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1、Unit 5 The Company Man全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)vocabularyPre-reading questionsBackground information全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)classic: classic & classical( 1 ) classic n. outstanding examples of its kindadj. very typical It is a classic example. ( 2 )classical “古典(文学或艺术)的” classical lan

2、guages 古代语言; classical music 古典音乐 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)conceive 1) A patriot never conceives of betraying his/her motherland in any case.to imagine; think2) To gain an upper hand in the cutthroat(残酷的) competitiveness, we have to conceive a plan to make ourselves superior. to form or devel

3、op in the mind; map out3) I couldnt conceive the implication of that sentence, although he explained again.to comprehend mentally; understand4) She was told she couldnt conceive. Hence she got no chance to be a mother.to become pregnant with (a child) v.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)conceivable ad

4、j.e.g. 难以想象这么小的孩子能跑这么快。 It is hardly conceivable that such a small/little kid can run so fast. 她千方百计地赚钱。 She earned money by every conceivable means. conceivably (adv.): in a manner that can be imagined or believed.e.g. If we persist in working that hard, conceivably well harvest a promising progres

5、s in the future.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创) executive1) n.行政领导,管理人员2) a. of, relating to, capable of, or suited for carrying out or executing e.g. An efficient executive must possess great executive ability.execute v. 1) (fml) to put into effect; carry out e.g. A government executes the decisio

6、ns of the ruling party.2) to put to death, especially by carrying out a lawful sentence. e.g. The victims relatives expected to execute the murder.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)survive 1) remain alive after (sb.) e.g. Charles survived his wife by three months. Most women will survive their spouses

7、. 2) continue to live or exist in spite of nearly being killed or destroyed by (sth.) e.g. The house survived the storm. Only one person survived the crash.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)deceaseddead, deceased, departed, late, inanimatedead 做表语,指“死的”;deceased指人“最近死的”,多用于法律;departed指“最近死的”,多用于宗教,是委婉

8、语,仅指死者;late“已故的”,多用于刚死的人;inanimate意为“没有生命的,没有生气的”。全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises 1. The tiger has been _ for at least two days according to the expert.2. The _ man left no will or legacy. 3. In a funeral, the priest prays for the _. 4. The story is about the _ hero.5. Their _ conversation

9、 is about the _ stone.late inanimate departeddeceased dead inanimate 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)straighten outstraighten sth out To settle or resolve sth; to remove difficulties from sthe.g. With mutual help, we can straighten out each others confusion ASAP.straighten sb out(infml) to remove do

10、ubt or ignorance in ones minde.g. Traditionally a teacher is expected to straighten puzzled students out.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创) vice 汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯等情况,可选择vice, associate, assistant等词。相应而言,vice使用面较广。副总统(或大学副校长)vice president副主席(或系副主任)vice chairman副总理vice premier全新版大学英

11、语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)副部长vice minister副省长vice governor副市长vice mayor副校长(中小学)vice principal全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)2)学术头衔的副职头衔与行政职务的“副”职称往往用不同的词表达,最为常用的英语词是 associate 。副教授 associate professor副研究员associate research fellow副主编associate managing editor副审判长associate judge副主任医师associate senior d

12、octor全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)3) 有些英语职位头衔,如manager, headmaster,其副职头衔可冠以assistant 。副总经理assistant/deputy general manager,assistant/deputy managing director大堂副理(宾馆)assistant manager全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创) Pre-reading questions 1.What do you think is the life of a typical workaholic like

13、? Can you give some examples?2.How important do you think work is to a person?3.What drives people to overwork?4. Work to live or live to work 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Type A & Type B PersonalityFriedman and Rosenman (1959) conducted studies on the link between stress and heart disease. One o

14、f the outcomes was the discovery of Type A and Type B personalities. 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Type APeople who are classified as having Type A personality have characteristics like: highly active, competitive, aggressive, hostile, impatient, fast talking and thinking. 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company

