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1、English-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeLecture 3- Note-takingLecture 3 Note-taking in Interpreting Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeWhat is Note-taking? Note-taking is not stenography;Note-taking is not dictation;Note-taking is instantaneous;Note-taking is succi

2、nct and conciseNote-taking is easy to recognize and logical.Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeWhy Note-taking?Note Taking - the necessary evilNecessary - supplementing STM releasing the burden of brain avoiding misinterpretingEvil-distract attention/attention splittin

3、g Memory triggerLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeApplied on occasions like meetings, press conferences, negotiations, etc;Short memory can not solve difficulties involving complicated numbers, proper names,etc;Notes can help people retore the memory and release the b

4、urden for interpreters. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeHow to do Note-taking?With what? Vertical noting pattern (break up the sentence into sense units)/use of left margin Subject, predicate, object and clause in different lines;1. Concentrate on the lecture/speech

5、2. Take notes selectively3. Be brief. Write down only the major points and important information4.No concern with spelling and grammar.Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeWhat to Take? Key words/the main ideas.Figures (together with the unit), dates, proper names & tech

6、nical termsListing (with the headword to serve)Logical relations /links between different ideas.-Mind the conjunctions, verb tenses, conditional forms, and modal verbs.Digest Before Taking Notes Note-taking is only a toolLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeSentence Inte

7、rpreting1. 广州自古以来就是一座开放的城市。早在一千多年前,我们的祖先就通过海上丝绸之路,与世界各地建立了密切友好往来。目前广州已经与美国的洛杉矶,加拿大的温哥华,澳大利亚的悉尼等城市结成友好城市。我们每天接待数以万计的官员、客商和旅游者。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee2. 第二个是能源和环境问题。现在中国的快速发展给世界其他国家尤其是其邻国带来了很好的机会,我们对此感到很高兴。但是能源的可持续和环境的问题,是中国的邻国比较关心,您认为应如何解决能源的可持续性和环境问题?Lectur

8、e 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee3. The United States and China have made great progress in building a relationship that can address the challenges of our time, encourage global prosperity and advance the cause of peace. It is my hope that your visit will further that prog

9、ress. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee4. America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home-the unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty. Lecture

10、 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeExercises: Sentence Interpreting1. 中国民间贸易在对外贸易中起着重要的作用,与此同时,中国与世界各国政府间的贸易联系,也得到了巨大而持续的发展。2. 中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康、稳定的关系。/这种关系有利于亚太地区,乃至世界其他地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee3. 世代友好,永不为敌,是我

11、们两国正确的选择。/我们讨论的问题包括经贸问题、恐怖问题、反恐怖主义、伊拉克问题和朝鲜核问题。/我们应该牢牢把握中美的大局,妥善解决分歧,不断朝着增进了解、扩大共识、发展合作、共创未来的目标前进。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee4. 奥运百年神韵,华夏千载文明,奥运圣火将北京与雅典、中国与世界紧紧联系在一起。/火炬所到之处,镜头所聚之焦,向世人展现一幅幅独具东方特色传统文化的美丽画卷。/2004年6月8日至9日历史将永远铭记这一刻。/奥运圣火带着人类对和平、友谊、文明、进步的追求,带着希腊人民对

12、中国人民的友谊,来到中华大地。/不仅在北京,在2008年北京奥运会的分会场和合作城市青岛,人们也在用自己的方式表达着对奥运圣火的欢迎。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee5. 中国历史上虽曾出现过短暂的分裂现象,但民族团结和国家统一始终是中华民族历史的主流,是中国发展进步的重要保障。/ 曾经一度,美国人只知道中国是历史悠久的、伟大的国家,以及她的文明。今天我们仍然看到中国奉行着重视家庭、学业和荣誉的良好传统。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpre

13、tation by Autumn Lee6. As reform deepens and China opens up even more to the outside world, the country is showing increasing overall economic strength. It is no longer a mere recipient of foreign capital, instead, it is encouraging Chinese enterprises to go international. Lecture 3- Note-takingEngl

14、ish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee7. President Hu and I have had a very constructive dialogue. We talked about a lot of important issues. We talked about the issue of trade. We talked about the need to make sure that trade is open and that both countries benefit from trade. I congratulated Chi

