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1、国家开放大学本科管理英语3一平台机考真题及答案 第四套说明:整理于2024年7月23日;适用于国家开放大学本科学员一平台期末机考考试; 前5个题相同则整套相同。第一部分、试题原题 第一大题、交际用语(单选题)本大题共包含5小题,每小题2分,共计10分。阅读对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个能填入空 白处的最佳选项。1.-Nice weather,isnt it?A.Yes,it is,B.Im not sure,C.You know it well,2. -Hello ,Im Harry Potter.-Hello,my name is Charles Green,but A.call m

2、y CharlesB.call me Charles C.call me at Charles3. -Lets go to the library this afternoon.A.Thats a good idea. B.Yes thats rightC.No,I cant4. -Whats wrong with you,dear?A.I didnt go to school!B.I have a terrible headache C.It is a beautiful dress5. -Have you ever been to Tokyo?A.No,I didnt go there l

3、ast yearB.No.but I hope to go there next year C.Tokyo is a busy city第二大题、词汇与结构(单选题)本大题共包含15小题,每小题2分,共计30分。阅读句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。1.Mike is an honest worker we all believe him.1A.so.thatB.such.that C.as.as2. They leave next Friday.A.decidedB.decided to C.decide3.The company made a of $309

4、,000 last year.A.process B.profitC.property4.A recent showed 68%of citizens were in favour of the plan.A.volumeB.surveyC.foundation5 .The box was heavy for me to lift.A.too B.such C.so6.It was in Johnsons hotel the business meeting was held last year.A.which B.thatC.what7.A car hit her when she was

5、walking the road.A.through B.acrossC.on8 .You can of course help the local school by giving them a directly.A.allowanceB.compensation C.donation9. The government _do something about these companies especially when food safety is concerned.A.mayB.canC.should10. of Professor Smiths have arrived here.A

6、.two student B.two students C.two-students11. , some quality management system failures do make headlines.A.Unluckily2B.LuckilyC.Unlucky12.I was trying to get into the bus when I heard a voice from behind.A.crowdB.crowding C.crowded13.While I was skiing,I and broke my wrist.A.fell B.felt C.fall14 .

7、On Saturday afternoon,Mrs.Green went to the market, some bananas and visited her friend.A bought B.buying C.to buy15.The news _we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.A.that B./C.which第三大题、阅读理解(单选题)(本大题共包含5小题,每小题4分,共计20分。阅读短文,从A、B、C 三个选项中选择一个正确答 案。)1.Human Resources Management (HRM)is the proce

8、ss of managing people and their relationships in an organization.These twoprocesses are important in the success and growth of a business.In managing people,staffing is the most important component of HRM.It needs to make guidelines and procedures for hiring and placement.Staffing also involves the

9、management of employees on matters like monitoring of holidays,absences,health and safety,disciplinary action,and dismissal.Another important element of HRM in managing people is keeping the employees in the company.The training of employees to enable them to improve their career development is very

10、 important.Good HRM policies ensure that there are clear regulations which show the pay levels for the different positions in an organization.It is important for the staff to know the career path,pay,training and other opportunities that are available to them.Performance management is another import

11、ant component of HRM.The reason for this is that many employers use it to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases.The secondary role of HRM is the management of the relationships among people in an organization.This includes staff within departments as well as across the whole org

12、anization.The relationship between staff and management is an important factor in the success of an organization.It decides how fast an organization will realize their goals.The focus of HRM is the people within an organization.Regular planning,monitoring and evaluation are important for the success

13、 of HRM.Successful management ensures that all employees know their role,career development and also feel part of an organization.3特别提酸,本题共5个小题,需要桩动答题框右边的漆动条使5个试题显示出来做答/1 单 选 题 _is/are important in the success of a business.A.Teamwork spirit and high salaryB.The process of managing people and their

14、relationshipsC.Talents and their goals 单 选 题 The most important component of HRM is A.staffingB.planningC.monitoring单选题According to the passage,it is important for the employes to know the careerpath,pay,training and other opportunities through A.noticesB.policiesC.advertisements 单 选 题 We can use to evaluate career improvement and to determine pay increases.A.staffingB.HRM policiesC.performance management单选题 is NOTmentioned in the text about the success of HRM.



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