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1、2009 Hisuntech Corp.材料成型及控制工程材料成型及控制工程材料成型及控制工程材料成型及控制工程专业英语专业英语专业英语专业英语上海工程技术大学上海工程技术大学上海工程技术大学上海工程技术大学材料学院材料学院材料学院材料学院CHAPTER 8 CAD/CAMCHAPTER 8 CAD/CAM8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppWords and terms1 18.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Comp

2、uter-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppThroughout the history of our industrial society, many inventions have been patented and whole new technologies have evolved . Whitneys concept of interchangeable parts, Watts steam engine, and Fords assembly line are but a few developments that a

3、re most noteworthy during our industrial period. pp纵观工业社会的整个历史,许多发明都申请的专利,纵观工业社会的整个历史,许多发明都申请的专利,所有的新技术都已发生演变。所有的新技术都已发生演变。Whitney 零件零件互换性概互换性概念念,Watt的蒸汽机,的蒸汽机,Ford的的装配线装配线仅仅是我们工业仅仅是我们工业时代最令人注目的新发展。时代最令人注目的新发展。2 28.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and

4、 Computer-aided ManufacturingppEach of these developments has impacted manufacturing as we know it, and has earned these individuals deserved recognition in our history books. pp就我们所知,每一项新技术的发展都就我们所知,每一项新技术的发展都冲击冲击着制造业,着制造业,并且也在我们的历史书中赢得了并且也在我们的历史书中赢得了应有的赞誉应有的赞誉。recognition ,rekgnin n. 承认,认出;赞誉;重视;识

5、别;公认3 38.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppPerhaps the single development that has impacted manufacturing more quickly and significantly than any previous technology is the digital computer.pp对先进制造业的影响最快、对先进制造业的影响最快、

6、最明显最明显,超过先前任何技,超过先前任何技术影响的一项发明也许就是术影响的一项发明也许就是数字计算机数字计算机。4 48.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppSince the advent of computer technology, manufacturing professionals have wanted to automate the design process and use

7、the database developed therein for automating manufacturing processespp自从自从计算机技术计算机技术出现出现,制造业的,制造业的专家专家就想使设计过程就想使设计过程自动化,并为自动制造工艺应用来完善自动化,并为自动制造工艺应用来完善其中的其中的数据库。数据库。 thereintherein adv. adv.在那里在那里在那里在那里 Professionals n. Professionals n. 专业人员、专家(专业人员、专家(专业人员、专家(专业人员、专家(professionalprofessional的复数)的复数

8、)的复数)的复数)5 58.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppComputer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), when successfully implemented, should remove the “wall” that has traditionally existed between the design

9、and manufacturing components.pp当计算机当计算机辅助辅助设计设计/辅助制造(辅助制造(CAD/CAM)成功)成功应应用用时,它们应该可以除去设计和制造时,它们应该可以除去设计和制造部门部门传统中传统中(一一直直)存在的存在的“墙墙”。6 68.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppCAD/CAM means using computers in the design a

10、nd manufacturing processes. Since the advent of CAD/CAM, other terms have developed: Computer graphics (CG) Computer-aided engineering (CAE) Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)ppCAD/CAMCAD/CAM意味着计算机在设计和工业制造中的应用。意味着计算机在设计和工业制造中的应用。意味着计算机在设计和工业制造中的应用。意味着计算机

11、在设计和工业制造中的应用。由于由于由于由于CAD/CAM CAD/CAM 的出现,又发展出其他的出现,又发展出其他的出现,又发展出其他的出现,又发展出其他术语术语术语术语: 计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学(CG)(CG) 计算机辅助工程计算机辅助工程计算机辅助工程计算机辅助工程(CAE)(CAE) 计算机辅助设计及绘图计算机辅助设计及绘图计算机辅助设计及绘图计算机辅助设计及绘图(CADD)(CADD) 计算机辅助工艺规划计算机辅助工艺规划计算机辅助工艺规划计算机辅助工艺规划(CAPP)(CAPP)7 78.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Com

12、puter-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppThese spin-off terms all refer to specific aspects of the CAD/CAM concept. CAD/CAM itself is a broader, more inclusive term. It is at the heart of automated and integrated manufacturing.所有这些所有这些衍生衍生词词都指都指CAD/CAM概念中的特定

13、方面,概念中的特定方面,CAD/CAM本身是一个内容本身是一个内容宽泛宽泛且且内涵丰富内涵丰富的词汇。它的词汇。它们是们是自动化集成制造自动化集成制造的核心。的核心。8 88.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppA key goal of CAD/CAM is to produce data that can be used in manufacturing a product while dev

