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1、CETCET完型填空完型填空PPTPPT课课件件注意事项注意事项a.a.跟着感觉走(语感)跟着感觉走(语感): 重视第一反应,不要轻易改答案重视第一反应,不要轻易改答案b .b .正确选项正确选项 : 往往是相对简单的单词往往是相对简单的单词C C . 20. 20个选项个选项 : 一般一般 n n:3, v3, v:5,adj5,adj:2 2其其他词他词做题步骤做题步骤 1. 1.浏览全文浏览全文skimmingskimming(2-32-3分钟):分钟): 抓住首句,理清文章结抓住首句,理清文章结 构。把握感情色彩构。把握感情色彩 2 . 2 . 初选答案(初选答案(8-108-10分钟

2、分钟 ) a. a.首先从语法和词汇入手首先从语法和词汇入手 * * 词义与句型词义与句型 * * 固定搭配固定搭配 * * 逻辑关系逻辑关系(P53 .68.71)(P53 .68.71) b . b . 从句意入手从句意入手 先易后难,逐一排除先易后难,逐一排除 3. 3.回头补缺,核实答案(回头补缺,核实答案(10-1510-15分钟)分钟)主线主线 :1 .1 .主题句主题句 . a . a文章主题文章主题 b b段落主题段落主题 2 . 2 .一致关系一致关系 a a词汇一致词汇一致 b b语法一致语法一致 C C上下逻辑关系一致上下逻辑关系一致逻辑关系词语逻辑关系词语 表示并列关系

3、的: and,and also, neither nor, either or, similary,likewise ,in the same way,on the one hand, on the other hand. etc 表示让步关系的:although, though, even though,no matter , even if, in spite of,nevertheless逻辑关系词语逻辑关系词语 表示因果关系的:so, becauseas, therefore, thus,accordingly, consequently, as a result, etc. 表示列举

4、关系的:first, second, third,firstly, secondly, next, in the first place, for one thing, to begin with, to conclude, etc.1) Geographers compare and contrast _ places in the 1) Geographers compare and contrast _ places in the world.world. A. similar B. various C. distant D. famous A. similar B. various C

5、. distant D. famous 2) some parts of the water are very shallow ,but in some 2) some parts of the water are very shallow ,but in some place it is very _place it is very _ A deep B high C cold D dangerous A deep B high C cold D dangerous 3)When our friends happy and up ,that tends to influence us3)Wh

6、en our friends happy and up ,that tends to influence us Positively _,when they down,that can have a _ impact Positively _,when they down,that can have a _ impact on uson us A . for B . but C . in D . by A . for B . but C . in D . by A . relative B decisive C negative D sensitive A . relative B decis

7、ive C negative D sensitive技巧技巧( (一一) ) 第一个空的解题方法第一个空的解题方法 固定搭配固定搭配 感情色彩感情色彩例例 1.we should expect see consumers in a postive 1.we should expect see consumers in a postive mood state evaluate products in more of -mood state evaluate products in more of -manners manners A casual B critical C serious D

8、favorable A casual B critical C serious D favorable 2 It is a endeavor project ,easily surlpassing the 2 It is a endeavor project ,easily surlpassing the scale of such previous human _as the Pananma scale of such previous human _as the Pananma CanalCanalA behaviors B endeavors C inventions D element

9、sA behaviors B endeavors C inventions D elements 以名词为发散中心以名词为发散中心例 Within the next fifteen years man had gone to the moon, searching beneath its _ and dusty soil for signs of life. A. wet B. damp C. moist D. dry技巧(二)相似相反原则排除同性元素:排除选项中有2-3个表达同一个意思并词性完全一样的单词例:My grandmother worked hard all day, making

10、 butter, washing clothes, cleaning the house, and even _ in the field when help was scarce. A. worked B. working C. play D. playing技巧(三)寻找同现 同现是指在文章中,一组具有共同倾向性词汇. 讲述一定的话题例:例 Camps have begun to close as they-intended to be permanet A yet B once C never D ever 技巧(4)运用已知的社会常识或背景解题 这体现了做完型填空的主线:利用已知道信息

11、推测未信息Interstate higways makes econimic growth by making things less-A exclusive B comparativeC competive D expensive例例 1 : India or West Africa, where there is a long 81 of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should On the other hand, if you live in a country where there is no t

