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1、BULATSWorkplace EnglishBULATS听力题型及话题解析What is BULATS?nThe Business Language Testing Service is a new international test produced and coordinated by Cambridge ESOL. BULATS helps companies and schools find out students level of language skills, and assesses the language skills needed for the workplace

2、 and for students and employees on language courses.BULATS听力题型及话题解析Who is BULATS suitable for?nBULATSissuitableforanylearnerwhoneedstouseEnglishatwork.Thetestiscarefullydesignedforawiderangeofpeopleatwork.Itdoesnotrequireanypreviousbusinessexperience,andsoitisalsosuitableforstudentswhomayneedtouseEn

3、glishinthefuture.BULATS听力题型及话题解析博思听力(50)partMain Skill FocusInputQuestion TypesNumber of Questions1辨认细节及语境信息信息性独白或对话(2遍)Multiple choice(三三选一选一)102记录具体信息3个对话(1遍)Gap Filling123确认话题、语境、功能、说话意见等者10个陈述(1遍)Multiple matching(8选选5)104找出主旨、具体信息、态度等3个说话、访谈、讨论(2遍)Multiple choice(三三选一)选一)18BULATS听力题型及话题解析PartOn

4、e(ShortConversations)nQuestion types:n10 questions of multiple choices(A, B, C)nPlatform No., when and where, price; nGraph, Map; Timetable;nWhat;nWhy;BULATS听力题型及话题解析Part TwonGap FillingnTopics: Telephone message, playing an order, complaint, customer servicesnThe content to be recorded: nName (freq

5、uently used names will not be spelled) (streets, courses, books, etc. ); Phone number, contract number, account number, post code; date; other information.nPAY ATTENTION! Capitalize the first letter; correct spellingBULATS听力题型及话题解析Part ThreenStatementoffivepeopleonsometopicsnONEchoiceforeachpersonnS

6、electFIVEfromEIGHTchoicesBULATS听力题型及话题解析Part FournMultiplechoicesnExtractfromameeting,conference,workshops,statement,presentations,etc.BULATS听力题型及话题解析如何攻破博思听力如何攻破博思听力首先,我们来看看博思听力的主要题型:一、独白或者对话等较为短小的听力材料(通常是博思考试的1-10题),这部分包括独白和对话,共读两遍;一般是三选一,选项包括图表和文字。BULATS听力题型及话题解析二、听写填空(通常是博思考试的11-22题),这部分可以说是听力的难


8、且会读两遍,所以相两遍,所以相对比比较容易得分,容易得分,这部分部分应避免失分,要听懂大部分内容,理解其大意后再做出避免失分,要听懂大部分内容,理解其大意后再做出选择。Example 1: (Version:EN000)Which graph is the speaker referring to?BULATS听力题型及话题解析n答案:Bn解析:nF:Asyoucanseefromthischart,salesforlastyearweregenerallydisappointingcomparedtopreviousyears.Inthesecondquartersalesrosedrama

9、ticallybeforefallingto600,000.Fortunately,thelastquartershowedsomeimprovementandthishascarriedonintothisyear.n对于这到题,只要抓住划线部分的句子就可以找出正确答案。BULATS听力题型及话题解析Example 2: (Version:EN000)Which company do they decide to use for their re-branding exercise?A NeptuneB GoldbergC HambletonBULATS听力题型及话题解析答案:答案:A解析:

10、解析:M: For the re-branding, Ive a feeling Neptune will do the job well. Theyre a small company but their bid was great. F: I thought Goldberg were cheaper? M: Yes, but their ideas are too vague, and as for Hambleton . I spent ages trying to arrange meetings with them! They might be the biggest but re

11、ally . F: Sometimes small is best. Lets go with your suggestion then.BULATS听力题型及话题解析n1.WhenmustthewomanbeattheairporttomeetMr.Kimoto?nA.3:30nB.3:45nC.4:15BULATS听力题型及话题解析ScriptnM:Jane,couldyoupossiblymeetMr.Kimotooffhisflighttoday,please?nF:Itdepends.Whattimesheduetoarrive?Ivegotthefinancingmeetingat


