2019版高考英语大一轮复习 顺序法记词-5课件.ppt

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1、顺序法记词-501010202高考词汇精讲高考词汇精讲fibrefigure| fileflame | flatfocus foldfragile | fragrantfunction fundamentalgallery | garagegay gestureglory | gravitygroup guaranteeharmony| hatchhesitate hookindicate | individualinnocent inspireintelligence | lacklaundry leadingleak | lengthlimit高考词汇精练高考词汇精练I. 根据提示写出单词

2、的正确形式 II. 写出单词的正确含义III. 单词活用IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空V. 介副词填空 VI. 单句写作高考词汇精讲fibrefigure fibre(fiber)/fa/fab b/ /例例 a jacket made of fibrefiction/f/fk kn/n/例例 imaginative science fictionfigure/f/f / /例例keep a slim figure,figure out what it isn.纤维纤维n.小说,虚构的故事小说,虚构的故事n.数字;外形数字;外形vt.计算计算fileflame file/fa/fal/l/例

3、例 set up a new filefinance/fa/fanns/nns/记记谐音谐音“犯难事犯难事”资金是很多资金是很多企业企业犯难的事犯难的事资金资金n.档案;文档档案;文档n.财政;资金财政;资金flame/fle/flem/m/例例 light the Asian Games flamen.火焰火焰flatfocus flat/flt/flt/例例 have a flat tyre,a flat roadflesh/fle/fle/ /例例 the red flesh of a watermelonfocus/f/fk ks/s/例例 focus on the third cha

4、pteradj.扁平的扁平的n.一套公寓房一套公寓房n.(水果水果)肉,肌肉肉,肌肉n.焦点焦点 vt.聚焦聚焦foldfragile fold/f/fld/ld/例例 fold a foldable bicyclefountain/fa/fantntn/n/例例a fountain in the middle of the squarevt.折叠折叠n.泉水,喷泉泉水,喷泉fragile/frd/frda al/l/记记 fragile破碎的破碎的例例transport fragile goods carefullyadj.易破碎的易破碎的fragrantfunction fragrant/

5、fre/frerrnt/nt/例例smell fragrant flowers in a flowerbedfrequent/fri/frikwkwnt/nt/例例frequent eruptions of a nearby volcanofunction/f/fnknkn/n/例例 hire a function roomadj.芳香的芳香的adj.频繁的频繁的n.功能,作用功能,作用fundamentalgallery fundamental/ /f fndndmentl/mentl/记记fund(a)mental基金心理的基金心理的基金在心里是基础基金在心里是基础基本的基本的funera

6、l/fju/fjun nr rl/l/例例 wear black clothes at the funeraladj.基本的基本的n.葬礼葬礼gallery/l/lr r/ /例例 look through a long galleryn.画廊;艺术品陈列室画廊;艺术品陈列室garagegay garage/r/r/ /例例 a two-car garagegarbage/b bd d/ /例例clear away garbage once a day同同rubbish,trashgay/e/e/ /例例 gay laughtern.车库车库n.垃圾垃圾adj.快乐的快乐的gestureglo

7、ry gesture/d/destest/ /例例 make a strange gestureglobe/l/lb/b/例例 travel around the globen.手势;姿势手势;姿势n.地球;地球仪地球;地球仪glory/l/lr r/ /例例 be in ones gloryn.光荣光荣gravitygroup gravity/rv/rvt t/ /记记 gravity重名词后缀重名词后缀重力重力例例 be attracted by gravitygrill/r/rl/l/例例 roast a chicken wing on a grillgroup/ru/rup/p/例例

8、have a discussion in groupsn.重力,万有引力重力,万有引力n.烤烤(肉肉)架架 n.群,组群,组guaranteeharmony guarantee/ /rrntinti/ /记记guarantee看作看作“保卫保卫”guard一体一体保整体保整体保证保证guilty/ltlt/ /记记 guilty罪过的罪过的例例 prove sb guilty/innocentvt./n.保证保证adj.有罪的;内疚的有罪的;内疚的harmony/h/hm mn n/ /记记harmony看作看作hard看作看作money难用钱换来难用钱换来和谐和谐例例 in harmonyn

9、.和谐和谐hatchhesitate hatch/ht/ht/ /例例 hatch ten eggsheel/hi/hil/l/例例a pair of high-heeled crystal shoeshesitate/hez/heztetet/t/记记hesitate粘动词后缀粘动词后缀粘着粘着不动不动犹豫犹豫例例 hesitate at a crossroadsv.孵化孵化n.脚跟;鞋跟脚跟;鞋跟vi.犹豫犹豫hookindicate hook/h/hk/k/例例 bite a fishing hookimitate/m mtetet/t/例例 imitate native speaker

10、s accentn.钩子钩子v.模仿模仿indicate/ndndkeket/t/记记 indicate进入说进入说说明说明例例 indicate a decline tendencyvt.(用姿势、物体用姿势、物体)表明表明individualinnocent individual/ /ndndvvd dl/l/记记individual进入分开人进入分开人分成个体分成个体个人个人例例 united individualsinitial/ /nnl/l/记记initial向内走的向内走的最最初的初的innocent/n ns snt/nt/记记innocent无伤害的无伤害的无罪的无罪的例例

11、innocent men反反guiltyn.个人个人adj.最初的最初的n.(姓名或组姓名或组织的织的)首字母首字母adj.无辜的,无罪的无辜的,无罪的inspireintelligence inspire/ /nspanspa/ /记记inspire进入呼吸进入呼吸打气打气鼓鼓励励例例 inspire youngstersinstrument/nstrnstrm mnt/nt/记记instru(ct)ment教学后缀教学后缀教学教学器具器具例例 a musical instrumentvt.鼓舞,鼓励鼓舞,鼓励n.仪器;器具仪器;器具intelligence/ /ntelnteld dns/

