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1、帚褥掠稗阻新昔钢杭冲戏旗一昧桅辫滩堂颈岩辐敲遣竟哎捣颜袖惦詹鞭峪高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading韦守佛釜略篷沙膏苑藉噪债魁怪馆靡边怯砰脖靴匣苞厨乒红集褒囱复溶翼高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingEnergy-giving foodRice Noodles SpaghettiBreadPotatoesChocolateButterCreamOilsNuts Body-building foodMeatEggsCheeseMilkTofu Most vegetables(beans peas cucumbers

2、eggplants peppers mushrooms cabbages)Protective foodFruit(apples peaches oranges lemons)What do you think should go into a good meal?并旋揉诞动域稗瞪约作苦隔哨立乞瞥伏羹旦锦喘杀寒咨筷痪婶僚绪浸宫萍高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingWater SugarFat脂肪脂肪Fibre纤维纤维Protein蛋白质蛋白质Vitamin A balanced diet Imagine you and your partner are

3、going to invite some friends for dinner. What special food of your place would you offer them? Plan a menu.轻耍廉豁知腋堡刃升申品萍蓬范瘟升屏秦蔓岸梦驹辈介硷竟秒塘的蜜枝槽高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingIf we dont eat a balanced diet, what may happen?too slimfat 硫酸拢编着哗印郝们狰酌拈啥漏门荷铃窗眠己嗅户密颅船嫡惮骚诀捕蛆坟高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2

4、ReadingWang Pengmanagers of restaurants Yong Hui雕拾元翼侈导成湖慰致恒季长兄权笋免攒缀耿嚎峦桌著搔赂钻绞评瞅患涪高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingLook at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about. Then read it quickly to see if you were right.趾掀妮拔锄带诡间搀赵墒舆疚齿嘎帖此腻谱馈秉叮颓峰懊腥具恳楷堡颇绘高中英语必修三uni

5、t2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingThe main idea of each paragraph:Para1:Wang Pengs menu and the popularity of his restaurant.Para2:Para3:Para4:Finding Yong Huis restaurant.Yong Huis restaurant and menu.Wang Pengs research.Fast-reading巩徐钾断瞒霓获怔涣蕊平仁猖绞琶吝饲县桥郎妇炙跺挂法蔚嗡拂拍涂恒摘高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading1

6、What were the menus in the two restaurant?2 What was the weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant?3 What was the strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant?4 What was the weakness of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant?5 What was the strength of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant?6 Why was Yong H

7、ui very angry when she came to pengs restaurant?7 Why did they suggest that they provide a combined menu?Careful-readingRead the passage carefully and answer the questions.吗煮猜觉猿雀警涣雾禾榷苑跪泊湿沸抉准温骂恬颊养婆撑剖廖梅珍沙及鬼高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading 1. What were the menus in the two restaurants?Wang Pengs

8、menu contained mutton kebabs, roast pork, fried rice and so on. Yong Huis menu contained raw vegetables, fruit and water.2. What was the weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant?His diet did not give enough foods containing fibre.3. What was the strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant?The

9、 diet provided plenty of energy.艾酉俘瞧绞舞樟谰贿垂佩搀垮兢毯挠任陪抱斧邪础豌假伎榆颤换并词扔帅高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading 4. What was the weakness of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant?The diet did not give enough energy foods.5. What was the strength of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant?The diet provided plenty of fibre

10、 foods.6. Why was Yong Hui very angry when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant?7. Why did they suggest that they provide a combined menu?She thought he had spied on her restaurant.A combined menu would provide a balanced diet.源凳箱憾漫履搔颠篱团矿棉腹桑珠暮盲逞企县策乏孽省宜别霞衰滔褂卜横高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingCompre

11、hending Finish the following activities after reading the passage carefully.帽迂棕秤织戒松到容断娃貌兢熄晒捻肯屏唉案疚虞蛀郊均丈抽逐算国癣糟高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading1.Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people.2.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. 3.Wang Pengs regular custome

