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2、关有关/联系的其他短系的其他短语吗?【思思考考提提示示】be connected with/to; have something to do with阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究What ways can you think of to hel

3、p people to give up smoking? 【思考提示】【思考提示】1. Make a plan to stop smoking. 制制订戒烟戒烟计划。划。2. Set a date when you are going to stop. 选定戒烟日期。定戒烟日期。3. Keep busy. 保持忙碌。保持忙碌。4. Develop new interests. 发展新的展新的兴趣。趣。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究1.

4、 be related to 与与有关;与有关;与有关有关联【原原句句】Thirteen people die (every hour/every day) from illnesses related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease. P11每每小小时/每每天天13人人死死于于与与吸吸烟烟有有关关的的疾疾病病,例例如如:癌癌症症、支气管炎和心支气管炎和心脏疾病。疾病。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 A new study find

5、s that depression is related to online. 一一项新新研究究发现抑郁症抑郁症与上上网有有关。 Have you seen the latest movie related to Harry Potter? 你看了看了关于于?哈利哈利波特波特?的最新影片了的最新影片了吗?阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 She cares only about what relates to herself. 她只关心与自己有关的事情。她只关心与自己有关的事情。 Jack related what he had

6、seen in the accident. 杰克杰克讲述了他在述了他在这次事故中看到的一切。次事故中看到的一切。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究完成句子完成句子人人们常把葛常把葛优与与贺岁片片联系起来。系起来。Ge You is often related to New Year comedies. 他在第二段他在第二段讲述了利比述了利比亚的最新情况。的最新情况。He related the latest situation in Libya in Paragraph . 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达

7、达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究2. addict n. 对药物物等等上上瘾的的人人;瘾君君子子;沉沉溺溺于于某某种嗜好的人种嗜好的人【原原句句】Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict. (P12)我今年我今年19岁,过去曾是个吸毒成去曾是个吸毒成瘾的人。的人。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 The children are addicted to video games. 孩子孩子们醉心于醉心于电子游子游戏。 He became addicted to taking

8、drugs. 他吸毒上他吸毒上瘾了。了。 For some kids network can be as addictive as heroin. 对有些孩子来有些孩子来说,网,网络同海洛因一同海洛因一样令人上令人上瘾。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究He was _to smoking at a very early age. A. addict B. addictedC. addictingD. addictive【解解析析】选B。句句意意为:他他小小小小年年纪就就已已吸吸烟烟上上瘾。addict是是名名词,表表示示“沉沉溺溺

9、于于的的人人,前前面面需需加加an;addicting 为addict的的现在在分分词形形式式,后后面面直直接接加加宾语,放放在在此此处不不合合用用法法;addictive意意为“药物物等等令令人人上上瘾的的,其其主主语常常为物。物。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究3. danger n. 危危险,危害,危害【原原句句】Users who inject the drug are also in more danger if they share needles with other users. (P12)如如果果那那些些注注射射

10、毒毒品品的的人人与与其其他他的的人人共共用用针头,他他们就就会会面面临更多危更多危险。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 Police said the man was a danger to the public. 警方警方说这名男子名男子对公众是个危公众是个危险分子。分子。 The bridge is in danger of breaking down. 这桥有有垮塌的危塌的危险。 Childrens lives are in danger every time they cross the road. 孩子孩子们每次每次过马

11、路都面路都面临着生命危着生命危险。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究The situation was _. People there were _and waited for help. A. danger; in dangerB. dangerous; dangerousC. dangerous; in dangerD. in danger; dangerous【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:情情况况很很危危险,那那里里的的人人们处在在

12、危危险之之中中,等等待待帮帮助助。danger为名名词,意意思思是是“危危险;dangerous为形形容容词,意意为“危危险的的,引引起起危危险的的;in danger 意意为“人人处于危于危险中。中。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究4. reduce vt. 减少,减少,缩减减P12 Speaking of pollution, we really need to reduce the use of cars. 说到到污染,我染,我们真的需要减少汽真的需要减少汽车的使用。的使用。 During the festivals, th

13、e prices of all kinds of goods are reduced. 在在节日期日期间,各种商品的价格都在降。,各种商品的价格都在降。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 The number of the students in that school reduced to 1, 000. 那所学校的学生人数减少到那所学校的学生人数减少到1 000人。人。 By dieting and exercise, Ive reduced my weight by 10 kilos. 通通过节食和食和锻炼,我的体重已减了,我

