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1、CET-4作文模版汇总By: Pizza. Chen. Writing. Writing(批驳分析类)(批驳分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文What Attitude Should We Take to Sth.1. 1. 社会上对某事物的错误观念社会上对某事物的错误观念2. 2. 分析批驳其错误所在分析批驳其错误所在3. 3. 给出如何看待该事物的建议给出如何看待该事物的建议. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(批驳分析类)写作模式(批驳分析类) 1) With the arrival / birth of , st

2、h. is becoming more and more in our life. 2) Hit / Affected with this trend, some / many people come to believe / contend that .( (错误观念错误观念) ) 3) But their viewpoint / belief could not arouse any echo in my mind.( (作者的立场作者的立场) ) 4) It is true that sth. is a key ingredient in ones ( (让步法分析让步法分析) ) 5)

3、 On any scale of , in fact, there is almost nothing heavier than sth. 6) If we see sth. in its true colors, however, it isBack. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页nothing but ( (批驳分析批驳分析I)I) 7) . ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) 8) And moreover, laying any undue stress on sth. may lead one to , as can be

4、 easily seen in the cases of ( (批驳分析批驳分析II)II) 9) Therefore, it is necessary to take a correct attitude towards sth. 10) On the one hand, ( (正确看法正确看法I)I) 11) On the other, . ( (正确看法正确看法IIII) ) 12) In sum, sth. means but not to our life. ( (结论句结论句) ) Back. Writing. WritingBack What Attitude Should We

5、 Take to Money1.社会上对金钱的错误观念。社会上对金钱的错误观念。2.分析批驳其错误所在。分析批驳其错误所在。3.给出如何正确看待金钱的建议。给出如何正确看待金钱的建议。下一页下一页上一页上一页 1) With the arrival of market-based economy, money is becoming more and more important in our life. 2) Hit with this trend, many people come to believe that money is above everything else in thei

6、r life. 3) But their belief could not arouse any echo in my mind. 4) It is true that money is a key ingredient in ones struggle towards happiness, without . Writing. WritingReference model: What Attitude Should We Take to Money下一页下一页上一页上一页Backwhich, for example, there would be no way to go to colleg

7、e or form a family. 5) On any scale of ones daily worry, in fact, there is almost nothing heavier than money. 6) If we see it in its true colors, however, money is nothing but a means to an end. 7) Money can buy us food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; diplomas, but not knowledge; and da

8、ys of joy, but not the whole life of happiness. 8) And moreover, laying any undue stress on money may lead one to stop at nothing in making it, as . Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backcan be easily seen in the cases of most corrupt officials. 9) Therefore, it is necessary to take a correct attitude tow

9、ards money. 10) On the one hand, money is vital to our daily life, in which case, it is wise of you to spend not where you may save. 11) On the other, money is something to be plowed into something more important, so it is better to spare not where you must spend. 12) In sum, money means something b

10、ut not everything to our life. Writing. Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END. Writing. Writing(分析建议类)(分析建议类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文Effects of Sth. On Sb. / Sth. Else1. 1. 分析某事物的正面效应分析某事物的正面效应2. 2. 分析某事物的负面效应分析某事物的负面效应3. 3. 给出怎样对待该事物的建议给出怎样对待该事物的建议. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页写作模式(分析建议类)写作模式(分析建议类) 1) A

11、s is known to all, sth. does bring a lot of benefits to sb. / sth. else. 2) First, it can greatly strengthen , thereby changing for the better.( (正面分析正面分析I)I) 3) Besides, it can make /render sb. / sth. else better able to ( (正面分析正面分析II)II) 4) And best of all, it can help sb.( (正面分析正面分析III)III) 5)But

12、 all the above does not mean / follow that we can turn a blind eye to the negative effects sth. brings about. 6) If, as a successionBack. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页of scientific studies reveals / implies / suggests, there are more chances that ( (负面分析负面分析I)I) 7) In addition, the

