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1、大学英语六级完型填空There is probably no sphere of human Bl in which our values and lifestyles arereflected more B2 than they are in the clothes that we choose to wear. The dress ofan individual is a kind of sign language that B3 a complex set of information and is usually the B4 on which immediate impression

2、s are formed B5 . a concern forclothes was B6 a feminine preoccupation, while men took pride B7 the fact B8they were completely lacking in clothes consciousness.This type of American culture is gradually changing as mans dress B9 greater variety and color. Even BIO 1995, a research in Michigan revea

3、led that men B ll high importance to the value of clothing in daily life. White collar workers in particular viewed dress as a B12 capable of manipulation, that could be used to impress or Bl3 others, especially in the work situation. The white-collar worker was described as B14 concerned about the

4、impression his clothing made on his B15 . Although blue-coil ar workers were less B 16 that they might be judged on the basis of their clothing,they recognized that any difference fro the B17 pattern of dress would draw ridicule from fellow workers.Since that time, of course, the B18 have changed: t

5、he typical office worker maynow be B19 blue shirt, and the laborer a white shirt; but the importance of dress hasnot B201.A actB actionC actingD activity答案: D语义干扰题。选项中A)act意为“ 行为;侧重指短暂的、个人的行为;B)action意为“ 行动? C)acting意为 演技? D)activity意为“ 活动;空白处所填单词与human搭配,表示人类活动,因此D 为正确答案。2.A vividlyB cleanlyC perfe

6、ctlyD deeply答案: A语义干扰题。选 项 A)vividly意为“ 鲜明地,生动地;B)cleanly意为“ 干净地;C)perfectly意为“ 十足地,完全地;D)deeply意为“ 深刻地;空白处所填副词修饰are reflected( 反映) ,A 的含义最为恰当,因此正确答案为A。3.A correspondsB communicatesC exchangesD transforms答案: B语义干扰题。本句意为:一个人的服饰是一种特殊的 符号语言它传达了一系列复杂的信息。选项中A)corresponds经常与to 搭配, 意为“ 相应, 呼应;不合句意;B)commun

7、icates意为“ 传 达 符 合 句 意 ;C)exchanges意为“ 交换;D)transforms意为“ 改变,交换;都不合句意,因此本题的正确答案为B。4.A basesB baseC rootD basis答案: D固定搭配题。句 中 on the basis构成固定搭配,意为“ 在 此 基 础 上 句 中 的 which引导的定语从句修饰basis,介词on提前, on the base也能构成搭配, 但 base意为“ 基 地 不 合 句 意 ,因此D 为正确答案。5.A TraditionallyB EvidentlyC OriginallyD Certainly答案: A语

8、义干扰题。选项中A)Traditionally意为“ 传统上讲? B)Evidently意为“ 明显地,显然地? C)Originally意为“ 原来地? D)Certainly意为“ 当然;对服饰的关注被认为是女性的行为是传统的观念,因此A 为正确答案。6.A regardedB consideredC viewedD guessed答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)regarded, B)considered和 C)viewed都有“ 被看作,被认为” 的意思,但 A)和 C)的宾补应由as引出,而 B)的可以由as引出,也可以省略,因此本题正确答案为Bo D)guessed意为“ 猜测;不

9、符合句意。7.A onB ofC inD to答案: C固定搭配题。句 中 take pride in 构成固定搭配,意为“ 以为 骄 傲 ;因此本题的正确答案为 C。8.A becauseB whichC thatD in that答案: C结构辨析题。本句考查同位语从句的应用,同位语从句由that引导。句子意为“ 而男人却以完全不在乎衣服为自豪;因此正确答案为Co9.A takes onB takes inC takes forD takes to答案: A语义辨析题。 本题考查由take组成的短语的辨析。 take on意为“ 呈现出;take in 意为“ 欺骗take fo r意为“

10、 认为,以为;take to doing something意为“ 开始从事于 根据上下文可知 A 为正确答案。10.A as late asB no sooner thanC as early asD long before答案: C语义干扰题。选项中A)as late as意为” 和 一样晚; 不符合句意; B)no sooner than意为“ 一 就 7 后面接从句,不符合句子结构;C)as early as意为“ 和 , 样早,早在;符合句意;D)long before意为“ 以前,之前;也不合句意,因此正确答案为C。11.A thoughtB putC linkedD attach

11、ed答案: D固定搭配题。句 中 attach importance to something构成固定搭配,意为“ 重视. . .7 所以本题的正确答案为D。12.A signalB symbolC signatureD significance答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)signal意为“ 信号? B)symbol意为“ 象征? C)signature意为“ 签名,署名? D)significance意为“ 重要性;本句的意思是把衣服看作一种象征,因此B 为正确答案。13.A influenceB conquerC reflectD defeat答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)influ

12、ence意为“ 影响;B)conquer意为“ 征服,占 领 C)reHect意为“ 反映;D)defeat意为“ 大败,击败;本句是说可以给人留下印象或对别人产生影响,所以正确答案为A。14.A mostlyB normallyC rarelyD extremely答案: D语义干扰题。 空白处所填单词与concerned搭配, 选项中A)mostly意为“ 主要地, 大部分? B)normally意为“ 通常来讲? C)rarely意为“ 很少地, 罕有? D)extremely意为“ 极端地, 非常;比较可知extremely与 concerned搭配意思最为准确,意为“ 十分在意;因此

13、正确答案为D。15.A officeB positionC superiorsD employment答案: C语义干扰题。本句意为“ 白领工人被描述为十分在意自己服饰给上司的印象;选项中A)office 意为“ 办公室? B)position意为“ 位置? C)superiors意为“ 上司? D)employment意为“ 雇用,利用因此正确答案为C。16.A caredB interestedC awareD realized答案: C固定搭配题。句 中 be aware that构成固定搭配,意为“ 意识到;空白处应填人形容词,而 cared和 realized均为动词,interes

14、ted后面接介词i n , 所以本题的正确答案为Co17.A acceptedB ancientC rejectedD admitted答案: A语义干扰题。本句意为“ 他们认为任何与被认可的服饰风格不同的穿着都将会遭到同伴们的嘲笑;选 项 A)accepted意为“ 接受的, 公认的; 符合句意; B)ancient意为“ 旧的, 古代的不合句意;Qrejected意为“ 被决绝的;不合句意;D)admitted意为“ 接受的;通常指所接受的人,所以本题的正确答案为A。18.A impressionsB patternsC differencesD fellow workers答案: B语篇

15、理解题。 本题考查对语篇的理解。 根据上下文可知,改变的是服饰的风格,因此应选B)patterns o19.A putting onB trying onC wearingD dressing答案: C语义干扰题。选项中的四个单词都有穿的意思,但侧重点不同,A)putting o n 意为“ 穿上;强调穿的动作; B)trying o n 意为“ 试穿? Qwearing意为“ 穿着T 表示穿的状态;D)dressing意为“ 给穿衣根据上下文可知C 为正确答案。20.A abolishingB increasedC dismissedD diminished答案: D语义干扰题。 本句意为“

16、 但是服饰的重要性仍然存在选项中A)abolishing意为“ 废止, 废除;经常用于指法律,所以不合句意;B)increased意为“ 增加,增长:不合句意;C)dismissed意为“ 解散, 开除;也不合句意; D im inished意为“ 减弱,降低; 符合句意。为正确答案。In most countries, the law on organ transplantation( 器官移植) is poorly defined. Theexisting framework Bl to physical assault and care of the dead has no B2 for

17、 organ transplantation. It is B3 to get the permission of the relatives, B4 because organ B5 must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives B6 time. It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign toencourage persons to B7 in their wills that th

18、eir organs be used for transplantation. An B8 is to provide by law that permission is B9 unless removal has been fbrbidden by the individual in his lifetime. It is, of course, important that there BIO public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would not Bl 1 normal resuscitative( 抢救的)

19、efforts of the B12 donor. Transplantation has obviously B13 important ethical considerations B14 the diagnosis of death. Every effort must be made to B15the heartbeat to someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest( 心博停止) or B16 to someone who cannot breathe. B17 artificial respiration and massage of the

20、 heart, the standard methods of resuscitation, must be continued B18 it is clear that the brain is dead.Most physicians consider that BI9 this point efforts at resuscitation are B201.A relatingB associatedC associatingD related答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)relating+to意为与有关的? BAssociated意为“ 与相联系的;后面接with; C)associ

21、ating D)related+to意为” 与 有联系的;其中A 表达的意思最为准确。为正确答案。2.A descriptionB provisionC ruleD statement答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)description意为“ 描 写 , 记述: B)provision意为“ 条款, 规定? C)rule意为“ 规则,准 则 D)statement意为“ 声明,陈述T 本句的意思是“ 在现有的关于人生攻击和看护死者的法律框架中并没有关于器官移植的规定;B 表达的意思最为准确,是正确答案。3.A impossibleB vitalC ritualD customary答案: D

22、语义干扰题。本句的意思是“ 进行器官移植要取得亲属的同意选项中A)impossible意为“ 不可能用在句中不恰当;B)vital意为“ 生死攸关的;此词的色彩过重;C)ritual意为“ 仪礼的;用在句中也不合适;D)customary意为“ 习惯的,惯例的;符合句意,为答案。4.A andB orC butD then答案: C语篇理解题。本题考查句子间的逻辑关系。上文中说到“ 进行器官移植一般的作法是要取得亲属的同意而下文叙述的是器官移植要立即进行,可能来不及通知家属,显然上下文之间是转折关系,因此本题正确答案为but。5.A replacementB transplantationC

23、removalD burial答案: C语义干扰题。根据上下文可知,空白处所填单词与organ(器官) 表达的意思是器官切除、移除 . 选 项 中 A)replacement复位。代替;不合题意;B)transplantation意为“ 移植;也不合题意;C)removal意为“ 移除,切除;符合题意;D)burial意为“ 埋葬;不合题意,所以正确答案为 C。6.A atB inC onD within答案: B固定搭配题。句 中 in time构成固定搭配。意为“ 及时: :句子的意思是“ 可能不能及时联系到家 属 ;选项中on time也构成固定搭配,但意思是按时,不合句意,因此正确答案

24、为B。7.A sayB provideC supplyD mention答案: B语义干扰题。根据上下文可知本句要表达的意思是“ 鼓励病人在遗嘱中说明自己的器官用于移 植 选 项 中 A)say意为“ 说: ;泛指说话;B)provide意为“ 供应,提供;此外还有规定的意思,在指遗嘱这种具有法律效力的文件时比较合适;C)supply意为“ 补给,提供? D)mention意为“ 提到,说起;由此可见B 表达的意思最为准确,为正确答案。8.A alterationB operationC optionD alternative答案: D语义干扰题。选项中A lteration意为“ 变更,改造

25、? B)ope侬ion意为“ 行动,实施,手术? C)option意为“ 选择;强调选择的权利;D)alternative意为“ 可供选的方法;强调所选的事物,本句表达意思是“ 也可由法律规定没经特殊说明就认定为可以进行器官移植因此D 为正确答案。9.A gainedB acquiredC assumedD got答案: C语义干扰题。 选项中A)gained意为“ 得到指经过自己的劳动努力而得到; B)acquired意为“ 获得,指后天通过自己的努力得到;C)assumed意为“ 没有确凿的证据就假定为正确的或真实的? D)got意为“ 得到;根据上下文可知C 为正确答案。10.A isB

26、 beC areD would be答案: B语法知识题。本题考查虚拟语气的用法,在 it is important that的从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词应用should+do的形式,而 should可以省略. 由此可知本题的正确答案为be。11.A impairB repairC harmD hurt答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)impair意为“ 削弱? B)repair意为“ 修理 修补;C)harm意为“ 伤害,损害? D)hurt意为“ 伤害,危害;本句表达的意思是“ 考虑器官移植不能影响到对器官捐献者的正常抢救由此可知A)impair的意思比较准确,是正确答案。12.A fut

