八年级英语上册 专项训练 专题一 词汇习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、精彩练习八年级英语专题一词汇专题一词汇基础起航语法扬帆提升冲浪A AB BC C专项训练专项训练一、根据首字母完成句子。Group 11I often go to the d_ to clean my teeth, so they look white and beautiful.2Mr. Smith went shopping without buying anything because he didnt have E_ money.3The scientist w_ why kids like eating junk food so much.4Linda looks thin and

2、weak. M_ its because she never exercises.5A_ everyone wants to join that game because it is quite interesting and fun to play.第2 页专题一词汇专题一词汇entistnoughondersaybelmost6Anna is a good girl who always helps her mother with the h_7Many dinosaurs d_ because the environment changed so quickly that they co

3、uld not get used to those changes.8It is becoming more and more popular for people to shop o_ and it seems that all the people want to sit in front of the computers.9Please talk q_. Other students are reading their books.10If you s_ your toys with each other, you will get more toys to play with.11Th

4、e boy is t_ in telling funny stories. Many children like listening to his stories.第3 页ouseworkisappearednlineuietlyharealented专题一词汇专题一词汇12These two boys are very s_. Can you tell one from the other?13Every day the r_ bring back lots of news to the TV station.14I will never go to that restaurant agai

5、n. The s_ is really bad though the food is good.15Can you bring me your m_?Id like to order some more dishes.16Usually people eat three m_ a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.17The students showed their t_ in the festival. Some drew pictures, some played instruments, and some sang and danced. They we

6、re really cool!18His j_ was very funny and made everyone laugh.第4 页专题一词汇专题一词汇imilareporterserviceenuealsalentoke19If you want to find out what is going on around the world, you can watch the n_ on CCTV13.20Do you m_ my opening the window? Its so hot inside.Group 21Lisa is t_ her best to work out the

7、 math question.2Come to the train station at 10:00. The reporter will w_ for you.3The movie made me feel b_. I just wanted to sleep.4You can see the whole city at the t_ of this building.5Do you know Minnie? She is Mickeys g_第5 页专题一词汇专题一词汇ewsindryingaitoredopirlfriend6No one could take the p_ of her

8、 mother.7Lu Xun, a famous Chinese w_,wrote many articles to ask people to wake up and fight for the country.8Would you please help me to send those newspapers and m_ to the London Press?9There are at l_ five people dying in this accident and it is so horrible.10What kind of movie is Lost in Thailand

9、(泰囧)? Well, its a c_. Its so funny. You just cant stop laughing when you are watching it.第6 页专题一词汇专题一词汇laceriteragazineseastomedy11Look! The k_ is flying a kite with his mother in the park. He is very happy.12It took us two hours to r_ the museum because its too far from our house.13Linda is good at

10、 science, but Paul is b_ at it than her.14The baby is crying. Her brother tries his best to make her l_15B_ Jane and Nelly are students in No. 4 Middle School.16Young people are usually more c_ than old ones. They always get new ideas.17You say your English is p_. However, I think you speak quite go

11、od English.第7 页专题一词汇专题一词汇ideachetteraughothreativeoor18I never go to the West Lake during the long holidays because its always too c_19People who shopped online on November 11th wanted to buy the things the most c_20Leo did less c_ than Jenny in the test. He made more mistakes than she did.Group 31I

12、 think robots will be c_ in the future, and they will make delicious food for us.第8 页专题一词汇专题一词汇rowdedheaplyarefullyooks2Johns dream is to be a p_,so he wants to be like Lang Lang one day.3I was not the last one to leave the classroom, so I was not s_ if the light was turned off.4The doctor told him

13、to take the m_ twice a day for a week.5Its Janes dream job to be a writer. She s_ his articles to magazines and newspapers weekly.6Ill give you the keys to my a_. You can stay there and have a rest.7There are lots of trees in all s_ and sizes along the road.8Bob is smart. He can e_ work out the diff

14、icult math problem.第9 页专题一词汇专题一词汇ianistureedicineentpartmenthapesasily9The office is big and clean its a good working e_. 10Its d_ to keep ill animals at home. Youd better take them to the animal hospital.11The train station is f_ with many people.12Do you like drinking y_ or orange?13That restauran

15、t s_ dinner even at 10:00 pm.14The bread with b_ is even more delicious.15We often eat fruit after dinner. I like w_ best.16The new movie is so popular that were not sure if the tickets are still a_ 3 days later.第10 页专题一词汇专题一词汇nvironmentangerousilledogurtervesutteratermelonsvailable17I felt so sad.