14、eloping the database for the design of that product. When successfully implemented, CAD/CAM involves the sharing of a common data between the design and manufacturing components of a company.ppCAD/CAM的主要目标是建立数据以用于零件生产,的主要目标是建立数据以用于零件生产,同时同时开发设计零件所用的数据库。开发设计零件所用的数据库。当当实现这一目标实现这一目标时,时,CAD/CAM就涉及到公司内部设

15、计部门和制造就涉及到公司内部设计部门和制造部门部门通用数据库通用数据库的共享。的共享。9 98.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppInteractive computer graphics (ICG) plays an important role in CAD/CAM. Through the use of ICG, designers develop a graphic image of t

16、he product being designed while storing the data that electronically make up the graphic image. pp在在CAD/CAM中,计算机图形中,计算机图形交互交互(ICG)起着非常重起着非常重要的作用。通过使用要的作用。通过使用ICG,设计者通过设计并存储数,设计者通过设计并存储数据开发了产品的图像,这些电子数据组成了图像。据开发了产品的图像,这些电子数据组成了图像。10108.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingCompu

17、ter-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingppThe graphic image can be presented in a two-dimensional (2-D), three-dimensional (3-D) , or solid format. ICG images are constructed using such basic geometric characters as points, lines, circles, and curves. Once created, these images can be easil

18、y edited and manipulated in a variety of ways including enlargements, reductions, rotations, and movements.pp图像以二维图像以二维(2D)、三维三维(3D)或实体形式呈现,或实体形式呈现,ICG图图像由点、线、圆、曲线等基本几何特征像由点、线、圆、曲线等基本几何特征组成组成。一旦一旦图图像建立,它们可以很容易的被编辑,并且可以(对其)像建立,它们可以很容易的被编辑,并且可以(对其)进行放大、缩小、旋转、运动等各种操作。进行放大、缩小、旋转、运动等各种操作。11118.1 8.1 Comp

19、uter-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing An ICG system has three main components: 1) hardware, which consists of the computer and various peripheral devices; 2) software, which consists of the computer programs and technical manuals fo

20、r the system ( the popular ICG software used in CAD/CAM at present includes AutoCAD, CADKEY, Pro/E, UG, I-DEAS and CATIA etc.); 3) the human designer, the most important of the three components.ppICGICG系统有系统有系统有系统有3 3个主要个主要个主要个主要组成部分组成部分组成部分组成部分: 1 1)硬件,它由计算机一级各硬件,它由计算机一级各硬件,它由计算机一级各硬件,它由计算机一级各种种种种外

21、围设备外围设备外围设备外围设备组成。组成。组成。组成。 2) 2)软件,它由计算机程序及系统(使用的)软件,它由计算机程序及系统(使用的)软件,它由计算机程序及系统(使用的)软件,它由计算机程序及系统(使用的)技术手册组成(流行的技术手册组成(流行的技术手册组成(流行的技术手册组成(流行的ICGICG软件有软件有软件有软件有AutoCAD, CADKEY, AutoCAD, CADKEY, Pro/E, UG, I-DEAS Pro/E, UG, I-DEAS 和和和和CATIA CATIA 等等等等);););); 3) 3)设计者,是三个组成设计者,是三个组成设计者,是三个组成设计者,是三

22、个组成部分中最重要的。部分中最重要的。部分中最重要的。部分中最重要的。12128.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppA typical hardware configuration for an ICG system includes a computer, a display terminal, a disk drive unit for floppy diskettes, a hard di

23、sk, or both; and input/output devices, such as a keyboard, plotter, and printer. These devices, along with the software, are the tools modern designers use to develop and document their designs.ppICG系统中典型硬件系统中典型硬件配置配置包括计算机、包括计算机、显示器终端显示器终端以以及及软盘软盘的磁盘驱动器、硬盘、的磁盘驱动器、硬盘、输入输入/输出设备输出设备诸如键诸如键盘、绘图机、打印机。这些设备

24、盘、绘图机、打印机。这些设备和和软件都是现代设计软件都是现代设计者开发和保存其设计文档的工具。者开发和保存其设计文档的工具。configuration kn,fijurein n. 配置;结构;外形配置;结构;外形13138.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingComputer-aided Design and Computer-aided ManufacturingppThe ICG systems could enhance the design process by allowing the human

25、designer to focus on the intellectual aspects of the design process, such as conceptualization and making judgment-based decisions. pp通过允许设计者将精力集中在设计过程的智力方面,通过允许设计者将精力集中在设计过程的智力方面,例如:例如:概念化概念化、基于判断做决定等,、基于判断做决定等,ICC系统系统能够能够提高设计过程的速度。提高设计过程的速度。14148.1 8.1 Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manu

26、facturing Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing ppThe computer performs tasks for which it is better suited, such as mathematical calculations, storage and retrieval of data, and various repetitive operations such as crosshatching.pp计算机比较适合的计算机比较适合的任务任务是数学计算、数据的存储与是数学计算、数据的存储与恢恢复复,以

