八年级英语上册 Unit 2 Keeping Healthy Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking复习课课件 (新版)仁爱版

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1、Review Topic 2REVIEWING AIMSREVIEWING AIMS1:能够:能够说出出unit2topic2的词汇和短语的词汇和短语2:能:能够说出并运用情出并运用情态动词must等等词的的 . 用法用法3:能:能够说出运用反身代出运用反身代词的用法的用法GUIDE1GUIDE1复复习内容:本内容:本话题的四会的四会单词。要求:会要求:会读,会写,知道其,会写,知道其汉语意思。意思。方法:看音方法:看音标记单词,同桌互背,同桌互背时间:8分分钟CHECKOUT1CHECKOUT1汉译英:汉译英:疲倦的疲倦的废弃物废弃物没有、缺乏没有、缺乏文章文章精力、活力精力、活力 必要的、

2、必须的必要的、必须的活跃的活跃的疾病疾病疯的疯的出人意料的出人意料的tiredliterwithoutarticleenergynecessaryactiveillnessmadsurprisedCHECKOUTCHECKOUT英译汉:英译汉:饼干饼干淋浴淋浴事实上事实上 实际上实际上不健康的不健康的化学品化学品香烟香烟 卷烟卷烟疾病疾病危害危害 伤害伤害危险危险 风险风险可能可能biscuitshowerIn factunhealthychemicalcigarettediseaseharmriskpossible根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. We should help the si

3、ck girl as p_ as we can. 2. The chemicals on the vegetables are bad for our b_. 3. We shouldnt eat too much ice c_. 4. Fruit is good for our health. We like to eat w_ in summer. 5. Many d_ are caused by germs. Exercise in classossibleodyreamatermeloniseases(翻译)翻译)1.熬夜对你的健康有害。熬夜对你的健康有害。 bad for your

4、healthy. 2.听到这件事我很难过。听到这件事我很难过。 . 3.昨晚我在电视上看了一场足球比赛,上床睡觉很晚。昨晚我在电视上看了一场足球比赛,上床睡觉很晚。I a soccor game on TV last night and went to bed late. 4 你应该早点上床睡觉。明天你就会感觉更好。你应该早点上床睡觉。明天你就会感觉更好。You should go to bed early and youll tomorrow. 5.吃太多对你的健康有害。吃太多对你的健康有害。 is bad for your health . I am sorry to hear that.

5、Staying up late iswatchedbe betterEating too muchGUIDE2GUIDE2复习内容:本话题的重点短语。要求:熟练掌握,灵活运用,能造句。方法:同桌互背时间:5分钟 Checkout2Checkout2 1在公共场所 2.打扫地板 3.事实上 4发疯 5 .要(请求)某人做某事 6.使用.来做某事 7.尽可能快的 In publicSweep the floorIn factBe madAsk sb to do sthUseto do sthAs fast as possibleGUIDE3GUIDE3复习内容:本话题的重点句子。要求:熟练掌握,灵

6、活运用。方法:同桌互背时间:5分钟重要句型重要句型1.Staying up late is bad for your health. 我明白了. 熬夜有害你的健康.2.How did Wang Jun get a headache? 王俊怎样患上头痛的?3.Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? Its good.早点睡觉对你的健康有益还是有害? 有益. 4.Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health.散步是很好的锻炼,是身体健康必不可少.5.It wil

7、l keep you active in the daytime. 2.它(早睡早起)将使你在白天保持旺盛的精力.6.You must not throw litter about. = Dont throw litter about. 不要乱扔垃圾.7.We may have more than one headache each month. 每月我们可能会不止一次头疼.8.You may get a headache when you cant get enough sleep.当你睡眠不足时,可能会头疼. 9.The boy becomes sick. 那个男孩生病了.10.As we

8、 know, food gives us enery. 众所周知,食物给我们提供能量.11.If we eat too little or too much food, or if we choose the wrong food, it can make us sick.如果我们吃得太少或太多, 或者食物的选择不当会生病的.自学检测3 翻译1吃得太多对你的健康不好Eating too much is bad for your health.2你最好不要在阳光下读书You d better not read in the sun.3你不要到处扔垃圾You mustnt throw litter

9、 around.4你应该经常洗澡You should take showers often5我必须好好休息I must have a good rest.自学指导自学指导4自学内容:本自学内容:本话题 重点重点语言点言点要求:要求: 熟熟练掌握,灵活运用。掌握,灵活运用。方法:方法: 同桌互背同桌互背时间: 5分分钟重点语言点重点语言点1. be good for 对有益be bad for 对有害如: Swimming is good for health. 游泳对健康有益.Reading in strong sunlight is bad for the eyes. 在强烈的阳光下看书对眼

10、睛有害. 2.disease 通常指具体的病, 表 “特定的疾病、病名”illness 通常指生病的状态或表抽象的疾病 如: Germs can cause diseases. 细菌会引发疾病。 SARS is a serious disease. 非典是一种严重的疾病。 Dont worry about his illness. 别担心他的病。3.exercise 表“锻炼/运动”时, 为不可数名词;表“练习”或有定语修饰时, 为可数名词.如: He often takes/does exercise in the morning. 他经常上午锻炼.Please do the exercis