16、We gave him a present, but he did not a_ it.18The p_ is too small for me to read without glasses.19The museum is open on w_ only.20I was r_ to go into the library with a dog.Group 41Could you please help me to cut the pie in h_?2Parents care about their childrens education more than anything e_.3It

17、is surely a good e_ to travel around Europe.4“Stopping fighting!”said Jimmy a_“Look at the teachers a_ face.”第11 页专题一词汇专题一词汇cceptapereekdaysefusedalflsexperiencengrilyngry5Western festivals are getting more and more popular and many people give c_ to each other on the Valentines Day.6People in the U

18、K like potato c_ very much, and they love the fish as well.7Its too hot, and I cant stand high t_8I have to wash many p_ after the meal.9They d_ five meters and finally found water.10I want to make a banana milk shake.You should p_ the bananas first.11He didnt do any p_ for this exam, so he failed.第

19、12 页专题一词汇专题一词汇ardshipsemperaturelatesugeelreparation12Im so happy because my old friends will come to my wedding as g_. 13To make things better, we need not only to add something but also to d_ something.14Michael worked hard to get a good mark in the final e_15Lily is still recovering from a f_16We

20、 can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a p_ in saving the earth.17Look up these w_ in your dictionary, and you will know their meanings.18If buildings fall down with people i_,these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.第13 页专题一词汇专题一词汇uestseletexamluartord

21、snside19As teachers, we can take a twomonth h_ in summer.20It costs much to b_ the tall building.二、阅读小短文,用方框中的单词或短语的适当形式填空。 Aquite a few, bicycle, wonderful, few, hill, different, trader, of courseDo you know that 1._ are very popular in the Netherlands(荷兰)? 2._ people there go out by bike. A Dutch

22、bike designer (设计师), Thomas, made a bicycle school bus. There are some 3._ between Thomas bike and others.第14 页专题一词汇专题一词汇olidayuildbicyclesQuite a fewdifferencesThomas bike has eight sets of pedals (踏板) for kids, a driver seat for a driver and three other seats. The bike even has a motor (发动机). It c

23、an help with high 4._ or at times help when 5._ kids are on it. Kids can have a(n) 6._ time when they ride it to school. 7._, they can also use it for their trip.This kind of bike sells well in the Netherlands. Lots of 8._ want to work with Thomas and then sell this kind of bike all over the world.B

24、laugh, necessary, kid, quiet, care about, serious, heart, well第15 页专题一词汇专题一词汇hillsfewwonderfulOf coursetradersSimon was very poor. On a cold morning, he was so hungry that he decided to ask others for something to eat.A young woman gave him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and said 1._,“Iv

25、e no money to pay for it.”The woman said,“My 2._! Mom always teaches me 3._ others. So its not 4._ for you to pay for it.”Simon thanked her from the bottom (底部) of his 5._. Years later, Simon became a great doctor. That woman became old and ill. At the hospital Simon recognized (认出) her. He decided

26、to try his best to help her.第16 页专题一词汇专题一词汇quietlykidto care aboutnecessaryheartSimon visited her every day but she wasnt happy. Then Simon had a 6._ talk with her.“Madam, you look 7._ than before. Why arent you happy?”The woman said,“Ive no money to pay for the medicine.”Simon 8._, “Dont worry. You

27、 paid it with a glass of milk.”三、根据句意用适当词语填空,或用括号所给词的适当形式完成句子。Group 11Jim went to the mountains _ vacation last summer.2I went to New York City _ my mother.3Why dont you buy anything _ yourself?第17 页专题一词汇专题一词汇seriousbetterlaughedonwithfor4Jane felt _ she was a bird when she tried paragliding.5It was

28、 raining hard _ we got to the top of the mountain.6The sun was _ beautiful that we forgot about our tiredness.7Sam went to the countryside. He _ (feed) some hens and saw some baby sheep.8What do you find _ (enjoy) when you play games?9Yesterday _ (be) rainy, but we still had a great time.10Did you d

29、o _ (something)fun during the summer vacation?第18 页专题一词汇专题一词汇likewhensofedenjoyablewasanythingGroup 21What do you do _ weekends?I usually do homework and housework at home.2Next week is quite free _ me, I can help you.3Mom says drinking milk every day is good _ me.4_ often do you drink coffee?Four t

30、imes a week.5The answers _ our questions about watching television were interesting.第19 页专题一词汇专题一词汇onforforHowto6Its good to learn English _ watching English movies or listening to English songs.7_ many people like to do sports, watching sports is the most popular.8You can do sports such as _ (play)

31、basketball or tennis.9So start _ (do) now before its too late.10What does the _ (write) think is the best way to keep healthy? Group 31Sam has longer hair _ Tom. Tom is taller.第20 页专题一词汇专题一词汇byAlthoughplayingdoingwriterthan2My best friend is similar _ his father. They both like helping others.3Which

32、 one is your English teacher? The one _ shorter hair.4Who is smarter, your mother _ your father?5Larry is quite different _ me. He plays table tennis better.6A true friend reaches _ your hands and helps all the time.7I know Linda cares about me _ shes always there to listen.8Jeff is quieter and _ (c