27、ureB tomorrowC potentialD possible答案: C语义干扰题。空白处所填单词修饰donor( 捐献者) ,A)future意为“ 将来的? B)tomoirow意为“ 明 天 的 引 申 为 “ 将来的? Opotential意为“ 潜在的,可. 能的:强调潜力;D)possible意为“ 可能 的 强 调可能性。比较可知C 更为准确,是正确答案。13.A roseB arousedC aroseD raised答案: D语义干扰题。分析句子结构可知. 空白处所填单词为及物动词,与 important ethical considerations( 重要的道德考虑)

28、 搭配,A)rose常作不及物动词,不合本句结构;B)aroused为及物动词,意为“ 唤醒,唤起;不合句意;C)arose为不及物动词,意为“ 引起,源自? D)raised为及物动词,意为“ 提出,引起符合题意和句子结构,为正确答案。14.A concerningB concernedC relatingD associating答案: A语义干扰题。本句的意思是“ 器官移植明显地引起了关于死亡诊断的道德思考空白处所填单词的意思是关于, 选项A)conceming意为“ 关于;符合句意;B)concemed意为“ 关心的;C)relating意为“ 与有关7 后接to; D)associa

29、ting为“ 与相关联;因此正确答案为A。15.A giveB restoreC lendD help答案: B语义干扰题。从上下文可以判断,本句的意思是“ 必须尽一切努力恢复心搏停止的人的心脏跳动空白处所填单词表达的意思是恢复,选项中A)give意为丝合7 B)restore意为“ 恢复? C)lend意为“借给; D)help意为“ 帮助;所以正确答案为B。16.A breathB respiringC breathingD air答案: C语义干扰题。选 项 A)breath意为“ 呼吸,气息;强调状态;B)respiring是 respire呼吸的现在分词;C)breathing意为“

30、 呼吸;强调动作;D)air意为“ 空气7 本句的意思是“ 要尽力恢复那些停止呼吸人的呼吸强调的是动作,因此正确答案为C。17.A In contrastB In additionC ConsequentlyD However答案: B语篇理解题。 本题考查上下文之间的逻辑关系。 上文中提到要尽一切努力恢复病人的心跳和呼吸,下文中叙述了人工呼吸、按摩心脏等标准的抢救方法应该一直进行, 直到确定病人的脑死亡,显然上下文之间是补充关系, 选项A)In contrast表示对比关系;B)In addition表示补充关系;C)Consequently表示因果关系;D)However表示转折关系,因此

31、正确答案为B。18.A thatB untilC whenD since答案: B结构辨析题。本句的意思是“ 抢救措施应一直进行,直到确定病人脑死亡所以正确答案为B)until表示直到的意思。19.A onB inC atD beyond答案: D语法知识题。 本题考查介词的运用。 本句的意思是多数外科医生认为人脑死亡后所有的抢救措施就都没用了,选项中只有D)beyond表示超过那一点,也就是脑死亡之后,所以D 是正确答案。20.A promisingB profitableC uselessD worthy答案:C语义干扰题。 本句意思是多数外科医生认为人脑死亡后所有的抢救措施就都没用了,

32、选项中A)promising意为“ 有希望的? B)profitable意为“ 有 利 可 图 的 Quseless意为“ 无用的? D)worthy意为“ 值得的;所以C 为正确答案。The gift of being able to describe a face accurately is a rare one. As a professor B1 it recently: When we try to describe faces precisely words B2 us, and we B3to identikit ( 拼脸型图) procedures.B4 . according

33、 to a research B5 this subject, we can each probably recognize more than 1,000 faces, the majority of which differ in B6 details. This, when one comes to think of it, is a B7 feat, though, curiously enough, relatively little attention has been devoted to the fundamental problems of how and why we B8

34、 this gift for recognizing and remembering faces.Some scientists argue that it is an inborn B9 . and that there are special characteristics about the brainHs BIO to distinguish faces1. On the other hand, there are those,and they are probably B i l l the majority, who claim that the gift is an acquir

35、ed one.But B12 all these arguments, sight is predominant. B13 at the very beginning of life, the ability to recognize faces quickly becomes an B14 habit, one that is essential for daily living, if not B15 for survival. How essential and valuable it is we probably do not B16 until we encounter people

36、 who have been B17 of the faculty( 向 自 力 ) .This unfortunate inability to recognize familiar faces is known to all, B18 sueh people can often recognize individuals by their voices or their walking manners. With typical human B19 many of these unfortunate people overcome their handicap by recognizing

37、 other B20 features.1.A describedB saidC putD talked about答案:C固定搭配题。as somebody put i t 构成固定搭配, 意为“ 按照. 的 说 法 选 项 A)described意为“ 描 述 B)said意为“ 说;D)talked about意为“ 谈论,讨论;都没有这种用法,所以正确答案为C。2.A takeB failC helpD desert答案: B语义干扰题。 根据上下文可以推断本句的意思是当我们试图准确描述一个人的相貌时, 我们的语言不能表达,显然A)take( 拿,抓,占领) 和C)help( 帮助)

38、不合句意可以排除,B)fail可以用作及物动词,意为“ 使失望,辜 负 符 合 题 意 ,D)desert作及物动词时意为“ 抛弃。遗弃;也不合题意,因此正确答案为B。3.A resortB seekC moveD react答案: A固定搭配题。resort t o 可以构成固定搭配,意为“ 求助于;本句的意思是当我们的语言不足以描述人的相貌时,就要求助于拼图了,因此正确答案为A。4.A YetB ConsequentlyC In additionD In contrast答案: A语篇理解题。 本题考查段落之间的逻辑关系。 上文中提到人的语言很难对人的相貌作准确的描述,而下文说我们都可能记

39、住1000多张脸,显然上下文之间是转折关系,选项A)Yet表示转折关系;B)Consequently表示因果关系;C)In addition表示补充关系;D)In contrast表示对比关系,因此正确答案为A。5.A ofB aboutC inD on答案: D固定搭配题。本题表面上是考查介词知识,其实是考查固定搭配,research on something构成固定搭配,意为“ 对的研究因此正确答案为D。6.A goodB delicateC fineD high答案: c语义干扰题。根据上下文可知空白处所填词是修饰details的形容词,表示微小的细节,选项 A)good意为“ 好;不合

40、句意;B)delicate意为“ 精妙的.微妙的;也不合句意;C)fine意为“ 好的,精美的,但同时具有“ 细微” 的意思,符合题意;D)high很少修饰details,因此正确答案为C。7.A enormousB bigC giganticD tremendous答案: D语义干扰题。空白处所填单词修饰feat( 功绩,技艺) ,选项中A)enormous, B)big和 C)gigantic都表示大的含义,只是程度有所不同。而 D)tremendous除有“ 极大,巨大” 的含义外,还有“ 了不起” 的含义,表达意思更为准确,因此正确答案为D。8.A acquireB attainC g

41、ainD take答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)acquire意为“ 获得7 强调自然习得;B)attain意为“ 达到,获得;强调有目标的努力取得收获;C)gain意为“ 得到,赚到;经常与某种利益联系在一起;D)take意为“ 拿,拿走;句中空白处所填词与gi代搭配.更强调自然习得的过程,因此A 为正确答案。9.A possessionB propertyC activityD action答案: B语义干扰题。 根据上下文可推断本句的意思是: 一些科学家认为辨别人脸是一种与生俱来的能力,选 项 A)possession意为“ 占有,财产;不合题意:B)property意为“ 财产,所

42、有 权 除此之外,还有特性、属性的意思,符合题意;C)activity意为“ 活动;D)action意为“ 行动” 都不合句意,因此正确答案为B。10.A abilityB capabilityC competenceD capacity答案: A语义干扰题。选 项 A)ability意为“ 能力;后面接to 连接的不定式;B)c叩ability意为 ( 实际)能力, 容量;后接介词of; C)competence意为“ 能力;指实际工作的能力; D)c叩acity意为“ 容量,才 能 指 天 赋 的 ,如生长、发展或成功的潜力,根据句意可知A 的意思最为准确,所以正确答案为Ao11.A on

43、B ofC inD at答案: C固定搭配题。本题表面上考查介词知识,实际上是对固定搭配的考查。in the majority构成固定搭配,意为“ 占多数:因此本题的正确答案为C。12.A ofB inC amongD out of答案: A语法知识题。 本题考查介词的应用。 用作指多种观点的一种, 应该用介词o f ,正确答案为Ao13.A CreatedB FormedC MadeD Molded答案: B语义干扰题。分析句子可知空白处所填词是用来修饰the ability to recognize faces quickly( 快速识认人脸的能力) 的,选 项 A)Created意为“

44、创造的? B)Fonned意为“ 形成的? C)Made意为“ 制造的? D)Molded意为“ 模塑的;B 的意思最为确切,是正确答案。14.A acceptedB inbornC establishedD innate答案: C语义干扰题。 本句的意思是快速识认人脸的能力在生命之初形成, 而后变成了人的一种习惯,空白处所填词修饰习惯,选 项 中 accepted” 公认的,普遍接受的7 文中并无此意;B)inborn 意为“ 天生的;与 Formed at the very beginning of life语义重复, 同样地, D)innate的意思也为“ 先天的,天生的也可以排除;C)

45、established意为“ 确定的,确立的;符合句意,是正确答案。15.A essentiallyB importantlyC significantlyD necessarily答案: D语义干扰题。匕文中提到快速识认人脸的能力对于日常生活非常重要, 空白处所填词应为副词与前文构成让步关系,选项中A)essentially意为“ 本质上地;与前文的用词相同,不能构成让步关系; B)importantly( 重要地) 和C)significantly( 意味深长地) 也不能构成这样的关系; D)necessarily意为“ 必要地;符合题意,为正确答案。16.A valueB appreci

46、ateC adoreD admire答案: B语义干扰题。选 项 A)value作动词时意为“ 重视,评价;B)叩predate意为“ 对的充分认识或领会? C)adore意为“ 崇拜,爱慕? D)admire意为“ 赞美,钦佩;显然B 最为符合句意,为正确答案。17.A takenB robbedC deprivedD seized答案: C固定搭配题。be deprived of构成固定搭配, 意为“ 被 剥 夺 选 项 中 be robbed o f也能构成固定搭配,意为“ 被抢劫;意思与句子不符,因此本题的正确答案为C。18.A butB thereforeC in additionD

47、 so答案: A语篇理解题。 本题考查句子之间的逻辑关系。 上文中说人们知道这种不能识别熟悉脸孔的无助,下文则说这些人能够听音辨人,显然上下文构成转折关系,选项A)but表示转折关系;B)therefore表示因果关系;C)in addition表示补充关系;D)so表示因果关系,因此正确答案为 Ao19.A clevernessB ingenuityC smartnessD intelligence答案: B语义干扰题。 分析句子可知句中空白处所填单词人体的种特性。 选项A)cleverness意为“ 机灵,聪明? B)ingenuity意为“ 独创性,精巧,灵活性? C)smartness

48、意为“ 机灵,敏捷? D)intelligence意为“ 智力,聪明;只有B 表明了这种特性,为正确答案。20.A specialB generalC characteristicD particular答案: C语义干扰题。句中空白处所填单词用来修饰features( 特点) . 这种特点能够让那些没有视力的人分辨他人,选 项 A)special意为“ 特别的,专门的;B)general意为“ 一般的? C)characteriStic意为“ 表示特性的, 特有的? D)particular意为“ 特殊的;可以看出C 表达的意思最为准确,是正确答案。One summer night, on

49、my way home from work I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldnt tolerate my (Bl) apartment.Sitting in the theatre 1 had to look through the (B2) between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the (B3) every time she leaned over to talk to

50、him, (B4) he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans display such (B5) ina public place?I thought the movie would be good for my English, but (B6) it turned out, it was an Italian movie. (B7) about an hour I decided to give up on the movie and (B8) on my popcorn. Ive never understood why they give