12、ns/记记intelligence进入远进入远思维深远思维深远智力智力例例 intelligence testn.智力;情报智力;情报lacklaundry lack/lk/lk/例例lack confidence and determinationlame/le/lem/m/记记谐音谐音“累么累么”跛着腿走路跛着腿走路“累累么么”?跛的跛的例例 an old lame cowlaundry/l/ldrdr/ /记记laund(e)ry洗地方洗地方洗衣洗衣房房例例 air the laundryvt./n.缺乏缺乏adj.跛的跛的n.洗衣房;待洗衣房;待/已洗的衣服已洗的衣服leadingle

13、ak leading/li/lid d/ /记记 leading领导的领导的领先的领先的例例 take the leading positionleaf/li/lif/f/例例 draw a red maple leafadj.领先的,主要的领先的,主要的n.叶子叶子leak/li/lik/k/例例 No rule but leaks.关关leakyn./v.漏漏lengthlimit length/le/le/ /例例measure the length of a bamboo polelicence/la/las sns/ns/记记 licence许可东西许可东西执照执照例例 get a

14、driving licencelid/l/ld/d/例例take off the lid from a kettle 同同covern.长度长度n.执照执照n.(小小)盖子;眼睑盖子;眼睑limit/l/lm mt/t/例例 set a time limitvt./n.限制限制I. I. 根据提示写出单词的正确形式根据提示写出单词的正确形式1_ n.数字;外形数字;外形vt.计算计算2_ n.焦点焦点vt.聚焦聚焦3_ vt.折叠折叠4_ n.功能,作用功能,作用5_ n.光荣光荣6_ vt./n.保证保证7_ adj.有罪的;内疚的有罪的;内疚的8_ n.和谐和谐9_ vi.犹豫犹豫10_

15、vt.(用姿势、物体用姿势、物体)表明表明11_ vt.鼓舞,鼓励鼓舞,鼓励12_ n.智力;情报智力;情报13_ n.缺乏缺乏14_ adj.领先的,主要的领先的,主要的15_ vt./n.限制限制figurefocusfoldfunctiongloryguaranteeguiltyharmonyhesitate indicateinspireintelligencelackleadinglimitII. II. 写出单词的正确含义写出单词的正确含义1fibre(fiber) n_2fiction n_3file n_4finance n_5flame n_6flat adj./n. _7f

16、lesh n_8fountain n_9fragile adj. _10fragrant adj. _11frequent adj. _12fundamental adj. _13funeral n_14gallery n_15garage n_16garbage n_ 纤维纤维 小说,虚构的故事小说,虚构的故事档案;文档档案;文档 财政;资金财政;资金 火焰火焰 扁平的;一套公寓房扁平的;一套公寓房 (水果水果)肉,肌肉肉,肌肉 泉水,喷泉泉水,喷泉 易破碎的易破碎的 芳香的芳香的 频繁的频繁的 基本的基本的 葬礼葬礼画廊;艺术品陈列室画廊;艺术品陈列室 车库车库 垃圾垃圾II. II. 写

17、出单词的正确含义写出单词的正确含义17gay adj. _18gesture n_19globe n_20gravity n_21grill n_22hatch v_23heel n_24hook n_25imitate v_26individual n_27innocent adj. _28instrument n_29lame adj. _30laundry n_31leaf n_32leak n./v. _33licence(license) n_ 快乐的快乐的 手势;姿势手势;姿势 地球;地球仪地球;地球仪 重力,万有引力重力,万有引力 烤烤(肉肉)架架 孵化孵化 脚跟;鞋跟脚跟;鞋跟

18、 钩子钩子 模仿模仿 个人个人 无辜的,无罪的无辜的,无罪的 仪器;器具仪器;器具 跛的跛的 洗衣房;待洗衣房;待/已洗的衣服已洗的衣服 叶子叶子 漏漏 执照执照III. III. 单词活用单词活用1With the development of the network, puters have bee very important in munication, _(财政财政)and trade.2In this kind of high-pressure situation, many leaders bother their assistants with _(频繁频繁)meetings.

19、3In your new job, you will be expected to perform many different _(作用作用)financefrequentfunctionsIII. III. 单词活用单词活用4In everyday munication, information conveyed by _ (手势手势) is often misinterpreted.5The man insisted that he was _ (清白的清白的), and that they should set him free.6Dolphins are animals of hig

20、h _(智力智力)and they can municate.gesturesinnocentintelligenceIV. IV. 用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1The quilts and the blankets _(fold)neatly and the floor was mopped thoroughly.2The passage _(indicate)that it is humans activities that have resulted in the environmental destruction to the village.3Mary felt

21、 cut off from the outside world, since she _(lack)an Internet connection and couldnt receive any e-mail.4The length of the article should _(limit)to 400 words or so.were foldedindicateslackedbe limitedV. V. 介副词填空介副词填空1I was trying to figure _ how to swim to the boys in a straight line.2As a result,

22、I had no choice but to pletely focus _ my study, for which I am very sorry.3We want to build up a harmonious society, in which everyone lives in peace and in harmony _ each other.outonwithVI. VI. 单句写作单句写作1我们应该注意小细节,这保证我们最终能成功。我们应该注意小细节,这保证我们最终能成功。(guarantee)2如果有其他我可以为你做的,请毫不犹豫地跟我联系。如果有其他我可以为你做的,请毫不犹豫地跟我联系。(hesitate)3他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。(inspire sb to do)We should pay attention to small details, which can guarantee us to succeed in the end.If there is something else I can do for you, please dont hesitate to contact me.He inspired many young people to take up the sport.



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