15、na on its recent space launch. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee8. The UK reaffirms its consistent position on the question of Taiwan as set out in the China/UK Joint Communiqu of 1972, in which the UK aknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is a province of the

16、 Peoples Republic of China as the sole legal government of China. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee9. The Olympic Game is the internaltional arena viewed by billions on the spot or on the TV where the atheletes spirit, mind and body endeavor to excel, fulfilling the

17、Olympic Motto Citius, A;tius, Fortius, which means swifter, higher and stronger. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee10. The two sides also agree to share scientific and economic experience to take forward Chinas and UKs efforts to achieve a low carbon economy and susta

18、inable development, and to accelerate and develop the global market for climate friendly technologies, including through the Renewable Energy and Energy Effiency Partnership. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeAbout the Great WallDialogue InterpretationLecture 3- Note-

19、takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeHomework1.Interview relating to Beijing Opera 2. News ReadingLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeParagraph Interpreting经贸关系是两国关系的经济基础。互利共赢的中美经贸关系,不仅给两国人民带来了实实在在的经济利益,而且成为中美关系发展的重要基础和强大动力。至于中美经贸合作的迅速发展,对于周边地区经济繁荣乃至世界经济增长所

20、起的促进作用,更是有目共睹。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee当今世界,所有国家和地区的经济都是相互关联的,没有哪一个国家和地区能够在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。中国也是如此。所以,在自力更生的基础上,我们把进一步对外开放作为我们的一项基本国策。有中国特色的社会主义市场经济是一个以开放经济为核心的开放体制。我们要继续改善投资环境,使海外投资者能够获取利润。我们将吸收和利用对我们有用的发达国家的科学技术和管理经验。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interp

21、retation by Autumn LeeChinas reform and opening-up is exactly aimed at promoting human rights in China. The two are mutually dependent and reinforcing. Reform and opening-up creates conditions for the advancement of human rights, and the advancement of human rights invigorates the former. If one sep

22、erates the two and thinks that China only goes after economic growth and ignores the protection of human rights, such a view does not square with the facts. Just as President FDR said, true individual freedom can not exist without economic security and independence, and necessitious men are not free

23、 men. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeOn the other hand , the massive assets owned by the state can now be revitalized. A private capital pool in the amount of trillions of yuan can take shape, and more than 500 billion U.S. dollars worth of overseas capital can flo

24、w in. This combination of capital and labor results in a drama of industrialization and urbanization of a size rarely seen in human history being staged on 9.6 millionsquare kilometers of land called China. Here lies the secret of the 9.4 percent annual growth rate that Chinese economy has been able

25、 to maintain in the past 25 years.Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeExercises1. 国际商会已具有78年的悠久历史,在140个国家和地区拥有会员,是一个重要的世界性经贸组织。它在推动国际贸易、经济合作、资本流通方面发挥着重要作用。 它所具有的广泛性和务实性受到国际社会的高度评价。选择上海这座充满生机和活力的城市举行年会,充分表达了国际商会对中国经济发展的重视,也说明具有远见卓识的国际商界对发展前景广阔的中国充满了巨大兴趣。Lecture 3- Note-t

26、akingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee2. 举办中部博览会,为中部六省密切协作、共谋发展搭建了新平台,为中部地区承接产业转移、扩大对外开放创造了契机,为海内外更多地了解中部地区发展现状、环境和商机开辟了渠道,对于贯彻落实党中央、国务院促进中部地区崛起的重大战略,具有十分重要的意义。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee3. 国际旅游是促进各国人民相互了解的有效途径。有着五千年文明史的中国是各国人民向往的旅游目的地。中国人民创造了世界上无与伦比

27、的灿烂文化,名胜古迹比比皆是,如北京的长城和故宫、杭州的西湖以及桂林的山水等。Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee4. Both sides recognize the importance of effective protection of Intellectual Property Rights and the vital role that protection of IPRs plays in fostering foreign investment and creating a posi

28、tive business environment. Both sides agree to enhance mutual cooperation on protection of IPRs. China will comply with its commitments under relevant international IPRs conventions or agreements it has entered and protect the interests of IPRs holders according to its domestic laws.Lecture 3- Note-

29、takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee5. The trade and economic relationship between China and the United States has developed during the 20-year period, especially since the 1980s, due to the mutual efforts of both sides. Through official and non-official channels a cooperative relation