13、more ., the worse. ( (负面分析负面分析II)II) 8) And worst of all, ( (负面分析负面分析III)III) 9) Therefore, a scientific approach must be adopted to the problem of sth. 10) On the one hand, ( (建议建议I)I) 11) On the other, . ( (建议建议II)II) 12) In sum, sth. can do sb. / sth. else good or harm, all depending on ( (结论句结论句

14、) ) Back1. 分析体育锻炼给我们带来的益处。分析体育锻炼给我们带来的益处。2. 分析体育锻炼给我们带来的坏处。分析体育锻炼给我们带来的坏处。3. 给出如何参加体育锻炼的建议。给出如何参加体育锻炼的建议。 . Writing. Writing The Effects of Exercise on Our Health下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 1) As is known to all, exercise does bring a lot of benefits to our health. 2) First, it can greatly strengthen our heart

15、s, lungs, bones and muscles, thereby changing our whole health for the better. 3) Besides, it can make our brains better able to react to what is going on around us. 4) And best of all, it can help us breed optimism about our tough life. Writing. WritingReference model: The Effects of Exercise on Ou

16、r Health下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 5) But all the above does not mean that we can turn a blind eye to the negative effects exercise brings about. 6) If you are normally inactive and then, contrary to your usual habit, start a program of undue exercise, as a succession of scientific studies reveals, there are

17、more chances that you have yourself injured. 7) In addition, the more exercise those on a fat-reducing diet take, the more loss of iron they will suffer and the worse their health will get. 8) And. Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backworst of all, continual as well as excessive exercise can result in su

18、dden death. 9) Therefore, a scientific approach must be adopted to the problem of exercise. 10) On the one hand, our physical exercise must be based on both progressiveness and regularity. 11) On the other, we must go in for physical exercise according to local as well as health conditions of our ow

19、n. 12) In sum, exercise can do us good or harm, all depending on how we make use of it. Writing. Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END. Writing. Writing A Letter to the College President写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文(分析建议类)(分析建议类)1. 就学校的某些变化给校长写封信就学校的某些变化给校长写封信2. 分析变化主要表现在哪些方面分析变化主要表现在哪些方面3. 提出(进一步)改进的意见提出(进一步)改进的意见. Writi

20、ng. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(分析建议)写作模式(分析建议) 1) I am delighted (distressed) to find there have been favorable(unfavorable) changes in ( (议论的主题议论的主题) ) since I came here. 2) From my angle of view, these changes indicate that what you have done is in (out of) line with .( (作者的作者的态度态度)

21、 ) 3) In the long run, they will produce more positive (negative) effect on . 4) Such desirable (undesirable) changes can be found in the aspects as follows. 5) First, Back. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页( (分析分析I)I)6)Second, . ( (分析分析II)II) 7) And best(worst) of all, ( (分析分析III)III)

22、8) . ( (进一步进一步阐述阐述) ) 9) But all the foregoing does not mean that there is little room for further improvement in (that there is little you can do about )10) Instead, to enrich (reverse), a richer variety (a better health) can be added to ( (建议建议I)I) 11) And meanwhile, . ( (建议建议II)II) 12) It should

23、be born in mind that ( (结论句结论句) ) Back1.就校园生活的可喜变化给校长写封信。就校园生活的可喜变化给校长写封信。2.分析该变化表现在哪些方面。分析该变化表现在哪些方面。3.提出进一步改进的建议。提出进一步改进的建议。. Writing. Writing A Letter to the College President下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 1) I am delighted to find there have been favorable changes in our campus life since I came here. 2) From

24、 my angle of view, these changes indicate what you have done is in line with the interests of undergraduates. 3) In the long run, they will produce more positive effect on our growth. 4) Such desirable changes can be found in the aspects as follows. 5) First, our dining. Writing. WritingReference mo

25、del: A Letter to the College President下一页下一页上一页上一页Backconditions have turned for the better, thus ending our everyday worry about where to satisfy our hunger. 6) Second, your faculties have paid as much attention to our emotional world as to our intellectual growth, which in turn lends much warmth o