51、 you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good, (B9) . After a while I heard (BIO) more of the romantic-soundingItalians. I just heard the (Bl 1) of the pop- com crunching between my teeth. My thought started to (Bl2) I remembered when I was in South Korea, I (Bl3) to watch Kojak on TV frequently. He s

52、poke perfect Korean I was really amazed, lie seemed like a good friend to me, (B14) I ,saw him again in New York speaking (Bl5) English instead of perfect Korean. He didnt even have a Korean accent and I (B16) like I had been betrayed.When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of

53、 us spoke anyE nglish. (B17) we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very (Bl8) and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence, preferring thatto (Bl9) in a difficult language

54、. Mother tried to say something in English but it(B20) out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! Weve beenspeaking Korean at home ever since.1.A warmB hotC heatedD cool答案: B前面说下班不回家,而是去一个有空调的影院,其目的是不想面对自己的“ 炎 热 的 寓 所 故应选B。2.A crackB blankC breakD opening答案: D前排座位上, 两个人之间

55、的“ 空隙” 英语是叩ening。 其他三个选项的意义分别是A。crack“ 裂缝B. blank 空白;C. break“ 破裂( 口) ;均不符合句意。3.A aspectB view4C spaceD angle答案: D当前面的女子不断地斜过身与男子说话时,我当然要不断地改变“ 角度” (angle),才能看到银幕。4.A whileB wheneverC orD and答案: c逗号前面的 she leaned over to talk to him 和逗号后面的 he leaned over to kiss her 是并列结构,且两种情况交替出现,故应该用连词or连接。5.A at

56、tractionB attentionC affectionD motion答案: C根据上文, 这种在电影院亲昵地卿卿我我、 接吻是“ 表( 显) 示” (display)“ 爱情” (affection),故 C是正确答案。6.A sinceB whenC whatD as答案: D此处应选一关系代词代替主句的情况,只 有 a s 可以作关系代词,引导一个非限制性定语从句, as在从句中作turn out的宾语,代替后面整个主句。另外,定语从句中的it是形式主语,与主句中的it( 代替Italian movie)不同, 相当于It turned out that it was an. .

57、中的与7.A WithinB AfterC ForD Over答案: B正确答案为B。根据上下文,应该是大约半小时“ 以后;我决定放弃继续看电影。8.A concentrateB chewC fixD taste答案: A正确答案为根据后面的介词o n ,应 选 A。意为:注意力不再集中在电影上,而集中在爆玉米花上。9.A tooB stillC thoughD certainly答案: c根据上句, 作者不理解“ 他们为什么给这么多的爆玉米花本句是上句的一个转折。 意为: “ 尽管味道很好。 ” 所以只能选表示转折意义的though,而不能选“ 递增” 意义的t。 。 。10.A muchB

58、 anyC noD few答案: C本空白应参考下面的句子,下一句的意思是“ 我只听到;故此处应选no。意为:过了一会,我再听不到听起来很浪漫的意大利语了。11.A voiceB soundC rhythmD tone答案: B“ 咀嚼爆玉米花(popcorn crunching)”的“ 声音7 应用sound,而不能用表示“ 人发出的声音” 的voice o12.A wonderB wanderC imagineD depart答案: B“ 脑子开始遐想( 走思,走神) 要用动词w ander,即 My thought started to wandero13.A enjoyedB happ

59、enedC turnedD used答案: D当表示过去经常的行为或动作,而现在不再那样时,用短语used too14.A untilB becauseC thenD therefore答案: A这个分句是对前面“He seemed like a good friend to me” 一 句表示意义的否定和终止, 所以要 用 until弓| 导这个分句。15.A artificialB informalC perfectD practical答案: CInstead o f连接的前后两个成分是对等的,后面是perfect K orean,故前面应为perfect Englisho16.A fe

60、ltB lookedC seemedD appeared答案: A根据文意应该是“ 我有一种被出卖的感觉所以应选A。17.A WhileB IfC BeforeD Once答案: D根据句意, “ 一旦我们开始学到了一些单词,我母亲就建议” 故应选Do18.A emptyB quietC stiffD calm答案: B根据上下文, “ 我们屋子就变得静悄悄了尸故应选B。19.A tellingB utteringC sayingD speaking答案: D根据句意, “ 我们都喜欢沉默,而不喜欢用种完全不同的语言讲话;以某种语言说话,要用动词speak。故应选Do20.A workedB

61、gotC cameD made答案: C根据句意:母亲试着用英语说点什么,结果都错了,我们哄堂大笑。故应选C。Every profession or trade, every art, and every science has its technical vocabulary, the function of Bl is partly to B2 things or processes with no names in ordinaryEnglish, and partly to secure greater exactness in terminology. B3 , they save

62、time, fbr it is much more B4 to name a process than describe it. Thousands of these technical terms are very B5 included in every large dictionary, yet, as a whole, they are rather B6 the outskirts of the English language than actually within its borders.Different occupations, however, differ B7 in

63、their special vocabularies. It B8largely of native words, or of borrowed words that have B9 themselves into the veryfibre of our language. BIO . though highly technical in many details, these vocabularies are more familiar in sound, and more generally B ll . than most other technical terms. B12 ever

64、y vocation still possesses a large B13 of technical terms that remainessentially foreign, even B14 educated people. And the proportion has been much B15 in the last fifty years. Most of the newly B16 terms are B17 to special discussions, and seldom get into general literature or conversation. Yet no

65、 profession is nowadays, as all professions once B18 a close federation. What is called popular science1makes everybody B19 with modem views and recent discoveries. Any important experiment, B20 made in a remote or provincial laboratory, is at once reported in the newspapers, and everybody is soon t

66、alking about it. Thus our common speech is always takingup new technical terms and making them commonplace.1.A whichB whatC whoD whom答案: A语法知识题。本题考查关系代词。选项中A)which作关系代词时意为“ 那个,那些;其先行词为technical vocabulary( 技术词汇) , 为正确答案; B)what作关系代词时意为“ 所 事物( 或人 ) 相当于that which或 those which; C)who和 D)whom都是指人的关系代词,不

67、合句意,因此正确答案为A。2.A describeB talk aboutC designateD indicate答案: C语义干扰题。根据上下文可知空白处所填单词为动词,表示专业词汇的作用与things or processes连用,选项中A)describe意为“ 描述;B)talk about意为“ 谈论,讨论? C)designate意为“ 标明,表示? D)indicate意为“ 指出,显示;显然专业词汇的作用是表示事物和过程。因此正确答案为Co3.A ConsequentlyB In contrastC HoweverD Besides答案: D语篇理解题。本题考查句子之间的逻辑

68、关系。上文中提到了专业词汇的作用,下文则说专业词汇还能节省时间,显然是对上文的补充,构成补充关系,选 项 A)Consequently表示因果关系;B)In contrast表示对比关系;C)However表示转折关系;D)Besides表示补充关系,I 大 I此正确答案为D。4.A economicalB economicC thriftD economized答案: A语义干扰题。分析句意可知空白处所填单词的意思为“ 经济的,实 惠 的 选 项 中 A)economical意为“ 经济的,实惠的? B)economic意为“ 经济上的, 经济学的? C)thrift意为“ 勤俭节约的;指人

69、的生活习惯;D)economized意为“ 有效利用的,节省的;因此正确答案为A。5.A properlyB possiblyC probablyD potentially答案: A语义干扰题。 本句的意思是成千上万的技术词汇都收录到了词典中. 空白处所填单词为副词修饰这个句子, 选项中A)properly意为“ 恰当地? B)possibly意为“ 可能地? C)probably意为“ 大概,或 许 D)potentiaHy意为, 潜在地:其中只有A)properly的意思符合句意,为正确答案。6.A inB onC atD beyond答案: B固定搭配题。句中on the outskir

70、ts构成固定搭配,意为“ 在郊区,在. . .边缘上;在句中是指专业词汇还处在英语的边缘上,因此正确答案为B。7.A largelyB widelyC generallyD extensively答案: B语义干扰题。分析句子可知空白处所填单词为副词,修饰动词differ( 不同,不一致) ,选项中 A)largely意为“ 主要地,很 大 程 度 上 地 B)widely意为“ 广泛地,相差很大地? C)generally 意为“ 一般地,普 通 地 D)extensively意为“ 广泛地,广阔地;其 中 B)widely经常与differ搭配,并符合题意,为正确答案。8.A consti

71、tutesB comprisesC composesD consists答案: D语义干扰题。根据上下文本句的意思是专业词汇主要包括本族词和外来词,选项A)constitutes意为“ 组成 7 不合句意; B)comprises意为“ 包含,由 组 成 为 及 物 动 词 ; C)composes意为“ 组成,作曲;经常用于be composed of句型,不符合本句的结构要求;D)consists 意为“ 包括;用于consist of句型,符合句子要求,为正确答案。9.A workedB madeC takenD brought答案: A固定搭配题。本 句 中 work oneself

72、into意为 进入;句中表示外来词进入了我们的语言结构,因此A 为正确答案。10.A HoweverB BecauseC HenceD In addition答案: C语篇理解题。 本题考查句子之间的逻辑关系。 上文中提到了专业词汇主要由本族词和那些进入我们语言结构的外来词构成, 下文则说这些词在声音上更为熟悉, 显然上下文之间构成了I 大 I果关系,上文是因,下文是果,选项中A)However表示转折关系;B)Because表示原因;C)Hence表示结果;D)In addition表示补充关系,因此正确答案为表示结果的C。11.A understoodB consideredC known

73、D thought答案: A语义干扰题。 本句是个比较句, 是那些本族词和那些进入我们语言结构的外来词构成的专业词汇与其他专业词汇的比较,选 项 A)understood意为“ 理解;说这些词汇更好地为人们所理解,符合句意;B)considered意为 考虑? C)known意为“ 被人所知的? D)thought意为“ 思考;都不太准确,因此正确答案为A。12.A ThereforeB YetC In contrastD So答案: B语篇理解题。 本题考查句子之间的逻辑关系。 上文中提到专业词汇主要由本族词和那些进入我们语言结构的外来词构成, 下文则说各行各业还有很多不为人们所熟知的词汇,

74、 显然上下文之间是转折关系,选项中A) Therefore表示因果关系;B)Yet表示转折关系;C)In contrast表示对比关系;D)so表示因果关系,因此正确答案为B。13.A seriesB bodyC setD range答案: B语义干扰题。 本句意为每个行业都还有很多词汇不被人们所知, 分析句子可知空白处所填单词为量词,选项中A)series意为 系列? B)body作量词意为“ 大量? C)set意为“ 一套,一副?D)range意为“ 范围,行列;只有B 最为恰当,为正确答案。14.A forB asC toD among答案: C固定搭配题。句 中 be(remain)f

75、oreign tO构成固定搭配,意为“ 与. . .无关, 不为. . . . 所知句中意思是每个行业都还有很多词汇甚至不被受过教育的人所知,因此正确答案为Co15.A decreasedB diminishedC increasingD increased答案: D语篇理解题。本 句 中 proportion( 比例) 是指不为人们所知的词汇的比例。本句说的是这个比例在过去的50年发生的变化,选项中A)decreased意为“ 减少;显然不合题意与常识;B)diminished意为“ 减少,变小;也不正确;C)increasing意为“ 增加,提高, 但 -ing形式不合句子结构;incre

76、ased为正确答案。16.A madeB coinedC producedD formed答案: B语义干扰题。空白处所填单词修饰terms( 术语) ,选 项 A)made意为“ 制造;说术语是制造出来的不合适;B)coined意为“ 造字,造词;符合句意;B)produced意为“ 生产;D)formed意为“ 形成;都不合句意,因此正确答案为B。17.A relatedB addressingC confinedD connected答案: C语义干扰题。A)related意为“ 有关系的? B)addressing意为“ 从事于,忙于,写姓名地址? C)confined意为“ 周限于?