12、raditional use of English, A) custom B) use C) tradition D) habit例4:Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A adaptable B comfortable C convenient D availablen n技巧技巧 寻找复现寻找复现n n复现复现 相同的单词在文章中不同地方出现相同的单词在文章中不同地方出现 例例. 1n nLaguage permits communicates about anything

13、-things like things that have never existed A only B almost C even D just 例例. 2 The foreign research scholar usually isolates himself in the laboratory as a means of protection; _ what he really needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system.A. otherwise B. moreover C. however D. al

14、so n n技巧 运用逻辑关系解题表示转折关系的: but,however, yet, in spite of although, though ,on the contrary unfortunately表示递进关系的: even,besides furthermore, likewise moreover, in addition, whats more, . not only.but also n n只能用That 不能用 which 的情况n n1。先行词为序数词 数词 形容词的最高级时候n n2。不定代词如anything nothing the one all 等做先行词时n n3

15、。在 there be 句型中n n4 。先行词有the only the verythe only the very 修饰时n n5。先行词既有人又有物时n n后面加动名词集锦n n prevent practise stand forgive suggest n nKeep n nbe used to n ndevote oneself to n n be busy n n look forward to n nit is worth n nCan not help n n动词后面省略TO集锦n nHad better (not )do n nWould rather do than do

16、 n nSee watch hear smell make let havehelp Need want require deserve demand 后面可以接doing 也可以接to be done 表示相同的意思The desk needs reparing The desk needs to be repaired 技巧(五)动词切入点 主语是人还是物 doubt接人 manifest 接物 物理性与抽象性 enhance 提高 play 打球 tighten 褒贬一致 exposure scandal 及物与不及物 make let get help see 技巧技巧( (七七) )

17、 名词切入点名词切入点 A 名词做主语 主谓搭配是否一致 B 名词做宾语 动宾搭配是否一致 C名词处于先行词 whowhom 人 where 地点 why 原因When时间which人或物 不管以动词,名词或其它词性为切入点,当没有解题方法时候,均可以一核心名词为切入点阅读理解与完型填空的关系阅读理解与完型填空的关系 阅读理解解题的三条主线阅读理解解题的三条主线 A A 传统传统( (经典经典) )解题解题 回文定位回文定位 1. 1.显性信息时间显性信息时间 , ,地点地点, ,人物人物, ,大写字母大写字母, ,长难单长难单词词, ,但是不能用核心名词来定位但是不能用核心名词来定位 2.

18、2.自然段原则自然段原则 3.3.上下卡位上下卡位 答案答案1,1,原文重现原文重现-快速阅读快速阅读 2, 2,同替换义同替换义-精细阅读精细阅读 B 猜题 1.上下题目互给信息 2.相似相反原则 3.主旨靠近主旨覆盖C 选择题本身特点 1排除法 绝对性词语,精细阅读中照抄原文的,主旨与推断题目中细节信息 2.代入法 解决词汇语义题完型填空完型填空 A A 传统的解题方法传统的解题方法 1 1 固定搭配固定搭配 2 2 逻辑关系逻辑关系 3 3 以动词为切入点以动词为切入点 4 4 以名词为切入点以名词为切入点 5 5 感情色彩感情色彩 B B 经典解题技巧经典解题技巧 6 6 寻找复现寻找

19、复现 7 7 寻找同现寻找同现 8 8 已有的社会常识和背景已有的社会常识和背景 9 9 以核心名词为发散中心以核心名词为发散中心 C C 选择题目本身的特点选择题目本身的特点 10 10 排除同性元素排除同性元素 我我 永 恒 n n曾经有一份爱情出现在我面前,我没有好好珍惜,如果再给我一次机会的话,我会对我爱的人说“我爱你”,如果要加一个期限的话我希望是一万年 语法大项n n虚拟语气n n定义:表示说话人的主观愿望或者假想.所以所说的条件条件一般是与现实相反现实相反的,时态退时态退后后最大的特点n n 一)用于非真实条件下的状语从句n n与现在事实相反与现在事实相反例:If I were

20、girl ,I would marry you. If he were here,he would help you.条件状语从句条件状语从句主句主句与现在与现在与现在与现在事实相事实相事实相事实相反反反反IfIf主语动词过去主语动词过去主语动词过去主语动词过去式式式式( (动词动词动词动词be be 的过去时的过去时的过去时的过去时态均用态均用态均用态均用were)were)主语主语主语主语would(shoulwould(should) d) 动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形条件状语从句条件状语从句 主句主句 与与 过去过去事实事实相反相反IfIf主语动词主语动词主语动词主语动词过去式过去

