八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio同步课件 (新版)外研版

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1、MODULE 10MODULE 10ON THE RADIOON THE RADIOUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1I hope that you can join us one day. 1.Thankyouforshowingusaround.(教材P80)谢谢你带我们参观。解读show.around意为“带参观”。Let me show you around our school.让我带着你们参观我们学校吧。拓展1show还可以用作名词,意为“展览;展示”。There will be a fashion show in the hall tomorrow.明天在礼堂将会有

2、一场时装秀。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3拓展2show常见短语 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 32.Whenitson,itmeanswereonair.(教材P80)当它(红灯)亮时,表示我们正在广播。解读on在此为形容词,意为“开着的,处于工作状态;开始”。be on表示一种状态,可以和段时间状语连用。The TV play has been on for ten minutes.电视剧已经开始了10分钟了。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 33.Andweshoulda

3、voidmakinganynoiseinthebackground!(教材P80)并且我们应当避免在幕后发出任何声音。解读avoid 为动词,意为“避免;防止”,后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。It is easy to correct the mistakes.You must avoid them.这个错误很容易改正,你必须避免。Can you tell me how to avoid losing my way?你能告诉我如何避免迷路吗?拓展后跟动名词的动词(短语)还有:finish,keep,enjoy,look forward to,mind等。Unit 1Unit 2Uni

4、t 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 34.Wecollectthelatestnationalandinternationalnewsandwritereportshere.(教材P80)我们在这里收集最新的国内和国际新闻,写新闻报告。解读1latest在这里为late的最高级,意为“最新的;最迟的”。Irene has all the latest pop records.艾琳有所有最新的流行音乐唱片。解读2national为形容词,意为“国家的,国内的”。National Day国庆节助记national是由词根nation(国家)加后缀-al构成。拓展international国际的

5、,世界的Unit 1Unit 2Unit 35.Sokeepstudying,andIhopethatyoucanjoinusoneday.(教材P80)所以,(你要)继续学习,我希望有一天你能加入我们。解读keep (on) doing sth.表示“一直做某事;坚持做某事”,keep后不能接短暂性动词,必须接延续性动词。They still kept working although it was dark.尽管天黑了,但他们仍然在继续工作。Dont keep (on) asking me questions like that.不要总问我那样的问题。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3拓

6、展keep常见短语 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3We should keep the little boy from smoking.我们应该阻止这个小男孩吸烟。You must keep calm if an earthquake happens.如果发生地震,你必须保持冷静。Keep away from the high buildings when theres a strong wind.有大风时请远离高大的建筑物。If you dont work hard,you cant keep up with others.如果你不努力学习,你就不会赶上其他同学的。Do you oft

7、en keep in touch with your friends?你经常和你的朋友们联系吗?Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 2It seemed that they were speaking to me in person. 1.“Howoldareyou?”Theradiomanagerlookeddownatme.(教材P82)“你多大了?”播音经理低头看着我。解读look down意为“向下看;看不起”。后接宾语时,需接介词at或on。The director looks down at the actors from the dolly.导演从滑动台架上向下看演员。

8、I advise you not to look down on him.我劝你不要小看他。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3拓展look常见短语 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 32.Itseemedthattheywerespeakingnottolotsoflistenersbuttomeinperson.(教材P82)感觉好像他们不是在和广大听众说话,而是在亲自和我说话。解读1It seems that.意为“似乎;好像”。注意seem和后面that从句的时态对应。It seemed that everythi

9、ng goes well.似乎一切很顺利。拓展seem的用法Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3She seems to be right.她好像是对的。The young girl seems much better this morning.今天早上那个年轻的女孩好像好多了。You dont seem in high spirits today.你今天好像情绪不高。It seems (to be) a good place to picnic.这似乎是个去野餐的好地方。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3解读2not.but.意为“不是而是”,用来连接两个并列成分,强调后者,在意思上表示转

10、折。They need not money,but time.他们需要的不是金钱,而是时间。Not my mother but my father is going to Qingdao.不是我妈妈,而是我爸爸将要去青岛。解读3in person意为“亲自;本人”。Its too dark now;you must send away this friend of yours in person.现在天太黑了,你必须亲自把你的这位朋友送走。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 33.Attheageofnine,Iaskedforpart-timejobsins

11、mallradiostations.(教材P82)九岁时,我在小无线电台找到了一些兼职工作。解读1at the age of意为“在岁时”,其中age为名词,意为“年龄;时代”。The girl played the piano well at the age of six.这个女孩在6岁时,钢琴就弹得非常好。Whats your age?你多大年龄了?That paper has become yellow with age.那张纸因年代久远而泛黄。拓展at the age of.可以和when引导的时间状语从句互相转换。Peter could swim well at the age of