30、ship has been established in various fields. Trade, economic and technological exchanges, loans and no-paid capital cooperation all have been established smoothly. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee6. As America learns more about China, I am concerned that the Chinese

31、 people do not always see a clear picture of our country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies and television shows often do not portray the values of real America I know. Our successful businesses show the strength of American Commerce, but the community spirit

32、and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their monetary success. Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeDialogue InterpretationInterview Relating to ExpoLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeParagraph Interpreting Rise

33、of China Economic GlobalizationLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeHomework Note-taking PractiseNews ReadingLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeNotepad/Memory padPenLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeWords: so

34、urce or target? simple is good & information is the key! First Pronunciation Unit: government/gov. education/eduConsomants: market/MKTFirst letter with the Last one: business/bz week/wk 经济合作组织:eco合org. 教育改革: edu改 老百姓:众 天翻地覆:巨变Acronym: international organizations & countries Symbols: mathematic symbo

35、ls, idiomatic symbols & graphical symbolsArrows :Note-taking SkillsLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeMathematic Symbols-: except, not including, other than.+:in addition to, besides, furthermore.:agree to, good, successful,positive.: wrong, mistake, bad, negative.:bec

36、ause, due to, thanks to,as.:so, therefore, as a result, consequently.Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee=: same, that is to say, in other words.:similar to, almost, nearly.: belong to, among, within, one of.: according to.: more than, not merely, superior to. : at leas

37、t: less than, inferior to. :at mostLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeIdiomatic Symbols:the content, including.: each other.!: must, should.:dangerous, warning, alarming,alert.:think, comment,consider.Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeGr

38、aphical symbols:meeting, conference.: environment: country,nation, kingdom.¥: interest, price $:money :expensive:agriculture ?: question, issue: want to,hope, plan to.:agreement, negotiaton:important, emphasize:trade, exchange, communication, relationship.: man.male. :female,womanLecture 3- Note-tak

39、ingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee:chairman. #:not only #:influence:feature,characteristics :leadership :increase. decrease.:in the past :in the future :at present.:city,urban. :village, countryside.:people/cian, tor/ter. n: many,化. m:ism:very. : stable,continuous.:not. /:意群符号 :talk.Lec

40、ture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeLogical Relations并列:&转折:让步:Al/Tho因果:/条件:if解释:i.e.递进:+Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee1)中美虽然是竞争对手,但也是合作伙伴。因此,我看这个分歧不会太大。2)在过去三年中国贯彻扩大内需的方针,经济得到快速发展,人民生活得到显著提高。3)不过,我们的资金太少,想独自完成这样的大型项目心有余而力不足。Lecture 3- N

41、ote-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeInternational OrganizationsADB: Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织ASEAN:Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟AU:African Union非洲联盟CAICOM: Caribean Community and Common Market加勒比共同体和共同市场CD:Conference

42、 on Disarmament裁军谈判会议CHR:Commision on Human Rights联合国人权委员会Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeCIS: Commonwealth of Independent States独联体EFTA:European Free Trade Association欧洲自由贸易协会IAEA: Internation Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构ICJ: International Court of Justice海牙国际法庭IMF

43、: International Monetary Fund国际货币基金组织OECD: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development经济合作和开发组织OPEC: Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeDaily ExpressionsAFAIK = As Far AS I Know AFASICS = As Far As I Can

44、See AKA = Also Known As ASAP = As Soon As Possible BTW = By The Way CMIIW = Correct Me If Im Wrong FWIW = For What Its Worth FYI = For Your Information(Interest)Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeDaily Expressions HTH = Hope This(That) Helps IIRC = If I Remember(Recall

45、) Correctly IMHO = In My Humble(Honest) Opinion JFYI = Just For Your Information LOL = Laughing Out Loud OT = Off-Topic / Over-Time WRT = With Regard ToLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn LeeChina is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today. The development

46、of our cooperative relations with China is a wise and necessary approach, because a strong and stable China agrees with the strategic interests of the EU. Key words: fastest growing economy, cooperation, wise and necessary, strategic interestsLecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee从1978年-2004年的26年间,中国国内生产总值从1473亿美元增长到16497亿美元,年均增长9.4%;国家外汇储备从1.67亿美元增长到6099亿美元;农村贫困人口从2.5亿人减少到2600万人。 Lecture 3- Note-takingEnglish-Chinese Interpretation by Autumn Lee



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