11、es at once.请马上做这些练习.He does morning exercises every day. 他每天做早操Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的锻炼.福建省专用福建省专用4.keepv. 保持;保留;保有;留下保持;保留;保有;留下(某物某物)Swimmingisagoodwaytokeepfit. 游泳是保持健康的好方法。游泳是保持健康的好方法。点拨点拨(1)其后跟形容词作表语,表示其后跟形容词作表语,表示“保持保持状态状态”。(2)其后跟形容词作宾语补足语。其后跟形容词作宾语补足语。(3)可以表示可以表示“持有、留下某物持有、留下某物”,常意为

12、,常意为“借借”,是一个延续性动,是一个延续性动词,因此常与词,因此常与howlong以及表示一段时间的状语连用。以及表示一段时间的状语连用。拓展拓展keepdoingsth一直做某事一直做某事keepsbdoingsth让某人一直做某事让某人一直做某事keepsbfromdoingsth阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事keepondoingsth坚持做某事坚持做某事福建省专用福建省专用 活学活用活学活用()(1)Asweallknow,itsnotpolitetokeepothers_foralongtime.AwaitBwaitedCtowaitDwaitingD固定短固定短语语keep sb

13、 doing sth意意为为“使某人持使某人持续续不停的干某事不停的干某事”。自学检测自学检测4福建省专用福建省专用()(2)The trees can _ the rain _ washing the earth away. Aspend; /Brush; into Ckeep; from Dkeep; toC 句意句意为为:树树可以阻止土壤被雨水冲走。可以阻止土壤被雨水冲走。keepfrom doing意意为为“阻止阻止做某事做某事”。福建省专用福建省专用()(3)Must I return the book this week? No, you _. You can _ it for 2

14、0 days. Amustnt; keep Bneednt; borrow Cneednt; keep Dmustnt; borrowC MustMust开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用“needntneednt”,答语,答语forfor短语指一段时间,故用延续性动词,短语指一段时间,故用延续性动词,borrowborrow为短暂性动词,为短暂性动词,要换成延续性动词要换成延续性动词keepkeep。 福建省专用福建省专用2根据根据汉语汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子(1)You must _. 你必你必须须保持健康。保持健康。(2)How long may I _? Tw

15、o weeks. “这这本本书书我可以借多我可以借多长时间长时间?”“两周。两周。”keep healthy/fitkeep this book福建省专用福建省专用 活学活用活学活用()Shesufferedno_effectsfromtheexperience.Sheislookingafterher_mother.Aill;sickBill;illCsick;illDsick;sick 句意句意为为:这这次次经历经历没有使她受到不良影响。她正在照没有使她受到不良影响。她正在照顾顾生病的生病的母母亲亲。ill 这这里意里意为为“不良的不良的”, sick意意为为“生病的生病的”。A福建省专用

16、福建省专用 活学活用活学活用根据根据汉语汉语意思完成句子意思完成句子(1)We _ to get to the airport. 我我们们有足有足够够的的时间时间赶到机赶到机场场。(2)Is the river _ for swimming? 在在这这条河里游泳水条河里游泳水够够深深吗吗?(3)他太矮了,不能他太矮了,不能够够到那个盒子。到那个盒子。 _. _. _.have enough timedeep enoughHe is so short that he cant reach the boxHe is too short to reach the boxHe is not tall

17、enough to reach the box 情态动词情态动词:1:must “必须必须, 一定一定”2:should “应该应该3:had better “最好最好” 、如:如:You had better go to bed early.:4:may “可以可以”自学指导自学指导5情态动词:must “必须, 一定”如: We must study hard. 我们必须努力学习mustnt “不可以”如: You mustnt walk on the lawn. 你不可以在草坪上行走.should “应该”如: We should finish it on time. 我们应该按时完它.

18、shouldnt “不该”如: You shouldnt go to school late.你不该上学迟到重点语法重点语法 had better “最好”、如:You had better go to bed early.你最好早睡。had better not “最好不”如:You had better not go to bed late.你最好不要迟睡。may “可以”如: May I come in? 我可以进来吗?“可能”如: You may get a headache when you work too hard.当你工作太努力时,你可能会头疼.自学检测5( )14. _ I

19、go home now? No, you _. You _ finish your homework first. A. Must, mustnt, must B. May, cant, need C. Can, cant, must D. Can, mustnt, had to( )15. This room is _, but it doesnt have _. A. enough big, enough windows B. big enough, windows enough C. enough big, windows enough D. big enough, enough win

20、dowsDD( )17. Hi, may I ask you some questions, Mr. Green? _?A Yeah, go ahead. B. Yes, you may C. Yes, you cant. D. No, you cant. ( )18. Its a hot day. Keep all the windows _ , please A. open B. opened C. to open D. opens ( )19. Drinking too much wine (酒) is bad for your health. Youd better _. A. give it up B. give up it C. to give it up D. to give up itAAA



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