21、式过去式过去式(had (had done)done)主语主语主语主语would(should) would(should) Have doneHave done如果有如果有如果有如果有now ,today now ,today 等表等表等表等表示现在的标志词示现在的标志词示现在的标志词示现在的标志词主语主语主语主语would(should) would(should) 动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形n n例例1. If you had worked harder, you would have pass the CET4n n练习练习n nIf Marry had not been bad

22、ly hurt in a ccident,she -in last monthS marathon racen nA would participate C might participaten nB would have participate D must participate条件状语从句条件状语从句主句主句与与 将将来事来事实实相反相反谓语动词的过去式谓语动词的过去式谓语动词的过去式谓语动词的过去式 主语主语主语主语 would(should) would(should) 动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形谓语用谓语用谓语用谓语用were to were to 动词动词动词动词原原原原

23、形形形形谓语用谓语用谓语用谓语用shouldshould动词原动词原动词原动词原 形形形形n n例1.If he succeeded ,everything would be all right .n n If he should (were to ) succeeded , everything would be all right n n-to do the work ,I should do it some other dayn nA If were I B I were C were I D was如果虚拟条件从句中含有were should 或had可将if省略,再把were sho

24、uld 或had移到从句句首,进行倒装.n nIf he were here,he would help youn nwere he here, he would help youn nI 注意如果说were I not to do 而不能说weren t I not to do 二)用于名词性从句n n3.The professor required that -(3.The professor required that -(我们交报告我们交报告)by )by n nthe end of month (2006.06)the end of month (2006.06)n n切块切块: 我

25、们我们we , we , 交交hand in , hand in , 报告报告report, report, 研究研究researchresearchn nWe should hand in the research reportWe should hand in the research reportn n1)1)Order suggest propose (proposal) require demand Order suggest propose (proposal) require demand request insist command idea advice plan reque

26、st insist command idea advice plan 等表示命等表示命令令, ,请求请求, ,建议建议, ,命令命令, ,要求等一类词在从句中要求等一类词在从句中( (should) ) 动词原形动词原形动词原形动词原形n n例句例句n nI make a proposal that we should hold a meeeing I make a proposal that we should hold a meeeing next weeknext weekA Your pale face suggests that you should be illB Your pal

27、e face suggests that you are illC I insist that you should be wrong D I insist that you were wrong Suggest 不表示建议而表示 “暗示暗示 表明表明”时候用陈述语气insist不表示坚持要某人做某事时而表示“坚持坚持认为认为”的的时候要用陈述语气n n2)wish用法n n I wish I were handsome boy (事实上并没有)n n He wish he hadnt said that(事实上已经讲了)3)It is (high) time that 在句型中的应用It i

28、s (high) time that后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should动词原形动词原形A It is (high) time that the children went to bedB It is (high) time that the children should go to bedn n4)if only 用法 a. if only表示如果就好了 if only I were a handsome boy b.only if表示只有才 I wake up only if the clock ringsn n 倒装倒装知识要点: 倒装分完全倒装与部分倒装两种类型,重点是部分倒

29、装,即只有系动词、助动词和情态动词参与的倒装。常见的倒装结构可以分为四大类:n n1、 否定倒装。指否定副词或否定的副词性结构否定倒装。指否定副词或否定的副词性结构(hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, little, nowhere, ,under no circumstances, in no way, no sooner than)hardly .when not until用于句首时所导致的倒装。用于句首时所导致的倒装。例例1.I have never seen so beatiful girln nNever have I seen so beatiful

30、 girl.例例2.The monther did not leave the room until the child fell asleepn nNot until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the roomn nnot until 时间状语(正常语序) 助动词 主语n n他刚试着使用这 台机器它就不转了n n-than it did not workn nNo sooner than n nTry to use n nHe had tried to usen nNo soone had he tried to use the m

31、achine2、虚拟倒装。指在、虚拟倒装。指在IF引导的虚拟条件句中,将引导的虚拟条件句中,将IF省略,把省略,把should, had, were提至主语前,提至主语前,形成倒装。形成倒装。 e.g. Were I you, Ill never promise to do that.3、 强调倒装。为突出强调某一成分而将它提至强调倒装。为突出强调某一成分而将它提至句首时,实行倒装:句子结构要求倒装:如:句首时,实行倒装:句子结构要求倒装:如:only 等例you learn English well only in this way only in this way ,can you lea