13、rentacar?nM:Itsninety-fivepoundsperweekforstandardcars,orahundredandtwentypoundsfortheluxurymodels.nF:Ionlyneeditforthreedays.Thestandardmodelsfine.BULATS听力题型及话题解析nM:Thatwouldbesixtypounds,atthedailyrateoftwentypounds,includinginsurance.nF:ThatsOK.(fade).UmBULATS听力题型及话题解析 第二第二类题目,目,语速速较快且只快且只读一遍,考生一



16、aseconfirmyourbusinessaddress?nM:Sure,itstheParkCenter,Hopeville,Ohio.nF:Andnow,whichpublicationswouldyouliketoorder?Canyougivemetheexacttitles?nM:Sure,Ijustwanttoorder12copiesofSoftware News.nF:Noproblematall,sir.Thats$18.99percopy.Welldeliverwithin4days.nM:Great.Andmanythanks.n11题和12题包括了英语听力中的常规项目








24、e,andyouactuallyendupgettingpaidmoreforconsultancywork.答案:23G24H25C26F27EBULATS听力题型及话题解析Example5: (Version:EN000)Questions 39-44 You will hear part of a radio interview with Simon Butcher, a business analyst from management consultancy firm. For questions 39 . 44, circle one letter A, B or C for the

25、 correct answer. You will hear the interview twice.39 As part of his job, Simon Butcher isA helping to design a sales system.B working at his clients offices.C traveling widely to see clients.40 What does Simon Butcher say about the training provided by his firm?A There is an induction course for al

26、l new graduate employees.B New graduate recruits choose which courses they want to do.C All the introductory courses are attended over three days.41 When Simon Butcher joined the company, what did he expect to be doing?A working with teams providing technical servicesB working on a wide range of pro

27、jectsC working more on the business side42 Within Simon Butchers firm, new employees go up the payscaleA after a six-monthly review.B according to their annual performance.C at the same time as their colleagues every year43 What does Simon Butcher say about his working hours?A He has to work over th

28、e weekend if there are schedules to meet.B He is prepared to work long hours when there are things to do.C He finishes at 7 oclock every evening so he can play sport.44 What does Simon Butcher think of his company as a place to work?A There is little time to learn things you previously knew nothing

29、about.B There are too many targets to be achieved each year.C There are very rigid and inflexible structures in place.第四类题目没有太多值得提起的地方,跟我们大学英语四六级的听力有相似之处,但是,其难点是,听懂了未必能选出正确答案来,选项的设置都比较confusing,仔细思考后方可作出选择。答案:39.B40.A41.C42.C43.B44.ABULATS听力题型及话题解析原文和辨析:PAUSE: 0002” F: Today Im talking to Simon Butc

30、her, a business analyst with management consultancy firm SPC Associates. First off, Simon, could you explain what your job involves? M: Well, Ive been working for 18 months, since I finished my business degree, and for all that time Ive been doing business integration work for one major multi-nation

31、al company. Were rolling out an online purchasing solution for them, around the world. And currently Im based in their London office, and thats for 11 months, so theres a high degree of client interaction. F: Has your firm given you any extra training, especially for the technical side of the job? M

32、: Well, the firm puts everyone through a five-week introductory course as a graduate recruit. I did three weeks basic computer programming. Then I did an additional two-week e-commerce course. Since then Ive done two further three-day courses, an introduction to business and one on business finance.

