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4、简历和申请书,用语基本正确、得当;和申请书,用语基本正确、得当;6能做简单的笔头翻译;能做简单的笔头翻译;7能在以上写作过程中做到文字能在以上写作过程中做到文字通顺,格式正确。通顺,格式正确。爱学网资料二、基础写作的评分标准二、基础写作的评分标准满分满分15分分15 = 8(语言)(语言)+ 5(内容)(内容)+ 2(连贯)(连贯)爱学网资料2 2内容连贯,而且结构紧凑。内容连贯,而且结构紧凑。1.51.5内容连贯性比较好,而且结构比较紧凑。内容连贯性比较好,而且结构比较紧凑。1 1内容连贯性较差,而且结构不够紧凑。内容连贯性较差,而且结构不够紧凑。0 0内容缺乏连贯性,而且结构松散。内容缺乏

5、连贯性,而且结构松散。三、读写任务的评分标准三、读写任务的评分标准满分满分25分分25 = 5(概括大意)(概括大意)+ 20(正文)(正文)爱学网资料基础写作基础写作:1、信息点完整;、信息点完整;2、不多不少五句话;、不多不少五句话; 3、语法、单词拼写无误;、语法、单词拼写无误;4、好词好句的运用;好词好句的运用;5、行文自然、流畅。、行文自然、流畅。读写任务读写任务:1、文章要点概括全面;、文章要点概括全面;2、正文内容、例子切题;、正文内容、例子切题;3、观点、事例符合逻辑;、观点、事例符合逻辑;4、语法、单词拼写无误;、语法、单词拼写无误;5、好词好句的运用。好词好句的运用。评评分

6、分的的关关键键点点爱学网资料四、如何构成高分作文四、如何构成高分作文以基础写作为例以基础写作为例书写书写好词好句的运用:好词好句的运用: 包括固定表达及句型包括固定表达及句型, 如:定语从句、名如:定语从句、名词性从句、非谓语结构、词性从句、非谓语结构、with的结构等。的结构等。爱学网资料爱学网资料两组两组2012年广州一模作文的年广州一模作文的对比分析对比分析爱学网资料定语从句定语从句这篇关于兔子和狗的故事,告诉了我们坚这篇关于兔子和狗的故事,告诉了我们坚持持(persistence)的重要性的重要性。The passage is about a rabbit and a dog, and

7、 it tells us the importance of persistence.The passage, which is about a rabbit and a dog, tells us the importance of persistence.爱学网资料名词性从句名词性从句污水随意排放到河里的现象已经得到了有污水随意排放到河里的现象已经得到了有效的控制效的控制。Polluted water was randomly poured into the river, and this phenomenon has been controlled.The phenomenon that

8、 polluted water was randomly poured into the river has been controlled.爱学网资料非谓语结构非谓语结构(to do, -ing, 过去分词)过去分词)坐落在珠江边的广州塔,很受游客欢迎。坐落在珠江边的广州塔,很受游客欢迎。Guangzhou Tower is near the Pearl River, and its welcomed by tourists.Guangzhou Tower is at the bank of the Pearl River, which is welcomed by tourists.Loc

9、ated / Standing at the bank of the Pearl River, Guangzhou Tower is popular among the tourists.爱学网资料with的结构的结构(with + n.+ -ed/ -ing/adj. / adv./ to do)他的学校看起来像个美丽的花园,到处种他的学校看起来像个美丽的花园,到处种满鲜花。满鲜花。His school looks like a beautiful garden, and flowers are planted everywhere.His school, where flowers are

10、 planted everywhere, looks like a beautiful garden.With many flowers planted around, his school looks like a beautiful garden.爱学网资料好词好句的重要性好词好句的重要性参看一些参看一些2012年广州一模的高分作文年广州一模的高分作文爱学网资料常见常用的一些好词好句常见常用的一些好词好句consider / think / regard / treat / count.as.concentrate on / lose oneself in / dive oneself i

