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1、高二上牛津词汇学习Unit OneSporting Events 初中词汇重现初中词汇重现&引申引申suitskigentlepromisestraightpoint tipcrosssuccessathletics athletecompete competitionrequirephysicaldesire 高二词汇despiteresortscrambleslopeinstructordefinitelyneverthelessparticipatecombineendurancecategoryhumanitysoar 专有名词SeoulSouth Koreashuttletrack

2、eventfield eventhurdlingshot-put discus javelinmarathondecathlonmottofloodlightsidewaysbe dying to doa series ofin casecheck into be honestmanage to dorefer tobe equal inin many ways Man: I promise you that I love you.Girl: He promises me that he loves me!Father: Oh, then has he promised marriage to

3、 you?G: Yeah, he promised me to marry me.F: So there is a promise of marriage?G: acctually it is a promise of happy marriageF: Is he a promising young man?G: Sure, he does show great promise.promisen. promise : declaration that one will do or not do sth promise of sth: hope of sth indication of futu

4、re success 湖北卷湖北卷200821. The young man made a _ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation. A. prediction B. promise C. plan D. contribution 我在他答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他我在他答应保守秘密之后把真相告诉了他. (promise)I told him the truth under a promise of secrecy. 看来这次探险的成功希望不大看来这次探险的成功希望不大. (prom

5、ise)There seems little promise of success for the expedition. promisev to do sth (sb) sth/ that. promising adj(辽宁卷辽宁卷)32.The new movie _to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time. A. promises B. agrees C. pretends D. declines Its a bad practice to _ children much money as a New Year gift. A.

6、promise B. permit C. admit D. allowI promised her _.A. that I would marry her.B. who was a well-known beauty at that time.C. when the war had not ended up.D. and I would not deny it.I promised her daughter she _ get a nice present on her birthday.Will it be a surprise to her?A. should B. must C. wou

7、ld D. shall第一次实验的结果充满了希望第一次实验的结果充满了希望. The results of the first experiments are very promising. 你答应过我什么(你答应过我什么((promise,n),等你赚了,等你赚了钱就回来娶我钱就回来娶我(promise,v),但是现在呢?,但是现在呢?我当时答应了你等你(我当时答应了你等你(promise,v),看看,看看我等来了什么!你这窝囊废我等来了什么!你这窝囊废(promising)!Man: I promise you that I love you.Girl: He promises me th

8、at he loves me!Father: Oh, then has he promised marrige to you?G: Yeah, he promised me to marry me.F: So there is a promise of marrige?G: acctually it is a promise of happy marrigeF: Is he a promising young man?G: Sure, he does show great promise.despiteprep. = in spite ofdespite the fact thatconj.

9、despite that让步状语从句引导词让步状语从句引导词 although, though, though, as (倒装) if, granted/granting (that) even though, even if; whether(or not) 疑问词+ever / no matter + wh-instruct instructorinstructioninstructiveresort n. summer resorttourist attractiontourist destinationscenic spothistorical sitesPlaces of histo

10、ric figures and cultural heritageUnearthed cultural relicsAncient architectural complex工艺精湛,独具匠心 Exquisite workmanship with an original/ingenious design 湖光山色Landscape of lakes and hills 依山傍水Enclosed/surrounded by the hills on one side and waters on the other景色如画Picturesque views 湖石假山Lakeside rocks a

11、nd rockeries 山清水秀 Beautiful mountains and clear waters resort toe.g. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that all peaceful options are exhausted before resort to war.Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.翻译:他那累人的工作日程已经使他不得不求助于毒品了。His punishing work schedule had made him resort to

12、drugs.definitelydefine . asdescribe . asthink of . asconsider . asregard .asidentify .asqualify.aselect . asemploy.asrecognize.astreat.asdefinedefinite She made no definite plans for her future.definitiondefined A clearly defined track now leads down to the valley.definitiveenduranceendureThe compan