26、f family to our life. 7) And best of all, we find the campus a more pleasant place to live on. 8) As a result of your efforts, we now have more places to go to for recreation, such as cafes, net bars, fitness centers and reading rooms. Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Back 9) But all the foregoing does n

27、ot mean that there is little room for further improvement in our college life. 10) Instead, to enrich our life here to the fullest, a richer variety should be added to our spare time as well as our curriculums. 11) And meanwhile, we should be allowed more access to scientific research, social practi

28、ce and the frontier of our own fields. 12) It should be born in mind that the purpose of our college life is to prepare us for the different needs of tomorrows society. Writing. Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END. Writing. Writing(分析建议类)(分析建议类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文 How to Do Something1. 1. 某一事物的现状某一事物的现状2. 2. 分

29、析该事物的重要性分析该事物的重要性( (或危害性或危害性社会意义等社会意义等) )3. 3. 怎样对待该事物怎样对待该事物. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(分析建议类)写作模式(分析建议类) 1) Much to our distress / delight / surprise, these years have seen the popularity / worsening / much improvement / a widespread neglect of sth. ( (议论的主题议论的主题) ) in soc

30、iety. 2) According to a recent / official report / survey / opinion poll, .( (佐证陈述佐证陈述) ) 3) If this current is allowed to run its course, things are bound to turn for the better / worse. (Para. 1) Back. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 4) The importance / harmfulness / significance of

31、 sth. to sb. / sth. else, (however), can be seen from the perspectives as follows. 5) In the first place, (分析分析I)I)6) In the second, . ( (分析分析II)II) 7) And above all, ( (分析分析III)III) 8) To sum up, . ( (归纳总结归纳总结) ) (Para. 2)Back. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 9) So the most pressing

32、for us / basic problem now is how to 10) In my opinion, the first step should be focused upon ( (建议建议I) I) 11) Then, greater efforts must be made to . ( (建议建议II)II) 12) In one word, where there is , there is ( (结论结论句句) ) (Para. 3)Back. Writing. WritingHow to Conduct Patriotic Education Among the You

33、th of Today 1. 我国爱国主义教育的现状。我国爱国主义教育的现状。 2. 分析爱国主义教育的重要意义。分析爱国主义教育的重要意义。 3. 如何在青少年中开展爱国主义教育如何在青少年中开展爱国主义教育?下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 1) Much to our distress, these years have seen a widespread neglect of patriotic education in our society. 2) According to some official reports, many patriotic education center

34、s have been closed down or kept open to the public for other more profitable purposes while many of our national heroes have given way to todays pop stars in youths minds. 3) If this current is allowed to run its course, I am afraid, things are bound to turn for the worse, with less and less sense o

35、f patriotism left in the youth. Writing. Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 4) The significance of patriotic education to our society, however, can be seen from the perspectives as follows. 5) In the first place, the patriotic education can make youth more aware of the glorious history and culture of our natio

36、n, thus building up their sense of pride as Chinese. 6) In the second, the patriotic education helps youth value todays hard-earned life so as to hold. Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backdearer their golden chances of enriching themselves with knowledge in peace. 7) And above all, the patriotic educati

37、on can push youth to draw upon more of their capabilities in order to make tomorrows life better than todays and leave behind themselves more highlights for the nations culture. 8) To sum up, patriotic education is a key ingredient in the all-round development of youth. . Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一

38、页Back 9) So the most pressing for us now is how to effectively inculcate patriotism in the youth of today. 10) In my opinion, the first step should be focused upon giving fuller play to the potentials of patriotic education centers instead of running them for the purpose of making money. 11) Then, g

39、reater efforts must be made to integrate the patriotic education into the curriculums throughout youths education. 12) In one word, where there is an effective patriotic education of youth, there is a greater enhancement of national cohesiveness. Writing. Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE ENDBackMy Way of See

