Unit 9my favorite subject is scienceppt课件

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《Unit 9my favorite subject is scienceppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9my favorite subject is scienceppt课件(51页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.Section A (1a- 1c)Today is my first day here.第一天2Hi! Boys and girls.Im happy to see all of you here.What about you?Me, too.很高兴见到3Hows your first day of school?Its_.goodbad4The best reporters of Grade 7Which group tell me more. 5Test 1:subjects you haveTest 2:you

2、r favorite subjectTest 3: your friends favorite subject6Subjects you have.科目,学科Test 1:subjects you have7historyChinesemusicgeographyartsciencemathP.E.8Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 1Class 89Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 1Class 8P.E.10GuessWhat subject is it

3、?11Class 2art12 Class 3science13Class 4music14Class 5math15Class 6Chinese16Class 7geography17Class 8history18historyEnglishartP.E.math geographyShout out the subject 191.P.E _2.art _3.science_4.music _5.math _6.Chinese_7.geography _8.history _cdbehfMatch the words with the pictures. 1acdebfahgag20Te

4、st 1:subjects you have21Test 2:your favorite subject22I I likelikeI I loveloveMy favorite My favorite subject issubject is最喜欢的学科Chinese.Chinese.history.history.geography.geography.23But my favorite subject is _.I like_ and _.mathscienceart24But my favorite subject is _.I like_ and _.mathgeographysci

5、ence25But my favorite subject is _.I like_ and _.historyChinesemusic26Call your nameNext one : TomTomBut my favorite subject is _.I like_ and _.27Test 2:your favorite subject28Test 3: your friends favorite subject29Lets ask.A:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is _. geographyhistory30

6、Chain ActionA:Whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is _. Whats your favorite subject?C:My favorite subject is _. Whats your favorite subject?.31Lets ask.A:Whats his favorite subject?B:His favorite subject is _. Chinesemath32Lets ask.A:Whats her favorite subject?B:Her favorite subject is

7、 _. sciencemusic33A:Whats_ _ subject ?B:_ favorite _ _ _ .34Lucky Eggs12365435A:Whats your _ subject?B:My _ _is _.P.E.+1Make conversations according to the picture.36A:Whats _ _ _?B:_ _ _ is _.geography+2Make conversations according to the picture.37+2Lucky Eggs38A:Whats _ _ subject?B:_ _ _ is _.his

8、tory+2Make conversations according to the picture.39A:Whats _ _ _?B:_ _ _ is _.Chinese+2Make conversations according to the picture.40A:Whats _ _ subject?B:_ _ _ is _.music+2Make conversations according to the picture.411.P.E _2.art _3.science_4.music _5.math _6.Chinese_7.geography _8.history _cdbeh

9、fcdebfahgag1bListen and circle the subjects you hear. 42Listen and fill in the blanks.AnnaAnnaAnnaAnnaLindaLindaLindaLindaLinda:Hi! Anna! Hows your first day of school?Anna:Hey, Linda! Its good. Im _ to see all my friends. What about you?Linda:Me, too. And my classes are great.Anna:Whats your _ subj

10、ect?Linda:My favorite _ is science. Whats yours?Anna:Hmm. Well, I like _ and _. But my favorite subject is _.happyfavoritesubjectmusicartmath43interview your partners44Name_ and_ and_Interview(采采访) your partners.45Interview(采采访) your partners.I am _. Im to see all my I like _ and _, butMy friends ar

11、e _ and _. They are .X1 likes _ and _, X2 likes _ and _, but his/her _ subject is_.friends here. my favorite _ is _.but his/her _ subject is_. Give your reports.4647The best reporters of Grade 748Everyone likes something different.No matter what subjectNo matter what subjectNo matter what subjectNo matter what subject you likeyou likeyou likeyou like Love study, love your class, Love study, love your class, lovelove your school your school49You can become better students if you work harder.50Thank you!



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