13、y endured heavy financial losses.Somehow the language endures and continues to survive.endurableenduringThis chance meeting was the start of an enduring friendship.dureduringendure hardship / sufferingput up withstandtolerateresistperseverepersistThe Gettysburg AddressAbraham Lincoln19 November 1863

14、 Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can lon

15、g endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fit and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate - we

16、 cannot consecrate - we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the livin

17、g, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full

18、measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from this earth.categorycategoryThis book clearly falls

19、into the category of fictionalized autobiography.categorizeclassclassifyBuffett says he would not classify India as an emerging market, but a very big market.classificationsort all sorts of various a variety ofUnit TwoContinuous Learning A tutor who tooted a flute tried to A tutor who tooted a flute

20、 tried to tutor two tooters to toot, said the two tutor two tooters to toot, said the two to their tutor, Is it harder to toot or to to their tutor, Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot?tutor two tooters to toot? Tongue Twist1. order2. greatly3. having suitable knowledge4. additional

21、, extra5. honest,not pretending6. join a school7. a special skill8. discovering some informationcommandconsiderablyqualifiedsupplementarysincereenrolltechniquedetectiveFind words to match the meanings:9. in additionfurthermoreFill in the blanks with the given words:command, qualify, experience, reco

22、mmend, enroll, tailor, determine1. He _ his way of living to his income.tailored2. His experience _ him to do the job.qualifies3.He acquired a good _ of Emand4. Hes very _ in mending cars.experienced5.I was _ to follow their advice.determined6. I _ you to do more speaking after class.recommend7. Bef

23、ore you _ in a center, you should do some detective work.enroll Pair Work1. Have you ever studied any course outside of school?2. What type of course was it?3. Who was your teacher?4. How long was your course?5. How much did it cost?6. Would you recommend it to other people?DebateForFororAgainstAgai

24、nstAssignment:Assignment:Write a letter to state your Write a letter to state your arguments for or against arguments for or against tutorial centers.tutorial centers.The article must have the following form:1.State your main argument.2.Give a definite example.3.State your conclusion. 初中初中&高一词汇重现高一词

25、汇重现&引申引申sincereconfidencecheatattendcomicdetectiveconvenientdegreeinterestmaile-learningsoftwareInternetfreedomachievementsolutionrecommendationcomment 高二词汇tutortutorialfeereasonablecommandqualifiedsupplementaryenrolfactorpacecorrespondenceself-discipline 专有名词audiovideodiscvideo arcadecorrespondence

26、 coursecommand ofat ones own pacemake moneybe forced to doas a result ofbe willing to dodescribe . asbe convenient foron ones ownsense of achievementsense of satisfaction adapt . make comments onsincere adj. We all long for sincere and eternal friendship in that it can profoundly influence our lives

27、.sincerityI was impressed with his deep sincerity. confidenceself-confidencehave confidence in sb. lack of confidencewith great confidencegive sb. confidence in doing sth. confidential adj. 机密的机密的e.g. She accused them of leaking confidential information about her private life.detectivedetect侦查侦查dete

28、ctor探测仪探测仪perceivePeople perceive and respond to music in different ways.inspectExcellent work, he said when he had completed his inspection of the painted doors.observecheckexamineinvestigatelook intoachievementa sense of achievementa sense of responsibilitya sense of satisfactiona sense of securit

29、ya sense of humora sense of dispair / loss / disconnection / relief achieve achievementacomplish acomplishmentacquire acquisitionI volunteer to learn something new or to acquire a skill that I lacked.gainobtainwincommentmake comments onmake remarks onno commentNo comment. I dont know anything.Even a

30、 less-than-enthusiastic tone of voice or a no comment can be as damaging as a negative remark.service feeregistration feetuition feemanagement / administration feemembership feemonthly / annual feeentry / admission / entrance feeentrance feeprocessing feetransfer feeparking feerental feefeefare 票价 t