33、 Now that Im in my second year, I get to choose my next training course and I might have the chance to train in Asia. F: Is the job what you expected, when you joined? M: Its more technically focused than I thought it would be. I needed the training so I could work with our technical teams and under

34、stand the services we provide. But, now, if you join with an interest in business issues, you get support to help you follow that route, which is what I thought Id be getting. The firms really acknowledged that the personal preferences of new recruits must be taken into account when theyre being ass

35、igned projects. F: And what sort of financial incentives does your firm offer? M: Well, at the beginning, people get a pay rise en masse once yearly. Generally, you go up a level on the payscale every November. After you have been there two years, your pay becomes performance related. This is calcul

36、ated based on your six-monthly performance review meetings.F: I presume you work long hours M: My hours of work vary. As deadlines near, I can expect to work longer hours. On average, Id say I work between 50 and 55 hours a week 8am to 7pm. Its important to make sure youre achieving your work goals

37、but at the same you need balance in your life. Having a regular evening activity a couple of times a week, like playing tennis, works for me. You have to get some breathing space from the office. I dont mind working hard during the week, but I keep my weekends sacred; I havent worked one in the last

38、 14 months. F: Would you say its a good place to work? M: In general theres a strong support system. Its very structured. There are regular reviews with your manager when you set targets, plus each employee is assigned a mentor who helps set yearly goals across a range of criteria. But to do well he

39、re, Id say you have to be quick off the mark because you can be thrown in at the deep end and have to master a new skill or understand a new area of work within a tight timeframe. It definitely helps to be flexible. BULATS听力题型及话题解析对于于39题,从第一段中划,从第一段中划线的两句的两句话,我,我们可以推断出可以推断出Mr. Butcher现在是在客在是在客户的分公司工

40、作,的分公司工作,Business integration的意思是的意思是“业务整合整合”,London office是指是指“伦敦分公司敦分公司”。40题我我们可以运用排除法。可以运用排除法。选线B的意思是的意思是“招聘的所有招聘的所有毕业生都能自己生都能自己选择课程程”,而文中,而文中说的是的是“第二年开始才能自己第二年开始才能自己选择课程程”,所以,所以B是是错误的;的;选项C说的是的是“三天上完所有三天上完所有课程程”,而在一,而在一开始开始Mr. Butcher就就说了了“a five-week introductory courses”,所以,所以C也是也是错误的。的。A选项中的中

41、的introduction有有“入入职、就、就职”的意思。的意思。41题是是难点,点,这段段话说的比的比较绕,首先,首先, Mr. Butcher说“这份工作比他想想的更加份工作比他想想的更加侧重于技重于技术”然后他又然后他又说,”如果你如果你现在加入且在加入且对business感感兴趣,那么你能得到支持来走趣,那么你能得到支持来走这条路条路线“,下面,下面这句句是是重点重点”which is what I thought Id be getting“,这就就说明了当明了当时Mr. Butcher正是正是expected to be working more on the business s

42、ide,因此正确答案是因此正确答案是C。42题中,中,”en masse“这个个词是重点,它的意思是是重点,它的意思是”一同,一起一同,一起“(法(法语)。根据)。根据Mr. Butcher的的说法,法,”在公司工作两年之后,薪酬才会与在公司工作两年之后,薪酬才会与绩效挂效挂钩“,所以,所以选项B是不是不对的。的。从从” My hours of work vary. As deadlines near, I can expect to work longer hours. “这句句话就能推断出就能推断出43题的答案是的答案是B。不要被后面的句子迷惑。不要被后面的句子迷惑” Having a r

43、egular evening activity a couple of times a week, like playing tennis, works for me. “而而选择C。44中涉及到两个中涉及到两个idioms, “be quick off the mark”是指快速行是指快速行动;”thrown in at the deep end”意思是意思是”处于非常困于非常困难的境地的境地”,”thrown in at the deep end”意思就是意思就是让你做一件你做一件很很难的事情而不的事情而不给你任何准你任何准备的机会。不掌握的机会。不掌握这两个两个词组的意思的意思则很很难选




47、合下数字的表达方式呈现出不同的形式,所以很多考生对一些特殊表达方法会感到措手不及,比如“double”,温度中的“belowzero”。因此,在预测出答案的形式后,考生应该根据预测的结果做好听力上的充分准备。BULATS听力题型及话题解析数字听力(NumberListening)n电话号码Its three six five o double two three nine. (36502239)The number is four five three two thousand. (4532000)n年份He was born in nineteen sixty nine. (1969)The

