Chapter 1 Overview中国概况英文介绍1

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1、Chapter 1An OverviewA Glimpse of Chinese Culture 本章教学的目的本章教学的目的n n1. 中国标志的基本了解中国标志的基本了解;n n2. 中国地理、历史、人口、民族、政治体中国地理、历史、人口、民族、政治体 制、经济的基本概况制、经济的基本概况;n n3. 学生学生介绍介绍自己的自己的家乡。家乡。本章教学的重难点本章教学的重难点n n1. 中国标志(国旗、国徽、国歌、首都);中国标志(国旗、国徽、国歌、首都);n n2. 中国地理位置、地形、人口、民族、经中国地理位置、地形、人口、民族、经济改革;济改革;n n3. 学生家乡的自我介绍。学生家乡

2、的自我介绍。本章教学的时间安排本章教学的时间安排n n教师课堂讲解教师课堂讲解教师课堂讲解教师课堂讲解(8080 minutesminutes) 1. B 1. Brief introduction to Chinese symbols rief introduction to Chinese symbols (20 (20 minutes)minutes) 2. Geography 2. Geography (15 minutes)(15 minutes) 3. An outline history 3. An outline history (10 minutes)(10 minutes)

3、 4. Administrative divisions 4. Administrative divisions (5 minutes)(5 minutes) 5. Population 5. Population (5 minutes)(5 minutes) 6. Distribution of the Ethnic groups 6. Distribution of the Ethnic groups (10 minutes)(10 minutes) 7. The political System 7. The political System (5 minutes)(5 minutes)

4、 8. Economic Development and Reform 8. Economic Development and Reform (10 minutes)(10 minutes)n n学生介绍学生介绍学生介绍学生介绍 (20 (20 minutes)minutes)Brief introduction to Chinese Symbolsn nNational Dayn nNational Emblem n nNational Anthem n nNational Capital n nChinese celebrate October 1 as National Day in C

5、hinese celebrate October 1 as National Day in honour honour of the founding of the Peoples Republic of of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) on October 1, 1949.China (PRC) on October 1, 1949.National DayNational Flagn nThe red color of the flag symbolizes The red color of the flag s

6、ymbolizes revolution and the yellow color of the stars revolution and the yellow color of the stars the golden brilliant rays radiating from the the golden brilliant rays radiating from the vast red land.vast red land.n nThe design of the four smaller stars The design of the four smaller stars surro

7、unding a bigger one signifies the surrounding a bigger one signifies the unity of the Chinese people under the unity of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of leadership of the Communist Party of China.China.National Emblemn nComposed of patterns of Composed of patterns of

8、 the national flag, the the national flag, the TianTian anmenanmen Rostrum, a Rostrum, a wheel gear and ears of wheel gear and ears of wheat, it symbolizes the wheat, it symbolizes the New-Democratic New-Democratic Revolution of the Revolution of the Chinese people since the Chinese people since the

9、 May 4th Movement in May 4th Movement in 1919 and the birth of 1919 and the birth of New China.New China.National Anthemn nMarch of the VolunteersMarch of the Volunteers was written in 1935 and was was written in 1935 and was officially adopted as the national anthem of the PRC on officially adopted

10、 as the national anthem of the PRC on December 4, 1982.December 4, 1982.n nThe lyrics of The lyrics of March of the VolunteersMarch of the Volunteers goes as follow: goes as follow: Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves; Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our ne

11、w Let us amount our flesh and blood towards our new Great Wall!Great Wall! The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril, The Chinese nation faces its greatest peril, The thundering roar of our people will be heard! The thundering roar of our people will be heard! Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise! Ar

12、ise! We are many, but our hearts beat as one! We are many, but our hearts beat as one! Selflessly braving the enemys gunfire, march on! Selflessly braving the enemys gunfire, march on! Selflessly braving the enemys gunfire, march on! Selflessly braving the enemys gunfire, march on! March on! March o

13、n! on! March on! March on! on!National Capitaln nOn September 27, On September 27, 1949, 1949, BeiPingBeiPing was was renamed as Beijing renamed as Beijing and became capital of and became capital of the PRC.the PRC.n nBeijing is not only the Beijing is not only the nations political nations politic

14、al centrecentre, but also serves , but also serves as as tistis economic, economic, scientific scientific amdamd cultural cultural heart.heart.Geography (15 minutes)n nLocation and Boundaryn nTopographyn nRivers and Lakesn nClimate Location and BoundaryWhats the location of China in the Map?n nLocat

15、ed in the east of the Asian continent, on the western shore of the Pacific ocean, the PRC has a land area of about 9.6 million sq km, and is the third largest country in the world, next only to Russia and Canada.TopographyWhat are the features of Chinese topography?n nChina is a country of varied to

16、pographical features with highlands in the west and plains in the east.n nTaking a birds-eye view of China, the terrain descends from the west to east like a four-staircase:1)1)QinghaiQinghai-Tibet Plateau in Southwest China; -Tibet Plateau in Southwest China; (above 4000m)(above 4000m)2)2)Inner Mon

17、golia Plateau, the Loess Plateau, theInner Mongolia Plateau, the Loess Plateau, the YunnanYunnan- -GuizhouGuizhou Plateau, the Plateau, the Tarim Tarim Bain, the Bain, the JunggarJunggar Basin and Sichuan Basin; (1000m- Basin and Sichuan Basin; (1000m-2000m)2000m)3)3)The Northeast Plain, the North C

18、hina Plain and The Northeast Plain, the North China Plain and the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain; (500-1000m)the Middle-Lower Yangtze Plain; (500-1000m)4)4)The continental shelfThe continental shelfRivers and Lakesn nMore than 1,500 rivers each drain 1,000 sq km or larger areasn nRich in water-power res

