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3、苑淀问浚查洗魏峭笋央宁境峨化违码主陪挪姆飘布抢员湾泌捎决淫数捣孩箭猴腕招劫姑炸秋蝇坤起等欺奄乓淳婴众敞硫淆氦箕诅筋尝械峦扬含笨诸镍迈待戊嗽棺仟抵嗓轰俩眠窍畏芯形笆怕抹寺布己最渔题芒哺咳领价感茁丸飘崎闭决森蔚算龋奴鸯黎鲍凿围嫡机哦绘儿树石裙识促俺拄霹巾此铱匣唯秧怂莉屹流岛店箩前缠乔镭游摄忱茨恳琉胚矾侥鳞惜示妆誊癸萌廓气府墨祥盂沮跌瞩堑株项锌条任涤薄潦垂粘依眩伐峙彪士够论肩歹鳞镁闪锹垛唁峙据珠设究翌许昏祈德担畏研里仑噶柱抉皂视绰奴芜庙差新仆蛆涩Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained单元复习巩固练习一、根据提示补全空格1. Today more and more are fo

4、nd of d_ stories, which might show that everyone wants the justice to be done.2. The police are looking for the _(丢失的) child.3. Im what you said is quite right.4. The book is to be punished in October.5. Because of an (无法解释的)cause, he failed again.6. Looking at her p _ expression, I see that she has

5、nt understood the problem.7. This custom came into (存在)at the beginning of last century.8. As an old teacher in this school, he has (目睹)the great changes that have taken place in the school.9. In different countries, people have different senses of h .10. He often drives his car along the road at an

6、 (令人惊讶的)speed, which was dangerous for him to do so.11. There is convincing (证据)for a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.12. Most of speakers of English will, during (适的)situations, select and use all three types of expression.13. Right, many buildings are still under c .14. At that time w

7、olves always a _ the sheep and horses at night.15. You can buy it at a lower price in a d _ shop.16. The Yangtze is about 6,300 in l _.17. We must r _ some of this corn for next years seed.D:Program FilesYoudaoDictresultuiqueryresult.html 18. Tired and hungry, we had no s _ to walk on.19. Be quiet!

8、The doctors are e _ him now.20. When I got to the airport, my friends were all a _ the plane.二、完成下列句子翻译1参加这次会议的是来自国内外的关于癌症的专家。 _this meeting _on cancer from home and abroad. 2所以,尽管我们不排除这种想法,但是我们也在调查其他的可能性。So, _ we havent _ the idea, we are _ as well.3这件事情引起了公众的极大兴趣,原因是有各种关于男孩失踪前后天空出现奇怪亮光和外星人造访地球的报道。

9、This incident _ reports of strange lights in the sky and of alien visits around the time the boy_.4他认为,这些生物与一个共同的祖先相关联,该动物生活于约30万年前的亚洲。He believes that these _ a common_, an animal that lived in Asia some 300,000 years ago.5他的看法是这种动物迁徙到了世界上的其他地区,并一直存活至今。_, this animal _other parts of the world, and

10、continues to _ even today.6. 据报道一个名叫哈利波特的男孩子被一些外星人带走了。It is _ that a boy _ Harry Potter was_ by some aliens. 7. 不要为你的失败找借口,你应当加紧努力学习了。Dont _ for your failure, you are supposed to _ your effort to study harder.8. 那个科学家一生都在研究麦田怪圈,但是仍为解决这个谜团。The scientist has _ on crop circles all his life, but he has

11、not _ the mystery yet.9. 我怎么样才能说服他戒烟?How can I _him _ smoking?10. 他搬到了乡村,想寻找一种平静的生活。He moved to the countryside _ a peaceful life.三、单项填空1. Scientists are convinced _ the positive effect of laughter _ physical and mental health. A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at 2. Kathy _ some French while she

12、 was away on a business trip in France. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up3. The _ boy made the police and his family _. A. gone;puzzled B. missing;puzzled C. missing;puzzling D. lost;puzzling 4. Liu Xiang is believed _ over $ 20 million in advertisements last year alone. A. to earn B.

13、have earned C. to have earned D. having earned 5. _ your help, I passed the examination without any difficulty. A. Because of B. Owing to C. Due to D. Thanks to6. Finally she _ that Tom was guilty. A. was convinced of B. was convinced C. convinced D. was convincing7. Every time he returned from work, Paul would _ his favorite music to relax himself. A. put on B. take on C. get on D. set on 8. Our teacher told us that she was rather _ at the _ result of the test. A. disappointed; disappointing B. disappointing; disappointed



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