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1、第一部分第一部分 教材知识研究教材知识研究七年级(下)七年级(下)Unit 6考点一考点一 辨析辨析in front of, in the front of与与 in front 考点二考点二 辨析辨析house, family, home与与address 考点三考点三 辨析辨析sleep, sleepy, asleep与与sleeping考点四考点四 辨析辨析cost, pay, spend与与take考点五考点五 辨析辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与与turn down 练讲重难点考点六考点六 last的用法的用法考点七考点七 辨析辨析get to, arriv

2、e与与reach考点八考点八 Its+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.句型句型 辨析辨析in front of, in the front of in front(2014年年2次次) 练讲重难点 重难点精析考点一考点一考点抢测考点抢测1.Last week, people planted some beautiful flowers _ the church.A. in the front of B. in front ofC. at front of D. at the front ofB2.There is a window _ my room and a bed at

3、 the back.A. in front of B. at frontC. at front of D. in the front ofD满分点拨满分点拨in front of表示位置表示位置“在在(外部)的前面(外部)的前面”in the front of表示位置表示位置“在在(内部)的前面(内部)的前面”in front“在(最)前面在(最)前面”,后,后无宾语无宾语 如:如:The teacher is in front of the class. 老老师在全班同学的前面。师在全班同学的前面。 The teacher stands in the front of the classro

4、om. 老师站在教室的前面。老师站在教室的前面。 He lives in a small house with a garden in front. 他住在一个前面带花园的小房子里。他住在一个前面带花园的小房子里。 辨析辨析cost, pay, spend与与take考点抢测考点抢测3.What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive.No, they only _ me 50 yuan. A. spent B. took C. paid D. costD考点四考点四4.It _ me two hours to solve t

5、his math problem yesterday. A. took B. cost C. paid D. spentA满分点拨满分点拨辨析辨析差异差异常用句型常用句型例句例句cost主语一主语一般是物般是物或事或事sth. cost (sb.) some money某物花费(某人)某物花费(某人)多少钱多少钱The apples cost her two dollars.这些苹果花费了这些苹果花费了她两美元。她两美元。辨析辨析差异差异常用句型常用句型例句例句pay主语主语一般一般为人为人pay.for.为为付付pay for 为为付款付款How much did you pay for t

6、he shorts?这件短裤你花了多这件短裤你花了多少钱?少钱?辨析辨析差异差异常用句型常用句型例句例句spend主语主语必须必须是人是人sb. spend some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth.某人花时间某人花时间/金钱做某事金钱做某事They spent a whole day (in) finishing/on the work.他们花一整他们花一整天的时间工作。天的时间工作。辨析辨析差异差异常用句型常用句型例句例句take主语多主语多为形式为形式主语主语itIt takes sb. some time to do sth. 做做某事花费某人某事花

7、费某人时间时间It takes me half an hour to go to school every day.我每天花费半个我每天花费半个小时去上学。小时去上学。 辨析辨析turn on, turn off, turn up与与turn down(2013年年30题)题)考点抢测考点抢测5.I can hardly hear the radioCould you please turn it _? A. up B. down C. on D. offA考点五考点五6._all the lights is really important when you are the last to

8、leave the office. A. Turning on B. Turning up C. Turning off D. Turning inC满分点拨满分点拨辨析辨析含义含义例句例句turn on打开打开I want to watch TV. Can I turn on the TV? 我想看电视,我能开电我想看电视,我能开电视吗?视吗?turn off关上关上You must turn off the light when you go to bed. 你应当在睡觉时关你应当在睡觉时关上灯。上灯。辨析辨析含义含义例句例句turn up(音音量)量)开大开大点点I cant hear

9、the radio very well.Could you turn it up a bit? 我听不太清楚收我听不太清楚收音机音机, 你把声音开大点行吗你把声音开大点行吗?turn down(音音量)量)关小关小点点;拒绝拒绝Do you mind if I turn down the music?你介意我把音乐关小点吗你介意我把音乐关小点吗? Theres no reason to turn down this suggestion. 没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。没有任何理由拒绝这个建议。 拓展拓展turn的相关短语的相关短语turn about 转身,向后转转身,向后转 turn agai

10、nst与与反目反目turn around转身,调头转身,调头 turn back 返回,拨回返回,拨回turn in上交,告发上交,告发 turn into成为,翻译成为,翻译turn out结果是,出席结果是,出席 turn over翻身,翻转翻身,翻转turn to翻到,转向翻到,转向 in turn依次地,轮流地依次地,轮流地Its ones turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事轮到某人做某事 辨析辨析get to, arrive与与reach(20142014年年2 2次,次,20122012年阅读年阅读B B,20112011年阅读年阅读A A)考点抢测考点抢测7.Mary

11、will _ Changsha tomorrow, and we are going to meet her at the airport. A. arrive at B. arrive in C. arrive to D. arriveB考点七考点七8.When will you get _ the poor village to help the children there?I am going there in two weeks.A. in B. at C. to D. onC满分点拨满分点拨词汇词汇词性词性用法用法get to动词词组动词词组get to+地方地方reach及物动词

12、及物动词reach+地方地方arrive不及物动词不及物动词 arrive in+大地方;大地方;arrive at+小地方小地方 如:如:He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. 他他昨天到了上海。昨天到了上海。 When did you reach New York? 你什么时你什么时候到的纽约?候到的纽约? We got to the top of the mountain at noon. 我们在中午到达了山顶。我们在中午到达了山顶。 “到达北京到达北京”有下图所示三种表达方式:有下图所示三种表达方式: 注意注意 如果地方为副词时,直接用如果地方为副词时,直接

13、用get,如如get home, get there. Its+adj.+(for sb.) to do sth.句型句型(2014年阅读年阅读A,2013年年2次,次,2012年阅读年阅读C,2010年年3次)次)考点八考点八考点抢测考点抢测9.It is impossible for you _ there in such a short time, especially in the heavy traffic and you dont know the right way. A. gets B. to get C. get D. gettingB10.Its kind _ you to

14、 help my brother with his English study. A. of B. from C. with D. toA满分点拨满分点拨 在在“It is+ adj.to do sth.”句型结构中,句型结构中,it 是形式主语,是形式主语,to do sth.为真正的主语。如:为真正的主语。如: It is very easy to learn English. 学习英语学习英语很容易。很容易。 该结构还可带上动词不定式的逻辑主语,该结构还可带上动词不定式的逻辑主语,通常引出逻辑主语的介词有两个:通常引出逻辑主语的介词有两个:of与与for,形,形成了以下两种常考句型:成了

15、以下两种常考句型: (1)It is+ adj. +of sb.+to do sth. 表示表示“某人某人这么做真是太这么做真是太了。了。”这里的形容词是描述这里的形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格或品质的,如:不定式行为者的性格或品质的,如:kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等。如等。如:。 Its very kind of you to help me. 你能帮我你能帮我真好。真好。 (2)It is + adj. +for sb.+ to do sth. 表示表示“做做某事对某人来说很某事对某人来说很”。这里的形容词仅仅。这里的形容词仅仅是描述事物,里面的某人跟形容词没有直接联是描述事物,里面的某人跟形容词没有直接联系,如:系,如:difficult,easy,hard,important,dangerous,(im)possible等。如:等。如: Its necessary for her to do enough exercise to keep healthy. 做足够的运动来保做足够的运动来保持健康对她来说是必要的。持健康对她来说是必要的。



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