40、ing Something1. 人们从不同的角度看待某一事物人们从不同的角度看待某一事物2. 我的看法是我的看法是(说明理说明理由由)( (理由陈述类理由陈述类) ). Writing. Writing写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页写作模式(理由陈述类)写作模式(理由陈述类) 1) Something may be many things to many people. 2) Some may see it as while others may view it as (人们的人们的看法举例看法举例) 3)

41、As far as I am concerned, however, I would prefer to value it as (我的看法我的看法) (Para. I) Back. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 4) My insight into sth.(My outlook on sth. / My understanding of sth.) is bound up with three major factors. 5) Primarily, sth. is so that ( (理由理由I)I) 6) ( (进一步进

42、一步阐述阐述) ) 7) Secondly, sth. is also ( (理由理由II)II) 8) . ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) 9) And most of all, ( (理由理由III)III) 10) ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) (Para. II) Back. Writing. Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 11) I have (not) much freedom / option in this matter, but I have never found any other way of seeing sth.

43、more reasonable and acceptable than mine. 12) Thus, I will leave no stone unturned during the course of in order to pave the way for . (Para. III) Back. Writing. Writing My Way of Seeing Life 1. 人们从不同的角度看待人生人们从不同的角度看待人生 2. 我所推崇的看法是我所推崇的看法是(说明理由说明理由)下一页下一页上一页上一页Back. Writing. Writing My Way of Seeing

44、 Life下一页下一页上一页上一页 1) Life may be many things to many people. 2) Some may see it as building up as much material wealth as possible while others may view it as enjoying to the fullest the pleasures each day offers. 3) As far as I am concerned, however, I would prefer to value it as my sole chance to

45、enrich myself with knowledge first, then to serve the society with all my heart, and finally to leave the world without any regrets. Back. Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页 4) My outlook on life is bound up with three major factors. 5) Primarily, life is so wondrous that I am eager to explore it. 6) Set

46、your heart on a mystery and you can find something new; attach more of your mind to a challenge and you can get a sense of success, all of which, however, depends on how much knowledge you have equipped yourself with first. 7) Secondly, life is also short to any Back. Writing. Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页ind

47、ividual like me. 8) The flower you have just kissed for the first time is now fading away while the love from others you have come to cherish more is already on the wane. 9) And most of all, both wondrousness and shortness of life push me to seize every golden minute and every golden chance. 10) Onc

48、e I idle away the time I am supposed to grasp to study or work for the people, there will be no more hope of making up for it.Back. Writing. Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END 11) I have much option in this matter, but I have never found any other way of seeing life more reasonable and acceptable than mine

49、. 12) Thus, I will leave no stone unturned during the course of my college studies in order to pave the way for my meaningful and colorful life. . WritingWriting(原因分析类)(原因分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文 The Changes in Something1. 1. 简述某一事物的变化情况简述某一事物的变化情况2. 2. 说明引起变化的原因说明引起变化的原因3. 3. 分析其影响或走向分析其影响或走向Changes in

50、 Great Natural Disasters Worldwide下一页下一页. Writing WritingBack. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(原因分析类)写作模式(原因分析类) 1) As can be seen from the graph / table / diagram, there have been drastic / considerable / unfavorable changes in ( (议论的主题议论的主题) )over the past period from _ to _. 2)

51、To be concrete, only in _(year) while / whereas the ratio(s) went up toin _ (year).( (变化概述变化概述) ) 3) These changes are most disturbing, so it is necessary for us to go into the whys and wherefores of them first. (Para. 1) Back. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 4) Some changes, such as ,

52、 result from , but many others have much to do with 5) In the first place, mans excessive exploitation of has done a lasting damage to , only to (原因原因分析分析I)I)6) (进一步说明进一步说明) 7) In the second, in order to , man has had to overwork , which in turn has accelerated ( (原因原因分析分析II)II) 8) In the third, man

53、s blind application of has caused permanent changes in ( (原因原因分析分析III)III) 9) Among these changes are . ( (进一步说明进一步说明) )(Para. 2)Back. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 10) The list of causes could go on, but they are already enough to indicate that these changes are producing more and m

