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1、欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 2019 年 12 月 07 日雅思考试真题机经 2019 年 12 月 07 日雅思听力机经考题回忆 来自环球教育雅思考试院 & 环球教育西安学校 魏维老师 Section One Version 场景 题型 旧 V15128 打印店 关于制作 leaflet 传单的改动 填空 10 题 内容回忆: The conversation is about a printing store where the employee is changing the leaflet. 答案回忆: 填空 1-10

2、 1. the name of the company: Oakleigh 2. need to enlarge the logo 3. print in the box 4. change the barcode to position on the top 5. advertising a competition for children other side 6. food picture pepper to be mushroom dressing 7. cake taste for chocolate not cheese 8. price package as printing c

3、opies: 3000 9. nutritional detail printed: salt Contact in web/via email 10. delivery date will be at April 20th (答案仅供参考) Section Two Version 场景 题型 旧 V140920 滑雪活动介绍 选择 5 题 匹配 5 题 内容回忆: The talk is about an introduction to the Ski Exhibition Centre. 答案回忆: 单选11-15 11. 他认为自己推荐的exhibition centre原因是: 答案选

4、A. it is comfortable(听力文本中的同义替换为modernised with a high standard) 12. There is a new feature of this centre 答案选A A. computers simulations (听力文本中的同义替换为simulate blizzard) B. instructor C. special offer 13. Which of the following can substitute the ticket? 答案选C 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优

5、质的文档! A. can buy global pass B. 某地区的美食cuisine C. newsletter 14. Last year, local journalist wrote an article about 答案选A A. not enough snow(听力文本中提到global warming, little snow, job losses by global warming ) B. reduction in the fee C. 待补充 15. Why is it worth to buy a ticket to the ski club lounge? 答案选

6、C A. rest B. 待补充 C. special offers(听力文本中的同义替换为you will miss the atmosphere of the live sense and a discount ) 匹配16-20 A. exploring new destinations filming B. combine other sports with ski C. online shopping D. improved skills E. a new footwear makes comfortable ski F. become a coach G. to prevent i

7、njuries 16. Harrys talk - 答案选G(讲了boots如何注意安全how to be safer) 17. Solutions - 答案选E(讲了ski & snowboard需要的以及如何准备所需要的鞋子改进) 18. Film Festival - 答案选A 19. Get on - 答案选D(今年的活动与去年的区别) 20. New tricks - 答案选B (答案仅供参考) Section Three Version 场景 题型 V180630 互联网对于心理学的影响 单选 6 题 匹配 4 题 内容回忆: The conversation is about n

8、ew research on the impact of the internet on psychology. 答案回忆: 单选 21-26 21. Why are many lectures from different departments interesting? 答案选 C. the principles 22. The way of starting the introduction of the data is by using 答案选 A A. bar chart B. video clips C. photographs 23. According to , what is

9、 the negative impact of personal experience arises with internet? 答案选 B. people become less creative 24. How can people get the further information about the ? 答案选 A. contact the tour consultant 25. How can people get the further information after the lecture? 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您

10、提供优质的文档! 答案选 B. from the website 26. What surprise the students most when 答案选 A. help people understand each other 匹配 27-30 27. bad noises - 答案选 difficult to find information on the internet 28. the starker test - 答案选 lots of participants 29. personality plus - 答案选 is very useful 30. face up - 答案选 r

11、ecommended by professionals (答案仅供参考) Section Four Version 场景 题型 新 地图的演变和发展 填空 10 题 内容回忆: This lecture is about a brief history of map-making. 答案回忆: 填空 31-40 31. memories 32. stars 33. river 34. oceans 35. government 36. centre/center 37. accurate 38. ads(听力原文中提到把广告植入电子地图里用来赚钱) 39. photograph 40. air

12、port (答案仅供参考) 2019 年 12 月 07 日雅思阅读机经考题回忆 来自环球教育雅思考试院 & 环球教育西安学校 魏维老师 Passage One 新旧情况 题材 题目 题型 旧 V33301 动物 T-Rex Hunter or Scavenger 霸王龙猎手 判断 7 题 无备选项 summary 填空 6 题 文章大意: 全文主要介绍霸王龙作为狩猎者或食腐者的特征。 答案回忆: 判断 1-7 1. Jack Horner knew exactly the bone belonged to a certain dinosaur when he was in fathers r