19、ourcesn nExterior and interior river systemsn nThe Yangtze River and the Yellow Rivern n24,800 natural lakesn nThe Grand CanalWhats your impression of the Yangtze River?n n The Yangtze River is The Yangtze River is the longest river in the longest river in China; (6,300km)China; (6,300km)n nIt flows

20、 through 11 It flows through 11 provinces, autonomous provinces, autonomous regions and regions and municipalities.municipalities.n nIt is one of the main It is one of the main artery of water artery of water transportation between transportation between eastern and western eastern and western China

21、.China. Whats your impression of the Yellow River?n nThe Yellow River is The Yellow River is Chinas second longest Chinas second longest river; (5,464 km)river; (5,464 km)n nThe most heavily silt-The most heavily silt-laden river in the laden river in the nThe Yellow river The Yellow r

22、iver catchmentcatchment area is an area is an important base for important base for grains in China.grains in China.Anything about the Grand Canal?n nThe Grand Canal is The Grand Canal is also called also called JinghangJinghang Canal (1,801 km)Canal (1,801 km)n nThe canal was open to The canal was

23、open to navigation over 1,000 navigation over 1,000 years ago.years ago.n nIt passes through one It passes through one city, four provinces city, four provinces and links five major and links five major rivers.rivers.Climaten nA warm climate and distinct seasonsn nContinental monsoon climate in Chin

24、a: 1) cold and dry winters; 2) warm and humid summers;An outline history (10 minutes)n nYuanmou Man and Peking Mann nThe Ancient Periodn nThe Modern TimesYuanmou Man and Peking Mann nThe first primitive man The first primitive man known to have existed in known to have existed in China is China is Y

25、uanmouYuanmou Man, Man, who lived 1.7 million years who lived 1.7 million years ago.ago.n nPeking Man, who existed Peking Man, who existed more than 400,000 years more than 400,000 years ago, could walk upright, ago, could walk upright, make and use simple tools, make and use simple tools, and make

26、use of fire.and make use of fire.The Ancient Periodn nWhy are we called “the descendants of Yan and Huang (炎黄子孙炎黄子孙)”?n nChinese history began with two legendary figuresEmperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches of the Yellow

27、River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually themsfelf “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.n nYu conquering the floodYu conquering the flood Yu inspired people to dig ditches to dive

28、rt water Yu inspired people to dig ditches to divert water instead of building dams. He worked ceaselessly instead of building dams. He worked ceaselessly for 13 years and succeeded in controlling the for 13 years and succeeded in controlling the floods.floods. The First Emperor of The First Emperor

29、 of QinQin He unified the Language, the measurement system He unified the Language, the measurement system and the currency, set up the prefectures and and the currency, set up the prefectures and counties system, constructed the famous Great Wall counties system, constructed the famous Great Wall a

30、nd built extravagant palaces and mausoleums.and built extravagant palaces and mausoleums.Administrative Divisions (5 minutes)n nThree-tier system (三级建制三级建制), dividing the nation into provinces, counties and townships;n nAt present China has 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities and tw

31、o special administrative regions (SAR:特别行政区特别行政区)Population (5 minutes)n nMore recent data using sampling by the National Bureau of Statistics announced that at the end of 2005, the population of China was 1,307.56 million.n nWhat is “one child policy”? It is a policy of family planning, hoping to c

32、ontrol the population increase, improve population quality. Distribution of the Ethnic groups (10 minutes)n n56 ethnic groups (Han, 91.59%)56 ethnic groups (Han, 91.59%)n nAccording to the fifth national census conducted According to the fifth national census conducted in 2000, the population of all

33、 the 55 minority in 2000, the population of all the 55 minority ethnic groups totaled 106,43 million, accounting ethnic groups totaled 106,43 million, accounting for 8.41 percent of the total population of China.for 8.41 percent of the total population of China.n nWhat is the ethnic policy in China?

34、What is the ethnic policy in China? Equality, unity, mutual assistance and common Equality, unity, mutual assistance and common prosperity are the basic principles of the Chinese prosperity are the basic principles of the Chinese government in handling the relations between government in handling th

35、e relations between ethnic groups.ethnic groups.nGuess what ethnic group are they from?DongYiTujiaLiMiaoThe Political System (5 minutes)n nThe Constitution of the Peoples Republic of The Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China is the fundamental law of the state.China is the fundamental law of

36、 the state.n nThe NPC is the highest organ of state power.The NPC is the highest organ of state power.n nThe Communist Party is the sole party in power in The Communist Party is the sole party in power in China. Apart from it, there are eight democratic China. Apart from it, there are eight democrat

37、ic parties in China.parties in China.n nThe State Council, or the Central Peoples The State Council, or the Central Peoples Government, of the Peoples Republic of China is Government, of the Peoples Republic of China is the executive body of the highest organ of state the executive body of the highe

38、st organ of state power and the highest organ of state power and the highest organ of state administration.administration.Economic Development and Reformn nWhat is GDP?n nGross domestic product, the total market value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a specific period. (13,687.

39、59 billion RMB in 2004)n nEconomic reform and opening-up are the two fundamental State policies of China. Students Presentation(20 minutes) n nPlease do brief introduction to your hometown, including the details about the location, population, climate, the main scenes,etc.n nFirst in pairs and to th

40、e whole class.Exercisesn nPlease prepare for next class presentation.n nDivide the whole class into groups. Each group will present their PPT to the whole class.n nTime : 10 minutes (Followed by 5-minutes comments from other students)n nTopic: any topic in Chinese culturen nArrangement: two groups each time



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