33、areful) than most kids.9Huang Lei always has better grades than Larry, so he should help him _ (much)10My brother is as _ (serious) as my sister. They both like math.第21 页专题一词汇专题一词汇towithorfromforbecausemore carefulmoreseriousGroup 41The best supermarket is _ Center Street. You can buy the freshest

34、food there.2You can sit the most comfortably _ they have the biggest seats.3Thanks _ telling me all about it.4Movie City has _ (bad) service but we can sit the most comfortably there.5Johnny Depp is much better than other actors at _ (find) the most interesting roles.6Everyone is good at something,

35、but some people are _ (true) talented.7All the shows try to look for the best singers or the most exciting _ (magic)第22 页专题一词汇专题一词汇onbecauseforthe worstfindingtrulymagicians8When people watch the show, they usually play a part in _ (decide) the winner.9Some people think that the lives of the _ (perf

36、orm) are made up; they are not true.10But one great thing about them is that they give common people a way _ (make)their dreams come true.Group 51What do you think _ the talk shows?They are OK. I dont mind them.第23 页专题一词汇专题一词汇decidingperformersto makeof2I like watching news to find out whats going _

37、 around the world.3Talk shows may not be very exciting, but you can expect _ (learn) a lot from them.4Jimmy hopes _ (be) a worker one day and do something useful for the people around him.5We plan _ (watch) Days of Our Past tonight.6One of the main _ (reason)is that this place is the most beautiful

38、during this season.7Mickey has a pair _ ears which is the most famous in the world.第24 页专题一词汇专题一词汇onto learnto beto watchreasonsof8The man _ Mickey was Walt Disney who became rich and successful later.9Hua Mulan takes her _ (father) place to fight in the army.10Steamboat Willie came _ the first cart

39、oon with sound and music in New York on November 18th, 1928.Group 61What do you want to be _ you grow up?2Ken is reading a book named The Old Man and the Sea _ Hemingway.第25 页专题一词汇专题一词汇behindfathersoutwhenby3Joe is going to keep _ (write) stories to become a writer.4My parents want me to be a doctor

40、, _ I want to do what I like to do.5Not everyone knows _ they want to be. Just try your best.6My brother wants to be an actor. Hes going to take _ (act) lessons.7To study hard and get good grades sound _ a good plan.8Some people write down their resolutions and plans _ the coming year.9My plan has s

41、omething to do with their own _ (improve)10_ this reason, people say the best resolution is to have no resolution.第26 页专题一词汇专题一词汇writingbutwhatactinglikeforimprovementForGroup 71People will not use paper money _ 100 years.2I think there will be _ (many)trees in our city. More and more people are pla

42、nting trees in spring.3Some animals are _ great danger. We people should do something to help them.4Everyone should play a part in _ (save)the earth.5Sometimes I see blue _ (sky)in my city, but in the future we are not sure about it.第27 页专题一词汇专题一词汇inmoreinsavingskies6Robots like human servants help

43、_ housework and do jobs like working in dirty places.7It will take _ (hundred)of years to have more robots working at home.8My uncle helped us _(learn) to fix the machine yesterday.9Which side do you agree _,Group A or Group B?10We will work more so well probably have _ (few) vacations.Group 81Pour

44、the milk into the blender and _ (turn) on the blender.第28 页专题一词汇专题一词汇withhundredslearnwithfewerturn2I want to make Russian soup _ a party on Friday night.3After that, cook _ (dumpling) for another ten minutes.4_ (final), dont forget to add some salt.5To have a more tasty sandwich, put some butter _

45、a piece of bread.6We Chinese usually eat _ (tradition) food on special festivals.7People also remember the first _ (travel) from Italy who came to live here. 8They give thanks _ having a big meal at home with their family members and other relatives.第29 页专题一词汇专题一词汇fordumplingsFinallyontraditionaltra

46、velersby9Place the pork on a large plate and cover it _ gravy. It will be more delicious.10_ (make) this special food, you need to have rice, noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs.Group 91Can you go shopping with me tonight?Yes, _ (catch) you at seven.2Are you free _ (come) to my place on

47、 Sunday?3Today is Monday. The day _ yesterday was Saturday.第30 页专题一词汇专题一词汇withTo makecatchto comebefore4Im going to have a party to welcome my new teachers._ a great idea!5David is going on a vacation _ the end of this month.6If you can help, please tell me _ this Monday.7Get ready these things we n

48、eed _ the games.8Jim and Tim have great ideas _ how to organize the party.9The _ (open) of the new library will be on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 15th.10Please reply in _ (write) to this. Thanks a lot.第31 页专题一词汇专题一词汇WhatatbyforaboutopeningwritingGroup 101_ you do this, the teachers wont let y

