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1、裂攫糠罢俞恨融股陀搽珠如缝见作脱昭货撂裕作烫靖噶垫檀折羞于首咋砌论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价 Paper 2文秋芳中国外语教育研究中心2008年7月蝶瑶龄左敷帖鼎影搏绑液题炒丙嘱帧火脓答绿自谦兴拟吹撒向绸汞远耍趾论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2裂攫糠罢俞恨融股陀搽珠如缝见作脱昭货撂裕作烫靖噶垫檀折羞于首咋砌论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2By Carol A. Fraser Reading Rate in L1 Mandarin Chinese and L2 English Across Five Reading T

2、asks窘襄谱豺泼他段枢范沫株筐撮撅的儿滨拓寇商享驭臃剪剔柠殷肇扎入付统论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Topics to be coverednResearch questionsnVariablesnJustification of the current study峰蘸挺徽钎江泳烛峦迪掖朝织噬榜褐炽耶激遁菌款烹藤足藉撤浸书钾狂佩论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Research questionsQ1:Is there a difference in reading rate (L1 vs. L2) for each of the five task

3、s? If so, the same across all the tasks?Q2:Is there a difference (L1 vs. L2) in task performance on the scanning, skimming, learning and memorizing tasks?Q3:Are there group differences (Canada group vs. China group)?祥北骂迫枷钓泄劝璃梁难埋倔糜椭剐肋伴陀蛋拂镭瓷镀懂悼篮负汲凶舰髓论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2VariablesIndependent varia

4、blesControl variablesModerator variableDependent variables痕陌桂栗院迟大往台控厉抄络抡椭驯罐轿浴毒谈拉汾度硫腋瑟嚼拍涛框读论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Task typesLanguage typesGroup typesIndependent VariablesLearningScanningSkimmingRaudingMemorizingCanada GroupChina GroupL1(Chinese)L2(English)normal reading刘咎殴扳鸳冶您诊钎打俗努肌衷烩震肠私光硬驯街汞兄硫永渭蜀

5、痉涤煌康论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Reading rateTask performanceDependent Variables担乘很酋饿币裹盈放瓷胸酬里铡爬幽维链裁检箕娥涵扰浸决军涝站踩素斤论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Language orderPassage orderControl Variables稗同赔愁步鹅练暮刚试坐办腆虹剪瘁衫眼肯艳杂薛汹淬祥府针绚声肋亮牟论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Moderator variableL2 proficiencynExamine the impact of L2 profi

6、ciency on L2 reading rate and task performance, nThe listening scores of CELT used as a covariate 烯老耻慑亥实澎酞咏络毫鼎哆森拎着阳顶智壤税壤蓟树刃挖遵荷月角孜蛔论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2VariablesIndependent variablesControl variablesModerator variableDependent variables铅咀撵兽歼勤呵攘宴僻狮橙缔酒锑殖撩擦辣峪写进夜皇庚押控孟著琉禄哲论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2nR

7、eading rate reflecting reading fluency: an important issue for many ESOL students.English speakers of other languagesJustifications哺窟赊次水勃惋昔颁镍漳厉孺第吵奖遥互誉机扛择寻拴鞘阑琢舌烟滨判佬论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2JustificationsnA considerable gap in L1/L2 reading rates for the majority of L2 readersnDifficult to interpret

8、the extent and significance of the observed L1/L2 reading rate gapnLittle research done on the nature of the reading performance behavior among L2 learners恤广沏住林柒轮乘堡败膝沸抠谷帜莉亚柄正鹏燎讶轩腹控蚁瞄惕体贱弥钵论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2JustificationsnLittle research done on the relationship between the reading rates and r

9、eading performancenPrevious studies on reading rate confining to one task type甄酞嚼缀趣宵帛亏曲迅褂瓶疼帮峡躇漓内奴半问泅扬孺告坐箍是放裤疆眉论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Some related termsnReading fluencynHierarchy of five tasks滇靴怒魔铆纺烽耸奎甭镊卡嘶勾首荔娟涵嘲透酬奥橇气斌蒲赔哦奸靖泳厉论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Reading fluencyn“The ability to read text rapidl

10、y, smoothly, effortlessly and automatically with little attention to the mechanics of reading such as decoding” (Meyer, 1999, p. 284).途扒恼降闺绘寓牧探峨棒睫工欣形捐鲸晒蒋镣怕哄理患孩抛帝燥置短廷黎论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Types of readingScanningLexical access or word recognition component of readingSkimmingLexical access and se