15、-Man(原创)Type AThey have a sense of time urgency, find it difficult to relax, and often become impatient and angry when they get delayed (or if they are going to be late) or are around other people whom they view as incompetent. It is assumed that Type A people tend to have more risk of heart disease

16、 than Type B people. 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Type B People who are classified as having Type B personality are better at relaxing without feeling guilty and working without becoming anxious. Some of the other characteristics include being more relaxed about time (they dont get overly stresse

17、d about being late), and are not easily angered.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Whichdoyougenerallybelongto,TypeAorTypeBpersonality?Whateffectdoesyourpersonalitybringabouttoyourlife?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)WorkaholismWorkaholism is a modern addiction. Many people have been afflicted by it. T

18、he cause of workaholism is that professional achievements are tied up with self-image. 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Can you name some features of a workaholic?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)They resist taking breaks or rewarding themselves with vacations. If they must take vacations, theyre like

19、ly to be highly organized and goal-oriented. The workaholic pushes and pushes, and as he is approaching his goal, he needs another one to work towards. A workaholic is not able to stop and enjoy his accomplishments.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创) Group work: discussion What is the cause of workahol

20、ism? What pressures do you think are company staff under? Name a few of them.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)于娟,女,32岁,祖籍山东济宁,海归,博士,复旦大学优秀青年教师,一个两岁孩子的母亲,乳腺癌晚期患者。全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)癌症?和我怎么会有关系 这个名词她从来没有想到会和自己联系在一起,在她看来,她得乳腺癌的概率是如此之小:“第一,我没有遗传;第二,我的体质很好;第三,我刚生完孩子喂了一年的母乳;第四,乳腺癌患者都是45岁以上人群,我





25、philosophy全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Background informationProfession: journalist and columnist Achievements: 1980 Pulitzer Prize for commentary Write for Newsweek, the Detroit Free Press, and the Boston Globe.Works: Turning Points (1979), Close to Home (1979), At Large (1981).Ellen Goodman(194

26、1 ),全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Any of several awards established by Joseph Pulitzer and conferred annually for accomplishment in various fields of American journalism, literature, and music.Pulitzer

27、Prize全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Other Awards1980 Distinguished Writing Award the American Society of Newspaper Editors1988 the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award from the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights 1993 the Presidents Award by the National Womens Political Caucus1994 American Woma

28、n Award by the Womens Research & Education Institute 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)1. Work while you work play while you play; this is the way to be cheerful and gay.2. Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today. 今日事,今日毕。3. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work

29、and no play makes Mary/Jane a dull girl. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。expressions全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)4. Work smarter, not harder. 更有技巧地工作,而不是更努力地工作。5. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit. German proverb 工作虽苦,果实却甘。德国谚语6. Many hands make light work. 众人拾柴火焰高; 人多好办事。7. Work makes the workman. 熟能生巧。全新版

30、大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)introductionmain bodyconclusiondeath of “him”Para 2-6replacement of himhis devotion to his workhis relationship with family membersPara 1Para 7-13Para 14-16Para 2-13全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)1.what is meant by the sentence “she would be well taken care of” in Parag

31、raph 8? Key: provide some financial help for his wife/to relieve her of any possible worries about finance.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)2. why is the phrase “dearly beloved” repeated when referring to his children in Paragraph 9?Key: create a sarcastic effect, relationship with his children/ far

32、from being close and intimate / devoted too little全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)3. What do you think is the relationship like between Phil and the three children?Key: a failing father His eldest son: knowing little about him His daughter: nothing to say when staying along with him. His younger son

33、: remarked bitterly that his father and he only boarded at the home. distant and estranged.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)4. What is the implication of the ending?Key: It implies the story of Phil sees no end: He will soon be replaced by an equally hardworking guy who may following in his steps and

34、 repeat the same tragedy. Bosses are always on the lookout for workaholics and they are never in short supply. The ending is full of sarcasm and bitterness.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Questions for part 1Whathaveyoulearnedfromthefirstsentence?Whyaretheseadverbs“finallyandprecisely”used?全新版大学英语Un