77、 D)connected意为“ 有联系的;根据句意说新造的术语周限于特殊的行业更为准确,因此正确答案为C。18.A isB areC wasD were答案: D语法知识题。本句中once意为“ 曾经;因此要用过去时,而主语为复数, 所以正确选项为D)were。19.A associatedB knownC acquaintedD connected答案: C固定搭配题。句中be acquainted with构成固定搭配,意为“ 熟悉 7 句中意思为大众科学使每个人都熟悉现代的观点和最新发现。选项中A)associated和 D)connected也能与with构成搭配,意思分别是“ 与有关

78、联; 与联系在一起;都不合句意,因此正确答案为C。20.A thoughB whenC asD since答案: A结构辨别题。本句表达的意思是任何科学实验,即使是在很远的实验室完成的,都能被人们尽快熟知, 选 项 A)though引导让步结构的状语从句, 符合句意; B)when引导时间状语从句,C)as意为“ 象;D)since表示原因,都不合句意,因此正确答案为A。Perhaps, every county suffered from inflation once or more times. Inflation is an economic condition in (Bl) pric

79、es for consumer goods (B2) , and the (B3) of money or purchasing power decreases. There are three causes of inflation. The first and mostimportant cause may be excessive government spending. For example, in order to (B4)a war or carry (B5) social programs, the government may spend more money than it

80、 has received through taxes and other revenues, thus creating a deficit. In order to(B6) this deficit, the Treasury Department can simply (B7) the money supply by issuing more paper money to (B8) the debts of government. This increase in the money supply will cause the value of the dollar to (B9) de

81、crease. The second cause of inflation occurs when the money supply increases faster than the supply of goods. (BIO)people have more money, they will run out to buy popular goods (Bll) televisions and computers, for example, and a shortage will result. Industry will then produce more, athigher prices

82、, to (Bl2) demand. (B13) , if people think that the prices of popular goods are going up, they will buy and even borrow money at high (Bl4) rates topay for them. Finally, if labor unions demand that workers, wages (Bl5) or (Bl6)the high cost of living, industry will meet this demand and add other co

83、sts of production on the (B17) . (Bl8) summary, all of these causes can (B19) inflationaryproblems that can affect the welfare of a nation. However, of these three causes, (B20)government spending may be the most important.1.A thatB whichC thisD what答案: B此处是一个定语从句,关系词前有介词in ,所以应选关系代词which。2.A raiseB

84、 lowerC increaseD decrease答案: C通货膨胀时物价上涨, 故应选动词increase。 虽然raise也有“ 增长” 的含义, 但它是及物动词,此处没有宾语。3.A valueB priceC costD spending答案: Aor后的purchasing power( 购买力) 是对前面词语的进步说明,故应选value( 价值) 。4.A financeB offerC payD fight答案: A4个动词的意思分别是:A. finance为. . .募集资金;B .offer主动提供;C. pay支付;D. fight打仗。根据句意“ 为战争募集资金” 应选

85、A。5.A offB outC onD away答案: B选项中4个介词与动词carry构成的短语的意义分别是:carry out实施;carry off拿走;can-y on继续;carry away使着迷。根据此处语义“ 实施社会( 发展) 计 划 应 选 B. out。6.A compensateB accomplishC exchangeD offset答案: D4个动词的意义分别是: A. compensate补偿,后常跟介词for; B. accomplish实现;C. exchange交换,常跟介词with; D. offset弥补,抵消。根据句意“ 弥补财政赤字” 应选D。7.

86、A spendB extendC expandD explore答案: C4个动词的意义分别是:A. spend花费,常与介词o n 连用;B. extend延伸,常与介词to搭配。 C. expand扩大,扩张;D. explore探索。根据句意“ 通过发行更多的纸币扩大货币的 供 应 量 应 选 Co8.A mendB meetC respondD return答案: B本题要求选一动词与debts搭配,表示“ 偿 还 债 务 meet the debts即表达此意。故选B。9.A automaticallyB timelyC exceedinglyD excessively答案: A根据

87、语义,货币供应的增加会引起美元价值自动降低。故 A 符合要求。10.A IfB WhetherC ThoughD For fear that答案: A根据语义,此处需一个引导条件状语从句的连词,故应选A。11.A asB ofC likeD except答案: C根据上下文,此处要选一个列举事物的介词,lik e作介词,表示“ 像7 可以用于列举事物。虽然as有“ 像一样;但它表示身份,不能用于列举事物。12.A satisfyB supplyC plentyD comply答案: A本题需选 动词与名词demand搭配。A. satisfy合乎要求。Satisfy demand意为“ 满足需

88、求13.A HoweverB OtherwiseC NeverthelessD Furthermore答案: D根据上下文判断此处需要一个表示递进关系的副词,D. Furthermore( 此外,而且) 表示递进关系。其他3个副词表示转折关系。14.A interestsB interestingC InterestedD interest答案: Dinterest rate( 利率) 是一固定搭配。15.A should increaseB be increasedC increaseD increased答案: B动词demand后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气, 又因为wage与 increa

89、se之间是被动关系, 故应选 B。16.A protestB imposeC coverD restrict答案: D根据语义应选D. restrict。句意为如果工会要求增加工作或限制生活的高费用17.A consumerB controllerC managerD employer答案: A根据上下文,工 也是把生产的其他成本加在消费者身上。故 A. consumer是正确答案。18.A OnB AtC InD By答案: Cin summary( 总之) ,用于总结前文,是一固定搭配。19.A resultB inventC discoverD create答案: D根据上下文,动词cr

90、eate( 造成,引起) 。Create inflationary problem( 引起通货膨胀问题) ;选项 A. result有“ 导致” 的含义,但它是不及物动词,后要接too其他两个动词不合句意。D是正确答案。20.A percussiveB excessiveC productiveD recessive答案: B4个形容词的意义分别是: A. percussive敲击的;B. excessive过分的,过 多 的 ; C. productive多产的;D. recessive逆行的。根据句意“ 政府开支过多,应选B。Many people imagine that Alzheim

91、erns disease ( 早老性痴呆病) , the degenerative disorder that ultimately leaves sufferers with total memory loss, is an inevitable result of aging.This is not so. B l the risks of contracting the disease increase with age, there are many elderly people B2 memories are perfect. Most of us are so ill- B3 ab

92、out allforms of memory loss that we label everything as Alzheimer,. Alzheimers disease itself can B4 people as young as 30 and can progress either quickly or slowly. It can also B5 the blame for other non-degenerative conditions such as deep depression. B6only an examination of the brain tissue duri

93、ng an autopsy ( 解剖)can produce an accurate B7 of the disease.The causes of Alzheimers are unknown. They may be either B8 or environmentaI. A study in 1996 of 13,000 people whose parents or siblings had the disease showed they had five times B9 chance of succumbing BIO the age of 80 than those withno

94、 family B 11 of the problem.There are other factors, however. In a study of identical twins, it was found that only about half of the twin pairs developed Alzheimers and , when both twins B12 it, they did so as B13 as 15 years apart. The possibility B14 environment plays a part was B15 by another 19

95、96 study, this time of two groups of elderly Japanese men.One group lived in Hawaii, the other in Japan. The Hawaiian group had a much higherB16 of the disease.Aluminum has been blamed for the development of Alzheimeds. This is because a high level of aluminum has been found in the brains of suffere

96、rs. The disease was first di agnosed at the beginning of the 20th century. It was at this time B17 aluminum was becoming widely available for use in cooking pots.Memory loss, difficulty in B18 familiar tasks, and problems with abstract thinkingare all B19 of the onset of the disease. One unusual fea

97、ture is its impact on language. It attacks nouns first, B20 verbs. Grammar is one of the last things to go.1.A AsB SinceC WhileD In spite of答案: C此处while用作连词,相当于althougho2.A whomB whichC whoseD what答案: C由上下文可知,此处所填的词应引导定语从句,来修饰memories,故选C。3.A judgedB equippedC informedD advised答案: C词组辨析题ill-informed

98、意思是“ 所知不多的,消息不灵通的与上下文意思相符。4.A affectB inhibitC confineD constrain答案: A词义辨析题affect此处意为“ 疾病侵害或感染7 符合题意。 B. inhibit意为“ 抑制,约束;C .confine”限制, 禁闭;D. constrain”抑制, 拘束5.A takeB putC getD hold答案: A词组辨析题take the blam e,表示“ 负责任;为固定搭配。6.A In actionB In the mainC In no timeD In the end答案: D逻辑辨析题in the end表示“ 最后,

99、终于7.A descriptionB illustrationC demonstrationD diagnosis答案: D词义辨析题D. diagnosis意思是“ 诊断8.A instinctualB naturalC geneticD intuitive答案: C句意辨析题 句中eitheror的使用提示我们所填的词与environmental相对应, 所以应填C.genetico9.A slighterB fainterC lessD more答案: D句意辨析题考察比较级。本句的意思是:调查显示,父母和兄弟姐妹中有患早老性痴呆病的人在80岁前犯该病的可能性比没有该家庭病史的人的可能性

100、要高出5倍。10.A atB forC byD until答案: C句意辨析题by在句中表示“ 不迟于,: 这里要了解succumb的意思, 它可指“ 死亡7 此处指“ 犯病;如 succumb to a terrible fevero若用a t,则比较的是在80岁时死亡的可能性, 不合常理。11.A relationB historyC backgroundD correlation答案: B词义辨析题family history of the problem在文中指家庭病史,遗传病史。12.A came up withB did away withC dispensed withD wen

101、t down with答案: D词组辨析题go down with意为“ 染上疾病;也可以说come down w ith.选项 A. come upwith意为“ 提出( 建议,想法) ; B. do away with” 废除,弄死? C. dispense with” 免除,省却13.A muchB manyC soonD often答案: A词组辨析题as much as意为“ 差不多;为固定用法。14.A ofB thatC whichD with答案: B语法结构辨析题that引导同位语从句,表示“ 环境也起作用的可能性15.A underminedB eliminatedC bo

102、ostedD underlined答案: C词义辨析题boost意为“ 加强,支 持 A. undermine意为“ 破坏? B. eliminate” 消除? D. underline 加下划线,强调16.A conversionB incidenceC concealmentD degree答案: B词义辨析题 incidence 表示“ 发病率; 如 a high incidence of malaria in the tropicso A. conversion表示“ 变换,转化? C. concealment”隐藏,隐蔽处? D. occurrence”出 现 用17.A at wh

103、ichB whenC thatD during which答案: C语法结构辨析题该句为强调句式,强调“at this time,;18.A approachingB performingC supervisingD upholding答案: B词义辨析题pe建 。 rm 和后面的tasks搭配,表示“ 完 成 或 从 事 任 务 A. approach意为“ 接近,动手处理? C. supervise 监督? D. uphold“ 支持,赞成,;19.A reflectionsB variablesC constantD indicators答案: D词义辨析题indicators表示“ 起

104、指示作用的因素符合题意。A. reflection意为“ 反射;影像;反省;B. variable“ 变量? C. constant 常数20.A leastB thenC lastD latter答案: B逻辑辨析题 注意该词应与上下文中的fimt和 last相对应,都是表示时间的副词。A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of Bl It is remarkable firstB2 what it contains: the range of comment and special features as well, from

105、editorialpage to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books, arts, theatre, and music. Anewspaper is B3 remarkable for the way one reads it: never B4 . never straight through, but always by B5 from here to there, in and out, B6 at one piece, reading another article all the way through, re

106、ading just a few paragraphs of the next. A goodmodern newspaper offers a B7 to attract many different readers. What B8 this variety together in one place is its topicality( 时事性) , its B9 relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. BIO immediacy and the speed of productionalso

107、mean that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than B ill value.BI2 all these reasons, B 13 two people really read the same paper: what each person B14 is to put together, out of the pages of that days paper, his own B15 and sequence, his own B16 . For all these reasons, reading newspaper

108、s B17 , which means getting what you want from B18 without missing things you need but without wasting time, B19 skill and self-awareness as you modify and B20 the techniques of reading.1.A readingB writingC printD publication答案: A语篇理解题。解答本题需要理解整篇文章。从下文可以看出,本文是从读者角度描述报纸,因此正确答案应为A)readingo2.A sinceB