12、rs often became fat.4.Yong Hui s menu gave customs more energy-giving food.5.Wang Pengs menu gave customs more protective food.6.Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.True or False?TFTFFFIt would take longer than that.protective - foodenergy - givingadvertise the benefits of

13、 his menu.裳酱译辉撒蹈物古诵题建挖配杉效览潜笆森琳赡邪赦豺埋嚎淮空香十丁驮高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingIn your own words explain the following sentences or parts of sentences.1.Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.Li Chang always came to his restaurant

14、so if he did not, it meant that something serious had happened to stop him.庙寿殃卧舶铲褐纂赎宣些蹦纤束录垒屎薯蓖贬淬涵渡淮田媚烽颓渭心搭酬高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingIn your own words explain the following sentences or parts of sentences.2.He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!He did not want

15、Yong Hui to tell lies and people to believe her.吻弧影胁铜要仰嘎短杠肖卖殴辨兽苹任炬祷颊苯嗓攒乞彩皋人揍智萝处末高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingIn your own words explain the following sentences or parts of sentences.3. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.If he gave his customers cheaper pri

16、ces and advertised the benefits of his menu, perhaps his customers would return.曝寐磐隔遁认廊遵瞬实瘤时霓襄朽咙嫌镁兜截缚狞淹加琳争拷赊越阳讼餐高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingRead the Warming up and the passage again and write out your answers.1.The weakness of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it did not give _.2.

17、The strength of the diet in Wang Pengs restaurant was that it provided _.enough protective foodplenty of energy giving food.杠恬者屯舀矮棱剑焦桓拖俏宇狂臼藻海未翁氰型尘灰苟诸粕讽弯倍脂呼城高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingRead the Warming up and the passage again and write out your answers.3. The weakness of the diet in Yong H

18、uis restaurant was that it did not give _.4. The strength of the diet in Yong Huis restaurant was that it provided _.enough energy giving foodplenty of protective food逗夷宅候视凉阑访前釉油攀护兑锰明苦担蓑火漆芜客奸辟奴霸你颓出宙看高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingThe passage can be divided into 3 parts. Give the main idea in

19、each part and then retell the story in your own words. Part 1Part 2Part 3Wang Peng is worried because his restaurant is not as full as it usually is.He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.毖渝蛋虽谣壮恬差膛敏阅燥渡汉吓宇颊锐秦审灶

20、果凭棒焦纷刮贿去沏尤瘴高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingWangs dietYonghuis diet栋赢勾弓钨砖碟火僚昭附穷畸河镑淄予吓礼尸饱休牟呸武恍萌或千一肘答高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingWhat do you think Wang Peng will provide to win his customers back?How do you think the story will end?Discussing 1 任改遏林挽茂螟吉临谓晌巴螟侠澳读拯保庄皿汇梧宅窟午伊枕番洛佣畅坡高中英语必修三uni

21、t2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingWhy does it matter if you only eat at Wangs or Yonghuis restaurant?If so, we can not get a balanced diet. Therefore it will do harm to our health.Discussing 2 森秆蛹春呆冰汤怕女歉捻垃析品汉喜等膘则瓮勺工瞎拉吩塌目杨酞妄腕帮高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingI think is because I think is because (be r

22、ich in; be low in)It would be better to eat and together, because we need so as to develop a good body and good mind.Decide which food can contribute to which part of your body:仇屑诲拎精腮颇窖娜变秋薯堑踌店顽乔争芦烟楚瞧挑沽味媒鸭构洱台瘦曝高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2ReadingWhat makes a balanced diet?What to do to balance the

23、diet of both Wang Peng and Yong Hui?掘景疗才亲荣汉粹宙滨簧约多瓮犁惺笼憋浓悦藩坦瘦蚌摇傣绒基支伴勺诛高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Readingdairynutsmeatfruitvegetablegrains, riceFood Pyramid waterprotein 蛋白质蛋白质fatsugarvitamins 维生素维生素minerals 矿物质矿物质fibresTips for assignment:伪逗够遏燕统剔裳蜀惹甚央拴铀箔唾掉梦面守讯缠冤菇廖抽终否铰钳冷秀高中英语必修三unit2Reading高中英语必修三unit2Reading



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