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1、HotelMattersUnit4HotelMattersUnit4GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人 Speak out useful expressions that you can use in these situations. 1 1 询问客人的名字。询问客人的名字。2 2 询问客人姓氏的拼写。询问客人姓氏的拼写。3 3 询问客人的电话联系方式。询问客人的电话联系方式。4 4 告诉客人怎样拨打杭州的电话。告诉客人怎样拨打杭州的电话。5 5 你有些信息没有听清楚。你有些信息没有听清楚。6 6 询问客人的抵店

2、时间。询问客人的抵店时间。7 7 你需要客人的你需要客人的emailemail地址。地址。8 8 复述客人的预订信息。复述客人的预订信息。May I take your name, please?Could you spell your surname for me, please?May I have a contact phone number, please?Its 86 for China and 571 for Hangzhou.Im sorry, could you repeat that, please?What time are you arriving?Whats your

3、email address, please?Ill read that back to you. Youre arriving GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人1 1 询问预订的时间。询问预订的时间。2 2 询问客人的人数。询问客人的人数。3 3 询问客人的姓名。询问客人的姓名。4 4 告诉客人要查看下。告诉客人要查看下。5 5 告诉客人已经订满了。告诉客人已经订满了。6 6 表示期待并复述客人的预订信息。表示期待并复述客人的预订信息。We look forward to seeing you on Sunday

4、 evening.When would you like to come?How many people is the table for?Just let me check.Im sorry, but were fully booked that day.May I have your name, please?GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人 接待处(Reception Desk)是酒店前厅部的主要组成部分,有时也称前台(Front Desk)。在任何一家酒店,接待处都是一个主要区域。客人登记入住和最后结账通

5、常都要由接待处办理。Professional tips 专业小贴士专业小贴士GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listlogical: 符合逻辑的 eg: Mr. Larkin has a logical mind but little imagination.Larkin先生的逻辑思维能力很强但是缺乏想象力。n. logic: 逻辑GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listregistration form: 登记

6、表 eg: Please fill in the registration form first, sir.先生,请先填写登记表。registration card: 登记卡GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listswipe: 刷卡 eg: Swipe your key card through the slot(卡槽) to unlock the safe.将房卡划过卡槽可以打开保险箱。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人W

7、ord Listroom status: 房间状态 eg: Im just checking the status of your room.我正在查看您的房间状态。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人What does a receptionist do when a new guest arrives? Work with a partner. Put these tasks into a logical order.Starter:Starter:a Ask the guest to fill in the r

8、egistration form.b Greet the guest.c Swipe the guests credit card.d Call up the booking on screen.e Hand the key card to the guest.f Ask the guest to confirm the booking details.g Call the porter to take the guests bags.h Ask for the guests name.i Check the room status.GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4

9、Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人What does a receptionist do when a new guest arrives? Work with a partner. Put these tasks into a logical order.Starter:Starter:a Ask the guest to fill in the registration form.b Greet the guest.c Swipe the guests credit card.d Call up the booking on screen.e Hand the key

10、card to the guest.f Ask the guest to confirm the booking details.g Call the porter to take the guests bags.h Ask for the guests name.i Check the room status.bhdficageGuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人 Rosi Wilson is a receptionist at Hotel Maritim in Munich. She is greeting tw

11、o American tourists at the front deskNew Arrival Now, please listen to the dialogue carefully; pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Listen to the dialogue again, and write down what Rosi does when she checks the guests in.GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Ask for

12、 nameAsk for namegreet the guestgreet the guestconfirm booking confirm booking detailsdetailscheck room statuscheck room statusswipe credit cardswipe credit cardregistration formregistration formcall the portercall the porterhand the room keyhand the room keyHello! How can I help you?Hello! How can

13、I help you?May I have your names, please?May I have your names, please?A double room for five night, non-smoking. A double room for five night, non-smoking. Is that right?Is that right?Im checking the status of your room.Im checking the status of your room.Could I have a credit card, please? I need

14、Could I have a credit card, please? I need to swipe it so that your card details to swipe it so that your card details Could you please fill in this registration form, Could you please fill in this registration form, please?please?Here is your key card with your room number.Here is your key card wit