49、ou in.2_ is a good time to go to Guilin?Any time in a year.3I dont know _ to do about going to Mikes party tomorrow.4If Dad wears nice clothes, he _ (look) more handsome.5I want to give the students in need some _ (advice)6Its best not _ (run) away from our problems. We should try to solve them.第32

50、页专题一词汇专题一词汇IfWhenwhatwill lookadviceto run7Sharing a problem is like _ (cut) it in half.8I think _ (talk) to someone helps a lot.9If we talk to somebody, well _ (certain)feel better.10Teenagers usually have a lot of problems and _ (worry)四、用括号所给汉语提示完成句子。1Its too late, Dave. Dont _ _ (外出)2Did you _ _

51、 _ (做一些有趣的事) when you went to Yunnan?3Why dont you _ _ _(待在家里) with me?第33 页专题一词汇专题一词汇cuttingtalkingcertainlyworriesgooutdosomethinginterestingstayathome4I visited many cities, _ _ (比如)Shenzhen and Tianjin.5My dog sleeps _ _ (至少)ten hours every day.6_ _ _ (只要) youre happy, you can do what you want.7

52、Thanks for helping me _ _ (使表现出) the best in me.8Amy, your watch _ _ _ (与相似的) this one.9The story doesnt need to be true. You can _ _ (编写) one. 10We saw _ _ _ (各种各样)kites in the sky.11John, _ _(例如), is an excellent student. 12The two cultures _ a lot _ _(有共同之处).第34 页专题一词汇专题一词汇suchasatleastAslongasbr

53、ingoutissimilartomakeupallkindsofforexamplehaveincommon13This boy _ _ _ (尽力)to look after his sick mother.14This cartoon character _ _ _ _ (不如流行)Mickey Mouse.15Kate _ _ _ (能够)play the piano when she was six years old.16_ _ _ _ (在初)July, the Greens are leaving for Shanghai.17I think this thing _ _ _

54、_ (和有关) Jack.18They plan to _ _ (开始)a new study next month.第35 页专题一词汇专题一词汇triedhisbestisntaspopularaswasabletoAtthebeginningofhadtodowithtakeup19Jerry, what are you _ _ (寻找)under the bed?20There are _ _ (成千上万)fishes in the lake.21In the earthquake lots of houses _ _(倒塌)22Mrs. Miller plans to _ Chine

55、se food _ (招待)her guests.23How do you usually _ _ (表达感谢)to your teachers?24Last week Jack didnt _ _ _ (上钢琴课)25My grandma goes to the park _ _ _ _ (一周三次)26Henry, can you help me to _ _ (为做准备) the party?第36 页专题一词汇专题一词汇lookingforhundredsoffelldownservetogivethankshavepianolessonsthreetimesaweekpreparef

56、or27Where do you usually _ _(闲逛) on the weekend? 28Tony _ _ _(去骑自行车) with his uncle on Sundays.29Jim, from now on, you need to _ _ _(更加谨慎)30Emma, please cut the apple on the table _ _(一半), OK?五、写出下列动词的过去式。1become _2build _ spend _ send _3bring _ buy _ fight _4teach _ catch _ 第37 页专题一词汇专题一词汇hangoutgo

57、esbikeridingbemorecarefulinhalfbecamebuiltspentsentbroughtboughtfoughttaughtcaught5dream _ leave _ mean _ keep _ sleep _ read _ feed _ feel _6break _ speak _ steal _ 7cut _ put _ set _ hit _8tell _ sell _ 9sing _ ring _ give _ 10blow _ draw _ fly _ throw _ know _ 11win _ write _ ride _ shine _ 12say

58、 _ pay _ lay _第38 页专题一词汇专题一词汇dreamtleftmeantkeptsleptreadfedfeltbrokespokestolencutputsethittoldsoldsangranggaveblewdrewflewthrewknewwonwroterodeshonesaidpaidlaid13drive _rise_ ride _14study _stop _ arrive _15go _see _lose _mistake _find _ dig _六、写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级。1tall _ _ short _ _long_ _2fine _

59、_ late _ _3big _ _ thin _ _第39 页专题一词汇专题一词汇droveroserodestudiedstoppedarrivedwentsawlostmistookfounddugtallertallestshortershortestlongerlongestfinerfinestlaterlatestbiggerbiggestthinnerthinnestfat _ _4funny_ _ early_ _5slowly _ _wonderful_ _6good/well _ _bad/badly/ill_ _7little _ _much/many_ _8far_ _第40 页专题一词汇专题一词汇fatterfattestfunnierfunniestearlierearliestmore slowlymost slowlymore wonderfulmost wonderfulbetterbestworseworstlessleastmoremostfarther/furtherfarthest/furthest



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