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1、 A. Composition ( (组成组成) ) 1. Cardiovascular system ( (心血管系统心血管系统):): blood inside. 2. Lymphatic system ( (淋巴系统淋巴系统):): lymph inside.PART THREE THE VASCULAR SYSTEM脉管系统脉管系统Systematic Anatomy1脉管系统最新B. Functions (功能功能) 1. To transport nutrients and O2 to tissue. (营养物质营养物质 + O2 组织组织) 2. To carry waste p

2、roducts and CO2 from tissue. (组织组织 代谢产物代谢产物 + CO2) 3. To secrete some hormones. (分泌激素分泌激素)nutrients & O2waste products & CO2tissues and cellsblood vesselsblood vessels THE VASCULAR SYSTEM4. To carry hormones produced in endocrine glands to their target tissues ( (携带激素到靶器官携带激素到靶器官).).Systematic Anato

3、my2脉管系统最新5. To play an important role in maintaining homeostasis (维持内环境稳定维持内环境稳定). 1) Transports enzymes to certain tissues (运输酶运输酶). 2) Plays a central role in temperature, fluid, electrolyte and pH regulation (调节体温调节体温,体液体液,电解质和酸碱度电解质和酸碱度). 3) Protects the body from bacteria, foreign substances an

4、d some transformed cells (保护人体对细菌等的侵入保护人体对细菌等的侵入). 4) Coagulates to prevent excess fluid loss (凝固防止体液丢失凝固防止体液丢失). THE VASCULAR SYSTEMSystematic Anatomy3脉管系统最新Chapter 1 The Cardiovascular System心血管系统心血管系统A. Introduction (总论总论)B. The Heart (心心)C. Arteries (动脉动脉)D. Veins (静脉静脉)Systematic Anatomy4脉管系统最新

5、Section 1 IntroductionA. Composition (组成组成) 1. Heart (心心) 2. Arteries (动脉动脉) 3. Capillaries (毛细血管毛细血管) 4. Veins (静脉静脉)Systematic Anatomy5脉管系统最新Introduction B. Divisions (分部分部) 1. Pulmonary (lesser) circuits ( (肺循环肺循环) ) from right ventricle to left auricle. 2. Systematic (greater) circuits ( (体循环体循环

6、) ) from left ventricle to right auricle.Systematic Anatomy6脉管系统最新IntroductionC. The Vascular Anastomosis (血管血管吻合吻合) 1. Arterial anastomosis (动脉间吻合动脉间吻合): arterial arch (动脉弓动脉弓) 2. Venous anastomosis (静脉间吻合静脉间吻合): venous arch (静脉弓静脉弓) 3. Arteriovenous anastomosis (动静脉动静脉吻合吻合): arteriolovenular anast

7、omosis (小动静脉吻合小动静脉吻合) 4. Venous plexus (静脉丛静脉丛) 5. Collateral anastomosis (侧支吻合侧支吻合): collateral vessel (侧副管侧副管): collateral circulation (侧支循环侧支循环)Systematic Anatomy7脉管系统最新Section 2 The HeartA. Location (位置位置): in the middle mediastinum of the thoracic cavityB. External Features 1. Cardiac apex (心尖心

8、尖): cardiac apical incisure (心尖切迹心尖切迹) 2. Cardiac base (心底心底) 3. Margins (缘缘): inferior (sharp), right & left (blunt).Systematic Anatomy8脉管系统最新4. Surfaces ( (面面):): 1) sternocostal surface (anterior) ( (胸肋面胸肋面):): anterior interventricular groove ( (前室间沟前室间沟) ) 2) diaphragmatic surface (posterior) (

9、膈面膈面): posterior interventricular groove (后室间沟后室间沟) coronary sulcus (冠状沟冠状沟)C. Weight (重量重量) M: 28450g. F: 25849g.The HeartSystematic Anatomy9脉管系统最新The HeartSystematic Anatomy10脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart1. The right atrium (右心房右心房) 1) atrium proper (固有心房固有心房)a. right auricle (右心耳右心耳)b. pectinate

10、 muscle (梳状肌梳状肌)c. crista terminalis (界嵴界嵴)d. right atrioventricular orifice (右房室孔右房室孔)e. posterior auricle (后心后心耳耳) (Eustachian下窦下窦) Systematic Anatomy11脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart2) sinus venarum cavarum (腔静脉窦腔静脉窦) a. orifice of superior vena cava (上腔静脉口上腔静脉口) b. orifice of inferior vena cava (

11、下腔静脉口下腔静脉口)c. valve of inferior vena cava (Eustachian) (下腔静脉瓣下腔静脉瓣) d. orifice of coronary sinus (冠状窦口冠状窦口)e. valve of coronary sinus (Thebesian) (冠状窦瓣冠状窦瓣)Systematic Anatomy12脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart3) atrial septal wall (房隔壁房隔壁) atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损房间隔缺损a. fossa ovalis (卵圆窝卵圆窝) patent