13、anch at the age of eight. 答案 TRUE 2. Jack Horner achieved distinctive degree in university when he graduated. 答案 FALSE 3. Jack Horner is the first man that discovered T-Rexs bone in the world. 答案 NOT GIVEN 4. Jack Horner believes that the number of prey should be more than that of predator. 答案 TRUE

14、5. T-Rexs number is equivalent to the number of vulture in the Serengeti. 答案 NOT GIVEN 6. The hypothesis that T-Rex is top predator conflicts with the fact of predator-prey ratio which Jack found. 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 答案 TRUE 7. He refused to accept any other viewpoints ab

15、out T-Rexs category. 答案 FALSE 无备选项 summary 8-13 Jack found that T-Rexs 8._ is shorter than the high bone, which demonstrated that it was actually a 9._, unlike other swift animals such as ostrich or 10._ that was built to 11._. Another explanation support his idea is that T-Rexs teeth were rather 12

16、._, which only allowed T-Rex to 13._ hard bones instead of tearing flesh like Velociraptor. 8. shine bone 9. slow walker 10. cheetah 11. run fast 12. blunt 13. crush (答案仅供参考) 参考文章: 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! Passage Two 新旧情况 题材 题目 题型 旧 V33206 文化艺术 Can we call it Art? Life-Castin

17、g and Art 人体铸造与艺术 信息段落匹配 5 题 判断 6 题 单选 2 题 文章大意: 全文主要介绍诞生于 19 世纪的 life-castings 如何与艺术产生联系,全篇题目难度很高。 答案回忆: 信息段落匹配 14-18 14. an example of a craftsmans unsuccessful claim to ownership of his work 答案选 C 段 15. an example of how trends in art can change attitudes to an earlier work 答案选 E 段 16. the origin

18、al function of a particular type of art 答案选 B 段 17. ways of assessing whether or not an object is art 答案选 F 段 18. how artists deal with the less interesting aspects of their work 答案选 D 段 判断 19-24 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! 19. Nineteenth-century sculptors admired the speed and r

19、ealism of life-casting. 答案 NO 20. Rodin believed the quality of the life-casting would improve if a slower process were used. 答案 NO 21. The importance of painting has decreased with the development of colour photography. 答案 NO 22. Life-casting requires more skills than sculpture does. 答案 NOT GIVEN 2

20、3. New art encourages us to look at earlier work in a fresh way. 答案 NO 24. The intended meaning of a work of art can get lost over time. 答案 YES 单选 25-26 25. The most noticeable contrast in the cast of the giants hand is between the 答案选 B A. dirt and decoration B. size and realism C. choice and arran

21、gement D. balance and texture 26. According to the writer, the importance of any artistic object lies in 答案选 D A. the artists intentions B. the artists beliefs C. the relevance it has to modern life D. the way we respond to it (答案仅供参考) 参考文章: 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! Passage Th

22、ree 新旧情况 题材 题目 题型 旧 人文 自我认知 匹配 6 题 填空 4 题 判断 4 题 文章大意: 全文主要介绍从自我认知角度出发,多维度分析人物的性格。 答案回忆: 匹配 27-32 27. D 28. E 29. C 30. A 31. F 32. B 填空 33-36 33. scalp electrodes 34. inspiration 35. Alpha wave 36. difference 判断 37-40 37. FALSE 38. TRUE 39. TRUE 40. NOT GIVEN (答案仅供参考) 参考文章: 剑桥 9 Test 4 Reading Pass

23、age 2: Young Children s Sense of Identity 欢迎您阅读并下载本文档,本文档来源于互联网,如有侵权请联系删除!我们将竭诚为您提供优质的文档! A 类小作文 图表类型: 柱状图 作文题目: The bar chart below shows that the changes of proportions of four kinds of students in the UK in the year 1990, 1998 and 2005. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mai

24、n features, and make comparisons where relevant. 作文图片: 待补充 A 类大作文 作文题目: Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people, rather than living with their adult children. Is it a positive or negative development? 题型类别: 优缺点讨论 题材类别: 社会+养老 2019 年 12 月 07 日雅思写作机经考题回忆



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