109、becauseC asD for答案: D语法知识题。 通过上下文可知本句空白处须填入表示因果关系的连词。 选项中的四个词均可以表示因果关系,但用法各不相同。A)since意为“ 既然? B)because引导表示原因的状语从句;C)as表示原因时也须引导从句;D)for表示原因可以接名词,因此正确答案为D。3.A much moreB C even moreD quite答案: C语篇理解题。通过分析上下文可知,本句与上文构成了递进关系。C)even more表意准确,为正确答案。164.A thoroughlyB completelyC incompletelyD entirely答案:

110、B语义干扰题。选项中A)thoroughly意为“ 彻底地? B)completely意为“ 完整地? C)incomplete1y 意为“ 不完整地? D)entirely意为“ 完全地? 根据下文可知, 人们读报并不是从头到尾地读完,据此可知本题的正确答案为Bo5.A scanningB skimmingC readingD jumping答案: D语义干扰题。选项中A)scanning意为“ 扫描? B)skimming意为“ 略读? reading意为“ 阅读?D umping意为“ 跳跃? A)和 B)都是具体的阅读方法,C)泛指阅读,而 D 能够形象表达人们读报时的情景,故为正确答

111、案。6.A staringB lookingC glancingD peering答案: C语义干扰题。 选项中A)staring意为“ 凝视? B)looking泛指看; C)glancing意为“ 粗略的看? D)pe印ing意为“ 偷看;根据文意可知C 为正确答案。7.A varietyB variantC variationD change答案: A语义干扰题。 选项中A)variety指“ 许多不同东西或不同东西的集合? B)variant意为“ 变体? C)variation意为“ 变化,变更?是抽象名词;D)change意为“ 改变;强调过程。根据上下文可知A 符合题意,为正确答

112、案。8.A bringsB considersC makesD treats答案: A固定搭配题。句中bring together构成固定搭配,意为“ 集合,;其余选项均不能与together构成搭配,所以A 为正确答案。9.A intimateB immediateC closeD loose答案: B语义干扰题。 选项中A)intimate意为“ 亲密的; B)immediate意为“ 直 接 的 C)close为“ 紧密的;D)loose意为“ 宽 松 的 其 中 B)immediate与下文中的immediacy相互呼应,故知其为正确答案。10.A ButB BecauseC SoD

113、Consequently答案: A语篇理解题。本句的意思是“ 报纸的时事性也意味着报纸上出现的东西只有暂时的价值;与上文构成转折关系,所以A 为正确答案。11.A temporaryB transitionalC transientD transcendental答案: C语义干扰题。选项中A)temporary意为“ 临时的,暂时的? B)lransitional意为“ 过渡的? C)transient意为“ 暂时的,随时间消失的;D)transcendental意为“ 先验的,超出人类经验的;选项C 的表意更为准确,故为正确答案。12.A BecauseB ForC WithD Conce

114、rning答案: B固定搭配题。句中forreason构成固定搭配,意为“ 由于原因;正确答案为B。13.A notB neverC noD all答案: c语篇理解题。通过分析上下文可知本句的意思是, “ 没有两个人真的读同一份报纸因此C为正确答案。14.A readsB doesC createsD did答案: B语法知识题。本句空白处所填单词与下文中的动词put相对应,因此实意动词A)reads和 C)makes可以排除;再根据文章时态可以排除D )did,选出正确答案B.15.A selectionB electionC choiceD option答案: A语义干扰题。选项中的四个

115、词均有选择的意思,其 中 A)selection意为“ 挑选,选集? B)election意为“ 选举? C)choice意为“ 选择? D)option意为“ 选择权?由上下文可知,本句的意思是“ 读者从报纸中选出自己要看的文章A 最为准确,是正确答案。16.A newsB eventsC worldD newspaper答案: D语篇理解题。 通过分析上下文可知本句的意思是, “ 读者从报纸中选出自己要看的文章, 也就选出了属于自己的报纸因此D 为正确答案。17.A effectivelyB quicklyC proficientlyD efficiently答案: D语义干扰题。由下文可

116、知空白处所填词意为“ 有效率地;选项中A)effectively意为“ 有效地?B)quickly意为“ 快速地? Oproficiently意为“ 熟练地? D)efficiently意为“ 有效率地?所以正确答案为D。18.A themB thoseC itD these答案: A语篇理解题。空白处所填词指代前文中的newspapers,因此应用复数代词th em ,所以正确答案为A。19.A demandingB demandsC demandedD to demand答案: B语法知识题。通过分析本句可知空白处所填单词应为句子主语,所 以 B 为正确答案。20.A learnB par

117、edseC applyD experiment答案: C语义干扰题。选项中A)learn意为“ 学习? B)parctise意为 练习? C)apply意为“ 应用? D)experiment意为“ 试验?从上下文可知C 为正确答案。Business and government leaders consider the inflation rate to be an important indicate匚 Inflation is a period of increased (Bl) that causes rapid rises in prices. When your money buy

118、s fewer goods so that you get (B2) for the same amount of money as before,inflation is the problem. There is a general rise (B3) the price of goods and services.Your money buys less. Sometimes people (B4) inflation as a time when a dollar is notworth a dollar any more.Inflation is a problem for all

119、consumers. People who live on a (B5) income are hurt the. (B6) Retired people, for instance, cannot (B7) on an increase in income asprices rise. Elderly people face serious problems in (B8) their incomes to meet their needs in (B9) of inflation. Retirement income (BIO) any fixed income usually does

120、notrise as fast as prices. Many retired people must cut their spending to (Bl 1) up with rising prices. In many cases they must stop buying some necessary items, such as food andclothing. (Bl2) for working people whose incomes are going up, inflation can be a problem. The (B13) of living goes up, to

121、o. People who work must have even more money to keep up their standard of living. Just buying the things they need costs more. Whenincomes do not keep (B14) with rising prices, the standard of living goes down. People may be earning the same amount of money, but they are not living as well (B15) the

122、y are not able to buy as many goods and services.Government units gather information about prices in our economy and publish it as price indexes (B16) which the rate of change can be determined. A price index measureschanges in prices using the price for a (Bl7) year as the base. The base price as s

123、et(B18) 100, and the other prices are reported as a (Bl9) of the base price. A price index makes (B20) possible to compare current prices of typical consumer goods, for example, with prices of the same goods in previous years.1.A spendingB demandingC consumingD saving答案: A语义衔接题。从空格后的that causes rapi

124、d rises in prices可知,这里需填引起价格上涨的因素;价格上涨主要是人们花费上涨造成的,故 选 网 spendingo不严格地说, B demandin g 也可用在该句中,但 和 A相比,demanding只是一, 种需求,还停留在愿望阶段,没有进 入 spending的实质行动阶段, 价格不可能在人们只是想买东西的时候就已经上涨了。 Cconsuming意为“ 消费;指的是人们在有了需求,并花了钱买到产品或服务之后对之享用的阶段。 D saving意为“ 储蓄,存款,;与上下文语义不符2.A muchB littleC moreD less答案: D语义衔接题。该句中so t

125、hat表示结果,你的钱只能买到较少的商品,结果当然是和以前一样的钱只能买到较少的东西,故选 D less。 A m uch和 m o re 和文中所提的通货膨胀的状况不符,而 Brittle用的是原级,不能突出比以前更少的意思。3.A onB inC atD to答案: B惯用衔接题。像 rise, decline, increase, decrease等表示“ 在方面的增加、增高/减少、降低” 的词都是和介词in连用,构成固定搭配。4.A maintainedB presentedC describedD displayed答案: C惯用衔接题。由原句可知, a time when“a do

126、llar is not worth a dollar any more”是对 inflation的概念性描述, describe. as表示“ 将. . . 描 述 为 为 固 定 搭 配 。 A maintained意为“ 维持,保 养 ;不 接 介 词 as; Bpresented意为“ 提出, 陈述? D displayed意为“ 陈列, 表现;不 和 as连用。5.A fixedB eternalC permanentD variable答案: A语义衔接题。 下文提到退休人员的工资不可能和物价涨得一样快, 也就是说他们的工资是相对固定的,另外第二段第五句中的any fixed inc

127、om e为该题的解答提供了明显的线索,故选A。Betemal意为“ 永恒的,永不改变的;永久的,永世的;强调时间上的永恒;C permanent意为“ 永久( 性) 的,固定的;强调无变化性,稳定性;D variable意为“ 易变的,多变的;可变的与上下文语义正好相反。6.A bestB leastC mostD worst答案: C语义衔接题。most在该句中意为“ 最大程度地;修饰动词,如 She helped me(the) most when my parents d ie d ,故C most 为答案。A best 也可修饰动词,但多修饰 like, love, know 等有限的

128、几个动词, Bleast作副词时意为“ 最少,最不;与上下文语义不符。D wo rst作副词时没有修饰动词的用法。7.A relyB restC dependD count答案: D语义衔接题。count o n 意为“ 依赖,指望,期望;本文显然是说退休者的收入不会随着价格的上涨而增加,也就是说他们看不到这种可能性,不能指望这个,故选D counto rely on,depend o n 和 count o n 在表示“ 依赖,依靠” 时意义非常接近,但也有细微的差异。rely on更强调根据经验判断某人或某物在给予支持和帮助方面不会令人失望;depend on更强调由于自身的弱点或不能自立

129、而需要别人的支持;rest o n 意为“ 被搁在,停留在;与上下文语义不符。8.A expandingB extendingC stretchingD prolonging答案: C语义衔接题。C stretch可表示“ 节俭地延长使用;如:stretch a budget( 财政预算上节俭以延长使用) ,该词与空后时their incomes正好构成恰当的动宾( 或语义场同现) 关系。A expanding意为“ 扩大,增加尺寸、体积、数量或范围? Bextending意为“ 延伸, 延长;扩展,扩大? D prolong意为“ 延长,拉长,拖延;强调延长时间。从此句来看指退休老人在通货膨

130、胀时期缩减开支,节俭预算,所以选 0 。9.A chanceB timeC momentD occasion答案: B惯用衔接题。in time o f 是固定短语,意为“ 在的 时 候 moment, chance和 occasion都不能用于ino f 的结构。10.A orB andC butD while答案: A逻辑衔接题。o r意为“ 或者在这里表示换一种说法,引出更确切的说法。retirement income 是 fixed incom e中的一种,两者是包含与被包含的关系,所以不能用an d 连接,另外,该句后面的does也要求该句主语必须保证是单数的概念。b u t和 wh

131、ile在语法及语义方面都不合适。11.A liveB catchC putD keep答案: D语义衔接题。 既然退休人员的工资上涨跟不上物价上涨, 那么他们削减开支显然是为了能跟上上涨的物价,D keep up with意为“ 跟 上 , 与 保持同一比率” ; Alive不能和up with连用;put up w ith意为“ 容忍,忍 受 catch up with虽也表示“ 赶上;对产生恶果;但强调在速度上追上前面的人或物。12.A ButB AndC BesidesD Even答案: D逻辑衔接题。 前文论述了通货膨胀对退休人员收入的影响, 空格后文提到通货膨胀对在职人员收入也是个问

132、题,可见前后是递进关系,故选DEven。空格前后并不是转折关系,故AB ut不对;也不是简单的并列关系,故BAnd不对。CBesides意为“ 另外,而且;虽与上下文语义可以衔接,但用在句首时要用逗号和句子其他部分隔开。13.A priceB lossC costD standard答案: C语义衔接题。由下一句 中 的 must have even more money to可知是生活花费提高了,cost of living意为“ 生活费;故选C cost。 “ 生活费” 指的是生活所需的花费,成本,而不是指价格( price) ; Aprice指的是“ 物品在市场上进行交易的价格;故排除。

