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1、JohnMiltonJohn Milton(16081674) a English poet a scholarly man of letters an official serving under Oliver Cromwell Inhislife,Miltonshowshimselfarealrevolutionary,amasterpoetandagreatprosewriter.FamilyFamily educationeducationFather(JohnMilton)amusicalcomposer;literaturePrivatetutorHis Lifegood educ

2、ation: St. Pauls School, then Cambridge and got master degreegave up being a clergyman to his fathers country house6 years of private study and poetry writingHis LifeHis travel on the Continent1638-1639AtourtoFranceandItalyThesummerof1639ReturnHemetfamedscholarHugoGrotiusinParis,thentoItaly.Miltonar


4、0.Miltonbeganwritingpamphletsonpoliticalandreligiousmatters;SuchasOf Reformation论改革,Animadversions批判,and Of Prelatical Episcopacy论主教制His First Entry into Political ConflictMarriedthreetimesHadfourchildrenstrainrelationshipsMaryPowellDesertionMiltontheDivorcerHis MarriageCommonwealth & RestorationSec

5、retaryforForeignTonguesHiding,briefimprisonmentConcernedwiththesocialupheavalsofthetime,MiltondefendedtheEnglishCommonwealthLordProtectorOliverCromwelldiedinOctober,1658,andthedaysoftheCommonwealthwerecomingtoaclose.Inearly1659,MiltonpublishedA Treatise of Civil Power andReady and Easy Way To Establ

6、ish a Free Commonwealth. Forhispropagandawritings,Miltonhadtogointohiding,forfearofretributionfromthefollowersofKingCharlesII.Inearlyautumn,Miltonwasarrestedandthrowninprison,tobereleasedbyorderofParliamentbeforeChristmas.8November1674DiedofkidneyfailureBuriedinthechurchofStGilesCripplegateHis works

7、1.early poetic works 2.the middle prose pamphlets 3.the great poem4.sonnets1.early poetic works LAllegreLAllegre 快乐的人快乐的人IL Pens eroso IL Pens eroso (1632) 忧思的人忧思的人2.1 Works in the ReformationAreopagiticaAreopagitica论出版自由论出版自由The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 论国

8、王与官吏的职权论国王与官吏的职权 2. 2 Works in Commonwealth periodDefense of the English people 为英国人民声辩为英国人民声辩Second defense of the English people 再为英国人民声辩再为英国人民声辩3.Later MasterpiecesParadise Lost失乐园失乐园Paradise Regained复乐园复乐园Samson Agonists 力士参孙力士参孙4. A handful of sonnets(1)18Englishand5Italiansonnets(2)Theyarecomp



11、t,thoughblind,hadInobetterguide.Chinese Translation西里克:三年来尽管我的双眼看来无斑无暇,却被夺去目光一无用处的眼珠已把视觉遗忘,太阳、月亮和星星都整年不见,男子、妇女的身影也从不出现。我并不埋怨上天的意志和巨掌,也不让信心和希望受丝毫影响,仍坚持驾着我生命之船冲向前。也许你要问:我靠什么来支持?靠良知:朋友;为了捍卫自由,我累坏了眼睛,而这崇高责职,人们口口相传,已响遍了全欧。我若没更好向导,能凭这认识眼暗心安地把人间假面看透。Paradise LostBrief IntroductionMiltonsmasterpiece,theonly

12、generallyrecognizedepicsinceBeowulf,agreatepicpoeminblankverse,consistingof12books.ThestoryweretakenfromtheOldTestamentofBible:GenesisThemaincharactersareGod,Satan,AdamandEve.overviewThe majority of the poem was written while Milton was blind, and was transcribed for him. Considered by many scholars

13、 to be one of the greatest poems of the English language. It is renowned(享有声誉的)(享有声誉的) for its intricate(错(错综复杂的)综复杂的) and contradictory composition based on the biblical legend of the imaginary progenitors(祖先)(祖先) of the human race Adam and Eve, and involves God and his eternal adversary(对手)(对手) Sa

14、tan in its plot.Story Paradise Lost is about Adam and Eve-how they came to be created and how they came to lose their place in the Garden of Eden, also called Paradise. Its the same story you find in the first pages of Genesis(创世纪创世纪), expanded by Milton into a very long, detailed, narrative poem. I

15、t also includes the story of the origin of Satan. Originally he was called Lucifer, an angel in heaven who led his followers in a war against God, and was ultimately sent with them to hell. Thirst for revenge led him to cause mans downfall by turning into a serpent(蛇蛇) and tempting Eve to eat the fo

16、rbidden fruit. God selfish, seated upon a throne with a chorus of angels about him eternally singing his praises. He is cruel and unjust in punishing Satan. His angels are silly, who never think of expressing any opinions of their own. This resembles the court of an absolute monarch.Adam&Eve Embody

17、Miltons belief in the powers of man, craving for knowledge, denied by God, opens a wide road to intelligent and active life.Main characters Santa He is the real hero of the poem. He He is the real hero of the poem. He prefers independence to happy servility, he prefers independence to happy servilit

18、y, he is the spirit questioning the authority of is the spirit questioning the authority of God, which represents the proud and God, which represents the proud and sombersomber(昏暗的)(昏暗的) political passions of the political passions of the persecuted Republicans after Restoration. persecuted Republic

