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1、Revision1.我突然想到只有我突然想到只有这样农村地区的住房状况才能得以村地区的住房状况才能得以改善,从而改善,从而农民民们可以可以过上舒服的生活上舒服的生活。Suddenly it hit me that only by this meanscan the housing conditions in the country be improved so that farmers will lead a comfortable life.2.考虑一切因素,这位谦虚且体谅人的妇科专家决心终生不嫁,这使得她在她选择的事业上取得了更大的成就。(With )everything taken in

2、to consideration, the modest and considerate specialist in womens diseases was determined to remain single in her life, which helped her make greater achievements in her chosen career.3. 如果遇到紧急情况找不到医生,建议她们参考这本专门为农村妇女写的书,书中详细解释了如何降低死亡率。If a doctor cant be reached in case of an emergency, they are adv

3、ised to refer to the book intended for women in the countryside, which explains in detail how to cut the death rate.4. 梦想着上北京大学,这个表现好的学生常常学到深夜,为即将到来的高考做充分的准备,。Dreaming of being admitted to Peking University, the well-behaved student would study deep into the night, making full preparations for the c

4、oming university entrance examinations.5.只要你尊重老师,努力学习我不再跟你争吵零花钱的事。I will not argue with you about your pocket money any longer on condition that you show respect for your teachers and work hard at your lessons.6. 尽管身心疲惫,这位教授仍然从事于野外黑猩猩的研究,后来她的研究表明了黑猩猩和人类之间的联系Physically and mentally tired out as she w

5、as, the professor still concerned herself with doing some research into the chimps in the wild, and later on her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings.7. 我觉得读一读会议上谈到的这本书是值得的,书中讲述了我们可能过上低碳生活的方法。I feel it worthwhile to read the book referred to at the meeting, which deals wit

6、h the ways in which/ that we can lead a life of low carbon.8.很偶然地,我在圣诞前在一个挤满了顾客的超市里遇到了我以前的心直口快的同学,他很有成就感地告诉我说他刚刚获得了博士学位。By chance , I came across my former outspoken classmate in a supermarket crowded with customers before Christmas, who told me he had just gained a doctors degree with a sense of achievement.



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