133、B loss意为“ 损失,损耗,亏损与上下文语义不连贯。 standard of living意为“ 生活水平指通过衡量能供给个人、集体或国家的货物、服务和奢侈品的数量而得到的物质享受水平,通货膨胀时期,上涨的是生活费用,而不是生活水平,实际上,通货膨胀往往会导致实际生活水平的下降,故排除D standardo14.A raceB paceC speedD step答案: B惯用衔接题。keep pace with是固定短语,意为“ ( 与) 齐步前进,( 与) 并驾齐驱,:|A| race, C speed 和D step 都不能用做 keep.with 的形式。15.A therefore

134、B whereasC becauseD nonetheless答案: C逻辑衔接题。空格前说人们的生活不如以前好,空格后说他们能买到的东西不如以前多了,很明显,前后是因果关系,故选C becauseo A therefore意为“ 因此,所以;后跟结果,而不是引出原因。B whereas和 D nonetheless都表示转折关系,意为“ 然而,但是16.A inB fromC ofD by答案: B惯用衔接题。from表示“ 来源. 根据;用在该句中表示变化速度是根据价格指数确定的。Ain 和C o f不能表示“ 来源,根据,;D by意为“ 通过某种方式、途径;后常跟表示工具、方法的词或施

135、动者。17.A providedB givenC concerningD responded答案: B语义衔接题。 从上下文文意可断定, 这里是说用某一给定年的价格作为基数, given意为“ 特定的,假 设 的 ; 如 : We will meet at a given time and location ( 我们将在指定的时间和地点见面) ,故选B。A provided不能作定语;C concerning意为“ 关于, 有关, 涉及到;不管用作介词还是现在分词,都不能作定语,而且后要求接宾语;D responding意为“ 回答,响应,作出反应7 其过去分词不能作定语。18.A onB b

136、yC atD against答案: C惯用衔接题。a t可表示“ 在某一点,到达或运用比率、限度、或 数 量 A on, Bby和Dagainst都不能表示上述的用法。19.A rateB percentageC proportionD ratio答案: B语义衔接题。既然基准价被设为1 0 0 ,那么其他的价格应该是被表述为基准价的百分比或百分率,故Bpercentage为答案。A rate表示” 比率, 率? C proportion意为“ 比例;涉及可比较的大小、数量或程度的事物或事物各部分之间的关系;D ratio意为“ 比,比率;特指两个数量之间的比. 用一个除另一个的形式表示。20

137、.A itB themC oneD that答案: A结构衔接题。分析该句结构可发现,真1E的宾语是动词不定式to compare current prices.,由于该不定式太长,还有自己的补语possible,所以用“ 作形式宾语,故选A。Although there are many skillful Braille readers, thousands of other blind people findit difficult to learn that system. They are thereby shut (1) from the world of books and new

138、spapers, having to (2) on friends to read aloud to them.A young scientist named Raymond Kurzweil has now designed a computer which isa major (3) in providing aid to the (4) . His machine, Cyclops, has a earnera that (5) any page, interprets the print into sounds, and then delivers them orallyin a ro

139、bot-like (6) through a speaker. By pressing the appropriate buttons (7)Cyclopsns keyboard, a blind person can read0 any (8) document in the English language.This remarkable invention represents a tremendous (9) forward in the educationof the handicapped. At present, Cyclops costs $50,000. ( 10) , Mr

140、. Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller ( 11) improved version that will sell (12)less than half that price. Within a few years, Kurzweil ( 13) , the price range willbe low enough for every school and library to ( 14) one. Michael Hingson, Di rector of the National Federation for the B

141、lind, hopes that ( 15) will be able to buy home ( 16) of Cyclops for the price of a good television set.Mr. Hingsons organization purchased five machines and is now testing them in Maryland, Colorado, Iowa, California, and New York. Blind people have been ( 17) in those tests, making lots of ( 18) s

142、uggestions to the engineers who helped to produceCyclops.This is the first time that blind people have ever done individual studies (19)a product was put on the market,1 Hingson said. Most manufacturers believed that having the blind help the blind was like telling disabled people to teach other dis

143、abled people.In that ( 20) , the manufacturers have been the blind ones.11.A upB downC inD off答案: D本题考查的是由shut构成的几个短语辨义:shut up“ 住口;监禁? shut in” 把关在里面,禁闭? shut down( 使) 关 闭 ; ( 使) 停工? shut ofT切 断 , 关 掉 , ( 使) 停止运转; 原文中表示“ 切断” 与书本世界的联系。2.A dwellB relyC pressD urge答案: Brely on/ upon固定搭配 依靠;符合句意; dwell

144、 on/ upon 老是想着, 详述? press on” 加紧进行? urge不与on构成搭配。3.A executionB distinctionC breakthroughD process答案: Cbreakthrough 突破,突破性进展符合句意;execution“ 死刑;实行,执行,履行? distinction“ 差别,不同;区分,辨别? process“ 过程4.A paralyzedB uneducatedC invisibleD sightless答案: Dthe加形容词表示一类人,根据上下文,这里the sighlless表示“ 盲人? paralyzed“ 瘫痪的?

145、uneducaled“ 未受过教育的? invisible”看不见的,无 形 的 Ihe invisible指“ 隐形人;故不正确。5.A scansB enlargesC sketchesD projects答案: A这里表示相机扫描书本的一页文字, 所以选scan; enlarge” 扩大? sketch 绘的略图, 画. . . . . .的素描( 或速写) ;概述,简述? projec亡投射,发射,放映;使伸出6.A behaviorB expressionC movementD voice答案: D根据原文,既然是orally而且是through a speaker,那么很明显应该选

146、voice。7.A onB atC inD from答案: A根据搭配,应该是键盘 上” 的按钮,所以应选介词on。8.A visualB printedC virtualD spoken答案: B根据上下文,盲人可以阅读印刷出来的或书面的文件,所以选printed; visual” 视觉的,看得见的? virtual 实质上的,事实上的,实际上的? spoken 口头的,;9.A strideB trailC haulD footprint答案: Astride在这里表示“ 进展,进步;其他意思还有“ 大步;步伐,步态? trail“ 小路,小径;痕迹,足迹,踪 迹 haul” ( 用力)

147、拖,拉;( 用车等) 拖运,运送? footprint” 脚印,足迹,;10.A LikewiseB MoreoverC HoweverD Though答案: C上文说Cyclops costs $50,000,下文说新一代的Cyclops价格要便宜的多,显然,两句之间成转折关系。11.A butB thanC orD then答案: A两个形容词small和 improved之间构成转折关系。12.A onB forC throughD to答案: B“ 以的价格” 用介词for表达。13.A estimatesB considersC countsD determines答案: A根据上下

148、文, 应该是Kurzweil估 计 到 , 即 estimate。14.A settleB ownC investD retain答案: B此处要表示“ 拥有” 的意思,即 o w n ,其他选项意思都不合适。15.A schoolsB childrenC familiesD companies答案: C此题的关键在于看清后半句当中的home一词,否则很容易选错。既然是家用的,那么正确答案就是familieso16.A modelsB modesC casesD collections答案: Amodel型号;款式” 为最佳答案。mode” 模式:如相机处于待机、充电等不同的工作状态、模式中;

149、case” 事例,实例;情况,事实;病例;案件? collection “ 收藏品,收集的东西;收取,收集,均不符合题意。17.A producingB researchingC ascertainingD assisting答案: D把本题所在句子与下一句联系起来,便可选出正确答案D 项。下一句提到盲人make lots of suggestions,说明他们在机器的测试中非常“ 有帮助的;即 assisting。 ascertain 查明, 弄清,确认18.A trueB valuableC authenticD pleasant答案: B后半句提到helped to produce Cy

150、clops,那么显然正确答案为valuable “ 有价值的,;authentic“ 真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的; ;19.A afterB whenC beforeD as答案: C盲人是在新机器的测试中“ 有帮助的再联系上下文,显然应该是在新产品上市前(before)进行测试与研究的。20.A occasionB momentC senseD event答案: cin a sense 从某种意义上说;in that sense即“ 从那种意义上说;与原文意思相符。occasion与介词on搭配,意为“ 有时,间或? moment与 event意思均与原文不符合。The history o

151、f modem water pollution goes (Bl) to February 20, 1931, when Mrs.Murphy (B2) over her backyard fence and said to Mrs. Holbrook, nYou (B3) those shirts white? Mrs. Holbrook was (B4) to admit they were as white as she couldget them (B5) that ordinary soap.What you should use is this Formula Cake Soap

152、which (B6) against the dull grey look that the family wash (B7) had.Doubtful (B8) adventurous, Mrs. Holbrook tried the Formula soap, (B9) did take the grey out of her husbands shorts. But what she didnHt know was that the water eventually (70) into the Blue Sky River, killing two fish.Three years la

153、ter, Mrs. Murphy was (Bll) her shirts and Mrs. Holbrook said, How didyou ever get your collars so (Bl2) ,surely not with Formula?*“Not ordinary Formula. But I did with Super Fortified Formula. You see, it attacks dirt and destroys it. Here, try some (B13) your shirts.1Mrs. Holbrook (B14) and discove

154、red her husbands shirt collars turned pure white.What she could not possibly know was that it turned the river water pure white as (B15)Six months later, the Blue Sky River was (Bl6) a health hazard. One day as Mr.Holbrook was walking home from work, he accidentally (B17) the Blue Sky River,swallowe

155、d a(Bl8) of water and died immediately. At the funeral service the minister said, Youcan say anything you want (Bl9) Holbrook, but no one can deny he had the (B20)shirts in town.”1.A straightB downC offD back答案: D根据句意选用恰当的副词构成短语动词。A. go straight t o 直接去;B. go dow n下降,降低;C. go off变质,爆炸;D. go back to

156、追溯到。D 符合句意。2.A leanedB leaptC stretchedD sloped答案: A依句意选用恰当的动词。此处表示倚在后院的围栏上,因此应当用lean( 倚,靠) 。不可选怕叩3 leap over是“ 跨越,跳过3.A nameB makeC getD call答案: D依句意选用恰当的动词。D. call把叫做,符合句意。4.A shamedB ashamedC shamefulD shameless答案: Bashamed常用作表语,构成句型be ashamed to do s th .( 对做某事感到害臊) 。5.A withoutB withC fromD by答

157、案: B此处表示用普通的肥皂,因此应当用介词Witho6.A protectsB promisesC guaranteesD ensures答案: Cguarantee against( 保证. . .不. . . . ) 为固定搭配。protect. against后面的名词通常是attack,其他意思要用介词fromo7.A seldomB neverC possiblyD always答案: D文中讲到普通肥皂不能把衣服洗白,要改用Formula Cake S o ap,可见过去的衣服 总是 暗灰的,因此应当选用al ways o8.A butB andC orD though答案: A

158、doubtful和 adventurous是 Mrs. Holbrook对试用新肥皂的态度,这两种态度是矛盾的,因此应当选用表示转折关系的buto9.A itB sheC whichD that答案: C此句是一个非限定性定语从句,修饰先行词so叩,因此应当选用关系代词which。10.A leftB emptiedC reachedD rushed答案: B此句表示洗衣水缓慢流进河中,因此应当选用empty into( 流入) 。11.A hanging upB hanging onC putting upD putting on答案: A四个动词短语的意思分别是:A. hang u p 挂

159、起来;B. hang on坚持下去,紧紧抓住;C. put up张贴;D. put on穿上。A 符合题意。12.A dirtyB soapyC greyD white答案: D依据上下文,此处应当表示Mrs. Murphy将衬衫领子洗得很白,所以才会引起Mrs. Holbrook的惊奇和疑问: “surely not with Formula?”从第14空白处也可以得到证实。13.A forB toC onD at答案: C此处表示Mrs. Murphy的建议, 因此应当用try. . on( 在上试用) 。14.A refusedB didC hesitatedD understood答案

160、: B根据上文,此处应表示Mrs. Holbrook试用了这种肥皂。为了避免重复,用动词did代替tried it on her husbands shirts。15.A snowB expectedC usualD well答案: Das well意为“ 也、又 为 固 定 搭 配 ,符合句意。C. as usual像往常一样。16.A statedB publishedC recognizedD declared答案: DD. declare宣布,常指正式宣布,符合句意。A. state( 声明) 不能接宾语补足语17.A fell intoB swam itC crossed overD