54、ore negative effects on the world. 11) These changes not only , but also( (分析分析) ) 12) If allowed to run its course, I firmly believe / I am afraid, this trend will certainly bring more harm / threats to our society / life.( (结结论句论句) ) (Para. 3)Back. Writing Writing The Changes in Great Natural Disa

55、sters Worldwide 1. 简述所给图表中的变化。简述所给图表中的变化。 2. 说明引起变化的主要原因。说明引起变化的主要原因。 3. 分析这些变化对全球的影响。分析这些变化对全球的影响。下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 1) As can be seen from the graph, there have been rapid changes in the great natural disasters worldwide over the past period from 1960s to 1990s. 2) To be concrete, there were only 16

56、 terrible natural disasters, causing 300,000 deaths in 1960s while the ratios went up respectively to 131 and 1,100,000 in 1990s. 3) The changes are disturbing, so it is necessary for us to go into the whys and wherefores of them first. Writing Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页Back 4) Some changes, such as those

57、in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, result from the movement of plates along the weaknesses in the earths crust, but many others have much to do with mans activities. 5) In the first place, mans mindless and excessive exploitation of natural resources has done a lasting damage to the ecosystem, o

58、nly to invite more floods, landslides and mud-rock flows. 6) The rare flood to which China was subjected in 1998 is typical of the evil seeds man had sowed for himself. 7) In the second, in order to feed their more and larger. Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backfamilies, people from all over the world h

59、ave had to overwork their farming land as well as their grassland, which in turn has accelerated the desertification of the land on which they have been relying for existence. 8) In the third, mans blind application of scientific findings has caused unfavorable and permanent changes in the global li

60、ving environment. 9) Among these changes are the depletion of ozone layer, the worsening of greenhouse effect, the recurrence of hurricanes and the extinction of more species. Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Back 10) The list of causes could go on, but they are already enough to indicate that these chang

61、es are producing more and more negative effects on the world. 11) They have not only made it impossible for the natural systems to recover their balance but also made it harder for man to ensure his better survival. 12) If allowed to run its course, I am afraid, this trend will certainly bring more

62、serious threats to all the living things on the Earth, mankind included. VI.VI. Writing Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END. Writing Writing(原因分析类)(原因分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文What Causes Something New1. 1. 近几年在社会上出现了近几年在社会上出现了2. 2. 导致该现象的原因导致该现象的原因3. 3. 分析该现象的社会影响分析该现象的社会影响写作模式写作模式(原因分析类)(原因分析类)Para.1: 1) Believ

63、e it or not/Like it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in/a popularity (resurgence/worsening/crisis/ decline/growth/revival/spread ) ofin our society/on the Chinese campus. 2) According to, people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in 3) To get a better sense of

64、it, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. (划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换)Back下一页下一页Para. 2: 4) A closer analysis/study/ observation of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern/should call for more of our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of, for which(原因

65、原因I) 6) In the second, it is seen, among, as an ideal way of, since (原因原因II) 7) And above all, it is an inevitable result of(原因原因III) 8) While, in fact,(划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换). Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our social/college life are positive/ negative/a mixed

66、one. 10) On the one hand,.(分析分析I) 11) On the other,.(分析分析II) 12) With more and moreadded / attached to the trend, I am fully convinced / I am deeply worried, it will certainly / is bound toin the time to come.(划线部分可被替换划线部分可被替换). Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页. Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页What Ca

67、uses a Boom in Celebrating Foreign Festivals1. 1. 近几年大学校园出现了近几年大学校园出现了 一股过洋节热。一股过洋节热。2. 2. 阐明导致该现象的原因。阐明导致该现象的原因。3. 3. 分析该现象的社会影响。分析该现象的社会影响。Para. 1: 1) Believe it or not, these years have witnessed a boom in celebrating foreign festivals on the Chinese campus. 2) According to an official report/sur

68、vey, young people, especially college students, are showing more and more interest in such festivals as Valentines Day, April Fools Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 3) To get a better sense of the boom, it is necessary for us to find out its causes. . Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页Para. 2:

69、4) A closer analysis of the phenomenon can find that three main factors are well worth our concern. 5) In the first place, it is the product of students seeking after individuality and novelty, for which the college campus offers an ideal climate. (原因原因I) 6) In the second, it is seen, among the stud

70、ents, as an ideal way of freeing themselves from stress for the time being, since most college students, single child of each family, are . Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页subjected to the unprecedented pressures from all sides although they enjoy the abundance of material wealth. (原因原因II) 7) And abo

71、ve all, it is an inevitable result of more and more exchanges between Western and Eastern cultures. (原因原因III) 8) While the Chinese watch their children thirst for the joy derived from foreign festivals, in fact, the Americans are discussing whether or not to list the Chinese Spring Festival among th

72、eir official holidays. Writing WritingBack下一页下一页上一页上一页Para. 3: 9) The effects of this change on our college life are positive. 10) On the one hand, it has created more chances for students to gain a better insight into other cultures. (分析分析I) 11) On the other, it has enriched the college life, thus

73、making the campus a more pleasant place to live on. (分析分析II) 12) With more and more health and color added to the trend, I firmly believe, it will certainly bring more benefits to our campus life in the time to come. Writing Writing上一页上一页THE ENDTHE END. Writing Writing(各抒己见类)(各抒己见类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文V

74、iews on Something1.1. 有人认为该事物有人认为该事物 2.2. 理由是理由是 2. 2. 也有人认为该事物也有人认为该事物3. 3. 我的看法我的看法. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)写作模式(各抒己见类)写作模式(各抒己见类) 1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth / appearance / arrival / development of sth. 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to( (议论的主

75、题议论的主题) ) (Para. I)Back下一页下一页. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换) 3) Many / Some people contend / believe / argue that (一方观点一方观点) 4) They base their contention / belief / argument on the grounds that (理由理由I) 5)Besides, as they often point out, . (理由理由II) 6)Yet others react to the issue / matter the o

76、ther way around and hold / assert that the opposite is just reasonable / more acceptable. (另一方观点另一方观点) 7) From their angle of view, (理由理由I) 8) And even worse, as they claim, (理由理由II) (Para. II) Back上一页上一页下一页下一页. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换) 9) I am of / adhere to / stick to the opinion / view /

77、 truth that anything new, including, can bring human society fortunes / merits / advantages or misfortunes / demerits / disadvantages, all depending on . (我的看我的看法法) 10) On the one hand, (理由理由I) 11) But on the other, . (理由理由II) 12) In short, the key / solution to the problem is always controlled in (

78、 (结论句结论句) ) Back上一页上一页下一页下一页. Writing Writing Views on Cloning 1. 有人认为克隆技术的应用利大于弊,有人认为克隆技术的应用利大于弊, 理由是理由是 2. 也有人认为弊大于利,也有人认为弊大于利, 3. 我的看法。我的看法。Back上一页上一页下一页下一页 1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth of Dolly, as the first clone of an adult animal, has opened a new way of seeing the creation o

79、f life for the world. 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to whether cloning will bring fortunes or misfortunes to human society. Writing WritingReference model: Views on CloningBack上一页上一页下一页下一页 3) Many contend that the merits of cloning will outrun its demerits. 4) They base th

80、eir contention on the grounds that cloning is the most effective method of saving the rare wild lives from dying out. 5) Besides, as they also point out, cloning can help provide better ways to treat some serious or deadly sicknesses, such as diabetes, and Parkinsons disease. 6) Yet others react to

81、the issue the other way around and hold that the opposite. Writing WritingBack上一页上一页下一页下一页is just reasonable. 7) From their angle of view, cloning will threaten the ecological balance by destroying the natural reproduction through the enjoyment of sexual love between the male and the female. 8) And

82、even worse, as they reveal, cloning will bring greater disasters to human society if it is used in creation of individuals with extreme genetic qualities, like terrorists, desperate scoundrels, and war manias. . Writing WritingBack上一页上一页下一页下一页 9) I stick to the opinion that anything new, including c