12、foramen ovale 卵圆窝未闭卵圆窝未闭b. limbus fossae ovalis (卵圆窝缘卵圆窝缘)c. Kochs triangle (Koch三角三角)Systematic Anatomy13脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart2.The right ventricle (右心室右心室) 1) inflow tract (流入道流入道)(窦部窦部) a. trabeculae carneae (肉柱肉柱) b. septomarginal trabecula (隔缘肉柱隔缘肉柱) (moderator band 节制索节制索)Systematic A

13、natomy14脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart ii. chordae tendineae (腱索腱索) iii. papillary muscles (乳头肌乳头肌): ant., post., & septal.c. tricuspid complex (三尖瓣复合体三尖瓣复合体) i. tricuspid valve (三尖瓣三尖瓣): ant., post., & septal. tricuspid stenosis 三尖瓣狭窄三尖瓣狭窄 tricuspid insufficiency 三尖瓣关闭不全三尖瓣关闭不全Systematic Anatomy15脉

14、管系统最新C. Chambers of the Heart 2) outflow tract (流出道流出道) (infundibulum 漏斗漏斗部部, conus arteriosus 动脉圆锥动脉圆锥) a. orifice of pulmonary trunk (肺动脉口肺动脉口) b. pulmonary valve (肺动脉瓣肺动脉瓣): left, right, anterior supraventricular crest (室上嵴室上嵴)Systematic Anatomy16脉管系统最新3. The left atrium (左心房左心房)C. Chambers of th

15、e Heart1) left auricle (左心耳左心耳)2) orifices of pulmo- nary vein (肺静脉口肺静脉口)3) left atrioventricular orifice (左房室口左房室口)Systematic Anatomy17脉管系统最新4. The left ventricle (左心室左心室) 1) inflow tract (流入道流入道) (窦部窦部) (left ventricle proper)C. Chambers of the HeartSystematic Anatomy18脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the Hea

16、rt a. mitral complex (二尖瓣复合体二尖瓣复合体) i. bicuspid valve (二尖瓣二尖瓣): ant., & post. ii. chordae tendineae (腱索腱索) iii. papillary muscles (乳头肌乳头肌): ant., & post. Systematic Anatomy19脉管系统最新2) outflow tract (流出流出道道) (aortic vestibule主动脉前庭主动脉前庭) a. aortic orifice (主动脉口主动脉口) b. aortic valve (主动脉瓣主动脉瓣): right, l

17、eft, & posterior. C. Chambers of the Heartb. trabeculae carneae (肉柱肉柱) bicuspid stenosis 二尖瓣狭窄二尖瓣狭窄 bicuspid insufficiency 二尖瓣闭关闭不全二尖瓣闭关闭不全Systematic Anatomy20脉管系统最新C. Chambers of the HeartHeart in systole( (收缩期收缩期) )Heart in diastole( (舒张期舒张期) )Systematic Anatomy21脉管系统最新D. Structures of the Heart1.

18、 Fibrous skeleton (纤维骨骼纤维骨骼) 1) right fibrous trigone (central fibrous body) (右纤维三角右纤维三角): tendon of Todaro 2) left fibrous trigone (左纤维三角左纤维三角) 3) fibrous ring of mitral valve (二尖瓣环二尖瓣环) 4) fibrous ring of tricuspid valve (三尖瓣环三尖瓣环) 5) fibrous ring of aortic valve (主动脉瓣环主动脉瓣环) 6) fibrous ring of pu

19、lmonary valve (肺动肺动脉瓣环脉瓣环)Systematic Anatomy22脉管系统最新2. Septum of heart (心间隔心间隔) 1) interatrial septum (房间隔房间隔) 2) interventricular septum (室间隔室间隔) a. muscular part (肌部肌部) b. membranous part (膜部膜部) 后上部后上部: 房室部房室部 前下部前下部: 室间部室间部D. Structures of the Heartventricular septal defect 室间隔缺损室间隔缺损3) atriovent

20、ricular septum ( (房室隔房室隔) )Systematic Anatomy23脉管系统最新 3. Cardiac walls (心壁心壁) 1) endocardium (心内膜心内膜) endocarditis 心内膜心内膜炎炎 2) myocardium (心肌层心肌层): vortex of heart (心涡心涡)D. Structures of the Heartmyocarditis 心肌炎心肌炎3) epicardium (心外膜心外膜) 浆膜浆膜Systematic Anatomy24脉管系统最新 1. Sinoatrial node (SA node) (窦房

21、结窦房结) 2. Internodal tracts (结间支结间支): anterior, middle, & posterior. 3. Atrioventricular node (AV node) (房室结房室结)E. Conducting System of the HeartSystematic Anatomy25脉管系统最新E. Conducting System of the Heart 4. Atrioventricular bundle (His) (房室束房室束) 5. Bundle branch (束支束支): right. left. 6. Purkinjes fib

22、ers (Purkinje纤维纤维) Systematic Anatomy26脉管系统最新SA node 60-80/minAV node 40-60/minHisB.右束支左束支internodal tract ( (结间束结间束) ) 25-40/minPurkinjes fibers30/minatrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞房室传导阻滞E. Conducting System of the HeartAtrioventricular nodal region ( (房室结区房室结区) ) 1) AV node 2) 结间支终末部结间支终末部 3) His Hi