161、 drowned it答案: A根据后面的swallowed. water( 吞咽. . . 水) ,可 知 A. fall into( 掉入) 符合题意。18.A mouthfulB dropC glassD drink答案: A前文说Mr. Holbrook掉入河中, 因此,此处应当是喝了 口水,故应当用mouthful( 一口之量) 。19.A toB aboutC as toD as for答案: Bsay sth. about s b .( 说某人如何) 为固定搭配。say sth. to s b .意为“ 对 某 人 说 某 事 由 于 Mr. Holbrook已经死了,因此就不能

162、再对他说什么了,故 A 项不正确。20.A bestB oldestC cleanestD dirtiest答案: C从文中可知, Mrs. Holbrook 先是用了 ordinary so ap ,接着又用了和 Formula Cake Soap 最后 用 Super Fortified Form ula,她这样做的目的都是为了把衣服洗干净,因此应当选用cleanestoNoise constitutes a real and present danger to peoples health. Day and night, at home, at work, and at play, no

163、ise can produce serious Bl and psychological stress. No one is B2 to this stress. Though we seem to B3 to noise by ignoring it, the ear, in fact, never closes and the body still B4 一 sometimes with extreme tension 一 toa strange sound in the night.The B5 we feel when faced with noise is the most comm

164、on outward B6 ofthe stress building up inside us. The more B7 and more serious health hazards B8with the stress caused by noise traditionally have been given much B9 attention. B10 . when we are annoyed or made irritable by noise, we should consider these symptoms fair warning B ll other things may

165、be happening to us, some of which may be damaging to our health. B12 many health hazards of noise, hearing loss is the most clearly B13 andmeasurable by health professionals. The other hazards are harder to B14 . For many of us, there may be a risk that B15 to the stress of noise increases susceptib

166、ility to disease and infection. The more B16 among us may experience noise as a B17 factor in heart problems and other diseases. Noise that causes annoyance and irritability in healthy persons may have more serious consequences for those already ill in mind or body.B18 . the link between noise and m

167、any disabilities or diseases has not yet been B19 demonstrated, and we B20 to dismiss annoyance caused by noise as a price topay for living in the modem world.1.A mentalB spiritualC physicalD neural答案: C语义干扰题。本句意思是噪音给人带来很大危害,联系下文可知这种危害既是身体上的,又是心理上的,因此本题的正确答案为C)physical( 身体的) ,选 项 A)mental意为“ 精神上的,智力

168、的? B)spiritual意为“ 精神的;D)neural意为“ 神经的,;2.A immuneB usedC accustomedD neutral答案: A固定搭配题。根据上下文可知本句的意思是没有人能够免于这种压力的影响。选 项 A)immune, be immune to something构成固定搭配,意为“ 免于,不受 影响; 选项B)used和 C)accustomed均意为“ 习惯于? D)neutral意为“ 中 立 I大 I此 A 为正确答案。3.A adaptB adjustC be adaptiveD be adjustable答案: B语义干扰题。选 项 Al ad

169、apt意为“ 使适应,改编;经常用于adapt oneself to something这种句式,用在句中不合语法习惯;B)adjust意为“ 调整;可用于adjust to这种表达法,意为“ 适应于? C)adaptive意为“ 有适应能力的,适应的;不用在be adaptive to 这种表达方式中;D)adjustable意为“ 可调节的;用在句中也不合语法习惯,所以正确答案为B。4.A respondsB repliesC answersD corresponds答案: A语义干扰题。选项中的四个单词都能与to 构成搭配,但意思不尽相同。respond t。意为“ 相应,对. . .作

170、出反应? reply to 意为“ 回答? answer to 意为“ 适应,符合? correspond to 意为“ 与相应,符合根据上下文不难判断正确答案为A。5.A anxietyB tirednessC annoyanceD disgust答案: C语义干扰题。 本题考查考生结合上下文分析题目的能力。 本句的意思是人遇到噪音的反应是噪音所引起压力的最外在的症状,选项A)anxiety意为“ 焦虑,渴望? B)tiredness意为“ 疲劳?annoyance意为“ 烦恼;D)disgust意为“ 厌恶;根据下文中的一句when we are annoyed ormade irrita

171、ble by noise( 当噪音使我们烦躁的时候) ,可知噪音引起人的烦躁,所以正确答案为C。6.A diseasesB symptomsC signsD defects答案: B语义干扰题。选项中,diseases意为“ 疾病;symptoms意为“ 症状;signs意为“ 标志;defects意为“ 缺点噪音所引起的应为症状,所以正确答案为B。7.A delicateB sensitiveC tenderD subtle答案: D语义干扰题。空白处所填单词的语法功能是修饰health hazards( 健康危害) ,选 项 A)delicate意为“ 精妙的,精巧的常用来形容美好的感觉;

172、B)sensitive意为“ 敏感的;用来修饰人;C)tender意为“ 温柔的,娇嫩的? D)subtle意为“ 微妙的,精细的;只有D 选项符合题意,为正确答案。8.A associatedB relatedC relatingD associating答案: A固定搭配题。be associated with构成固定搭配,意为“ 与. . .有关系,有 关 联 be related t。 也可以构成固定搭配,意为“ 与有关系;因此正确答案为A。9.A moreB lessC betterD worse答案: B语篇理解题。 本句的意思是由噪音压力引起的微妙而严重的健康危害被人们所忽视,

173、因此正确答案为less。10.A ThereforeB In additionC In contrastD Nevertheless答案: D语篇理解题。 本题考查句子间的逻辑关系。 根据上文中提到人们忽视由噪音压力引起的微妙而严重的健康危害, 下文则陈述了当人们因噪音而烦躁时, 这些症状应视为身体会出现危害的警告,显然上下文之间是转折关系,选 项 A)Therefore表示因果关系;B)In addition表示补充关系;C)In contrast表示对比关系;D)Nevertheless表示转折关系,因此正确答案为D01LA whenB thatC ifD 答案: B结构辨别题。本题考查句

174、子结构。空白处后面的分句作warning的同位语,是同位语从句,由that引导,因此正确答案为B。12.A OfB InC AmongD Out of答案: A语法知识题。本题考查介词的应用。用作指多种健康危害中的一种,应该用介词o f , 正确答案为Ao13.A observedB observableC detectedD detectible答案: B语义干扰题。空白处所填单词与measurable( 可测量的) 构成并列关系,选项中A)observed意为“ 观察到的,观 测 到 的 B)observable意为“ 可观察到的? C)detected意为“ 发觉到的。察觉到的? D)d

175、etectible意为“ 可发觉的,可 察 觉 的 observable的意思最为准确。为正确答案。14.A feelB identifyC revealD define答案: B语义干扰题。本句紧接上文,上文中提到听力丧失是最容易观察和测量的噪音危害,本句则论及其他危害, 选项中A)feel意为“ 感觉?B) identify意为“ 鉴别, 识别? C)reveal意为“ 揭露,揭示? D)define意为“ 下定义;只有B 最符合句意,为正确答案。15.A vulnerabilityB reactionsC exposureD worries答案: C语义干扰题。选 项 A)vulnera

176、bility意为“ 弱点;用在句中不恰当;B)reactions意为“ 反应;也不合句意;Qexposure意为“ 暴露7 暴露在噪音压力之下容易受疾病和传染的侵害,符合句意;D)worries意为“ 担心,忧虑;不合题意,因此正确答案为C。16.A suspectableB suspectfulC susceptfulD susceptible答案: D语义干扰题。本题考查形近词的辨析。选 项 A)suspectable意为“ 可疑的,有嫌疑的? B)suspectful意为“ 不可信的,令人怀疑的? C)susceptful并无此词;D)susceptible意为“ 容易得. . .病的,

177、易受影响的;只有D 符合句意,是正确答案。17.A complicatingB complicatedC complexD composite答案: A语义干扰题。空白处所填单词用来修饰factor( 因素),选 项 A)complicating意为“ 使 变复杂 修 饰 factor意思是使事情变得复杂的因素;B)complicated意为“ 复杂的;修饰factor。意思是复杂的因素;C)complex意为“ 复合的,综合的? D)composite“ 合成的,复合的;都不太恰当,根据句意可知对于易于得病的人来说噪音更会加重心脏问题和其他疾病,因 此 A 为正确答案。18.A Conseq

178、uentlyB HoweverC BecauseD Although答案: B语篇理解题。本题考查句子间的逻辑关系。上文提到噪音对身体的影响,下文则叙述噪音与疾病的关系并没完全弄清楚,显然上下文间是转折关系,选 项 Consequently表示因果关系;B)Howevei表示转折关系;Because表示因果关系;D)Although是表示让步关系的连词,因此B 为正确答案。19.A inclusivelyB exclusivelyC conclusivelyD intensively答案: C语义干扰题。本题考查形近词辨析。本句意思是噪音与疾病之间的关系没有完全弄清楚,选项 A)inclusi

179、vely意为“ 包含在内地? B)exclusively意为“ 排外地,专 有 地 C)conclusively意为“ 最后地,结 论 性 地 D)intensively意为“ 强烈地,集中地;C 最符合句意,为正确答案。20.A tendB tryC wantD need答案: A语义干扰题。 选项A)tend意为“ 倾向于? B)try意为试着Qwant意为“ 愿意? D)need意为“ 需要;这四个词都能接不定式,但根据上下文,只有A 符合句意,为正确答案。Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy a

180、nd conservative person who is Bl only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is atpresent, he often seems nervous, B2 embarrassed. You have to take a commuter trainany morning or evening to B3 the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or d

181、ozing in a comer; hardly anybody talks, since to doso would be considered quite offensive. B4 , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, B5 broken, makes the offender immediately the object of B 6 .It has been known as a fact that a British has a B7 for the discussion of

182、theirweather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it B8 . Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom B9 forecast and hence becomes a source ofinterest and BIO to everyone. This may be so. B ill a British cannot have muchB12 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine

183、, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong B13 a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to alldistricts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his B14Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references B15 weather that the Br

184、itish make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetingsare B16 by comments on the weather. nNice day, isn*t it?” Beautiful!” may well beheard instead of Good morning, how are you?1 B17 the foreigner may consider thisexaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing

185、 out that it could be used to his advantage. B18 he wants to start a conversation with a British but is B19 to know whereto begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will B20 an answer from even the most reserved of the British.1.A relaxedB frustratedC a

186、musedD exhausted答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)relaxed意为“ 放松的;B)frustrated意为“ 失败的,落空的,:C)amused意为“ 愉 快 的 D)exhausted意为“ 疲惫的;而在文中的意思是“ 英国人只有在熟悉的人之中才放松;所以正确答案为Ao2.A yetB otherwiseC evenD so答案: C语篇理解题。本题考查对语篇的理解。上文中说他总是很紧张,后文表达一种递进的关系,甚至还局促不安,所以正确答案为even。3.A experienceB witnessC watchD undergo答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)experien

187、ce意为“ 经历;B)witness意为“ 目击;C)watch意为“ 看,注视;D)undergo意为“ 遭受,忍受;而文中的意思是“ 目击这个真相;所以正确答案为B。4.A DeliberatelyB ConsequentlyC FrequentlyD Apparently答案: D语义干扰题。选项中A)Deliberately意为“ 故意地;B)Consequently意为“ 因 此 C)Frequently意为“ 常常地;D)Apparently意为“ 显然地?而文中的意思是“ 显然,有一条不成文的规定所以正确答案为D。5.A unlessB onceC whileD as答案: B语

188、义干扰题。文中的意思是“ 一旦规矩被打破,冒犯者就立刻成为了批评的目标” 选项中只有B)once意为“ 一旦:所以正确答案为B。6.A suspicionB oppositionC criticismD praise答案: C语义干扰题。选项中A)suspicion意为“ 怀疑;B)opposition意为“ 反对派;C)criticism意为“ 批评,批判;D)praise意为“ 表扬;所以正确答案为C。7.A emotionB fancyC likenessD judgment答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)emotion意为“ 情绪;B)fancy意为“ 爱好;C)likeness意为“

