高考英语一轮复习 写作技法点拨系列8 揣摩内涵, 从容掌控图画作文课件 外研版

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《高考英语一轮复习 写作技法点拨系列8 揣摩内涵, 从容掌控图画作文课件 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 写作技法点拨系列8 揣摩内涵, 从容掌控图画作文课件 外研版(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、写作技法点拨系列八、揣摩内涵, 从容掌控图画作文【核心点拨【核心点拨】常用句型常用句型1. 用于描述图画或引入话题的句式用于描述图画或引入话题的句式(1)As is described in the picture, . . . (2)From the picture we can see that. . . (3)The purpose of the picture is to. . . (4)The picture indicates/conveys the meaning. . . 2. 用于记叙事件经过或分析现象用于记叙事件经过或分析现象(1)At first. . . then. .

2、 . five minutes later. . . finally/in the end/at last. . . (2)Some. . . ; some. . . ; others. . . (3). . . was/were doing. . . when suddenly sb. /sth. did. . . 3. 发表议论或总结发表议论或总结(1)If such measures were not taken, the problem of. . . would have been more serious. 如果没有采取这样的措施如果没有采取这样的措施, 的问题会更加严重。的问题会

3、更加严重。(2)Unless there is a common realization of. . . , it is very likely that. . . 除非达成共识除非达成共识, 否则否则将会将会(3)We can conclude from this picture that. . . 由这幅图画我们可以推断出由这幅图画我们可以推断出(4)As has been stated above, we must attach more importance to. . . 如上所述如上所述, 我们必须更加重视我们必须更加重视【典题示例【典题示例】(2016北京高考北京高考)假假设设你

4、你是是红红星星中中学学高高三三一一班班的的学学生生李李华华。你你班班同同学学参参加加了了学学校校的的“地地球球日日”系系列列活活动动。请请按按照照以以下下四四幅幅图图的的先先后后顺顺序序, 以以“Actions for a Greener Earth”为为题题, 给给校校刊刊“英英语语角角”写写一一篇篇英英文文稿稿件件, 介介绍绍活活动动的的全全过程。过程。【审题谋篇【审题谋篇】文章体裁文章体裁记叙文记叙文中心人称中心人称第一人称第一人称we主要时态主要时态一般过去时一般过去时信息要点信息要点1. 介绍学校的介绍学校的“地球日地球日”系列活动系列活动; 2. 我们班的具体活动过程我们班的具体活

5、动过程; 3. 活动的意义及感受。活动的意义及感受。【词句构建【词句构建】1. 词汇词汇汉语汉语一般词汇一般词汇高级词汇高级词汇要求要求, 号召号召ask, order_想出想出(办法办法)think of_交流观点、经验交流观点、经验change. . . with_call upcome up withshare. . . with2. 句式句式学学校校里里到到处处贴贴满满了了海海报报, 要要求求我我们们加加入入“地地球球日日”活活动。动。一一般般表表达达: Our school put up posters everywhere and asked us to join in the a

6、ctions for a greener earth. 高级表达高级表达: _ around our school, _to join in the actions for a greener earth. (用被动语态代替主动语态用被动语态代替主动语态; 动词动词-ing形式作状语形式作状语)Posters were put upcalling upon us我们班想出了利用废弃材料的主意。我们班想出了利用废弃材料的主意。一般表达一般表达: Our class thought of the idea to use used materials. 高级表达高级表达: Our class _th

7、e idea to _ _used materials. (用高级词汇代替用高级词汇代替think of, use)came up withmakebetter use of我我们们做做得得很很出出色色, 所所以以被被邀邀请请和和学学校校的的其其他他学学生生交交流流观点和经验。观点和经验。一一般般表表达达: We did very well, so we were invited to change our ideas and experiences with all the students of our school. 高级表达高级表达: We did _we were invited t

8、o share our ideas and experiences with all the students of our school. (用结果状语从句用结果状语从句)so well that【连句成篇【连句成篇】Actions for a Greener EarthA week before Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions for a greener earth. Our class came up with the idea to make

9、 better use of used materials. We brought worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles to our classroom, and turned those into dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave them away to the people there. All were very happy

10、with thoseunexpected gifts, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that we were invited to share our ideas and experiences with all the students of our school. We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world. 【即时应用【即时应用】这这幅幅漫漫画画展展现现了了城城市市停停车车难难的的状状况况。请

11、请根根据据你你对对这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文。你的短文应包含以下内容你的短文应包含以下内容: 1. 简要描述漫画内容简要描述漫画内容; 2. 谈谈你的感想谈谈你的感想; 3. 如何改善停车难的状况。如何改善停车难的状况。(No vacancy)注意注意: 1. 可可根根据据下下面面文文章章开开头头所所给给提提示示, 做做必必要要的的发发挥挥想想象象; 2. 词数词数100个左右。开头已经写好个左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。不计入总词数。With the development of economy, more and more families hav

12、e their own cars, which makes it difficult for people to park their cars in public places. _【参考范文【参考范文】With the development of economy, more and more families have their own cars, which makes it difficult for people to park their cars in public places. As can be seen from the cartoon, a driver becom

13、es annoyed when seeing the notice saying“No vacancy”. There is no doubt that its very convenient for people to go to work or take their children to school by car. Despite the advantages cars have, car parking problems are becoming increasingly familiar to thegeneral public. I hold the opinion that t

14、he severe shortage of parking lots is influencing the living environment of those who live in cities. To solve car parking problems, various measures should be taken by the government. In my view, its high time that more parking lots should be constructed to reduce the problems. Besides, people should be encouraged to go to work by bike or on foot if they live near the working place. Only when these measures are taken can the problems of car parking be tackled.



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