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1、Summary9A Unit 5I 词形词形 1. director v.n. _ 2. art n.(艺术艺术) n.(艺术家艺术家) _ 3. contest n. (比赛比赛) n. (比赛者比赛者)_ 4. two num. n. _ 5. relax v. a. _ 6. beat v. 过去式;过去分词过去式;过去分词_ 7. still a. ad._ 8. England n. a./n._ 9. luck n. a._ ad. _反义词反义词_ 10.emergent a. n. _director(导演导演);direction(方向方向) artist contestan

2、t second秒秒; second第二第二 relaxed; relaxingbeat; beaten still English lucky unlucky luckily emergency (exit )1.Seven is my _(luck) number.2.Our team was easily _(beat).3. Her dream is to become an _(art).4. How many _(contest) are there in the match?5. He has been to _(English) many times.6. After gett

3、ing out of the teachers office, I became _(relax).7. The winning time was 1 minute 9 second _(second) .8. Guo Jingming is the _(direct) of Tiny Times.luckybeatenartistcontestantsEnglandrelaxedsecondsdirectorPractice makes perfect! 熟能生巧熟能生巧1. He looked relaxed after exams. A. angry B. calm C. worried

4、2. Everyone stood there in order to view her work. A. Get B. receive C. look at3. The soldiers are moving forward at night. A. back B. towards the riverC. towards the front4. You are lucky to be alive after that accident. A. have good luck B. lose luck C. are out of luck5. The guest praised the meal

5、.A. expressed the dislike for B. expressed the excitement for C. expressed the admiration forII. 同义短语同义短语6. He beat me in the last competition. A. did worse than B. did better than C. found out7. Will you keep still when I take photos of you? A. not speak B. smile C. not move8. He sent his wife a si

6、ngle red rose to beg her forgiveness. A. a lot of B. only one C. so much9. She was proud of the victory in last Saturdays football game. A. success B. performance C. action10.The shopping mall is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays. A. on Saturday B. on weekends C. from Monday to Friday11.not wor

7、ried _ 12.win against, defeat sb _13.in the middle of _ 14.success _ 15.a person who creates paintings _16.a person who takes part in a contest _ 17.before; better than _ _18.faint(昏迷昏迷) _ _ 19.very easy _ _ _ _20.be frightened/scared _ _ _ _ _ 21.in short _ _ _ _ _ _relaxedbeatamongvictoryartistcon

8、testantahead ofpass outa piece of cakejump out of ones skinto cut a long story short1.a floor plan 一一张楼楼层平面平面图2.a talent show 一个达人秀一个达人秀节目目3.take part in a TV quiz show 参加一个参加一个电视知知识竞赛4.the survey on TV viewing habits有关看有关看电视习惯调查5.a script for hosting a show 主持一个主持一个节目的草稿目的草稿 6.lighting operator; so

9、und operator灯光灯光师;音响;音响师7.a make-up artist化化妆师8.at a TV studio在一个在一个电视演播室演播室9.pass out = faint昏迷昏迷10.win the quiz赢得得这个知个知识竞赛11.five minutes to go/left 还剩剩5分分钟12.one of the contestants/competitors其中一个参其中一个参赛者者13.sit at the desk; sit at desk 坐在桌旁;在桌旁吃坐在桌旁;在桌旁吃饭14.fall across the desk倒向桌子倒向桌子15.help sb

10、. off the stage帮某人离开舞台帮某人离开舞台Phrases for Unit Phrases for Unit 5 5III 重点短语重点短语16.hurry down = go down quickly 急忙下来急忙下来17.be on TV; be on上电视上电视; 上映上映18.raise/put up ones hand举手举手19.lead sb. onto the stage领某人上舞台领某人上舞台20.rush forward/towards the front冲上前冲上前21.Its time for Travel Quiz.到旅游知识竞赛时间。到旅游知识竞赛时

11、间。 =Its time to have Travel Quiz.22.Although she was not prepared, she seemed relaxed. =She was not ready, but she didnt appear worried. 虽然她没准备虽然她没准备,但她显得很放松。但她显得很放松。23.ahead of = better than/before 优于优于; 在在.之前之前24.six more questions=another six questions多六个问题多六个问题25.beat/win against the other conte

