哪,最后决定呆 在家里。 finally 通常用于句首,一种次序上的最后 firstly, s

11、econdly, finally 第一,第二,最后eg. Finally, he thanked them and took his leave. 最后,他表示感谢然后离开了。The railway station was big, black and dark. 用三个形容词对火车站进行了简单的描述。这句话交代了作者问路的必要,从而引起下文的幽默故事。big 更口语化,多用于指体积,重量,规模,程度 方面的大large 指宽度,数量之大,一般可互换eg. 一个大的建筑 a big / large building此外,用 large 表示巨大的事物,带有敬畏的感情色彩。eg. 他的手很大。

12、He has large hands.black adj.1) 黑色的 white2) 发黑的,污染的 eg. Your hands are black.3) 黑皮肤的black coffee 纯咖啡4) 不祥的 black Friday 黑色星期五5) 黑暗的 (dark)短语black and blue 青一块,紫一块go black 失去知觉,眼前一黑in the black 有盈余 in the red 赤字 black eye 黑眼圈swear that black is white 颠倒黑白,指鹿为马 dark adj.1) 黑暗的 lighteg. 天空变得非常的黑暗。 The

13、sky has turned quite dark.2) 皮肤黝黑的 fair3) 深色的 light dark blue 深蓝色还可指眼睛,头发等很黑的4) 阴暗的,忧郁的忧郁的表情 dark expression在暗处 in the darkeg. 猫在黑暗中也能看得见。 A cat can see in the dark.in the dark 秘密地,一无所知地keep a plan in the dark 把这个计划保密dark horse 黑马,不明实力的马,竞赛中实力不明但被认为可能获胜的人I did not know the way to my hotel, so I aske

14、d a porter.the way to my hotel to 是介词,可以加名词、动名词或代词做介词 的宾语。类似的如:房门的钥匙:the key to the door问题的答案:the answer to the question大楼的入口:the entrance to the building这里的 to 都表示由此及彼的方向。 I not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well. not only . . . but . . . as well 不但,而且用not only . . . but al

15、so 来替换、 I not only spoke English very carefully, but also very clearly. He answered me, but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.neither.nor. 表示两者都不,既不 . . . 也不. . .e.g.他既不会说也不会写这种语言。 He could neither speak the language nor write it. 我既没有时间也没有钱去旅游。 I have neither time nor money to travel.当neither.nor

16、. 连接两个主语时,也应遵循就 近原则。e.g. Neither dad nor mum is at home today. Neither you nor I am in. 若将neither.nor. 句型变为肯定句,只需把 neither.nor. 改为both.and.即可,同时谓语 动词必须用复数形式。e.g.Both dad and mum are at home today. 今天父母都在家。 My teacher never spoke English like that!like that 像那样eg. 我不喜欢像他一样不诚实的人。 I dont like dishonest

17、 person like him.eg. 有其父必有其子。(谚) Like father, like son.feel like 想要,意欲feel like doing . . .eg. 我累了,我今天不想跳舞了。 I am tired, I dont feel like dancing today.The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.英语当中一般都把第一人称“我”放在并列主语后面,与中文刚刚相反。e.g. My friend and I went to the theatre yesterday.Key Structure - 并列句如果句子包含有两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,就是并列句。并列句中的分句通常用连词来连接。常用的连词有:and 和,然后(表并列,联合关系),both . and 两者都.(表并列,联合关系),not only . but also (not only . but . as well) 不但.而且but 但是,yet 然而(表转折关系), so 因此(表因果关系), or 或者, 否则,either. or 要么.要么.(表选择关系),neither. nor, not only . but also, not only . but . as well



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