初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 6 The power of plants练习题(附参考答案)(2024秋)

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初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 6 The power of plants练习题(附参考答案)(2024秋)_第1页
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1、七年级英语上册Unit6练习题班级 考号 姓名 总分 一、根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词(15分)1.Its getting (黑暗的).Please turn on the light, Mandy.2.I have to wear my school (制服) on Mondays and Fridays.3.Some plants like tomatoes grow well with the help of (阳光).4.As we know, too much (糖) is not good for our health.5.If you (使混合) red and white,

2、 you may get pink.6.It will be (晴朗的) tomorrow.7.There was a big (森林) fire last week.It took the firemen five hours to put out the fire.8.Dont let others (影响) your final decision.9.Dont forget to wear a (雨衣) when you go out.Its raining hard outside.10.Please tell us about this countrys (气候).11.His pa

3、rents hope he can follow his heart when he (选择) his joB.12.Could you (解释) this math problem again, Mr.Green? No problem.13.After a long (交谈), I knew more about his present life.14.Some students know the (重要性) of learning English, so they try their best to learn it well.15.You cant read my letters if

4、 you dont get my (许可).二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(5分)1.Tree (leaf) usually turn green in spring.2.My uncle found a part-time job and he works as a (work) in an old peoples home.3.Harbin is a beautiful city.So (million) of people come here to enjoy snow every winter.4.Watering plants is good for their (grow), s

5、o you should water them every day.5.Most (important), there will be sugar! 三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词(10分)1.会议将于八点十五分开始。The meeting will begin at .2.据说他们每年扔掉数百万吨的电子设备。It is said that every year they throw away tons of electronic devices.3.如果你觉得很疲惫,你可以停下工作休息一下。If you feel very tired, you can stop working to .

6、4.村民们打算在河上建造一座石桥。The villagers build astone bridge over the river.5.明年他们打算把另一颗人造卫星送上太空。Theyre going to another man-made satellite space next year.6.将来会有更少的污染。 less pollution in the future.7.我卧室里的沙发可以变成一张床。The sofa in my bedroom can a beD.8.在你学英语的时候,你可以把一些英语单词和有趣的事情联系起来。When you learn English, you ca

7、n some English words something interesting.9.我将会在下周三回来。I will next Wednesday.10.除了水,世界上最受欢迎的饮料是什么?What is in the world after water?四、单项选择(10分)1.Linda likes to pens and she has had all kinds of pens so far.A.collectB.throwC.lose D.give2.Mr.White, I want you me with swimming.Are you free? Yes.I can he

8、lp you.A.helpB.to helpC.helpingD.helped3.Jessica left the classroom without a worD.Its impolite.A.sayingB.saidC.sayD.to say4.What knowledge the astronaut in the Tiangong Classroom has taught us!A.usefulB.fastC.kindD.slow5.Water can ice when the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius(摄氏度).A.turn o

9、utB.turn intoC.turn onD.turn off6.If you go to the concert with us tomorrow, you a great time there.A.have B.hadC.will haveD.have had7.I the driving test.I feel a little nervous.Take it easy.Im sure youll pass it.A.takeB.tookC.takesD.am going to take8. are they going to have the meeting? In No.2 mee

10、ting room.Its on the third floor.A.WhenB.Where C.WhatD.How9.It was reported that visitors were on May Day this year.A.everywhereB.anywhereC.somewhereD.nowhere 10.Lets the fruit after dinner.OK.What about some strawberries? A.think aboutB.take offC.call forD.help with五、完形填空(10分)It is Sunday morning.G

11、race is not happy 1 she cant find her 2.Today is 3.She wants to be with them.Then she gets a phone call from her 4.“Good morning, Grace!” her dad says.“Now go to your 5.There is a gift(礼物) for you.”There is a red box in her room and there is a red and white skirt 6 it.Grace loves it.She comes out in

12、 the nice 7.“Happy birthday!” her parents say.“Its a big day today,” her mom says.“Lets take a one-day 8.Where do you want to 9, Grace?”“Oh, I want to go to the library.I love 10,” says Grace.111.A.soB.orC.butD.because2.A.parentsB.teachersC.childrenD.friends3.A.Childrens DayB.her birthdayC.English Day D.Womens Day4.A.sisterB.motherC.fatherD.teacher5.A.familyB.lessonC.classD.room6.A.in B.from C.of D.between7.A.shirt B.jacketC.skirt D.sweater8.A.partyB.tripC.sleep D.movie9.A.goB.eatC.comeD.take10.A.dogs B.applesC.booksD.ca



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