48、 company was founded in two thousand and three. (2003)n时间Its six forty-five. (6:45)Its a quarter past ten. (10:15)Its a quarter to ten. (9:45)Its half past five. (5:30)n温度Tomorrow will be six degree below zero centigrade. (-6)常用数字的说法和写法,请精确掌握。n价格Thiscostsninedollarfiftynine.(9.59)n分数Twothirdsofallte


50、tnight=2weeksAcoupleof=2(orseveral)Adecade=10yearsAdozen=12Half=50%BULATS听力题型及话题解析230,00015, 732190,8001,500158,789632,306745,819200,340BULATS听力题型及话题解析n美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异?BULATS听力题型及话题解析美语与英语在日期、数字表达方面的差异在日期方面,美英英语的表达方式是有差别的。以日为先,月份为后,此为英国式;美国式则与此相反,以月为先,日期则在后。如一九九六年三月二日的写法:2ndMarch,1996(英)March2,19


52、式的1998年8月1日,按照美国的表达方式却是1998年1月8日,美国的1998年8月1日应写成08.01.1998。BULATS听力题型及话题解析年份的年份的读法法n1865n1789n1900n1800n180920002008531B.C.BULATS听力题型及话题解析时间的的读法法3:452:307:054:155a.m.6p.m.BULATS听力题型及话题解析人名听写(Name)正确填写人名是博思听力考试中的一个细节考点。对人名的拼写,博思有明确要求:如果要求拼写的是一个常用人名,录音原文不会给出任何提示;但如果该名字不常用,通常录音原文中会有拼写提示。比如:M: Id like t

53、o make an order, please.F: Certainly, sir. Could you give me your name, please?M: Yes. Its Ken Saunders.F: How do you spell that, please?M: S-A-U-N-D-E-R-S.BULATS听力题型及话题解析马克_詹姆斯_戴安娜_罗伯特_理查德_杰克_简_海伦_托马斯_马丽_琼斯_约翰_迈克尔_琳达_苏珊_查尔斯_BULATS听力题型及话题解析nMarkJamesDiannaRobertnRichardJackJaneHelennThomasMaryJonesJ


55、。在前一题中我们看到了对人名拼写的基本要求,现在再来看一下地址的基本拼写方式。Smithfield Road.43A North StreetNo.1 Queens Park AvenueFlat 3, 89 Road LaneP.O. Box 456BULATS听力题型及话题解析地址通常包括门牌号(house number)和路名。考生在书写地址时要注意以下几点:和中国人书写地址的习惯相反,英文中书写地址要从细节开始。含有大写和数字形式。博思对地址的拼写和人名拼写要求一致:常用单词自己拼,非常用单词录音原文会拼读。如碰到”North Street”, “Rose Lane”, “Church

56、 Road”这样的地名,博思就可能要求考生自己拼写。拼写速度要快,答案要准确。BULATS听力题型及话题解析nLondonnBirminghamnManchesternLiverpoolnNewcastlenBelfastnPortsmouthnLeedsnCambridgen伦敦伯明翰曼彻斯特利物浦纽卡斯尔贝尔法斯特朴茨茅斯利兹剑桥BULATS听力题型及话题解析BULATS听力题型及话题解析博思命博思命题特点:特点:n题文同序。n正确答案都是间接的给出,通常要经过说话人2到3步的阐述。n在正确答案出现之前,一般都会出现干扰项中的内容,利用这些信息采用排除法排除干扰项。n有时说话人会使用提示性



59、n,comparewith,ratherthan,insteadof,ontheotherhandn强调词:did,do,simplyonly,unique,sole,justn因果词:so,thus,therefore,asaresult,thatswhyBULATS听力题型及话题解析其他技巧3.注意说话人语气气。(该方法尤其适用于判断说话人的态度)4.说话人的身份,工作,所在身份,工作,所在单位位5.讲话目的目的,及话语功能功能(拒绝,道歉或抱怨)6. 归纳总结+推推论,抓住中心意思,抓住中心意思7.若听到文中内容与某选项完全一致,一般大胆排除该选项。BULATS听力题型及话题解析常考话题










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