35、it5-the-Company-Man(原创)Language points of Text I 1.workhimselftodeath:diedfromself-motivatedoverwork.2.precisely:exactlyE.g.Theyarrivedatfiveoclockprecisely.Note: Some of its synonyms areexactly,accurately,definitelyEmphasizinghisdevotiontowork.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Questions for considera

36、tionCanyoudescribetherelationshipbetweenPhilandhiswifeandhischildren?WhydidPhilswifetrytoconcealherbitternessinfrontofthepresidentatthefuneral?Shewasconcernedaboutherfinancialsituationafterherhusbanddied.Philprovidedwellforhiswidow.Part 3全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Part3Questions:WhatdidPhilswif

37、emeanwhensheanswered,Ialreadyhave”?Howmanytimesis“hefinallyworkedhimself”repeatedintheessay?Whyitisrepeated?TheauthorrelatesthetwocontradictoryideasworktodeathonSundaymorning.ThusrevealsPhilspersonalityandsuggeststhatheisdestinedtobeexhausted.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Language points in Part 3

38、survivemarketablemotheringwidowstraightenout全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)para.99.His“dearly beloved”eldestofthe“dearly beloved”childrensarcasticeffectfarfromcloseandintimatedevotingtoolittle全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)the finances the stock options and all that and all that (jazz, rubbish, et

39、c) (idm) (infml) and other similar thingse.g. I got fed up with mathematics for its figures, tables, formulae and all that staff.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Paraphrase:1)Butitdidlisthis“survivors”quiteaccurately.-Buttheobituarydidlistthefamilymembersofthedeadmanquiteaccurately.2)Hewastheonewhotr

40、iedtograbathisfather,andtriedtomeanenoughtohimtokeepthemanathome.-Itwastheboywhomadeeffortstodiverthisfathersattentionfromwork.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Detailed study of the text-Part IV Para.14-16 This is the end of the essay. After the cause of Phils death being restated, the author goes on

41、 to report the company presidents inquiry for his successor. Questions: How is irony used in language and in juxtapositions(并列)of image? Why does the essay end with the question the company president asked?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Para. 1413.ahear-attacknaturala person who has the tendency to

42、 suffer a heart-attack(n.) person considered ideally suited for a role, a job, an activity, etce.g. The black are regarded as naturals for sports. He doesnt spend much time in learning playing violin, for he seems to be a natural for it.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)para. 16Whatstheimplicationofth


44、nnarrationandemphasizesPhilsawarenessofthecutthroatcompetition.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)10. to make inquiries about his replacement.v. demand, require, claim, request全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)1). demand表示强烈要求。若主语是人,包含依据权利要求;若主语是物,含义为需求或要求,可直接接宾语。2). require虽然有时可以与demand换用,但require的确切含义应

45、当是对所要求的事要绝对服从,有时这种要求带有法律的或规章的强迫性。3). claim要求承认自己对某物的所有权。4). request指“通过正式手续或非常有礼貌、客气地请求”, 常用于 “恐怕对方由于种种原因不能 答应”的场合。全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises 1. The boss _ that Mary finish the project before next Monday.2. You are sincerely _ to be present at the gathering. 3. Every citizen may _ the

46、 protection of the law. 4. Students are _ to attend classes.claimrequested demanded required 全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Rhetorical Analysis Incolloquialstyle,Goodmandepictsironicallythelifeofaworkaholicandhisfamily.Whatdevicesareadoptedtomakeherwritingmoreeffective?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(

47、原创)RepetitionParallelismVariationoflengthofsentencesFindsomeexamplesfromthetextforeach.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Revision of the textLanguage points in this textQuestions for revision discussionWhatwasPhil?Hewasthevicepresidentofthecompany.Hewasaworkaholic.Hewasnervousandhadastrongdesireforsuc





52、atdoyoulearnfromthistext?Wouldyouliketobeaworkaholicinthefutureformoney,statusoranythingelse?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Oral activities Organize yourselves into groups of three to five and discuss the following issue: How can Phil avoid his tragedy全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises1.Word