14、的体重已减了10公斤。公斤。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究Giving up smoking _the risk of heart disease. A. turnsB. increasesC. reducesD. falls【解解析析】选C。考考查动词辨辨析析。句句意意为:戒戒烟烟会会减减少少得得心心脏病的病的风险。根据常。根据常识排除排

15、除B;reduce减少,降低,符合句意。减少,降低,符合句意。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究5. belong to 属于;属于;归所有;所有;为的一的一员P13) The house belongs to Tom but he doesnt live here. 这房子是房子是汤姆的,可他并不在姆的,可他并不在这儿住。儿住。 Does this cover belong to that bottle? 这是那个瓶子的盖是那个瓶子的盖吗?阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探

16、究究 The young girl from the big city didnt seem to belong here. 这个从大城市来的年个从大城市来的年轻女孩似乎无法适女孩似乎无法适应这儿的生活。儿的生活。 The books belong on the shelf. 这些些书应放在架子上。放在架子上。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究Professor Williams keeps telling his students th

17、at the future _to the well-educated. 2009重重庆,30A. belongsB. is belongedC. is belonging D. will be belonged【解解析析】选A。因因belong无无被被动语态和和进行行时,由由此此排排除除B、C、D。句句意意为:威威廉廉姆姆斯斯教教授授反反复复告告诫学学生生:未未来来属属于于受受过良好教育的人。良好教育的人。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究6. break into 破破门而入;而入;强强行行闯入入【原原句句】The next d

18、ay, I broke into a house and stole a television and a video recorder. (P13)第二天,我第二天,我闯进一个房子一个房子偷了一台了一台电视机和一台机和一台录像机。像机。break into 在英在英语中一中一词多多义,结合以下例句,体会其含合以下例句,体会其含义。 When Premier Wen appeared, the crowd broke into loud cheers. 当温当温总理出理出现时,人群爆,人群爆发出出热烈的烈的欢呼声。呼声。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要

19、要点点思思悟悟探探究究 He broke into a run when he saw the police. 他看他看见警察就跑。警察就跑。 Its difficult to break into the movies. 要打入要打入电影界很影界很难。 I dont want to break into a $100 note unless I really have to. 除非万不得已,我不想破开一除非万不得已,我不想破开一张100美元的美元的钞票。票。 She broke into our talk at a crucial moment. 她在关她在关键时刻打断我刻打断我们的交的交谈

20、。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究break 构成的短构成的短语很多,很多,请写出以下短写出以下短语的意思。的意思。break away break downbreak in break outbreak through break up【思思考考提提示示】逃逃走走,逃逃脱脱,断断裂裂机机器器损坏坏,身身体体垮掉掉闯入入,打打断断爆爆发突突破破分裂,分裂,结束,解散束,解散阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究We had our new car _last week. A

21、. broken awayB. broken inC. broken into D. broken down【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:我我们的的新新车上上周周被被撬撬了了。break into强强行行闯入入,撬撬开开汽汽车、门等等,符符合合句句意意。break away逃逃走走,脱脱离离;break in打打断断,闯入入,后后面面不不直直接接跟跟宾语;break down机器坏了,身体机器坏了,身体垮掉。掉。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究1. Users who inject the drug are also in mor

22、e danger if they share needles with other users. (P12)如如果果那那些些注注射射毒毒品品的的人人和其他的人共用和其他的人共用针头,他,他们就会面就会面临更多危更多危险。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究2. He told me that I could die if I didnt stop taking crack cocaine, so I took his advice and stopped immediately. (P13 )他他告告诉我我说,如如果果我我不不戒戒掉掉

23、吸吸食食纯可可卡卡因因我我就就会会死死掉掉,我我接受了他的建接受了他的建议并并马上戒毒。上戒毒。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 She stopped washing clothes and began to cook. 她停止洗衣服,开始做她停止洗衣服,开始做饭。 She stopped to watch TV and then went on with her housework. 她停下来看了会她停下来看了会电视,接着做家,接着做家务。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟

24、探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究I couldnt stop _about the result of the exam. A. worried B. worryingC. to worryD. worry【解解析析】选B。句句意意为:我我老老是是担担心心考考试成成绩。stop worrying“停停止止担担心心,结合合前前面面语境境,符符合合句句意意。stop to worry“停下来去担心。停下来去担心。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究3. Now I w