15、h your room number.Shall I ask the porter to look after your Shall I ask the porter to look after your bags for you?bags for you?GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listtourist: 观光客、游客n. tour: 观光、旅游n. tourism: 旅游业tourism management: 旅游管理GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receivi

16、ng a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listawfully: 非常地,极度地 eg: Im awfully sorry that I cant lend you the money.非常抱歉,我不能借给你钱。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listfault: 错误、过失 eg: Its my fault to have let her climb up the tree.是我的错,我不该让她爬树的。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人

17、接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listmess sb up: 把某人弄糊涂 eg: The situation was so complicated that everyone was messed up.情况如此复杂,每个人都被弄糊涂了。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listformality: 正式手续 eg: There are some necessary formalities for a legal marriage.合法婚姻需要办理一些手续。adj. formal: 正式的Guest

18、Unit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listcharge: 收(费),要(人)付(钱) eg: The restaurant charged us 500 yuan for the wine.餐厅收了我们500元的酒钱。反. pay: 付(费)GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Im afraid your room isnt ready yet. 对不起,您的房间还没有准备好。I must sit down my feet are kil

19、ling me! 我得找地方坐下,我的脚疼得不行。Killing me 在这里是一种夸张的说法。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Our normal check-in time is two oclock, and its only twelve thirty. 我们酒店的入住登记时间是下午两点钟,而现在才12点半。Well, why dont we go through the formalities now, then you can leave your bags with us and get some

20、lunch in our restaurant. (Line 14)不如您现在办完手续,然后去我们餐厅用午餐,我们会替您照管行李。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人I need to swipe it so that your card details are in our system. Nothing will be charged to your card until you check out. 我需要刷一下您的信用卡,以便在我们的电脑系统中储存您的信用卡信息。在您退房以前,不会扣除任何费用。GuestUn

21、it 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Now, could you fill in this registration form, please? 现在,请您填写下登记表,好吗?Heres your key card with your room number. 这是您的房卡,上面有您的房间号码。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人 What would you say in English in the following situations? You

22、 can find all the expressions in the dialogue.1 1 确认信息。确认信息。2 2 表达委婉的否定和歉意。表达委婉的否定和歉意。3 3 欣然接受建议。欣然接受建议。4 4 向别人递交物品。向别人递交物品。5 5 向别人表示诚挚的谢意。向别人表示诚挚的谢意。6 6 礼貌地回应别人的感谢。礼貌地回应别人的感谢。Is that right?Im awfully sorry about that.Yes, that would be wonderful!Here you are.Thank you so much.Youre welcomeGuestUnit

23、 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Student A:You are Bradley and Kelly Smith. You have booked a suite for 4 nights from November 13 to 17.It is 3 oclock in the afternoon. You have arrived at Hotel Shangri-la, and you want to check-in.Student B:You are a receptionist in Hotel Shangri-la.

24、 You are checking Mr. and Mrs. Smith in. Work with a partner. Act out a dialogue based on the information given below.GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listaperitif 开胃酒又称餐前酒。使人在餐前喝了能够刺激胃口、增加食欲。适合于开胃酒的酒类品种很多,传统的开胃酒品种大多是苦艾酒(Vermouth)、雪利酒(Sherry)。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit

25、4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listdry sherry: 雪利全干sweet: 甜型medium: 半甜型dry: 干型GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listbourbon: 波旁威士忌酒bourbon on the rocks: 加冰的波旁威士忌酒bourbon with iceGuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人Word Listagree with: (食物或者天气)适合某人

26、eg: The weather doesnt agree with me.我不适应这种天气。GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人 The Kellys are going out for dinner at an Italian restaurant near to the hotel.A Table for Two Listen to the CD and then choose the correct option.GuestUnit 4 Receiving aUnit 4 Receiving a接待客人接待客人接待客人接待客人招呼客人,询问是否已经预订了座位。回答是。你用自己的名字预订了19:30的四人位置。表示感谢。表示感谢。表示感谢。为四个人点开胃酒。确认预订,并请求替客人拿外衣。领客人到座位上去。把菜单和酒水单拿给客人。询问客人,是否需要点开胃酒。Waiter/WaitressGuestSEE结束!结束!



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