27、及画,以及画交叉阴影线交叉阴影线等重复操作。等重复操作。1515pQuestion (p109)16168.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppControlling a machine tool using a punched tape or stored program is known as numerical control (NC). pp用用穿孔纸带穿孔纸带或存储程序控制机床就是众所周知的数字或存储程序控制机床就是众所周知的数字控制。控制。1717- - 1818 - -8.3.1 Numerical Co

28、ntrol (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppNC has been defined by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) as “a system in which actions are controlled by the direct insertion of numerical data at some point. The system must automatically interpret at least some portion of this data.” The numerical

29、data required to produce a part is known as a part program.pp电子工业协会电子工业协会定义定义NC为为“通过在某一点直接插入数通过在某一点直接插入数字数据来控制其运动的系统。这个系统至少能自动翻字数据来控制其运动的系统。这个系统至少能自动翻译这些数据的一部分译这些数据的一部分” 。按要求产生的数字数据即。按要求产生的数字数据即我们所知的一部分程序。我们所知的一部分程序。18188.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppA numerical control ma

30、chine tool system contains a machine control unit (MCU) and the machine tool itself. The MCU is further divided into two elements: The data processing unit (DPU) and the control loop unit (CLU). pp数控机床系统包括数控机床系统包括机床控制单元机床控制单元(MCU)和机床本)和机床本身。身。MCU可进一步分为两个部分:可进一步分为两个部分:数据处理单元数据处理单元(DPU)和)和闭环控制单元闭环控制单元

31、(CLU)。)。1919- - 2020 - -8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppThe DPU process the coded data from the tape or other media and passes information on the position of each axis, required direction of motion, feed rate, and auxiliary function control signals to the CLU. ppDPU(数据处理单元数

32、据处理单元数据处理单元数据处理单元)处理纸带或其它媒介中的编码数处理纸带或其它媒介中的编码数据并将关于每个轴的位置、运动方向、据并将关于每个轴的位置、运动方向、进给速度进给速度、辅助辅助功能控制信号等信息传递给功能控制信号等信息传递给CLU(闭环控制单元闭环控制单元闭环控制单元闭环控制单元).20208.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppThe CLU operate the drive mechanisms of the machine, receives feed back signals concerning

33、the actual position and velocity of each of the axes, and signals the completion of operation. ppCLU控制机器控制机器驱动原理驱动原理,接受关于每个轴实际位置,接受关于每个轴实际位置及速度的反馈信号,发出操作完成信号。及速度的反馈信号,发出操作完成信号。2121- - 2222 - -8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppThe DPU sequentially reads the data. When each lin

34、e has completed execution as noted by the CLU, another line of data is read. Geometric and kinematic data are typically fed from the DPU to the CLU and CLU then governs the physical system based on the data from the DPU. ppDPU 接着读取数据。当执行完每条线后,接着读取数据。当执行完每条线后,CLU做做上记号,再读取另外一条线段。上记号,再读取另外一条线段。几何数据和运动数

35、几何数据和运动数据据由由DPU传递给传递给CLU ,然后,然后CLU 根据来自根据来自DPU的的数据控制物理系统。数据控制物理系统。22228.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppNumerical control was developed to overcome the limitation of human operates, and it has done so. pp发展数控加工主要为了克服手工操作者的局限,它发展数控加工主要为了克服手工操作者的局限,它也确实做到了这一点。也确实做到了这一点。2323- -

36、2424 - -8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppNumerical control machines are more accurate than manually operated machines, they can produce parts more uniformly, they are faster, and the long-run tooling costs are lower. The development of NC led to the development of several ot

37、her innovations in manufacturing technology:pp数控机床比手工操作机器更加数控机床比手工操作机器更加数控机床比手工操作机器更加数控机床比手工操作机器更加精确精确精确精确,生产的零件更加一致,生产的零件更加一致,生产的零件更加一致,生产的零件更加一致,它们速度比较快,长期运行加工成本更低。数控机床的发展它们速度比较快,长期运行加工成本更低。数控机床的发展它们速度比较快,长期运行加工成本更低。数控机床的发展它们速度比较快,长期运行加工成本更低。数控机床的发展导致制造技术(领域中)其它几项创新的发展。导致制造技术(领域中)其它几项创新的发展。导致制造技术(

38、领域中)其它几项创新的发展。导致制造技术(领域中)其它几项创新的发展。24248.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppElectric discharge machiningppLaser-cuttingppElectron bean weldingpp电火花加工电火花加工pp激光加工激光加工pp电子束焊接电子束焊接25258.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppNumerical control has also made machine t

