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1、Reading-Skill-(2)Reading-Skill-(2)What is Detail?Details are the proof or explanation of the main idea of a reading passage.Organizational PatternsSpace RelationshipTime SequenceExample or illustrationComparison and ContrastCause and EffectAdditionSpace RelationshipSuch kind of details usually move

2、in an order.Signal Words: right/left up/down above/below Time SequenceDescribing the steps in a process or reporting historical events.Signal Words: at first, after that, finally, once, earlier, now and eventuallyExample or illustrationThis pattern uses specific cases to move from the general to the

3、 particular.Signal Words: for example, for instance, such as, in this case, to illustrate, that is, in other wordsComparison and ContrastComparison points out similarities, and contrast points out differences.Signal Words: in comparison, like, differ, differentiate, comparison, contrast, compare, di

4、stinguish, distinctive, distinction, difference, similar, same, common, identical, discrepancy, alike, tell apart, in common, discriminateComparison ConjunctionsOn the other hand, In contrast, By contrast, Similarly, And, Both, Neither, Like, Also, Too, In addition, As well as, In contrast, While, B

5、ut, Yet, However, Although, Whereas, On the other hand, Another difference, Just as , so, Unlike, In the same way, Sentence PatternsX is similar to Y in that (they). X and Y are similar in that (they). Like X, Y verb. In like manner, One way in which X is similar to Y is (that). Another way in which

6、 X is similar to Y is (that). Similarly, Likewise, .the same., .the same as., .also. ., too. both Cause and EffectThe purpose is to show how two or more events are related.It starts with a cause and gives its effects.Signal Words: because, for, due to, therefore, as a result, consequently, the reasonAdditionOne of the simplest .The purpose is to present facts.Signal Words: first, second, third, one, another, moreover, furthermore, finallyThe patterns help you remember important details.结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!14



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