11、n devote.to. / be devoted to.take it for granted / Believe it or not, .be of help / use / importance / necessityin need / short of / lack of / lackas far as Im concerned / from my perspective / in my opinion / from my point of viewTo sum up / In short / In a word / To conclude爱学网资料do harm / good toh

12、ave an influence / effect onstrive to / try ones best to do sth.be concerned / anxious aboutstruggle toaim attake measures / steps to doto the contrary / on the oppositethink / sing / praise highly ofOn the one hand.On the other handkeep up with / catch up withplan / mean / intend to dobe responsibl

13、e for take / shoulder the responsibility for爱学网资料remind sb. ofTo be honest / frankHonestly / Frankly / Totally / Generally / Personally speaking,build up my body / confidence /determinationTo my surprise / excitement / disappointmentJudging from.according tobecause of / due to / owing to / for insta

14、nceconduct / carry out / do a surveyresult in / fromcome up with / work out / deal withspend time / money (in) doing / on sth.爱学网资料It is no use / good doing sth.It is (un)certain / sure that .It goes without saying that.There is no doubt / denying that.Every coin has two sides.As time goes by / With

15、 time going byIt is + . + that.(强调句强调句)Its high time that sb. did / should do sth.It is said / reported / believed / hoped / well known / suggested / mentioned / declared / observed / considered / proved / estimated. that.Not only .(半倒装半倒装), but also .爱学网资料好词好句的积累与掌握好词好句的积累与掌握1、从哪里获得(课文、阅读文章、谚语、从哪里获

16、得(课文、阅读文章、谚语、句型归纳的书籍句型归纳的书籍非歌词或电影对白)非歌词或电影对白) 要养成认真听老师讲课文、分析阅读理解要养成认真听老师讲课文、分析阅读理解的文章,且看课文或文章时拿笔划出里面的文章,且看课文或文章时拿笔划出里面的词组、句型或好的表达的习惯,哪怕是的词组、句型或好的表达的习惯,哪怕是自己已经非常熟悉的自己已经非常熟悉的take care of等,以加等,以加强记忆,方便复习。注意,看文章时,并强记忆,方便复习。注意,看文章时,并不需要把所有的生词都划出来并查字典。不需要把所有的生词都划出来并查字典。爱学网资料以以2011年广东高考英语试题基础写作为例年广东高考英语试题基

17、础写作为例以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道。以下是一本图书的基本信息及相关报道。基本信息:基本信息:(1)书名:)书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(2)作者:)作者:Amy Chuo,美籍华人,耶鲁,美籍华人,耶鲁*大学教授大学教授 (3)出版时间:)出版时间:2010年年 (4)内容:作者用中国传统教育方式教育两个女的故事)内容:作者用中国传统教育方式教育两个女的故事 (5)效应:引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论)效应:引发了中美教育方式孰优孰劣的讨论 相关报道:相关报道:(1)中文版:)中文版:2011年初开始在中国销售年初开始在中国销售(2)意外反应

18、:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法)意外反应:多数中国妈妈不赞同作者的做法(3)最新消息:)最新消息:17岁的大女儿已被哈佛岁的大女儿已被哈佛*和耶鲁录取和耶鲁录取*耶鲁:耶鲁:Yale 哈佛:哈佛:Harvard【写作内容】【写作内容】根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍。根据以上信息写一篇图书介绍。爱学网资料A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. It tells how the mother, a Chinese American and professor at Yale U

19、niversity, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. Its publication has started a debate as to which way of parenting is superior, the traditional way or the American way. 爱学网资料It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011. Unexpectedly, the

20、majority of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.爱学网资料A book entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua was published in 2010. It tells how the mother, a Chinese American and profes

21、sor at Yale University, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way. Its publication has started a debate as to which way of parenting is superior, the traditional way or the American way. 爱学网资料It is reported that the Chinese version of the book began to sell in China early 2011. Unexp