53、transformation:P602.Paraphrase:P613. Present perfect or presentperfectprogressivetense:P61-624.translation:P485.Writingpractice全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (1)Translationexercises1.我的顶头上司是一个典型的工作狂,一年到头每天工作10个小时以上。(workaholic)Myimmediatebossistypicalworkaholic,forheworksforovertenhoursea

54、chdayalltheyearround.2.校长十分注重课外活动。他认为,课外活动有助于培养学生对外部世界的极大兴趣。(extracurricular)The principal attaches much importance toextracurricularactivitiesandhebelievesthattheywill help to cultivate students tremendousinterestintheexternalworld.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (1)3.星期一早上,他总是快速冲个澡,胡乱吃个三

55、明治,接着赶搭出租车去上班。(grab)Healwaysgrabsashower,asandwichandthenataxitogotoworkeveryMondaymorning.4.既然你要离开公司了,你要在本周内清算帐目。(straightenout)Since you are leaving the company, you shouldstraightenouttheaccountswithintheweek.5.为了及时完成他的博士论文,他经常熬夜。(stayup)HeoftenstaysuplateatnightinordertofinishwritinghisPh.D.diss

56、ertationontime.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (1)6.没有什么东西可以取代内心深处最深切的爱。(replace)He is considered a natural for the post of thepresident, for he has been an excellent vice-presidentforalmosttenyears.7.他被认为是总裁职位的当然人选,因为他已经做了近10年出色的副总裁。(natural)He is considered a natural for the post of thep

57、resident, for he has been an excellent vice-presidentforalmosttenyears.8.他实在太普通了,在人群中不会被挑选出来。(pickout)Heisjusttoocommontobepickedoutfromthecrowd.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (2)Fillintheblankineachsentencewithawordtakenfromtheboxintheproperform.boarddiscreetlypreciselyclassicexecutive s

58、urviveconceivablygrabwidowdeceasedobituaryworkaholic全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (2)1.Thewoman_herhusbandbynineyears.2.Theplotofthenovel_thereader.3.Notwantingtodrawanyattention,Roywent_intothelecturehall.4.Welearnedabouther_fatherbyreadinghis_inThe Times.survivedgrabsdiscreetlydeceased

59、obituary全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Exercises (2)5.Idonotunderstandhowthearrangedmarriagecould_workoutinthemoretraditionalsocieties.6.Theoldcoupleplansto_somestudentsfromtheuniversity.7.Thenewbusinesswritingcourseisorientedtowards_andmanagerswhowasnttheindividualattentionandfocusedtrainingthatwi

60、llhelpthemwritewithimpactandeffectiveness.8.Upper-intermediateEnglishlearnersareoftenencouragedtoreadthe_oftheEnglishandAmericanliterature.conceivablyboardexecutivesclassics全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Writing practice (1)Writeacompositionofatleast200wordsonthefollowingtopic.Career or Family: whi

61、ch is more important?全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Sample writingCareer Career or or Family: Family: which which is is more more important?important?Sample:When asked about their opinion of careerandfamily,peoplealwaysresponddifferently. Some people deem it moreimportanttopursuetheircareer,whileth

62、ereare always other people who argue thatfamily should be the number one in oneslife.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)Itgoeswithoutanyquestionthatcareerplaysakeyroleinourlife.Intheveryfirstplace,careercangiveusanaimtoliveon.Withoutcareer, much of our living time will becertainly wasted. Whats more, c

63、areer canprovideuswithameanstoliveon.Mostofthepeopleearntheirincomefromajob.Ontheotherhand,familyisalsoanindispensablepartoflife,asmanypeoplewilladmit.Familyisalwaysregardedasaplacewherewecanescapefromtroublesinlife.Inaddition,wecan obtain a sense of belonging to fromfamily.Withoutit,anyonewillfeellonelyanddesperate.全新版大学英语Unit5-the-Company-Man(原创)



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