31、axi fare air fareexpense 费用charge 收费 free of chargeexpenditure 开支cost 花费 成本spending 花费、开销Family monthly budgetcommand v. n. He commanded his troops to attack.He is an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all her colleagues.Mr. Baker would take command of the campaign.His command of Engli

32、sh was mander qualifyqualify . asqualified be qualified to doqualification他的能力完全可以胜任这份老师的工作His ability qualifies him (for the work) as a teacher.He is qualified to be a teacherHe has the qualification to be a teacher.eligible competentSingle, young, attractive rich men rarely have trouble meeting el

33、igible women. It used to be the case that a competent journalist could cover any story that was put before him or her. disciplineprincipleestablished practicecustomprovisionstipulationruleregulationpolicylawconstitutionself-discipline遵守abide byobserveobeycomply withconform tostand byfollowact in acc

34、ordance withself-acceptanceself-access learningself-awarenessself-consciousself-determinationself-defenseself-governanceself-mockeryself-assessmentself-respectself-loveself-esteemself-dignifiedself-confidenceself-assuredself-sffirmationself-assumedself-reliance self-independenceself-improvementself-

35、careself-controlself-restraintself-masteryself-sufficientself-employedself-interestself-identityself-pityself-tortureself-taughtU1&2翻译词汇&句型seem definite aboutrefer to sb. for sth.the combination of . forms .in ones pursuit of happinessmeet with difficulties and obstaclesfail to meet the needs of .th

36、e practice continuessth. is best represented byhave been making efforts toemphasis must be laid onunder no circumstances can weit is worth the effortbring out great changes resort to military forces to .compared with previous yearskeep us informed ofis still in the process of constructionUnit ThreeC

37、ontemporary Styles Fashion Laura, a high school student, has been asked to give a presentation to her class. Read the transcript of her talk. My topic is Fashion. Fashion is important to almost all of us. By fashion, we usually mean popular trends in styles of dress. When we go out or to a party, we

38、 usually like to wear fashionable clothes. To illustrate my talk, I have brought along five objects. My first object is this blouse. It looks beautiful, doesnt it? Its my most expensive piece of clothing, and I love it. It cost me $200. It may seem very extravagant, but I could afford it with my own

39、 savings. It wasnt easy for me to earn the money, but when buying clothes, I think the more you spend the better the quality. So, you see, fashion is quite important to me. However, Im not as keen on fashion as my brother Gary. Last summer, he won a free trip to London in a contest. The organizers w

40、anted to show him some famous sights. But he did not appreciate old buildings. He just spent all his time searching for the coolest pair of trainers! For him, fashion was more important than culture. These are the trainers he bought. Was it worth a trip to London to buy these? Well, I dont think so.

41、 It was a waste of time and money. Fashion is very big business. Changes in fashion can create or ruin jobs. As an example, I have brought this blonde wig to show you. It belongs to one of my mums friends. In the 1960s, these were very fashionable. But a few years later fashions changed, and women w

42、ore wigs much less often. Many wig factories closed down, and hundreds of workers lost their lobs, which was terrible! Fashion can affect the natural world, as well. lm holding an old hat borrowed from a drama company. Its made of beaver fur. These hats were very fashionable about 200 years ago. As

43、a result, beavers almost became extinct. Luckily, in the 1850s, these hats went out of style and the beavers were saved. Finally, we should remember the saying, Never judge a book by its cover. Clothes will not make us more or less clever, better or worse, more or less honest. I once saw a movie abo

44、ut Mother Teresa. She spent all her life helping poor people in India, most of whom were dying. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. When she flew to Sweden to get the award, she wore the same old clothes as usual, and carried all her possessions in a little bag like this, which I bou

45、ght in a market. This reminds us that fashion is not the most important thing in life. Thank you. (443words)Presentation My topic is . . is important to almost all of us. By . , we usually mean. . To illustrate my talk, I have brought along. objects. My first object is .So, you see, . is quite impor