39、ools more versatile than their manually operated predecessors. An NC machine tool can automatically produce a wide variety of parts, each involving an assortment of widely varied and complex machining processes. pp具有数控的机械设备比之前手工操作的设备功能具有数控的机械设备比之前手工操作的设备功能更多,一台更多,一台NC机械设备可以自动生产各类零件,机械设备可以自动生产各类零件,每一

40、种都涉及到各种复杂工艺的一种分类每一种都涉及到各种复杂工艺的一种分类ppAssortment Assortment 混合物混合物混合物混合物 ;分类;分类;分类;分类26268.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)8.3.1 Numerical Control (NC)ppNumerical control has allowed manufacturers to undertake the production of products that would not have been feasible from an economic perspective using ma

41、nually controlled machine tools and processes.pp数控可以使制造者生产一种产品,从经济的角数控可以使制造者生产一种产品,从经济的角度来看,这种产品是不可能利用手工控制设备度来看,这种产品是不可能利用手工控制设备及工艺生产出来的。及工艺生产出来的。2727pQuestion (p113)28288.4 solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methods 8.4 solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methods 快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法ppSevera

42、l manufacturing processes are available to make the important transition from computer aided design (CAD) to a prototype part. Several new technologies began to make their appearance after1987. pp一些制造工艺可以将一些制造工艺可以将CAD转变为转变为原型原型零件。零件。1987年后,一些新技术开始出现。年后,一些新技术开始出现。ppAssortment Assortment 混合物混合物混合物混合物

43、;分类;分类;分类;分类29298.4 solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methods 8.4 solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methods 快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法快速原型制造方法ppIn that year, stereolithography (SLA) was first introduced by 3D Systems Inc., and over the next five years several rival methods also appeared. This created th

44、e family of processes known as solid freeform fabrication (SFF). SFF processes are sometimes described as:pp立体层叠扫描立体层叠扫描首次有首次有3D系统公司发明。在其后的系统公司发明。在其后的5年里,相继出现了其它几种具有竞争性的方法。快年里,相继出现了其它几种具有竞争性的方法。快速原型制造工艺由此建立。速原型制造工艺由此建立。SFE工艺有时被描述为:工艺有时被描述为:ppAssortment Assortment 混合物混合物混合物混合物 ;分类;分类;分类;分类30308.4 sol

45、id freeform fabrication (SFF) methods8.4 solid freeform fabrication (SFF) methodsppParts on demandppFrom part to partppDesktop manufacturingppRapid prototypingpp所需零件所需零件pp从一个零件到另一个零件从一个零件到另一个零件pp桌面制造桌面制造pp快速原型设计快速原型设计ppAssortment Assortment 混合物混合物混合物混合物 ;分类;分类;分类;分类3131pQuestion (p116)32328.4 .3 Lam

46、inated object modeling (LOM) 8.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 层压制模层压制模层压制模层压制模ppLaminated object modeling(LOM)was developed by Helisys Inc., and like SLA and SLS, it was first offered commercially in the period from 1987 to 1990. ppLOM 由由Helisys公司开发,公司开发,SLA和和SLS也由他们与也由他们与1987-1990年期间首先提供商用(产品

47、)。年期间首先提供商用(产品)。33338.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 8.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 层压制模层压制模层压制模层压制模ppIn LOM , the laser is used to cut the top slice of a stack of paper that is progressively glued together. pp在在LOM 中,激光用来切割中,激光用来切割纸剁纸剁表层的纸。这些表层的纸。这些纸逐渐用胶水粘在一起。纸逐渐用胶水粘在一起。34348.4 .3 Lam

48、inated object modeling (LOM) 8.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 层压制模层压制模层压制模层压制模ppAfter each profile has been cut by the laser (Fig.8.3), the roll of paper is advanced, a new layer is glued onto the stack, and the process is repeated. 纸上每一个纸上每一个轮廓轮廓被激光被激光切割出后,纸轴向前切割出后,纸轴向前滚动,新一层的纸又滚动,新一层的纸又粘在纸剁上

49、,重复这粘在纸剁上,重复这一过程。一过程。35358.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 8.4 .3 Laminated object modeling (LOM) 层压制模层压制模层压制模层压制模pp After fabrication, some trimming, hand finishing, and curing are needed. For larger components, especially in the automobile industry, LOM is often preferred over the SLA or SLS processed.pp制造好后,需要进行部分修剪、制造好后,需要进行部分修剪、手工抛光手工抛光和固化。和固化。对于大些的零件,特别是汽车工业中(的零件),对于大些的零件,特别是汽车工业中(的零件),LOM经常由于经常由于SLA和和SLS工艺。工艺。36362009 Hisuntech Corp.* * questionquestion * *2009 Hisuntech Corp.* * * *



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