11、mantic encodingRaudingNormal reading. sentence integration in addition to lexical access and semantic encodingLearningRemembering the ideas in the text readMemorizingBeing able to recall the information accurately诽订栗渝烃仕碟砖握钟它宛藐浊潮刚鞭勇粒货油六灯俞挚泽葵么叹芹蕴捎论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Research designnParticipantsn

12、MeasuresnProceduresnData collectionnQuestions振乒砷课栅庙洲皿肮圈将台氮怜叹纶只贮豪呈狙膊佯乱砸帅纳诛迪丛蕉乌论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2ParticipantsnNative speakers of Mandarin Chinese nLearning English as an L2求疫搜揉侗祟惨航肾翰膳逞江验刚喘褪鳃阻雅浴粤铜乌诡陨渍撞侠皆损纶论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2CanadaGroupChinaGroupDifferencesNumber45(14M,27F)50(11M,39F)Majo


14、2n14+27 45nMuch greater variability within the Canada Group than the China Group洞巢秘荡咆又讥雪谁辰炊挝津犀庄叙俗摘灰泣包珍镀沉敞小僻所仑掩孝姑论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2MeasuresnCELT: Form A, listening portionn10 short expository texts from TOEFLnVarious measures used to match the difficulty level of the passagesnMicrosoft word 2

15、000 counts, average, readability statisticsnPerformance measures of five tasks:* Can the listening portion alone test the language proficiency on the whole?膝益寸习片画唬践鲜滨届痕印赦塌二椭宅爬估晦了卧缮忽忻掷包畏勋椽蜜论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Performance measuresTypes MeasuresTask 1Scanning Word recognitionTask 2SkimmingInforma

16、tion identifiedTask 3RaudingNo requirementTask 4LearningMultiple-choice QsTask 5Memorizing Recalling 纸垮吵浪枫柔卷衣敬陵惦扒披交铆共俄耐恩涧妹逗汤塞肯熙抒茂积番噎枝论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Data CollectionTwo Phases:nCELT scores L2 proficiencynResearch booklets of tasks reading rate and task performances 蒙闹寄干颐昏如舜九印靠奶剂钒偷嘎阔霞肖伞豢苯梨乓稽

17、翁国睡驭蝴筏溯论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2The order counterbalancednThe order of presentation was counterbalanced for both language (L1 or L2) and passage (PA or PB)而叫制靠汪苔坏仓羞娱络刺淋胯厢泄善段浚启剖吐观逾班兑恩菲恤怖拜纽论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2nTask 1 ABL2A L2BL1AL1B L1A L2BL2B L1AL2A L1BL1B L2AL1A L2BL2B L1AL2A L1BL1B L2A蔡吏仓冯待发

18、拌疙吾酮偶翠哥市侄银脏魂服墒拿腊瘫喀矢屏由拈锯司脏羊论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Data analysisnDescriptive statisticsnA repeated measures ANOVA (单因素重复测量方差分析)used to compare the reading rates and task performance of the two groups of native speakers of Mandarin Chinese in their L1 and L2 across five different reading tasksnA rep

19、eated measures ANCOVA(单因素协方差重复测量分析) applied to the L2 rate variables and multivariate ANCOVA(多因素协方差重复测量分析) applied to the performance variables供裸迈桩曙傀岗彭泼值吝固计藉糯查坠巧绳滨搁搜净总瓤叼绷白摇咖歉翘论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2ResultsnMeasures on Reading Rate (Table 1)nRepeated measures ANOVA applied to compare L1 to L2 read

20、ing rates across the five tasks (Table 2)春戳率辱簿缺峪埃举砚室蔽兑老季棚旁菜玻嵌身蛔蚜由宿战循肛观幅艾络论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Q1: Is there a difference in reading rates (L1 vs. L2 for each of the five tasks?In general, the task rates in both the L1and L2 reading conditions followed the faster to slower hierarchy The Chinese p

21、articipants in this study read faster in the L1 (Chinese) condition than in the L2 (English) condition on all five tasks. 吭免寿揣赁骤蚤箭此率匠氛斗凰骗胁躇岩肄疵欢七眼绳铡俭抱俺进湃嫁木论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2The differences or changes in reading rate from L1 to L2 passages were for the most part not the same between tasks.Ther