25、ork in a centre for drug addicts,helping others to stop taking drugs. (P13) 现在在我我在在一一家家戒戒毒毒中中心心工工作作,帮帮助其他戒毒者戒掉毒助其他戒毒者戒掉毒瘾。句句中中helping others to stop taking drugs是是现在在分分词短短语作作状状语,表表示示伴伴随随状状况况。本本句句可可以以改改写写为:Now I work in a centre for drug addicts and help others to stop taking drugs. 。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前

26、新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 The host of “The Biggest Loser has made a new diet plan, helping the pets that are overweight. “减肥肥达人人 节目目主主持持制制订了了新新的的节食食计划,帮助助那那些些超超重重的的宠物。物。 The boy sat by the door, waiting for his mother to return. 那男孩坐在那男孩坐在门旁,等着旁,等着妈妈回回来。 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要

27、点点思思悟悟探探究究Sit down, Emma. You will only make yourself more tired, _ on your feet. 2011北京北京, 33A. to keepB. keepingC. having keptD. to have kept【解解析析】选B。考考查非非谓语动词作作状状语。句句意意为:爱玛,坐坐下下。老老站站着着只只会会让你你更更累累。根根据据语境境该空空需需用用现在在分分词短短语作作伴伴随随状状语,故故答答案案为B项。不不定定式式短短语作作状状语时一一般般作作目的状目的状语或或结果状果状语。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初

28、初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究1. during the 1990s 在在20世世纪90年代年代【原原句句】During the 1990s, (21 thousand/21 million) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes. P11在在20世世纪90年代,年代,21 000/21 000 000人死于吸烟。人死于吸烟。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 During/In the 1970s, China carried out the refor

29、m-and-opening. 在二十世在二十世纪七十年代,中国七十年代,中国实行了改革开放。行了改革开放。 In her teens, Liu Yifei became well-known among the students. 早在十几早在十几岁时,刘亦菲在学生中就很有名气了。,刘亦菲在学生中就很有名气了。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究He moved to China in_, when he was_. A. the late

30、 1990s; in his fortiesB. late 1990s; in his fortiesC. the late 1990s; in his fortyD. late 1990s; in his forty【解解析析】选A。在在“20世世纪90年年代代后后期期应表表示示为in the late 1990s/1990s;在某人四十几;在某人四十几岁时可表示可表示为in ones forties。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究2. as a result of 由于由于的的结果果(P11) He was late as

31、a result of getting up late. 由于起得晚他由于起得晚他迟到了。到了。 The train was stopped as a result of heavy snow. 因因为大雪,火大雪,火车停开。停开。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 We went on playing football in the rain, as a result, most of us got a bad cold. 我我们继续在雨中踢球,在雨中踢球,结果大多数人得了重感冒。果大多数人得了重感冒。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课

32、前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究He had his leg broken. _, he will have to be away for two months. A. After allB. In this wayC. As a resultD. As a result of【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:他他摔摔断断了了腿腿,结果果不不得得不不离离开开两两个个月。月。as a result结果,符合句意。果,符合句意。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究3. cause vt. 导致,引起致,引起

33、【原句】【原句】In the United Kingdom, smoking causes(12, 000/121, 000) deaths a year. (P11)在英国,吸烟在英国,吸烟导致每年致每年12 000/121 000人死亡。人死亡。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 The WHO says malnutrition in children can cause long health problem. 世世界界健健康康组织认为小小孩孩子子营养养不不良良可可能能导致致长期的健康期的健康问题。 His illness

34、caused him to miss many lessons. 他的病使他他的病使他错过了了许多功多功课。 Another cause of high oil prices is the weak American dollar. 造成油价高的另一个原因是疲造成油价高的另一个原因是疲软的美元。的美元。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究What _him to make such a stupid mistake? A. madeB. h

35、adC. causedD. let【解解析析】选C。句句意意为:“是是什什么么使使他他犯犯了了这么么愚愚蠢蠢的的错误?cause sb. to do造造成成某某人人做做,导致致某某人人做做,符符合句意。合句意。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究4. used to 过去常常去常常【原原句句】Im 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict. (P12)我今年我今年19岁,过去曾是个吸毒成去曾是个吸毒成瘾的人。的人。 Thats where I used to live when I was

36、 young. 那是我年少那是我年少时居住的地方。居住的地方。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 We were/got used to doing so in the past. 我我们过去去习惯于于这样做。做。 This can can be used to hold water. 这只罐子可用来盛水。只罐子可用来盛水。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much ea