32、rn English welln n4、 省略倒装。涉及词语包括省略倒装。涉及词语包括so, neither, norn nTom can speak English so can jackn nIf you wont go ,neither will I n nShe like swimming so do I n nShe like swimming so she dosen n当引出的句子用于对上文的内容加以肯定当引出的句子用于对上文的内容加以肯定或证实时候或证实时候,不可用倒装结构不可用倒装结构,意思为意思为“的确如的确如此此”动词的非谓语形式n n1 有一个女孩子坐在那里n n th

33、ere is a girl sitting there n n2.在中国人们讲什么样的语言n nWhat is language spoken in chinan n动词做后置定语时,要看该动词与之前名词的关系,如果是主动关系,则为ingn n形式,如果是被动关系,则为过去分词形式n n真题演练n n母亲看着她受伤的儿子送进手术室n nThe mother wacthed her injured son taken into the operating roomn n3. - from the moon. XiaMen is very beatifuln nA saw B. seeing C

34、seen D being sen n n例n nHaving been attacked by terrorists-n nA doctors came to their rescue n nB the tall buiding collapsed n nC an emergency was taken n nD warning were given to touristsn n4.-is a fine day ,we are going to travel.n nA what B It is C It being D It wasn n动词的独立主格结构n n相当于状语。或者是表语,在句子中

35、充当时间,原因,地点等n n该句子结构一般n n1。有两个不同的主语n n2,中间有逗号隔开n n这个时候应该将其谓语动词变成being n n第一步:首先快速浏览句子,先看英语不看汉第一步:首先快速浏览句子,先看英语不看汉语,从而判断划线处所填句子的形式、时态。语,从而判断划线处所填句子的形式、时态。所谓形式包括:所谓形式包括: n n1词组固定搭配(不定式短语、分词短语、动词组固定搭配(不定式短语、分词短语、动名词、句子等)名词、句子等)n n2虚拟虚拟n n3被动被动 n n所谓时态是指:根据前后已经给出的英语句子所谓时态是指:根据前后已经给出的英语句子判断所填英语句子的时态。判断所填英

36、语句子的时态。n n第二步:看括号里面的汉语句子,第二步:看括号里面的汉语句子,以核心谓以核心谓语动词为切入点,找准主谓宾、分清定状补。语动词为切入点,找准主谓宾、分清定状补。n n第三步:先翻译主谓宾、后翻译定状补,第三步:先翻译主谓宾、后翻译定状补, 切切块对应翻译,重新组合。动词注意时态,名词块对应翻译,重新组合。动词注意时态,名词注注 n n【CET-4:2006.6】n n87Having spent some time in the city,he had no trouble_(找到去找到去历史博物馆的路历史博物馆的路).n n【句意】在城市里待了一些时间后,他能毫不【句意】在城

37、市里待了一些时间后,他能毫不费力地找到去历史博物馆的路。费力地找到去历史博物馆的路。n n【解析】题干中已经给出【解析】题干中已经给出have no trouble,说明考查的是说明考查的是have (no) trouble (in) doing sth这一词组的用法,因此可以断定,考点之这一词组的用法,因此可以断定,考点之一必然是答案需要使用动名词形式。一必然是答案需要使用动名词形式。“找到去找到去的路的路”应该用应该用find the way to。n n虚拟语气虚拟语气 1.The victim -(本来有机会活下来本来有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hos

38、pital in time(2006.12 )n n正常语序正常语序 if he had been taken to hospital in time The victim -(本来有机会活下来本来有机会活下来) 活活 survive 有机会有机会 have a chance Woud have a chance to survived2.If she had returned an hour earlier ,Mary -(就不会被大雨淋了就不会被大雨淋了) (2009.06)n n被雨淋被雨淋 Catch in 大雨大雨 heavy rain n nWoud not have been c

39、aught in heavy rain n n3.The professor required that -(我们交报告)by wednsday (2006.06)n n切块: 我们we , 交hand in , 报告report, 研究researchn nWe should hand in the research reportn n倒装1.Not only -(他向我收费过高) ,but he did not do a good repair either n n收费 charge过高收费 overcharge 时态过去式 He overcharged me did he overcha

40、rge2.-(直到他完成使命) did he realize that he was seriously illHe realized that he was seriously ill-(直到他完成使命) 完成finish 使命 mission task 直到until Not until he had finished the missionn nHaving spent some time in the city ,he -(找到去历史博物馆) had no trouble the way to the history museum(2006.06)n n切块.-找到Find 去路the