23、s束近侧部束近侧部Systematic Anatomy27脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the Heart1. The cardiac arteries (心动脉心动脉) coronary circuit (冠状循环冠状循环) 血流量血流量: 4-5% O2 consumption (耗氧量耗氧量) : 8 -10%Systematic Anatomy28脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the Heart1) right coronary a. (右冠状动脉右冠状动脉) a. branch of SA node (窦房结支窦房结支) b

24、. right marginal branch (右缘支右缘支) c. posterior interventricular branch (后室间支后室间支) d. branch of AV node (房室结支房室结支) coronary heart disease 冠心病冠心病 cardiac infarction 心肌梗塞心肌梗塞Systematic Anatomy29脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the HeartArteriography( (造影术造影术) )of right coronary arteryLeft anterior oblique

25、view Right anterior oblique view Systematic Anatomy30脉管系统最新2) left coronary a. (左冠状动脉左冠状动脉) a. anterior interventricular branch (前室间支前室间支) i. branch of arterial conus (动脉圆锥支动脉圆锥支) ii. anterior branch of left ventricle (左室前支左室前支) b. circumflex a. (旋支旋支) i. branch of SA node (窦房结动脉窦房结动脉) ii. left marg

26、inal a. (左缘支左缘支) iii. posterior branch of left ventricle (左室后支左室后支)F. The Blood Vessels of the HeartSystematic Anatomy31脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the HeartArteriography( (造影术造影术) )of left coronary arteryLeft anterior oblique view Right anterior oblique view Systematic Anatomy32脉管系统最新F. The Blood

27、 Vessels of the HeartVariations of the Coronary ArterySystematic Anatomy33脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the HeartVariations of the Coronary ArterySystematic Anatomy34脉管系统最新F. The Blood Vessels of the Heart2. The cardiac veins (心静脉心静脉) 1) smallest cardiac v. (Thebesian) (心最小静脉心最小静脉) 2) anterior cardi

28、ac v. (心前静脉心前静脉) 3) coronary sinus (冠状窦冠状窦) a. great cardiac v. (心大静脉心大静脉) b. middle cardiac v. (心中静脉心中静脉) c. small cardiac v. (心小静脉心小静脉)Systematic Anatomy35脉管系统最新G. The Pericardium (心包心包)1. Divisions 1) fibrous pericardium (纤维心包纤维心包) 2) serous pericardium (浆膜心包浆膜心包) 3) pericardial cavity (心包腔心包腔)Sy

29、stematic Anatomy36脉管系统最新G. The Pericardium (心包心包) a. transverse sinus of pericardium (心包横窦心包横窦) b. oblique sinus of pericardium (心包斜窦心包斜窦) c. anteroinferior sinus of pericardium (心包前下窦心包前下窦)Systematic Anatomy37脉管系统最新 2. Functions 1) prevents over distention of the heart and anchors the heart within

30、the mediastinum (固定于纵隔固定于纵隔). 2) pericardial fluid helps reduce friction as the heart moves within the pericardial sac (心包液减少摩擦心包液减少摩擦). hydrocardia 心包积液心包积液 pericardiopuncture 心包穿刺心包穿刺G. The Pericardium (心包心包)Systematic Anatomy38脉管系统最新H. Surface Anatomy of the Heart (表面解剖表面解剖) 1. Left superior poin

31、t: R2 lower 1.2cm 2. Right superior point: R3 upper 1cm 3. Left inferior point: 5th Space 1-2cm 4. Right inferior point: 6th sternocostal jointSystematic Anatomy39脉管系统最新&v)z0C3F7IaLdPgSkVnYq$t*w-A1D5G8JbNeQhTlWo#r%u(y+B2E6H9LcOfRjUmXp!s&w)z0C4F7IaMdPhSkVnZq$t*x-A2D5G8KbNeQiTlWo#r%v(y+B3E6H9LcOgRjUmY
















47、Zr%u(y+B2E6H9KcOfRiUmXp!s&v)z0C3F7IaMdPgSkVnYq$t*x-A1D5G8JbNeQiTlWo#r%u(y+B3E6H9LcOfRjUmYp!s&w)z0C4F7JaMdPhSkVnZq$t*x-A2D5G8KbNeQiTlXo#r%v(y+B3E6I9LcOgRjUmYp!t&w)z1C4F7JaMePhSkWnZq$u*x+A2D5H8KbNfQiUlXo#s%v(y0B3F6I9LdOgRjVmYp!t&w-z1C4G7JaMePhTkWnZr$u*x+A2E5H8KcNfQiUlXp#s%v)y0B3F6IaLdOgSjVmYq!t*w-z1D4G7JbMeQhTkWoZr$u(x+A2E5H9KcNfRiUlXp#s&v)y0C3F6IaLdPgSjVnYq!t*w-A1D4G8Systematic Anatomy40脉管系统最新



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