37、sier than _. A. that used to beB. it is used to beC. it was used to D. it used to be【解解析析】选D。used to+do表表示示“过去去常常常常做做某某事事。选项中中it指指代代前前面面的的名名词life, it used to be 是是省省略略句句,当当不不定定式式中中含有含有be时, 那么要保留那么要保留be。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究5. offer vt. 主主动提供提供/提出;愿意做某事提出;愿意做某事【原原句句】One day

38、, he offered me some crack cocaine. (P12)一天,他主一天,他主动给了我一些了我一些强强效效纯可卡因。可卡因。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 Offer to help out at awfully busy times. 在极其繁忙在极其繁忙时要主要主动提供帮助。提供帮助。 Japan must offer China an apology over this incident. 日方必日方必须就此次事件向中方提出道歉。就此次事件向中方提出道歉。 Thank you for your ki

39、nd offer of help. 谢谢你的好心帮助。你的好心帮助。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究If you like I can do some cleaning for you. Thats a very kind _. A. offerB. serviceC. pointD. advice【解解析析】选A。offer在在此此为名名词,表表示示“主主动提提议。句句意意:如如果果你你愿愿意意,我我会会为你你打打扫。这提提议太太好好了。了。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟

40、探探究究6. nearby adj. 附近的附近的【原原句句】He told me to take them to a shop in a nearby street. (P13)他他让我把它我把它们拿到附近街上的一个商店里去。拿到附近街上的一个商店里去。 After supper they often go out for a walk in a nearby park. 晚晚饭后他后他们经常到附近的一个公园里散步。常到附近的一个公园里散步。 Did you find anybody strange nearby? 你在附近看你在附近看见过什么陌生人什么陌生人吗?阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课

41、前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究完成句子完成句子车就停在附近。就停在附近。The car is parked nearby . 你能告你能告诉我去火我去火车站最近的路站最近的路吗?Could you tell me the nearest way to the railway station? 每堂每堂课接近尾声接近尾声时我我们都可以都可以讨论。Near the end of each class we can discuss. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新

42、新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究7. Using cocaine increases the users heart rate and blood pressure. (P13 使用可卡因会使用可卡因会让使用者的心率加快并使血使用者的心率加快并使血压升高。升高。Using cocaine 为v. -ing 短短语在在句句中中作作主主语。其其用用法法如如下:下:1v. -ing短短语表表示示经常常性性或或习惯性性的的动作作或或行行为,其其逻辑主主语通常是形容通常是形容词性物主代性物主代词或名或名词所有格。所有格。2)作主作主语时,谓语常用常用单数。数。3在在含含有有

43、no use, no good, no help, a waste of等等词语的的句句式式中,常用中,常用it作形式主作形式主语,把,把v. -ing短短语置于句末。置于句末。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究 Its no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水覆水难收。收。 His being late again and again made the teacher angry. 他的三番五次他的三番五次迟到到让老老师很生气。很生气。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评

44、评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究_well in an interview will be an important part of getting a place at university. 2010上海春,上海春,31A. DoB. DoingC. DoneD. Being done【解解析析】选B。从从句句子子结构构可可看看出出_well in an interview 是是句句子子的的主主语,并并且且说的的是是一一般般情情况况,因因此此用用v. -ing短短语作作句句子子主主语,排排除除A、C两两项;从从句句意意可可知知:v. -ing省省略略的的逻辑主主语与与do 是主是主谓关系,关系,

45、应选B。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究. 阅读理解理解Non-smokers just dont understand. I dont need to be told smoking is bad for me. I know that. But its like being in love with a man whos no good.

46、 You know youre a fool, but you just cant help it. I dont need to be told I ought to give up smoking. Sometimes I just sit in front of a mirror and watch myself阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究breathing in that poison gas毒毒气气. If I were in a concentration camp(集集中中营) and someone tried

47、 to make me do that, Id want to kill them. People dont love themselves enough to cut down their smoking, but they may love someone else enough to do it. I hear that exercise is a healthy way to help me stop smoking. Exercise cant resist(抵抵制制) the damage being done to my body while I continue to smok

48、e, but it can help me kick the habit. Every time I cough badly, I make up my mind never to smoke again. Anyhow the thought of lung cancer caused by smoking will help me to stop smoking forever. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究1. The writer _ that smoking is bad for his health. A. kno