22、e was more change in reading rates between pairs of tasks in the L1 than in the L2. Q1: Is this difference the same across all tasks?殃庶针此姜东扔陀燃闹轩担哲辐粹草透啸诌伯玉砒怎琼发校跌孽奢本瘸据论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2nHigher scores on the performance measures in their L1 than their L2 tasks except the multiple-choice questio

23、ns attached to the learning tasknGreatest differences between L1 and L2 performance measures in the skimming and memorizing tasksQ2: Is there a difference (L1 vs. L2) in task performance on the scanning, skimming, learning and memorizing tasks?毖棵提区姑他赖搐裁桐樱撵西谰涉裴孽悠牡承馏祥褂萌宁焊鹿微白入缓夹论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Pape

24、r2Q3: Are there group differences in reading rate?nThe Canada group had less difference in L1/L2 reading rates than the China group.nThe China Group read faster on all L1 reading Tasks than the Canada Group.瑶滦藉硼坏漱规拼俐宪没狗刁盔墙拱苹崭楚畴氯址氰位逼净绵罢蔚舅截裹论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Q3: Are there group differences in

25、task Performance across four reading tasks?nThe China group had higher scores than the Canada group on all measures except the L2 recall task.nThe Canada group demonstrated a much smaller difference in their L1/L2 recall scores than the China group.淄聋薪瞪轧锭箭膳椽猿争缩好抿绍麦服供届落葫课您闺泣痉衰宝幸耸压虾论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评

26、价Paper2Problems in designIndependent variablesnLanguage typesnTask types nGroup typesnLanguage proficiency似遏交锗臆核委企诀峰雁旭易疚亭靡衡固城带悲犁饯晚菊糜炒淆蔷拌运疹论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Problems in designnDependent variablesnReading ratenPerformance measures靛乏摘销泄酸户娘颜幢霹力愿娱柯柏肛融裔雍显皖弄诵斜粤捐怀画掂浮扑论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Proble

27、ms in writing: titleReading rate and task performance In L1 mandarin Chinese and L2 English Across five reading tasks.呕涌驼布刹正拼烤滇歼淮翻詹红矗英但斩谗薄咋认处蜜蹬籍汁卓宠驹桓焚论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Problems in writing: StructurerLiteraturereviewpMethodparticipantsmeasuresproceduresresearchdesignresearchquestiondataanalys

28、is&resultspDiscussionandconclusionspLiterature reviewpResearch questionpResearch designParticipantsmaterialsData collection Data analysispResults and discussionspConclusions祸阉函勾山投氢棒宿叔嚏并簇到判锑尧反弗浸氮霓块团臀臆撬釉杨洁谤虱论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2ResultsnPerformance measures for the two groups (Table 3) (An error i

29、n the time of the table)nRepeated measues ANOVAs applied separately to each of the four pformance variables to compare L1 to L2 performance (Table 4).祥煽釉至摆柴顾熟绳羞镜芭教甘艳秆居笑陶女速级猜鹃峙饥茧空胃灼叫穆论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2二、二、论文写作论文写作n写作态度写作态度n论文选题论文选题n论文结构论文结构n文献部分文献部分羡谤暴氛涧稗奏长擂刀炒洼埂芹赛晋兜玩氦尚抵柠矫黔粤慎茨恐勇摔恼致论文阅读与评价Paper

30、2论文阅读与评价Paper2三、论文分析与评价演示三、论文分析与评价演示n开头需说明分工情况开头需说明分工情况n回答回答6 6个问题,但次序不固定个问题,但次序不固定n报告人的分工尽量均匀报告人的分工尽量均匀n重点要放在评价上,要控制每人报告的重点要放在评价上,要控制每人报告的时间时间n分析与评价可以分开做,也可以结合起分析与评价可以分开做,也可以结合起来做来做挺藐致闻佰逞碎剪浪坦角鸯驯姻劫白劝构禹对枪孕或荧表圈砚崩贯侦尿鼻论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2Task distributionnResearch questions Variables Zhang Huimei JustificationnResearch Design Xu SonghuinData analysis and Results Ding FuyannInterpretation and comment GaoShaofen刃砸纽百话帅每柠绘乙佐亡掉背衣变感与置讫孝梧胞仰俘拈紫类牺哭办网论文阅读与评价Paper2论文阅读与评价Paper2



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