41、 way to 历史 history 博物馆museumn n答案-fingding the way to the history museum.n n状语从句n n1) 时间状语从句n nSome psychhologists claim that people-(出门在外时可能会感到孤独)2006.12 切块-feel lonely be away from home 答案-may feel lonely when they are away from home2)2)条件状语从句3)3) please come here at ten tomorrow morning (如果你方便的话)

42、2006 124)4)If it is convenient for you n n1.Since my child I have found that to me -(没有什么比读书更有吸引力)nothing is more than reading n n2.The more you explain -(我愈加迷惑)n nthe more confused I amn n名词性从句n n-(大多数父母所关心的)is providing the best education possible for children .n n切块- 父母 parents 关心 concern about大多

43、数most of n n答案-what most of parents are concern aboutn n固定搭配1.The nation population continuses to rise -(以每年1200万的速度速度)切块-以速度 at the rate of 答案-at the rate of 12 million per year2 .Because of the leg injury,the athlete -(决定退出比赛)切块- 决定做某事 decide to do sth 退出quit 答案-decide to quit the match n n反译法n n注

44、意.实在翻译不出来,不要硬拼凑.可以用反译n n1 河水还没有干n nThere is still water in the rivern n2他每次都赢n nHe never losen n作文n n1. 五级评分标准 n n2.字数适中n n3.不同的单词表达同一意思n n1)表示看法n nPeople have (take adopt assume)different attitudes towards sthn nPeople have different views on the question some people believe that others argue that2

45、)表示重要 必要 困难 方便 可能It is important(necessary diffcult convenient possble) for sb.to do sthIt plays an important role in our life 3) 表示好处n nIt has the following advantages n nIt benefits us a lot n nIt dose us quite a lot4)表示坏处It has more disadvantage than advantage It dose us much harm It is harmful t

46、o us 5)表示原因The reasons for this is obvious We have good reason to believe thatn n表示措施n nWe should take some effective measuresn nWe should solve the problem that we are confronted with n n表示结论n n1.from what has been mentioned above we can come to conlusion that.n n2 It may be briefly summed up as fo

47、llowsn n3.In short ,it can be said thatn n表示顺承n n1.every sword has two bladesn n2.each coin has two sidesn n3. everything divides into n n表示现状.事实n n1.This is a phenomenon that many people n nare interested in n n2.no one can deny the fact that.n n3. we can not ignore the fact thatn n表示比较的表示比较的n n1.t

48、here is a striking concrast between them1.there is a striking concrast between themn n2. compered with A,B2. compered with A,Bn n2 I prefer to .rather than 2 I prefer to .rather than n n套语套语n n1. it is well known to us thatn n2 as is known to us n n3. this is a topic that is being talked aboutn n4.

49、from the graph(table chart)listed above .it can be seen thatn n5. as aproverb says where there is a will.there is a wayn nAdvantage and disadvantagen nNowadays,With the development of the society , with the adevent of -.many people prefer-because it plays a significant role in our daily life . n nGe

50、nerally speaking ,its advantages can be seen as follows .n non one hand -n non the other hand -n nHowever, every sword has two blades.The negative aspects are also aparent , one of the prominent disadvantages is that -n nTo make the matters worse,-n nThrough the above analysis ,I believe that the po

51、stive aspects far outweighs its negative aspects .for instance.-n nwhatever effects it has .one thing is certain ,- itself is neither good nor bad ,Its the uses which is put on it that determines its value to the society n nSome others and I Some others and I n nThis is a topic that is being widely

52、talked about - there is no consensus among people .the opinions vary from person to person .n nSome people hold the idea that- A case in point is that -n nOne the other hand , others may have a quite different views, according to the them-the most typical example is that-n nWeighing the pros and con

53、s of the arguments , I am inclined to agree with the latter ,admittedly , the former piont view seems reasonable in saying to some extend ,but the latter is more convicing. For one thing-n nWhen all the factors are examined ,we may reasonablely come to the conlusion that-n nHot issue n n Nowadays,Wi

54、th the development of the society , with the adevent of -.we have to face a problem that-which has caused substantial impact on our daily life .n nWhat are the reasons for it ? To start with -, Moreover,-Furthermore-n nIn view of the seriouness of the problem ,effcective measures should be taken . The ways are countless, For one thing ,it is hight time that people all over the china realized the importance of -, For another ,the government should issue laws and regulation .only in this way ,can we put the under control.In fact ,结束结束



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