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1、Reading and vocabularyThe man is anxious about his health. Feng Kun is captain of the national volleyball team. Yao Ming was injured. His foot gave him a lot of pain. His foot was still painful. We eyed them heading forward. Read Zhou Kai (1) and answer the questions.1.Why is Zhou Kais mother anxiou

2、s? He is going out to play football in the rain without a jacket on.2. What does she think will happen? She thinks he will get a bad cold.3. What does she ask him to do? She asks him to at least wear a jacket. Read Zhou Kai (2). Answer the questions.1.How are passages 1 and 2 connected?2.Does Zhou K

3、ai have a healthy lifestyle, in your opinion? Write three or four sentences saying why or why not.3. What do Zhou Kais family avoid eating?4. Does Zhou Kai often gets colds or flu?5. What happened to Zhou Kai a week ago?6. What happened to him while playing football?7. What does Zhou Kai describe hi

4、mself as?1. How are passages 1 and 2 connected? They are connected because they both talk about the way Zhou Kais mother looks after him. They both mention the time he got ill through playing football in the rain.2. Does Zhou Kai have a healthy lifestyle, in your opinion? Write three or four sentenc

5、es saying why or why not. Yes. He has lots of fruit and vegetables. He has fish, but not fatty meat or sugar and sweets. He also exercises regularly.3. What do Zhou Kais family avoid eating? They avoid eating too much fat or sugar. 4. Does Zhou Kai often gets colds or flu? No. He seldom gets colds o

6、r flu.5. What happened to Zhou Kai a week ago? He caught a cold.6. What happened to him while playing football? He hurt his arm.7. What does Zhou Kai describe himself as? He describes himself as someone who is crazy about football. headv. 朝朝方向前进方向前进1.When Zhou Kais mother saw him2. heading towards t

7、he front door3. without a jacket on, she eyed him4. anxiously.eye名词活用作动词名词活用作动词, “注视注视”Language points 1).The ship is heading (to the ) north for Tianjin. 2).When I saw him in the street, he was heading home.3). After work, he headed straight for the bookshop. After work, he headed straight in the d

8、irection of the bookshop.4).The thief headed across the river and escaped.anxiouslyadv. 焦急地焦急地anxiousanxietyadj.不安的不安的,渴望的渴望的n.焦虑焦虑, 不安不安 3). feel anxiety about 1). be anxious about /for 2). be anxious to do sth.为为担忧担忧渴望渴望/急于做某事急于做某事为为担忧担忧汉译英汉译英:1). 妈妈很担心你的安全。妈妈很担心你的安全。Mother is anxious about /for y

9、our safety.Mother felt anxiety about your safety.2). 他急于想去车站接他的朋友。他急于想去车站接他的朋友。He is anxious to go to the station to meet his friend.3). 他正焦急地等着我们。他正焦急地等着我们。 He is waiting for us with anxiety / anxiously.2. 体会、归纳下列各句中体会、归纳下列各句中as的用法的用法2). Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.1). said Zhou Kai, as he

10、 opened the door.3). So as you can see from what Ive said 4). Child as he is, he can carry the heavy box.5). As you were out, I left a message.1). 当当时时, 引导时间状语从句。引导时间状语从句。2). 按照按照(方式方式),引导方式状语从句。引导方式状语从句。3). 正如正如, 引导非限制定语从句。引导非限制定语从句。4). 尽管尽管,引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句, 句子倒装。句子倒装。5). 由于由于,引导原因壮语从句。引导原因壮语从句。as

11、 用法小练用法小练完成下列句子完成下列句子:1)._(她唱歌的时候她唱歌的时候), the tears ran down her cheeks.2). _(由于所有由于所有的座位都满了的座位都满了), he had to stand up.As she sangAs all the seats are full3). You should do _ (按照老师所说的按照老师所说的).4). _(尽管他很年轻尽管他很年轻), he knows a lot.as the teacher tells you do Young as he is5). Grammar is not a set of d

12、ead rules, _ (正如以上正如以上 所说的所说的). 6). Soon after we started, we found the work _ _ (没有预想的那么难没有预想的那么难).as has been said abovewas not so difficult as we hadexpected3. I dont have a sweet tooth.I dont like to eat sweet food.4. Id rather eat a nice piece of fruit.He would rather stay at home than go to th

13、e movie with his girlfriend.我宁愿吃一片水果我宁愿吃一片水果.他宁愿呆在家里他宁愿呆在家里, 也不愿和女友去看电影。也不愿和女友去看电影。Id rather you hadnt told him about it yesterday. Id rather you knew the truth.我宁愿你昨天没把事情告诉他。我宁愿你昨天没把事情告诉他。(与过去事实相反与过去事实相反)我宁愿你知道真相。我宁愿你知道真相。(与现在事实相反与现在事实相反)注注:would rather 后面跟句子时后面跟句子时, 用用虚拟语气。与现在事实相反虚拟语气。与现在事实相反, 用一般

14、用一般过去时过去时, 与过去事实相反用过去完成与过去事实相反用过去完成时。时。5. But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.enough 常置于形容词和副词后作常置于形容词和副词后作状语状语, 后接不定式。后接不定式。我可真够糊涂的我可真够糊涂的, 竟然相信他的话。竟然相信他的话。I was stupid enough to believe him.她已经到了自己作决定的时候了。她已经到了自己作决定的时候了。She is old enough to decide for herself.汉译英汉译英:

15、6. Two years ago, I broke my arm playing football.playing football现在分词短语作伴随状语现在分词短语作伴随状语相当于相当于:When /while I was playing football.完成句子完成句子:1). The man slipped and fell _ (下公共汽车时下公共汽车时).2). _ (看报看报 时时), I heard the door bell ring.3). _ (下山下山 时时), he met Tom on the way.getting off the busReading my ne

16、wspaperComing down the hill7. Im crazy about football.be crazy about sth.迷恋某物,沉迷于迷恋某物,沉迷于中中crazy adj.疯狂的疯狂的, 古怪的古怪的; 狂热的狂热的,着迷的着迷的be crazy for sth. 渴望某物渴望某物go crazy发疯发疯be crazy for sb.迷恋某人迷恋某人e.g.: 1). He is crazy about painting these days. He stays in her studio all day long.2). Little girls and boys have grown crazy about rock music.3). She went crazy with fear.



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