22、ectedly, the majority of mothers in China disagree with the author though her 17-year-old elder daughter was lately reported to have got offers from both Harvard and Yale.爱学网资料2、如何利用、如何利用要学会对好词好句的整理、分类、归纳要学会对好词好句的整理、分类、归纳例如:例如:有关有关“名人介绍名人介绍”方面的文章整理方面的文章整理短语和句子短语和句子All kinds of myths surround the liv

23、es of well-known people.begin ones career as a It isthat changed ones lifesb is always devoted to ones cause as asb is one of the most noticeable figures in the world of sthsb appeared as the symbol of sthsb walks at the latest edges of world culture爱学网资料例如:例如:就一篇文章里关于就一篇文章里关于“发表观点发表观点”的表达的表达的整理的整理

24、Nowadays, more and more people are in favor of . To be frank, I cant agree more with it. There are several factors contributing to my point. In the first place,. In the second place, . Therefore, it goes without saying that .爱学网资料3、如何记忆、如何记忆背诵,是最有效的学习途经,是语言输入、背诵,是最有效的学习途经,是语言输入、记忆的必经之路,是培养语感的有效方法。记忆

25、的必经之路,是培养语感的有效方法。背诵,是有方法可循的。可把它看作一个背诵,是有方法可循的。可把它看作一个故事来记忆,或者用自己的独特方法。切故事来记忆,或者用自己的独特方法。切忌逐字逐句来记忆。忌逐字逐句来记忆。爱学网资料Last week, I had an interview with Professor Yang about the middle school students addiction to the Internet. According to Professor Yang, the number of the netizens in our country has inc

26、resaed to 338 million, and 25% of them are middle school students, most of whom are plasurfing the Internetying computer games while. Internet addiction will certainly cause them lack of sleep and will have a bad influence on their health and studies. 主题:中学生上网成瘾问题主题:中学生上网成瘾问题爱学网资料He suggested that s

27、chools should try not only to reduce students heavy burden and relieve their stress, but also enrich their after-class activities. He also pointed out that it is useful to improve the relationship between teachers and students and to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in schools and families.(1

28、25 words)爱学网资料Last week, I had an interview with Professor Yang about the middle school students addiction to the Internet. According to Professor Yang, the number of the netizens in our country has incresaed to 338 million, and 25% of them are middle school students, most of whom are playing comput

29、er games while surfing the Internet. Internet addiction will certainly cause them lack of sleep and will have a bad influence on their health and studies. 轻松背诵!轻松背诵!(Round 1)爱学网资料He suggested that schools should try not only to reduce students heavy burden and relieve their stress, but also enrich t

30、heir after-class activities. He also pointed out that it is useful to improve the relationship between teachers and students and to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in schools and families.爱学网资料Last week, I had an interview with Professor Yang about the middle school students addiction to the

31、 Internet. According to Professor Yang, the number of the netizens in our country has incresaed to 338 million, and 25% of them are middle school students, most of whom are playing computer games while surfing the Internet. Internet addiction will certainly cause them lack of sleep and will have a b

32、ad influence on their health and studies. 轻松背诵!轻松背诵!(Round 2)爱学网资料He suggested that schools should try not only to reduce students heavy burden and relieve their stress, but also enrich their after-class activities. He also pointed out that it is useful to improve the relationship between teachers a

33、nd students and to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in schools and families.爱学网资料Last week, I had an interview with Professor Yang about the middle school students addiction to the Internet. According to Professor Yang, the number of the netizens in our country has incresaed to 338 million, a

34、nd 25% of them are middle school students, most of whom are playing computer games while surfing the Internet. Internet addiction will certainly cause them lack of sleep and will have a bad influence on their health and studies. 轻松背诵!轻松背诵!(Round 3)爱学网资料He suggested that schools should try not only t

35、o reduce students heavy burden and relieve their stress, but also enrich their after-class activities. He also pointed out that it is useful to improve the relationship between teachers and students and to create a warm and harmonious atmosphere in schools and families.爱学网资料4、如何实践运用、如何实践运用1)词组的运用)词组