83、loning, can bring human society fortunes or misfortunes, all depending on how it is exploited. 10) On the one hand, it will be an inestimable blessing to the human world if it is applied to reproduction of best dairy cows or other choice domestic poultries. 11) But on the other hand, it will form a

84、big threat to human society once it is abused in copying those hostile toward humanity. 12) In short, the solution to the problem is always within mans reach. Writing WritingTHE ENDTHE END上一页上一页. Writing Writing(对比分析类)(对比分析类)写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文My Choice Between Sth. and Sth. Else1. 1. 在两个事物之间作出你的选择在两个事

85、物之间作出你的选择2. 2. 对比说明你的选择理由对比说明你的选择理由写作模式写作模式(对比分析类)(对比分析类)Para.1: 1) With a gradual/sharp growth (decline/worsening/progress/arrival) of/in sth., people become more and more concerned about how to 2) To make it, some prefer towhile others choose to 3) If I were asked to make a choice between the two,

86、 however, I would like to attach more weight to the latter/former than to the former/latter. Writing WritingBack上一页上一页下一页下一页( (划线部分可以被替换划线部分可以被替换) )Para. 2: 4) It is true that _ does ensure/ bring a lot of for one, such as, but, compared with _, it seems less attractive to me. 5) To begin with, , th

87、ereby (理由理由I) 6) By contrast, , thus 7) Besides, , in which context (理由理由II) 8) In contrast to that, , in which case 9) And the most striking difference between both lies in (理理由由III) 10) while/whereas (对比说明对比说明). Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页( (划线部分可以被替换划线部分可以被替换) )BackPara. 3: 11) From the compariso

88、ns and contrasts above, anyone can conclude that my insight into / my way of is more reasonable and acceptable. 12) Therefore, I will from today on so as to . Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页( (划线部分可以被替换划线部分可以被替换) )BackHow to Prevent a Terrible Marriage 1. 为了避免婚姻的潜在危机,一些人选为了避免婚姻的潜在危机,一些人选择婚前协议的方式而另一些人仍通过

89、择婚前协议的方式而另一些人仍通过相互信任的传统方式。相互信任的传统方式。 2. 就这两种方式,你的选择倾向是就这两种方式,你的选择倾向是 (通过对比说明你的选择理由通过对比说明你的选择理由). Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页BackHow to Prevent a Terrible Marriage 1) With a sharp growth in the divorce rate, people become more and more concerned about how to avoid the potential risks of their marriag

90、es. 2) To make it, some prefer to make premarital agreements before their wedding ceremonies while others still choose to maintain their marriages through their mutual trust. 3) If I were asked to make a choice between the two, however, I would like to attach more weight to the latter than to the fo

91、rmer. Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Back 4) It is true that the marriage with a prenup (premarital agreement) does ensure a lot of benefits for the family, such as the protection of children from going hungry or the reasonable distribution of financial assets, once divorce is inevitable, but, compared

92、with the marriage based on the mutual trust, it seems less attractive to me. 5) To begin with, the marriage bound up with a prenup throws itself, from the very outset, into an ocean of family worries, thereby leaving little room for the spouses . Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backenjoyment of happiness

93、 their unity brings about. 6) By contrast, the marriage built on the mutual trust always nurtures itself in truth, romance and harmony, thus placing no limit on the spouses enjoyment of happiness derived from their intimate exchanges. 7) Besides, the prenup-based marriage lays bare, in writing or in

94、 cold fact, the spouses desire or even greed for money, in which context there is no soil in their marriage for warmth to grow on. 8) In contrast to that, the trust-based marriage always. Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Backreminds the spouses of the truth that there is something more valuable than money

95、 in their marriage, in which case both the husband and the wife would tend to bring forth more love and attraction for each other. 9) And the most striking difference between both lies in their emphases on the post-marriage life. 10) The former couple will focus their life on the material or physica