12、stants打败其他参赛者打败其他参赛者26.She was so excited that she could hardly keep still. =She was too excited to keep quiet (and calm). 她太兴奋了以致无法保持安静。她太兴奋了以致无法保持安静。27.keep getting the answers right 使答案一直保持正确使答案一直保持正确28.between A and B; among 在在A和和B之间之间;在在=3之中之中29.tonights lucky winner今晚幸运的获胜者今晚幸运的获胜者30.be differ

13、ent in character在性格方面不同在性格方面不同31.It was kind of him to do that. 他那样做很友善。他那样做很友善。 =He was kind to do that. 32.emergency exits (emergent a.紧急的紧急的 )紧急出口紧急出口33.find/think/feel it a. to do sth. 认为做某事怎样认为做某事怎样34.continue/go on to do/doing 继续去做继续去做(未未)/做做(先前先前)35.last (for) 30 seconds 持续持续30秒秒36.try ones b

14、est to do 尽某人最大的努力去做尽某人最大的努力去做37.keep up the good work 继续努力继续努力38.a piece of news 一条新闻一条新闻39.His hobby is collecting stamps.他的爱好使集邮。他的爱好使集邮。 =Collecting stamps is his hobby.40.closing words; opening words 结束语;开场白结束语;开场白41.smell like a real jungle;smell nice闻起象森林闻起象森林;闻起好闻起好42.look very real; look li

15、ke sth.看上去很逼真看上去很逼真;看起来象看起来象43.jump out of ones skin=be frightened/scared吓了一跳吓了一跳44.not at all 根本不根本不45.to cut a long story short = in short简而言之简而言之46.answer a single/only one question回答唯一一个问题回答唯一一个问题47.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.做做.有困难有困难/麻烦麻烦48.to be honest = to tell the truth 使实话使实话49.a

16、 piece of cake = very easy 小菜一碟小菜一碟50.on weekdays = from Monday to Friday在工作日在工作日51.spend an average of an hour watching TV 平均花一小时看电视平均花一小时看电视52.International film festivals 国际电影节国际电影节53.be founded;be found 被成立被成立; 被找到被找到54.be famous for sth.; be famous as sb. 因某物出名因某物出名;作为职业出名作为职业出名55.take place; h

17、appen; break out 发生发生(变化变化);(事情事情);(战火疾战火疾)56.Not only Abut also B=Both A and B不仅不仅A且且B(单复看单复看B)=A和和B(复复)57.developments in the film industry在电影产业的发展在电影产业的发展58.ones point of view = ones opinion某人的观点某人的观点59.look forward to doing 期盼做某事期盼做某事60.enjoy working as an actor 喜欢做一个演员喜欢做一个演员Adverbial clauses o

18、f concession with although and thoughGrammarVI语法语法由由although引导的让步状语从句表示引导的让步状语从句表示“_”。一般情况下,可以和。一般情况下,可以和though引导的让步状语从句引导的让步状语从句_使用,但使用,但在口语中在口语中though更为常用。更为常用。Although引导引导的的让步状从可以置于主句让步状从可以置于主句_,有有_号和号和主句隔开;主句隔开;也可以置于主句也可以置于主句_。e.g. 1. Although Angela was not prepared, she seemed relaxed and did

19、really well. 2. Angela kept getting them right though the questions were getting more and more difficult. 让步状语从句让步状语从句虽然虽然.但是但是. 互换互换之前之前,之后之后1. _ (But/However/Although/ Unless) She is young, she knows quite a lot.2. _/_ it was a rainy day, many peple came to watch Travel Quize.3.He takes exercise e

20、very day _ he is very old.Practice 1: Fill in the blank with proper word. Although Although/Though although 注意:注意:在英语中在英语中although/though和和_可以互换,但可以互换,但是是_(能能/不能不能)连连用的。用的。although_作副作副词用用,though_作副作副词用。用。 1. I dont often make dinner, but I can cook. =Although I dont often make dinner, I can cook.2.