12、 four.=Peter could swim well when he was four.彼得四岁时游泳游得很好。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3解读2ask for意为“要求;请求”。I ask for the nurse to come early.我要求护士早点儿来。He is very ill and keeps asking for seeing his daughter.他病得很厉害,再三要求见到他的女儿。拓展ask for常见用法Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3图解用法Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 34.Thepurposeist

13、ocheckthesoundlevel.(教材P82)目的是检测声音等级。解读purpose为名词,意为“意图;目的”。What is the purpose of his visit?他来访的目的是什么?What is your purpose in doing this?你这样做的目的是什么?Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3拓展purpose常用短语He came here with the purpose of raising money.他到这里来的目的是筹集资金。I think she did it on purpose.我认为她是故意那么做的。Unit 1Unit 2Unit

14、3Unit 3Language in use 1.Thefirstprogrammeofthedaystartsat5am,andthestationclosesdownat12pm.(教材P85)当天的第一个节目是在凌晨5点开始,电台在晚上12点停止播音。解读close down意为“停止播音;关闭”。The shop has already closed down.那家店早已关门了。The company closed down a long time ago.那家公司很久前就倒闭了。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 32.Itsreallyniceofyoutoagreetotalkto

15、us.(教材P86)你同意跟我们交谈,真是太好了解读“Its+形容词+of sb.+to do sth.意为“某人做是”,这里的形容词是描述人物的品格的词,如friendly,honest,kind等。Its kind of you to help me in a way.这样帮助我你真是太好了。Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3宾语从句的时态1.如果主句是一般现在时,从句可根据需要,选用相应的任何时态。 I dont know when he will come back.我不知道他

16、将何时回来。The little girl hopes(that) her mother comes home from work earlier every day.这个小女孩希望她的妈妈每天早点下班回家。2.如果主句是过去时,宾语从句可根据需要,选用过去的某一种时态。The teacher wanted to know what the students were doing.老师想知道学生们在干什么。He didnt realize that he had done wrong.他没有意识到自己做错了事。3.如果宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么

17、时态,从句都用一般现在时。The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.老师说地球绕着太阳转。The geography teacher told us Shanghai lies in the east of China.地理老师告诉我们上海位于中国的东部。Unit 1I hope that you can join us one day. 1.government sports2.1.the (latest) news from China and around the world2.three days3.China;Englan

18、d3.1.were on air2.the latest national and international news3.speak English really well4.do interviews4.1.interviews2.international3.national4.avoid5.background5./i/:2.the interview5.the end/:1.the red light3.the programme4.the football match6.the reports7.the sports newsUnit 2It seemed that they we

19、re speaking to me in person. 2.b3.1.a radio manager2.in radio3.sat close to the radio in the living room4.small radio stations5.Internet radio6.first real job in radio4.1.seems2.studio3.at the age of4.purpose5.articles6.listenersUnit 3Language in use 1.1.The listeners tell us what they want to hear.

20、2.They were happy to know that they won the first prize last week.3.He asked when she came into this room.4.Did they know that he will come/what he was doing at that time?5.Have you heard that he will come/what he was doing at that time.2.1.who2.how3.when4.that5.why6.if3.1.has won the English Writin

21、g Competition2.(that) she was quite surprised3.(that) the prize is/was4.thats/that its5.that I will practise my English writing4.1.show you around2.are on air3.making noise4.in person5.the end of5.b)6.7.1.present music shows2.youngest3.four4.work hard5.love your jobRevision Module B2.1.b)2.a)3.b)4.b

22、)5.b)6.d)3.1.where2.why3.that4.how old5.how long6.when7.if4.1.looking forward2.will be/is going to be3.will take off4.have never been5.will enjoy6.told7.will understand8.wrote/has written9.to remember10.to know5.1.but2.or/and3.but/and4.but5.and/or6.8.1.pay for2.think of3.wake up4.know about5.ask for

23、9.1.mentioned2.introduced3.encouraged4.included5.separate6.provides7.depend10.1.important news stories2.important and famous people3.video camera4.news reports5.camera6.small television station14.a)5; b)1;c) 3;d)2;e)6; f)415.1.They want to go and look for Captain Flints gold.2.They are friends of Jims and a group of pirates.3.He wants to follow them and find the gold.4.Ben Gunn has found it and moved it to another place.5.He has helped Jim and his friends.



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