96、l interests whereas the latter couple will center their life around the spiritual or ethical refinements. . Writing Writing上一页上一页下一页下一页Back 11) From the comparisons and contrasts above, anyone can conclude that my way of coping with the prospective problems of amarriage is more reasonable and accept

97、able. 12) Therefore, I will refine my taste for marriage from today on so as to search the seas of people for the one who is resolved to share with me the affection and thought, comfort and hardship, joy and grief for life. Writing WritingTHE ENDTHE END上一页上一页. Writing Writing What Enlightenment Can

98、Be Gained from Something Challenging(分析建议类(分析建议类)1. 人类社会面临着人类社会面临着的挑战的挑战2. 分析该挑战给我们的启迪分析该挑战给我们的启迪3. 怎样对待之怎样对待之写作模式写作模式参考范文参考范文(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页写作模式(分析建议类写作模式(分析建议类) 1) While we watch mans ability to do sth. increase with each passing day, he is often at a loss what to do in the face of

99、such challenges/ puzzles/problems as ( (议论的主题议论的主题) ) 2) The mystery of , for example, has cast much doubt on what we have long been proud of or firmly convinced of . 3) With a constant emergence of in the future, in fact, man will have to be faced with more and more of such challenges/problems. Bac

100、k. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 4) If taken seriously/objectively, however, these challenges can shed new light on . 5) For one thing, they can help , as it is the nature of man to.( (分析分析I) I) 6)For another, they can remind man of , thus ( (分析分析II)II) 7) And best of all, they can p

101、rove man to be .( (分析分析III)III) 8) In this light, man has every reason to . ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) Back. Writing Writing(划线部分可替换)(划线部分可替换)下一页下一页上一页上一页 9) So most important for man now is how to respond to the challenges with positive/ effective action. 10) On the one hand, in my opinion, man must give ful

102、l play to.( (建议建议I) I) 11) But on the other, man must prevent them from ( (建议建议II)II) 12) As long as man sees/ treats them in perspective, therefore, they will serve as an ever-increasing force behind his ( (结论句结论句) ) Back. Writing Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页 What Enlightenment Can Be Gained from the Worlds

103、 MysteriesBack 1) 人类社会面临着世界之谜的挑战。人类社会面临着世界之谜的挑战。 2)分析该挑战给我们的启迪。分析该挑战给我们的启迪。 3)我们应怎样对待之?)我们应怎样对待之?. Writing Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页 1) While we watch mans ability to tame the nature increase with each passing day, the human world is often at a loss what to do in the face of such challenges as the worlds

104、mysteries. ( (议论的主题议论的主题) ) 2) The mystery of black holes, for example, has cast much doubt on what we have long been proud of or firmly convinced of. 3) With a constant emergence of the unknown in the future, in fact, man will have to be faced with more and more of such challenges. Back. Writing Wr

105、iting下一页下一页上一页上一页 4) If taken seriously, however, these challenges can shed new light on our ways of seeing and changing the world. 5) For one thing, they can help build up mans curiosity for the world around him, as it is the nature of man to seek for the better explanation of something foreign to

106、him.( (分析分析I)I) 6)For another, they can remind man of his ignorance about the objective world, thus making him aware of the fact that man is still far from perfect in knowledge acquisition.( (分析分析II)II)Back. Writing Writing下一页下一页上一页上一页7) And best of all, they can prove man to be a part of the nature

107、 rather than the master of the nature.( (分析分析III)III) 8) In this light, man has every reason to take account of all the important factors concerning the nature in the course of his struggle for a better survival and attach to each its due weight. ( (进一步阐述进一步阐述) ) Back. Writing Writing上一页上一页 9) So mo

108、st important for us now is how to respond to the challenges with positive action. 10) On the one hand, in my opinion, we must give full play to their strong incentive for our further exploration of the unknown world.( (建议建议I)I) 11) But on the other, we must prevent them from becoming the breeding ground for pseudo-science or superstition. ( (建议建议II)II) 12) As long as we see them in perspective, therefore, they will serve as an ever-increasing force behind the human progress. ( (结论句结论句) ) THE ENDTHE END



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