189、 相似物;D)judgment意为“ 判断;文中的意思是“ 英国人有谈论天气的爱好;所以正确答案为B。8.A at lengthB to a great extentC from his heartD by all means答案: A固定搭配题。四个选项皆为同定搭配词组, A)at length意为“ 详 细 的 B)to a great extent意为“ 很大程度上; C)from his heart意为“ 真诚地,发自心底地; D)by all means意为“ 尽一切 办 法文中意思是“ 只要有机会,他就会详细地谈论天气所以正确答案为Ao9.A followsB predictsC

190、defiesD supports答案: A语义干扰题。选项中A)follows意为“ 遵循;B)predicts意为“ 预测7 defies意为“ 不服从;D)supports意为“ 支持7 之所以英国人喜欢谈论天气是因为英国的天气很少遵循天气预报,所以正确答案为Ao10.A dedicationB compassionC contemplationD speculation答案: D语义干扰题。选项中A)dedication意为“ 贡献;B)compassion意为“ 同情;contemplation意为“ 注 视 D)speculation意为“ 推测;文中意思是“ 这就成为了人们的兴趣和

191、推测的一个来源;所以正确答案为D。11.A StillB AlsoC CertainlyD Fundamentally答案: C语篇理解题。 本题考查对于语篇的理解。 后文是对前文的肯定, 所以正确答案为Certainly” 的确,:12.A faithB relianceC honorD credit答案: A固定搭配题。四个选项都有信任或尊敬的意思,但 只 有 A 构成固定搭配, “have faith in”意为“ 相 信 所 以 正 确 答 案 为 Ao13.A ifB onceC whenD whereas答案: C结构辨析题。文中意思是“ 当有乌云笼罩大西洋上空给所有地方带来降雨的

192、时候,预报员却说未来几天天气晴好这里是一个应该由when来引导的状语从句,所以正确答案为C。14.A propositionsB predictionsC approvalD defiance答案: B语义干扰题。选项中A)propositions意为“ 主张,建议;B)predictions意为“ 预 测 C)approval意为“ 赞 成 D)defiance意为“ 挑战,蔑视;文中意思是指“ 天气预报员的预测;所以正确答案为 B。15.A aboutB onC inD to答案: D固定搭配题。旬中“reference to sth.”构成固定搭配,意为“ 涉及到7 所以正确答案为D。1

193、6.A startedB conductedC replacedD proposed答案: c语义干扰题。选项中A)started意 为 开 始 B)conducted意为“ 引导;C)replaced意为“ 代替;D)proposed意为“ 建议;文中的意思为“ 会话中的问候非常经常地被对于气候的评论所替代;所以正确答案为C。17.A SinceB AlthoughC HoweverD Only if答案: B结构辨析题。文中上下文表示一个转折的意思,是一个让步状语从句,这句话的意思是“ 即使外国人可能认为这有夸张的成分在, 但值得指出的是这种问候方式也有它的优势在所以正确答案为Althou

194、gho18.A Even ifB BecauseC IfD For答案: C结构辨析题。文中这句话是一个条件状语从句,意思是“ 如果他想和一个英国人开始谈话,但又不知道从那里开始,他就可以先说说天气情况所以正确答案为If。19.A at a lossB at lastC in groupD on the occasion答案: A固定搭配题。四个选项皆为固定搭配词组, A)at a loss意为“ 困惑,不知道;B)atlast意为“ 最后;C)in group意为“ 在一组;D)ontheoccasion意为“ 有时;所以正确答案为A。20.A stimulateB constituteC

195、furnishD provoke答案: D语义干扰题。 选项中A)stimulate意为“ 刺激,激励;B)constitute意为 制定C)furnish意为“ 供应,提 供 D)provoke意为“ 惹起7 文中的意思为“ 这是一个非常安全的话题,它会使一个最最沉默的英国人开口回答;所以正确答案为D。Some theorists view children as passive receivers of experience; others consider themB l in organizing, structuring, and in some B2 . creating thei

196、r worlds. A scientistwho considers children to be passive does not think they are unresponsive, just that theyenter the world ready to absorb B3 knowledge is provided by the environment. According to this view, children are B4 by stimuli in the external environment and drivenby B5 needs over which t

197、hey have little control. Theorists and educators who view the child as B6 passive often B7 direct and carefully structured teaching methods.For example, some methods for teaching children to play the piano contain a B8 of specific steps, chords, and tunes to be learned in a B9 order. The child must

198、master each step BIO proceeding to the next one.B ll an educator who believes that children are active assumes that they learn best when they B12 and select their own learning materials and tasks. When teaching achild to play the piano, such an instructor might B13 the child to make up tunes or to s

199、elect among different exercises. Human beings are B14 to have an inborn tendencyto be curious, to explore their environment, and to organize the B15 experience in their own mental frameworks. Efforts to program learning too B16 are likely to fail because they may not B17 to the chikTs interest. Inst

200、ead, a relatively B18 situationthat offers opportunities for varied stimulation and exploration is optimal. What the childdoes and learns, then, B19 mainly on interest that comes from B20 and on his or her level of understanding.1.A passiveB activeC communicativeD helpful答案: B语意干扰题。 前一句中提到有些理论家认为儿童是

201、经验被动的接受者, 本句是另外一些理论家的看法,与前句相对,选项中只有Bactive( 主动的) ,表达出了相对的意思,因此为正确答案。 A passive意为“ 被动的; C communicative意为“ 交流的, 爱说话的? D helpful意为“ 有帮助的都不合句意。2.A senseB momentC occasionD event答案: A固定搭配题。in some sense构成固定搭配,意为“ 在某种意义上;因此正确答案为A。3.A whicheverB whichC whateverD what答案: C语法知识题。选项中A whichever意为“ 无论哪个,任何一个?

202、 B which意为“ 哪 个 它 们 修饰 knowledge都不恰当;C whatever意为“ 无论怎样的7 符合句意;D what意为“ 什么7 用在本句中不合适,因此正确答案为C。4.A moldedB madeC producedD formed答案: A语意干扰题。 选项中A modeled意为“ 塑造;说孩子是塑造出来的是合理的; B made意为“ 制作;C produced意为“ 生产? D formed意为“ 形成;这3个词用来修饰孩子都不太合适,因此正确答案为Ao5.A externalB interiorC exteriorD internal答案: D语意干扰题。

203、根据上下文可知空白处应填入与前文中修饰外部环境所用的词相对应的词, 也就是说填入与external( 外部的) 相对应的词,为 internal( 内部的) ,因此D 为正确答案。A extemal( 外部的) ,C exterior( 外部的) 不合句意;B interior虽表达的是“ 内部的意思;但语言上不能跟前文相符。6.A traditionallyB essentiallyC conditionallyD basically答案: B语意干扰题。根据上下文,空白处应填入副词来形容passive,选 项 A traditionally意为“ 传统地;句子并无此意;B essentia

204、lly意为“ 本质上地,本来;符合题意;C conditionally意为“ 有 条 件 地 D basically意为“ 基本上地,主要地” 都不合句意,因此正确答案为B。7.A favorB opposeC likeD hate答案: A语意干扰题。 根据下文的例子可以看出认为孩子是经验被动接受者的理论家赞成精心设计的教学方法, 选 项 A favor意为“ 赞成, 支持;符合题意; B oppose意为“ 反对? D hate意为“ 痛恨 都 与 句 意 相 反 ,可以排除:C like意为“ 喜欢但此词有者明显的感情色彩,不符合本文的文体。8.A seriesB groupC setD

205、 number答案: A语法知识题。本题考查量词的含义。a series of意为“ 一系列? a group o f意为“ 一群;主要用于修饰人、动物等;a set o f意为“ 一组,一套;经常用于修饰设备和方案;a number of意为“ 许多根据上下文可以判定A series为正确答案。9.A prescribedB looseC narrowD close答案: A语意干扰题。选 项 A prescribed意为“ 规定的? B loose意为“ 松散的? C narrow意为“ 窄的,严密的D close意为“ 紧密的,严密的;上文中说理论家赞成精心设计的教学方法,因此presc

206、ribed表达的意思最为准确,所以正确答案为A。10.A afterB beforeC whenD as答案: B语篇理解题。 上文中提到学习钢琴要按照规定的步骤, 因此在开始新的一步前必须掌握前面所有的东西,因此答案为B beforeo11.A In additionB HoweverC ConsequentlyD In contrast答案: D语篇理解题。本题考查对上下文关系的理解,上文论述的是些理论家的看法和观点,下文则主要介绍另一些理论家的看法和观点,显然是与上文的对照,选项中A In addition表示补充关系,B However表示转折关系; C Consequently表示因

207、果关系; D In contrast表示比较关系,因此正确答案为D。12.A exploreB discoverC developD seek答案: A语意干扰题。选 项 A explore意为“ 探索,研究? B discover意为“ 发 现 C develop意为“ 开发? D seek意为“ 寻求;本句的意思是当儿童自己探索和选择学习材料和任务时学得最好,最准确表达此意的为Ao13.A discourageB encourageC helpD order答案: B语意干扰题。 分析上下文可知本句意思是当教一个孩子弹钢琴时, 这样的老师会让孩子自己编曲子。或自己从不同的练习中选择自己的练

208、习,选 项 A discourage意为“ 使气馁:显然不合句意;B encourage意为“ 鼓励;符合句意;C help意为“ 帮助? D order意为“ 命令;都不合让孩了自主这一主题,因此正确答案为Bo14.A saidB supposedC assumedD sure答案: C语意干扰题。选 项 A said, to be said t。 意为“ 据说7 显然在一篇科学性很强的说明文体中,这种用法不恰当;B supposed, to be supposed to.意为“ 应 该 主 观性比较强;C assumed, to be assumed to意为被认为; 符合本文语言特征;

209、D sure, to be sure to意为“ 肯定意思过于武断,因此C 为正确答案。15.A resultingB preciousC valuableD following答案: A语意干扰题。选 项 A resulting意为“ 作为结果发生的;B precious意为“ 宝贵的;C valuable意为“ 有 价 值 的 D following意为“ 下列的,后来的;根据上下文可以排除B 和 C, A resulting的概念比D following更为确切,因此正确答案为A。16.A closelyB looselyC strictlyD stringently答案: A语意干扰题

210、。 选 项 A closely意为“ 严密, 紧密地? B loosely意为“ 松散地? C strictly意为“ 严格地? D stringently意为“ 严格,严厉地;C 和 D 都常用于修饰人,所以可以排除,B 可以根据上下文排除. 所以正确答案为A。17.A relateB leadC comeD correspond答案: D语意干扰题。relate to 意为“ 与. . .有关? lead to 意为“ 导致, 通向? come to 意为“ 达到, 共计? correspond to 意为“ 与 相应, 相符合; 由此可知D correspond更为准确, 所以正确答案为

211、Do18.A unstructuredB structuredC goodD favorable答案: A语篇理解题。上文中提到认为儿童在认知世界的过程中扮演积极角色的理论家赞成让儿童自主的方法,因此本句空白处所填词的意思应该与前文相符,所 以 Aunstructured( 无组织的) 为正确答案。19.A restsB dependsC reliesD counts答案: B语意干扰题。本题考查四个动词与介词o n 的搭配。rest o n 意为“ 信 赖 depend o n 意为“ 信赖,取 决 于 rely on意为“ 依赖,依 靠 count on意为“ 依 靠 ,指 望 只 有 depend on作“ 取决于 讲时最符合句意,因此正确答案为B。20.A withoutB outsideC insideD within答案: D语法知识题。人的兴趣是来自人内心的,因此A without( 外部) 和 B outside( 外面) 可以排除。C inside意为“ 里面,内 部 而 D within可专指内心,所以D 为正确答案。



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