49、ws B. doesnt knowC. didnt knowD. will know 【解解析析】选A。细节理理解解题。根根据据第第一一段段第第二二、三三句句“我我不不需要需要别人告人告诉我吸烟有害我吸烟有害, 我知道我知道这一点可知正确答案。一点可知正确答案。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究2. Which of the following is true? The writer _. A. wants to give up smoking and he will succeed soonB. wants to give up

50、smoking, but he cant resist itC. doesnt want to give up smoking because he will dieD. doesnt want to give up smoking for he isnt afraid of death【解解析析】选B。推推理理判判断断题。根根据据第第二二段段最最后后两两句句内内容容可可知知正确答案。正确答案。 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究3. Smokers may cut down their smoking for _. A. thei

51、r own goodB. someone they love C. his health D. his job 【解解析析】选B。细节理理解解题。根根据据第第二二段段第第一一句句可可知知正正确确答答案。案。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究4. The writer believes that exercise _ smoking. A. is good for B. cant help him stop C. can help him stop D. is useless for him to stop 【解解析析】选C。细节理理

52、解解题。由由第第二二段段第第三三句句内内容容“锻炼不不能能抵抵制制吸吸烟烟给身身体体带来来的的危危害害,但但它它能能帮帮助助改改掉掉坏坏习惯可知正确答案。可知正确答案。阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究5. Whats the main idea of this piece of writing? A. It is not difficult to stop smoking because everyone is afraid of death. B. I will try every method to stop smoking.

53、 C. I dont need to be told smoking is bad for me. D. Although its hard, Ill try my best to give up smoking for my loved ones. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究【解解析析】选D。主主旨旨大大意意题。综观本本文文这两两段段内内容容,第第一一段段写写作作者者明明明明知知道道吸吸烟烟有有害害健健康康,但但戒戒不不掉掉;第第二二段段那那么么描描写了作者写了作者为了了亲人,想着人,想着办法去戒烟。法去戒烟。应选D。阅阅

54、读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究. 阅读表达表达阅读下下面面短短文文并并回回答答以以下下问题,然然后后将将答答案案写写到到相相应位置上位置上请注意注意问题后的后的词数要求。数要求。Learning to save money when youre young is an important lesson. All good lessons and habits begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone needs. Many peopleadults includeddo not

55、 have a good sense of saving for the long run. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究I have been lucky to learn this lesson early because I have had a grass-cutting business since I was 10 years old. Of the money I make I spend about 10 percent and save the other 90 percent. Making sure yo

56、u save and dont spend too much is a good way to build up wealth. I have put my earnings in a bank. Many teens I know spend all the money they earn so it never has a chance to grow. Young people should realize that their teenage years are a great time to begin saving. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标

57、测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究At high school many parents pay for almost everything, so your expenses can be small. If you have a job, you should have fun with some of the money. But you should also save some so that it will grow. Then you can begin planning for your future. When you spend money, you not only los

58、e that money, but also lose the interest you could have earned by saving it. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究After high school, college is expensive and then “real life begins, with expenses such as food and rent. If you can hold onto a good percentage of the money you earn as a teen

59、, going to college and buying a house will be much easier._ , the more time the money has to grow. If you are in your thirties without any savings, you will always have to struggle. The earlier you begin saving, the easier it is to create a nest egg. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究L

60、ater in life it can be hard to start saving because general costs of living are more expensive and you may only have enough to pay your bills. If you want to buy a house and have a family, you need money to start with, which comes from saving. Many say money cannot make you happy, and this is true.

61、But money can help you to lead a secure life. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究Saving early will mean you will have to work for fewer years when you are older. It will also allow you to spend time doing the things that you want to do. In addition to this, it will mean you can live the

62、 way you want to without worrying. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究1. Whats the best title of the passage? no more than 4 wordsSaving for Future2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one? As long as you save early, youll do less work to live well

63、at your old age. Saving early will mean you will have to work for fewer years when you are older. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究3. Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. no more than 10 wordsThe earlier you begin saving4. Acco

64、rding to the passage, what do you think of saving? no more than 30 wordsSaving is an important lesson and a good habit in our lives, especially its a skill that everyone needs. 阅阅读读提提升升计计划划课课前前新新知知初初探探知知能能达达标标测测评评要要点点思思悟悟探探究究5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. 要明确要明确储蓄而不蓄而不挥霍才能有效地增霍才能有效地增长财富。富。



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