36、的运用关键:分类整理。关键:分类整理。举例说明:表示喜欢的词组(不同程度的)举例说明:表示喜欢的词组(不同程度的)like / lovebe in favour ofbe keen on / crazy about / fond ofhave a preference / taste forprefer to delight in sth. / doing sth.feel like doing sth.爱学网资料2)句型临摹)句型临摹万能句型万能句型的使用的使用例例1:天气因素是关键。:天气因素是关键。Weather is the most important thing.Weather i

37、s the key point. It is weather that counts. / makes a difference.实战演练:实战演练:要获得成功,自制力是关键。要获得成功,自制力是关键。To gain success, it is self-control that counts./ makes a difference.爱学网资料例例2:我们唯有相信她才能解决这件事情。:我们唯有相信她才能解决这件事情。We have to believe her, and then we can solve the problem.The only thing we can do is to

38、 believe her, which can help solve the problem.Only if we believe her, can we solve the problem.实战演练:实战演练:我们只有做到这些,才可以解决空气污染我们只有做到这些,才可以解决空气污染的问题。的问题。Only if we do these can we solve the problems of air pollution.爱学网资料Only if we follow the rules, can we work it out smoothly.Only if we start out smal

39、l, can we have a better life.Only when we do all mentioned above, can we make a success.Only in this way, can we succeed.Only in these ways, can we build up a harmonious society. 爱学网资料Teamwork spirit contributes a lot to our success.Whatever you decide to do, just do the best you can.There are three

40、 factors contributing to my point.There is an old saying that.There are many reasons accounting for this changeOpinions are divided on the felling of happiness.This story reminds me of one of my former experiences.爱学网资料3)例文临摹)例文临摹 (以(以“调查(偶像)调查(偶像)”为为例)例)调查的时间、问题、对象调查的时间、问题、对象 Last week , we did a s

41、urvey among 2600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. 调查结果调查结果 The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows, “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of th

42、e boys choosing “great figure” is the same as that of the girls. 个人观点个人观点 As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his invention have greatly changed our life.爱学网资料 最近,我们以最近,我们以“2012年中学生的春节活动年中学生的春节活动”为题,在为题,在368名中学生中进行了一次调查名中学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。【写作内容】【写作内容】 请根据以上内容用英语写请根据以上内容用英语写一份调查报告。一份调查报

43、告。 内容包括:内容包括: 1.调查问题及调查对象;调查问题及调查对象; 2.主要活动;主要活动; 3.感受及原因;感受及原因; 4.期望。期望。实战训练(实战训练(20122012年广州一模年广州一模基础写作基础写作)爱学网资料 Recently, we _ 368 students _ how they spent _ (2012年的春节年的春节). _, _ (留在家里留在家里) to do homework _, _(高达高达) 45%. _ (与此同时与此同时), _ spent most of their time with their parents visiting relat

44、ives and friends while _(25%的学生的学生) went traveling with classmates or parents. did a survey amongonAs the data showsranks the first30% of the studentsthe 2012 Spring Festivalstaying at homeup toIn the meantimeone fourth爱学网资料 _(当被问到当被问到) how they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed

45、 it _(因为因为) the colourful holiday and the _(大量的大量的) lucky money they got, but some felt unhappy _(因为因为.的原的原因因) _(.的量的量) homework left little time for fun activities. _(至于至于.方面方面) the expectation, many students _(表达他们的希望表达他们的希望) that next year they will have less homework and more free time.When askedenormousAs tofor the reason thatbecause ofthe amount of expressed the hope爱学网资料强调提醒强调提醒不能盲目套句型,要自然、流畅为先。不能盲目套句型,要自然、流畅为先。注意注意there be句型的使用句型的使用观点要鲜明,例子要符合完整的逻辑观点要鲜明,例子要符合完整的逻辑爱学网资料建建 议议爱学网资料爱学网资料



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