19、ans after Restoration. He remains obeyed and admired by those who He remains obeyed and admired by those who follow him down to hell. He is feeblerfollow him down to hell. He is feebler(虚(虚弱无力的)弱无力的) in force, superior in nobleness, in force, superior in nobleness, since he prefers independence to h

20、appy since he prefers independence to happy servility. He questions the authority of servility. He questions the authority of God. He can see no reason why Adam and Eve God. He can see no reason why Adam and Eve should not taste the fruit of the tree of should not taste the fruit of the tree of know

21、ledge. He represents the spirit of knowledge. He represents the spirit of rebellion against unjust authority and rebellion against unjust authority and tyranny.tyranny. Theme: Fall of ManThe creation of the Earth and Adam & EveSatans revolt against God Satans disguise of serpent and temptationThe de

22、parture of Adam and EveSatan and his angels being in shape of snake foreverMonarchyV.SParliamentGodarulerwithunlimitedpoweraselfishdespotcruelandunjustSatana mixture of evil and goodthe spirit who dares to question the authority of GodSubjecttojustifythewaysofGodtomanTwoSubjectstopraisetherebellions

23、piritagainstthedespotFrom the perspective of religion, Milton was a pious Christian, so he had to justify God.From the perspective of politics, Milton had revolutionary spirit, and was on the side of the bourgeois, he thought that God is a despot and Satan is a real hero.Themes Marriage MiltonMilton

24、s true vision reflects one s true vision reflects one where the husband and wife (in this where the husband and wife (in this instance, Adam and Eve) depend on instance, Adam and Eve) depend on each other and only through each each other and only through each otherothers differences are able to s di

25、fferences are able to thrivethrive(兴盛)(兴盛). While most readers . While most readers believe that Adam and Eve fail believe that Adam and Eve fail because of their fall from paradise, because of their fall from paradise, Milton would argue that the resulting Milton would argue that the resulting stre

26、ngthening of their love for one strengthening of their love for one another is true victory.another is true victory.Features of His Works(1)MiltonisoneoftheveryfewtrulygreatEnglishwriterswhoisalsoaprominentfigureinpolitics,andwhoisbothagreatpoetandanimportantprosewriter.Thetwomostessentialthingstobe



29、samasteroftheblankverse,firstusedblankverseinnon-dramaticworks.4)Hewasagreatstylist,andfamousforhisgrandstyle.AppreciationWith thee conversing I forget all time; With thee conversing I forget all time; 和你谈着,我忘记了一切时间;和你谈着,我忘记了一切时间; All seasons, and their change, all please All seasons, and their chan

30、ge, all please alike. alike. 所有的时光和它们的变换,同样悦人。所有的时光和它们的变换,同样悦人。 Sweet is the breath of Morn, her rising Sweet is the breath of Morn, her rising sweet, sweet, 晨风如此甜美,芬芳地拂过晨风如此甜美,芬芳地拂过With charm of earliest birds: pleasant the With charm of earliest birds: pleasant the sun, sun, 伴着晨鸟啾鸣;朝阳如此悦人伴着晨鸟啾鸣;朝阳

31、如此悦人When first on this delightful land he spreadsWhen first on this delightful land he spreads当第一道金光洒向这乐土,当第一道金光洒向这乐土, His orient beams, on herb, tree, fruit, and His orient beams, on herb, tree, fruit, and flower, flower, 草树果花,朝露晶莹;草树果花,朝露晶莹; Glistering with dew; fragrant the fertile Glistering wit

32、h dew; fragrant the fertile earth earth 濛濛雨后,沃土芬芳;濛濛雨后,沃土芬芳; After soft showers; and sweet the coming on After soft showers; and sweet the coming on 甜蜜随即而来,怡人的黄昏温柔;甜蜜随即而来,怡人的黄昏温柔;Of grateful Evening mild; then silent Night, Of grateful Evening mild; then silent Night, With this her solemn bird, and

33、this fair moon, With this her solemn bird, and this fair moon, 静夜来临,百鸟沉寂,月华如水,静夜来临,百鸟沉寂,月华如水,And these the gems of Heaven, her starry train:And these the gems of Heaven, her starry train:天上的宝石,缀星的裙裾:天上的宝石,缀星的裙裾: But neither breath of Morn, when she ascends But neither breath of Morn, when she ascend

34、s with charm of earliest birds; nor rising sun on this with charm of earliest birds; nor rising sun on this delightful land; delightful land; 但纵是鸟儿啾鸣中拂起的晨风,乐土上升起的煦日,但纵是鸟儿啾鸣中拂起的晨风,乐土上升起的煦日,nor herb, fruit, flower, glistering with dew; nor nor herb, fruit, flower, glistering with dew; nor fragrance af

35、ter showers; fragrance after showers; 纵是露珠晶莹的草,果,花纵是露珠晶莹的草,果,花Nor grateful Evening mild; nor silent Night, Nor grateful Evening mild; nor silent Night, 雨后的芬芳,怡人的温柔黄昏雨后的芬芳,怡人的温柔黄昏With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon, With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon, 纵是百鸟沉寂的静夜,月下的漫步纵是百鸟沉寂的静夜,月下的漫步Or glittering star-light, without thee is sweet. Or glittering star-light, without thee is sweet. 或闪烁的星光,没有你,什么都不甜蜜。或闪烁的星光,没有你,什么都不甜蜜。



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