21、 Its hard work; I enjoy it though.but不能不能不能不能能能1._ it was raining, he went there.=It was raining, _ he went there.虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。2.He was poor, _ he was happy.=_ he was poor, he was happy.虽然他很穷却很快乐。虽然他很穷却很快乐。Practice 2: Fill in the blank with proper word. Although but but Althou

22、gh 3. He went on fighting _ he was wounded.= He was wounded, _ he went on fighting.4. I can look after myself _ it wont be easy for me.= It wont be easy for me, _ I can look after myself.although but although but Practice 3: Write two sentences about each of the following pictures with although & bu

23、t. 1.(very tired/win the game) _ _ = _ _ Although he was very tired, he won the game.He was very tired, but he won the game .2.(difficult/ enjoy skating) _ _ = _ _Although it is difficult, she enjoys skating.It is difficult, but she enjoys skating . 3.(very old/ go swimming every day) _ _ = _ _Altho

24、ugh he is very old, he goes swimming every day.He is very old, but he goes swimming every day.4.(dangerous/ love climbing mountains) _ _ = _ _Although it is dangerous, they love climbing mountains.It is dangerous, but they love climbing mountains.复习我们已学过的状语从句复习我们已学过的状语从句 类类 别别常用引导词(连词)常用引导词(连词)时间时间w

25、hen, while, before, as soon as, until/till, since, as, after, 原因原因because, since, as条件条件if, unless比较比较/方式方式 asas, than, as目的目的so that/in order to 结果结果so, so that, such that让步让步though/although1.- Did you catch what the teacher said? - No. She spoke _ fast _ I couldnt hear her very clearly. (2010宁夏中考宁

26、夏中考)2. He didnt go to school, _ he was ill. (2011四川中考四川中考) 3. I wont go to bed _ I finish my homework. Practice 4: 直击中考(用学过的连词填空)直击中考(用学过的连词填空) so that becauseuntil4.The girl is _ a nice girl _we all want to help her. (2011雅安雅安中考中考)5.- Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen? - Id like to, _

27、you dont want to go alone. (2011威海威海中考中考)6.-The boy can speak both English and Japanese _ he is only ten. (2012福州福州)7. Liu Ming jumps highest _ he isnt the tallest in our class. (2013浙江中考浙江中考) such that if although although 8. -Look! Some people are running the red lights. -We should wait _others ar

28、e breaking the rule. (2013浙江中考浙江中考)9.- How do you like the concert given by F.I.R.? - Exciting, _ one piece of the music wasnt played quite well. (2013 湖北湖北中考中考) 10. I think hes been drinking,_ Im not competely sure. (2013杭州中考杭州中考) although although although Denis and Angela went to a 1._ show. The

29、three 2._ were _ at their desks _ the stage and waiting. Suddenly one of them 3._ out and fell _ her desk. The director wanted another contestant. Angela _her hand. She was led 4._ the stage. The quiz show started. 5._ Angela was not_,she seemed 6._. and did really _. She answered the questions _ no

30、 prolems and was soon 7._ of the two. Denise was so _ that she could hardly keep 8._. Soon there was just a single question _ Angela and 9. _ . And Angela got it right. _ she was the lucky 10._ and _ a trip for two to the lovely city of Paris.quizcontestantspassedontoAlthoughrelaxedahead still victo

31、ry winner sittingonacrossraisedpreparedwellwithexcitedbetween wonSo VI 作文作文 Writing 1 About the textWhat we do for fun We talked in our group to find out what leisure activities we like to do in our free time. The most popular leisure activity is watching films. Three of our group members said this

32、is their favourite leisure activity. The second is playing basketball, and going to the park is the third. At home most of us like watching TV, while outdoors we enjoy playing football. Some of us enjoy doing unusual activities, such as skiing. On average, we spend ten hours each week doing leisure

33、activities. We think doing leisure activities is great because it can reduce our stress and make us healthier.Writing 2 Writing 3 Television shows vivid(栩栩如生栩栩如生) pictures about the whole world to us, but it is harmful to us young viewers in some ways. Many kids spend almost all their spare time wat

34、ching TV and therefore neglect (忽忽视)their homework. Besides, parents and teachers are worried about the bad effect(影响影响) of violence(暴力暴力) on the screen(屏幕屏幕) on the young viewers. I believe that the best way to help the kids is to change their viewing habits instead of banning all the programs. The advantage of TV only depends on how TV can be used most properly.



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