46、tant to me. . Thank you. More Reading A Uniform fashion good for young students Read this article from an education journal to discover a new trend in American schools. School uniforms are not part of the traditional way of life in the USA. In 1987, Cherry Hill Elementary, which is in Maryland, went

47、 against tradition by becoming the first public school in the USA to make students wear uniforms. The school did this to reduce trouble caused by the students love of fashion. Since this new programme has proved to be a good way to promote safety and discipline, other schools soon followed. By 2000,

48、 12 per cent of American public schools required school uniforms. The introduction of school uniforms has helped reduce school violence. Much of school violence is linked to the wearing of gang colours, which are the clothes worn by different youth gangs. In schools with youth gangs, the number of f

49、ights decreased by 40 per cent after uniforms were introduced. Uniforms also send a message that students are at school to study, not to play. They reduce peer pressure and create school pride. These things help raise the academic level of the students. Although school uniforms are popular in some a

50、reas, this new trend has met strong resistance from many parents, some of whom angrily complain that uniforms keep students from showing their individuality. A few parents have even gone to court to stop school uniforms from being introduced. For this reason, it is unlikely that uniforms will ever b

51、e adopted nationwide. 初中初中&高一词汇重现高一词汇重现&引申引申fashionfashionableobjectaffordcontestsightappreciatecoolruinaffectsayinguniformelementary reduceprogrammelink 高二词汇illustrateextravagantpromotegangacademicresistanceindividuality 专有名词blousetrainersblondewigbeaverfurMarylandpeer pressurebring alonga piece of

52、 clothingbe keen onsearch forclose downgo out of styleschool uniformpublic schoolgo againstbe linked todecreasepressurecomplaincourtunlikelyadoptnationwidefashion n.fashionable adj. stylish adj. trendy adj. chic n. 时髦;款式别致vogue adj. & n. 时尚的prevalent adj. 流行的 prevalence n. epidemic adj. & n. 流行的(病)c

53、urrent adj. 目前流行的 currency n. fashion designerfashion showout of fashionup-to-dateout of dateobjectobject n. 物体;对象 UFO(Unidentified Flying Objectobjective adj. 客观的 n. 目的,目标(target, goal, aim, purpose)subjective adj. 主观的object (to) v. 反对 objector n. 反对者 objection n. 反对oppose opposer n. 反对者 opposite a

54、dj. 对立的(go/be) againstdefy v. 对抗 defianceresist resistence resistentrebel v. rebellious adj. rebellion n. affect v. 影响影响influence effectimpacthave positive / negative influence/effect/impact onmake a difference toaffection n. 喜爱,感情 Caroline is the object of his affections. Express your affection and

55、 appreciation to friends and family. affectionate adj. 充满深情的They seemed devoted to each other and were openly affectionate.elementary adj. element n.factor elementaryessentialmainprimaryfundamentalbasicelementary schoolKindergartenElementary schoolHigh schoolCollege Pre-College The American Educatio

56、nal SystemThen you can be admitted into(Postsecondary Education)Vocational Technical InstitutionsJunior or Community Colleges (You can transfer to colleges after two years of study)Undergraduate ProgramsThen you can further your studyMasters Degree StudyProfessional School (Medicine, Theology, Law e

57、tc.) (equivalent to Doctors Degree Study )Then you can further your studyDoctors Degree StudyPostdoctoral Study and Research All school systems in the US have 12 years of elementary, middle school and senior high school.+Elementary schoolHigh school6 yearsSenior high schoolJunior high school4 years2

58、 yearsAfter high school, the majority of students go on to collegebachelors degree, or college diploma 2 years of study at a community collegeAssociate degreeGraduate studiesMasters degree and doctoral degreeUndergraduate studies Extracurricular activitiesThe most important oneTeach the student the “winning spirit”Designed to develop competitive, political and social skillsArt, music, drama, debate, photograph, volunteer workStudent governmentClubs and other activitiesAthletics or competitive sportsreduce decreaseillustrateextravagentpromoteacademicindividuality



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